9.1 lecture #9 studenmund (2006) chapter 9 objectives the nature of autocorrelation the consequences...

9.1 A llrightreserved by D r.BillW an Sing H ung -H K BU Lecture #9 Studenmund (2006) Chapter 9 Objectives The nature of autocorrelation The consequences of autocorrelation Testing the existence of autocorrelation

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Page 1: 9.1 Lecture #9 Studenmund (2006) Chapter 9 Objectives The nature of autocorrelation The consequences of autocorrelation Testing the existence of autocorrelation


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Lecture #9Studenmund (2006) Chapter 9

Objectives • The nature of autocorrelation• The consequences of autocorrelation• Testing the existence of autocorrelation• Correcting autocorrelation

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Time Series Data

Time series process of economic variables

e.g., GDP, M1, interest rate, exchange rate,

imports, exports, inflation rate, etc.


An observed time series data set generated from a time series process

Remark: Age is not a realization of time series process.Time trend is not a time series process too.

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Decomposition of time series



Cyclical orseasonal



Xt = Trend + seasonal + random

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Static ModelsStatic Models

Ct = 0 + 1Ydt + t

Subscript “t” indicates time. The regression is a contemporaneous relationship, i.e., how does current consumption (C) be affected by current Yd?

Example: Static Phillips curve model

inflatt = 0 + 1unemployt + t

inflat: inflation rateunemploy: unemployment rate

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Finite Distributed LagLag Models

Forward Distributed Lag Effect (with order q)

Effect at time t+2

Economic actionat time t

Effect at time t

Ct =0+0Ydt+t

Effect at time t+1

Ct+1=0+0Ydt+1+1Ydt+tCt=0 +0Ydt+1Ydt-1+t

Effect at time t+q ….


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Economic actionat time t

Effect at time t-1

Backward Distributed Lag Effect

Yt= 0+0Zt+1Zt-1+2Zt-2+…+2Zt-q+t

Initial state: zt = zt-1 = zt-2 = c

Effect at time t-q ….Effect

at time t-3 Effect

at time t-2

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C = 0 + 00Ydt + 11Ydt-1 + 22Ydt-2 + t

Long-run propensity (LRP) = (00 + + 11 + + 22)

Permanent unit change in C for 1 unit permapermanentnent (long-run) change in Yd.

Distributed Lag model in general:

Ct = 0 + 0Ydt + 1Ydt-1 +…+ qYdt-q

+ other factors + t

LRP (or long run multiplier) = 0 + 1 +..+ q

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Time Trends

Linear time trend

Yt = 0 + 1t + t Constant absolute change

Exponential time trend

ln(Yt) = 0 + 1t + t Constant growth rate

Quadratic time trend

Yt = 0 + 1t + 2t2 + t Accelerate change

For advances on time series analysis and modeling , welcome to take ECON 3670ECON 3670

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Definition: First-order of Autocorrelation, AR(1)

If Cov (t, s) = E (t s) 0 where t s

Yt = 0 + 1 X1t + t t = 1,……,T

and if t = t-1 + ut

where -1 < < 1 ( : RHORHO)

and ut ~ iid (0, u2) (white noise)

This scheme is called first-order autocorrelation and denotes as AR(1)

Autoregressive : The regression of t can be explained by itself lagged one period.

(RHORHO) : the first-order autocorrelation coefficient or ‘coefficient of autocovariance’

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1990 230 320 u1990

… … … …. ... … … ….2002 558 714 u2002

2003 699 822 u2003

2004 881 907 u2004

2005 925 1003 u2005

2006 984 1174 u2006

2007 1072 1246 u2007

Year Consumptiont = 0 + 1 Incomet + errort

Example of serial correlation:



Error termrepresents

other factorsthat affect


uutt ~ iid(0, ~ iid(0, uu22))

TaxPay2007 = TaxPay2006 + uu2007

t = t-1 + uut

The current year Tax Pay may be determined by previous year rate

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If t = 1 t-1 + ut

it is AR(1), first-order autoregressive

If t = 1 t-1 + 2 t-2 + ut

it is AR(2), second-order autoregressive

If t = 1 t-1 + 2 t-2 + …… + n t-n + ut

it is AR(n), nth-order autoregressive


High orderautocorrelation

Autocorrelation AR(1) :

Cov (t t-1) > 0 => 0 < < 1 positive AR(1)

Cov (t t-1) < 0 => -1 < < 0 negative AR(1)

-1 < < 1

If t = 1 t-1 + 2 t-2 + 3 t-3 + ut

it is AR(2), third-order autoregressive

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Positive autocorrelation








Positive autocorrelation


i Cyclical: Positive autocorrelation



xx x x


xx x x


xThe current error term tends to have the same sign as the previous one.

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Negative autocorrelation














No autocorrelation










x xx

xxx0 timex



The current error term tends to have the opposite sign from the previous.

The current error term tends to be randomly appeared from the previous.

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The meaning ofThe meaning of : The error term t at time t is a linear combination of the current and past disturbance.

0 < < 1

-1 < < 0

The further the period is in the past, the smaller is the weight of that error term (t-1) in determining t

= 1 The past is equal importance to the current.

> 1 The past is more importance than the current.

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The consequences of serial correlation:

3. The standard error of the estimated coefficient, Se(k) becomes large


^2. The variances of the k is no longer the smallestno longer the smallest

Therefore, when AR(1) is existing in the regression,The estimation will not be “BLUE”

BLUEBLUE1. The estimated coefficients are still unbiasedstill unbiased.

E(k) = k^

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If E(tt-1) 0, and t = t-1 + ut , then

If = 0, zero autocorrelation, than Var(1)AR1 = Var(1)^ ^

If 0, autocorrelation, than Var(1)AR1 >> Var(1)^ ^

Two variable regression model: Yt = 0 + 1X1t + t

The OLS estimator of 1,

^ x y


If E(t t-1) = 0 then Var (1) = ^ 2


===> 1 =

Var (1)AR1= + + 2^ 2 22 xt xt+1 xt xt+2

xt2 xt

2 xt2 xt


-1 < < 1

+ ….

The AR(1) variance is not the smallest


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t = t-1 + ut ==> t = [ t-2 + ut-1] + ut

==> t-2 = t-3 + ut-2 => t = 2 [ t-3 + ut-2] + ut-1 + ut

==> t-1 = t-2 + ut-1 t = 2 t-2 + ut-1 + ut

t = 3 t-3 + 2 ut-2 + ut-1 + ut

E(t t-1) =2

1 - 2

E(t t-3) = 2 2

E(t t-2) = 2

…………….E(t t-k) = k-1 2

Autoregressive scheme:

It means the more periods in the past,the less effect on current period

k-1 becomes smaller and smaller

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How to detect autocorrelation ?

DW* or d*

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5% level of significance,

k = 1k = 1, n=24n=24

DW* = 0.9107

dL = 1.27

du = 1.45

kk is the number of independent variables (excluding the intercept)

DW* << ddLL

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From OLS regression result: where d or DW* = 0.9107

Check DW Statistic Table (At 5% level of significance, k’ = 1, n=24)

dL = 1.27du = 1.45

0 1.27 1.45 2

dL du



Durbin-Watson Autocorrelation test

Reject H0


H0 : no autocorrelation = 0H1 : yes, autocorrelation exists. or > 0 positive autocorrelation

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Durbin-Watson test

OLS : Y = 0 + 1 X2 + …… + k Xk + t

obtain t , DW-statistic(d) ^

Assuming AR(1) process: t = t-1 + ut

I. H0 : ≤ 0 no positive autocorrelation

H1 : > 0 yes, positive autocorrelation-1 < < 1

Compare dd* and ddLL, dduu (critical values)DW*

if dd* < ddLL ==> reject H0

if d* > dduu ==> not reject H0

if ddLL dd* dduu ==> this test is inconclusive

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Durbin-Watson test(Cont.)

Since -1 -1 1^

implies 0 dd 4

DW = 2 (1 - ) (t - t-1)2


T ^ ^



T ^^

(dd)dd 2(1)^

dd ≈ 2 (1- )

==> ≈ 1 -

==> ≈ 1-





0 1.27 1.45 22

dL du




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Durbin-Watson test(Cont.)II. H0 : ≥0 no negative autocorrelation

H1 : < 0 yes, negative autocorrelation

we use (4-d) (when dd is greater than 2)

if (4 - d) < dL

or 4 - dL < d < 4 ==> reject H0

if dL (4 - d) du

or 4 - du > d > 2 ==> not reject H0

if dL (4 - d) du

or 4 - du d 4 - dL ==> inconclusive

0 1.27 1.45 22

dL du


(4 - dL)(4-d(4-dUU))


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Durbin-Watson test(Cont.)II. H0 : =0 No autocorrelation

H1 : 0 two-tailed test for auto correlation either positive or negative AR(1)

If d < dL

or d > 4 - dL

==> reject H0

If du < d < 4 - du ==> not reject H0

If dL d du

or 4 - du d 4 - dL

==> inconclusive

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For example :

UMt = 23.1 - 0.078 CAPt - 0.146 CAPt-1 + 0.043Tt^

(15.6) (2.0) (3.7) (10.3)

R2 = 0.78 F = 78.9 = 0.677 SSR = 29.3 DW = 0.23DW = 0.23 n = 68_


(i) K = 3 (number of independent variable)Observed

(ii) n = 68 , = 0.01 significance level 0.05

(iii) dL = 1.525 , du = 1.703 0.05

dL = 1.372 , du = 1.546 0.01

Reject H0, positive autocorrelation exists

(excluding intercept)

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H0 : = 0 positive autocorrelation H1 : > 0

0 dL du 2

reject H0 not



DW (d)

4-du 4-dL 4


reject H0

H0 : = 0negative autocorrelation

H1 : < 0

not reject

2.45 2.297

2.63 2.475



1% & 5%Critical values


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The assumptions underlying the d(DW) statistics :

1. Intercept term must be included.2. X’s are nonstochastic

3. Only test AR(1) : t = t-1 + ut where ut ~ iid (0, u2)

4. Not include the lagged dependent variable,

Yt = 0+ 1 Xt1 + 2 Xt

2 + …… + kXtk + Yt-1 + t

(autoregressive model)

5. No missing observation 1970 100 15

1980 235 2081 N.A. N.A.82 N.A. N.A.93 253 3794 281 4195

... ... ...

... ...



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Lagrange MultiplierLagrange Multiplier ( (LMLM)) Test Test or called Durbin’s m testOr Breusch-Godfrey (BG) test of higher-order autocorrelation

^Test Procedures:(1) Run OLS and obtain the residuals t.

(3) compute the BG-statistic: ((nn--pp)R)R22

(4) compare the BG-statistic to the 2p (pp is # of degree-order)

(5) If BG > 2p, reject Ho,

it means there is a higher-order autocorrelation If BG < 2

p, not reject Ho,

it means there is a no higher-order autocorrelation

^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^


(2) Run t against all the regressors in the model

plus the additional regressors, t-1, t-2, t-3,…, t-p.

t = 0 + 1 Xt + t-1 + t-2 + t-3 + … + t-pp + u

Obtain the RR22 value from this regression.


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Remedy: 1. First-difference transformation

Yt = 0 + 1 Xt + t

Yt-1 = 0 + 1 Xt-1 + t-1 assume = 1

==> Yt - Yt-1 = 0 - 0 + 1 (Xt - Xt-1) + (t - t-1)

==> Yt = 1 Xt + t

no intercept

2. Add a trend (T)Yt = 0 + 1 Xt + 2 T + t

Yt-1 = 0 + 1 Xt-1 + 2 (T -1) + t-1

==> (Yt - Yt-1) = (0 - 0) + 1 (Xt - Xt-1) + 2 [T- (T -1)] + (t - t-1)

==> Yt = 1 Xt + 2*1 + ’t

==> Yt = 2* + 1 Xt + ’t

If 1* > 0 => an upward trend in Y^

(2 > 0)^

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3. Cochrane-Orcutt Two-step procedureCochrane-Orcutt Two-step procedure (CORC)(1). Run OLS on Yt = 0 + 1 Xt + t

and obtains t ^

(3). Use the to transform the variables :^

Yt* = Yt - Yt-1


^Xt* = Xt - Xt-1

-) Yt-1 = 0 + 1 Xt-1 + t-1 ^ ^ ^^

Yt = 0 + 1 Xt + t

(4). Run OLS on Yt* = 0

* + 1* Xt

* + ut

(2). Run OLS on t = t-1 + ut^

and obtains ^


Where u~(0, )

GeneralizedGeneralized Least SquaresLeast Squares


(Yt - Yt-1)= 0(1-) +1(Xt - Xt-1) + (t -t-1) ^ ^^^

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4. Cochrane-OrcuttCochrane-Orcutt Iterative Procedure

(5). If DW test shows that the autocorrelation still existing, than it needs to iterate the procedures from (4). Obtains the t


(6). Run OLS

t* = t-1

* + ut’^ ^

(1 - )DW2


and obtains which is the second-round estimated ^

Xt** = Xt - Xt-1 Yt-1 = 0 + 1 Xt-1 + t-1

(7). Use the to transform the variable^

Yt** = Yt - Yt-1 Yt = 0 + 1 Xt + t


^ ^ ^ ^^

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Cochrane-Orcutt Iterative procedure(Cont.)

(8). Run OLS onYt

** = 0** + 1

** Xt** + t


Where is ^^(Yt - Yt-1) = 0 (1 - ) + 1 (Xt - Xt-1) + (t - t-1)^ ^ ^^ ^ ^

(9). Check on the DW3 -statistic, if the autocorrelation is still existing, than go into third-round procedures and so on.

Until the estimated ’s differs a little ^^( - < 0.01).

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Example: Studenmund (2006) Exercise 14 and Table 9.1, pp.342-344


Low DW statistic

Obtain the Residuals

(Usually after you run regression, the residuals will be immediately stored in this icon

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Give a new name for the residual series

Run regression of the current residual on the lagged residual

Obtain the estimated ρρ(“rho”)

ttt 1ˆˆ


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(3) Transform the Y* and X*

New series are created,

but each first observation

is lost.

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Obtain the estimated result

which is improved

Run the



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The Cochrane-Orcutt Iterative procedure in the EVIEWS

The is the EVIEWS’ Command to run the iterative procedure


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The result of the Iterative procedure

The DW

is improved

This is the

estimated ρρEach

variable is


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Generalized least Squares (GLS)

Yt = 0 + 1 Xt + t t = 1,……,T (1)

Assume AR(1) : t = t-1 + ut -1 < < 1

Yt-1 = 0 + 1 Xt-1 + t-1 (2)

(1) - (2) => (Yt - Yt-1) = 0 (1 - ) + 1 (Xt - Xt-1) + (t - t-1)

GLS => Yt* = 0

* + 1* Xt

* + ut

5. Prais-Winsten transformation

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To avoid the loss of the first observation, the first observation of Y1

* and X1* should be transformed as :

X1* = 1 - 2 (X1)


* = 1 - 2 (Y1)^

Edit the figure hereTo restorethe first observation

but Y2* = Y2 - Y1 ; X2

* = X2 - X1^ ^

Y3* = Y3 - Y2 ; X3

* = X3 - X2^^


. …..

. …..

. …..

. …..

. …..


* = Yt - Yt-1 ; Xt* = Xt - Xt-1

^ ^

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6. Durbin’s Two-step method : Since (Yt - Yt-1) = 0 (1 - ) + 1 (Xt - Xt-1) + ut

=> Yt = 0* + 1 Xt - 1 Xt-1 + Yt-1 + ut

Yt = 0 + 1 Xt + t

III. Run OLS on model : Yt* = 0 + 1 Xt

* + ’t

and 1 = 1^ ^where 0 = 0 (1 - )^ ^

I. Run OLS => this specification

Yt = 0* + 1

* Xt - 2* Xt-1 + 3

* Yt-1 + ut

Obtain 3* as an estimated (RHO)^ ^

II. Transforming the variables :

Yt* = Yt - 3

* Yt-1 as Yt* = Yt - Yt-1

and Xt* = Xt - 3

* Xt-1 as Xt* = Xt - Xt-1

^ ^


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Including this

lagged term of Y

Obtain the estimated


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Lagged Dependent VariableLagged Dependent Variable and Autocorrelation

Compare h* to Z where Zc ~ N (0,1) normal distribution

If |h*| > Zc => reject H0 : = 0 (no autocorrelation)

Yt = 0 + 1 X1t + 2 X2t

+ …… + k Xk.t + 1 Yt-1 +t

DW statistic will often be closed to 2 or

DW does not converge to 2 (1 - )^DW is not reliable

Durbin-h Test: Compute h* =

^ 1 - n*Var (1)



Limitation of Durbin-Watson Test:

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Durbin-h Test: Compute h* =

^ 1 - n*Var (1)



Therefore reject

H0 : = 0 (no autocorrelation)




h* = 4.458 > Z