abl system

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  • 7/25/2019 Abl System


    System Analysis and Design

    Muhammad Faisal Amin 02Muhammad Mohsin 17Adil Hassan 09

    Management Information System,

    Mam Amna Lodhi,10thFeb, 201

    Table of ContentsList of TableList of Figures

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  • 7/25/2019 Abl System


    System Analysis and Design

    1"0 Introdu#tion1"1 $a#%ground of the Study1"2 Statement of &b'e#ti(e

    1.2.1 General Problem1.2.2 Specic Problem1.2.! General "b#ecti$e

    1.2.% Specic "b#ecti$e1.!Signicance of t&e Study1.%Scope and Limitation

    2.'(et&odology of t&e Study!.'Data Gat&ering Procedure and output

    )"0 *he +isting System)"1 -om.any $a#%ground

    Allied Bank Limited was the first bank, established in Pakistan. Before independence, in 1942it started out in Lahore, the name of bank was Australasia Bank; in 194 it was renamed to AlliedBank of Pakistan Limited and later on Allied Bank Limited in 2!!". #n Au$ust 2!!4, the Bank%sownership was transferred to an #brahim Leasin$ Limited and #brahim &roup because of capitalreconstruction.

    'oda(, with its e)istence of o*er +! (ears, the Bank has built itself a foundation with a stron$euit(, assets and deposit base. #t offers uni*ersal bankin$ ser*ices, while placin$ ma-oremphasis on retail bankin$. 'he Bank also has the lar$est network of o*er !! online branches inPakistan and offers *arious technolo$( based products and ser*ices to its di*erse clientele.


    'o become a d(namic and efficient bank pro*idin$ inte$rated solutions in order to be the firstchoice bank for the customers.


    'o pro*ide *alue added ser*ices to our customers 'o pro*ide hi$h tech inno*ati*e solutions to meet customers/ reuirements 'o create sustainable *alue throu$h $rowth, efficienc( and di*ersit( for all stakeholders 'o pro*ide a challen$in$ work en*ironment and reward dedicated team members

    accordin$ to their abilities and performance 'o pla( a proacti*e role in contributin$ towards the societ(

    Core Values

    #nte$rit( 0)cellence in er*ice i$h Performance #nno*ation and &rowth

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  • 7/25/2019 Abl System


    System Analysis and Design

    Company History:

    3nder the hairmanship of 5hawa-a Bashir Bu) bank was esblished in 6ecember 1942 as theAustralasia Bank at Lahore with a paid7up share capital of Paki 8s.!.12 million, and his businessassociates, includin$ Abdul 8ahman alik who was amon$st the ori$inal Board of 6irectors, the

    bank had attracted deposits, eui*alent to P58 !.4:1 million in its first ei$hteen months ofbusiness assets then amounted to P58 !."2 million. 'oda( Allied Bank/s paid up apital 8eser*es amount to 8s. 1!." billion, deposit e)ceeded 8s. 14: billion and total assets eual 8s.1! billion.

    Reason for selecting Allied Bank:

    8eason of selectin$ Allied Bank is that, it is one of the leadin$ bank in Pakistan withinternational standards and which keeps on inno*atin$ and secondl( because we ha*e a referencein this or$ani

  • 7/25/2019 Abl System


    System Analysis and Design

    $oals but the( now function as a fused collection of ser*ers, stora$e de*ices, and s(stems to meetthe chan$in$ processin$ needs of ABL. 'his resulted in dramatic cost reduction, o*erallefficienc( and enhancement in the ualit( of customer ser*ice. #t has also reduced hardware costsb( efficient networkin$ and amal$amatin$ of functions performed b( *arious ser*ers ands(stems. ost reduction also took place because >racle 1!$ eliminated the need for thepurchases and up$radin$ of mana$ement softwares and tools and third part( inter*entions as itwas a complete mana$ement solution in itself.

    'hrou$h 'P all routine information are collected in Allied Bank. All details of 'P%s 3Bs $ointo ana$ement #nformation (stem. 'his information is then summari

  • 7/25/2019 Abl System


  • 7/25/2019 Abl System


    System Analysis and Design

    +m.loyee3s 4e#ord5

    All emplo(ees ha*in$ their personal lo$in #6%s which allotted at the time of emplo(ment andthe( are supposed to lo$in when the( enter the bank and lo$out on lea*in$. 'heir accounts arealso connected with the 3B which continuousl( makes record of their hours spent in the bank.oreo*er, the bank has their own setup which makes records of all the transactions made b( anemplo(ee. All these help mana$ement to monitor the workin$ efficienc( of an emplo(ee.'hrou$h this information s(stem mana$ement also ha*e record of, how man( customers ser*edb( whom emplo(ee. And the( also ha*e information throu$h this s(stem that how man(customers con*inced to open an account b( whom.

    Real time Banking:

    hen a customer withdraws a sum of mone( from his or her account the transactions areprocessed and the account balance updated as soon as possible, allowin$ both the bank andcustomer to keep track of funds. hen a customer $oes to bank for withdraw or deposit the cashthrou$h cheue or cash then there are certain steps. e will -ust describe withdraw transaction.irst step on the time of withdraw throu$h cheue is, first cashier made entr( of that cheue intoinformation s(stem ?put cheue number, name of aCc holder@ and then cheue is scanned intoLA'B06 P8#='08. And after that information s(stem confi$ure instrument number, amountin words di$its, and si$nature etc. #f entered and scanned information will be same thens(stem will proceed to ne)t step. #f transaction is of less than 8s.2", !!! then it needs the

    *erification of -ust one person. And if cheue is of more than 8s.2", !!! then it needs thesuper*ision of two super*isors. #n case of more than twent( fi*e thousand rupees% transaction,s(stem of Allied Bank $enerates one Dsuper*ision codeF. >ne person made transaction andsecond super*ises. And after confi$uration transaction is done. '00=> s(stem of AlliedBank shows option of debit and credit at the time of transaction. And when transaction is madethen the new transaction is send to Lane. 6ate and time of transaction automaticall( entered

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    System Analysis and Design

    whene*er transaction made. 'he Lane enters the 3B where the specified file is accessed.Automated eller Mac&ine Card 'AM Card(:

    'hrou$h A' card customer can withdraw of cash easil(. At the time of appl( heCshe $i*e biodata, income summar(, compan( name, =#. 'hat data ?=# no. and bio data@ send to s(stem

    '0#=> which directl( linked to =A68A. #f information correct then it is forward tocustomer ser*ice center and the issue of credit card.

    Management Information System after #S:

    'hrou$h 'P all routine information are collected in Allied Bank. All details of 'P%s 3Bs $ointo ana$ement #nformation (stem. 'his information is then summari

  • 7/25/2019 Abl System


    System Analysis and Design

    )iagram of #S and MIS

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  • 7/25/2019 Abl System


    System Analysis and Design

    !" Information System in Allied Bank:

    =ew mana$ement information s(stem, of Allied bank is '0#=> ?'24@. #n bankin$ lan$ua$eit is called '24. 'his information s(stem is recommended b( tate Bank Pakistan, it is eas( touse and operate. 'rainin$s of Allied Bank are also held on computers. ABL has one trainin$institute in Lahore.

    'he bank pro*ides on the -ob trainin$ facilities to emplo(ees throu$h -ob rotation to in differentdepartment as per reuirement trainin$ more emphasis is in practical.

    Benefits of *MI$OS Information System:

    3ser friendl(G #t is eas( to use. 'his #nformation (stem run on windows operatin$ s(stem and$raphics of this s(stem also works like windows. As compare to 3=# Bankin$ (stem, 3=#bankin$ has -ust black $raphics and contains on command s(stem.

    eb pa$eG 'hrou$h re$istered #6, emplo(ee of the bank work online that is easil( accessible formana$er, immediate boss and head office.

    ecurit(G 6ata of bank is secure in this information s(stem.

    0as( to installG 'his information s(stem is eas( to install as compare to 3=# Bankin$ s(stem.

    Bank install this # throu$h web. And if there is an( problem in s(stem then it can resol*ethrou$h web.


  • 7/25/2019 Abl System


    System Analysis and Design

    rom a branch centered approach, the bank has mo*ed to a centrali

  • 7/25/2019 Abl System


    System Analysis and Design

    "0 System Im.lementation /lan"1 4esour#e 4e8uirements

    "1"1Hardare 4e8uirements

    6esktop P/s pecsG #ntel Pentium 4 2."$h

  • 7/25/2019 Abl System


    System Analysis and Design

    'wo 1!C1!!C1!!! 0thernet ports

    >ptional 2 &i$abit ibre hannel, 1! &i$abit 0thernet and 4) #nfiniBandK adapters

    'wo 3B, two and two s(stem ports

    "1"2Softare 4e8uirements 'he department/s computers were found to be usin$ the followin$ s(stem software. >peratin$ (stemG indows MP for 6esk7top P/s indows Iista for the Laptops. indows =' ser*er for mainframe ser*er.

    "1"Human 4esour#es 4e8uirements

    #n this era of cut7throat competition and diminishin$ profit mar$ins Banks are becomin$ morelean, ser*ice oriented and efficient. As mentioned before Banks in order to keep this trend ofefficienc( $oin$ upward are adoptin$ new information s(stems and updatin$ the e)istin$ ones

    howe*er one barrier to this are the emplo(ees, there is alread( a shorta$e of computer literatepeople in Pakistan and for this reason when new software/s or #n our case a new >80BA=5=& >L3'#>= is introduced it reuires ri$orous trainin$ session to train the emplo(eesso that the( are able to use the software.

    'he effecti*eness of core bankin$ s(stems is directl( related to the skills and knowled$e of thoseoperatin$ them; therefore trainin$ is an essential in*estment and not an e)pense. 'he trainin$session ha*e been di*ided into three sta$es

    hen we talk of the end user it/s the emplo(ees themsel*es here, the( use the information

    a*ailable and make different ueries accordin$l( as mentioned before currentl( the oreBankin$ olution ?B@ namel( 3nibank is bein$ chan$e to 'emenos and this reuires that thesupport and operations staff be trained to use this B. or this reason different trainin$ sessionsha*e been or$anipen 'rainin$ ourses

    Bespoke 'rainin$ courses

    0nd 3ser 'rainin$ ?03'@

    'rainin$ consultanc( for desi$n and de*elopment of 03' courses

    07Learnin$ and omputer Based 'rainin$ ?B'@

    'he H'rain the 'rainerH approach

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    System Analysis and Design

    'he benefits of attendin$ these trainin$ pro$rams include dedicated premises and trainin$euipment, and the added ad*anta$e of minimi