a boxes oranges and lemons - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · mee, the ojium&nder of the ship, who...

LOCAL MATTERS. W eatitkb Probabilities. April 20. 1SSC - «r lay Middle States warmer southwest windf c ..udJ weather and ruin, with falling birometer j lowed in the interior bv rieir barometer cooler northwest wind?, partly cloudy and clear iri? weather. Vf-tkroav. .Yesterday *asa dull day, at( the fctrre s presented a railur dr ar op?<ar see®. (so 'i'1 ttt l^e c'* 9- morning setvicei t ihe uitforoot chinches. all of which had gooc ^.cureiriiif n«, notwithstanding the state i f thi weaiher afforded a good i xouso for that olasn o the Uithtul. or uofaiiliiui. generally dent-tnitawd "for weather Chr-sliatis," lo reaiuii a home it ih«y fell ho iic'i .cd. in the M. l'i Chuici South U»v. Dr. (J. lv Mir-hall, * t Mirairo-ippi, preaohod iu tho morn .c, to the language ot o 10 « (' l is hearers, s hill sermon. and It. v. Dr. JLncc'.t, ptcaidco t it»odolph Maooo Ooilego, pr<.aohcd an cxo il' nt s<rnion in tho Haoio church at night. In the Doioo l r:3hjleriioChaioh, Rev. Mr (Vmp'oa | reached at night. la the biternonn a largo crowd aspcOiblnd a the r>j.'u of the AWxtodria Kctorcu C ub wh re ai interesting tcmusracoj mcoiing wa; h- lJ, addresses being dtl vertd by Rev. Mr l'jaree, ot the M. K Church, and Dr. ilarlio o: i> i). A meeting tor the j tjilo ion of holiness wa: \ t in the Free Methodist Coutch at 15 o'oltck ,-i t the t.ictnrcu ot' that ihnologioi! donar-iuaot t.il a gi Oeral good time. lv-v. T. F. Dolao it;j rl.Liog light ot i his 1 ightr life religion < r aim unity. i reached mornicR aod night it I the new church on South Lip Ntroet. I j ihe German Lutheran Cburoh, itcv. E. G Iro .-1.r. ot Wa-fi iRtOD, preceded ao iotcrcsiicjr sermon io Eonlish at 3 o'c.ock. Ahiut -1 o'c'ock tain ommeooed fullioR, and nr.sithstaodisR it soon ceased, it left iho ihi i re-.-ioa upcD ihe mioda of tho people iliat it wouid commer.o) agair, and a* a oors?' ; jiicci the cburchos at ni<hc woro siiuily at* . icCdcd. '.'orsrv Court.lion. J>tmrs S<inystcr pre/' . The list of deeds admitted to reoord n the Clerk's cfuja sioor last term el court : were r :il to t fie court and or it red to boett.-rod I oa tho minutes. Ilia accruals of John A. Field, Ruardian of i Virginia. I -acc and Wil'utn Huckinpham. and -! .John l>. Snioot, admio straur of Daniel F. II joe, d -ceased, were confirmed and ordered to ^ b.' r. c lrdod. Tne reports and nrouots of F.oQily 11. C.»rV bett, aimiuistratrx ot V r -il F. Corbett, d i | i. and guardian i f Edgar M. Corbett, v Marv Ariae Coibett, JLin i *aiio C. Cirbett I aniltib-nS. Corbett; of Mary E Nesmith, ) «»1 inini >'rr\'tix of A S N 'smith, deeoased; r.f J. ? I'.ani 11 C Srnub,Executors of 11.Smith;'11 C. 3 Smith ix citor of II. C. Smith, and It. C. Smith, tru;: c if H. Smith, j*.. wire rol mr nd toe urr and crdtir-'d to liu 30 days lor { tieep'ino. ? 11. 11. Da omio Wis appointed r t^isir <r for .1 tf-'rs >o magisterial disirror. and q ial.fi (?. { W. 1'. Durrow*, James It. Meade aud W. A. Riwe wer.» npptin'ed judges of p'ei'i.io for Arlingfn d'S'r.C", fl II. 11 itcniaD, L VV, Hatch »r.d I'. It, Finn for J tfeison di-'ric . and \V. .1 (»»rv, C. C aid Nelson, J\ ). Fryi* for iW-t-ing'mi ( i-ino \V. I\ Harrows, W. A. Ko®o, li 11. 1».(«*» mm, T. F». Finn aod W. -J. Gary w»-re dc-i^ tinted 10 r.ct f*H COO.111 .*s'CUf Tj i t etc C 10: H lor county pfhet rv ('nr. Vd. 11 ibert 1w>man; attempt fit tup ; >"c :n prepress. Sm'ietv Items.The Wcdiiii/g'tn Sauda? Ijcriid fays: "Ibe miirri',KOof Mis- Annie D.su^hs*Gray, nt Ivje?»bnrj»( V*., and Mr. Beverly will tsks J i Icci L-»ci-harq on the 5 h c-f M»y. "A number 11' ladies ol (jeo.'petow 1 are &< t ic^u:>BQ "Aft 1 o-.n Kxhiimiiin," lor the fioo ii-ol Sr. .John'.- >ha:oil, to tko i»t*»o3 thf Its wj' k in M-ty. ' will he !:ei-J M 1 he Cooko roarsMO. ' Mi-s Marjo, 000 r>f Vi ir'iii%'a It r st i -t iu^hierc, let; o'j Tu j- lav i ,r her home in '1 Kredj: e'lfbunr. She hr.s boon iq iIij cj y at it 0 iru- -r «; } Mi-j» Wirt, the eH:irun:)*r dan. n »-r I 1':. Wirt, (»! <>. taree.'. {'dri-iir !rr s*tov Mi-- .Miryn male many tv-jrw friends." The Wtt^m-K'oa Sunday Gizitto s-ty-t: Mf-tho-iisi OhtM'i South o! M elcv-l'e, v I'.ilvu v.nh ;# l'ii bant <* .in! ioii'1 * Vy dacSiia," < v ii:»' i*n( s-i v.; :»» ri 1 } ir.-.i 11 <;/ t mi-* Audi | fcy.i th:< ice', !il-*1 il-urht r < ( 11 *. L. K M .re-tftc:, the di-tinytlls-t-.j ill- i can J ti.-t town. »;U 1 the It v. li It. (ir.^n, t ihe M-1 hf.disi c>r.*;rctftti n i.t Miidlnbiir..', ;! \ a. Tht ftr-.-xouy wis p rt .rtuvd i>? I'r ail .v f. ier K Kt-rs. sis-wc-l he Kev. <»oor.,e T. , j j i. i»:« \ x; ti ui i k > Hi mi. »»j vj. > r i" ri'i 13 w.an Jn 3 a'ed us the ttrooai's 'lustra ad.' " : i i:^ Ki.F.<"rH'N'..Tho ooly c 5i-i iry toehi ui ^ jjfiVc?ait n on tho ft'feHs ut iirestmt in tho A sot r ; cb v tI e i ;n f r Ci y 8. recant, (Vro1 niOQxcR'iti'.H Attorney. Cou.'tiorsioorr of ti»c '[ !l veiu\ iiL'1 tna«:str^t*» uc.;i or-ofKoblt' f. r csoh *! «4ri. Tho last two i fliot'f, wl.ioh nro unim9 lonaot coi?, exciio little or no man.ion, Injt t the three l.'rnior: r talked r.b u». to the < xelis noa e; t-vt n thing c'.m*, and <-»oh nai ban a i^as. o w y I h I .v. rite cOKht to bo clecte.4, i It wis r< t' 'H-d on ilm etrcets this ttir-in^ tv,ar a j r n iner»< pn.dlda'e who lias hduoqoo>-i1 j Mibifct to the primary clcatioo. will i *. hJ'-iw : h eit.l iti.d nnrouu'.J hiaifljlf an io« 'i bpendent rcafjustrr. 1 ho toatiiirnt ecetne ^ n be io favor ol » ' free fu ll*," and prcdio'ion? 9 «r? tnado that thosf wlm so into the primary 4 *i!i be 'eft by n !aiko in. i »iity. It in also un» 9 ders'.o .-1 thai the Mahot v win* ol tho roarj is :;*r t.*,r'y will coders» .John L>owocy f.r Ops s re act and ljiuis !0. I'aync for \Miuinoo health's Attorney, 'i hero wi I bo a meeting ol \ ".he candidates favorable to a yrimr.r/ election I i: "'0 (fItM ot tho City Treasorur to night, 1a i uenomf.nov..Quite au csckeddoat has tn ereaua in some puttions of ihi» u;uotry ' >' tt.o Bpp.aruoea (I vast qmoiiiits d' a liqui I r J ,o»* ire i od( y in tf-rt o, to tho 1'jrra t; the i1,;c.o ton -in t-r > Ud.'O with it and i: is taliiue al ::i'H in shower?- from the hongt s It is fouod.'t is h h u 1/on ami io the inmediato vicinity ol t"fcts. and hoi ce it is i-uppoeed to nude from the l-»v s of the f.iae on which it may b* peer ic t'-ysul drops.. JtijipahannocJc hid, ! And so Virutoia, io adduton to bo many taictr.l i r ducf, natural advantage, &c . ire- f.v . x,Q)0 in r ions of it.to bo "a l«*od a,rt' with hooey" too. Ikioe blest literally *!'h ai.at wi,i only spoken figuratively con fticif -»na&i and it is earnestly hoped and '-il(-vcd the aboriRioees of TappahanD'ck wil ^ cordart therasclv,s es always to etj >v the 'l r' <! that land, acd that no aver cirg l'rovi '-ir.c- may t ver have to cause theiu to fold t T teats and leave ?o delightful a ol.in-v 1 ^ !'; -7i»:rr Stewards Meeting .The annua vu"c,r of the Stowaids ot the Al. k. Cturoi ^ utl., ot Washington District, was held io iht t:|iettrtit cf the M. K ('butch South. in this *diy, wi'h Uev. Dr. Keeifcter, l'reaidir-t j'r o! the district, in the chair, and lie v. \V ^ >1<\ Scaretary. t> 'di -alary of the I'icsiuire K der of the Die VW,S a: $1,000,'agseacncots ln P«J w-tc isi-i upon the 8'vctal cbcrcb< s ol tb< J M.-", >(,,!0:diog to their financial ability, etc a;ttbershio At. L . oe*a llie trHS-0,i°D oilier roatioo bo«i- o 'Cr.cc id with the inirrt at oi thecharch toffiicj. aejoarnod. ~ooe ihna-} ia attendance waa .Jesse WII ' e?'h, ol Washington. jj" --Kraaeu mention will bo held at S^reptt a1"l- D«crrow Li^ht ncder the acspicsa ol tht ^'tSlcitia lief r.n C'lcb. wliah will bo ad« it iV ty 11 in. II. B. Vaooo, a inembrr o C4ro ,0iu*'5 (l' Uepreteotativas frcm Mc-rtl * ALEXANDR Runaway Bailors .Sr>nc.i? youne eailor were scot ashore liooi the United States train i. iorr ship Portsmouth, Ijing in the stream ncrtl i, of tin ci'y. yesterday mnrcioK, to mee , the ojium&nder of the ship, who wa expeotcd from Washington, bat the oapiaii lailiosj to make his appearime at the timi appointed five of them lefc the boat at th 1 wharf and came up ioto the ci'y to see th> - stgnig wood, tbkiog a liulo bomeihing todricl 9 tbcy failed to re-taro. The captain of the shit i made his appeararc> on the wharf' with som Udbs about an hour after they had loft, aot 1 was rowed oat to the ship. 11a then made ou - papers, offetioga reward of too dollars each lo t tno arrest aod delivery in the ship of Johi Wendt, A. (-. 8'ichr, U. O'ovcr, Thoma McIveeaniG. 1}. Hendry, lo a Ehort whili after receiving the pancrs they wore all arresti ed, three by Officers J araes Smi-h and Patricl t Hayes, ooe by Officer E. Goodrich, and one b; - Officer Julian Arnold, and locked upiothi station house. They were subsequently deliv . ert d to the proper officers of the ship. i Death from Over-Eating,.Mr. Kimanuel Webb, ao tx polioe effioer, but nowi y grave digger, up to yesterday morning was th owner of a Goo bora?. Mr. Webb turned hi horse out Saturday to nip the fresh sprint grars, hut tlio animal not Goding this hcrbagi s of tlio Geld io snfficient quantity to suit his appetite, and sniffing Mr. M. Sobuler's prowtnj [ wheat from afar, it was not long beforo ho wa, solo motaroh of the cultivated Geld. Uc wa j not diioovcrod until Suoday unroing, when hi , was dtiven ioto Mr. Sohuler'a stable, where hi breathed his last ia abouta half an hour, irou an overdose of some of tho best bread oro it West Ecd. Mr. Scbuler's wheat Geld wa damaged to a ooosidfrab'o (Xteot, ar.d Mr I Webb is cut of pocket to tho tuoo of a goot . horse. ' Fauming as a Hecreation..A good j )kl is told h-y tho friends of a prominent grooei of ihistiey who, to relieve the monotony of t grocer's life, has recently oommcnoed farming in th-s oouoty. Ooe blight day last week e party of his friends rode out to sec him and stopping at the honso to make inquiry of hip were told that bo had gme out io the Gelc that moroiog to plow. When ihiygottothe Geld they saw a horse attached to a plowquieilj graz og, but could sic nothing of thoir friend, After a great deal of hallooing to no ttfec1, t searoh wa9 undo for the farmer, wheD it was found that afcer plowiog one furrow he hac bico so completely overoomo by tho ixertioc ih»t he hed laid down on tho warm earth at the bottom of it to rest and had gone fast tc flicp. The Ship Yard..The ship yard io this cits prcftnts a cceoo of activiiy hardly equaled in theg)od old days, bjforo the lito unpleasant' oesfl between the States. A large cumber ol hand* are engaged there in building iba new :cbooa<r. ribmdicg tne Mysiij, overhauling me MObui -r UU'.Qiire, aod repairing several nmull sebuoners. The coa-paoy paid cut oa Saturday r nht last, nearly odo thousand dollars, iu wag a, to the workmen employed there, n large aiicu'itut which was put. in circulation thiouth >ut the c ty. Several more ratablt'jbliit'D'rt liko this and the new Ucuuiry, wou'd sot d the ol i cy right ahead, Wkst 1'fitnt . An Al.x»ndiUo at. Wnst I' iir, V'A.,onth- W-rk river writes: "Ot a! the wois' pi .e s. this is tho xcorslcst. U lias n p )l u'iiivtt ol SiJit 1 doubt greatly il thoio i-j any pl^oo io the United States fcett r supp'iod with whiskey than is West l'oiot. It has ten b.«r ro -m.s, with two or three u:uio iu ojursa 11 i.rrc i ;fj. i'hero arc one or two old dilapidated churches ia the towo. hut Dot a minister. Tho people, who are ignorant and dissipated, have oo de-sirc in that d'.reolioc. Negroes aro pl:n < it a', and toorquitoes, each as largo as r. humble be", have a.ready o imtnetiocd ilui: watt ue." Tnt NDr.it Sr iir.M .Tn<>-t? ut t.ur cii/.-cm s.Ii i am uim (.S<r<»>:>!t(i»ry ( fly »iweft: tins ot lining ut«iu; 4 u'cl.-ck It? tho v.i Pe'i *»t i.-f.i it tiiftvin'- tr ilh.iy, and ruio no a u,i it, |, jo ti rre-r.in. I'hn mi r?n aioie J.ittii tin: s .u.'iweif, su .1 is represented as 11«*v . i-.g liOi'il V -: v S »0'0 alolix too hue oi tho \ iriiuia Mi l a> d II«i'r-ti I, tr.o lightning having i «iiiv-r-H ji-v ii i >!(>-p )| s un U.a' r«-nd. 1 h-» «-»:}i:-f ( > .*«y n«« t (.'.Oi* ly jnd liiri hi' :iAr.Mjii.Nr.Mr. Kcha-d .J .vir-j, * l.rit-k. av.r W i'fu«. -.1 hi vV K * Ii is i I Mr M. SlP- U «T, III p I III K' "c Sfcpi, tf-v.u.d-.y nluro ijh, :eli \r t}. (h.- buck lu the »roU"d Ovluw. Ii.! Kttilluud ill Hlj U.'itiUl'RJloUS eo'.iiii'ion K r a -hurt w re, aod i. w is thuu<t t iliac Ii Imii incj s.-riousiy bur'. but i o soon r C-Vi red, and llio if juriert lie rooeiv-d wire luued to l»o L i' a'ight, Mu.Nicii'Af,, . Tto reguhr 80211-DJI'O h'y im ciing ot iLe (Jiiy Council will bo bold lo(iiufiow liaibi, m widen, auiOuK oiher tilings, bills will probably bo prcHjuicd io ^revjot ibo h»lo id oleotosrgaiioo iq 11;« aiaikcr, feu I to redu.uj ibo I pet io k o'id id wood i'roui lu?1; to 12* Ice'. The Coo.n-i'.tec eu Fioaroo ol th s (Jit? (.1 >ui' cii will uiuit iu i.iih< at tbo Auduui'd cfTo*. i'F.PsoNAi. . Ucn. I'd? Ijecwsa in tin cny day, Mr. Ii. K. Snmtuors, oiantger u! ihe Norfolk branch ol Mr. II. i'ortui'i'a brewery, was to tl e:ty io d*y on a s'lurt vi.-if to bis fjaiiiy. Col. C. E. J>Ailry. who has bono appiiuied K-cotver ot J'uSiio Mouiyn at l'.orecci, Anz >nu, will io a sbcri tiiiie remove to that Tup ritory. The Fish Market..Sidoo Saturday's ro port iwo hundred thousaod herring aid three thousand shad have arrived at Kisbiowo.nhad s .Id at $li> to $115. aod herring at from fo 75 tc $7 25. Sturgi'oo are aa yot sjarco aod high. i'nc low that havo arrived eold at from $2 to $.1 apiioo. Kirk and porch aro a'si fcarco aod very high. Mrs Wm. Baker dniros to return Lei thanks tj thoso Irionds wno, by ihoir bounteous kindus*. unwearied attention, and exquisite thought fulness and sympathy in the hour other ».thiC.ion, hbv j i ndeared thennelvi'B to her boi yood tbe power of expression. So true of ail, specially is it true Ot one, whose Christian bosrr ing throi.ghout.thelpart'ho bore, graced the reforest rdaliou of life in illu't-ation of the truib, 'A brother is born tor adversity." Upon thrm all and upon iheir's come in all its fullnofs the blessing of the widow's God It AUCTION.At tbo residence of C. K Dsiley, on ihe Alexardm and Leesburg pike, aidI way between Bailey's Cross Koada and FrtHa Chu-ca, on TUKrtlJAY", May 4, 18^0. FARMING and CAKPJiJNTfiKs' TOOLS, HORSES, WAUUW, CART, Harness, Pigs, Fowls, Bees, I.umber, shingles, Laths, Household Furniture, Puno, Bidding, CarpeU, Crockery, Kitchen Ware and a variety of ornamental and useful I articles. Su months time will be given on api proved notes in euni} over $20. Mr. Daily oQ'ore » his FAP.« and uny of the above property »1 j private sale prior to the 4th of May. aphCi-aoSt.' t X AW-N GKAaS BKftD.Thece'.obrated Kng . JLj lish Lawn Grass Soou that we have beec selling for taar.y y. Rrr ; a lull tupp.'y just re . | ceived I .. .../O "L" o 1 T? Annnnmrrn r»i»r\ p fty-- Ulx Z* jJ L> H$ t\ 1 Mb oi D CM./. 3 UOUliTHKBK'a PK1LN D, & desirable and i JL ctrlvin cure tr r diseases usual wiib chicfeen? ttr.d ducKs at this season, lor sale by ftp22 K. A. LRADliKATICK U BI'.O HAUVK\ 'A SPIUNGtfTifiLD and MONU MR^TAL BA1 ALL MJGaL <JUli«L . HAMS received and ttr sale by ay.-'Ai H W. A V R rt Y. 2^6 King el. 1 nn POUNDd OLD PLANTATION i IUv bWOKlNG TOBACCO rtcsived to i day by [m>2*] J. C MILBUKN. !. VYJSW V ASJCS and JiOOUiiT HOLUiSKJ !| 8om«thinir handsome.' Call and see their Mat J-Mil liKR&CO'rf., '* sop l (*5 King street. IA GAZETTE A s nsft.n wjisauYCTOtv. - Special CorrerpondeTicc oj the Alrxa. Gazette. 1 Washington, L>. C., Arril 20. issO. The oo'y w i n ess (xamioed fy the Senate 3 Ex dus Comnmteo this mcrcinK was a very e tteotcel aod refptced colored plioter hem b Mississippi, oinjt.d StnbUfi.lJ. lid lc»ified i'a he w.is a r-publ can, but was not made so by any har^h ireal» mmi he hid r c iv d it ihe baods of if.c *ou b 1 em pecpl ; that the in>>ro coul 1 1 vo easier aud 1 bsltt-r in the S.u h t'raa anywhere c!s ; thai there ihoro wcto no uiorc a ttaints bo wiii n s employ.3 io tho Sou h to itttu noo vol s ilun 0 there wire in the North; tha'the exjdus bad been in Juc :d a-.d c )o>Lu 'd \>; the cedul.ty ol 1 tho negroes, and that tho utiiii reascu why 7 more o tlie ncuro. h did not ptosper id tho 0 Sou h thau <o was tbiir I. z nest, tier bav,ii of KratifiioK tbeir detires at whatever oost protiJed thcyciQ taise the meats, aod their giDirnl uolhiilao.'ss. Senator JohDBtoo, who ip ni Satutdoy and 1 Sandsy io Kic'omond wi h hid kisnds and 3 relatives, returned to day. and was in Lis a.a", 3 as usual. llis i loa about affairs in his Stato ? are that tho reaijustcrs, Dotwiihstaidi )g tho 3 action o( the S'auuton c jnvm.ion, wdl pr;servo ' their organza ion, and that at tho present time, ' at least, thoy contemplate lunoiog iheir la3 mous ucp'.edged ek-otoral tiokot. lie. however, 9 and most ol il.OiO bo tklked with in U'coitiond, 3 ura pleased with tho result ol tbo Staunton 3 convention, and ihiok tha1, while the result of 3 that convention may do the cooservativcd tomo 3 good, it cm not possibly dj them auy barm. 3 Two republican congressmen, Mtsa.'B. Dick ana ls^yoe.trom I'cneejWiuia.who havejast rc> 1 toracd from a visit to their hemes, anl ooo of whom came back oo the samo train with See a 3 tor Lagan, wh) his just returned from a trip r to lliaois, say that the result of theoouoty re j publ em oodvcd ions ia that fcj.a'.o last wet k , show that Geneial Graut cannot carry Illinois, ' and oooscquectly that he oinnot carry the na[ tional repuolioiD onrca 'nn. This is what the , PennsylvHoianp, not what Senator Logao, ssiJ, 1 lor his oiiuioLS on tho EUijiot are Dot men tinned, aod tht ir hopes tuny possibly bo faihois , to their thoughts. Tho 6ub cjmniiitno of tho Ways and Means j Uommitteo ol the llou-e is still hard ot work 3 od what is oalled a bill lor a revenue tariff, aed, [ it is said, will bo ready o report to tho whole ommittco to morrow or Thursday, but whether1 they will or Dot "no fellow can had out." it j i3 said to day that cue moasuro they roeom mood is tho rcduaiinn of the tariff on steel rails Irom $28 to $22.40 per too. Most people, ' however, have bec:mj distuned wi'.b this ootn mi tie, and lake little icttrest ia its fc.ioo. Tho condition ot Sooatcr Greyer, ol Oregon, who is sti I tick ia Wilmington, 1)J., no:withst&ndicg the reports cf the improvement of hie hoaltb. ir the tubi ct of much solicitude, Dot only to his personal friends, but bis parry at Urae; for there is a ropub icau legislature in Oregon now, and should ho die his place will be supplied b7 a member ol that political fsi;h. The Kiflotiots Commit too cf the ll.u-c com Qiccocd this morciog tho (?)0fci<icration of tho Hov«wcc-Ij>ring oMiies'cd tUcioo e sr. Gen. [ '. Uu'ler uj p-rsred rh c mosel for tho cial tvs'fttt, I»»\ctoo, greenbacker, while i»r. L..r i tec's i'licres s were locked e!.«r by n cousin of hi«, o! tin' s^iue name, u pr< Lumen; 1 iwyi r Ircm I> " n. Geo. Batiir wl-:.>rt iit-rc will u'st s,p in;*.r a* c u ssi id '.he oaso el tho w d >?? Gi ver egau s; Mr. Sirron Citm-ron. 'I he General hag . Bged cintidcrat'ly sitcj ho W6s !a-.t here, and unless the Massaonuseus people hurry up and ckot him Governor it is »; parent to ull that th' v will be too late. Among the bibs in'reduced in tho Houso today waa one b; Mr. 0 olo lcr the relief the A bemarlo and (Inesapotka Cansl 'Jooipaoy; | u'ko on? hy Mr. HiMur.^id l.>r the relief I ttiu l M '«crs, §i. J 'ho, ol hir ^'i-tv i Mrs. Mary L'.-^ie »»(» ««vt*» <L; Appointed j pn,t.,Mr , S'.ioj.- G-.i/r^ec.»(S.'tiy, j V'a . vie ; il U. Marks, ns-gaed. Too .Sfivw- C-i'Tiuj tpo on il.a 1 Mil riot, nf i Colum'-ii ftjr-vti iius moruiog tu report a sobj sii.ute lor ilie n',:y uoi if d«; o; till, it provides 1 -r the removal < ! b-»;h tun railroad depots I iitiiii lhi.tr pi"'';» nt .vim t.» i; hi rs morn tvrnoie j ii.-.ui i'm il'irk'v net pontoa ol I he city, bnt j m-k m nu prov'som i jf a osion < '. then1., ) Mr. N,..-1 y, «t Aecomac o uvy, Va., is io i it i t y. !!. n ..:»s that wV.S nii cat: | t;,< :ii i-i r- ! >. tr,:y f t the u aCjuat- r-« I i i u: " vr- r a l - ly id S v » Hairs, as i.r I > 1 I - * . ; - >.' i: " «.» IV CM '.ri'MO t.r> ROi hi" fOf.a.'rvirjvt r-;;i-.j s-tns>'cr.; who wt'l ret i-uf'i 11 U'c co XiU.. c il ili-> (Jireioea-i lick-t. 1.1 il>is cu:u'iiiii-c i moy ».' if lufcr.s" to ?bn uunv rcfe-ji'is "I tiii (isZ3tto in J^:uJcu3 where Mr 11. W. N. N'.iwlacd uow.or uotil r' c.1 Lily,a c'ci k iii > nc of ih»! men? r ffioob" Hi U-c'an »nd.i< wi-li kJow«>,«lr.t that uuinlouiao, vcli" i- it i r >t<> »' e< *j r:* m iu-rcr ia & coLv.iHition wi.h s«u i.i'n'i-.in >»i o io that tiry, .-inoj tho StuuotCD o lv -ri'i) i w.i- h'.!d,-.iii (hat tho read' jus'i r> have & in. j rt.vmtiiat Siaic, sod iha! they arc g'dt g 1 > maintain ih-dr organization and support n i m±u fir acy ortioo Scute or national who is not w:th tkciu. Too d"ni' erats had auother r.hnccj efFjrod ilnti) io the S. niin to day,ha' csu-ua! fattud to riap iis adv'.ritac1 s When Mr. Maxy's hill fir rehr.tu nu«i*c tntis-t-u-.d offers if the amy w-pu.d r c oMJorhti :r, Mr. Allison, re pub.to>n fr.m li wi. offered r.o amendment dirconni* tho frmdcQt to appoint two n-'gro o'ide.g to Wi st Point annually. Instead of immediately demandiog au ay.j and nay vo!o upon the nmonda cjt and voting for it t)a man PS they sin uld ban? done, Mr. Masey, first raivs a point ofcrdcr and Mr. S.--u:sbury makes a ipeich Fgvnss it. and, with rnmerkai ble tndtsoret'Oi, oven fi r a demrcralio senator, gives as one of I is tfjio i ns tho cruolty the bill would ufliot upon tho negroes by sabject ine them to tho treatment they would neoes' siri'y recoivo at West Point. Of course tbo tafteals ate opp^d to it. Mr. fliuilio has alrtaty hoped i' will be whhdrawo. and Mess.s Plumb and Teller hare just nnootiucoi that thi-y wid oppo?o it. \Vh»»t the ro.-ult will to cannot bo at tl i-i moment, but why deme1 crats. fppeo'al y those Jrom tho Sooth, should oppose it is more than mortal man osn tell. _ CAJS AL COMMKKCffi.__ Arrived.Boats It Bonder, J W Burke, Win v- hleh, A inerican King, \V C Hunter, J Dayti n, and AJ l£»rse.v, to American Coal Co; D Sinclair and liailow Bros, to Jro Agntw & Co; fc'earrodoltH tud L v:l.o ar.ri Phiiiio, to Wm A fcmoot. Departed.Bosta It Eonder, J W Burke, Wm Wa!en, American rag, Dbinclair, and Harlow Bros, TKUBTKE'B SALK. By virtue of adeolcf trust !rc m Sveline Hopper, dated the 11th day of May, ltd, and recorded in liber No. 2. ^ pace 351, land records of Alexandria city, Vs., the undersigned, lru»tee, therein named, and by direction ct the beneficiary in said trust, will sell for cash, to the highest bidder, on SA CUiiDAY, the 8th d*y ct* May, 1S60, at 12 o'clock re., in front of the Market House, on Fairfax street, tha property conveyed by Laid trust, being a LOT OF OKOUND, improved by a commodious. FBA5AK DWJSLL1JSD, situated on Duke street, in the city of Alexandria, and bounded US f.il.OWJ R>»inninir nr< lk» -.-n ouu',ii I side of Duke street IX) Uet woct of a point mid way bjtween Columbus nr.d Allred itrocls. and running west on Duke tt-coi 20 feM; thence s(u.b at d parade! with Alfred street SB feet to a " 12 leot all<-y ; thence esitend i a-ailol wilt Duke J id.reet. iU fatt; t'jer.C9 Lorth ana parallel with AlIred ttr et to the beginning. ap«6-ls B'. P. D5A.CS, Tru-t-e. IT^LOWKiiiN'G fclJLEB.Wo are to-day in ; receipt, direct from Now York, of»linu.ted invoice of CHDioK S I'LL- G PLO WAKING «<T! OJ « > " -iMo-uuc. coLssnnif ui i>uitF, tjisaioius nnd , Tube Kosps, to whci we invito the early ini ejection of those interts'.ed. JAMJSKY dSLO, ST sin Store 4 sp'26 New Building. 152 King st ND VIRGINIA LOC.lt ttttEYiTSKS. Mr*. Hjrton, a lady well known in tlia o'ty, died in liiltimore Saiu day af'arnoon. (Japt. W. B Prie s ii j ired by a fall ho ie* cnivni aw (he Vintioii M-dlaod depot .Saturday m vr».t.. L A 1 ^ unif.-, was oeuer 10 uav. Ths executive committee of tbe Mabone winu of ihf rfaefj is cr party of this c ty wi 1 in cl at the old c;urt hi use to ni^ht. Mr. John Millar*,.] Mrs Clsr* wnr* married yeslirJry in tho Cnthulic Church ut Clift<n elation. The 8. N Q , a oolornd orgac:z itloo. say they do not iatoLil (o hold a moeti ;g to-morrow night for tl.o putpo onf ennorfein< j Duffhy, Louis K Peyao and Jjhn Downey. Some of the ar.io'cs in the bhow window of Mr. U. M. A lams o;ujht Gro from tin gas Sat * urday night, but the fhmas were txiiaguiehtd b jforo much damage was di n *. Mrs. Mary Jaoo Staubs, ibo white woman oot Goed in he j ;il of this city as a laoatio. will be cariied to tho Kirteto Lunatic Asylum, at Williamshu-g, to morrow night, by City Sergeant 11 T. Lucas. In addition to tlu City Sorgeant, Common* wjahb's Attorney, and Commiationer of the Revenue, there aro to bo ehc.ed a magistrate and ojQbtab'e for etch ward of the ti y at the election in May. Maniage lie nscs were issQod in Washington Saturday to lluibort LI. Watt and Mary Storms, both of l'rinoo Cargo's OjUnty, Md., and Charles l.r>/» orirl M >. L '1 " »U* ivmy lunfcruuer, DOIQ 01 Marlboro', Md. Willing to Give it up..We bavo thia day opmed ociUidy or.o of the nusi handRomo and select sucks of dry goods and dress goods in all koown branobes and styles, together hiib all kinds of suitable trimmings to match in as fioegrado goods as are to be had. If wo cinnot suit aop of oar oastomers in style, taste andprio3,this 6oasoo especially,wo 6ro will icg to givo it op. |ap!3 2w] I. Kichberg. Mibs Bertha. Von Hillkrn, the Celebrated Pedestrian..Tho only remedy used by her after long and continuod i-xertion, and in fict during her matches, is tides' Liniment Iodide Ammonia. It not only relievos her relaxed muscles and cords, but gives hor strength and ondurance. 8ho is novor without a supply of the Liniment, tides' Pills cure Liver Complaint. Sold by all druggists. arrival of tiie philadelphia steamer. .This day we nerved over seveniy package of dry goods and notions from the cheaprst to the fioest, and tbo goods are now ready for exhibition at ftp 13 2w I. Eiciiberg's. It INK STATEMENTS. HE nun OF THE CO.VDtTIO.V .ok the. Birst National Bank, op alexandk1a, In the State «»f Virginia, at tlie close of business, on Priday, thio 23d day of Apri1, 18^0. resources. Loans and discounts S22o,630 92 Overdrafts 3.0»0 00 I'.S.b eids io secure circul n. parval. 100,000 00 " on hand par value Other storks, bonds and mortgagor ... 37,1'j) 05 One lY"m approved reserve agents 83 120 01 dim; from other National Banks 2,7«'l os Duo from State Banks and Bankers... 4,7'." 32 Heal citato, furniture and fixtures iM.lHJH u) Current expenses and taxes paid 4 327 72 Checks and other cash items 7 tX 8 71 Bill- of other National Banks 5(0.) IX) Legal tender notes 3f>,000 (X» '1 UUU U9 Gold coin i) (l>J DO Redemption fund with U. S. TreaVr. 4,51)1) UJ | $74''..8J3 94 I.I A1U LITIKS. C:i|»iI:i! >!>»ok paid in $1(10,OflO 90 Surplus fund iO.CUO 00 O.htr undividedprofits 8,5-1 IS N:it. Bank n<>tos outstanding 9O.000 U) Individual dupodts 2n4 88 91 Demand certificates of deposit 39 833 35 Dm: to oilier National I'nnks 30,608 30 Due to State Banks and Banker.* 10/392 27 $"4 1,843 91 Si ft I', i'/ Virginia, { O. tnhj tif' Alcxaiuiriit. | 0 '* ' ' I, t'HAKLKS Jl. iH » >TL\ f'a-liior ..f the Kir?l National Bank of Alexandria, Virginia, <! .. ( innly swvar that tho above statement ii true, to the bc-t of my knowledge and holief. (.'HAS. R. lloOFF, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this /.Gi'r day of /April, 1K>0. is. lLUMBK'-, Notary Public. Correct.attest: l . i'KHiilTSoN BkA.CH, ] S. F. Gkeoort, > Directors. Jiiivr'D. rt. Lkadhkatkr ) ar'26-11 11 CI'OUT OF THE 'VOAWITIOJV .Of THE. Citizens' National Bank, or.VloAaiulriii, in the State of Virginia, at the close of business, jrt pril 2=3. 38:0. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $112,824 98 Overdrafts 2 789 54 U.S. Bonds to secure circulation lOO.tXW 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgages... 47,9.G 25 (Wmi A-x~t. ,,?ft kl" ..vm< ii-avi vu ll!;ui Of,000 '^.9 Ibio from other National Batiks f>,8ll 11 Duo from State bunks and bankers 3,409 78 Hoal estate, furniture and lixturns '.',700 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 1.745 33 Premiums paid 1.700 00 Checks and otlmr ca-di items 2,122 13 Bills of other Hanks 05 00 Draft 1. currency (including nicklos).. 01 18 Silver coin - 844 (H) Legal Tender Notes 0,000 Ot) <*oid coin 8,757 00 Redemption fund with U. \ Troas- I urer (5 por cent of circulation) 4,500 Oil $313,047 53 T.TABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,000 00 Surplus fund 11,100 09 U nlivided profits 9.505 11 Nat'l. Bank notes outstanding 0.1,( 00 0) Dividends unpaid * HjiO Individual Deposits subject to check.. 105,402 13 Demand ccrtiucatos of deposit 15,182 42 Due t'» other National Banks 10,"14 58 Duo to Stato Banks and Bankers 2,247 29 $318.037 53 Stale of Virginia, 1 County of Alexandria, j I, AN'ilt.tam H. Lam hurt, Cashier of the Citizens' National Bank of Alexandria, d«suleii»nl * swear that tho above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. i AVAL H. LAMBERT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26i day ot April, 1880. K. JiEMPER, Notary Public. Correct.Attest: J . oHN B DAlKOEBriBLD, A J no. B. Smoct, ^ Dir? ctors. P. B. Hoos, J ap2C-lt iTAKYSTAL, BKTDGKWATE R, WE NGBB, Lz and CAMKKON PROCT.SS FAMILY FLOUP.; also choice EXTRA; i, for Eala at J. C. MJ LBUKN'S, ! mar. o iy .'i. iioyal street. rrtUP-KISH PKUHKS, prime Dried Cherries JL and Peaches, Pesr) Barley, Sago, Tapioca, Flavoring Kstrects, Gelatine, Vermacilli, Italian Macc&roni, &c., for 8 ale by n.hll J. ' 3. MlLBfTKH. CHOICE FAMILY YL 3UK.25 barrels Cone & Weston's Hew Process Family Flour, lor sale by febO GEO. WASH INGTON, AgL STOVE POLISH and SI OVE BRUSHES for sale cheap at McLTSAH AUULRR'S, ftb 4 76 King street. _ ALLGKADLS OF FAS .ILY and EXTP.A. FLOUR in Etore and for sale at bottom | pricaa by * octlb R. V?-. AV3 KY, 226 King st. I D VEST 18ER, Mothers!Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your Test by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, £ > at once and got a bott'e ol MRS. "WINSLOW'S i-OOTHl NG SYRUP. It will relieve the poot little sufferer immediately.depend uoon it; there is no mistake abiut it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it who will not tell you at once that it will rtgulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and reliol and health to the child, operating like magicIt is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one 01 the oldest and beet female physicians and nurses in the United States. Pull directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fao-Bimile of CURTIS & PERKINS is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Bowara ol imitations. te?» w;n - 'i.- j » i ,_! iv *0 uu iuo ursL u»y oi April b Job Lot of Goods Irom ooo of the largest retailers of New York city, oomprisiog Burt's and other well koowa manufacturers. Those good are of superior quality, and will be sold Lr one half oftiieir cost. Ladies', Men's. Children's and Boy's Shoes, rnr 31 Waddey, 110 lviog street. Lanquedoc lace, just onf. at apl3 2w L ElCnBERO's. fiBOCEKMEg AMP LlQtieKlt. STJ 1ST DRIES, "£JSE THE BEST RESULTS PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, and your bread will always bo WHITE, RICH and SWEET. GEO. M^oBURNEY & BON. rjlUKKHYand FRENCH PRUNES, aprime lot just received. GEO. McBURNEY & SON. JJURKBE 3 A. LAO DRS3SING far all hinds of meits and vegetables, for sale only by _ __ McBURNEY & SON. Yj^KlCNGH and ITALIAN OIL, genuine and pure, just received. GEO. McBURNRY & SON.__ JTALIAN and AMERICAN MACOAKONI GEO. McBURNEY & SON. jpRIMK MESSINA and VALKNT1A ORANGES just received by ileBURNBY & SON. KOBE UTTOKTN S K'S BEER received fraah every morning and sold at browory prices.'753 por dozens. All bo!tlas not returned to bo paid for. GEO. Mc'iUlfiN BY dc SON. HPJiS BEST TOILET SOAP JL for the m-.ney.Orr.rg > Blossom. Try it. McBURNEY & SON. ?YUR GUNPOWDER TEA AT 5l»> n*r ih \J "" -\ fjr ttrcngth and richness ot flavor cannot to boat. Try it and bo convinced. GBO. McBUKNEY & SON. ^ La.KGB aTOUE. OF KUCJiJl A. iiUltiTLB WHITE WA.3E BKU3HB3. Call and exanine block. GBO. McBUtVNBY & BON. JOK ruiNTINU. THK JLKXJIJYnniJ GJUXTTK BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE Wo respectfully call tho altantion of our ,cub tomors and tho public generally to the fact that wo are always prepared to execute all kinda'of JOB PRINTING, i Wo have r.ri exlonsivo and vRritid aasortmen of p 11 the lelaet elvloa o: JOB TYPE, nd ar& constantly adding to our Blocb, fron which wa arc prepared to print anything fron a visiting card up to a poster. "We guarantee satisfaction in overy particular and assure all who may entrust their ordor with us that they will be eiecuted promptly. ^TOKDKKS FKOM THE COUNTS Y wil receivo special attention. '} r i i j I 125 BOXES ORANGES AND LEMONS Out of laljjt cargoes. PRIM.K FRUIT IN PRIVLK ORDRR. Just received by Gh W. EAMSAY UOR. KINO AND ST. ASAPH STS.; PRICES REDUCED. Stabler's Corn to 15c a can. Egyptian Swoct do. 18c a can. AT RAMSAY'S. 50 CENT GREEK TEA. 500 ibs Good Gunpowder Tea. For salo at 53c per lb at RAMSAY'S. FINE PRESERVES. ritassiivJfiD orange feel. FLO RIO A OR AN 3 IS M ARM ,\LAL)S. C'JRRANT JELLY, All Ruaraatcoi to b9 PURE FKU1L' GOODS. For bale by the pound by O. WM. RAMSAY, mbiJO Corner Ivinc: and St. Asaph, sts. } IN!1 »«% ilikttS. E?ISHi FItfH! 4? FISH! Having completei tur arrangements for tin season of 1H3), wo are now prepared to lil! ai' ordors at the shoriecl nolics for FttKSll and SALTED POTOMaC Flali. To doaiers we would say that oar brand ha* always stood No. 1 ia our market, and we in tond to maintain cur former reputation. Wo ship fish packed in ice. so that persons ordering can depend on gtt'.ing them, fresh. All order entrusted to us will receive prompt attention Our fish house is No. 1 Corporation hah wharf and i-UlU Nos. 'J, o and 1 City Market blr. W. M. SMITH is now engaged with us. rind will attend t) nil orders entrusted to him. apT-2.n GEO. K. PKIOtCJsCO^ ^OTICR. I have just resumed my PACKING BUSINESS At NO. 21 CORPORATION F1SHWHAKF, where 1 will be prorated to furnish all kinds of POTOMAC FISH, frosh or salt, at the shortest notico I solicit your patronage, especially my oid customers, and guarantee that my past reputation snail be fully sustained. All ordcrB from the country promptly attended to, and on aa good terras as if the parties woro present. .Respectfully yours, apo d&lw tf S. J. REED. 0~ LD I) R. DO D D' ft~ 1>O VV D E R8 A Family Medicine Young and Middle Aged Ladies £uCTjring with Nervousness, Dobiluy, Twitching of the Mio clos, Ringing in tho Ears, specks before the Kyos, Spasms, Hysterics, Palpitation cf the Heart, Indignation, Melancholy, Low Spirit* Despondency, Headache, Sleeplessness. Evil Forebodings, Cold Hands and Foot, tako Dr. Dodd's Powders. 01dLftdinswhnn.ro dnKililaln.J < - -* - .v. Mvvmvaiigu OWU 111 rvuu*, with weak body, and digestive organs dieordored, causing loss of appetite, impoverished blood, &C-, try Dr. Dodd's powders and you will f ivl as though you had renewol your ugo and t ikon a now lease of lif-s. Old and Middlo Aged Men who havo kept late hours and have been imprudent and violated the Inios of health arul nature until the vigor of life is gone, and you are prostratod mentally an 1 physically and unable to attend to your business ox duties of life, taks Dr, Dodl's Powders and you will leel yourself men again. Young M<n and "Women with pale and huggerd faces Ihi a in flesh, broken down in mind and body with a shuttered nervous sy«tem, tike Old Dr. Dopd'h ertink Tonic Powdkkh, ar.d slop that loss whica brings on Melancholy, Fits, Insanity. Consumption and an early death They wilt give you health and strength, and increase the flesh and bring the bloom of youth to the checks. tranquility to the mind, and produce sound and refreshing sleep. Men and Women who are slaves to tho uae of Tobscco. Liquor, Opium cr Morphine, tako Dr. Dodd's Powders; they act aa an nniidole and will destroy tne appetite or taste for the use ol the above stimulants, which is ruinous to the nervous system. For sale by JAWJSBY & CO.. 145 King st. Prico $1 per packsgs. or aii D&ctr- ages for 55. ap20 The annual meeting of the stockholders of the J AN N E Y OA R COU1'L1NG 00. wiil b3 held at the cilice of K. Kemper, ceq , oil \VKDNBbDAY, April 28tb, at 12 o'clock m. apl9-3t E. H. J ANNEY, Prrgidrnt. WE ARE SHO WING some very beautiful patterns in CHILDREN'S FANCY HOSIERY. BP21-Gt n. v. ATHuq 92 i TEGISON.Poison for Rats, Mice, jtoachee, JL Bod Bugs, &c., of various kiads; also lnj sect Powder Guns and our celebrated Preventive for Moths. Full supply on hand. ap22 B. 9. LEAD BEATER & BKO. TOMATOES.Hartford county, Md., Tooiktoes, packed on the farm, received to day . and for sale by ap22 J. C. MTT.BUUN. s -| HHD GOOD CUBA MOLASSES receive d X to day; also choice New Orleans Mobus and Syrups for sale at __ap22 J. C. MILBURN'S. ly/fONUMENTAL BRAND pure WHIT~ II 1YJL REFINED LARD, Sugar cured Shoulders and small Breakfast Bacon received by ap23 K. W. AVERY, 225 King at.

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LOCAL MATTERS.W eatitkb Probabilities. April 20. 1SSC

- «r lay Middle States warmer southwest windfc ..udJ weather and ruin, with falling birometerj lowed in the interior bv rieir barometercooler northwest wind?, partly cloudy and clear

iri? weather.

Vf-tkroav. .Yesterday *asa dull day, at(the fctrre s presented a railur dr ar op?<arsee®. (so 'i'1 ttt l^e c'* 9- morning setvicei

t ihe uitforoot chinches. all of which had gooc^.cureiriiif n«, notwithstanding the state i f thiweaiher afforded a good i xouso for that olasn othe Uithtul. or uofaiiliiui. generally dent-tnitawd"for weather Chr-sliatis," lo reaiuii ahome it ih«y fell ho iic'i .cd.

in the M. l'i Chuici South U»v. Dr. (J. lvMir-hall, * t Mirairo-ippi, preaohod iu tho morn.c, to the language ot o 10 « (' l is hearers, shill sermon. and It. v. Dr. JLncc'.t, ptcaidco

t it»odolph Maooo Ooilego, pr<.aohcd an cxoil' nt s<rnion in tho Haoio church at night.In the Doioo l r:3hjleriioChaioh, Rev. Mr(Vmp'oa | reached at night.

la the biternonn a largo crowd aspcOiblnd athe r>j.'u of the AWxtodria Kctorcu C ubwh re ai interesting tcmusracoj mcoiing wa;h- lJ, addresses being dtl vertd by Rev. Mrl'jaree, ot the M. K Church, and Dr. ilarlioo: i > i).A meeting tor the j tjilo ion of holiness wa:

\ t in the Free Methodist Coutch at 15 o'oltck,-i t the t.ictnrcu ot' that ihnologioi! donar-iuaott.il a gi Oeral good time. lv-v. T. F. Dolaoit;j rl.Liog light ot i his 1 ightr life religion

< r aim unity. i reached mornicR aod night itI the new church on South Lip Ntroet.I j ihe German Lutheran Cburoh, itcv. E. G

Iro .-1.r. ot Wa-fi iRtOD, preceded ao iotcrcsiicjrsermon io Eonlish at 3 o'c.ock.Ahiut -1 o'c'ock tain ommeooed fullioR, andnr.sithstaodisR it soon ceased, it left iho ihi

i re-.-ioa upcD ihe mioda of tho peopleiliat it wouid commer.o) agair, and a* a oors?'; jiicci the cburchos at ni<hc woro siiuily at*. icCdcd.

'.'orsrv Court.lion. J>tmrs S<inystcr pre/'. The list of deeds admitted to reoordn the Clerk's cfuja sioor last term el court

: were r :il to t fie court and or it red to boett.-rodI oa tho minutes.Ilia accruals of John A. Field, Ruardian of

i Virginia. I -acc and Wil'utn Huckinpham. and-! .John l>. Snioot, admio straur of Daniel F.II joe, d -ceased, were confirmed and ordered to

^ b.' r. c lrdod.'£ Tne reports and nrouots of F.oQily 11. C.»rVbett, aimiuistratrx ot V r -il F. Corbett, d i| i. and guardian i f Edgar M. Corbett,v Marv Ariae Coibett, JLin i *aiio C. CirbettI aniltib-nS. Corbett; of Mary E Nesmith,) «»1 inini >'rr\'tix of A S N 'smith, deeoased; r.f J.? I'.ani 11 C Srnub,Executors of 11.Smith;'11 C.3 Smith ix citor of II. C. Smith, and It. C.

Smith, tru;: c if H. Smith, j*.. wire rolmr nd toe urr and crdtir-'d to liu 30 days lor{ tieep'ino.? 11. 11. Da omio Wis appointed r t^isir <r for

.1 tf-'rs >o magisterial disirror. and q ial.fi (?.{ W. 1'. Durrow*, James It. Meade aud W. A.Riwe wer.» npptin'ed judges of p'ei'i.io forArlingfn d'S'r.C", fl II. 11 itcniaD, L VV, Hatch»r.d I'. It, Finn for J tfeison di-'ric . and \V..1 (»»rv, C. C aid Nelson, J\ 1» ). Fryi* foriW-t-ing'mi ( i-ino

\V. I\ Harrows, W. A. Ko®o, li 11. 1».(«*»mm, T. F». Finn aod W. -J. Gary w»-re dc-i^tinted 10 r.ct f*H COO.111 .*s'CUf Tj i t etc C 10: H lorcounty pfhet rv

('nr. Vd. 11 ibert 1w>man; attempt fit tup ;>"c :n prepress.

Sm'ietv Items.The Wcdiiii/g'tn Sauda?Ijcriid fays:"Ibe miirri',KOof Mis- Annie D.su^hs*Gray,

nt Ivje?»bnrj»( V*., and Mr. Beverly will tsksJ i Icci a» L-»ci-harq on the 5 h c-f M»y.

"A number 11' ladies ol (jeo.'petow 1 are &< tic^u:>BQ "Aft 1 o-.n Kxhiimiiin," lor the

fioo ii-ol Sr. .John'.- >ha:oil, to tko i»t*»o3 thfIts wj' k in M-ty. ' will he !:ei-J M 1 heCooko roarsMO.

' Mi-s Marjo, 000 r>f Vi ir'iii%'a It r sti -t iu^hierc, let; o'j Tu j- lav i ,r her home in'1 Kredj: e'lfbunr. She hr.s boon iq iIij cj y at

it 0 iru- -r «; } Mi-j» Wirt, the eH:irun:)*r dan. n »-rI 1':. Wirt, (»! <>. taree.'. {'dri-iir !rr s*tovMi-- .Miryn male many tv-jrw friends."The Wtt^m-K'oa Sunday Gizitto s-ty-t:

Mf-tho-iisi OhtM'i South o! M elcv-l'e,v I'.ilvu v.nh ;# l'ii bant <* .in! ioii'1 *

Vy dacSiia," < v ii:»' i*n( s-i v.; :»» ri 1 } ir.-.i 11 <;/t mi-* Audi | fcy.i th:< ice', !il-*1 il-urht r < (

11 *. L. K M .re-tftc:, the di-tinytlls-t-.j ill- ican J ti.-t town. »;U 1 the It v. li It. (ir.^n,

t ihe M-1 hf.disi c>r.*;rctftti n i.t Miidlnbiir..',;! \ a. Tht ftr-.-xouy wis p rt .rtuvd i>? I'r ail

.v f. ier K Kt-rs. sis-wc-l he Kev. <»oor.,e T., j j i. i»:« \ x; ti ui i k > Hi mi. »»j vj. > r i" ri'i 13w.an Jn 3 a'ed us the ttrooai's 'lustra ad.' "

: i i:^ Ki.F.<"rH'N'..Tho ooly c 5i-i iry toehi ui^ jjfiVc?ait n on tho ft'feHs ut iirestmt in thoA sot r ; cb v tI e i ;n f r Ci y 8. recant, (Vro1niOQxcR'iti'.H Attorney. Cou.'tiorsioorr of ti»c'[ !l veiu\ iiL'1 tna«:str^t*» uc.;i or-ofKoblt' f. r csoh*! «4ri. Tho last two i fliot'f, wl.ioh nro unim9lonaot coi?, exciio little or no man.ion, Injtt the three l.'rnior: r talked r.b u». to the < xelisnoa e; t-vt n thing c'.m*, and <-»oh nai ban a

i^as. o w y I h I .v. rite cOKht to bo clecte.4,i It wis r< t' 'H-d on ilm etrcets this ttir-in^tv,ar a j r n iner»< pn.dlda'e who lias hduoqoo>-i1j Mibifct to the primary clcatioo. willi *. hJ'-iw : h eit.l iti.d nnrouu'.J hiaifljlf an io«'i bpendent rcafjustrr. 1 ho toatiiirnt ecetne^ n be io favor ol »

' free fu ll*," and prcdio'ion?9 «r? tnado that thosf wlm so into the primary4 *i!i be 'eft by n !aiko in. i »iity. It in also un»9 ders'.o .-1 thai the Mahot v win* ol tho roarj is

:;*r t.*,r'y will coders» .John L>owocy f.r Opss re act and ljiuis !0. I'aync for \Miuinoohealth's Attorney, 'i hero wi I bo a meeting ol\ ".he candidates favorable to a yrimr.r/ electionI i: "'0 (fItM ot tho City Treasorur to night,

1a i uenomf.nov..Quite au csckeddoat hastn ereaua in some puttions of ihi» u;uotry' >' tt.o Bpp.aruoea (I vast qmoiiiits d' a liqui I

r J ,o»* ire i od( y in tf-rt o, to tho 1'jrra t; thei1,;c.o ton -in t-r > Ud.'O with it and i: is taliiue al::i'H in shower?- from the hongt s It is fouod.'t ish h u 1/on ami io the inmediato vicinity olt"fcts. and hoi ce it is i-uppoeed to nude fromthe l-»v s of the f.iae on which it may b* peer

ic t'-ysul drops.. JtijipahannocJc hid,! And so Virutoia, io adduton to bo manytaictr.l i r ducf, natural advantage, &c .ire- f.v . x,Q)0 in r ions of it.to bo "a l«*oda,rt' with hooey" too. Ikioe blest literally*!'h ai.at wi,i only spoken figuratively confticif -»na&i and it is earnestly hoped and'-il(-vcd the aboriRioees of TappahanD'ck wil

^ cordart therasclv,s es always to etj >v the'l r' <! that land, acd that no aver cirg l'rovi'-ir.c- may t ver have to cause theiu to foldt T teats and leave ?o delightful a ol.in-v 1

^!'; -7i»:rr Stewards Meeting .The annua

vu"c,r of the Stowaids ot the Al. k. Cturoi^ utl., ot Washington District, was held io ihtt:|iettrtit cf the M. K ('butch South. in this

*diy, wi'h Uev. Dr. Keeifcter, l'reaidir-tj'r o! the district, in the chair, and lie v. \V^ >1<\ Scaretary.t>

'di -alary of the I'icsiuire K der of the DieVW,S a: $1,000,'agseacncots ln P«Jw-tc isi-i upon the 8'vctal cbcrcb< s ol tb<

J M.-", >(,,!0:diog to their financial ability, etca;ttbershioAt.

L .

oe*a llie trHS-0,i°D oilier roatioo bo«i-o 'Cr.cc id with the inirrt at oi thecharchtoffiicj. aejoarnod.~ooe ihna-} ia attendance waa .Jesse WII

' e?'h, ol Washington.jj" --Kraaeu mention will bo held at S^reptta1"l- D«crrow Li^ht ncder the acspicsa ol tht^'tSlcitia lief r.n C'lcb. wliah will bo ad«it iV ty 11 in. II. B. Vaooo, a inembrr o

C4ro ,0iu*'5 (l' Uepreteotativas frcm Mc-rtl


ALEXANDRRunaway Bailors .Sr>nc.i? youne eailorwere scot ashore liooi the United States traini. iorr ship Portsmouth, Ijing in the stream ncrtli, of tin ci'y. yesterday mnrcioK, to mee

, the ojium&nder of the ship, who waexpeotcd from Washington, bat the oapiaiilailiosj to make his appearime at the timiappointed five of them lefc the boat at th1 wharf and came up ioto the ci'y to see th>- stgnig wood, tbkiog a liulo bomeihing todricl9 tbcy failed to re-taro. The captain of the shiti made his appeararc> on the wharf' with somUdbs about an hour after they had loft, aot1 was rowed oat to the ship. 11a then made ou- papers, offetioga reward of too dollars each lot tno arrest aod delivery in the ship of JohiWendt, A. (-. 8'ichr, U. W» O'ovcr, ThomaMcIveeaniG. 1}. Hendry, lo a Ehort whiliafter receiving the pancrs they wore all arrestied, three by Officers J araes Smi-h and Patriclt Hayes, ooe by Officer E. Goodrich, and one b;- Officer Julian Arnold, and locked upiothistation house. They were subsequently deliv. ert d to the proper officers of the ship.i Death from Over-Eating,.Mr. KimanuelWebb, ao tx polioe effioer, but nowiy grave digger, up to yesterday morning was th

owner of a Goo bora?. Mr. Webb turned hihorse out Saturday to nip the fresh sprintgrars, hut tlio animal not Goding this hcrbagis of tlio Geld io snfficient quantity to suit his appetite,and sniffing Mr. M. Sobuler's prowtnj[ wheat from afar, it was not long beforo ho wa,solo motaroh of the cultivated Geld. Uc waj not diioovcrod until Suoday unroing, when hi, was dtiven ioto Mr. Sohuler'a stable, where hibreathed his last ia abouta half an hour, irou

an overdose of some of tho best bread oro itWest Ecd. Mr. Scbuler's wheat Geld wadamaged to a ooosidfrab'o (Xteot, ar.d MrI Webb is cut of pocket to tho tuoo of a goot. horse.' Fauming as a Hecreation..A good j )klis told h-y tho friends of a prominent grooeiof ihistiey who, to relieve the monotony of tgrocer's life, has recently oommcnoed farmingin th-s oouoty. Ooe blight day last week e

party of his friends rode out to sec him andstopping at the honso to make inquiry of hipwere told that bo had gme out io the Gelcthat moroiog to plow. When ihiygottotheGeld they saw a horse attached to a plowquieiljgraz og, but could sic nothing of thoir friend,After a great deal of hallooing to no ttfec1, tsearoh wa9 undo for the farmer, wheD it wasfound that afcer plowiog one furrow he hacbico so completely overoomo by tho ixertiocih»t he hed laid down on tho warm earth atthe bottom of it to rest and had gone fast tcflicp.The Ship Yard..The ship yard io this cits

prcftnts a cceoo of activiiy hardly equaled intheg)od old days, bjforo the lito unpleasant'oesfl between the States. A large cumber olhand* are engaged there in building iba new:cbooa<r. ribmdicg tne Mysiij, overhaulingme MObui -r UU'.Qiire, aod repairing severalnmull sebuoners. The coa-paoy paid cut oaSaturday r nht last, nearly odo thousand dollars,iu wag a, to the workmen employed there,n large aiicu'itut which was put. in circulationthiouth >ut the c ty. Several more ratablt'jbliit'D'rtliko this and the new Ucuuiry, wou'dsot d the ol i cy right ahead,Wkst 1'fitnt . An Al.x»ndiUo at. Wnst

I' iir, V'A.,onth- W-rk river writes: "Ot a! thewois' pi .e s. this is tho xcorslcst. U lias np )l u'iiivtt ol SiJit 1 doubt greatly il thoio i-jany pl^oo io the United States fcett r supp'iodwith whiskey than is West l'oiot. It has tenb.«r ro -m.s, with two or three u:uio iu ojursa 11i.rrc i ;fj. i'hero arc one or two old dilapidatedchurches ia the towo. hut Dot a minister. Thopeople, who are ignorant and dissipated, haveoo de-sirc in that d'.reolioc. Negroes aro pl:n< it a', and toorquitoes, each as largo as r.humble be", have a.ready o imtnetiocd ilui:watt ue."Tnt NDr.it Sr iir.M .Tn<>-t? ut t.ur cii/.-cm

s.Ii i am uim (.S<r<»>:>!t(i»ry ( fly »iweft:tins ot lining ut«iu; 4 u'cl.-ck It? tho

r« v.i Pe'i *»t i.-f.i it tiiftvin'- tr ilh.iy, and ruiono a u,i it, |, jo ti rre-r.in. I'hn mi r?n aioieJ.ittii tin: s .u.'iweif, su .1 is represented as 11«*v .i-.g liOi'il V -: v S »0'0 alolix too hue oi tho \ iriiuiaMi l a> d II«i'r-ti I, tr.o lightning having

i «iiiv-r-H ji-v ii i >!(>-p )| s un U.a' r«-nd.1 h-» «-»:}i:-f ( > .*«y n«« t (.'.Oi* ly jnd liiri hi'

:iAr.Mjii.Nr.Mr. Kcha-d .J .vir-j, * l.rit-k.av.r W i'fu«. -.1 hi vV K * Ii is i IMr M. SlP- U «T, III p I III K' "c Sfcpi, tf-v.u.d-.ynluro ijh, :eli \r t}. (h.- buck lu the»roU"d Ovluw. Ii.! Kttilluud ill Hlj U.'itiUl'RJloUSeo'.iiii'ion K r a -hurt w re, aod i. w is thuu<t tiliac Ii Imii incj s.-riousiy bur'. but i o soonr C-Vi red, and llio if juriert lie rooeiv-d wireluued to l»o L i' a'ight,

Mu.Nicii'Af,, . Tto reguhr 80211-DJI'O h'yim ciing ot iLe (Jiiy Council will bo bold lo(iiufiowliaibi, m widen, auiOuK oiher tilings,bills will probably bo prcHjuicd io ^revjot iboh»lo id oleotosrgaiioo iq 11;« aiaikcr, feu I to redu.ujibo Ipet io k o'id id wood i'roui lu?1; to12* Ice'.The Coo.n-i'.tec eu Fioaroo ol th s (Jit? (.1 >ui'

cii will uiuit iu i.iih< at tbo Auduui'd cfTo*.i'F.PsoNAi. . Ucn. I'd? Ijecwsa in tin cny

t» day,Mr. Ii. K. Snmtuors, oiantger u! ihe Norfolk

branch ol Mr. II. i'ortui'i'a brewery, was to tl i«e:ty io d*y on a s'lurt vi.-if to bis fjaiiiy.Col. C. E. J>Ailry. who has bono appiiuiedK-cotver ot J'uSiio Mouiyn at l'.orecci, Anz>nu, will io a sbcri tiiiie remove to that Tupritory.The Fish Market..Sidoo Saturday's ro

port iwo hundred thousaod herring aid threethousand shad have arrived at Kisbiowo.nhads .Id at $li> to $115. aod herring at from fo 75 tc$7 25. Sturgi'oo are aa yot sjarco aod high.i'nc low that havo arrived eold at from $2 to $.1apiioo. Kirk and porch aro a'si fcarco aodvery high.

Mrs Wm. Baker dniros to return Leithanks tj thoso Irionds wno, by ihoir bounteouskindus*. unwearied attention, and exquisitethoughtfulness and sympathy in the hour other».thiC.ion, hbv j i ndeared thennelvi'B to her boiyood tbe power of expression. So true of ail,specially is it true Ot one, whose Christian bosrring throi.ghout.thelpart'ho bore, graced the reforestrdaliou of life in illu't-ation of the truib,'A brother is born tor adversity." Upon thrm

all and upon iheir's come in all its fullnofs theblessing of the widow's God It

AUCTION.At tbo residence of C. K Dsiley,on ihe Alexardm and Leesburg pike, aidIway between Bailey's Cross Koada and FrtHa

Chu-ca, on TUKrtlJAY", May 4, 18^0. FARMINGand CAKPJiJNTfiKs' TOOLS, HORSES,WAUUW, CART, Harness, Pigs, Fowls, Bees,I.umber, shingles, Laths, Household Furniture,Puno, Bidding, CarpeU, Crockery, KitchenWare and a variety of ornamental and useful

I articles. Su months time will be given on apiproved notes in euni} over $20. Mr. Daily oQ'ore» his FAP.« and uny of the above property »1j private sale prior to the 4th of May. aphCi-aoSt.'t X AW-N GKAaS BKftD.Thece'.obrated Kng. JLj lish Lawn Grass Soou that we have beec

selling for taar.y y. Rrr ; a lull tupp.'y just re. | ceivedI .. .../O "L" o 1 T? Annnnmrrn r»i»r\

pfty-- Ulx Z* jJ L> H$ t\ 1 Mb oi D CM./.

3 UOUliTHKBK'a PK1LN D, & desirable andi JL ctrlvin cure tr r diseases usual wiib chicfeen?ttr.d ducKs at this season, lor sale by

ftp22 K. A. LRADliKATICK U BI'.O


. HAMS received and ttr sale byay.-'Ai H W. A V R rt Y. 2^6 King el.

1 nn POUNDd OLD PLANTATIONi IUv bWOKlNG TOBACCO rtcsived toi day by [m>2*] J. C MILBUKN.!. VYJSW V ASJCS and JiOOUiiT HOLUiSKJ!| 8om«thinir handsome.' Call and see their

Mat J-Mil liKR&CO'rf.,'* sop l (*5 King street.

IA GAZETTE As nsft.n wjisauYCTOtv.- Special CorrerpondeTicc oj the Alrxa. Gazette.1 Washington, L>. C., Arril 20. issO.

The oo'y w i ness (xamioed fy the Senate3 Ex dus Comnmteo this mcrcinK was a verye tteotcel aod refptced colored plioter hemb Mississippi, oinjt.d StnbUfi.lJ.

lid lc»ified i'a he w.is a r-publ can,but was not made so by any har^h ireal»mmi he hid r c iv d it ihe baods of if.c *ou b

1 em pecpl ; that the in>>ro coul 1 1 vo easier aud1 bsltt-r in the S.u h t'raa anywhere c!s ; thaithere ihoro wcto no uiorc a ttaints bo wiii n

s employ.3 io tho Sou h to itttu noo vol s ilun0 there wire in the North; tha'the exjdus badbeen in Juc :d a-.d c )o>Lu 'd \>; the cedul.ty ol1 tho negroes, and that tho utiiii reascu why7 more o tlie ncuro. h did not ptosper id tho0 Sou h thau <o was tbiir I. z nest, tierbav,ii of KratifiioK tbeir detires at whatever

oost protiJed thcyciQ taise the meats, aodtheir giDirnl uolhiilao.'ss.Senator JohDBtoo, who ip ni Satutdoy and1 Sandsy io Kic'omond wi h hid kisnds and3 relatives, returned to day. and was in Lis a.a",3 as usual. llis i loa about affairs in his Stato? are that tho reaijustcrs, Dotwiihstaidi )g tho3 action o( the S'auuton c jnvm.ion, wdl pr;servo' their organza ion, and that at tho present time,' at least, thoy contemplate lunoiog iheir la3mous ucp'.edged ek-otoral tiokot. lie. however,9 and most ol il.OiO bo tklked with in U'coitiond,3 ura pleased with tho result ol tbo Staunton3 convention, and ihiok tha1, while the result of3 that convention may do the cooservativcd tomo3 good, it cm not possibly dj them auy barm.3 Two republican congressmen, Mtsa.'B. Dick

ana ls^yoe.trom I'cneejWiuia.who havejast rc>1 toracd from a visit to their hemes, anl ooo ofwhom came back oo the samo train with See a3 tor Lagan, wh) his just returned from a tripr to lliaois, say that the result of theoouoty rej publ em oodvcd ions ia that fcj.a'.o last wet k, show that Geneial Graut cannot carry Illinois,' and oooscquectly that he oinnot carry the na[tional repuolioiD onrca 'nn. This is what the, PennsylvHoianp, not what Senator Logao, ssiJ,1 lor his oiiuioLS on tho EUijiot are Dot mentinned, aod tht ir hopes tuny possibly bo faihois, to their thoughts.

Tho 6ub cjmniiitno of tho Ways and Meansj Uommitteo ol the llou-e is still hard ot work3 od what is oalled a bill lor a revenue tariff, aed,[ it is said, will bo ready o report to tho wholeommittco to morrow or Thursday, but whether1they will or Dot "no fellow can had out." itj i3 said to day that cue moasuro they roeommood is tho rcduaiinn of the tariff on steel railsIrom $28 to $22.40 per too. Most people,' however, have bec:mj distuned wi'.b this ootnmi tie, and lake little icttrest ia its fc.ioo.Tho condition ot Sooatcr Greyer, ol Oregon,who is sti I tick ia Wilmington, 1)J., no:withst&ndicgthe reports cf the improvement of hiehoaltb. ir the tubi ct of much solicitude, Dotonly to his personal friends, but bis parry atUrae; for there is a ropub icau legislature inOregon now, and should ho die his place willbe supplied b7 a member ol that political fsi;h.The Kiflotiots Commit too cf the ll.u-c comQiccocd this morciog tho (?)0fci<icration of thoHov«wcc-Ij>ring oMiies'cd tUcioo e sr. Gen.1» [ '. Uu'ler uj p-rsred rh c mosel for tho cialtvs'fttt, I»»\ctoo, greenbacker, while i»r. L..ri tec's i'licres s were locked e!.«r by n cousin ofhi«, o! tin' s^iue name, u pr< Lumen; 1 iwyi r IrcmI> " n. Geo. Batiir wl-:.>rt iit-rc will u'st s,pin;*.r a* c u ssi id '.he oaso el tho w d >?? Gi veregau s; Mr. Sirron Citm-ron. 'I he General hag

. Bged cintidcrat'ly sitcj ho W6s !a-.t here, andunless the Massaonuseus people hurry up andckot him Governor it is »; parent to ull thatth' v will be too late.Among the bibs in'reduced in tho Houso todaywaa one b; Mr. 0 olo lcr the relief theA bemarlo and (Inesapotka Cansl 'Jooipaoy;| u'ko on? hy Mr. HiMur.^id l.>r the relief I ttiu

l M '«crs, §i. J 'ho, ol hir ^'i-tvi Mrs. Mary L'.-^ie »»(» ««vt*» <L; Appointedjpn,t.,Mr , S'.ioj.- G-.i/r^ec.»(S.'tiy,j V'a . vie ; il U. Marks, ns-gaed.Too .Sfivw- C-i'Tiuj tpo on il.a 1 Mil riot, nfi Colum'-ii ftjr-vti iius moruiog tu report a sobjsii.ute lor ilie n',:y uoi if d«; o; till, it provides1 -r the removal < ! b-»;h tun railroad depotsI iitiiii lhi.tr pi"'';» nt .vim t.» i; hi rs morn tvrnoiej ii.-.ui i'm il'irk'v net pontoa ol I he city, bntj m-k m nu prov'som i jf a osion < '. then1.,) Mr. N,..-1 y, «t Aecomac o uvy, Va., is ioi it i t y. !!. n ..:»s that wV.S nii cat:| t;,< :ii i-i r- ! >. t» tr,:y f t the u aCjuat- r-«I i i u: " vr- r a l - ly id S v » Hairs, as i.rI > 1I - * . ; - >.' i: " «.» IV CM '.ri'MO t.r> ROihi" fOf.a.'rvirjvt r-;;i-.j s-tns>'cr.; who wt'l reti-uf'i 11 U'c co XiU.. c il ili-> (Jireioea-i lick-t.1.1 il>is cu:u'iiiii-c i moy ».' if lufcr.s" to ?bnuunv rcfe-ji'is "I tiii (isZ3tto in J^:uJcu3where Mr 11. W. N. N'.iwlacd uow.or uotilr' c.1 Lily,a c'ci k iii > nc of ih»! men? r ffioob"Hi U-c'an »nd.i< wi-li kJow«>,«lr.t that uuinlouiao,vcli" i- it i r >t<> »' e< *j r:* m iu-rcr ia & coLv.iHitionwi.h s«u i.i'n'i-.in >»i o io that tiry, .-inoj thoStuuotCD o lv -ri'i) i w.i- h'.!d,-.iii (hat tho read'jus'i r> have & in. j rt.vmtiiat Siaic, sod iha!they arc g'dt g 1 > maintain ih-dr organizationand support n i m±u fir acy ortioo Scute or nationalwho is not w:th tkciu.Too d"ni' erats had auother r.hnccj efFjrodilnti) io the S. niin to day,ha' csu-ua! fattud to

riap iis adv'.ritac1 s When Mr. Maxy's hillfir rehr.tu nu«i*c tntis-t-u-.d offers if theamy w-pu.d r c oMJorhti :r, Mr. Allison, repub.to>n fr.m li wi. offered r.o amendmentdirconni* tho frmdcQt to appoint two n-'groo'ide.g to Wi st Point annually. Instead ofimmediately demandiog au ay.j and nay vo!oupon the nmonda cjt and voting for it t)a manPS they sin uld ban? done, Mr. Masey, firstraivs a point ofcrdcr and Mr. S.--u:sbury makesa ipeich Fgvnss it. and, with rnmerkaible tndtsoret'Oi, oven fi r a demrcralio senator,gives as one of I is tfjio i ns tho cruolty thebill would ufliot upon tho negroes by sabjectine them to tho treatment they would neoes'siri'y recoivo at West Point. Of course tbotafteals ate opp^d to it. Mr. fliuilio hasalrtaty hoped i' will be whhdrawo. and Mess.sPlumb and Teller hare just nnootiucoi thatthi-y wid oppo?o it. \Vh»»t the ro.-ult will tocannot bo at tl i-i moment, but why deme1crats. fppeo'al y those Jrom tho Sooth, shouldoppose it is more than mortal man osn tell.


CAJS AL COMMKKCffi.__Arrived.Boats It Bonder, J W Burke, Winv- hleh, A inerican King, \V C Hunter, J Dayti n,and AJ l£»rse.v, to American Coal Co; D Sinclairand liailow Bros, to Jro i» Agntw & Co;fc'earrodoltH tud L v:l.o ar.ri Phiiiio, to Wm Afcmoot.Departed.Bosta It Eonder, J W Burke, WmWa!en, American rag, Dbinclair, and HarlowBros,

TKUBTKE'B SALK. By virtue of adeolcftrust !rc m Sveline Hopper, dated the 11thday of May, ltd, and recorded in liber No. 2.^ pace 351, land records of Alexandria city, Vs.,the undersigned, lru»tee, therein named, and bydirection ct the beneficiary in said trust, willsell for cash, to the highest bidder, on SA CUiiDAY,the 8th d*y ct* May, 1S60, at 12 o'clock

re., in front of the Market House, on Fairfaxstreet, tha property conveyed by Laid trust, beinga LOT OF OKOUND, improved by a commodious.FBA5AK DWJSLL1JSD, situated onDuke street, in the city of Alexandria, andbounded US f.il.OWJ R>»inninir nr< lk»

-.-n ouu',iiI side of Duke street IX) Uet woct of a point midway bjtween Columbus nr.d Allred itrocls. andrunning west on Duke tt-coi 20 feM; thences(u.b at d parade! with Alfred street SB feet to a" 12 leot all<-y ; thence esitend i a-ailol wilt DukeJ id.reet. iU fatt; t'jer.C9 Lorth ana parallel with AlIredttr et to the beginning.

ap«6-ls B'. P. D5A.CS, Tru-t-e.

IT^LOWKiiiN'G fclJLEB.Wo are to-day in; receipt, direct from Now York, of»linu.tedinvoice of CHDioK S I'LL- G PLOWAKING«<T! OJ -« « > "

-iMo-uuc. coLssnnif ui i>uitF, tjisaioius nnd, Tube Kosps, to whci we invito the early iniejection of those interts'.ed.

JAMJSKY dSLO, ST sin Store4 sp'26 New Building. 152 King st


Mr*. Hjrton, a lady well known in tlia o'ty,died in liiltimore Saiu day af'arnoon.(Japt. W. B Prie s ii j ired by a fall ho ie*cnivni aw (he Vintioii M-dlaod depot .Saturdaym vr».t.. L A 1

^ unif.-, was oeuer 10 uav.Ths executive committee of tbe Mabone

winu of ihf rfaefj is cr party of this c ty wi 1in cl at the old c;urt hi use to ni^ht.

Mr. John Millar*,.] Mrs Clsr* wnr* marriedyeslirJry in tho Cnthulic Church ut Clift<nelation.The 8. N Q , a oolornd orgac:z itloo. say theydo not iatoLil (o hold a moeti ;g to-morrow

night for tl.o putpo onf ennorfein< M» j Duffhy,Louis K Peyao and Jjhn Downey.Some of the ar.io'cs in the bhow window ofMr. U. M. A lams o;ujht Gro from tin gas Sat *

urday night, but the fhmas were txiiaguiehtdb jforo much damage was di n *.Mrs. Mary Jaoo Staubs, ibo white woman

oot Goed in he j ;il of this city as a laoatio. willbe cariied to tho Kirteto Lunatic Asylum, atWilliamshu-g, to morrow night, by City Sergeant11 T. Lucas.In addition to tlu City Sorgeant, Common*wjahb's Attorney, and Commiationer of theRevenue, there aro to bo ehc.ed a magistrateand ojQbtab'e for etch ward of the ti y at theelection in May.Maniage lie nscs were issQod in WashingtonSaturday to lluibort LI. Watt and Mary Storms,both of l'rinoo Cargo's OjUnty, Md., andCharles l.r>/» orirl M >. L '1 "

»U* ivmy lunfcruuer, DOIQ 01Marlboro', Md.Willing to Give it up..We bavo thiaday opmed ociUidy or.o of the nusi handRomoand select sucks of dry goods and

dress goods in all koown branobes and styles,together hiib all kinds of suitable trimmingsto match in as fioegrado goods as are to be had.If wo cinnot suit aop of oar oastomers in style,taste andprio3,this 6oasoo especially,wo 6ro willicg to givo it op. |ap!3 2w] I. Kichberg.Mibs Bertha. Von Hillkrn, the CelebratedPedestrian..Tho only remedy used by her afterlong and continuod i-xertion, and in fict duringher matches, is tides' Liniment Iodide Ammonia.It not only relievos her relaxed musclesand cords, but gives hor strength and ondurance.8ho is novor without a supply of the Liniment,tides' Pills cure Liver Complaint. Sold by alldruggists.arrival of tiie philadelphia steamer..This day we nerved over seveniy packageof dry goods and notions from thecheaprst to the fioest, and tbo goods are nowready for exhibition atftp 13 2w I. Eiciiberg's.


.ok the.

Birst National Bank,op alexandk1a,In the State «»f Virginia, at tlie close of business,on Priday, thio 23d day of Apri1, 18^0.

resources.Loans and discounts S22o,630 92Overdrafts 3.0»0 00I'.S.b eids io secure circul n. parval. 100,000 00"

on hand par valueOther storks, bonds and mortgagor ... 37,1'j) 05One lY"m approved reserve agents 83 120 01dim; from other National Banks 2,7«'l osDuo from State Banks and Bankers... 4,7'." 32Heal citato, furniture and fixtures iM.lHJH u)Current expenses and taxes paid 4 327 72Checks and other cash items 7 tX 8 71Bill- of other National Banks 5(0.) IX)Legal tender notes 3f>,000 (X»'1 UUU U9Goldcoin i) (l>J DORedemption fund with U. S. TreaVr. 4,51)1) UJ

| $74''..8J3 94I.I A1U LITIKS.

C:i|»iI:i! >!>»ok paid in $1(10,OflO 90Surplus fund iO.CUO 00O.htr undividedprofits 8,5-1 ISN:it. Bank n<>tos outstanding 9O.000 U)Individual dupodts 2n4 88 91Demand certificates of deposit 39 833 35Dm: to oilier National I'nnks 30,608 30Due to State Banks and Banker.* 10/392 27

$"4 1,843 91

Si ft I', i'/ Virginia, {O. tnhj tif' Alcxaiuiriit. | 0 '* ' '

I, t'HAKLKS Jl. iH » >TL\ f'a-liior ..f theKir?l National Bank of Alexandria, Virginia, <!.. ( innly swvar that tho above statement ii true,to the bc-t of my knowledge and holief.

(.'HAS. R. lloOFF, Cashier.Subscribed and sworn to before mo this /.Gi'rday of /April, 1K>0.

is. lLUMBK'-, Notary Public.Correct.attest:

l . i'KHiilTSoN BkA.CH, ]S. F. Gkeoort, > Directors.Jiiivr'D. rt. Lkadhkatkr ) ar'26-1111CI'OUT OF THE 'VOAWITIOJV

.Of THE.

Citizens' National Bank,or.VloAaiulriii,

in the State of Virginia, at the close of business,jrt pril 2=3. 38:0.RESOURCES.

Loans and discounts $112,824 98Overdrafts 2 789 54U.S. Bonds to secure circulation lOO.tXW 00Other stocks, bonds and mortgages... 47,9.G 25(Wmi *» A-x~t.,,?ft kl"

..vm< ii-avi vu ll!;ui Of,000 '^.9Ibio from other National Batiks f>,8ll 11Duo from State bunks and bankers 3,409 78Hoal estate, furniture and lixturns '.',700 00Current expenses and taxes paid 1.745 33Premiums paid 1.700 00Checks and otlmr ca-di items 2,122 13Bills of other Hanks 05 00Draft 1. currency (including nicklos).. 01 18Silver coin - 844 (H)Legal Tender Notes 0,000 Ot)<*oid coin 8,757 00Redemption fund with U. \ Troas-Iurer (5 por cent of circulation) 4,500 Oil

$313,047 53T.TABILITIES.

Capital stock paid in $100,000 00Surplus fund 11,100 09U nlivided profits 9.505 11Nat'l. Bank notes outstanding 0.1,( 00 0)Dividends unpaid *

HjiOIndividual Deposits subject to check.. 105,402 13Demand ccrtiucatos of deposit 15,182 42Due t'» other National Banks 10,"14 58Duo to Stato Banks and Bankers 2,247 29

$318.037 53

Stale of Virginia, 1County of Alexandria, jI, AN'ilt.tam H. Lam hurt, Cashier of the Citizens'National Bank of Alexandria, d«suleii»nl *swear that tho above statement is true, to thebest of my knowledge and belief. i

AVAL H. LAMBERT, Cashier.Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26iday ot April, 1880.K. JiEMPER, Notary Public.Correct.Attest: J

. oHN B DAlKOEBriBLD, AJ no. B. Smoct, ^ Dir? ctors.P. B. Hoos, J ap2C-lt


! mar. o iy .'i. iioyal street.rrtUP-KISH PKUHKS, prime Dried CherriesJL and Peaches, Pesr) Barley, Sago, Tapioca,Flavoring Kstrects, Gelatine, Vermacilli, ItalianMacc&roni, &c., for 8 ale byn.hll J. ' 3. MlLBfTKH.

CHOICE FAMILY YL 3UK.25 barrelsCone & Weston's Hew Process FamilyFlour, lor sale by


STOVE POLISH and SI OVE BRUSHESfor sale cheap at

McLTSAH AUULRR'S,ftb 4 76 King street.


ALLGKADLS OF FAS .ILY and EXTP.A.FLOUR in Etore and for sale at bottom| pricaa by* octlb R. V?-. AV3 KY, 226 King st.

I DVEST 18ER,Mothers!Mothers!! Mothers!!!

Are you disturbed at night and broken of yourTest by a sick child suffering and crying with theexcruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, £ > atonce and got a bott'e ol MRS. "WINSLOW'Si-OOTHl NG SYRUP. It will relieve the pootlittle sufferer immediately.depend uoon it;there is no mistake abiut it. There is not amother on earth who has ever used it who willnot tell you at once that it will rtgulate thebowels, and give rest to the mother, and relioland health to the child, operating like magicItis perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasantto the taste, and is the prescription of one 01the oldest and beet female physicians and nursesin the United States. Pull directions for usingwill accompany each bottle. None genuine unlessthe fao-Bimile of CURTIS & PERKINSis on the outside wrapper. Sold by all MedicineDealers. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Bowara olimitations.te?» w;n - 'i.- j -» »i ,_! iv *0 uu iuo ursL u»y oi April bJob Lot of Goods Irom ooo of the largestretailers of New York city, oomprisiog Burt'sand other well koowa manufacturers. Thosegood are of superior quality, and will besold Lr one half oftiieir cost.Ladies', Men's. Children's and Boy's Shoes,rnr 31 Waddey, 110 lviog street.Lanquedoc lace, just onf. at

apl32w L ElCnBERO's.fiBOCEKMEg AMP LlQtieKlt.



rjlUKKHYand FRENCH PRUNES, aprimelot just received.


JJURKBE 3 A.LAO DRS3SING far allhinds of meits and vegetables, for sale only by_ __


Yj^KlCNGH and ITALIAN OIL, genuine and

pure, just received.GEO. McBURNRY & SON.__




received fraah every morning and sold at broworyprices.'753 por dozens. All bo!tlas not returnedto bo paid for.GEO. Mc'iUlfiN BY dc SON.

HPJiS BEST TOILET SOAPJLfor the m-.ney.Orr.rg > Blossom. Try it.


?YUR GUNPOWDER TEA AT 5l»> n*r ih\J "" -\fjr ttrcngth and richness ot flavor cannot toboat. Try it and bo convinced.


^ La.KGB aTOUE. OF KUCJiJl A. iiUltiTLBWHITE WA.3E BKU3HB3. Call and exanineblock.





Wo respectfully call tho altantion of our ,cub

tomors and tho public generally to the fact that

wo are always prepared to execute all kinda'of


Wo have r.ri exlonsivo and vRritid aasortmen

of p 11 the lelaet elvloa o:


nd ar& constantly adding to our Blocb, fron

which wa arc prepared to print anything fron

a visiting card up to a poster.

"We guarantee satisfaction in overy particularand assure all who may entrust their ordor

with us that they will be eiecuted promptly.


receivo special attention.







Out of laljjt cargoes.


Just received by


PRICES REDUCED.Stabler's Corn to 15c a can.

Egyptian Swoct do. 18c a can.AT


50 CENTGREEK TEA.500 ibs Good Gunpowder Tea.

For salo at 53c per lb at



All Ruaraatcoi to b9 PURE FKU1L' GOODS.

For bale by the pound byO. WM. RAMSAY,

mbiJO Corner Ivinc: and St. Asaph, sts.

} IN!1 »«% ilikttS.E?ISHi FItfH!4? FISH!Having completei tur arrangements for tin

season of 1H3), wo are now prepared to lil! ai'ordors at the shoriecl nolics for FttKSll andSALTED POTOMaC Flali.To doaiers we would say that oar brand ha*always stood No. 1 ia our market, and we intond to maintain cur former reputation. Woship fish packed in ice. so that persons orderingcan depend on gtt'.ing them, fresh. All orderentrusted to us will receive prompt attentionOur fish house is No. 1 Corporation hah wharfand i-UlU Nos. 'J, o and 1 City Marketblr. W. M. SMITH is now engaged with us.rind will attend t) nil orders entrusted to him.apT-2.n GEO. K. PKIOtCJsCO^^OTICR.

I have just resumed myPACKING BUSINESSAt NO. 21 CORPORATION F1SHWHAKF,where 1 will be prorated to furnish all kinds ofPOTOMAC FISH,frosh or salt, at the shortest notico I solicityour patronage, especially my oid customers,and guarantee that my past reputation snail befully sustained.All ordcrB from the country promptly attendedto, and on aa good terras as if the parties woropresent. .Respectfully yours,apo d&lw tf S. J. REED.

0~ LD I) R. DO D D' ft~ 1>O VV D E R8A Family MedicineYoung and Middle Aged Ladies £uCTjring withNervousness, Dobiluy, Twitching of the Mioclos, Ringing in tho Ears, specks before theKyos, Spasms, Hysterics, Palpitation cf theHeart, Indignation, Melancholy, Low Spirit*Despondency, Headache, Sleeplessness. EvilForebodings, Cold Hands and Foot, tako Dr.Dodd's Powders.01dLftdinswhnn.ro dnKililaln.J < - -* -

.v. Mvvmvaiigu OWU 111 rvuu*,with weak body, and digestive organs dieordored,causing loss of appetite, impoverished blood,&C-, try Dr. Dodd's powders and you will f ivlas though you had renewol your ugo and t ikona now lease of lif-s.Old and Middlo Aged Men who havo keptlate hours and have been imprudent and violatedthe Inios of health arul nature until the vigor oflife is gone, and you are prostratod mentally an 1

physically and unable to attend to your businessox duties of life, taks Dr, Dodl's Powders andyou will leel yourself men again.Young M<n and "Women with pale and huggerdfaces Ihi a in flesh, broken down in mindand body with a shuttered nervous sy«tem, tikeOld Dr. Dopd'h ertink Tonic Powdkkh,ar.d slop that loss whica brings on Melancholy,Fits, Insanity. Consumption and an early deathThey wilt give you health and strength, andincrease the flesh and bring the bloom of youthto the checks. tranquility to the mind, and producesound and refreshing sleep.Men and Women who are slaves to tho uae ofTobscco. Liquor, Opium cr Morphine, tako Dr.Dodd's Powders; they act aa an nniidole andwill destroy tne appetite or taste for the use olthe above stimulants, which is ruinous to thenervous system. For sale by JAWJSBY & CO..145 King st. Prico $1 per packsgs. or aii D&ctr-ages for 55. ap20

The annual meeting of thestockholders of the JANNEY OA R COU1'L1NG00. wiil b3 held at the cilice of K.Kemper, ceq , oil \VKDNBbDAY, April 28tb,at 12 o'clock m.apl9-3t E. H. J ANNEY, Prrgidrnt.

WE ARE SHOWING some very beautifulpatterns in CHILDREN'S FANCYHOSIERY.

BP21-Gt n. v. ATHuq 92i TEGISON.Poison for Rats, Mice, jtoachee,JL Bod Bugs, &c., of various kiads; also lnjsect Powder Guns and our celebrated Preventivefor Moths. Full supply on hand.ap22 B. 9. LEADBEATER & BKO.

TOMATOES.Hartford county, Md., Tooiktoes,packed on the farm, received to day. and for sale by

ap22 J. C. MTT.BUUN.s -| HHD GOOD CUBA MOLASSES receive dX to day; also choice New Orleans Mobusand Syrups for sale at

__ap22 J. C. MILBURN'S.ly/fONUMENTAL BRAND pure WHIT~II 1YJL REFINED LARD, Sugar cured Shouldersand small Breakfast Bacon received byap23 K. W. AVERY, 225 King at.