aerobics - the big fat lie

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A report by personal trainer Kasper V. Christensen about aerobics as a way to lose body fat


  • 5/28/2018 Aerobics - The Big Fat Lie



  • 5/28/2018 Aerobics - The Big Fat Lie



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  • 5/28/2018 Aerobics - The Big Fat Lie



    Aerobics: The Big Fat LieAs a personal trainer, I'm pretty well known fgoing against the grain with my approach toeercise an! n"trition#

    I$m also known as the personal trainer whotransforms his clients faster than anyone elseby teaching them to !o the opposite of whatthey ha%e always been tol! to !o&

    Kasper V. Christenhttp://www.fortiusfitness.c

    The Basics

    (ar!io is short for car!io%asc"lar eercise: eercise which re)"ires work from thheart an! l"ngs contin"o"sly for a prolonge! time#

    *ogging, r"nning, swimming, spinning an! aerobic classes all in%ol%ecar!io%asc"lar eercise#

    It is commonly tho"ght that car!io%asc"lar eercise + incl"!ing aerobics + is a

    goo! way to b"rn calories an! lose weight#

    The problem withcardiovascular exercise is simple...

    ...It isn't actually a ood way to lose body fat.
  • 5/28/2018 Aerobics - The Big Fat Lie



    The %i!ence

    Cardiovascular exercise isn't ood at burnin fat. The evidence is all around us.

    !al" into any commercial ym in the worldand you will find endless rows of treadmills#stair climbers# bi"es and other cardiomachines. Commercial yms and fitnesscentres offer aerobic classes with exotic namesli"e $fatburner% or spinnin classes wheredo&ens of people peddle their hearts out onbi"es.

    oically# all of these thins are reat foranyone who wants to lose weiht. Cardioburns calories and aids fat loss# riht(

    )ll these classes and yms are pac"ed withpeople desperately huffin and puffin away inan effort to shed a few pounds. They can't allbe doin the wron thin# surely(

    Take A Look Aro"n!&

    If only all these people would *ust open their eyes. They don+t even have to loo" farThey *ust need to lance to their side at their fellow sufferers or straiht in front the- at the instructors of these classes themselves. ost of them are straiht upoverweiht or s"inny fat. They step# spin and dance away for sometimes hours a da

    yet there+s no definition whatsoever to be found on their bodies. They never seem tactually et any more ripped# toned# or defined,

    If you as" people who )0 ripped and toned how they achieved their physi1ue# thewill tell you that they do heavy liftin besides their classes and watch what they eat

    !hy is it that people thin" they will et results# when the instructors themselves doThey "eep slavin away hours after hours hopin that some maic will happen# andthe loic will start to wor".

  • 5/28/2018 Aerobics - The Big Fat Lie




    I once read a pretty ood definition of insanity.

    Insanity is !oing the same thing o%er an!o%er again an! epecting !ifferent res"lts#

    - )lbert 0inst

    I don't need to tell you that 0instein was a smart uy.

    !hy don+t people 1uestion their $loic% when it isn't producin results( If cardio issuch a reat way to lose weiht# why does it fail so many people(

    (on%entional -is!om

    It ama&es me that most people *ust copy what everyone else is doin# even when itobviously isn't wor"in. 0ven personal trainers. !hat you hear about cardio seems tadd up on paper. In practice# cardio doesn't produce results and sometimes even

    bac"fires# leavin people even more overweiht. 2ou have to wonder# if cardio isn'twor"in now for these people# when is it oin to startwor"in( The simple answernever. ore of the same won+t help. 3ften# it will ma"e the problem even worse.

    This e-boo" is about how bad aerobics or cardiovascular trainin is for fat loss# sothat+s what I+m oin to use as an example to illustrate my point.

    .ost people know the following facts abo"t car!io#

    (ar!io b"rns calories !"ring the act"al session#

    (ar!io b"rns calories after the session#

    (ar!io raises the bo!y$s metabolic rate#

    (ar!io p"ts the bo!y into a calorie !eficit#

    An! all in all, it s"ppose!ly b"rns bo!y fat#

    The underlyin loic is appealin 4 you are told that aerobics and cardio burn caloriand you have to burn calories to loose fat. )nd this is absolutely correct. 2ou need a

    calorie deficit to lose body fat. The problem is that the body is a lot smarter thanpeople ive it credit for.

  • 5/28/2018 Aerobics - The Big Fat Lie



    happen. The more calories preserved# the better durin times of famine. ememberour current standard of livin is a recent development which evolution hasn't cauhup with. 56#666 years ao there were no supermar"ets on every corner,

    The muscles in our bodies are the powerhouses that primarily dictate our metabolis

    3ur body is li"e a car.

    uscle tissue is the most metabolically expensive tissue we have in the body# so itdoesn+t ta"e a enius to fiure out that if we build muscle throuh strenth traininwe put a bier enine in the body which will in turn re1uire more fuel 7calories8 4even at rest.

    ) bier enine in a car burns more fuel. 9imilarly# the more muscle you have# themore calories your body re1uires to function.

    That+s the beauty of buildin muscle 4 it increases our metabolism which allows us teat more without ainin body fat, It also allows us to burn body fat more easily if whave a neative calorie balance.

    ow bac" to the loic that if you perform cardio you burn calories. o aruments

    there. The ;I< problem is that a lot more is oin on. Cardio doesn't wor" in ourfavour when fat loss is the ob*ective.

    et's find out more...

  • 5/28/2018 Aerobics - The Big Fat Lie



    The / Big 0roblems-ith cessi%e (ar!io

    It !oesn't b"rn a lot of calories#

    It !estroys m"scle mass#

    It ca"ses in1"ries#

    (ar!io b"rns carbohy!rates, not fat&

    2o 03( 4cess 0ostercise 3ygen (ons"mption5

    Let's ha%e a closer look#

  • 5/28/2018 Aerobics - The Big Fat Lie



    0roblem 67It 8oesn't B"rn A Lot 3f (alories

    Cardio e1uipment usually as"s you to punch in your weihtbefore you start your wor"out. 2ou start the wor"out andcontinue until you have burned# for example# =66 caloriesaccordin to the machine. This will ta"e around >6 min if youburn ? calories per minute. ow# have you ever wondered whythe machines want to "now your weiht( If you answered tocalculate how many calories you burn you are riht. !hat youmost li"ely failed to consider is the main reason it needs yourweiht is to calculate your basal metabolic rate.

    et+s say a person maintains his weiht on about @A66 calories a day. That means thneed 56A calories an hour at rest. 9o the =66 calories burned are 3T calories burnabove your basal metabolic rate# they are calories burned ICBI< your basalmetabolic rate.9o for your time on the treadmill# you burned about 5DA calories aboyour baseline. If you did this every niht for a wee"# you wouldn't burn enouhcalories to e1ual the amount stored in one pound of fat.

    Think abo"t it###if we were so metabolically efficient as to b"rn 9 caloriat the rate the eercise e)"ipment says yo" !o, wo"l! we e%er ha%es"r%i%e! as a species;

    The calories that would be burned huntin and atherin would have caused us to dof starvation before we could ever have found anythin to eat - at that rate of calorburn# we would barely have enouh metabolic economy to survive a trip to the roc


    et us assume that you have the determination and time to do such a wor"out E daa wee". If we ta"e the =66 calories burned and subtract the basal metabolic rate of56A calories# we are left with 5DA calories burned. There are =#A66 calories in a pouof fat. If you "ept a stable calorie inta"e# it would ta"e you 5? days to burn off 30pound of fat with the extra activity. That+s nearly three wee"s and a total of 5@ hourto burn 30 F3B 3G G)T, This is assumin that no other variables are present.Bnfortunately there is a bi variable that almost no-one accounts for...B9C0 399

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