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Ethames Graduate School

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Table of ContentsExecutive Summary:..................................................................................................................4 Introduction:...............................................................................................................................5 History:...................................................................................................................................5 Task1:.........................................................................................................................................6 Market Analysis:....................................................................................................................6 GE Matrix:.........................................................................................................................6 SWOT Analysis:................................................................................................................7 New Product Development Need and Importance:.............................................................8 Product Specifications:.......................................................................................................8 Objective:...........................................................................................................................8 New Product Development (NPD) Structure:....................................................................9 Expected Outcomes:...........................................................................................................9 Task2:.......................................................................................................................................10 Stages in New Product Development (NPD):......................................................................10 Idea Generation:...............................................................................................................10 Idea Screening:.................................................................................................................10 Line Planning:..................................................................................................................10 Strategy Development:.....................................................................................................10 Concept Development:.....................................................................................................10 Business Analysis:...........................................................................................................10 Market Analysis:..............................................................................................................11 Manufacturing and Testing:.............................................................................................11 Pricing and Commercialization:.......................................................................................11 Required Resources:.............................................................................................................11 Estimated Cost:....................................................................................................................11 Gantt chart:...........................................................................................................................12 Task3:.......................................................................................................................................13 Project Monitoring Methods:...............................................................................................13 Project Monitoring:..........................................................................................................13 Project Monitoring Methods:...........................................................................................13 Ethames Graduate School Page 2

Suitable Monitoring Method:...........................................................................................14 Task4:.......................................................................................................................................14 Results and Outcomes:.........................................................................................................14 Rate of Success:...................................................................................................................15 Recommendations:...............................................................................................................15 Conclusions:.............................................................................................................................15 References:...............................................................................................................................17 Books:..................................................................................................................................17 Web References:..................................................................................................................17 Web References:

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Executive Summary:The title Project Development and Implementation for Strategic Managers has helped the researcher to study and understand the responsibilities of strategic managers. For core understanding the researcher has taken an example of project development where he will perform analysis, evaluation, design, management, execution, and completion of a new product or process or services. Researcher has also learned to make a decision for the necessity of a new product by performing market analysis, and then all the factors which influence the progress of the new project is studied and analysed, then project specifications are decided and approval is obtained. The project is launched and implemented, the outcomes of the project are evaluated and the outcomes are designed into report as given below. At the end of the research, the learner will have achieved various project management and research skills.

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Introduction:In the modern world of business, the necessity of a organisation to be active at all time period and also to plan for the future is because not to lose its competitive advantage, market value and the loyalty to customers. In this learning the researched has framed how a project is managed and the flow of project management process is designed. The global economy is very competitive and it is always necessary for the organisation chosen by the researcher to stay on top of all competitors and this is achieved by performing and showing progress and development in the business operations. The importance and the necessity for the implementations of a new product or services is analysed by using market analysis tools. Project monitoring methods are used because without which the project management is not possible and the best suitable methods is recommended depending on the product or service selected and the learning outcomes are evaluated and improvisation suggestions are provided for the organisation chosen. The organisation chosen by the researcher which is one of the leading telecommunication sectors in UK, British Telecom provides services to most of the population in UK and Europe.

History:One of the oldest telecommunication organisations in the world is British Telecom and it originated from the organisation Electric Telegraph Company established in the year 1846. By the year 1896 the company collapsed and some parts was taken over by General Post Office where services related to telegraph and telephone are the responsibilities. The name British Telecom emerged by renaming of Post Office Telecommunications and responsibilities were separated and isolated by the year 1981 and it become privatised in the year 1984. The year 1991 has started by changing the face of telecommunication industry where a number of competitors were suppose to follow Telecommunication Policies which mentioned a more privatised business and should within the choices of the customers. Rebranding into BT, which is now the most effective and dependant telecommunication organisation in UK and worldwide. In the year 2003 the brand refreshed and refurbished and introduced BT Openreach in the year 2005. From the introduction of the service BT Openreach till to date BT has been showing progress in their business and regular developments from the organisation are noticed. As the services of BT extended to global market in the name of BT Infonet in the year 2005, and in 2006 it was BT Radianz and PlusNet plc in 2007. Through re-branding and acquisition in the names above BT entered the global markets and shares.

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Task1:Market Analysis:As BT is the leading telecommunication industry in UK, it is important to perform a market analysis before a new product is developed. The market situation of the area, where the new product is introduced should be analysed. There are various market analysis tools available especially for BT which is GE Matrix and SWOT analysis is performed for the understanding the various factors of the organisation which will influence the project progression. Market analysis is necessary because the new product at the end of the process is available to the customers from the market, so market is the place where the success of the product is determined. There are various factors involved in the market which needs to analysed which are the size of the market, growth rate, various trends in pricing, competitiveness, risk of returns, segmentation and distribution structure. By performing market analysis, all these factors related to BT are understood by the researcher which will help for the new product development. GE Matrix: GE Matrix or General Electric Matrix or GE / McKinsey matrix is generally referred as the business portfolio which is used for screening portfolio of strategic business units given any industry. GE Matrix is developed from BCG Matrix and it is differentiated by two parameters, the axes of GE matrix are generalised as Industry Attractiveness and Business Unit Strength where BCG Matrix uses market growth rate and market share. And the second one is GE Matrix uses nine cells where BCG Matrix uses only four cells. In basic GE Matrix the vertical axis is Industry Attractiveness and the horizontal axis is Business Unit Strength which is determined various factors which have been mentioned above. For British Telecom while performing the GE Matrix analysis, the vertical axis will be Market Attractiveness and the horizontal axis is Company Strength and a balanced portfolio is one which is given in the figure 1. By comparing to the given portfolio, adjustments are made every time. For understanding the strength and weakness of the organisation SWOT analysis is performed.

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Figure 1: GE/McKinsey Matrix for British Telecom [ref: 14] SWOT Analysis: The abbreviation of SWOT is strength, weakness, opportunities and threats that are possessed by the organisation to the market environment. Only by understanding the swot factors the selection of new product is implemented, strategic managers should have a clear picture of how the new product will behave in the market and the impact it causes on the business. The SWOT analysis is performed on British Telecom so that the researcher will have a better understanding which will help for the new product development project. Strength: As British Telecom is the leading telecommunication industry in UK and their long running services to the people has enabled a brand value. The services are wide spread globally and it is extended to more than 170 countries. Telephone line service for the people of United Kingdom is provided by BT and the lines are also used by competitors like virgin, sky etc. The coverage provided by BT is one of the largest in the nation, nationwide phone booth service is provided by BT on the basis of Universal Service Obligation. Through the process of re-branding, BT extended its service to the global market the following years and brands are mentioned in the history. Weakness: British Telecom lacks fixed mobile convergence; it has concentrated more on fixed line telephones than entering into the mobile sectors which BT showed underdevelopment. Ethames Graduate School Page 7

Strategic planning is never in the thoughts of managers in BT, and so the marketing promotional products are very weak for example in the promotion of cheap voice calls BT lacks business strategy. There are also complaints from the customers regarding the services provided like line fault, instability etc. Opportunities: Products and services which have less regulation are developed and gradual shift occurred in the past couple of years. Although BT is not well established in the mobile industry, the internet industry is the place where BT showed the capability, comparing the competitors. IT solutions and telecommunications are other two industries where BT showed the emphasis. Most of the customers were transferred to the new technology of networking namely 21CN. BT Vision the internet service provider among the industry was further developed in providing customers very high speed internet connection by the development in BT Vision. Services are regularly upgraded and the global expansions are enabled with the help of more outsourcing with overseas partners. Threats: Competitors are growing stronger and better which is a huge threat like Carphone Warehouse, O2, and Orange etc. The global recession has a huge impact on the global business connections of BT, job cuts are immense and hence there are shortages in the workforce. Due to economic fluctuations, it is not possible to predict the success of long running projects. Obligation to the government is increasing linear with the business growth which in turn increases the risk of bond markets for BT.

New Product Development Need and Importance:As the modern world of business is penetrating with the development of technology, it is necessary for British Telecom put a step forward comparing other competitors. The threat possessed by competitors is high as explained above and hence it is necessary to develop with a new idea or method which is used to continue the establishment in the market. NPD or New Product Development opens the way of new market and the competitors will also try to develop such product which will develop the scope of the market much higher. Gaining advantages over the latest technology available in the market is by the development of new product and also to maintain the competitive advantage it is necessary for organisation like BT at regular intervals new products or services are developed. Product Specifications: The BT Eye is the new product to which the entire report is based. It is home based telephone with video enabled calling facilities. It does not require any internet connection other than the normal telephone line which is already present in most of the houses and that too provided by BT. Objective: By using the latest and advanced technology, the world is changed to a smaller space with the effective use of technologies available in telecommunication industry Ethames Graduate School Page 8

New Product Development (NPD) Structure: The process which is followed for the completion of the New Product Development project is formed into a structure which enables an easy understanding. It starts right from the beginning the idea of a new product to the end where the product reaches the customers.

Figure 2: Structure of New Product Development Project Expected Outcomes: The changes that is brought by the launch of this new product which is BT Eye are huge to the society and as well as the environment. People who are not able to gain advantage with internet and computers are benefited from this product. The society will turn into a smaller circle of people regardless of the size. It also supports green environment as the hazards caused is very less compare to computers and internet. Moreover the ultimate goal of any organisation will be satisfying customers and with this product BT will able to satisfy their customer according to customer behavioural analysis.

Task2:Stages in New Product Development (NPD):The structure of the NPD is given above in Task 1; which contains a total of nine stages till the final output and each stage are briefly described below. Idea Generation: The very initial stage of any new product developed is the creative thought which led to the development of this new product. It influenced by many factors which are studied using SWOT analysis. By performing this analysis, new thoughts and ideas are generated because in SWOT analysis various factors which determines the weakness of the industry and while thinking of resolving these issues, new ideas are born. Idea Screening: In this stage the thoughts and imagination were put in papers and screened depending on various factors. Evaluation is performed on the ideas whether the customer get benefited, meets the demand of future market etc. In this process, a forecast or prediction to the future growth should be analysed and the pressure from the competitors when the product is launched are other factors to be taken care of. The cost effectiveness of the project should be evaluated and it is one of the main criteria to be evaluated.

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Line Planning: Product line planning is necessary for NPD, because the process of line planning is similar to marketing research. It is always safe to perform the line planning or marketing research so that the similarities with the new products developed to the one already in the market and some marketing risk factors like stock-outs, retail space limitation etc can be avoided. The product chosen is free from such marketing risks because the service is already available in the market; the difference is the advancement in the technology which enables video telephoning. Strategy Development: Resources are available for the completion which includes both the funding and the people involved in the completion of the project. The resource where capital investment and people are involved is allocated into specific strategic planning. Strategies are planned by analysing the results obtained from various analysing tools like SWOT, PEST, etc. Concept Development: The operational details behind the development of the new product is planned and drafted. Operations involve product design by skilled engineers, cost estimation, availability of raw materials, production, testing, product launch, and marketing. Specifications for the product chosen here are size of the video screen, screen resolution, video cameras selection and design for the phone in unique style. Business Analysis: Under this stage, the product launch, marketing, deciding the selling price and estimation of the profitability and sales by analysing the market. Date is fixed and the product is launched for the availability of the customers with good marketing techniques like advertisement, internet adds etc. Selling price is decided by analysing the feedbacks obtained and also the competition in the business. Market Analysis: Market analysis is used for fixing the selling price, production quantity and also the level of marketing to be done. Marketing is the key factor for product described in this report because not many industries have this kind of product and hence the knowledge to the people will be less, so it is the responsibility of the marketing people the product knowledge reaches all sort of customers. Manufacturing and Testing: From the market analysis the quantity to be produced in the first phase of the product launch is determined and is passed to the manufacturing department. As soon as the designing stage is completed, the next stage is getting approval. There are also several other process to be completed before the manufacturing stage. Processes like decision on the material selection, various colours to be manufactured, checking the availability of materials, materials are stocked up so that there will be no shortage in the middle of manufacturing process. Ethames Graduate School Page 10

Regular testing needs to be done where all the specifications are met. At the initial stage of manufacturing the product is checked for errors, its working capability and the battery life under various conditions then only the green signal is given for mass production. Regular checks at regular interval of the manufacturing process is required to make sure all the products are of same specifications. Pricing and Commercialization: From market and business analysis, depending on the competition and the manufacturing cost a price is fixed. The margin rate is set very low; this makes sure the organisation gain competitive advantage even in future if some other organisations launch such kind of products.

Required Resources:The engineers required for this project are a set of AutoCAD engineers for the design of the phone model, electronic and electrical engineers for the circuit and electrical design, suppliers for the raw materials, manufacturing unit which is outsourced, a group of marketing people, and a Project Manager. The funding resources are available from BT when the project is approved. Since BT is leading telecommunication industry a technological development in their product line is always appreciated.

Estimated Cost:The cost for the production of a single unit and for the entire project are two different things, anyway the selling price depends on the production cost. The other cost is the salary for the human resources working for this project, approval cost and installation of new software services. The production cost depends on the materials chosen for the production. The projected cost for the device will be 250 and also customers can purchase through contract packages where it cost monthly charge of less than 25(for the device and the connection).

Gantt chart:The New Product Development is expected and designed to be completed within 12 weeks and the process includes putting the ideas into paper, getting approval, specific design for production, cost estimation, market analysis, business analysis, production, and the product launch which is formulated in the Gantt chart given below,

Gantt Chart for NPD of Video calling project (British Telecom)

Idea generation and putting in papersEthames Graduate School Page 11

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Getting Approval

Week 4

Product Design and Approval

Week 5

Week 6

Business and Market Analysis

Week 7

Week 8

Cost Estimation

Week 9

Week 10

Manufacturing and Testing Selling Price Estimation


Week 11

Week 12

Product LaunchTable 1: Gantt chart showing the project completion time

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Task3:Project Monitoring Methods:Project Monitoring: For the identification of the changes occurred in the project process over some time period, informations are collected with the help of various analysing tools and it is done in regular interval of time and in a systematic way. The key things which are noticeable through monitoring are efficiency, effectiveness and relevance and it forms the three functions of monitoring. Efficiency: It is the percentage calculation between the time and resources used in the project to the outcomes and result of that project. Effectiveness: Every project will have its own aim and objective, the effectiveness of a project is how well aim and objectives are achieved. Relevance: The usefulness of the project towards its context and how flexible was the project is the relevance. Monitoring is a necessary process during project management; we can also say there is no management without monitoring. For improvisation on any product sold depends on the feedbacks obtained from the customers such that for a good project completion it is important the different stages are monitored. Monitoring helps to assess project results (i.e.) it is possible to derive the expected results through monitoring techniques. Improvisation is always an option when monitoring is in place; adaptation of the risk factors which affects the project process is possible through monitoring. There are various things to be monitored depending on the project chosen, in this case monitoring the time chart whether the project is proceeding according to the time plan, quality of the product is monitored regularly, etc. The results to be provided after performing the monitoring is a report which includes the current plans documented and compared with the actual plan, progress status, project adjustments made etc and this report can be given to the clients, project members and the management to ensure them everything is working as planned. Project Monitoring Methods: There are various methods or tools available for monitoring the project. They are, Project Reporting: The status of the project is formulated into a report which is completed by all the team members, this enables to identify and rectify any issues at the starting stage and also it is used at regular interval of times. By performing such report making the efficiency of the project is increased. First Hand Information: As the project progresses the information about the time scale, completion of each stage, are noticed and given to the project manager for evaluation. Formal Reports: It is similar to the Project reporting in a formal way of presentation. Ethames Graduate School Page 13

Project Status Report: At a regular interval of time, the progression of the project and the task yet to be completed are formulated into a report, so that the manager analyses it and necessary actions are taken accordingly. Project Schedule Chart: A chart is prepared; this chart provides the information of the task to be completed with certain time period, it will look like a calendar. At the completion of each stage some markings are made o denote the completion in the chart. Project Financial Status Report: The fund available for the project are monitored for relevance and cost effectiveness. Informal Reports: During the project phase an individual will have check directly without any interference and forms a report on the spot which is not in a formal way, but at the same time it is very useful. Graphic Presentations: Other way of presenting the numerical progression of the project is by graphical representation. Each stage is plotted against time scale and it will indicate the time taken for completion by each stage. This representation will enable the manager to understand whether the project is proceeding with the planned time scale. Suitable Monitoring Method: In BT, monitoring the project as it progresses is followed, which means not checking the project at intervals of time rather they do day to day activity. So for this kind of monitoring, methods like formal report, first hand information and project financial status reports are used.

Task4:Results and Outcomes:The changes that can bring to the society, environment, and to the market by the implementation of the New Product Development is referred as the outcome of the project. These changes are very direct because of the project, moreover in a broader way the revolution brought any field by this project is the outcome. Results are very much different from the outcomes; the results indicate the usage of the product that was completed as a result of the project. The customer satisfaction, and the success of the usability all comes under the results. Result is how successful the project is when launched and reached the target that is customers. The product developed in this project will bring a technological advancement; changes in the society, behaviour of the people etc are changed for good. Video calling facility is already available in the market through internet and computer, but this project stands out from all other products available in the market, no need of fibre-optic cable or internet modem, with the normal phone line the device will work. People normally will be having a land telephone, instead if they have this new product developed exclusively for video calling the advantages are far better. Local environment is boosted up because the local Ethames Graduate School Page 14

and normal people those who cannot afford computers can go for this product. This product strengthens the relationship, and also the fake calls can be avoided by the usage of this product. In modern days all sort of people get benefited from this product, because its operation is designated to a house and hence people of all ages get benefited by this product. This product also improves the trust during phone calls, lot of fake calls and unidentified calls are noticed in recent years and this product will prevent all such irregularities. The technological advancement it brings to the telecommunication industry is immense and now the standard of the competitor is also raised. Environment is hugely affected with the usage of internet and computers, but as this product is making a revolution in the green environment. Outcomes are never easy to measure; it is always good to keep plans for tracking the outcomes. There are many tools available in the market for measuring the outcomes, the first and foremost method is by using surveys. Conduction surveys across the regions with different kind of customers, staffs, etc by asking the behaviour of the product in the current market. Questionnaires, diaries which can be video or online, one on one interview are the other methods used for measuring the outcomes of the project. All these methods are to be followed as a long term process, not just at the end of the project.

Rate of Success:The success rate depends on various analysis tools used after the launch of the project. Customer reviews, online review and some review provided by some famous magazine etc. Among them the customer review is the most important one and it determines how much the project is successful. According to personal opinion of the researcher he predicts the success rate to be 90-95%, but while the project progression the manager sets the success rate to 100% as the goal and all the necessary factors are evaluated and corrected for achieving that success rate.

Recommendations:The product developed itself is a huge technological advancement and there would be no advancement in technology in the near future saying for 20 to 30 years. The design and the size are the other factors where some recommendations can be made. From the customer reviews and suggestion, the researcher can able to do some recommendations. Personally the researcher feels the design can be sleeker, and the size can be reduced with the usage of miniature circuit and transistors.

Conclusions:The technology is advancing in a rapid way and it is necessary for any industry to keep up with the latest technology products in order to gain competitive advantage. In the New Product Development, the product developed is more technical and technologically sound one. This product will enhance the position of BT in the market. Ethames Graduate School Page 15

By completing this assessment, the researcher is able to develop the skills of a manager who is responsible for stages involved in the New Product Development project. The manager with a group of employees will manage the project right from the beginning to the end (i.e.) marketing and product launch. The task which involves the development of the project, implementation of the project, execution of the project, evaluating the outcomes, and presenting the outcomes are the managers responsibilities, and the task are analysed, studied and understood by the researcher by completing the project of New Product Development. Through working on the given title, the researcher has developed project management skill and the methodology used for research is also gained. The assessment also demand a complete participation of the researcher in the project development process right from the beginning, which enabled the researcher for understanding everything involved in a project design. Thus this assessment served the researcher for gaining all the necessary project management skills that a strategic manager will possess during a project.

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