akv essay spm.doc

DIRECTED: SPEECH Your school is having a month-long ‘A Healthy Body Campaign’. As President of the Health Club of your school, you decide to give a speech on the ‘Tak nak Campaign’ recently launched by the government. Tak Nak Campaign A very good morning to our dear Principal, Mr. Hasnan bin Jaafar, teachers and students. Recently, our former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi launched an anti-smoking campaign called “Tak Nak”. You can now see this short and rhyming catch phrase “Tak Nak” everywhere – on billboards, posters, TV ads, and sometimes I even hear it on the radio. Though some people have criticised our government for setting aside a staggering sum of RM100 million over 6 years for the campaign, it is nothing compared to the huge amounts that tobacco companies spend to promote smoking. But in this war against smoking, money definitely talks; it is necessary for the Tak Nak Campaign to constanly remind us of the hazard of smoking because about 50 Malaysian teenagers light up for the first time every day. In fact, some of these youth progress steadily from this to regular use, with addiction raking hold within a few years. And this is despite the warning on every pack of cigarettes that states unequivocally “Smoking is dangerous to your health”. What can the Tak Nak Campaign do to combat this? Their aggressive advertising creates media awareness among the public, especially among the fashionable young crowd, that smokers have yellowed teeth and suffer from shortness of breath and tells them that it is not cool to smoke. It is also not responsible of them to affect non-smokers with second-hand smoke.

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Your school is having a month-long ‘A Healthy Body Campaign’. As President of the Health Club of your school, you decide to give a speech on the ‘Tak nak Campaign’ recently launched by the government.

Tak Nak Campaign

A very good morning to our dear Principal, Mr. Hasnan bin Jaafar, teachers and students.

Recently, our former Prime Minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi launched an anti-smoking campaign called “Tak Nak”. You can now see this short and rhyming catch phrase “Tak Nak” everywhere – on billboards, posters, TV ads, and sometimes I even hear it on the radio. Though some people have criticised our government for setting aside a staggering sum of RM100 million over 6 years for the campaign, it is nothing compared to the huge amounts that tobacco companies spend to promote smoking.

But in this war against smoking, money definitely talks; it is necessary for the Tak Nak Campaign to constanly remind us of the hazard of smoking because about 50 Malaysian teenagers light up for the first time every day. In fact, some of these youth progress steadily from this to regular use, with addiction raking hold within a few years. And this is despite the warning on every pack of cigarettes that states unequivocally “Smoking is dangerous to your health”.

What can the Tak Nak Campaign do to combat this? Their aggressive advertising creates media awareness among the public, especially among the fashionable young crowd, that smokers have yellowed teeth and suffer from shortness of breath and tells them that it is not cool to smoke. It is also not responsible of them to affect non-smokers with second-hand smoke.

Also, there is a succession of infomercials on TV and in the papers showing the debilitating effects of tobacco addiction on the body and gruesome statistics of smoke-related deaths. We are now familiar with the graphic pictures of damaged lungs on billboards which should scare people into not smoking. This works, as I know some of my friends are quitting now, or trying to reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke per week.

However, I feel any anti-smoking campaign is more effective if other people and organisations are actively involved too. Yes, the first step has been taken by the top, but sad to say, many of our politicians smoke themselves. Nearer to home, so do some of our parents and teachers.

These adults have to be good role models by not smoking themselves. If they do smoke, they should tell their children and students that they regret that they ever started,

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and then take steps to quit smoking as soon as possible. They must practise what they preach.

On a more positive note, I commend the Malaysia Amateur Athletic Union for its zero-tolerance of smoking because they know that smoking and health just do not mix. How can our sportsmen excel if they cannot stop smoking.

Dear teachers and students, thank you for your attention. Let me end my speech by reiterating that smoking is a bad habit, so make Tak Nak your mantra. If you have started smoking, say Tak Nak and quit! And if you haven’t started smoking, say know that smoking not only damages your health but you are also literally burning your money.

502 words

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This good English essay was submitted by Alexis. Visit her blog to read her poems and stories. You can submit your essay and get it published on this blog too!

About seventeen years ago, a beautiful young woman, named Kari, was trying to adjust and understand the purpose of her life. She was a typical adolescent, making mistakes and hoping each lesson would guide her in the right direction of life. At this time, she was living in Germany, occupied in the US Army, on and off with a boyfriend, and fighting to keep a relationship with her family, through letters. It may not seem like an ideal situation, but everything in life has a purpose, the challenge is discovering it. Unlike most adolescents, her life was put into perspective very quickly. At the age of nineteen, Kari received results from a test, which changed her life forever. She was pregnant.

In January 1995, at the age of twenty years old, Kari gave birth to a baby girl. Her life now revolved around her child, Alexis. She got out of her relationship, got a job, and found a safe place for the two of them. Now living with her mom and step dad, working as a papergirl (newspaper delivery person), and fighting for divorce, Kari was struggling. It didn’t matter though; she made the best of it.

When Alexis was two, Kari married her husband, Mike. Together, they got a town home. Now, with a home and family, it may seem like times were great, but there was still a lot of life to be learned from. Mike was constantly traveling; in fact, he was in Utah for two years after they got married. Kari was now raising Alexis, working seven days a week, and working to keep her marriage healthy. As with everything in her life, Kari took sacrifices and made it work.

Fourteen years later, looking at this 36 year old, you would never realize the struggles she has faced in life. She is a beautiful, young, and caring, mother, friend and wife. She lives in a nice house, takes care of kids, home-schools Alexis and, her husband is home almost every night. She has many great qualities, but I think the characteristic that makes her the most unique and genuine person, is her love and creativity. She was, and is, able to take anything normal and make it enjoyable.

By now you have probably realized, I am Alexis, her daughter. I have a great relationship with my mom, something many girls, my age, are lacking. In some ways, it’s like we grew up together (although twenty years apart), best friends. She has always provided the loving, but strict mother figure, which I can rely on, in my life. Her creativity brought me lots of fun times, and cherished memories, throughout my adolescents. Her strong words and lectures, many she has learned from in the past, bring me wisdom and guidance for the rest of my life. And her open and loving heart, gives me a safe place to share my emotions. I never could ask for a better person to spend my memories with, for they wouldn’t be the memories they are, without her.

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This good English essay was submitted by yumphilip. You can submit your essay and get it published on this blog too!

This friend I have is special, whilst young, intelligent and righteous. He lives with me since he was born, a pleasure to have all these years.The strength to face each day can sometimes be drawn from knowing him.

When I watch him dribble around with the ball at the street soccer court then knocking it into the goal leaving the opponent frustrated there is unspeakable pride and joy emitting from the core of my heart. How this fine young man has grown from a novice soccer player just three years ago to a forwarder that instill fear to defenders who have to mark him. A elusive player who pass his opponent with ease and elegant he can match the highest standard of the land.

The fond memories of the time we spend together still lingers in my mind. Bringing him to the movies, watching him fight with his sisters still sits in my mind. When he is younger, he never kept still and even climb out of the cradle that is meant to restrain him. That is when he is only two years old and that time nearly got a spanking from his grand mother.

The coolest transformation is his hair. It uses to be always gelled and groomed into the "curry puff" look that is the trademark look that signifies his childhood days. Curry puff is a local snacks that has ultra ordinary puff when fried. Youth has robbed away that and reinstall a new image to befit the modern time. The "anime" type spike hairstyle is now the replacement. Skinny jeans with a smart tee shirts is the order of the day when he needs to go for a outing. While I would prefer him to be in long sleeved shirt and a business pant, his peer may feel out of place with this sort of strange outfit.

Our favorite chat always centered on his favorite Barclay Premier League Club Chelsea and my Manchester United Football Club. Our exchange on the matter can turn into a feisty with each not giving way to the other. Glorified Manchester United has done it once again but the arrival of Ancelloti this season and the departure of Christano Ronaldo has up the challenge for the rivals.

Every weekend is spent at the soccer field where we conduct soccer lessons for children under ten. He is my coach while I am his manager and together we managed to keep soccer alive for these kids who showed up every weekend. Our effort has rewarded us with two championship through the years and the greatest pride is the one that Chris has played in.

Chris is more of a friend than a son, we spend our time together like most friends do. I am proud of him both as a friend and a son.

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LetterYou recently went an expedition with your classmates to Langkawi. You have been asked to write a letterto your cousin about your visit to Langkawi Island.

Rosni AliasNo.3,Jalan Sutera,Taman Cempaka,43600 Bandar Baru Bangi,Selangor.12 March 2012.

Dear Zarina,

How's life? I hope you are in the best of health. How's my beloved Uncle Johari? I miss him too.The reason I write this letter is to tell you about my expedition to Langkawi. Guess what? We just came back from Langkawi . I went there with 25 of my classmates and my class teacher. Mr, Zaid had kindlly accompanied us for the 3 day-trip. You should have joined us. It was such an awesome experience!

Well, on the first day, we arrived at Langkawi in morning after a short flight. Then, we were taken to Langkawi Geopark, a UNESCO World Heriatage Site where we could see magnificent rock formations. We were taught the history of the place and some fossils of fish could also be sighted. This is a wonderful opportunity to understand geogical aspect of the island at the Geopark.

After visiting Geopark, we were taken to Pulau Dayang Bunting which about an hour boat ride. I forgot to mention that the boat ride itself was so exciting and adventurous. Upon arrival at the island, we were greeted by monkeys and soon, we saw a breathtakinng lake, with its gree clear water. Not forgetting the fish spa where thousands of catfish nibble at your feet when you lower feet into the water. Again, this is a new experience for me. Other than that, we could really enjoy the beautiful scenery of the island. The next day, we went to Underwater World where we saw the penguin, giant fishes, colourful onemones and all sorts of marine life there.I'm sure, it's heaven for fish lovers. One advantage of this trip is I could learn about themarine life. Well, on the final day, we went to Mahsuri Tomb and Padang Mat Sirat to relive the legend of Mahsuri. It was a good experience since I managed to see the historic sites and understand Mahsuri legend better. Other than that, I also learn about the importance of being true to our words and do not spread false gossips since these can lead to horrible consequences. I also managed to make friends with some other tourists visiting the site.

Okay, I guess I have to have to pen off now. Hope to see you in the next letter. Please convey my love and regards to my uncle and aunti. Take care!

Love, Rosni

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This good English essay was submitted by Ciara Gris. You can submit your essay and get it published on this blog too!Cell phones have lost their meaning over the years. These small devices were once developed to get in contact with someone else in case of emergencies, and now talking on the phone while driving has turned out to be a way of life for millions of American drivers. More than 85 percent of the 100 million cell-phone subscribers frequently talk on the phone during driving.(www.smartmotorist.com) Talking on the cell phone while driving should be illegal, because of the dangers they cause. Driving while using the cell phone is one of the major problems here in the US. Cell phones should not be used while driving. This matter is too dangerous to let it go unnoticed.

According to the essay, Yes, Prohibit Their Use, which appeared on the congressional quarterly’s web site on March 16, 2001, the Harvard Center for risk analysis printed a study in 1999. They appointed a crash risk factor to using cell phones. In the summer of 2000 it came out to 450 to 1,000 fatalities each year. The NHTSH says that for every fatality, there are 666 property-damage and injury-producing crashes. There are about 300,000 and 650,000 different crashes due to cell phones! This same essay states that Japan is one of the 14 countries banning the use of handheld cell phones while driving. The accidents caused by the use of cell phones dropped by 75 percent the next month, proving cell phones are not necessary parts of the driving nature.

There are major dangers connected with driving and cell phone use. Drivers have to take their eyes off the road while dialing. Also, drivers can get so deep into their conversations that their ability to concentrate may be dangerously limited. This jeopardizes the safety of the people inside the vehicle, and the pedestrians outside. In order to drive safely, the driver should be able to put 100% of his or her focus on the road. Cell phones are simply a huge distraction while driving.

It is understandable that there are some cases where the use of a cell phone is needed. In these cases, I agree with the author of Yes, Prohibit Their Use, the driver should pull-over somewhere safe to use the phone. If someone receives an incoming call, he should wait until the car has come to a complete stop. Then he should proceed to use the phone. If he feels that the emergency is urgent enough to take action right away, then the person should use the hands free headset. Only in emergencies should cell phones be used.

Some people argue that there are other distractions other than cell phones. While using a cell phone when driving may not be the most unsafe distraction, studies prove that it is the most common cause of car crash accident, and common cause of death here in the US.The use of cell phones while driving should be banned in Philadelphia, because many people die due to distraction of cell phones. Cell phone distraction causes 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries in the United States every year. (www.livescience.com/technology). Another reason to not use the cell phone while driving is devastating the many lives of the victims and their families in the case of an accident.When driving, cell phones should not be allowed. Help the statistics decrease not increase.

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Write a story starting with: “The widow had to work hard to bring up her little son alone...”The widow had to work hard to bring up her little son alone. This was after her husband’s early death. She and her son lived in a wooden house. It was a small house with only one bedroom and a kitchen.

Mariam wanted Sam to study hard to get good result. So she would not let Sam help her do any household chores or wash his own clothes. The years flew by. Sam sat for his SPM examination and pass with flying colours.

His mother was very happy. She went round telling her friends, “My Sam will be leaving for the city to study in a college. He will become a Manager one day. I’ll move to live with him in the city. Then, my struggle is worth it.”

So Mariam continued to work hard to send money to Sam who was studying a business degree. For Mariam, it was a tough life. Meanwhile, Sam kept on phoning home to ask for more money. Mariam even had to borrow from her neighbours and friends to send her son the money.

Three years Sam stopped calling home. He did not even let his mother where he was. When she phoned the faculty, they told her that he had graduated and left for job. However, they could not her more. Mariam was baffled. Where was Sam? She was so sure he would come back and fetch her for city. So, she started to pack some of her bags and boxes.

Three months later, there was still no news or call from Sam. One day, Mariam’s niece, Kate, came to talk to her about Sam. She told her aunt, “Auntie, a friend of mine met Sam in a bank. He’s the branch manager. This is his address.”

Early in the morning, Mariam took the first bus to the city. At the bus station, she took a taxi and showed the taxi driver the bank address. On the way there, she told the driver about Sam and what a filial son he was.

The driver stopped his taxi in front of a tall building. She got out of the taxi and smiled at him happily. This was the moment she was going to meet Sam. She imagined him showing surprise and delight at meeting his mother. Inside the building, a security guard asked her who she was looking for. She told the guard Sam’s name.

The bank staff saw an old lady holding a worn-out handbag. They were wondering, “Who is this woman? Why is she asking for our manager?”

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Meanwhile, Sam pretended he did not know his mother. Feeling disgusted and ashamed, he asked the security guard to ask her to leave. Mariam was shocked to hear that! She looked Sam in a disappointed feeling ever, and ran out of the bank.

Back in her house, Mariam cried the whole night. She cried and cried till she had no more tears. The next morning, she was sitting by the window with Sam’s photo on her lap. She saw him walking towards their house. Soon she was shouting and crying, “My Sam is back! My Sam is back!”

Sam ran towards her and hugged Mariam as he never let go. He was so sorry and regretted the way he behaved. His colleagues were the one who made him realized his big mistakes neglected his mother.

The neighbours heard her. They too shouted and cheered, feeling happy for her.

574 words.

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This good English essay was submitted by boey. You can submit your essay and get it published on this blog too!

Malaysia is a multiracial country. Malaysia has a population of 23.27 million consisting of 61 percent Malays, 30 percent Chinese, 8 percent Indians and 1 percent of other ethnic groups. Malaysia is unique because of its diversity of races, religions and cultures, the stability of the country and many places of interests. Besides, there are many international achievements which are the pride of our nation.

Diversity of races, religions and cultures is a significant characteristic of our nation. Malaysia is a multiracial country with a rich cultural heritage. Unique to Malaysia is the 'Open House' concept where during the various cultural and religious festival like Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Gawai Day and others, friends and families and even strangers would visit the homes of those who are celebrating the festival, to wish them well and enjoy the feast prepared by the hosts. Although the visitors may be from different races, they still can tolerate with each other and live under the same roof where they celebrate the festival together. This will help to strengthen the ties among themselves.

Moreover, the stability and peacefulness of Malaysia is also a uniqueness of us. We live harmoniously in a country where there are no wars and conflicts among Malaysians. War is dreadful and it may deteriorate humans' lives. We are fortunate that our country is safe and runs off the war. So, people can live safely here. Somehow, Malaysia is a paradise for those Iraqis or Pakistanis. Besides, our country is freed from natural disasters such as earthquakes. Earthquakes may bring death and destroy many buildings. Therefore, Malaysia is unique because of the stability and peaceful environment.

On top of that, there are many places of interests in country such as beaches, islands and rain forest. Malaysia's rain forest is considered as the oldest in the world. The diverse species of animals and plant life continue to excite a great deal of scientific research. Many believe that some undiscovered plant may hold cures to many currently incurable human diseases. There are many islands in our country such as Pulau Langkawi, Pulau Redang, Pulau Ketam and many others. Pulau Langkawi has a lot of historitical informations. Those who are in favour of history can go there to explore the history of that place. All the beaches in those islands are beautiful. The sand is soft and white. The accommodation is well-established and that makes those islands ideal places to visit.

Following this, there are also international achievements of our country. Those achievements include the existence of Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Formula One (F1) racing circuit and the Petronas Twin Towers. KLIA is unique because it has all that is needed for business, entertainment and relaxation within its boundaries. The airport is part and parcel of the Multimedia Super Corridor where high technology industries are being actively developed. Nevertheless, there is a Formula One Race Track near the airport, so foreign car racing enthusiasts from all over the world can come for a visit to gather here. Besides that, Petronas Twin Towers which is a building that soars

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452 metres into the sky is once upon a time, the tallest building in the world and yet it is a national pride to the people of Malaysia.

In short, Malaysia is unique that it has diversity of races, religions and cultures, a stable and peaceful environment, places of interest and some internal achievements. Those are important characteristic of our nation. It is rich of cultural heritage; it would be worth to play a visit here.

Corrections made in the essay above:Do not put an extra hyphen - multiracial is correct, multi-racial and multi racial are wrongUse noun instead of adjective - diversity of races, religious and cultures is wrong; it should be diversity of races, religions and cultures; a unique of us is wrong, a uniqueness of us is correctThis sentence is wrong because there should be two phrases in the sentence where you use the conjunction although - Although the visitors may be from different races. However… It should be ‘Although the visitors may be from different races, they…’Article – an unique is wrong, a unique is correctSubject-verb agreement - the stability and peacefulness of Malaysia is should be the stability and peacefulness of Malaysia are – Wrong: there is no wars and conflicts. Correct: there are no wars and conflictsUse adverb instead of noun – we live in a harmony country should be we live harmoniously in a country or we live in harmony.Singular or plural - humans' life is wrong, humans’ lives is correct, human beings is more appropriateNo plural form – Wrong: historitical informations. Correct: historical informationAvoid using informal word - has lots of is informal, has a lot of is formal

Essay Rating: 3.5Good points and examples are discussed in the essay. However, there are some gross and minor grammatical and spelling errors. Gross errors include subject-verb agreement errors and wrong use of nouns and adjectives. All in all, there is still room for improvement. Keep up your writing effort!This good English essay was submitted by yumphilip. You can submit your essay and get it published on this blog too!

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This friend I have is special, whilst young, intelligent and righteous. He lives with me since he was born, a pleasure to have all these years.The strength to face each day can sometimes be drawn from knowing him.

When I watch him dribble around with the ball at the street soccer court then knocking it into the goal leaving the opponent frustrated there is unspeakable pride and joy emitting from the core of my heart. How this fine young man has grown from a novice soccer player just three years ago to a forwarder that instill fear to defenders who have to mark him. A elusive player who pass his opponent with ease and elegant he can match the highest standard of the land.

The fond memories of the time we spend together still lingers in my mind. Bringing him to the movies, watching him fight with his sisters still sits in my mind. When he is younger, he never kept still and even climb out of the cradle that is meant to restrain him. That is when he is only two years old and that time nearly got a spanking from his grand mother.

The coolest transformation is his hair. It uses to be always gelled and groomed into the "curry puff" look that is the trademark look that signifies his childhood days. Curry puff is a local snacks that has ultra ordinary puff when fried. Youth has robbed away that and reinstall a new image to befit the modern time. The "anime" type spike hairstyle is now the replacement. Skinny jeans with a smart tee shirts is the order of the day when he needs to go for a outing. While I would prefer him to be in long sleeved shirt and a business pant, his peer may feel out of place with this sort of strange outfit.

Our favorite chat always centered on his favorite Barclay Premier League Club Chelsea and my Manchester United Football Club. Our exchange on the matter can turn into a feisty with each not giving way to the other. Glorified Manchester United has done it once again but the arrival of Ancelloti this season and the departure of Christano Ronaldo has up the challenge for the rivals.

Every weekend is spent at the soccer field where we conduct soccer lessons for children under ten. He is my coach while I am his manager and together we managed to keep soccer alive for these kids who showed up every weekend. Our effort has rewarded us with two championship through the years and the greatest pride is the one that Chris has played in.

Chris is more of a friend than a son, we spend our time together like most friends do. I am proud of him both as a friend and a son.

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This good English essay was submitted by Alexis. Visit her blog to read her poems and stories. You can submit your essay and get it published on this blog too!

About seventeen years ago, a beautiful young woman, named Kari, was trying to adjust and understand the purpose of her life. She was a typical adolescent, making mistakes and hoping each lesson would guide her in the right direction of life. At this time, she was living in Germany, occupied in the US Army, on and off with a boyfriend, and fighting to keep a relationship with her family, through letters. It may not seem like an ideal situation, but everything in life has a purpose, the challenge is discovering it. Unlike most adolescents, her life was put into perspective very quickly. At the age of nineteen, Kari received results from a test, which changed her life forever. She was pregnant.

In January 1995, at the age of twenty years old, Kari gave birth to a baby girl. Her life now revolved around her child, Alexis. She got out of her relationship, got a job, and found a safe place for the two of them. Now living with her mom and step dad, working as a papergirl (newspaper delivery person), and fighting for divorce, Kari was struggling. It didn’t matter though; she made the best of it.

When Alexis was two, Kari married her husband, Mike. Together, they got a town home. Now, with a home and family, it may seem like times were great, but there was still a lot of life to be learned from. Mike was constantly traveling; in fact, he was in Utah for two years after they got married. Kari was now raising Alexis, working seven days a week, and working to keep her marriage healthy. As with everything in her life, Kari took sacrifices and made it work.

Fourteen years later, looking at this 36 year old, you would never realize the struggles she has faced in life. She is a beautiful, young, and caring, mother, friend and wife. She lives in a nice house, takes care of kids, home-schools Alexis and, her husband is home almost every night. She has many great qualities, but I think the characteristic that makes her the most unique and genuine person, is her love and creativity. She was, and is, able to take anything normal and make it enjoyable.

By now you have probably realized, I am Alexis, her daughter. I have a great relationship with my mom, something many girls, my age, are lacking. In some ways, it’s like we grew up together (although twenty years apart), best friends. She has always provided the loving, but strict mother figure, which I can rely on, in my life. Her creativity brought me lots of fun times, and cherished memories, throughout my adolescents. Her strong words and lectures, many she has learned from in the past, bring me wisdom and guidance for the rest of my life. And her open and loving heart, gives me a safe place to share my emotions. I never could ask for a better person to spend my memories with, for they wouldn’t be the memories they are, without her.


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A Prominent Malaysian Leader As the fourth and most dynamic Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad will indelible impression on the sands of Malaysia for many years to come. He held the post for 22 years from 1981 to 2003, making him Malaysia's longest-serving Prime Minister, and one of the longest-serving leaders in Asia.

Born on 20th December, 1925 in Alor Setar, Dr. Mahathir is the son of a teacher. He is the youngest of nine children of a school teacher and a housewife. His father, Mohamad Iskandar, was of Indian descent, being the son of a Muslim and a Malay mother, while Mahathir's own mother, Datin Wan Tempawan Wan Hanafi, was Malay. He is married to Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah binti Haji Mohamad Ali, they have seven children, four sons and three daughters. From an early age, Tun Mahathir had the importance of education drummed into him by his father, who was also a strict disciplinarian.

After his early education at the Maktab Sultan Abdul Hamid in Alor Setar, he enrolled at the King Edward VII College of Medicine in the University of Singapore. Armed with a MBBS degree in medicine, he set up his own clinic, the Maha Clinic in Alor Setar. As a doctor, Tun Mahathir came into close contact with people from variety of social strata and enjoyed a close rapport with them. He understood their problems. Thus, when he was thrust into the politic limelight, he strove to fulfil the needs of the people.

He was first catapulted into the world of politics when he became the Member of Parliement for Alor Setar in 1964. After holding a number of portfolios, including Minister of Education, Minister of Trade and Industry and Deputy Prime Minister, he finally became the Prime Minister on 16th July, 1981. The country flourished with Dr. Mahathir at the helm of the government. His contributions to the nation are so immense and par excellence. He has left his mark in every aspect – in politics, economy or education.

Realizing that government-owned enterprises are neither efficient nor profitable, he initiated the privation policy in 1983. This had immediate effect of cutting down bureaucratic ineptitude and operational cost while at the same time generating more revenue.

With collapse of the prices of agricultural commodities in the eighties, Tun Mahathir decided that it was time to shift the nation’s focus to more profitable areas. Thus, he started the industrialization programme. Reputed as the country’s top salesman, he showcased Malaysia to investors abroad in a bid to woo them. As a result of the heavy industrialization drive, major projects like national car project or PROTON and the steel company, PERWAJA, together with other mega project were launched one after another. Next, realizing that industrialization would require a good infrastructure, he set about improving it. The Mahathir era saw a successful completion of the North-South Highway, the East-West Highway, the Multimedia Super Corridor, the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang and many more.

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An astute politician, he charted the growth of the country’s progress from the day he took office. He envisages that Malaysia can only attain the status of a fully developed country if it becomes an industrialization one and this ambition has been his main agenda during his tenure. With this in mind, he announced Vision 2020, his most ambitious vision.

Frank and outspoken by nature, Tun Mahathir speak without fear nor favour. This has been the hallmark of thus much respected statesman. The inefficiency of local and international organizations has always come under his scrutiny and critism.

It has been almost two decades since Tun Mahathir took over reins of the government. It has undoubtedly been the golden era for Malaysia with many notable achievements.

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DIRECTED: REPORT – Report to Principal

You are very disappointed by the conditions and services provided by your school canteen. You decide to write a report to inform your school principal about the poor conditions and services of the canteen. These would include: insufficient table and benches food and drinks not covered too little food counters dirty and clogged drains – smelly food – expensive and lacks variety inadequate food – late comers have nothing to buy, to eat cold food – not fresh rude canteen workersTo : Mr. Hasnan bin Jalal, The Principal, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permata

From : Malik bin Abdul

Date : 24 March 2011

Report about the School Canteen I am writing this report is to draw your attention regarding the school canteen. Many of the students of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permata are unhappy about the conditions at the school canteen. There were lots of complaints regarding this issue.

In the first place, there are insufficient tables and benches. Our school has a student population of over 1 000. There is only one period of recess time for all forms. More than 80 per cent of the students go to the canteen during recess to buy food and drinks. Unfortunately, there are only about twenty-five tables and fifty benches which can accommodate less than half the number of students. As a result, many students have to stand while eating.

The food sold at the canteen not only expensive but lacks of variety. The menu is the same every day. For the past five years, ever since the present canteen management took over, students go back to the same food.

The hygiene and preparation of food leave a lot to be desired. The food and drinks are not covered. They way canteen attendants dress speak volume about hygiene. With their lackadaisical attitude, the food they sell would one way or the other become contaminated.

My fourth complaint about the canteen pertains to the etiquette of the canteen workers. They are rude and arrogant. They often shout at students. The students are always on the receiving end of their bad moods.

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We hope that conditions at the canteen will improve. The canteen should provide better amenities. There should also be a different menu everyday so that students will not have to taste the same food day in and day out. Cleanliness should be given top priority.

We hope that you will look into our complaints and take steps to remedy the situation. The students are prepared to boycott the canteen if their complaints go unheeded.

Reported by:MalikMalik bin. Mohd Jalil

314 words