aiesec mdx lc information booklet


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This document has been designed to provide a basic understanding of AIESEC and the Middlesex LC. The information is intended for internal as well as external audience. If you wish to know more about the Middlesex LC, visit our page: or follow our blog: If you wish to know more about AIESEC, visit the global site:


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AIESEC Mauritius



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MDX Information HandBook



AIESEC at Middlesex University Functional Areas Programmes: The AIESEC Experience


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MDX Information HandBook

Hi there!Obviously we could not have been able to achieve our goals with-out the willingness of contribtion from so many young people glob-ally. Although, we are still far away from the full achievement of all our goals, but the motivation to keep developing each other through all the valuable experiences, the belief to dream big and the passion to make those dreams come true is what makes us unique.

The journey we choose is still very long and difficult ahead but we have the belief to keep moving forward. That belief comes from our trust in you who are willing to engage and maximize the positive impact our generation could contribute to the society.

Because of that belief, today we sincerely invite you to come along with us in the way of accomplishing our role.

What is the purpose of this booklet?

ItIt has been designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of AIESEC and the Middlesex LC. The information is intended for inter-nal as well as external audience. It will allow you to understand what we are doing, what we are planning, and what AIESEC is all about.

Remember: “Be the change you want to see in the world”

Your AIESEC at Middlesex Team 2014/2015

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MDX Information HandBook

AIESEC InternationalAIESEC is the world’s largest student run, not-for-profit organisation, is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their poten-

tial to have a positive impact on society.

What Does AIESEC Stand for?AIESEC (pronounced eye-sek) was originally an acronym for Association In-ternationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales. AIESEC is no longer used as an acronym but simply as the name of the or-


A Connection To The WorldAIESEC was founded in 1948 and is today active in 127 countries with over 70,000 active members and has made an impact on over 1,000,000 young people who have been through AIESEC experience. As as 2014, over 21,000 internship and 8,000 leadership experiences were offered by the organisa-


AIESEC membeAIESEC members interact with industries, governments, NGOs, universities, students, and interns from all over the world. This allow members to be

some of the most connected young citizens.

The AIESEC DifferenceThe The key difference between AIESEC members and other students is the skills they develop through enterprise learning while managing the AIESEC pro-gram. AIESEC members are global minded, proactive and responsible young people. They are voluntarily engaged into social relevant issues beyond their


By developing cultural understanding, knowledge, attitudes and skills in stu-dents, AIESEC is a positive force for global development. As a result, AIESEC has consultative status at the United Nations to represent youths of the


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AIESEC at Middlesex University is part of the world’s largest youth-run organ-isation. As one of the youngest entities of the AIESEC family in Mauritius we are following the rule of being progressive, innovative and open-minded. We value youths that have different opinions and that are striving for innova-tion. We embrace an atmosphere of creativity, tolerance and open-minded-ness.

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Social Impact

AIESEC at Middlesex University (Mauritius Campus) aims to provide a much wider focus on Social impact through teams and also gives the opportunity to gain skills in communication, strategies, and management with our cor-porate and non-corporate relations through our functional areas.

This way we can give students at MDX the chance to explore a new culture and country through choosing a suitable internship from our global pool.

AIESEC Middlesex

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The members of the Outgoing Exchange (abbreviated as OGX)team are responsi-ble for selecting, preparing and re-inte-grating local youths (MDX as our priority) who want to opt for an amazing ex-change experience or go for an intern-ship through AIESEC. The OGX teams work closely with an international net-work of more than 126 countries.

OGX GIP is responsible for conducting pool re-searches and facilitating the internship matching process.

OGX GCDP is responsible for facilitating the ex-change process.


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The job of the ICX team is to provide in-ternhips for youths who wish to come to Mauritius and develop their skills or to be engaged in one of our local social pro-jects.


ICX team members are responsi-ble for the planning, organisation, coordination and realisation of social programs in Mauri- tius in order to bring the Mauritian society

a postive impact. “Clean Up Mau-ritius” is a popular example.

It is also an amazing opportunity to work with both NGOs and in-ternationals.

The ICX team fulfills diverse tasks from supporting companies to interns which leads to a win-win sit-uation where AIESECers develop themselves, the company apprecaites AIESEC and the intern de-velops as well

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Marketing & Communications - MarComm

The two MarComm teams (Marketing and Communi-cations) are responsibke for internal and external communication matters. the main focus is to increase awareness of AIESEC among MDX students, corporate parteners and other stakeholders groups.

Consequently, the Marketing team is concerned with building cooperations with media-partners and pub-lishin several press releases and newsletter updates, as well as organising several on-camp and off-campus branding events. They design marketing materials both for the MarComm and other functional areas.

The Communications team deal mostly with all aspect of internal communications. hence, they manage all our communication channels (Emails, Facebook, YouTube, etc).

The main aim of the department is to increase aware-ness for both the LC and our products: GCDP and GIP. Secondly, to support the TM’s recruitment for TMP.

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The task of the Talent Management team is to help members develop on a personal and professional level by creating different learning environments that offer te opportunity for a conscious learning. In order to achieve that, coaching meetings and trainings are organised.

TMTM Members aim to develop an understanding for Human Resource management (training develop-ment, organisational behaviour), gain coaching and communication skills, coach people in their develop-ment and get coached in their own learning.

Furthermore, TM is responsible for the management of the LC as an organisation, which includes strtegic planning of the LC future as well as managing the membership base.

Hence, TM oversees and caters for the TMP and even TLP cycle.

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The ER Team is responsible for creating partnership proposals, designing new products, representing the in our stakeholder groups, organising external events like Carer Days, and conducting researches about potential partners to direct customer contact via mail, phone or personal meetings.

TheThe goal of ER is to build up new partner- and spon-sor-ships for the LC. The aim is for a sustainable, healthy, lon-term relationship which provides value to both parties.

Primarily, these partnerships should supports the ICX and OGX products.

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Leadership Programme

The Team Member Programme offers an experience which will culmi-nate in personal and professional development through the concept of team building and management. AIESEC Team Leaders get to ex-pereince leading other members and guiding them in their work, thus

becoming a crucial part of their development.

Membership Programme

The Team Member Programme is one of the most crucial ways in which AIESEC Members can start on their path towards leadership de-velopment. In this phase they are introduced to a practical team expe-rience, gain access to a global network and engage in practical hard

skills development

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GIP | Global Internship Programme

Each year, AIESEC provides opportunity to live and work in a foreign country in areas of management, technology, education, and devel-opment. The AIESEC Global Internship Programme offers a wide varie-

ty of international internships worldwide.

AIESEC has extablished more than 4000 cooperations with companies around the globe. The opportunites are unprecedented.

The GIP usually ranges between 3 to 18 months within the Finance, HR, IT, Business Developement, Marketing and Logistics fields

GCDP | Global Community Development Pro-gramme

This is the primary focus of AIESEC in Mauritius; be it iGCDP or oGCDP. International internships are the most intense learning experience we offer. This is one major product that links together the AIESEC global network. This programme encompasses cross-cultural positive

impact through working abroad for social and community develop-ment projects that lead to self development and skill enhancement

for the person undertaking the programme.

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ACRONYM GUIDEIn AIESEC, we love to use acronyms. Why? We don’t know! Maybe cos life is too short to keep saying these long words as they are.

But these acronyms, you even wondered what they mean? OGX, RnR, CEED, EP, FIN... it’s like another language!

Anyways, here is a list just to get you started on the ones you’ll come across most oen. You want more? Then visit our blog:


AI: AIESEC International (AIESEC Headquarters based in Rotterdam)

AIESEC: Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (This is what AIESEC used to stand for, but given that our members come from many different backgrounds we refer to the organization as AIESEC, plain and simple)

Alumni:Alumni: A former member, who has been active in AIESEC, had a leadership position or went on exchange. He/she is still actively supporting AIESEC work (e.g. give trainings, advices…)

BD: Business Development

BHAG: Big Hairy Audacious Goal. AIESEC's BHAG is "Engage and develop every young person in the world".

CEED: Cultural Envoy for Exchange Development (An international AIESECer who goes to an-other LC in order to help them with their operations)CR: Corporate Relations

EB: Executive Board of the Local Committee (LCP + LCVPs)

EBM: Executive Board Meeting

EP: Exchange Participant (Students that go abroad through AIESEC

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EXPA (also referred to as GIS): EXPerience AIESEC. This is the AIESEC's new integrated infor-mation system used presently in the organisation.

EwA: Engaging with AIESEC

FACI: Facilitator (Usually an AIESEC member who delivers or helps to deliver sessions at con-ferences)

FIN (or just F): Finance Portfolio

GA: General Assembly - Episodic meeting of all the full-right members of the LC which is ar-ranged when important decisions should be made.

GM: General Meeting - meeting of all the LC members.

GCDP: Global Community Development Programme (Social experience abroad, 1 of the 4 pro-grams of AIESEC)

GEP: Global Exchange Partners; Global Entrepreneurship Program

GIP: Global Internship Programme (Professional experience abroad, 1 of the 4 programs of AIESEC)

GIS (also referred to as EXPA): Global Information System (AIESEC’s new information system used across the organization)

GST: Gobal Support Team (The team of AIESEC superstars that supports AI’s operations)

IC: International Congress (An annual conference that brings together the leaders of AIESEC, AI, MC + LCPs from across all the entities in the organization)

IICX: Incoming Exchange (The portfolio responsible for raising internships for internationals to come in)

KM: Knowledge Management

LC: Local Committee

LCM: Local Committee Meeting (also known as a GA)

LCVP (or just VP): Local Committee Vice President (The responsible of local operations in a functional area)

LLCP: Local Committee President

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MC: Member Committee, country or territory member of AIESEC. By extension, people work-ing at a national level in AIESEC

MCP: Member Committee President (The head of an AIESEC entity in a particular country)

MCVP: Member Committee Vice President (The national leader of a specific functional area)

MAC (or MarComm): Marketing & Communications

NST: National Support Team (A team of AIESECers who support the MC with national opera-tions)OC: Organizing Committee (Project-based team formed to deliver a particular event/confer-ence etc.)

OCP: Organizing Committee President

OCVP: Organizing Committee Vice President

OGX: Outgoing Exchange (The portfolio responsible for sending students abroad)

OPS: Outgoing Preparation Seminar (A session for EPs, hosted by the Local Committee, to prepare EPs for going abroad)

PAI: President of AIESEC International

RnR: Reward and Recognition

TL: Team Leader

TLP: Team Leader Program

TM: Talent Management (The “HR” of AIESEC)

TMP: Team Member Program

TN: Traineeship Nominee

TTtT: Train the Trainers (A conference for people wanting to develop their own trainers’ skills)X: Exchange

XP: Experience - in AIESEC- XP is every position that a member takes

Y2B: Youth to Business, forum that gather young people and companies around a social issue (youth unemployment, international careers etc.)

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Contact Us:PresidentUrvashi Appiah - [email protected]

Incoming ExchangeUrvashi Appiah - [email protected]

Outgoing ExchangeMuhsinah Sookun - [email protected]

MarMarketing & CommunicationsChris Idakwo - [email protected]

Talent ManagementVarshinee Lall - [email protected]

External RelationsSonia Mukundane - [email protected]


Follow us on:Facebook: /aiesecmiddlesexBlog:


Reach us via the LC’s mail: [email protected]

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Brought to you byAIESEC at Middlesex University

Head Office: NPF Building, Level 9, Rose Hill