al azhar - international seminar on science, technology and innovations

Distinguished Prof. Dr. Ir. Zuhal, Rector of University of Al Azhar Indonesia Distinguished Datuk Dr. Tengku Azman Sharifadeen, Consultant Islamic Development Bank, Distinguished Mr. Jusman Syafii Djamal, Chairman of Matsushita Gobel Foundation Distinguished Mr. Budi Karya Sumadi, President Director of PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Distinguished participants, Ladies and Gentlemen, $VVDODPX¶DODLNXP wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Good Morning, First of all, we gratefully thank to Almighty Allah, for His Kindness and Blessings, so ZH DOO PD\ JDWKHU WR DWWHQG WKLV LPSRUWDQW VHPLQDU RQ WKH WRSLF RI ³Green Technology Innovations for a Sustainable Society´ ZKLFK LV MRLQWO\ KHOG E\ 8QLYHUVLW\ $O $]KDU Indonesia and Islamic Development Bank, and supported by PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol and Republika Daily. I personally welcome the attendance of Mr. Datuk Tengku Azman Sharifadeen from Islamic Development Bank as a speaker, Mr. Jusman Syafii Djamal from Matsushita Gobel Foundation, Mr. Budi Karya Sumadi from PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol. Moreover, I do appreciate all speakers from universities, such as University of Indonesia, ITB, Gajah Mada University, and others. In this opportunity, I would like to share with all of you my deepest concerned on the importance of issues on global warming particularly on policy making and application of green technology in all of human daily behaviour and human activities including industry. 1

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Page 1: Al Azhar - International Seminar on Science, Technology and Innovations

Distinguished Prof. Dr. Ir. Zuhal, Rector of University of Al Azhar Indonesia Distinguished Datuk Dr. Tengku Azman Sharifadeen, Consultant Islamic Development Bank, Distinguished Mr. Jusman Syafii Djamal, Chairman of Matsushita Gobel Foundation Distinguished Mr. Budi Karya Sumadi, President Director of PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Distinguished participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,

wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Good Morning, First of all, we gratefully thank to Almighty Allah, for His Kindness and Blessings, so

Green Technology Innovations for a Sustainable SocietyIndonesia and Islamic Development Bank, and supported by PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol and Republika Daily. I personally welcome the attendance of Mr. Datuk Tengku Azman Sharifadeen from Islamic Development Bank as a speaker, Mr. Jusman Syafii Djamal from Matsushita Gobel Foundation, Mr. Budi Karya Sumadi from PT. Pembangunan Jaya Ancol. Moreover, I do appreciate all speakers from universities, such as University of Indonesia, ITB, Gajah Mada University, and others. In this opportunity, I would like to share with all of you my deepest concerned on the importance of issues on global warming particularly on policy making and application of green technology in all of human daily behaviour and human activities including industry.


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Distinguished Guests, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Climate change and global warming are happening and cannot be avoided. In the last two and a half decades, such occurrences are shown by the rise of the air and sea temperatures, the reduced volumes of gletzer mountains, as well as the increase of the sea-level-surface in all part of the world.


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Human activities are considered as the main cause of the climate change impacts in the world. The rise of global temperature that has been measured since the beginning of the year of 2000, was presumably caused by the increased number of the green house (GH) effect concentration.

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This GH effect affects the increase number of carbon dioxide (C02), which is resulted from the fossil fuel burning. In 2008, the CO2 number counted before and after the era of industrialization, was 280 ppm and 386 ppm respectively. These human activities are predicted to be continuously conducted until the next few decades. Even though the GH emission may be stopped or decreased for a while, the global temperature will still be increased, and it is predicted more than 0.6°C in this decade.


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Distinguished Guests, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, The government of Indonesia has endorsed a voluntary action to reduce the

starting from 2010 using its own national resources. The efforts will increase to 41% with additional support of foreign aid. The number is based on the business as usual (BAU) emission level. It indicates that Indonesia wishes to be a part of the solution to the global climate change. This Government policy was announced by President of Republic of Indonesia on the G-20 meeting in Pitsburg, USA, in September 2009. The top three sectors that contribute to the

The Government of Indonesia has contributed significant efforts to realizing the solution to the global climate change. On February 5, 2007 the Indonesian Government issued a law No. 17 of 2007 on National long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) Year 2005-2025. As stated in the RPJPN 2005-2025, the sustainability of the development will face challenges due to climate change. To anticipate these challenges, several goals were set with regards to adaptation and mitigation of climate change. They are meant to be achieved in the next 20 years by setting comprehensive targets for all related sectors


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Distinguished Guests, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, As technology becomes amplifier for environmental damage, technology is also expected to be able to control and restrain the rate of environmental damage through the application of environmental-friendly technology. As a country with high vulnerability to climate change, Indonesia needs to master and implement mitigation and adaptation technologies including the social and cultural aspects.


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The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) as the government agency has developed Technology Need Assessment (TNA) document. The document contains some prioritized mitigation and adaptation technologies in energy, industry, transportation, agriculture, forestry, waste and marine sectors whereas for the prioritization of adaptation technologies it focuses on the sector of food security, coastal vulnerability and water resources. Furthermore, based on the selected technologies, a Technology Action Plans (TAPs) was then established. In developing TNA, various institutions had participated from the beginning of the process to ensure the in-depth discussion for defining selected and prioritized technologies were take place. The involvement of various institutions were also very important in order to share the ownership of the document. At the final stage, TNA will be easily utilized by each sector to utilize this TNA for technology transfer program. Based on the results of the first meeting with UNEP- RISØ and various TNA's stakeholders from related Ministries, Non-Ministrial Government Institutions, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Private Companies, it was concluded that Global TNA covers 3 (three) sectors for TNA on mitigation, i.e. forestry (including peat), energy and waste. The establishment of three sectors of TNA on mitigation of climate change is based on the fact that those sectors are the first three biggest contributors to GHGs emissions in the country (about 87 percent of CO2e).


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Distinguished Guests, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Science and technology development aims to accelerate the improvement of research capabilities, to booster the science and technology development and application, to encourage innovation and to increase national's independency and competitiveness in order to gain national welfare sustainability. And we are all aware that in order to build national competitiveness, a strategy is required which identify efforts to be taken to convert added value of the comparative natural resources into competitive advantages.


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World Economic Forum (WEF) pointed out that economy development of Indonesia still rely on the natural resources. On the other hand, for countries belongs to OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) which are very advanced in economy, their economy development rely on the innovation. This indicates that science and technology have not become the primary driver for economy development in Indonesia.


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The lack of science and technology contribution to national economy may be caused by some factors, such as the limitation of industrial R&D investment on science. The productivity of R&D is also low due to inefficient institutions, resources, and networking of science and technology. As a result, the dependency of technology on foreign producers is higher which in turn, lower of utilization of domestic technology R&D. Hence, in order to increase science and technology contribution in national economic development, and to implement of Science and Technology Law No.18/2002, in the Midterm Development Plan 2010-2014 on science and technology, RISTEK developed two main programs; (1) strengthening national innovation system and (2) increasing the R&D activities together with its application.


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In order to proceed with National Innovation System, RISTEK develop five programs, i.e. Strengthening Research Institution, Building Research Capacity and Resources, Developing S & T Networking, Strengthening S&T Relevance and Productivity and lastly, Empowering the use of Science and Technology. Within the programs, RISTEK encourages the research to be focused on 7 (seven) areas, include: 1) food security, 2) new and renewable energy sources, 3) transportation systems and management, 4) information and communication technology, 5) defense technologies, 6) medical technology and drug, and 7) the development of advanced technology.


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Distinguished Guests, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, In terms of green technology or clean technology development which is directly related to the theme of this conference, the attention is always put on environmentally friendly technology which will minimized disturbance on our environment and conserves natural resources. Ristek has supported several fields of research through the incentive program involving researchers from many institutions and universities. It is expected that this field will bring innovation and changes in daily life of similar scale to the "information technology" explosion over the last two decades. In these early stages, it is impossible to predict what "green technology" may eventually encompass.


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As a rapidly growing field, the green technology addresses some key issues, i.e.: Sustainability - meet the needs of society in ways that can continue infinitely into the future without damaging or depleting natural resources. In order to do so, manufactured products should be fully reclaimed or re-used. Source reduction - reducing waste and pollution by changing patterns of production and consumption. Innovation - developing alternatives to technologies - whether fossil fuel or chemical intensive agriculture - that have been proved to damage health and the environment. Viability - creating a center of economic activity around technologies and products that benefit the environment, speeding their implementation and creating new careers that truly protect the planet.


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Green technology covers a very wide-range areas such as, to name a few, energy, green building, eco-government, green chemistry and green nano-technology. Energy is perhaps the most urgent issue for green technology. This includes the development of alternative fuels, new means of generating energy and energy efficiency.


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If we examine data on energy consumption in Indonesia, the increase of energy usage annualy is at 7%. The general picture of energy consumption is 44% for industry, 41% for transportation, 11% for domestic household and 3% for commercial. Meanwhile, if we compare the emissions for generating electricity, coal is the uncleanest source, followed by oil and natural gas. Solar, bio-energy, hydropower, wind and nuclear power are sources which significantly cleaner compare to coal, oil and gas. Therefore, if the sources of electricity can be shifted to clean energy, even for a particular segment, say, transportation, then a lot of emission can be reduced and Indonesia will be succeed in adapting with global climate change issues.


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The Law 30 Year 2007 on Energy promote the use of various sources of new energy (such as liquified coal, coal bed methane, gasified coal, nuclear and hydrogen) and renewable energy (such as geothermal, hydropower, bio-energy, solar, wind and sea temperature difference).


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Within this context, the Government of Indonesia encourage the development of electric car by mobilizing significant amount of budget. The target is by 2016, electric cars should be a mass-production in Indonesia. According comparison given by experts, electric cars are six times more efficient that the ordinary gasoline car. Therefore, promoting the use of electric car is the right approach in massively reducing the CO2 emission.


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On the green building issue, which encompasses everything from the choice of building materials, design and layout, to where a building is located, a large amount of CO2 emission reduction can also be gained. As a brief description, a large city like Jakarta has 1200 buildings of middle and large size, i.e. larger than 2,000 sqm (square meters). All of these buildings consume 55% energy of electricity which calculated to save 138 million tons of CO2 in 2030 or one third reduction from business as usual (BAU) scheme. Major energy saving in a building are attributed to cooling systems, building envelope and lighting. Sets of criteria for green building has been stipulated in State Minister of

Governor of Jakarta is very well underway. The principles of green building have been applied to several building such as PT. Dahana Management Center at Subang, BCA Tower and Sampurna Strategic Square and FISIP Building, Islamic State University Syarif Hidayatullah in Jakarta and Ministry of


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As mentioned in the TNA documents, the other important use of technology is related to waste treatment. Tofu waste is a good example. Many organization in Indonesia are working to convert the waste resulted from 84,000 tofu home industries. In total, they produce about 2.5 million tons tofu per year. From our pilot project at Kalisari, Banyumas, where 65 tons of soya beans are processed, at least 2% of the liquid waste can be turned out to energy in the form of bio-gas. It means, in Indonesia has potentials to obtain 50 thousand tons of bio-gas per annum from tofu industry alone.


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Another example of waste treatment is the conversion of solid waste to energy in Bantar Gebang, the biggest trash dump in Indonesia. In the area of 10.8 hectares, 10.5 MW electricity are generated together with 60 tons of compost every day. In the future the capacity will be increased to 26 MW of electricity and 300 tons compost per day.

The government budget for procurement has to based on environmentally preferred purchasing. Government should endorses the use of green products by involving the search for products whose contents and methods of production have the smallest possible impact on the environment, and mandates that these be the preferred products for government purchasing. In

government expenditure. The figures show how significant the influence of green procurement.


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Other than stated above, the invention, design and application of chemical products and processes to reduce or to eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances. Furthermore, in the future, as the use of nano-technology becomes more pronounced, this fields will play more important role in reducing the emission. Nanotechnology involves the manipulation of materials at the scale of the nanometer, one billionth of a meter. Some scientists believe that mastery of this subject is forthcoming that will transform the way that everything in the world is manufactured. "Green nanotechnology" is the application of green chemistry and green engineering principles to this field.


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Distinguished Guests, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, I also would like to inform you that in 2011, Ministry of Research and Technology is in the possession of digitalized 1860 scientific papers. The Ministry of Research and Technology in cooperation with Center of Indonesia Scientific Documentation in Indonesian Institute of Science (LlPI) made also software for national e-journal that has been issued from R&D institution called Open Journal Systems (OJS) or Pustaka Jurnal llmiah Indonesia. The software is adopted and modified from the OJS software, and has been translated into Bahasa. This programs are also as a simple concrete activity which is environmental friendly. Furthermore, green technology program which had developed by RISTEK and research institution are making some pilot programs such as for waste cycle, biomass energy production, developing membran nano technology for drinking water pump, and microhydro


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In order to extend the programs, we need the support of international communities. Indonesian government is very welcome to the cooperation and collaborations between all parties including government agency, university, industry and NGO. We encourage the international cooperation on implementing green technology, technology transfer, information exchange, etc for supporting science and technology development, especially related with green technology. The cooperation should be based on the mutual beneficiaries for all parties Distinguished Guests, Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, I greatly expect to all attendance today to work together with RISTEK continuing "Green Technology Innovations" program and I believe, this International Seminar could open our knowledge to decide our next step to sustain the development and welfare but at the same time, converse the environment. Ending my remarks, I would like again to express my gratitude to the Rector of University Al Azhar Indonesia, for having this superb initiative. I believe this seminar would be a perfect time to exchange ideas, information, knowledge,


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I wish all of you would have a fruitful meeting and innovative results, to save the world for our future generation. For foreigner colleagues, I also wish that you have a pleasant stay in Indonesia. Finally, through this opportunity, I officially declare the commencement of the International Seminar on Science and Technology Innovations 2012. Thank you very much for your attention,

wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. State Minister of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. Ir. Gusti Muhammad Hatta, MS