accelerate h2 a hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · mobility group of industrial...

Accelerate H 2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s June 2019 UKH 2 Mobility consortium

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Page 1: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date

Accelerate H2A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s

June 2019

UKH2Mobility consortium

Page 2: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


Executive Summary

Purpose of this document

Hydrogen for Mobility

Aims for the next phase

Explanation of the deployment phases

Hydrogen demand

Vehicle subsidies

Hydrogen subsidy

Value created for the UK


Page 3: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


Hydrogen’s potential

The potential of hydrogen Hydrogen can be used as a fuel to replace fossil-based fuels across the heat, industrial and transport sectors. Adoption of hydrogen will bring numerous benefits to the UK: • public health improvements by reducing the harmful emissions from combustion

of fossil fuels• environmental benefits through reduction of CO2 emissions• economic benefits are derived by reducing the cost of the UK importing energy • employment benefits in high-end engineering and manufacturing jobs.

The mobility context The UK has been working with a strategy for hydrogen based mobility devised in 2014 and covering the period 2015 to 2020. It is based on a first set of deployments (mainly for passenger cars) which has now proven the operational viability of hydrogen as a fuel but also exposed challenges which need to be addressed in any expansion phase.

Meanwhile, there has been significant progress worldwide in:• deployment - there are over 140 fuel cell vehicles in the UK and, for example,

over 5,000 fuel cell cars in California• technology (London fuel cell bus fleets have vehicles with over 30,000 hours of

operational fuel cell life) • the diversity of vehicles which are available – ranging from two wheeled scooters

through cars to articulated trucks, buses, trains and ships.Given these developments, there is a need to update the approach to hydrogen mobility in the UK for the period beyond 2020.

This document is a proposal from the UKH2Mobility coalition of leading industrialists in the sector to develop this approach.

Page 4: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


A UKH2Mobility strategy for the early 2020’s (1/2)

A strategy based on a diversity of vehicle types

Hydrogen appears to be the only viable option to deliver fully zero emissions and zero carbon emissions for the heavier vehicle types such as long distance trucks, non-electrified trains and ships. This is recognised by numerous reports, not least the Committee of Climate Change’s Net Zero report.

For smaller vehicles, battery vehicles will start to compete with hydrogen as a zero emission option. Battery and fuel cell technologies are likely to co-exist in these segments - even with today’s level of technology maturity hydrogen can be the preferred option in long distance bus and car applications (e.g. taxis) and will soon be able to offer an attractive option for longer range vans and delivery trucks.

The UKH2Mobility consortium believe that cost reductions associated with economies of scale will allow hydrogen to become an increasingly competitive choice across all of the main mobility vehicle segments.

On this basis, this revised strategy is based on a diversity of vehicle types, with much of the initial demand for hydrogen coming from heavy duty vehicles such as buses and trains, whilst ensuring a good spread of refuelling infrastructure to support a growing fleet of passengers cars and vans.

The strategy is also based on a tight coupling between the rate of deployment of new refuelling stations alongside new sources of demand, which ensures good utilisation and hence good economics for the station investors.

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A phased program is proposed which builds on the deployment which has occurred to date and progressively expands the level of ambition of deployment in 5 of the key vehicle segments (bus, train, truck, car and van). In so doing, the UK is prepared for a commercial expansion of clean vehicle deployment from 2025 onwards.

The aim of this approach is to allow each of the vehicle classes to mature their commercial offering so that, following the scheme, there is a commercially viable offer available for each of the vehicle types. Many of these vehicle types will be developed by UK companies (buses, trucks, trains) and UK component suppliers will be involved in all vehicles types.

The programme will lead to the deployment of over 6,000 fuel cell vehicles across 5 different vehicle classes (buses, trucks, cars, vans and trains). It will ensure that each of the segments achieves the economies of scale required to be considered competitive as a zero emission alternative to fossil equivalents.

It will also ensure a credible network of refuelling stations for the refuelling of an increasing fleet of fuel cell vehicles, helping to cement the UK as an attractive destination for new hydrogen vehicle activity.

A UKH2Mobility strategy for the early 2020’s (2/2)

Page 6: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


• >6,000 fuel cell vehicles operating across the UK.

• Fuel cell vehicles are available in majority of transport sectors with competitive ownership costs to fossil equivalents.

• A profitable network of over 80 HRS are deployed providing national coverage to fuel cell vehicle operators.

• Sector is positioned for rapid growth

• Substantial UK involvement throughout the vehicle, hydrogen station and component supply chain.

2025 vision

A phased program to expand the hydrogen for mobility sector in the UK

Vision for the deployment of Hydrogen vehicles and infrastructure in the UK

Phase 1 (already committed programs) – will see projects such as JIVE 1 & 2 and OLEV’s HTP delivering:- 250 fuel cell passenger cars- 100 fuel cell buses - 20 hydrogen refuelling stations

Phase 2 – 600 new fuel cell vehicles will be deployed across a wide range of vehicle classes including trains, vans and trucks. 20 additional refuelling stations will be deployed which are able to meet the refuelling needs of these new vehicle types.

Phase 3 – 4,000 new fuel cell vehicles will be deployed at volumes that will drive production costs down to a competitive level. 37 new HRS will be constructed with larger refuelling capacity to supply the increased demand from hydrogen mobility activities.

• ~120 FC vehicles have been deployed through one off competitions in a small range of transport modes.

• <20 HRS are deployed in clusters providing a basic national network


2019 - 2020

To 2025

To 2023

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A renewed UK Government support programme

Achieving this program requires support. The proposal is to move to a program which pre-agrees support levels for vehicles and stations as they are deployed. A per vehicle subsidy scheme coupled with incentives for green hydrogen utilisation at the early stations will underpin the expansion.

This support would be removed as volumes build up, thereby protecting the level of state investment required. In this document, the UKH2Mobility industrial partners have set out the volumes at which each segment could be expected to have matured and the vehicles could commercially stand on their own without significant state support.

The public sector support required to achieve this will be circa £190 million over 5 years. The scheme will create £840 million of private investment in vehicles, stations and hydrogen production it will also contribute to the annual on-shoring of between£14 and £22 million per year of economic activity through the production of clean fuels in the UK.

This support program will enable UK based companies to develop a commercially viable hydrogen production and distribution system. It will also catalyse deployment of production facilities for vehicles and hydrogen equipment in the UK. This will position the UK to expand the deployment of this zero emission fuel on a sound commercial footing, from the late 2020s onwards.

This has huge potential for new economic activity for the UK. Securing even 10% of the UK’s transport demand will lead to an on-shoring of over £5.5 billion per year of the UK’s existing energy spend, an abatement of over 8.6 million tonnes of CO2e per yearand many billions of new economic opportunities for UK companies.

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Executive Summary

Purpose of this document

Hydrogen for Mobility

Aims for the next phase

Explanation of the deployment phases

Hydrogen demand

Vehicle subsidies

Hydrogen subsidy

Value created for the UK


Page 9: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


The UKH2Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date

UK H2Mobility

UKH2Mobility is a group of the leading industrialists in the UK with a commitment to the roll-out of hydrogen for mobility.

A number of Government organisations are also “Observer Partners” – OLEV, BEIS, Transport Scotland, Welsh Government, Greater London Authority.

The group prepared a report on a strategy for the roll-out of hydrogen mobility in the UK in 2014 and then helped to develop the national planning around hydrogen infrastructure roll-out.

This strategic planning was focussed on the period 2015 to 2020.

Since then, the group has expanded to incorporate a number of new vehicle types (buses, trains, boats). In addition, the hydrogen mobility landscape has inevitably evolved.

Page 10: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


The UKH2Mobility group has now aligned on a suggested strategy for the period beyond 2020

The purpose of this document

The group has come together to align on a suggested approach for hydrogen mobility in the UK in the early 2020s - aiming at the period 2020 to 2025

This document provides a summary of this suggested approach. The document has been prepared for UK and regional Governments to coincide with the spending review expected towards the end of 2019. The document can also be used to facilitate discussions with other external stakeholders to explain the preferred strategy of the group.

Level of detail and the nature of the request

This document is designed to suggest the principles of an approach for the early 2020s, which the industrial members of the group can support.

It outlines the conditions under which the partners feel it will be possible to create investible business cases between hydrogen suppliers and their vehicle customers.

The group recognises that this is a first set of proposals for the direction in the 2020s, which will need more detailed development.

There may also be areas where there would be merit in strengthening the evidence for policymakers.

The group looks forward to a continued dialogue about the details of the implementation of these ideas.

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Executive Summary

Purpose of this document

Hydrogen for Mobility

Aims for the next phase

Explanation of the deployment phases

Hydrogen demand

Vehicle subsidies

Hydrogen subsidy

Value created for the UK


Page 12: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


Rationale for the UK to engage early with hydrogen mobility

Economic advantages for the UK

Hydrogen production in the UK increases economic activity in the UK and decreases reliance on foreign imports (a £1bn/year opportunity by 2030, growing exponentially as the sector expands).

Fuel cell vehicle manufacture relies on specialist engineering skills which suit the UK’s manufacturing capability unlike the battery sector which is based on high cost raw materials and cheap mass manufacture.

The UK is already a leader in electrolyser manufacture and HRS deployment.

Zero emission and carbon free driving

Hydrogen can be produced from ultra-low carbon sources:

• Electrolysis (using renewable electricity)

• Biomass gasification

• Fossil fuels (including carbon capture and storage)

When used in a fuel cell vehicle there are no harmful emissions, avoiding the impact on human health associated with poor quality air1.

By 2030, hydrogen vehicles will offer an affordable option for the majority of vehicle types and their customers.

As a result, hydrogen vehicles will create a viable pathway to mobility with no local emissions and elimination of CO2 emissions.

+ +

1Public Health England attributes 26,000-36,000 early deaths to air pollution

Transitioning the UK’s energy system

The transition to a fully decarbonised energy system benefits from the use of hydrogen (see e.g. CCC hydrogen report):

• Generation and storage of hydrogen offers a mechanism for storage of GWh of energy in an increasingly intermittent energy system

• As a fuel which can help solve the (very challenging) problem of decarbonising heat and industry

• At scale, hydrogen offers an affordable zero carbon fuel for mobility.

• Hydrogen also provides many opportunities for inter-linking different areas of the energy system (heat, transport and electricity), creating a more robust and flexible system.

Page 13: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


Fuel cell vehicles are attracting significant attention from global vehicle manufacturers

Note: the survey data shown excludes automotive dealers and non-major markets

A survey by KPMG, in 2019, of global automotive executives has placed hydrogen fuel cell mobility as their top trend to 2030 for the past two years.

Page 14: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


Other large markets are increasing their H2 activities and the UK risks losing the opportunity to benefit as an early mover

1, “2018 Summary of Resource/Energy Related Budget Request”, August 2017, available at:

• China has set a target for 1 million fuel cell vehicles on the road by 2030. In 2018, it spent $12.4bn on supporting fuel cell vehicles to meet that target. The aim is to implement a similar scheme to the deployments which have transformed the electric vehicle market over the past 10 years1.

• In 2018, the Japanese ministry of trade allocated $272 million to hydrogen research and subsidies, or 3.5% of its energy budget2. The Japanese state has made a public declaration that the 2020 Tokyo Olympics will be run on hydrogen mobility. Toyota plans to install capacity to annually produce 30,000 fuel cell stacks by 2020.

• Paris is home to the largest fleet of fuel cell taxis in the world thanks to generous European subsidies equating to over €20,000 per vehicle and has plans to expand it to over 500 by the end of 2020. The French minister for environment has released ambitious targets of 5,000 light vehicle deployments and 100 hydrogen refuelling stations by 2023. Renault and Peugeot are now working to introduce hydrogen fuelled vehicles as part of this coordinated French push.

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Many mobility segments will rely on fuel cell vehicles to fully decarbonise and move to zero emissions

Vehicle type Market segment rational Example vehicles under development

Cars – long range, heavy classes, rapid charging

Early H2 projects have revealed end users who require the long range and rapid charging of H2 vehicles (e.g. taxis, first responders)

Buses – in zero emission zones For large, heavy buses on long routes requiring zero emission (e.g. central London)

Trains – on non-electrified branch lines

Electrification of regional lines is not economically feasible & battery trains do not have the energy density to meet many duty cycles

Delivery vehicles – in urban centres with air quality issues

For longer duty (or high parasitic loads) vehicles delivering into low emission urban centres

Trucks – long range EU regulations restrict the size and weight of trucks which limits the duty cycles which could be met by battery electric vehicles

Other segments including two wheelers and shipping are starting trials and show promise

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A range of new fuel cell vehicle types and brands are coming


18 single deck buses (Wrightbus and Van Hool) are running in London and Aberdeen

56 buses deployed across London, B’ham& Aberdeen as part of the JIVE project

>200 additional buses deployed in the UK due to H2 Bus Europe and other initiatives

JIVE 2 will deploy 32 buses in Brighton & Dundee. Additional projects under development in Liverpool and across Scotland.

UK bus builders Wrightbus and Alexander Dennis actively developing FC buses for UK and export markets

Early commercial

Mass market introduction

Demo projects / development


c.100 FCEV cars in the UK, mostly Toyota Mirai and Hyundai ix35

Hyundai Nexostarts UK deployment with 15 vehicles

2nd gen Toyota Mirai begins production of ~30,000 stacks per year

A range of other cars are being deployed worldwide, likely to come to the UK with the right support regime. Audi, BMW, Honda Daimler, PSA and many Chinese brands all have hydrogen plans in the early 2020s

Page 17: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


These new models and brands will increase the choice for hydrogen vehicle customers, but will only enter supportive markets


125Symbio/Renault Kangoo’s are operating across UK and France

Several ULEMCO dual fuel hydrogen trucks used by Ocado

Early commercial

Mass market introduction

Demo projects / development

HV Systems H2Van enters UK deployment

787Symbio/Renault Kangoo’splanned for EU deployment

StreetScooter to produce over 400 Work L vans for DHL and Innogy in Germany

Numerous Chinese initiatives to develop FC vans (e.g. SAIC), likely available in the UK in early 2020s


Alstom’s Breeze trains deployed in the UK

Siemen’s Mireo Plus H prototype to be completed

c. 50 Breeze trains to be operating in the UK

2 Coradia iLint trains are carrying passengers in north Germany

Freight and other train types to be prototyped

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The trucking option is seen as particularly exciting, but we are still at the prototype phase


1600 Trucks project fully deployed in Switzerland

Hyundai 1600 Trucks project in begins deployment in Switzerland

Nikola Tre enters European production

ULEMCO dual fuel street sweepers deployed in Aberdeen

Scania refuse truck deployed in Sweden

Scania deploy 4 fuel cell trucks for ASKO in Sweden.

Early commercial

Mass market introduction

Demo projects / development

REVIVE will test 15 Refuse collection trucks in 7 EU locations.

FCH JU project for 15 heavy duty trucks (with new European OEMs) deployed

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The option of using hydrogen in ships is also attracting increased attention, though work is still required on standards to allow widespread roll-out

The UK is host to some of the most pioneering work on hydrogen for shipping, for example the HySeas III project (jointly led by Shipyard, Ferguson Marine and the University of St Andrews) which aims to be the first sea-going ferry fuelled with hydrogen in 2020.

Other significant projects are occurring in Norway, where there is substantial use of ferries on the fjords and a zero emission requirement is forcing ferry operators to consider a move to hydrogen. Cruise ships are another promising early market where the customers place a value on low noise, emissions and vibrations.

At a larger scale, there are very few routes to the elimination of emissions from ships and hydrogen (and other fuels for fuel cells) are seen as some of the most promising options. This has led to new industrial partnerships between fuel cell manufacturers and ship drivetrains builders (e.g. Ballard with ABB and PowerCell with Siemens.

This document does not make explicit recommendations on hydrogen in the maritime sector.

Instead, it is recognised that the use of hydrogen in boats could be highly beneficial for the hydrogen sector.

This report recommends that the hydrogen maritime sector is supported alongside other mobility sectors, but recognizes that this support is distinct from that requested in this document.

Page 20: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


Executive Summary

Purpose of this document

Hydrogen for Mobility

Aims for the next phase

Explanation of the deployment phases

Hydrogen demand

Vehicle subsidies

Hydrogen subsidy

Value created for the UK


Page 21: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


For the overall benefits of hydrogen mobility to be achieved, an ambitious yet achievable program for 2020 to 2025 is required

• The current OLEV support for hydrogen vehicles is based on a strategic plan for 2015 to 2020.

• As we approach 2020 a new plan is required.

Learnings from the current phase (2015-2020)

• The vehicles themselves have proven viable for customers.

• A group of first early adopters has emerged. These have a high mileage, a requirement for ultra-low emission, limited fuelling time, commercial fleet and geographically captive.

• However, roll-out has been slower than desired due to:

a) lack of infrastructure + delays in station roll-out

b) high vehicle purchase prices and slower than expected roll-out (e.g. from European OEMs)

c) station reliability issues

• Business case for back to base refuelling stations is easier to make than for public refuelling stations due to concentrating demand.

• Vehicle deployment in clusters appears to be the best way to develop the sector (as opposed to nationwide planning).

• High mileage users quickly use capacity up (particularly back-to-back capacity).

• Rapid acceleration in emerging markets (e.g. China) has absorbed resources, talent and focus.

Expectations/requirements for 2020 to 2025

• An increasing number of vehicle types and also models can be expected.

• A trend towards heavy duty vehicles using hydrogen (larger cars, vans, trucks and trains).

• The cost of the vehicles is expected to fall considerably with manufacturing scale.

• An increasing number of UK OEMs particularly for buses and trains.

• An increasing number of activities targeting hydrogen in other energy segments e.g. for heat or industry. These will lead to new regional clusters.

• For the hydrogen industry to prosper in the UK, one or more plausible refuelling station business cases need to emerge. This also applies to the existing stations, for whom operational sustainability still needs to be ensured.

• A clear focus is needed on early adopter passenger groups who choose hydrogen vehicles due to their superior attributes meeting their needs (e.g. for operational usability or to meet certain regulations).

These considerations inform the suggested strategy

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Aims of the next phase

A next phase of development of the UK’s hydrogen mobility sector is proposed, with the following aims by the end of the support program:

• To ensure that hydrogen mobility is proven as a commercially viable zero emission option in a number of key segments:

• Car – targeting expansion in fleets requiring long range and/or rapid refuelling, with an expectation that during the period we will also see the beginnings of first sales to private customers

• Bus - focussed on sales to cities requiring zero emission buses in their city centres

• Vans - focussed on sales to cities requiring zero emission delivery vehicles

• Trucks – freight movements requiring zero emissions, with a range/weight which rules out the battery option

• Rail – for vehicles on non-electrified lines

• The purpose of the scheme is to ensure that at the end of the scheme, vehicles are commercially available in the market and can compete on an economically viable basis for early adopter fleets.

• The UK supply chain has matured for hydrogen production and dispensing so that hydrogen is available at or below the cost of taxed diesel (on a per km driven basis) for the target markets. The refuelling stations are designed to be compatible with the introduction of new vehicles types to the UK.

• The UK supply chain for vehicles and fuel cell vehicle parts is developing and major investment in production plants across the supply chain have been committed in the UK.

• A plausible (but not complete) nationwide network is emerging organically out of a series of early deployment clusters. The network can fuel both light duty and heavy duty vehicles.

Page 23: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


Creating a supportive policy environment which allows the flourishing of this UK industry

• Achieving these aims for the next stage of the hydrogen mobility roll-out will require a supportive environment which attracts investment towards the UK as one of the places to make hydrogen for mobility happen.

• In a supportive environment vehicle manufacturers and infrastructure providers can make synchronised investments, build demand at refuelling stations and therefore create and invest in economically sustainable business models.

• There are two main components for the policy request to create this supportive environment:

• Subsidy for vehicle purchase for the UK market introduction of FCEVs - Helping overcome the initial dis-economies of scale associated with introducing new vehicles by enabling vehicle purchase at an attractive total ownership cost

• Subsidy for hydrogen fuel provision – using a mechanism such as the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation (but designed to actively support hydrogen) which incentivises the kg of hydrogen sold to mobility

• In addition, there are sector specific requests (e.g. addressing the BSOG disparity for buses)

Page 24: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


Executive Summary

Purpose of this document

Hydrogen for Mobility

Aims for the next phase

Explanation of the deployment phases

Hydrogen demand

Vehicle subsidies

Hydrogen subsidy

Value created for the UK


Page 25: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


We envisage three phases of growth for the UK Hydrogen mobility sector

We envisage three phases of growth:

• Phase 1 - Completing today’s projects (today to mid-2020) - in the period to mid 2020, a wide range of additional vehicles and stations will be deployed based on projects already underway and funded. This phase is already underway and is currently loss making but must be successfully implemented as part of this strategy.

• Phase 2 - Cementing gains (starting in 2020) - a second phase of expansion will cement these initial gains in the key early adopter clusters and introduce an increasing level of hydrogen demand mainly through heavy duty vehicles.

• Phase 3 - Preparing for expansion (starting only as specific vehicle types hit volume targets under Phase 2) – a third phase will then enable more rapid commercial expansion of the vehicle parc and associated stations

We envisage differentiated support by vehicle type and would expect the different vehicle types to transition between phases 2 and 3 at different rates according to the market success.

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As the industry progresses through the phases of growth it will require reduced needs for government intervention

The graph shows the requirement for intervention vs the demand for hydrogen mobility


Completing today’s projects Cementing gains Preparing for expansion

• First refuelling clusters deployed (London, Aberdeen, other single station deployments)

• Vehicles being used in day to day operations

• Secure current deployments/clusters

• Make network work for the customers

• Expand heavy duty sector which has UK content – this creates demand

• Reduced subsidy requirement• Demand led station expansion

Vehicle types move into a new regime only once the volume

targets are met


Requirements for intervention

Phase 1 (today to mid 2020)

Phase 2 (from 2020)

Phase 3 (as vehicles mature)

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A three category plan is designed to incentivise the success in hydrogen deployment…

We have developed a balanced plan for each of the vehicle sectors which is aimed at increasing the total UK hydrogen demand to 40 tonnes per day (the capacity of a mid-size methane reforming plant).

The model is based on three categories of deployment, divided according to the level of readiness of the vehicle technology.

New vehicles deployed in each phaseToday (now deployed) Today (contracted to mid-

2020)Phase 2 –

Cementing gainsPhase 3 – preparing

for expansionHigher TRL vehicle typesCars and car derived vans 100 250 500 1500Cars in large scale captive fleets 0 0 300 3000Buses 20 100 200 300Developing vehicle typesTrains 0 0 20 40Distribution trucks and vans 0 0 50 200Trucks 0 0 20 100

• Despite the fact that cars and buses are more mature, the consortium believes that the mix of all vehicle technologies is an important part of a successful next phase of hydrogen mobility in the UK.

• As a result, a structure which aims to bring a number of vehicles in each segment is suggested. This will attract manufacturers of these vehicle types to bring UK-ready vehicles to the UK market.

• As noted above, there are vehicle types not included in this plan, for example maritime, two wheeler and other innovative vehicles as there is less certainty over the speed of roll-out of these vehicle types. In addition to the support above, we recommend that Government sets aside a fund to allow innovative proposals for a third category of new vehicle deployment in areas which can demonstrate their commercial potential.

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Rationale for the size of the deployments – Cars (1/2)

Passenger cars

• The planned and existing deployments to 2020 are made up of:

• ~50 cars deployed before HTP under a variety of schemes, using European funds (HyFIVE, H2ME)

• ~250 cars deployed under the ongoing HTP 1 & 2 schemes and European funds (ZEFER, H2ME)

• The current planned rate of deployment (2019 and 2020) in the UK is approximately 150 vehicles per year (based on the OLEV HTP, H2ME and ZEFER commitments)

Basic ambition (general H2 vehicle sales)

• For Phase 2, a step up to 250 per year is a modest target given the stated aims of the global OEMs to increase production by an order of magnitude (see e.g. Toyota will install production capacity for 30,000 stacks by 2020 and Hyundai’s aim to have 10,000’s of cars per year at their plants)

• At this point, the combined 850 vehicle parc should be able to refuel at a total of 35 car compatible stations (according to the station planning), which means the loading per station is a manageable 24 cars/station

• Moving into Phase 3, it is reasonable to assume an increase in this level of deployment, but it is also clear that without a major expansion in the network, the target market is limited. By the end of Phase 3, a total parc of 2,350 cars will be using a network of 68 compatible stations – a comfortable average loading of 35 cars per station.

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Rationale for the size of the deployments – City Scale Fleets (2/2)

Fleet sales

In addition to the general sales aspirations (which are modest), the car OEMs believe it will be possible to target specific user groups with a larger fleet-wide proposition for operators in cities with gated areas.

The ownership cost graph on the right illustrates the forecasted cost of ownership for a fuel cell vehicle operating in a high use case in the 2020 to 2025 period. A good example here is in taxi operation in London, involving double shifting of the vehicle (which is not viable using a battery vehicle).

The vehicle OEMs will test a model where this type of fleet scale deployment is offered to cities (in partnership with infrastructure providers).

An anticipated test scale of deployment will be 50-100 vehicles per cluster.

A successful deployment amongst fleet customers under Phase 2 would lead to rapid expansion for Phase 3. As a result, a further 3,000 vehicles are envisaged, subject to the success of Phase 2.

Note that these vehicle users have a higher hydrogen consumption than average vehicle users, which benefits the business case for hydrogen stations.







FCEV at current costs

FCEV with phase 2 subsidy

Petrol hybrid

FCEV at end of phase 3

BEV now








ULEZ Charge Fuel





Govt Subsidy

For assumptions table see appendix

TCO for a D-segment taxi (4 year lifetime) – for assumptions see Annex

£/year per car*

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Rationale for the size of the deployments - Buses


• There are 20 fuel cell buses on UK roads, though some of these are expected to reach the end of their life before 2020. Funding programs (JIVE and HTP) have committed a further 118 new buses to the UK. These buses are at various stages of contracting and there is some uncertainty over each project’s delivery hence the estimate of 100 buses by 2020.

• For Phase 2 & 3, leading UK bus manufacturers are targeting production runs of 100 buses per year. The UK has a share of the H2Bus Europe project which could bring 200 buses to the UK market subsidised by Europe. This leads to the suggestion of 500 buses across Phase 2 & 3.

£ 214,863

BEV 30% extra vehicles

Diesel ICE Diesel hybrid ICE

BEV 70% extra vehicles

£ 90,529

BEV FCEV @ current

production (£10/kg H2)

FCEV @ current

production (£5/kg H2)

£ 113,329

FCEV @ intermediate production (£5/kg H2)

£ 72,536£ 83,287

£ 104,292

£ 156,229 £ 161,794

£ 133,902

FCEV @ intermediate production (£10/kg H2)



Additional H2 cost (@£10/kg)

Bus regular maintenance

Fuel (@£5/kg of H2)

Infrastructure capex

Infrastructure maintenance

Depot overhead

Annualised capital

Additional driver wages

Bus drivetrain maintenance

Annualised Bus drivetrain overhaul

• The graph below illustrates the anticipated ownership cost comparison for a double decker vehicle operating on a challenging UK route. At 100 units/year manufacturing scale, hydrogen is very competitive versus a battery bus and within range of the incumbent diesel hybrid option.

• This is based on data from two UK bus builders. Any UK bus deployment activity will favour UK based manufacturing.

For assumptions table see appendix

• £/year per bus*

Annualised TCO for 10.9m double deck buses (12 year lifetime) – for assumptions see Annex

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Rationale for the size of deployments – Vehicles at the prototype stage (1/2)

Vehicles at the prototype stage

For other vehicle types, specifically: trains, trucks and vans, there is less certainty. These vehicles are at the prototype stage of development, generally outside the UK. The business case for the move to hydrogen for mobility is strengthened by all of these vehicle types as they will create considerable demand for hydrogen and can appeal to a range of users for whom there is no other viable zero emission option.

The consortium believes the best mechanism to support these vehicle types and encourage UK compatible vehicles to come to the UK market is to signal a willingness to incentivise their introductions. The rationalefor the numbers of vehicles to be incentivised is below:


• There are currently no fuel cell trains on the UK network and work is still required to gain type approval. Alstom, working with Eversholt, are in the process of securing first train trials in the UK. These projects target 5-10 train deployments and could occur by 2022. Other players (VivaRail, Porterbrook/Hitachi) are also developing hydrogen train offerings.

• Players in the trains sector believe that, with the success of these trials, it is reasonable to target a deployment of 40 vehicles by ~2025.


• The fuel cell truck is very promising for hydrogen as it offers a large volume user that could underpin a nationwide network roll-out and justify investment in production assets. However, the trucking market is immature. Vehicles are at a prototype stage and the commercial introduction (particularly to the UK) is unclear.

• As a result, the rationale is to provide a supportive environment to encourage the first roll-out of trucks in the UK under Phase 2 (20 vehicles), followed by a first expansion phase under Phase 3 (100 vehicles).

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Rationale for the size of deployments – Vehicles at the prototype stage (2/2)


• Delivery vans would also offer a useful model for early adopters who are heavily regulated and require clean vehicles for city delivery.

• At present, there is no commercial fuel cell van in the UK market, though a number of Chinese and European players are developing strategies to bring vehicles. There is also interest from a number of UK SMEs (Arcola, HV Systems) and activity for hydrogen in combustion engines in vans.

• As a result, the strategy is similar to trucks to allow a first roll-out during Phase 2 (50 vehicles), followed by expansion during Phase 3 (200 vehicles).

Other vehicle types and innovation – a flexible fund

• In addition to the vehicles described above, there are vehicle types not explicitly included, in particular, marine vessels and also two wheeler scooters. There is also a potential for innovation which is not currently foreseen will alter today’s 2019 perspective.

• As a result, we would also recommend keeping an open fund to allow new entrant vehicles with appropriate cost dynamics to mature. This could be competitive or spent on a discretionary basis as vehicle options pass the threshold for commercial viability.

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Executive Summary

Purpose of this document

Hydrogen for Mobility

Aims for the next phase

Explanation of the deployment phases

Hydrogen demand

Vehicle subsidies

Hydrogen subsidy

Value created for the UK


Page 34: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


These deployments will increase the demand for hydrogen to over 40 tonnes per day

• This creates the following demand:

• A demand of 40 tonnes per day is equivalent to a medium scale reformer, or a 130MW scale electrolyser

Daily demand (kg/day)Today (to mid-2020) Phase 2 – Cementing

gainsPhase 3 – preparing

for expansionTotal demand – all

phases by typeHigher TRL vehicle typesCars and car derived vans 250 500 1,500 2,250Cars in large scale captive fleets - 600 6,000 6,600Buses 2,000 4,000 6,000 12,000Developing vehicle typesTrains - 6,000 12,000 18,000Distribution trucks and vans - 250 1,000 1,250Trucks - 200 1,000 1,200

Demand per day (per phase) 2,250 11,550 27,500Cumulative demand (kg/day) 2,250 13,800 41,300

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The distribution of demand is heavily skewed to the heavy duty vehicle types

Demand assumptions kg/day per vehicleCars and car derived vans 1Cars in large captive fleets 2Buses 20Trains 300Distribution trucks and vans 5Trucks 10






Distribution of demand in kg/day (end of support phase)


Cars and car derived vans

Cars in large captive fleets


Distribution trucks and vans


Page 36: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


This will require additional investment in refuelling stations and production equipment

Learnings from the current subsidy phases

• Deploy highly reliable and robust stations.

• Build stations to meet secured demand where possible (e.g. a bus project)

• Ideally, these can be used to serve both the heavy duty demands and the smaller vehicle needs, thereby creating a national network.

• An indicative scenario for the number of stations to meet this demand, whilst ensuring ~75% loading by the end of the third phase, is shown below.

• We envisage these stations being concentrated in regional clusters, which should have a strong regional rationale for hydrogen engagement (air quality issues or industrial potential)

Cumulative number of stations

Today (to mid-2020)Phase 2 –

Cementing gains

Phase 3 –preparing for

expansionStations (car) 17 23 40Stations (bus + truck) 4 8 12Stations (HD + car) 4 12 28Stations (train) 0 2 4

Total capacity 4,900 24,100 53,500Capacity utilisation 46% 57% 77%

Indicative capacity

assumption to mid 2020


Indicative capacity

assumption in phase 2 &3


Stations (car)

100 200

Stations (bus + truck)

400 1000

Stations (HD + car)

400 1000

Stations (train)

- 3000

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Executive Summary

Purpose of this document

Hydrogen for Mobility

Aims for the next phase

Explanation of the deployment phases

Hydrogen demand

Vehicle subsidies

Hydrogen subsidy

Value created for the UK


Page 38: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


The need for continued subsidy intervention in the hydrogen sector

Hydrogen vehicle adopters face considerable barriers which prevent uptake.

• Economics – today’s low volume economics are prohibitive for most users (see below)

• Lack of fuelling infrastructure – which means vehicle owners are taking a risk around the future development of the fuel when adopting a hydrogen vehicle

• Unfamiliarity – this is not a familiar fuel or fuelling process

• Support for other alternative fuelled vehicles – which creates confusion about the most appropriate option and also the option which will eventually succeed in each market segment

• Hassle – there is an inevitable hassle associated with a switch to a new fuel in terms of training drivers, planning in case of downtime and adapting to new fuelling procedures

These factors all contribute to a challenge of taking up hydrogen vehicles early (and hence delay uptake).

These have to be set against the brand value associated with an early move to adopt a new fuel and also the regulatory and performance benefits of the fuel cell option.

Generally, the pitch to end users which has proven viable to date has been to use state help to offer a vehicle with the same ownership cost as a fossil fuelled option today. Then the hassle of a switch to a new fuel is expected to be compensated by the green/operational benefits.

This has been the approach for example in selling buses and taxis to the early adopter groups which have taken up vehicles in the UK (e.g. First Group in Aberdeen or Green Tomato taxis in London).

This is the basis of the subsidy request in this document.

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The consortium believes a move to a market based support scheme is now required

The table compares the Pros and Cons of two subsidy approaches

Competition-based subsidy Subsidy based on vehicles deployed and

hydrogen turnover

Pros Cons Pros Cons

• Subsidy mechanism is already in place and delivering results

• No need to create a new program

• Low incentive to move to a more commercial regime

• Competition system creates uncertainty for all investors

• Does not cover any operating cost of the assets

• Provides certainty to all investors

• Degression incentivises first movers

• Only incentivises deployment success

• More realistic incentive structure

• Will push the industry towards market-based mechanisms as opposed to capital subsidy reliance

• Requires larger effort on the part of HMG to create a new regime

• Locks in 2020 logic (may need a review mechanism)

• The UKH2Mobility consortium has reached the conclusion that it strongly favours the shift to a confirmed subsidy per vehicle or unit of hydrogen sold

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We envisage differentiated subsidies for each vehicle type and phase

The subsidy levels below are based on achieving TCO parity for the most promising early adopter customers. Assumptions behind these subsidy levels are provided in the annex.

Subsidy request

Subsidy required per vehicle today

(000s £)

Proposed Phase 2 subsidy per vehicle

(000s £)

Proposed Phase 3 subsidy per

vehicle (000s £)Sector specific policy requests

Cars and car derived vans

25 15 5

• Gated zones (e.g. ULEZ) and supportive local policies for cities

• Public procurement approaches favouring hydrogen

• Continued plug-in car grant support

Cars in large captive fleets

25 15 7.5• Supportive local government programs to introduce

large captive fleets

Buses 350 120 50

• Ensure BSOG parity for ZE busses• Zero emission bus policies

Trains* - 1,000 500

• DfT require zero emission trains on non-electrified routes

• Due to the nature of the rail sector’s commercial structure, equivalence of subsidy may be achieved indirectly in support of train operation

Distribution trucks and vans

- 30 10• Zero emission zones and supportive local policies

for cities

Trucks** - 150 50• Zero emission zones and supportive local policies

for cities

*subsidy is per train including locomotive and carriages

**the consortium recognises a lower degree of certainty around the figures for trucks

Page 41: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


The approximate request for vehicle uptake support is ~£130M over Phases 2 and 3

If each of the phases uses all of the subsidy allowance, this would lead to the following subsidy request:

Note that the majority of the vehicle subsidy received to date has come from the European Union FCH JU program, supplemented with grants from OLEV under the Hydrogen Transport Program.

Vehicle subsidy request Cumulative subsidy to date (approx) (million £)

Subsidy for Phase 2 (million £)

Subsidy for Phase 3 (million £)

Cars and car derived vans 7.5 7.5 7.5

Cars in large captive fleets - 4.5 22

Buses 35 24 15

Trains - 20 20

Distribution trucks and vans - 1.5 2

Trucks - 3 5

TOTAL subsidy per phase 42.5 60.5 72

Page 42: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


Executive Summary

Purpose of this document

Hydrogen for Mobility

Aims for the next phase

Explanation of the deployment phases

Hydrogen demand

Vehicle subsidies

Hydrogen subsidy

Value created for the UK


Page 43: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


The RTFO implementation with respect to hydrogen has been very challenging for the sector.

However, this support scheme has illustrated how a well designed subsidy per kg sold could incentivise private investment in infrastructure. Similar, volume-based subsides have been applied to electricity, biofuels and red diesel which could be repeated for a hydrogen specific support scheme.

Our request consists of a base subsidy for any H2 which starts at £2/kg and steps to zero as the volume sold per station reaches 1000 kg/day. In addition, there would be a low-carbon H2 uplift subsidy starting at £7/kg and stepping to £1.5/kg for volumes above 4000 kg/day. The low-carbon uplift for hydrogen certified using the using a UK specific mechanism to certify the green hydrogen.

The proposed subsidy mechanism will create strong incentives for the development of UK refuelling infrastructure while having a lower cumulative cost than the Development RTFC buy out price for hydrogen which is shown below for comparison.

Note: Subsidies would only be made available to the stations built under Phase 2 and 3

On the hydrogen production and distribution side, the aim is to use a subsidy per kg used to incentivise private investment

Guaranteed incentives over 10 years (£/kg/day)

All H2Low-carbon


First 100kg of demand

2 7

Demands from 100-400kg/day

0.75 5

Demands from 400-1,000kg/day

0.25 3

Demands from 1,000 - 4000kg/day

0 2

Demands over 4000kg/day

0 1.5

Low carbon H2 incentive rangesAny H2incentive ranges

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The cumulative cost of this subsidy is lower than that required for the development RTFO

An intervention of this type would allow stations to offer hydrogen at parity with taxed diesel on a km equivalence basis.

The cost of the intervention can be estimated as an upper bound assuming all of the stations built in Phase 2 & 3 achieve 75% utilisation. In practice, the demand would be distributed unevenly and a fraction of the stations would have a larger demand (and hence a lower intervention rate). Also, the stations would need time to reach full capacity. These are therefore UPPER BOUND estimates:

These totals are a small fraction of the total development RTFO subsidy scheme which at a market price of £6/kg would cost ~£550 million.

The advantage of this policy is that a) it only incentivises success and b) it confers an early adopter advantage to investors who make an initial investment in the UK’s hydrogen infrastructure.

Cost per station Annual subsidy per station Total subsidy over 10 years if planned Phase 2 & 3 HRS are


If all "any H2“(000s £)

If all "green H2“(000s £)

If all "any H2“(million £)

If all "green H2“(million £)

Stations (car) 87 433 12.6 50.2

Stations (bus + truck) 187 1,373 11.2 71.2

Stations (HD + car) 187 1,373 29.9 189.8

Stations (train) 210 2,582 6.3 71.2

TOTALS 60.0 382.4

Page 45: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


Executive Summary

Purpose of this document

Hydrogen for Mobility

Aims for the next phase

Explanation of the deployment phases

Hydrogen demand

Vehicle subsidies

Hydrogen subsidy

Value created for the UK


Page 46: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


An increase in hydrogen demand will increase the value generated for the UK economy on each kilometre travelled

Source: BBC News/Wood Makenzie

Breakdown of cost of fuel sources per £ spent on fuel

• Replacing diesel with hydrogen fuel means that fuel production will occur within the UK and so the value from that activity is brought ‘on-shore’

• Each UK pound spent on diesel loses 44p to over seas-oil extraction & production costs. This number still applies even if oil is produced from UK reserves as it is a fungible asset which could be sold abroad.

• For fossil-produced hydrogen the value lost per pound to over-seas gas costs is reduced to ~16p

• Renewably generated Hydrogen can have its whole value chain located on UK shores and so could return 100% of the money invested to the UK.

• Note that as both Natural gas and diesel are tradeable we argue here that any UK produced oil or gas could still be sold on the international market if it not consumed in the UK, hence the net effect of avoiding UK consumption of either fuel is to improve the UK’s balance of payments by the value of that oil or gas.

Fuel duty Crude oil costs


Electrolyser capex

Electricity+ water costs

Electrolyser opex

HRS costs



Reformer capex

OpexHRS costsH2


UK value lost44p

Value created for the UK

Value created for the UK UK value lost16p

Value created for the UK


Reformer Hydrogen

Electrolytic Hydrogen

Electricity & water costs

The value of ‘on-shoring’ UK fuel

Retail & logistics

Page 47: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


The volumes of hydrogen consumed in the subsidy period could create significant financial value for the UK economy

Why value is created by ‘on-shoring’

• Each unit of hydrogen consumed displaces a unit of diesel demand.

• By taking the difference between the UK value created for each pound spent on diesel vs each pound spent on hydrogen, we can estimate the value which would be added to the UK economy through the on-shoring of fuel production.

• The annual value on-shored, at the end of phase 3, by switching to hydrogen ranges between £14.1 and £22.1 Million if all the hydrogen was either reformer or renewably derived.

• If 10% of the UK fleet were switched to hydrogen it would lead to an on-shoring of £5.6 billion per year.

Range of values brought ‘on-shore’

Value on-shored tableEnd of Phase 2

(per year)

End of Phase 3

(per year)

Annual Hydrogen demand* (tonnes) 4,200 10,000

Annual Expenditure on Hydrogen (£ million) 29.5 50.2

Value brought ‘on-shore’ by switching from diesel to

reformer hydrogen(£ million) 8.3 14.1

Value brought ‘on-shore’ by switching from diesel to

renewable hydrogen (£ million) 13.0 22.1


1. Hydrogen has cost parity per km with diesel

2. The daily H2 demand increases linearly over 5 years to the value at the end of each phase (slide 15)

3. H2 cost in Phase 2 is £7/kg and in Phase 3 it is £5/kg

Page 48: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


This intervention would unlock private investment across 3 sectors

*assuming each phase lasts for 5 years

Private investment in refuelling stations

The subsidy will unlock large volumes private investment across 3 parts of the hydrogen value stream

1. £154 Million invested in Hydrogen refuelling stations over the 2 subsidy phases

2. £125 Million invested in Hydrogen production and logistics

3. £559 Million invested in Hydrogen vehicle assets (shown in the next slide)

Private investment in Hydrogen production

Hydrogen demand Phase 2 Phase 3

Average Hydrogen demand

(tonnes/year)2,100 5,000

Total H2 demand in the phase*

(tonnes)10,500 25,100

Private investment in dispensed

hydrogen (£/kg)

3.5 3.5

Private investment in the phase (£ million)

36.8 87.8

HRS type

Indicative station capex

(£ million)

Stations deployed in phase 2 & 3

Private capital

invested(£ million)

Car (200kg/day) 1.5 23 34.5

Bus + Truck (1000kg/day) 3 8 24

Heavy duty + car

(1000kg/day) 3 24 72

Train (3000kg/day) 6 4 24

Total 59 154.5

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Private sector investment ratio

The subsidy is likely to create more than a nine times private sector investment ratio

Private investment in Hydrogen Transport

• The total private investment across the three sectors during both subsidy phases could be £838 million from an upper bound of government investment of £132 million a >x6 private sector investment leverage ratio

• This would lead directly to UK business (at the end of Phase 3) with:

i. Annual turnover of over £50m/year in fuel supply

ii. A yearly purchase of over £104m/year sale of vehicles, the majority of which will be manufactured in the UK

iii. Positioned for substantial growth (see next slide)

Transport mode

Indicative asset capex

(£ 000s)

Number of vehicles

deployed by end of phase


Total capex registered (£ million)

Cars and car derived vans 50 2,000 100 Cars in large

captive fleets 50 3,300 165

Buses 375 500 187

Trains 3,700 60 222Distribution

trucks and vans 70 250 17

Trucks 200 120 24Total capital

expense - - 692Subsidy input

from government - - 132

Total private investment - - 559

Page 50: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


This will create valuable UK business with major capacity for expansion

But perhaps more importantly, the sector will be poised for dramatic growth without significant government intervention:

• UK manufacturing throughout the vehicle supply base (heavy duty vehicles, components which need UK expertise)

• UK manufacturing throughout the electrolyser and hydrogen mobility value chain

• New UK hydrogen supply companies with skills for export

• A sector with the skills base to expand as demand for vehicles picks up

• An early national hydrogen network allowing basic coverage and the start of more mainstream adoption

• Vehicle priced at the point where they are a mainstream option for customers

This creates economic opportunities of many billion pounds per year.

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Commitments from industrial partners

• This two phase program would be endorsed publicly by the UKH2Mobility members

• The partners would:

• Publicly endorse the aspirations in the plan (at a senior level)

• Commit to the following activities through the UKH2Mobility group:

• Regular review of the strategy against the observed results

• Open sharing of data from the market’s reaction to the hydrogen proposition

• To make resources available to achieve their elements of the strategy

• Demand aggregation – to work to bring committed end users into the consortium. In particular to:

• Explore exercises to use aggregated UK demand to bring vehicles to the UK

• Ensure hydrogen is included on key public sector procurement frameworks

Page 52: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


Executive Summary

Purpose of this document

Hydrogen for Mobility

Aims for the next phase

Explanation of the deployment phases

Hydrogen demand

Vehicle subsidies

Hydrogen subsidy

Value created for the UK


Page 53: Accelerate H2 A hydrogen mobility strategy for the early 2020s · Mobility group of industrial players in hydrogen has provided much of the strategic analysis for hydrogen to date


The double decker bus TCOs analysis rests on the following key assumptions

Source: Based on EE discussion paper, Commercialisation of hydrogen fuel cell buses, 2017, and bilateral discussions with bus manufacturers

Note: The cost of capital is not included


Parameter Diesel ICE Diesel hybrid ICE Battery electric FCEVFCEV at 100s of buses/yr/OEM

Bus capex (000s £/bus) 200 310 495 630 375Bus drivetrain overhaul capex (000’s £/bus) 5.9 33 140 78 54

Depreciation period (years) 12 12 12 12 12Annual Mileage (000s km/year) 60 60 60 60 60Bus drivetrain maintenance (000s £/yr/bus) 10 15 10 15 15Bus regular maintenance (000s £/yr/bus) 10 10 10 10 10Fuel consumption (l, kWh, kg/100km) 43.0 34.4 190 9.3 7.6Driver salary (000s £/yr/bus) 40 40 40 40 40

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The FCEV taxi TCOs rests on the following key assumptions


** Based on Totota Mirai costs

Zero emission vehicles are exempt from the congestion charge and future ULEZ charges

Note: The cost of capital is not included.

ParameterFCEV at

current costsFCEV with phase 2

subsidyFCEV at end of

phase 3 BEV Diesel Petrol hybridCapex (000s £/car) 55** 55** 35 55.6* 23.3 27Govt vehicle subsidy value (000s £/car) - 15 - - - -

Congestion charge £/day - - - - 11.5 11.5Ultra low emission zone charge £/day - - - - 12.5 12.5

Depreciation period (years) 4 4 4 4 4 4

Residual value (% of Capex) 33% 33% 33% 33% 33% 33%Annual Mileage (000s km/year) 40 40 40 40 40 40Fuel consumption (kg, kWh, l/100km) 1 1 0.7 16 7 4.7

Fuel cost (£/kg, kWh,l) 7 7 5 0.15 1.1 1.0

Insurance (£/yr/car) 500 500 500 500 750 500 Regular maintenance (£/yr/car) 750 750 500 750 750 750Driver salary (000s £/yr/vehicle) 40 40 40 40 40 40