360 degree leadership

The 360 Degree Leader

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The 360 Degree Leader

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What does 360 degree Leadership entail ?

Leading DownInteracting with subordinates,observation and listening,transferring vision, and rewarding productive people

Leading Up Being able to do what others won’t, knowing when to push back, and when to back off

Leading Across Completing your peers, letting the best ideas win

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Learn to increase your power to lead people no matter where you

are positioned in the company’s hierarchy

To grasp the truth behind the seven myths of leadership that keep one from being an effective leader.

To exercise influence in all directions, using principles, skills and insights that allow you to lead in multiple directions.

To influence those you work for, those you work with and those who work for you.

Some ask: Why should I care?

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Think about:

A leader who has had a great impact on their business, organization or environment.

Can you describe their leadership styles.

Why do people respect them?

Why do people follow them?

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Those are great leaders--but how can I lead if I am not at the top of the organizational chart?

By Influencing People

Making Things Happen

Helping Advance the Organization

But to do so—you must overcome the Seven Myths of


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Do you automatically follow your boss?

Do you sometimes question his/her direction?

Have you ever supported someone without a leadership title?

Does every manager in your organization have the same level of influence.

Since many of us are leading from the middle...

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Make a list of the following:

People who work for you

People on the same level as you

People you report to

This is just for your reference during the presentation

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The Seven Myths of Leadership

1. The Position Myth

2. The Destination Myth

3. The Influence Myth

4. The Inexperience Myth

5. The Freedom Myth

6. The Potential Myth

7. The All or Nothing Myth

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The Five Levels of Leadership

5. Respect

4. Reproduction

3. Production

2. Permission

1. Position

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# 1 The Position Myth “ You can’t lead if you’re not up front and on top”

Leading misperception about Leadership

Some wait for authority to be given with a position

Leadership is about influence.

Building relationships and gaining confidence of others.

It has little to do with your position in an organization.

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Reality Check: This is where most managers start

People will follow only because they have too

Follow only within the boundaries of job description

It’s the least effective approach

Usually resulting in high turnover and low moral of followers

The good news is you can improve

Your Influence will not extend beyond your job description

The First Step: Position

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People follow you because they want to—at least for some time

Developed by building relationships-treat people with dignity and respect

When you care about the people you lead, trust increases

They give you permission to lead-- they want to

This allows work to be fun.. but staying too long at this level will cause some highly motivated followers to become restless

The Second Step: Permission

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If people you lead succeed because of your resullts and contribution to the team, they look to you more and more.

People follow you for what you have successfully done for the organization

Success is sensed by more people on your team. Problems are fixed by the momentum of your team.

Third Step: Production

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People follow you for what you have done for them

Your commitment to developing leaders will ensure on-going growth

You pour yourself into the individuals you lead-mentoring, enhancing their skills, sharpen their leadership ability

Do what ever you can to achieve and stay at this level

Fourth Step: Reproduction

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People follow you for who you are and what you represent

Out of your control---only others can put you there

Rare--achieved by leading from the first four levels for a long period of time.

Reserved for those leaders who have spent years growing people and organizations

Fifth Step: Respect

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# 2 The Destination Myth “When you get to the top—then you will be able to lead.”

How would you prepare to run a marathon?

It’s essential to start to practice leadership before you get into a situation where you need it.

Its learned though purposeful practice.

It’s a characteristic that you earn--- not a gift youreceive.

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# 3 The Influence Myth “If you’re at the top—people will naturally follow you.”

People without leadership experience overestimate the importance of a title

A title does not magically transform you into a leader.

Influence must be earned

A position gives you a chance to try out your style

Position does not make a leader---but a leader can make the position

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# 4 The Inexperience Myth“When I get to the top then I will be ready to exert control”

If I was leader-- we would not have done this...

Good news: desire to improve org is sign of leadership ability.

Bad news: We over estimate how much control a leader has

No matter where you are at in the organization—leadership is your ability to get the attention and support of others.

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# 5 The Freedom Myth“When you get to the top you’ll be free at last of limitations”

In Reality: the higher you go—the more people:

Expect of you

Demand of you.

Leaders must rely on the actions of others for success

Employees. Customers, Investors

The Leader has less freedom than you may think

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# 6 The Potential Myth “You can’t reach your potential if you are not at the top.”

In reality—your potential is something that you should be realizing along the way

People should strive to be at the top of thier game--not the top of the organization-- work to achieve your potential

If you don’t start when you are in the middle—you may never get the chance to lead at all

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# 7 The All or Nothing Myth “If you can’t get to the top, then you shouldn’t even try.”

Reality Check: This is recipe for Disillusionment, Cynicism, Bitterness

There is no one place to lead from.

Great leaders in business and social movements don’t always become household names- but their positive influence can be huge.

You can have a powerful effect wherever you are in an organization

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To succeed you need to overcome Seven Challenges

The Tension Challenge

The Frustration Challenge

The Multi-hat Challenge

The EGO Challenge

The Fulfillment Challenge

The Vision Challenge

The Influence Challenge

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To succeed you need to overcome Seven Challenges

The Tension Challenge

The Frustration Challenge

The Multi-hat Challenge

The EGO Challenge

The Fulfillment Challenge

The Vision Challenge

The Influence Challenge

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The Tension Challenge

The pressures of being caught in the middle

Your authority derives from someone else.

That person can: Fire You

Demote you

Reassign you

Hard to know where you stand

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There are five factors that affect the

degree of tension you encounter in the middle

• Empowerment:

How much authority and responsibility does your boss gives you?

• Initiative:

Can you balance your actions without overstepping your boundaries?

• Environment:

Does the organization or leaders DNA create a unique situation for you?

• Job Parameters:

How well you know and do your job.

• Appreciation:

How you cope with not getting the credit you may deserve.

Which of the these are roadblocks for you ?

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Overcoming the Tension Challenges

Become comfortable with the middle (tied to expectations)

Know what to own and what to let go

Clear lines of responsibilities

Known expectations

Find quick answers when in the middle

Information is critical

Never violate your position or the trust of the leader

Avoid the “ if I was in charge conversation with employees”

Find a way to relieve stress

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The Frustration Challenge

May happen if you find yourself following an ineffective leader

Ineffective bosses include those who are:



Overly political



Downright Incompetent

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The Solution lies within you

Our greatest limitation is not the leader above us--its our spirit and attitude ( disposition more than position)

Key--Don’t fix the leader—add value

To add value:

Build the best relationship as you can with that leader

Identify leader’s strengths and weaknesses

Provide help if the leader requests it

Build up your leader any time you can do so truthfully

The Frustration Challenge Solution

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The Multi-Hat Challenge

Upper level leaders can decide what they want to work on.

Those in the middle have little choice

Must live up to the demands and expectations of leaders, followers, customers and vendors

Every role you play has its own responsibilities.

Flexibility required to interact with people.

You have to be consistent and predictable with everyone—or you won’t seem trustworthy.

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The EGO Challenge

Leaders in the middle tend to be invisible

Consistently good leadership gets noticed—eventually

Concentrate more on duties and production than dreams

Focus on the satisfaction derived from doing a job well

Take satisfaction from peer compliments

There is a difference between self promotion and selfless protion

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The Fulfillment Challenge

The leaders natural preference for leading from “ out front” or “on top” rather than in the middle

When you are the lead dog—the view always changes

If not--the view is not all that exciting (not exactly scenic)

Truth is—the dog in front of the pack is not always the leader...the person driving the sled is in charge.

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The best leaders get the most satisfaction from not winning the race—but from helping the team win.

Leading from the middle has its own satisfactions:

Developing strong relationships with key people

Defining winning in terms of teamwork

Use time to gain experience and maturity

Put the organization ahead of your own dreams.

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The Vision Challenge Championing a vision is more difficult when you did not create it

A person in the middle can:

Atttack or Critize it

Ignore it--do thier own thing

Abandon it and leave

Adapt to it and find way to aligh with it

More you invest in the vision of the organization—the more it will become your own

The blending of the leaders vision and the followers contribution to it--- is when it becomes most powerful

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The Influence Challenge

Leading others beyond your position is not easy.

People follow leaders they know: leaders who care

Leaders with character

Leaders who are consistent

They admire: Leaders with commitment

If you work hard at these challenges- people will want to follow you.

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The Seven Principles for

“Leading Across”

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Principle 1 Understand, Practice and

Complete the Leadership Loop

Leadership is not a one-time event—it’s an on going process

that takes time, especially with peers.


Attempt to gain influence too quickly

Don’t take short cuts

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Caring: Taking an interest in people—liking them as human beings

Look for value in every person

Put yourself in others shoes

Find reasons to like them


Getting to know them as individuals, know thier story,apprieciate thier diffferences

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See each others experiences and skills as resources and learn from them


Adding value to individuals, helping them grow and become better as workers and people

Don’t keep your best stuff to ourself

Fill in their gaps

Invest in thier growth and Take them along


Affirming people—acknowledge their accomplishments-- be thier cheerleader

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Means influencing them by building on the solid relationships you’ve established

Need to take the next step---


Winning with them

Helping others win-- brings more opportunity from others who want the same.

People ask three main questions of a leader:

Can I trust you? Do you believe in this, commited and passionate for this?

Do you care about me as a person?

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The Leadership Loop







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Principle 2

Complete Fellow Leaders

Put “completing” leaders ahead of “competing” with them.

Winning at all costs will end up costing you the support of your peers

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Nothing wrong with embracing healthy competition

But organizations need competition and collaboration in order to win.

Put competition in its proper place

When your peers are in trouble they need to know that you will be there for them.

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Competing v Completing

✦ Scarcity Mind set Abundance Mind set

✦ Me First Organization First

✦ Destroys Trust Develops Trust

✦ Thinks win-lose Thinks win-win

✦ Single Thinker Shared Thinking

✦ Exculding others Including others

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Principle 3

Be a Friend to Peers

Friends are people that you believe in and trust.

Friendship is the foundation of influence and the framework for success—and the shelter against the crises that inevitably arise in work life.

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How to go about being a friend to other employees?

Listen to one another

Find common ground not related to work

Make yourself available after business hours

Have a sense of humor

Tell the truth when others don’tA friend is one who warns you.

Headed for trouble they tell you

Blinded by emotions they tell you,

Your work is slipping-- they tell you

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Principle 4

Avoid Office Politics

Two ways to get ahead in organizations:

Good Way--Working hard

Bad Way— Working the angles

People who rely on production:

Emphasize how they can grow.

Believe that actions speak louder than words

Base decisions on principles

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People who rely on Politics:

Emphasize whom they know

Focus on what they say rather than what they do

Base decisions on the opinions of others

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Principle 5

Expand your Circle of Acquaintances

If everyone you know looks, thinks and acts the way you do, it severely limits your potential for leadership. Expand beyond your inner circle.

Every friend you have has a friend you don’t know… by getting to know them you double, triple, quadruple your circle of friends.

Expand beyond your expertise—if you are creative—get to

know someone who is analytical.

Website to help expand: Linkedin


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Principle 6

Let the Best Idea Win

Just because the idea is yours—it doesn’t mean it’s the best.

Ideas are the lifeblood of a dynamic organization. They are rarely the possession of one individual.

Take all ideas seriously—not just your own.

Encourage and protect creative people and their ideas.

Don’t take it personally if your ideas are rejected.

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Principle 7

Don’t Pretend You’re Perfect.

Admit your limitations

Ask for advice

Be open to learning from others

Understand that pride and pretenses are the enemies of real leadership.

Your Key Takeaway....