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  • 8/6/2019 8 11 11 Chalice Connection


    The Chalice

    A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK

    Vol. 3 No. 29 August 11, 2011


    Passionate WorshipBy Rev. Dr. Jerry Black, Associate Minister

    CHOIR RETREATSaturday, August 13th

    from 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

    Fellowship HallCurious about singing with the choat First Christian? Come try it out

    Join the fun at a choir retreat.Meet the other choir members.

    See an overview of the upcoming famusic. (Childcare provided)Cant make it to the retreat?

    Join us for our first fall rehearsalWednesday, August 17

    7:30-8:45pm.Questions? Contact Diane Ball

    at 341-3544 ext. 25;or [email protected]


    PICNICSunday, August 14th

    at 12:30 p.m.

    Chitwood Park PavilionThe Music Committee would like tinvite ALL who have participated

    in the various music programs atFCCE (including special music andcantatas), along with their families

    to enjoy a day ofFun, Food, and Fellowship!

    Fried chicken, drinks, andtableware provided.

    Bring a side dish or dessert.

    PLEASE RSVPto Diane Ball at

    341-3544 ext. 25; or

    [email protected]

    MINISTRY First Christian Churcof Edmond, OK

    When the peopleof Israel hadcrossed the RedSea and thearmies of their

    oppressors hadbeen plungedbeneath, a period

    of intense persecution and abuse cameto an abrupt end, and the people founda new appreciation for the majesty andcharacter of God. The most natural thingin the world was for them to stand in utterawe. But when the events of that day hadbeen thoroughly absorbed, the next mostobvious took overexpressions of joy andthanksgiving. We call them worship. Sothe people sang and honored God: TheLORD is my strength and my might; theLord has become my salvation; the Lordis my God; I will praise and exalt God(Exodus 15:2).

    I doubt that any of us would question thepassion with which that song was sungnor the intent or focus. It was an ardentexpression of relief and gratitude. Andtherein is the key to passionate worship.It is both a personal and corporate

    sense of awe ignited by the majesty andcharacter of God. It is the most naturalresponse of hearts transformed by thelove and grace of God; transformed bythe daily experience of being delivered

    from ourselves and those challenging,oppressive even, forces of life. It is thesong of victory and the dance of tribute.

    In our June discoveries, we foundworshipthe Open Tableto be a corevalue of our life together. And at theheart of our worship, is our passion for theTable. In baptism, we make our covenantwith God and in communion we renewthat covenant. It is the defining momentof who we arethe loved, graced, gifted,vitalized, and grateful people of God.

    In the words of Henry Nouwen, worshipis the ardent desire to dwell in Godspresence, to listen to Gods voice, tolook at Gods beauty, to touch Godsincarnate Word and to taste fully Godsinfinite goodness. (Henri Nouwen, In theName of Jesus: Reflections on ChristianLeadership, New York: Crossroad, 1993,p. 29). Join us this Sunday for yet anotherexpression of passionate worship. Amen.

    Sunday, August 14OPEN TABLE

    Passionate Worship

    Rev. Dr. Jerry Black

    Sunday, August 21OPEN MINDS

    Intentional Faith


    Dr. Gary Peluso-Verdend

    Sunday, August 28OPEN HANDS

    Risk-Taking Mission

    & Service

    Rev. Greg Bunton

  • 8/6/2019 8 11 11 Chalice Connection


    This Sunday at 10:00 a.m., we invite ALL childrenages 3 years through 5th Grade to the Chapel for a

    special promotion into a new Sunday school class

    and a new year in Childrens Ministry.

    Children will have an opportunity to meet their

    new teachers, be shown their classrooms, and get to

    know or be reintroduced to their church buddies.

    Also, new 1st graders will receive their bibles,

    courtesy of Disciples Women.

    Help support your childs faith development -

    bring them to Sunday school!

    August 14 is

    Promotion Sunday!URGENT

    NEEDA new semester of Sunday schoolstarts this Sunday and we are still

    in need of a Kindergarten Sunday

    school teacher! Please dont assume

    that someone will step up for you.

    Contact Anna Lisa Stanley,

    Director of Childrens Ministries,

    at [email protected]

    or 341-3544, ext. 14.

    Sabbatical PlanContacts:

    Loree RicePastoral RelationsCommittee [email protected](405) 341-3710

    Frank GreshModerator-Elect of theBoard

    [email protected](405) 417-1977

    Welcome Home Soon!Senior Minister Rev. Chris

    Shorow is currently on sabbatical

    and returns to the oce on

    Tuesday, September 6.

    Mark your calendars - we

    will welcome back the Shorow

    Family on Sunday, September 11,

    during worship, and, a welcome

    back dinner will be held Sunday,October 2.

  • 8/6/2019 8 11 11 Chalice Connection


    In this hot weather do you need an indoor project?Lets think about Christmas.

    Are you ready to make (or purchase) some more Christmas stockings for our Troops?

    Get out your material (any klnd will do) and Get Ready, Get Set, Go!

    You did a great job last year, so stay inside during this hot weather and keep your

    hands busy crafting something which will bring joy to the Troops!

    ~ Thank you, Becky Winn, with the Edmond Blue Star Mothers Save The Date!Classics to

    Tour Ft. SillThursday,October 6

    A Special Treatwith our own

    Rev. Jerry Black!

    This will be a personal visitto Ft. Sill with Jerry as our

    host and tour guide.With Jerrys connections,

    we plan to visit this militarytraining center for so many

    of our U.S. servicemen and women.

    Put Thursday, October 6,on your calendar!

    More information to followin a future Chalice Connection.

    Prayers of the PeopleOUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITALKathy Lee, OU Medical Center - Edmond

    THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Rex Swanson (formermember), Roy Jackson, Willa Hill, Virginia ONiel, Nita Williams (Jeff Williamsmom), John Werhun, Naomi Bell (Karen Walenciaks mom), Rose Marie McKee,Barbara Hall, Bert Lindsay (Donna Clarks dad), Dona Lee Denton (Carrie Akinssister), Joe Samuels, Bart Rodr, Ed Berry

    OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS To Wayne and Melva Davis in the passing ofWaynes mother, Jere Davis, on August 2. Services were held on August 6 ANDto Steve and Judy Joy in the passing of Judys brother, Hugh Skip Williams, ofWilliamsburg, VA, on August 7. Services pending AND to Adam & Alee Gossen inthe passing of Adams cousin, Jered Ewy, while serving in Afghanistan. Services

    were held on August 10.

    Happy Birthday!8/14 Claire Douthitt, Chris Gibson,

    Alex Hall, Joseph Mecoy, Delan

    Nash, Karri Smith, SteveTheobald

    8/16 Ivan Coco, Michele Martin,Jessica Renz, Cathy Stephens,

    Charles Weddle, Jr.

    8/17 Vicki Thorpe

    8/18 Trent Lagasse

    8/19 Steve Allison, Naomi Harp, Fre

    Hepler, Margaret Hostetter,

    Charlie Young8/20 Jackie Booher, Bob Gris, Trev

    Schmoyer, Jake Wilkins, Russ

    Wood8/21 Suzann Allison, Steve Hall,Amanda Jennings, SandyMitchell, Karla Rowley

    Womens CONNECTIONS Bible Study

    Here & Now - There & Then: ALecture Series on RevelationThis eleven session study of Revelation by BethMoore will light a re in our spirits! Her studyallows you to rearm your beliefs as well asbroaden your understanding and perhaps arriveat new conclusions.

    Please join facilitators Jenny Wiechmann(Monday evenings) or Tana Stufebean (Thursday mornings) in Rm 116 at FCCE tolearn, worship & embrace the promises of God.

    Checks ($12) can be made

    payable to FCC and noteConnections Bible Study onthe memo line. Scholarshipsavailable for books &childcare upon request.

    Want to sign-up?Call Jenny Wiechmann at340-3816 (for Mon. evenings)or Tana Stufebean at 341-4742 (for Thurs. mornings) orsee Iris Muno Jordan in thePastoral Oce (Rm 127) and

    sign-up on the list.

    Jenny Wiechmann Tana StufflebeanMonday Thursday

    Session 7:00-9:00 pm 9:30-11:30 am


    Aug 18Aug 25

    Sep 8Sep 22Oct 6Oct 13Oct 27Nov 3

    Nov 17Dec 1Dec 8

    Aug 15Aug 29Sep 12Sep 26Oct 3Oct 17Oct 24Nov 7

    Nov 21Dec 5

    Dec 12

  • 8/6/2019 8 11 11 Chalice Connection


    The Chalice CONNECTION

    Shelley Regan, [email protected]

    Read News Online@ fccedmond.org/news

    Submit Articles [email protected]




    Worshipat First Christian8:15, 9 & 11am

    August 14, 2011Message: Rev. Dr. Jerry BlackScripture: Luke 10:27 &

    Romans 12:1-2

    Theme: Passionate Worship

    August 21, 2011Message: Dr. Gary Peluso-VerdendScripture: Romans 11:33-12:2Theme: Intentional Faith


    Financial Reportfrom the Finance CommitteeThrough July, our General Fund Revenues are 101.6of Year to Date Budget and our General Fund Expensare 95.0% of Year to Date Budget. 2010 Pledged

    Offering is 103.9% of Year to Date Budget, which is 13.8% greater than 2010. Non-PledgOffering is 101.2% of Year to Date Budget. 2011 Building Fund Revenues were strong in

    July, aided by two significant gifts. Thank you.The Year to Date (YTD), through July 31, 2011, Revenue and Expenses are shown below

    General Fund Building Fund

    YTD Actual YTD Actual

    Revenue $636,095.14 $151,915.77Expense $593,915.23 $159,104.96Excess/(Shortfall) $42,179.91

    Please remember to note on your checks or envelopes to which church accounts you want

    your contribution credited.

    PLEASE NOTE!On August 10, our phone system sustained damage during the

    severe storms. Our existing system is scheduled to be replacedsome time within the next two weeks. Until that time, we DO NOThave access to voicemail (cannot leave a voicemail and cannotretrieve voicemail). The after hours answering system will also beunavailable during this time.

    Questions? Contact Karla Mahan at [email protected]