3360 unit 03.2 2014-i-01

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  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    ENGR 3360U Winter 2014

    Unit 3.4-5

    Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    Dr. J. Michael Bennett, P. Eng., PMP,


    Version 2014-I-01

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    Change Record

    2014-I-01 Initia Creation

    !e"t re#erence Cha$ter 2

    2014-I-013-2 %&r. 'ichae (ennett

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    3.4 Estimating 'odes

    ) *er-Unit 'ode +  Uses a $er-,nit #actor e.g. cost $er s/,are #oot

    ) egmenting 'ode

     +  &iide and Con/,er a$$roach +  Indiid,a com$onent estimates are added together 

    ) Cost Inde"es

     +  istorica change in costs as a ratio reationshi$

    2014-I-013-3 %&r. 'ichae (ennett

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    E"am$e ,sing Inde"es

    7 8,iding cost 95.25' to 8,id in 2000. !he

    Constr,ction Cost Inde" then :as 3;46. In 2010 it

    :as 5260.

    a :hat is the 2010 estimate<5.255360=3;46 > ;.5'

     8 :hat :o,d it 8e #or 2016<

      Estimate # the ann,a ? increase  # > 5360=3;461=10 -1 > 3.45?

      E!15 > 5.251.03515 > @.;3'

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett3-4

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    Estimating 'odes contd.

    ) A!riang,ation +  7$$roaching the estimate #rom di##erent $ers$ecties and so,rces +  Using di##erent so,rces to arrie at the estimate

    2014-I-013-5 %&r. 'ichae (ennett

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    Cost Ca$acitB E/,ations

    CERs ,se design aria8es to $redict costs.

     CERs are more /,antitatie in nat,re than cost inde"es.

     &eeo$ed #rom statistica a$$roachesUs,aB inear or non-inear regression modes.

     7 common modeCost-Capacity Equation or CCE 

    2014-I-013-6 %&r. 'ichae (ennett

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    CCEs cont..

    7 mode that reates the cost o# an asset or

    actiitB to its ca$acitB.

     Dther names*o:er-a: or

    iing modes.

     7ss,me t:o di##erent ca$acitB eesCa$acitB ee F1

    Ca$acitB ee F2

    2014-I-013-; %&r. 'ichae (ennett

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett3-@

    Cost Ca$acitB E/,ations

     CCE is

    Where x is the

    correlating exponent 

     NormaB 0  x  1.

    Hor x  1 the economies o#scae are a$$ied.

    Hor x > 1 the mode is inear.Hor x  1 a arger sie ise"$ected to 8e more costBthan a inear mode.

     I# x is ,nJno:n common toass,me a a,e o# 0.6

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    am$e E"$onents

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett3-K

    Component sizeexpone


    Activated sludge plant 1-100MGD 0.84

    aerobic digester 0.-40 MGD 0.!4

    "lo#er 1000-$000 %t&min 0.4'

    centri%uge 40-'0 in 0.$1

    c(lorine plant000-)0000 tons per*ear 0.44

    clari+er -100 MGD 0.,8

    compressor !00-!100 (p 0.,1

    c*clone separator !0-8000 cu%t&min 0.'4dr*er 1)-400 s%t 0.$1

    +lter sand/ 0.)-!00 MGD 0.8!

    (eat exc(anger )00-000 s%t 0.))

    (*drogen plant )00-!0000 c%d 0.)'

    laborator* 0.0)-)0 MGD 1.0!

    lagoon aerated 0.0)-)0 MGD 1.1reactor )0-400 al 0.$4

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett3-10

    Com8ining CCEs :ith Inde" a,es

     Com8ining the cost-inde" a$$roach :ith CCEsadd the time adL,stment #actor to 8etter estimate

    costs that change oer time.

    $eci#icaB C2  > C1F2=F1 x


  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating


    !he tota design and constr,ction o# a ne:

    aero8ic digester to hande a #o: o# 0.5

    'G& :as 91.;' in 2000. Estimate the cost

    todaB #or a #o: rate o# 2.0 'G&. !he costinde" in 2000 :as 131 and todaB 225. !he

    e"$onent #or 0.2 to 40 'G& >0.24

     C > 1;000002.0=0.50.24225=131  > 35461;@

    2014-I-013-11 %&r. 'ichae (ennett

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    Mi#e-CBce Costs

    ) Goods and serices are designed and $rogress thro,gh a i#e-cBce.

    ) Mi#e-cBce costing +  Considers the costs oer the entire i#e-cBce

    2014-I-013-12 %&r. 'ichae (ennett

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    Estimating (ene#its

    ) Economic anaBsis o#ten re/,iresconsidering the 8ene#its as :e as the


    ) 'anB o# the same methods ,sed tocac,ate costs can 8e ,sed to cac,ate


    ) (ene#its are tB$icaB in the #,t,re :hichsometimes maJes them more di##ic,t to


    2014-I-013-13 %&r. 'ichae (ennett

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    Cash Ho: &iagrams

    ) Costs and (ene#its oer time can 8e re$resented 8B a cash#o: diagram

    ) Cash #o:s are ass,med to occ,r at the end o# each $eriod.

    2014-I-013-14 %&r. 'ichae (ennett

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    3.5 D8serations on Engineering Estimation


    Ain-the-8a$arJ estimates

    Reisit the chess8oard and :heat

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett3-15

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett3-16

    R,es o# !h,m8s

    'B UnceOs e"am$e

    !he R,e o# 3

    !he (acJ o# the Eneo$e

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett1;

    !he R,e o# i"

    normaB ,se the aerage

    the WCP4"ECP(C = 6 is 8etter 

    &est > WC-(C=6 8e reaistic #actor in time o# Bear

    i 3 i i C d C i i

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett1@

    !he R,e o# 3

    3 $eo$e in mB ho,se

    30 cose neigh8o,rs

    300 on mB Logging ro,te

    3000 in mB schoo dra:

    30000 in mB :ard

    300000 in Mondon

    6000000 in Dntario-!oronto

    30000000 in Canada

    300000000 in N7 - 'e"ico

    3000000000 Qcons,mersQ in the :ord

    U i 3 E i i C d C E i i

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett1K

    R,es o# !h,m8s Lon 8enteB

    o: m,ch :ater #o:s o,t o# the

    'ississi$$i Rier in one daB c, mies<

    U i 3 E i i C d C E i i

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett20

    R,e o# ;2

    E"$onentia are di##ic,t

    'ost o# o,r $ro8ems 7RE e"$os

    I# Bo, inest a s,m that m,st do,8e in yBears at an interest rate o#  r  $ercent=Br then

    r*y > ;2 hods. RUME DH ;2

    E"am$e ho: ong :i it taJe #or 91000 todo,8e at 6?< ;2=6>12 Bears 92012

    U it 3 E i i C t d C t E ti ti

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett21

    R,es o# 2

    210 > 1024 or a8o,t a 1000

    220 > a8o,t a miion


     > a 8iion240> a triion

    U it 3 E i i C t d C t E ti ti

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett22


    7 $rogram taJes 10 seconds #or sie n>40

    Increasing n 8B 1 increases time 8B 12?

    e"$oR,e-o#-;2 saBs R! do,8es :hen n

    increases 8B 6

    (B 60 then 1000(B 160 10; seconds

    U it 3 E i i C t d C t E ti ti

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett23


    o: (IG is 10; anB:aB<

    7ct,aB 3.155"10; seconds in a Bear 

    Dr π seconds in a nanocent,rB264 > 100000000 don,ts=sec #or 5000


    U it 3 E i i C t d C t E ti ti

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett24

    7 Mitte F,i thanJs Son

    gie 1P4P1 con#idence imits1. Canadian $o$,ation San 120012. Tear o# Na$oeonOs 8irth

    3. Mength o# the Great MaJes=t Ma:rence:atershed

    4. 'a"im,m taJeo## :eight o# a ;4; $ds

    5. 'ass o# the earth6.  N,m8er o# Hathers o# Con#ederation

    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett25

    ;. Matit,de o# Mondon Engand

    @.  N,m8er o# air$anes in the air at this

    min,teK.  N,m8er o# *Cs in Canada

    10. N,m8er o# 8ones in the ad,t h,man

    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    Wisdom o# Cro:ds

    E"am$e #rom 8ooJ #a #airs

    o: manB dogs are there in Canada<

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett3-26

    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett2;

    Genera Estimating cont..

    maJe s,re Bo, hae a com$ete DW

    tatement o# WorJ

    :orJ o,t the W( WorJ (reaJdo:ntr,ct,re com$eteB

    hand o## to the $erson res$onsi8e to

    estimate and costcoect them in the *reiminarB *an

    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating


    01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett2@

    Genera Estimating cont..

    WBSLevelWBSDescriptionLowRisk%HighRisk1  Progra! "# $#-1002  Pro%ect 20 #0-$0

    3  Tas& 10 20-"04  '()tas& # 10-1#5  *or&+ac&age2 #-10

    Esti!ation e+ens on is&

    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett2K

    ome E"am$es o# *it#as

    misinter$retation o# DW

    sco$e omissions

    im$ro$erB de#ined sco$e

     8ad sched,e

    inacc,rate W(

    missing sJisets

    missed risJs


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

    2014-I-01 %&r. 'ichae (ennett30

    !hings to 7oid

    :arm #,ies

    too-ne: technoogies

     8iggiestoo-o$timistic estimates


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating

  • 8/19/2019 3360 Unit 03.2 2014-I-01


    Unit 3 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating


     +  !here are manB tB$es o# costs) !hese inc,de c,rrent costs #,t,re costs and

    #oregone costs

    ) Costs #or design and $rod,ction #oo: a i#e-cBce

     +  Estimates) Cost and 8ene#it estimates

    ) Estimate modes can 8e a$$ied

    ) Estimates re/,ire reso,rces and so,rces to $rod,ce +  Cash Ho: &iagrams

    ) Re$resent Pe and +e #o:s oer time

    2014 I 013 31 %& 'i h (