aerobics by anne

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  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    The The World Health Organisation defines health in it's Constitution as

    A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and

    not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.All in all:

    When body, mind and soul are in touch and our souls"fit" happily into our bodies - that's fitness!

  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    Both the term and the specific exercise method were developed

    by Kenneth H Cooper M.D., an exercise physiologist, and Col. Pauline

    Potts, a physical therapist, both in the United States Air Force. Dr.Cooper, an avowed exercise enthusiast, was personally and

    professionally puzzled about why some people with excellent muscular

    strength were still prone to poor performance at tasks such as long-

    distance running, swimming, and bicycling. He began measuring

    systematic human performance using a bicycle ergometer and beganmeasuring sustained performance in terms of a person's ability to use

    oxygen. His groundbreaking book,Aerobics, was published in 1968, and

    included scientific exercise programs using running, walking, swimming

    and bicycling. Cooper's data provided the scientific baseline for almost all

    modern aerobics programs, most of which are based on oxygen-consumption equivalency.

    The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) defines aerobic exercise as

    "any activity that uses large muscle groups, can be maintained

    continuously, and is rhythmic in nature." It is a type of exercise that

    overloads the heart and lungs and causes them to work harder than at rest.

  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    Examples of mild to moderate aerobic

    activities:Take a short walk around the blockPlay actively with the kids

    Walk up the stairs instead of taking theelevatorTake an activity break--get up and stretch or

    walk aroundPark your car a little farther away from your

    destinationExamples of higher intensity

    aerobic activities:Brisk walkingJoggingBicyclingSwimming

    Aerobic dancingRacket sportsRowingSkatingCross-country or downhill skiing

    Using aerobic equipment (i.e., treadmill etc.

  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    Aerobic activity is often coined

    either High Impact or Low

    Impact. The basic difference isthat one foot always stays on the

    floor and supports the weight of

    the body in low-impact aerobics.

    High-impact aerobics include

    actions that take both feet off the

    floor, thus causing more jarring of

    the joints when the body weight

    hits the floor again. An example of

    Low Impact is walking while High

    Impact is jogging or jumping up

    and down.The point is not to make physical

    activity an unwelcome chore, but

    to make the most of the

    opportunities you have to be


  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    The benefits of Aerobics

    A stronger heart doesn't need to beat as

    fast. A stronger heart also pumps bloodmore efficiently, which improves blood flowto all parts of your body.





    Reduces Heart Disease

    Lowers bad Cholesterol

    Lowers plasma triglyceride levels

    Strengthens the heart muscle


  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne



    Regardless of age, weight or athletic ability, aerobic activity is good for you. As

    your body adapts to regular aerobic exercise, you'll get stronger and moreefficient.

    Consider 10 ways that aerobic activity can help you feel better and enjoy life to

    the fullest.

    Keep excess pounds at bay. Combinedwith a healthy diet, aerobic exercise helps

    you lose weight and keep it off. Its also

    helps to Strengthen and tone muscles

    and Builds bone density

  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    Keep off viral illnesses. Aerobic exercise activates your immune system. This

    leaves you less susceptible to minor viral illnesses, such as colds and flu.

    Reduce health risks. Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of many conditions,

    including obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke and

    certain types of cancer. Weight-bearing aerobic exercises, such as walking, reduce

    the risk of osteoporosis.













    hada heart attac

    k, aerobic


    helps prevent




    Aerobic exercise may make

    you tired in the short term.

    But over the long term,you'll

    enjoy increased stamina and


  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    Live longer. People whoparticipate in regular aerobic

    exercise appear to live longer than those who don't exercise


    Stay active and independent as you get

    older. Aerobic exercise keeps your

    muscles strong, which can help you

    maintain mobility as you get older. Aerobic

    exercise also keeps your mind sharp. At

    least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three

    days a week seems to reduce cognitive

    decline in older adults.
















  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne

































  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    If you have no time to exercise, but wish to have a beautiful body, then you can

    prefer dance aerobics exercise It is a great fun workout that helps in

    strengthening your body, giving energy to carry out your day-to-day activitiesefficiently and effectively.

    There are many benefits of dance aerobics. It helps in losing weight and building

    body muscles. Dance aerobics ensures healthy heart and strengthens your

    lungs. It enhances your blood circulation, relieves stress and lowers your

    cholesterol levels. The Hip-Hop aerobics is a dance aerobics routine,

    which mixes together funk with contemporary dance.

    Hip-Hop aerobics incorporates the usage of high

    energy dance, while focusing on the entire form of

    the body.

    If you are a beginner, your instructor will direct and

    teach you the grooves, rhythm, rhyme and moves

    required to benefit from dance aerobics. If you want

    to lose weight fast, this is the most effective exercise.

  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    Hi-Lo Aerobics involves a fast paced routine that includes rapid movement

    and work on thighs, abs, calf, heart and so on. You move typically on one side

    while slanting in position.

    Hi-Lo Aerobics involves shuffling, turning, shuffling and doubling the kneesback while sprinting during the routine and taking a profound side lunge at

    swift paces. Hi-Lo Aerobics work the abs, heart, calf, legs and thighs.

    Step aerobics offers a more intense workout. It provides

    extra boost by incorporating the action of stepping on to

    the platform to intensify the workout. It is a form of low

    impact and does not stress the joints as much as

    running and jogging. The action of stepping does notshock the joints.

    A fun and lively class using a

    variety of Latin dance moves

    which are adapted into a fitness


  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    Low-impact aerobics are those movements involving large muscle groups used in

    continuous rhythmic activity in which at least one foot contacts the floor at all times. It

    has developed to decrease the lower leg overuse injuries associated with high-

    impact classes.This type of exercise is ideal for seniors, pregnant women and overweight people. It

    is beneficial for those who have not exercised for some time. With low impact

    aerobics, more fit people may have difficulty achieving required intensity, therefore

    they are told to use larger movements.

    Aerobic kickboxing is also called as cardioboxing or boxing aerobics. It is a tremendous

    way of achieving a beautiful body. This type of

    exercise leads to quick weight loss. You feel

    more energetic and enthusiastic at the end of

    the session.

    Aerobic kickboxing is used for toning yourbody and tightening your muscles and makes

    you look younger. It acts as a great stress

    reliever and enhances your flexibility level and

    blood circulation.
  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    Bhangra Workout is an exercise danceroutine that modernizes the high-energy

    folk dance of Bhangra by blending

    traditional Bhangra dance steps and the

    exhilaration of Bollywood (Hindi film)

    moves. This unique dance mixes

    cardiovascular with fun, and is suitable for

    participants of all ages and fitness levels.

    BHANGRA HISTORY: Bhangra, the most

    popular of the community dances from the

    villages of Punjab.The music and the beat

    of the drum are the life of Bhangra. WhileBhangra has had a long history, the music

    and the rhythm of the dance have recently

    begun to influence popular music

    internationally, creating a modern Bhangra


  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne



    Dancing) is very

    expressive and

    routines are often

    based on the

    emotional meaning

    of a certain popular


    If you enjoy moving and shaking your hips to a Latin beat, you'll love this dance

    workout. No partners are needed and regular tennis shoes are recommended.

    This is more of a party than a workout! Suitable for all levels.

    A sensual form

    of dance and a

    great forburning the

    abs. Belly

    dancing is a

    very unique

    form of


  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    Get the Ultimate Circuit Workout

    Circuit training alternates strength training exercises with aerobic activities to give

    you two workouts in one. Boot Camp classes combine intervals of cardio drills and

    muscle conditioning exercises to provide you with the ultimate circuit workout. Youcan burn 400 600 calories in a variety of classes that may use jump ropes, boxing

    drills, free weights, and even a little healthy competition.
  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    The overall objective of a

    BODYPUMP class is to improve

    strength and endurance in the

    major muscle groups and in doing

    so, burn calories.

    Each of the tracks has a specifictraining objective and is

    purposely sequenced for

    maximum effect.

    The standard length of each

    class is 10 tracks and 60

    minutes. An optional 45-minute,eight-track format is also

    available, omitting the triceps and

    biceps tracks.

  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    The process of enhancing explosive

    poweris known as plyometrics.

    The ability of muscle in producingmaximum strength within short period of

    time is known as explosive power.

    Plyometrics combines strength, speed

    and change of direction that allows the

    muscle to react quickly with maximum

    power.Plyometrics is also known as jump

    training. This is the great method for

    developing muscle fibers.

    The well known consequence of aging

    will obtain due to loss of lean muscle

    mass. This problem can be recoveredwith plyometrics.

    All basket ball players use this

    plyometrics exercise to jump higher.

    Plyometrics is all about producing

    maximum force within short period of

    time. It will improve the power of

  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    It is a form of exercise that was developed by Joseph Pilates back in the 1920s.

    It was originally used as a rehabilitation program for prisoners of war. It was found to

    be a great benefit to anyone who was seeking higher levels of fitness.Pilates is a cross between yoga, calisthenics and stretching. Pilates is undertaken to:

    Enhance body alignment

    Strengthen the abs, back and stabilizer muscles

    Stretch, strengthen and relax the body

    Pilates is gentle enough for pregnant women, when it has been modified, while at the

    same time being challenging enough for advanced exercisers. It incorporatesexercises that target the abs, back and legs which results in the body becoming

    stronger and more flexible.

    Core strength is the main basis of Pilates. As the core strength is developed, the

    stability throughout the entire torso will also be developed. Pressure on the back will

    be relieved when the trunk is correctly stabilized, and the body will be able to move

    freely and efficiently.

    The Pilates Principles include Breathing,

    Centering, Concentration, Control,

    Precision, Fluidity, and Integration.

  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    Yoga is a popularly known form of aerobics that originated from India. Though

    yoga has many variations, the effects are mostly the same.

    This relaxing form of aerobics is designed to increase flexibility, strength, muscle

    tone and calmness. The best benefit associated with yoga is that it provides very

    effective stress relief.

  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    Get moving with a variety of senior citizen exercise classes. Choose from

    among our senior workout programs to improve strength, coordination, or cardio


    This is a total-body senior workout program for active individuals. This classcombines aerobic, flexibility, and strength training in a positive, energizing

    environment. We include exercises that are designed to increase flexibility, joint

    stability, balance, coordination, agility, muscular strength, and cardiovascular

    endurance. We incorporate a chair into the workout for standing and seating

    support enabling you to push yourself as far as you want.

    Get ready for a head-to-toe workout!

  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    After you exercise, it helps strengthen and flex your muscles.The muscles need

    to be flexed after you workout. This helps prevent muscle cramping among other

    muscle soreness.

    Benefits of StretchingIt increases flexibility and better range of motion, which improves your

    performance. Bending and lifting become doable without the strain you would

    normally have.

    It improves your circulation, which increases your blood flow. It improves your

    posture. When your muscles aren't tight, it's easier to maintain good posture and

    it helps eliminate discomfort.

    It's a great source ofstress reliefbecause it loosens up the stressed muscles.

    It enhances your coordination and allows your joints to move freely and in full

    range. This helps prevent injuries and falls by giving you better poise.

    Another great benefit for sports enthusiasts, you can prepare certain muscles

    or muscle groups for a particular activity. Example: If you play racquetball, you

    can stretch your legs and shoulders prior to playing to warm up the muscles.

  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    Fitness experts have found that listening to upbeat music while exercising will help you

    get more from your workout. Particularly for aerobic workouts, music is a powerful


    Perhaps the most common use for music is as a diversion to take your mind off the fact

    that you're exercising. The music distracts you from fatigue, allowing you to focus on

    your exercise. Listening to music has the potential to improve your mood, too. That

    positive mood means you may associate enjoyment with exercise and be more likely to

    try it again.

    So how do you choose music for your workout? This first depends on the intensity of

    the aerobic exercise chosen. The number of times the heart beats per minute, or BPM,

    needs to be consistent with the tempo or speed of the activity. For example, if you are

    swimming using the breaststroke at a rate of 100 strokes per minute, consider music

    that plays at 100 beats per minute. Or you could choose music that plays at 120 beatsper minute and swim at one stroke every two beats, for a swimming speed of 60

    strokes per minute.

    Music can also be "programmed" to progress from warm-up to Target heart rate and

    back to a cool-down resting pace to close. Warm-ups provide oxygen to muscles;

    reduce soreness and risk of injury. Cool-down allows blood to be pumped back up toyour heart and brain.

  • 8/14/2019 Aerobics by Anne


    Maintain a comfortable pace. For example, you should be able to hold a

    conversation while walking briskly. If you do not feel natural again within 10 minutes

    following exercise, you are exercising too hard. Also, if you have difficulty breathing

    or feel faint or weak during or after exercise, you are exercising too hard.

    Increase your workout in stages to get the most benefits with the fewest risks. If

    you have not been exercising, start at a slow pace and gradually increase the

    amount of time and the pace of your activity as you become more fit.

    Select activities that fit your personality and have an element of fun. Also, plan

    your activities for a time of day that suits your personality. If you have more energy

    in the morning, plan activities that can be done at the beginning of the day.