3] meanwhile in first week of december 2006, accused no. 2 · 3 pravin , resultantly her...

1 Received on : 10/8/2007 Registered on : 04/9/2007. Decided on : 12/6/2008. Duration : 0Y. 9 Ms. 8Ds. In the court of Sessions Judge, Pune. At Pune. [Presided over by Dr. Smt. S.S.Phansalkar-Joshi, Sessions Judge,5,Pune. ] Sessions Case No. 508/07. State of Maharashtra, through Nigdi police station. ..Complainant. Vs. 1] Aditi Baldev Sharma, Aged 24 yrs., occu. Education, R/o 24-C, 185, Sainik colony, Jammu-Kashmir. 2] Pravin Premswarup Khandelwal, Age 24 yrs., occu. Service, R/o 18, Malhotra Nagar road No. 1, BKI area, Jaypur [Rajasthan]. .. Accused. Appearance : Smt. Nilima Vartak, APP for State. Shri. Vijayrao Mohite, advocate for accused. Offence under Sections 302 r/w 120-B of IPC. ***************************************************** - J U D G M E N T - ( Decided on June 12, 2008. ) 1] This case presents a tragic scenario as the budding and flourishing love relationship between accused No. 1 Aditi and deceased

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Received on : 10/8/2007

Registered on : 04/9/2007.

Decided on : 12/6/2008.

Duration : 0Y. 9 Ms. 8Ds.

In the court of Sessions Judge, Pune. At Pune. [Presided over by Dr. Smt. S.S.Phansalkar-Joshi, Sessions Judge,5,Pune. ]

Sessions Case No. 508/07. State of Maharashtra, through Nigdi police station. ..Complainant.

Vs. 1] Aditi Baldev Sharma, Aged 24 yrs., occu. Education, R/o 24-C, 185, Sainik colony, Jammu-Kashmir.

2] Pravin Premswarup Khandelwal, Age 24 yrs., occu. Service, R/o 18, Malhotra Nagar road No. 1, BKI area, Jaypur [Rajasthan]. .. Accused.

Appearance : Smt. Nilima Vartak, APP for State. Shri. Vijayrao Mohite, advocate for accused.

Offence under Sections 302 r/w 120-B of IPC. *****************************************************

- J U D G M E N T -

( Decided on June 12, 2008. )

1] This case presents a tragic scenario as the budding and

flourishing love relationship between accused No. 1 Aditi and deceased


Udit Bharati, which was on the threshold of marriage and sailing

smoothly with consent and approval of the parents on both sides, got

swerved to the wrong side and sank into tragedy when accused No. 1 -

Aditi came in to contact with accused No. 2 Pravin, got enamoured by

him, fell in love with him and left the deceased to settle with Pravin and

ultimately, as per prosecution case , eliminated deceased from this world, in

conspiracy with Pravin , for which both of them are indicted and charge

sheeted by the police for the offence punishable u/s 120-B, 302 r/w 120-B

and in alternative section 302 r/w 34 of IPC.

2] Factual score of the case, most of which lies beyond realm of

dispute, can be depicted as follows :

Deceased Udit and Aditi, both hail from Jammu and belong to

well -to -do families. They completed their graduation in Engineering college

at Jammu. In the first year of course itself,they became acquainted with each

other. Their acquaintance flowered in to friendship and then blossomed in

to love relationship. They started exchanging gift articles, greeting cards etc.

and were on visiting terms with each others' house. Both of them decided to

get married . When their parents came to know about it, they put their

stamp of approval and consent on this marriage proposal. It was agreed that

the marriage will be performed after they complete the MBA course. Both of

them accordingly came to Pune in June 2006 and took admission in the IIMM

college at Wakad, Pune, for MBA course. Both of them were staying in the

Hostel of the college. Pravin who hails from Jaipur [ Rajasthan] was also

studying in the same college. Aditi came in the contact with Pravin, as

both were the members of Crises Management Team formed by the college

for helping the students in need and emergency. Aditi then fell in love with


Pravin , resultantly her relationship with deceased Udit was broken. This fact

was informed by Udit to his parents, about 10-14 days, before Diwali. His

parents accordingly advised him to forget everything and concentrate on


3] Meanwhile in first week of December 2006, accused No. 2

Pravin got job opportunity in the Bank of America at Gurgaon, branch in

Harayana and therefore, even before the examination of First Semester was

over, he left the college and the Hostel. Along with him, accused No. 1 Aditi

also left . Both of them started residing at the place of his job in Gurgaon.

As per their case, they got married secretly in Delhi and it was decided that

they will inform their parents and get marred publicly.

4] In this factual backdrop, the incident giving rise to this case took

place on 22/4//07. On that day, both Aditi and Pravin came to Pune at about

5.00 p.m. and checked in White House Lodge at Chinchwad. Aditi obtained

Udit's cell number from his mother by making her phone call in the name of

Amit. She then contacted Udit on his mobile and requested him to meet

her at McDonald's hotel in Chinchwad. At that time, Udit was working on one

project with his classmate P.W. 2 Megha Kela, in her flat at Thergaon, when

Udit received her phone call, he asked his mother why she has given his cell

number to Aditi and then told Megha that he was going to McDonald's Hotel

to meet Aditi at about 9.00 p.m. As per prosecution case, there Aditi gave

him some 'Prasad' in the form of Khadi-sakhar and Sakhar-phutane,

containing Arsenic poison, which was consumed by Udit. Thereafter at

about 11.30 p.m., Udit returned to Megha's flat , sat with her for some time

and at about 12.00 O'clock in the night he left her flat saying that he was

going to his own flat in Prasun Dham Society. In the parking space, he


received his mother's call enquiring about his meeting with Aditi .Udit told her

he will tell about it in the morning as he was having toilet pressure. In his

flat his friends P.W. 2- Vinay, P.W. 8- Naresh, :P.W. 4- Siddharth and P.W.

24-Sandip were working on the project. They told Udit that his mother's

phone call was received enquiring about him. Udit sat with them for 5

minutes, then changed his clothes and went to bath-room, saying that he was

having vomiting sensation. Afterwards Udit took a sip of Whisky and said

that he cannot drink any more.

5] By that time, their classmate P.W.-5- Jagbir also came to the flat.

As Udit continued to have vomiting episodes, he was given electoral

powder mixed with water. But it was of no use. As he continued to suffer

from vomiting and loose motion, they took him to Aditya Birla Hospital, which

was in front of their society and admitted him there at about 2.30 a.m. Dr.

Janardan Jadhav who was on duty started the medical treatment. As the

vomiting was persistent, inquiries were being made repeatedly with Udit as

to what he has consumed. Udit told them that except for meal in the

afternoon, Vada-pav in evening and some alcohol in the night, he has not

consumed anything. As the symptoms from which he was suffering and

his clinical condition were not going hand in hand, further investigation in the

form of x-rays was undertaken .

6] At about 10.40 a.m., when again the inquiry was made with Udit

by Dr. Rahul Deshpande and Dr. Dadke, who were on duty and attending

him, Udit disclosed that he has consumed some 'Prasad'. Accordingly the

entry to that effect was made in the case papers. As condition of Udit

continued to deteriorate he was admitted in I.C.U. His x-ray showed radio-

opeq substance and hence it was suspected that this was a case of heavy


metal poisoning. Accordingly at about 2.00 p.m., Dr. Diddi, the in-charge of

ICU, informed about this case as MLC to the police and station diary entry

was made at Hinjwadi police station .

7] Udit's parents were also informed about his condition on phone at

about 11.30 a.m. They started coming to Pune by Zelum Express. As on

the way they were informed that Udit was shifted to ICU and his condition

was critical, on the next day in the morning they got down from the Train at

Delhi and came to Pune by flight at about 5.00 p.m. By that time Udit has

lost consciousness and they had no opportunity to talk with him.

8] In the course of these events, some more developments took

place. On 23/4/07, at about 1.00 p.m., while Udit's classmates and friends

like Jagbir, Siddharth and others were in the Hospital attending him, the

cell phone of Udit was with his friend Jagbir and on that cell, one call was

received from a lady, who made inquiry about Udit. It was informed to her that

Udit was at some distance and she may call after wards. As on the previous

evening Udit has gone to meet Aditi and these friends were knowing about

the said visit, they become suspicious that the said phone call must be from

Aditi. Hence they made inquiry with the mobile company office and came to

know that the said phone call was received from Reliance PCO, near White

House Lodge. Abhijit and Jagbir then went to the said PCO, made inquiry

and came to know that one lady has made the said phone call and she has

come from White House Lodge. Therefore, they went to the White House

Lodge and saw the Register of the Lodge in which they found the entry of

the name of Rohit Sharma and Aditi Sharma. They informed Siddharth and

Vinay about it. Therefore, Siddharth, Vinay and Shikhi Khanna also came to

the White House Lodge. Aditi was not there. Hence they felt that as it


was lunch time, Aditi might have gone to McDonald's Hotel. Therefore, they

started going towards McDonald's Hotel. On the way near Chinchwad

station, they saw Aditi and Pravin entering in to Sugar-cane Juice Center.

They went there and told Aditi that Udit was admitted in Hospital in serious

condition. They asked her whether on the previous night she has given any

'Prasad' to him. She told them that she had given some 'Prasad' to Udit and

she has also eaten that 'Prasad' and felt somewhat uneasy. They told her

to give the said Prasad, if it was still with her. She said no. She has no.

She has already thrown it in the parking space of McDonald's hotel. They

brought her to the Hospital and in the lobby inquiry was made with her

about the Packet of 'Prasad'. At that time, she opened her purse and in that

purse Siddharth saw packet of 'Prasad' and it was taken out from the purse

and given to Dr. Rahul Deshpande who kept it in the drawer near Udit's bed.

Aditi then left the Hospital and again returned in the evening for sometime.

On the same night,sh left Pune for Delhi via Mumbai, along with Pavin.

9] Udit was declared dead in the Hospital while taking treatment on

24/4/07 at about 10.30 p.m. On receipt of this information by police, A.D. No.

58/07 was registered. Dead body of Udit was sent for postmortem to YCM

Hospital, after conducting inquest panchanama. The samples of viscera and

stomach wash were collected during the course of postmortem and sent to

Sassoon Hospital for histo-pathological examination. On 25/4/07 the

statements of Udit's parents were only recorded, in which suspicion was

expressed that Udit had died on account of 'Prasad' given by Aditi, which

'Prasad' was containing Arsenic. In their statement they also expressed

suspicion against Pravin , as Udit has told them on phone sometimes

back, that Pravin has threatened him, not to come in his relations with Aditi.


10] The dead body of Udit after postmortem was handed over in the

custody of his parents, Ashwinikumar and Ravikarin Bharati. They took dead

body to Jammu and after performing funeral rites, on 5/5/07 both of them

again came to Pune to lodge the complaint. In view of these statements of

Udit's parents, Aditi was also called for from Gurgaon. On 5/5/07 her purse

containing the packets and particles of 'Prasad' was seized from her

possession under panchanama and it was also sent to C.A. The C.A.

Reports of viscera and other medical samples of Udit were received on

18/5/07 revealing the presence of Arsenic poison in fatal quantity. It was

opined by Doctors that the cause of Udit's death was consumption of

Arsenic. The C.A. Report of purse and the contents thereof also disclosed

presence of Arsenic. Therefore, on the complaint of Udit's father,

Ashwinikumar Bharati recorded on 18/5/07, C.R. No. 206/07 came to be

registered at Nigdi police station against both the accused for the offence u/s

120-B, 302 r/w 120-B and in alternative section 302 r/w 34 of IPC.

11] During the course of investigation, the statements of witnesses

were recorded. Both the accused were arrested. Medical case papers of

deceased Udit were collected . The record of mobile phone calls received

and sent on the cell of Udit, the land-line of his mother and the record of

phone calls made from the PCO near White house Lodge, was also

collected. The police staff was sent to Jammu and Gurgaon. From

Gurgaon the service record of accused No. 2 Pravin was collected, showing

that on the relevant dates from 22/4/07 to 25/4/07, he was on paid leave.

Record from White house Lodge was collected , showing that both the

accused had stayed there for these 2 days. The efforts were made to search,

from where either of the accused got the Arsenic. The assistance of


scientific techniques was also availed of to elicit the truth. With the

permission of court, both the accused were taken to Forensic Science

Laboratory in Mumbai on 23/7/07 and 25/7/07. There the Polygraph Test

was conducted on both the accused. As the results of the same were

positive, showing involvement of Aditi in the offence, she was further

subjected to BEOS Test which also revealed her experiential knowledge

of the commission of offence. Therefore, after completion of usual

investigation, the charge sheet came to be filed against both the accused in

the court of JMFC, Pimpri.

12] As the offence u/s 302 of I.P.C. is exclusively triable by the

Sessions Court, the leaned Magistrate has committed the case to this court .

As accused No. 1 is in Jail, hearing of the case is expedited.

13] I have framed charge against both the accused as per Exh. 6.

The charge was read over and explained to them. Both the accused

abjured the guilt and claimed trial. Their defence is of total denial and

false implication on the basis of suspicion.

14] As regards Aditi, a specific plea is raised to the effect that as she

has left Udit, in favour of Pravin, Udit , who was in deeply love with her,

could not bear the said shock. He was quite sensitive in nature and

therefore, after meeting her, on that fateful night when he came to know

that she has already get married with Pravin, he became totally frustrated,

dejected and disappointed. In that state of frustration there is likelihood of

his committing suicide by consuming the poison, if it is proved that his death

is on account of poisoning.


15] So far as Pravin is concerned, according to him, he has no hand

or role to play in any of the incident, leading to death of Udit. Merely

because he has come to Pune for his oficial work and has stayed with Aditi

in White house Lodge , he has been roped in this case.

16] Therefore, in order to come to the just decision about guilt of

the accused, on these facts of the case, following Points arise for my

determination and I record my findings thereon for the reasons stated below :

Points. Findings

1] Whether prosecution proves thatUdit has succumbed to homicidaldeath on account of consumption ofArsenic ?


2] Whether prosecution furtherproves that accused No. 1 Aditi hascommitted murder of Udit byintentionally or knowingly causing hisdeath with the act of administeringArsenic poison to him in 'Prasad' ?


3] Whether prosecution furtherproves that accused No. 1 Aditi andaccused No. 2 Pravin hatchedcriminal conspiracy to commit anillegal act i.e., the murder of Udit byadministering Arsenic poison to himthrough 'Prasad' and therebycommitted an offence punishable u/s120-B of Indian Penal Code ?



Points. Findings

4] Whether prosecution furtherproves that in pursuance of the saidcriminal conspiracy , accused No. 1and accused No. 2 committed murderof Udit by administering Arsenicpoison to him in 'Prasad' and therebycommitted an offence punishable u/s302 r/w 120-B of IPC ?


5] In the alternative, whetherprosecution proves that accusedNo. 1 and accused No. 2 eitherindividually or in furtherance of theircommon intention committed murderof Udit by intentionally or knowinglycausing his death by administering'Prasad' containing Arsenic poisonand thereby committed an offencepunishable u/s 302 r/w 34 of IPC ?

Does not arise.

6] What order ? As per final order.

-R e a s o n s-

17] In order to bring home the guilt of the accused, prosecution has

examined as many as 33 witnesses. They can be classified in the following


A] Parents of Udit on the issue of motive :

P.W. 14 - Rivikiran Ashwinikumar Bharati , mother [Exh. 51] ;

P.W.19 - Ashwinikumar Jagannath Bharti, father [Exh. 62]; his

complaint Exh. 63.

B] Students – friends – classmates of deceased Udit, -Aditi and -Pravin,


as regards the actual incident to prove the conduct of accused.

P.W. 2- Vinay Shivram sawant [Exh. 26];

P.W. 3 – Megha Pradipkumar Kela, [Exh. 27];

P.W. 4- Siddharth Kishor Thombre [Exh.28];

P.W. 5 Jagbir Indrajitsing Garcha [Exh. 29];

P.W. 8- Naresh Satyanarayan Pareek [Exh. 35]; and

P.W. 24- Sandip Durgadas Rajanee [Exh. 84].

C] College Management authorities :

P.W. 11- Viju Gopinath Pillel [Exh. 42], Director of I.T. IIMM


P.W. 21- Som Sundaram Ram Subramaniyam [Exh. 67].

D] Panch witnesses :

P.W. 1- Umesh Sahebrao Tanjane [Exh. 24], panch witness to the

recovery of muddemal article ladies purse, from possession of accused No.

1 Aditi; seizure panchanama Exh. 25.

P.W. 22- Dnyana Nivrutti Pol [Exh. 80], to the spot panchanama

of the platform near McDonald's Hotel [Exh. 81].

E] Medical Officers who attended Udit in Aditya Birla Hospital.

P.W. 16- Dr. Mahendra Sudhakar Dadke, [Exh. 56], Udit”s case

papers Exh. 57;

P.W. 17- Dr. Stephen Aruldoss [Exh. 58];

P.W.18- Dr. Shekhar dev Diddee [Exh. 59].

F] Expert Medical witnesses :

P.W. 12- Dr. Mrs. Jyoti Kiran Kudirimodi [Exh. 47], from histo-


pathological department, of Sassoon Hospital her histo- pathological report

is at Exh. 48.

P.W. 13- Dr. Bal Pandurang Ugade [Exh.49], who has conducted

postmortem and postmortem report is Exh. 50.

G] Other expert witnesses :

P.W. 15- Pradip Vijaylal Gujar [Exh.54], Assistant Chemical

Analyst , C.A. Report of medical samples of viscera and stomach wash

are at Exhs. 17, 18. C.A. Reports of liquor bottle is at Exh.19 and C.A.

Report of purse and its contents is Exh. 55.

P.W. 29 – Sunny Joseph [Exh. 107] Asstt. Chemical Analyser

from Forensic Science Laboratory, Mumbai , who has conducted Polygraph

Test and Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling [BEOS] Test on

accused. The relevant record of those Tests along with report is filed at

Exh. 108 to 119.

H] Other corroborating witnesses :

P.W. 6- Sandip Pandurang Bahirwade [Exh. 30],the owner of STD

booth near White house Lodge;

P.W. 20- Vijay Eknath Shinde [Exh.64] Nodal officer in Airtel

Company, who prepared Record of the phone calls received on the cell of

Udit Exh 65 and 66.

P.W. 9- Shamal Mandku Mitra [Exh. 36] the manager of White

house Lodge. The relevant entry on the Register of the stay of accused

Nos. 1 and 2 in the said Lodge prepared by him is at Exh.37.

I] The last category is of police officers, who have taken part in


investigation from time to time : They are :

P.W. 10- Ashok Damodar Jagtap [Exh.38], Head constable of

Hinjwadi police station, who has made entry in station diary of Udit's death

and submitted report [exh.41] for registering A.D. No. 58/07;

P.W. 23- P.H.C. Gulab Gajanan Jagdale [Exxh.82],who has

registered C.R. NO. 206/07 on the receipt of FIR and produced relevant

extract of the station diary at Exh. 83;

P.W. 25- P.S.I. Anand Dattatraya Walimbe [Exh. 88], from Control

room, who has made relevant entry Exh.89 about the admission of Udit in

the Hospital;

P.W. 26- A. P.I. Ashok Vitthal Pawar {Exh.90] who has recorded

the statement of Udit's father on 4/5/07.

P.W. 27- A. P.I. Sanjiv Ramchandra Patil [Exh. 92], who has been

to Jammu and Gurgaon for collecting service record of accused No. 2 Pravin

vide Exh.94. His report is at Exh. 95.

P.W. 28- A. S.I. Ptratap Murlidhar Pawar [Exh. 98]. He has

carried out seizure panchanama of the purse of accused No. 1 and

conducted some other part of investigation.

P.W. 30- A.S.I. Ashok Babarao Nilkanth [Exh.121], muddemal

clerk from Hinjwadi police station who has received the muddemal

property and sent the same to chemical analysis.

P.W.31- P.H.C.Bhimrao Bhaguram Bansode [Exh. 125], who has

visited the Hospital to record the statement of Udit but found him to be

not in a position to give the statement ;

P.W. 32- Investigating Officer P.I. Rajendra Murlidhar Bhamre

[Exh. 127], who has arrested both the accused on 16/5/07 vide Exh.129, sent

muddemal to Chemical Analysis and mostly completed the remaining part of


investigation up to filing charge sheet in the court, and lastly

P.W. 33- P.I. Bajirao Dadoba Mohite [Exh./ 141], who has taken

both the accused to Forensic Science Laboratory at Mumbai for conducting

the Psychological Evaluation Test and filed charge sheet in the court.

18] In their defence accused have not examined any witnesses or

produced any documents, but they have filed their written statement of

defence at Exh. 149 and Exh. 150 respectively, putting up the plea of Udit

committing suicide being frustrated due to Aditi's disclosure of her marriage

with Pravin, thereby extinguishing all his hopes of re-union with her. This

statement of defence is requested to be treated as part and parcel of their

statement u/s 313 of Cr.P.C.

Point No. 1 :

This is a case, based purely and simply on circumstantial

evidence alone. The principles of law governing the nature, character and

essential proof required in a criminal case which rests on circumstantial

evidence alone are well settled and more or less exiomatic. In the

landmark decision of Sharad Sarda Vs. state of Maharashtra, AIR 1984

Supreme Court 1622, the Apex Court has epitomised five golden

principle which in its words form the Panchsheel of the proof of a case

based on circumstantial evidence. They are :

1: The circumstances from which the conclusion of guilt is to be drawn shouldbe fully established.

2 : The facts so established should be consistent only with the hypothesis ofthe guilt of the accused,that is to say, they should not be explainable on anyother hypothesis except that the accused is guilty.

3 : The circumstances should be of a conclusive nature and tendency.


4 : They should exclude every possible hypothesis except the one to beproved, and

5 : There must be a chain of evidence so complete as not to leave anyreasonable doubt for the conclusion consistent with the innocence of theaccused and must show that in all human probability the act must have beendone by the accused.

19] In this case the material circumstances on which prosecution

prefers to rely can be summarized as follows :

1] Homicidal death of Udit due to consumption of Arsenic Poison.

2] Motive : Initial love relationship between Udit and Aditi, which was

broken when Aditi fell in love with Pravin. It provided motive for

commission of offence.

3] Both accused coming to Pune on 22/4/07 and registering in the

fictitious name in White House Lodge.

4] Aditi getting the cell phone number of Udit from his mother by making

phone call in the name of fictitious student by name Amit.

5] Ad then calling Udit on his cell phone to meet her at McDonald's Hotel.

6] In the meeting at McDonald's Hotel , Aditi offering 'Prasad' to Udit.

7] After consuming the said 'Prasad' from the time Udit returning to his flat,

he started suffering form consistent vomiting, hence being admitted in the

Hospital at 2.30 a.m.


8] Udit giving history of eating 'Prasad', to Doctors attending him.

9] The packets of 'Prasad' found in the purse of Aditi when it was seized

under panchanama.

10] The same packets of 'Prasad' were found to be containing Arsenic

when sent to C.A.

11] Results of Psychological Evaluation Test proving that Aditi had given

deceptive answers to incriminating questions in Polygraph Test and BEOS

Test report reflecting her Experiential Knowledge about the event .

12] Conduct of Aditi, before, at the time of and after incidence.

13] False explanation offered by Aditi and Pravin for their visit to Pune and

about Prasad.

14] Pravin accompanying Aditi to Pune for this purpose, staying with her

in fictitious name, obtaining Udit's phone number under false name of Amit,

These acts showing his participation in the commission of offence, thereby

proving their criminal conspiracy to eliminate Udit.

Udit's death by poisoning :

20] Now coming to the first circumstance about the death of Udit by

consumption of Arsenic poison. In this respect the prosecution is having not

only abundant and clinching evidence on record proving the said fact

beyond doubt, but fortunately for prosecution, defence is also not seriously

disputing it , or one may say, that defence is not in a position to dispute it


in the face of overwhelming evidence on record . Just to narrate the few

facts, otherwise proved on record. They are to the effect that , after returning

from meeting with Aditi on 22/4/07, since about 12.00 O'Clock in the

night,Udit started suffering from vomiting. As till about 2.30 a.m. in the night,

his vomiting did not stop,he was admitted in Aditya Birla Hospital, where

initially Doctor suspected food poisoning. In the morning at about 10.00

a.m., he was shifted to I.C.U. His X-ray report showed radio opeq

substance and hence as deposed by P.W. 16- Dr. Dadke who was a

attending him in the Hospital, they came to the opinion that it was a case of

heavy metal poisoning. Therefore, at 2.00 p.m. on 23/4/07, police were

informed and MLC case was registered. Udit's condition thereafter became

serious. He was put on ventilatory support and as stated by Dr. Diddy, Udit

expired in the Hospital on 24/4/07 at about 10.30 p.m.

21] After the inquest panchanama,his dead body was sent for

postmortem to YCM Hospital. P.W. 13- Dr. Ugade conducted postmortem on

his dead body on 25/4/07 in between 7.00 a.m. to 7.30 a.m. He found no

external or internal injuries on his dead body. However his both lungs, brain,

liver, kidney, stomach, spleen and all vital organs were congested and

there was yellowish discoloration of lever. He preserved viscera like, the

pieces of brain, kidney, liver, spleen, stomach contents for histo-pathological

examination and C.A. Accordingly they were sent by Investigating officer to

histo-pathological department of Sassoon Hospital and Forensic Science

Laboratory ,Pune. He reserved his opinion about cause of death till the

receipt of C.A. Report.

22] P.W. 12- Dr. Kudirimodi who is working as Pathologist in

Sassoon Hospital,Pune, has carried out histo-pathological examination of


these contents of viscera and noted her findings in report Exh. 48. As per

her report, there was no specific pathology meaning thereby that Udit was

not suffering from any abnormality in the form of disease. She also noticed

the congestion of his lever, lungs, brain, kidney, spleen etc. which

according to her is found in case of Arsenic poisoning.

23] P.W. 15- Assistant Chemical Analyst, Forensic Science

Laboratory,Pune - Pradip Gujar has carried out the chemical analysis of the

viscera and stomach wash samples of Udit. On analysis of the same, he

found that it was containing 2.44 mili grams and 11.2 mili grams of Arsenic

per hundred grams, respectively. C.A. Report Exh. 18 shows 1.945 mili ltrs

Arsenic per 100 grams in stomach aspirate. Accordingly he has given C.A.

report Exh. 17. He has opined that considering the presence of quantity of

Arsenic in the stomach wash and viscera, it can be said that deceased Udit

was administered a fatal dose of Arsenic.

24] P.W.13- Dr. Ugade who has conducted postmortem was shown

at the time of his evidence, both histo-pathological examination report Exh.

48 prepared by Dr. Kudirimodi and C.A. reports Exh . 17 and 18 of Chemical

Analyst P.W. 15- Gujar and after perusing the same he has opined that the

cause of Udit's death was definitely Arsenic poisoning.

25] There is absolutely no cross examination of either PW 13- Dr.

Ugade or that of P.W. 12- Dr. Kudirimodi or Chemical Analyst P.W. 15-

Gujar on this vital aspect of the Arsenic contents being found in the

viscera and stomach wash sample of Udit and the cause of his death being

on account of consumption of Arsenic poison . There is also no challenge to

the evidence of P.W.15- Gujar that Arsenic is physiologically not the body


part and in case of acute Arsenic poisoning , its action starts in the body

within half to one hour and the patient may die within 12-48 hours . There

is also no cross examination of Dr. Kudirimodi on the point that her histo-

pathological examination did not reveal any abnormality in the form of

disease. Therefore, the congestion of his vital body parts like brain ,

lever etc. which was found at the time of postmortem and her examination,

can only be inferred to be on account of Arsenic poisoning.

26] Thus, the evidence on record is of utmost clinching nature so

as to prove the fact that the cause of Udit's death was none else but the

consumption of Arsenic poison. As stated above the defence is also not

seriously disputing this fact, in the light of this unmistaken and un-erring

evidence on record, leading to no other inference. The plea raised by

defence is that as admitted by P.W.13- Dr. Ugade, the death by Arsenic

poison can either be homicidal or suicidal. In this case as per the contention

of the accused, it was a case of suicidal death. This contention, I will deal

with subsequently. For the present, suffice it to say that prosecution has

succeeded in proving that cause of Udit's death was Arsenic poisoning.

Motive :

27] Now in order to prove that it was a case of homicidal death, the

prosecution is relying on the subsequent circumstances. One of the major

circumstances which is again not in the realm of dispute is about the love

relation between accused No. 1- Aditi and Udit. It is proved on record

through the evidence of Udit's parents and Aditi is also admitting in her

written statement u/s 313 of Cr.P.C., that when both were studying together

in Engineering college at Jammu, they started knowing each other. They fell

in love. They were exchanging gift articles and greetings. They were

visiting several places including picnics, movies,clicking photographs. They


had also decided to get married. When their parents came to know about it,

they approved their proposal of marriage, as deposed by Udit's parents -

P.W. 14- Ravikiran and P.W. 19- Ashiwinikumar, Aditi's parents had also

approved their relations and it was decided from all the sides that after they

complete their MBA course, their marriage will be performed. As stated by

Aditi in her statement u/s 313 of Cr.P.C. [Exh.149], Udit used to introduce her

to his relatives, friends and acquaintances, as his 'would be wife'. In this

way both of them came to Pune in June 2006 and took admission for MBA

course in IIMM college at Wakad, Pune.

28] Further the fact that in this college Aditi and Pravin came to know

each other and they fell in love, is also not disputed. Aditi has admitted

again in her statement that she and Pravin were members of Crises

Management Team formed by the college and while working in the same

team, she was attracted to Pravin. Both of them fell in love with each other.

Hence she decided to leave Udit and to marry Pravin. When Pravin got

employment at Gurgaon and left college in December 2006, she also left the

college and hostel and both of them started residing together in Delhi and

Pravin working in Gurgaon. She has further stated that, during her stay at

Delhi, she and Pravin got secretly married each other in a temple.

29] Thus, in this case, apart from the evidence of Udit's parents,

there is also the un-equivocal admission of Aditi in her statement u/s 313 of

Cr.P.C., that initially she was in love with Udit, they had decided to get

married after completion of MBA course, however when she came to Pune,

she fell in love with Pravin and decided to marry him. Therefore, she left Udit

and went to reside along with Pravin at Delhi. This fact is also proved on

record by prosecution by examining college authorities to show that both of


them had left the college and hostel in first week of December 2006, without

appearing for the examination of First Semester. In this way , the broken

love relationship between Udit and accused No. 1- Aditi and her subsequent

love relation with Pravin are proved facts on record, being otherwise also,


30] As per prosecution case , this circumstance forms motive for the

accused to commit murder of Udit as once or twice Pravin has threatened

Udit not to come in the way of his love relationship with Aditi and Udit has

informed this fact to his mother on phone,as deposed by his mother PW 14-

Ravikiran. According to prosecution, both accused therefore,wanted to

eliminate Udit and hence they came to Pune by hatching conspiracy.

31] As per learned counsel for accused Shri. Mohite, this circumstance

of broken love relation between Udit and Aditi and her subsequent love

relation with accused No.2- Pravin can hardly be called as motive for

accused to commit murder of Udit. At the most, due to their broken

relationship , Udit could be called as an aggrieved person as he has been

ditched by accused No. 1- Aditi and she has not remained faithful to him.

Moreover, his family members were to face dishonour on account of their

broken marriage. Therefore, if there was any aggrieved person, it was Udit.

None of the accused can be said to have any reason for enmical relations

with Udit. Moreover, there was lapse of about 4-5 months between Aditi

leaving Udit and the incident. Therefore, it is in-conceivable that after

lapse of about 6 months,Aditi or Pravin will come to Pune only for

committing murder of Udit. According to him, it cannot be said in any way

that either Aditi or Pravin had any reason to commit murder of Udit. There is

also nothing on record to show that Udit has come in the way of the love


relation between Aditi and Pravin or at any time Pravin has given such

threatening to Udit. Except for the interested words of Udit's mother, there is

nothing on record to that effect. Therefore, according to him there was no

motive at all which could have allegedly prompted the accused to commit

murder of Udit. At least prosecution has not succeeded in proving the said

motive or the adequacy of the motive to commit such a ghastly act of

commission of murder. Learned counsel for accused has in this respect

strongly advanced submission that when the case is based on the

circumstantial evidence alone, proof of motive plays a vital role, motive

assumes pertinent significance as existence of the motive is an enlightening

factor in the process of presumptive reasoning in such a case. To

substantiate his submission, he has placed reliance on the authority of State

Vs. Motia AIR 1955 Rajasthan 82.

32] It has to be observed that so far as the motive is concerned, it is

undisputedly a difficult area for prosecution as one cannot normally see in to

the mind of another. Motive is the emotion which impels a person to do a

particular act. Such impelling cause need not necessarily be proportionately

groove to do grave crimes. Many a murders have been committed without

any known or prominent motive. It is quite possible that the above said

impelling factor would remain un-discoverable. As observed by the Apex

Court in the case of State of H.P.Vs. Jeetsing, 1999 CRI L.J. 2025,

“ no doubt it is a sound principle to remember that everycriminal act was done with a motive, but its corollary is not that

no criminal offence would have been committed if prosecution hasfailed to prove the precise motive of the accused to commit it.When the prosecution succeeded in showing the possibility ofsome ire for the accused towards the victim, the inability to

further put on record the manner in which such ire would have swelled upin the mind of the offender to such a degree as to impel him tocommit the offence, cannot be construed as a fatal weakness


of the prosecution. It is almost an impossibility for theprosecution to unravel the full dimension of the mentaldisposition of an offender towards the person whom he offended."

33] Needless to state that, after all motive is a Psychological

phenominon. Hence mere fact that prosecution failed to translate mental

disposition of accused in to evidence, does not mean that no such mental

condition existed in the mind of the accused. As observed by the Apex Court

in the case of Shivaji Bobade Vs. State of Maharashtra AIR 1973 SC

2622 relied upon by learned APP,

“proof of motive satisfies the judicial mind about the likelihoodof the authorship , but its absence only demands deeper forensic

search and cannot un-do the effect of evidence otherwisesufficient. Motives of men are often subjective, submerged andun-amenable to easy proof that courts have to go without clearevidence thereon if, other clinching evidence exists.”

34] The point therefore,to be stressed is that, though the absence of

proof or motive may put the court some times on its guard to scrutinize the

circumstances more carefully, to ensure that suspicion and conjecture do

not take place of legal proof; as most heinous offences are committed and

the evidence of motive may not be coming, it being a psychological aspect

which prosecution finds difficult to probe in to, it is settled law that even in

the absence of motive, conviction can be sustained.

35] Just to quote, Hon'ble Apex Court again in the case of State of

H.P.Vs. Jeetsing, 1999 CRI L.J. 2025 :

" if there be any motive which can be assigned, I am bound totell you that the adequacy of that motive is of little importance.We know, from experience of criminal courts that atrocious crimesof this sort have been committed from very slight motives, notmerely from malice and revenge, but to gain a small pecuniary


advantage and to drive off for a time pressing difficulties.”

36] In the instant case therefore, even if it is assumed that

prosecution has failed to prove the adequacy of motive of the accused to

commit such an act, the inability of the prosecution to do so, cannot be

treated as a fatal lacuna. It is need not be stated that the criminal courts

come across several cases in which the grave and serious offences are

committed out of broken love affair. Which feelings or mental state prompt

such accused person to commit the heinous act of a murder or other offence

is almost difficult, well nigh impossible to gather and then to prove, for

prosecution. It is not uncommon to come across commission of such

offence in love triangle. In the instant case there was admittedly broken

relationship between Udit and Aditi. Not only that, Aditi has left deceased

for Pravin. There may be possibility that Udit was opposing her love

relationship with Pravin and hence may be Aditi or Pravin were being

threatened of his constant interference in their life. The evidence of Udit's

mother, which has remained un-shattered on record, clearly goes to show

that accused had given an understanding to deceased to not to come in

their way. That may be the reason why Udit was eliminated. Though it

may be true that prosecution could not bring all these facts before the court,

on probability factor it cannot be disputed that there was motive for Aditi to

take such step. The prosecution is not bound and need not prove the

adequacy of motive, as held above.

37] Even otherwise also, the proof of motive is merely a corroborating

circumstance and not a clinching circumstance. Even in the case of absence

of proof of the motive, what law requires is, not to throw out the

prosecution case, but to scrutinize the evidence on record, more carefully


and if other circumstances are clinching then the prosecution can take the

help of the presence of motive as an additional link to complete the chain of


Visit of Aditi and Pravin to Pune :

38] Now coming to the next circumstance that of accused No. 1-

Aditi and accused No.2- Pravin coming to Pune on 22/4/07. As per the case

of prosecution, they came to Pune in pursuance of their conspiracy of

committing the murder of Udit; otherwise, there was no explanation for them

to do so. The very fact that they had stayed in White House Lodge which

was near the college and hostel, where deceased was residing, spells out

that their only object or intention of the visit was to contact Udit and to offer

him 'Prasad' containing Arsenic. As per learned APP, otherwise there was no

reason for them , first to come to Pune and secondly, to register in White

House Lodge and that too in fictitious name of Rohit Sharma.

39] Both the accused are not disputing the fact and otherwise also,

they cannot dispute the fact that they had come to Pune on 22/4/07 and left

immediately in the night of 23/4/07. This fact is proved on record by

prosecution also, with sufficient oral and documentary evidence,from the

tetimony of P.W.9- Shamlal Mitra, Manager of White House Lodge, who has

produced on record relevant extract of the original Register of the Lodge

containing the entry No. 2234 dated 22/4/07 according to which, both the

accused had arrived in the Hotel at 5.00 p.m. they were allotted room No.

302 and on the next day at 5.30 p.m., they checked out. This entry was

made in the name of Rohit Sharma for 2 persons. Shri. Mitra has identified

accused No. 1- Aditi and Pravin to be the same two persons. In his cross


examination it is brought on record that previously also on 2 or 4

occasions, both the accused had come and and stayed in the said Lodge

and registered the room in the name of Rohit Sharma. Hence there is no

question of any dispute about identification of the accused. As a matter of

fact, in their statements recorded u/s 313 of Cr.P.C. also, both the accused

have admitted the fact that they had come to Pune on 22/4/07 and stayed in

White House Lodge in the name of Rohit Sharma and Aditi Sharma and left

on 23/4/07 at 5.30 p.m. Therefore, this fact is proved on record and

otherwise also in not dispute.

40] The question for consideration is what explanation is offered by

the accused for their visit to Pune and their stay in the White House Lodge

that too, in fictitious name ? As per explanation of the accused, as Pravin

had some office work at Pune and his office had given him paid leave from

21/4/07 to 25/7/07, they came to Pune. As per Aditi, while she was staying

in Pune, she and Pravin had visited the temple at Shirdi. Now as they had

got secretly married at Delhi, they decided to visit Shirdi temple to get the

blessings of Lord Saibaba and thereafter to inform their parents about their

relationship, so that they officially get married. Therefore, she decided to

come along with Pravin .While finalising their plans to visit Shirdi, Aditi also

decided to come to Pune along with Pravin to get the refund of the term fee

which accused No.2- Pravin has received when he has left the college in

December 2006. At that time she was not knowing about it,hence she has

not availed it. As per learned counsel for accused , his explanation is most

probable and it is also proved through the evidence of college authorities. It

is proved on record through the evidence of P.W. 21- Som Sundaram, the

Controller of Expenditure in IIMM college, that on the application of Pravin

dated 1/12/06 and on his personal representation, as a special case the


refund of second installment of the tuition fees of the amount of Rs.

50,000/- was given to him by cheque dated 10/1/07. However, so far as the

accused No. 1- Aditi is concerned, it is deposed by P.W. 11- Viju Pille,

Director, of the IIMM college, that though she has also paid the second

installment of the tuition fees of college, she has not made any application for

refund of those fees and hence she has not received the same.

41] Therefore according to learned counsel for accused , as the

amount of Rs. 50,000/- is not a small amount, there is every likelihood of

Aditi coming to Pune along with Pravin for collection of that amount,

especially when Pravin was otherwise also coming to Pune for his official

work and Aditi was to accompany him up to Shirdi for visiting Lord Saibaba.

According to him,the very fact that they had selected White House Lodge,

which was near to college itself,proves that Aditi's intention to visit Pune

was to collect the refund of fees.

42] It is also urged by him that both the accused had offered

explanation as to why they registered in the said Lodge in fictitious name of

Rohit Sharma. That explanation was to the effect that during their college

days at Pune, both of them were residing in hostel and as per the hostel

rules, they were not allowed to enter in the Hostel after 10.00 p.m. Said fact

is admitted by the other witnesses also. Therefore, once in August or

September 2006, when they had gone to market and they were unable to

reach the hostel in time, they had decided to stay in the White house Lodge

. While entering the said Lodge, Aditi was ahead of him and she has given

her name as Aditi Sharma. Therefore, the accused No.2- Pravin thought that

it would not give an good impression to state that they were just friends and

putting up together in the Lodge. Hence at that time he gave his name as


Rohit Sharma to show that they were in relation. After that day, whenever

he had stayed in the Lodge,he stayed in the name of Rohit Sharma as was

done on first occasion and therefore, this time also, as per his version, he

gave the same name as Hotel staff was also knowing him by the said name.

43] To counter this argument submission of learned APP is that

there is no evidence proving that Aditi was, in the first place entitled to

get refund of fees and secondly, to show that she has made any application

to that effect even after coming to Pune. As a matter of fact,she has left

Pune even without making such application for collecting fees. On this

issue the submission of the learned counsel for the accused is that, Aditi

and Pravin came to Pune on 22/4/07 at about 5.30 p.m., and therefore, at

that time, the office hours of the college were over and it is brought on

record from the evidence of P.W.2- Vinay that on the next day,it was an

Annual Fair-well function and therefore, generally the office of the college

was to remain closed. Therefore, according to him, there was no time for

Aditi to make such application to get the refund of fees.

44] To appreciate these rival submissions of learned APP and

learned defence counsel , certain facts which are brought on record through

the evidence of witnesses are to be borne in mind. In the first place, there is

absolutely no evidence on record to show that Aditi and Pravin had visited

Shirdi on that day and while planning trip for Shirdi, they had decided to

come to Pune for collecting the fees. It may be true that Zelum Express first

comes to Pune, via Kopargaon and at Kopargaon it stops at 9.30 a.m. As

per the defence plea, both the accused got down at Kopargaon, went to

Shirdi by Taxi, which is at the distance of 20 minutes only. They took Darshan

and immediately came to Pune. However there is nothing on record to


prove this fact,like their train tickets, or the taxi fare or even the purchase of

some 'Prasad' at Shirdi, receipt of donation given in the temple; absolutely

nothing of that sort is filed on record, other than their statements. Secondly,

it must be kept in mind that Zelum Express also reaches Pune around the

same time i.,e. 4 to 5.00 p.m. Therefore, when they reached to White house

Lodge at 5.30 p.m., in the absence any evidence proving that they visited

Shirdi , it has to be held that they had come to Pune directly by Zelum


45] About case of Aditi that she wanted to collect her refund of fees,

the evidence on record proves that though Pravin has applied for the same,

immediately at the time of leaving the college, she has not applied for it at all.

Now as admittedly, Pravin was aware of the same and he has also availed

the said facility and as admittedly he had received the cheque for the said

amount at his address at Delhi, where both of them were residing together, it

does not appeal to reason that Aditi was not knowing about this concession

of getting the refund of fees. As rightly submitted by learned counsel for the

accused the amount of Rs. 50,000/- is not at all a small one and therefore, if

Aditi had any intention of availing the said amount she would have applied

for the same immediately , when she left the hostel and college along with

Pravin or at least when Pravin received the cheque of the said fees in

January 2007 itself. However she has not even bothered to send by Post

any such application for refund of fees. Even after coming to Pune, there is

nothing on record to show that she made inquiry with college authorities to

know whether the office was working or closed. Though in her statement

she stated that she made such inquiry with Amit, Amit has simply

disappeared from the scene. He is not examined nor it is brought on record

through the evidence of any other prosecution witnesses that there was any


such student by name Amit. Even assuming that on that day or next day,

the college was closed, Aditi could have handed over her application for

refund of fees with any of these students who were her classmates and

friends. However , nothing is brought on record to that effect. Even if it is

assumed that on the next day, she came to know about the condition of Udit

and hence she might not have been in a position to do so, the evidence on

record proves that the first knowledge about Udit's condition was received

by her from his friends at 1.30 p.m. Therefore, till then,she could have

easily gone to the college, or contacted any of her classmates or friends

and handed over application to them for refund of fees. She has not done

that also.

46] Secondly, the evidence of P.W. 21- Som Sundaram, the

Controller of Expenditure in IIMM college, goes to show that if the application

of refund of tuition fees is made within 30 days from its deposit,then only 50

% of the amount is refunded, otherwise, student is not entitled to get any

amount. He has further stated that however Aditi has not given any such

application within 30 days of the deposit of the fees. Hence apparently she

was not entitled to get any refund of tuition fees. In his cross examination, it

is brought on record that refund of fees is granted only as a special case,

even if the application is made after 30 days from the deposit of the fees. In

the present case, it is proved on record that Pravin has also made such

application after 30 days, therefore, it is urged that Aditi also could have got

the refund of fees,even if she had filed application after 30 days.

47] However, the evidence of this witness is categorical to the effect

that only in special case, such request was considered. As Pravin has got

employment , his case was treated as special one, and therefore, though


his application was rejected, only after personal representation by him, he

was granted the refund. So far as Aditi was concerned, she has no such

special case. She has neither left the college with permission or with pre-

intimation, nor she has got any employment elsewhere. As Aditi was very

much residing with Pravin it has to be held that she was aware of all these

facts and hence it was to the knowledge of Aditi that she was not entitled

to get this amount of refund of fees.

48] Therefore, it is clear that this excuse which is put forth by her for

coming to Pune and staying at White house Lodge can hardly be accepted.

The previous, at the time and post conduct of Aditi, does not support this

plea. A lady who has come to Pune only for the purpose of getting refund of

fees , will not leave , unless she takes some steps in that direction, or at

least, she has taken some steps of sending the application in advance. As

Aditi has not done that, her plea cannot be accepted.

49] About their stay at White house Lodge , if they had come to

Pune for Pravin's official work,then the White house Lodge being far away

from Pune city, it does not appeal to reason that they will select that Lodge.

There is also nothing on record to show that Pravin has come to Pune on

official visit because his service record Exh. 94 shows that he has come

to Pune on paid leave. If it was an official work, there was no reason for him

to take the leave. He has also not produced any office letter to show that he

has come to Pune for official work. There is nothing on record to show that

they were having any return tickets. In case of official work what is expected

is their having official reservation at Pune with some Hotel and the tickets

of return journey. The evidence on record proves that they return to Delhi

via Mumbai. Therefore, all these facts do not corroborate their plea that,


they had come to Pune for Pravin's official work and for Aditi to collect her

refund of tuition fees and on their way, they visited Shirdi.

50] Even if it is accepted that previously also they had registered in

White house Lodge in fictitious name of Rohit Sharma hence this time also

they have done so, therefore, nothing incriminating could be inferred from

it if they wanted to remain in-cognitio, then they would not have selected

White house Lodge where the staff was knowing them, the fact remains that

accused have failed to explain their trip to Pune. At least the explanation

offered by them cannot be accepted as a reasonable or truthful one and the

fact of their residing in White house Lodge near the college, appears only

with an intention to facilitate Aditi's meeting Udit nearby. This is a

circumstance which the court cannot ignore or close its eyes and it does

form some link in the web of circumstances, on which prosecution places


51] After everything said and done , even if it is accepted that they had

come to Pune for Pravin's work and Aditi accompanied him for visit to Shirdi

and refund of fees , the question posed is why she called Udit to meet her.

No satisfactory explanation or the reason other than the reason given by

prosecution is appearing for it. It does not appeal to reason that, when Aditi

has left Udit without informing or explaining the things to him, after the period

of 4-5 months, she will call him for meeting to dig those buried things,

especially when both of them have moved on with their lives. Moreover,if

she wanted to tell him about her marriage with Pravin, she could have done

so on phone or even by writing the letter or sending the E-mail. There was no

need for her to call him for a meeting in person except for the reason that

she wanted to give him 'Prasad' containing Arsenic.


Aditi calling Udit for meeting at McDonald's Hotel :

52] This brings me to the next circumstance of, after reaching at

Pune Aditi getting mobile phone number of Udit from his mother and calling

Udit to meet her at hotel McDonald's. Aditi has admitted the fact that she

has obtained mobile number of Udit from his mother by making phone call

through a student by name Amit and then called Udit to meet her. There is

also the telephonic call record of the mobile number of Udit, the Land-line

number of his parents at Jammu and STD booth number near White house

Lodge from where Aditi has made those calls. The said record is produced

at Exh. 78, 79,. 96, 66, 67, 145, 146 and 147. It is also proved through the

evidence of P.W. 20- Vijay Shinde, the Nodal officer in Airtel company. As

per the law laid down in State Vs. Navjot Sandhu, 2005 Cri.L.J. 3950 :

“call records relating to cellular phone are admissible and reliable in


53] Otherwise also Aditi is not disputing the fact that she has made

such phone calls and called Udit to McDddonald's hotel. The evidence of

Udit's friends and classmates P.W.2- Vinay Sawant, P.W.3- Megha Kela,

P.W.4- Siddhrth Thombre, P.W. 5- Jabgir Garcha and P.W.8- Naresh

Pareekh also goes to prove that on the receipt of these calls from Aditi,

Udit went to meet her at McDonald's hotel at about 9.00 p.m. and he returned

from the said meeting at about 11.30 p.m. to the flat of P.W.3- Megha and

from there to his own flat at about 12.00 O'clock.

Consumption of 'Prasad' by Udit :

54] Thus, the meeting between Aditi and Udit at McDonald's hotel , at


the instance of Aditi on her making phone call , is sufficiently proved on

record. It is also admitted by Aditi that in the said meeting,she has offered

'Prasad' to Udit. As per prosecution case, Udit has consumed the said

'Prasad' and on account of consumption of that 'Prasad' which was

containing Arsenic, he started suffering from vomiting. As per Aditi's

statement under Section 313 of Cr.P.C., Udit refused to take 'Prasad' from

her saying that "I don't want to eat anything from your hands, henceforth."

Therefore, the issue for consideration is whether Udit has actually

consumed 'Prasad' or not?

55] On this issue, the prosecution has placed reliance on the

evidence of Udit's classmates P.W.2- Vinay Sawant, P.W.3- Megha Kela,

P.W.4- Siddharth Thombre, P.W. 5- Jabgir Garcha and P.W.8- Naresh

Pareekh and also the evidence of P.W. 16- Dr. Dadke, P.W.17- Dr.Stephen

and P.W.18- Dr. Diddee, and further the documentary evidence i.e. medical

case papers of Udit.

56] The evidence of P.W.2- Vinay, P.W.3- Megha, P.W.4- Siddhrth,

P.W. 5- Jabgir and P.W.8- Naresh clearly goes to prove that as Udit has

started suffering from vomiting, they immediately asked him what he has

eaten? Initially, he said that he has eaten only lunch in the afternoon and

Vada-pav in the evening and except that, he has not eaten anything. As per

their evidence, even to the Doctors at the time of admission and subsequently

also, when inquiries were made with Udit as to what he has consumed, as

Doctors suspected a case of food poisoning, Udit has repeated the same

things, that he has eaten lunch in the afternoon and Vada-pav in evening.

However, only in the morning when searching enquiries were made with

him, Udit disclosed that he has also eaten 'Prasad' given to him by Aditi . It


is deposed by P.W. 3- Megha that in the morning when she made inquiry

with Udit in the Hospital as to what he has eaten, Udit told her that he has

eaten Prasad. She accordingly told the said fact to Doctor and Doctor asked

her to make enquiry with Udit as to whether after eating 'Prasad' he felt

uneasy? Accordingly, she enquired with Udit. However he was unable to

remember it. Her evidence is challenged on the ground that in her statement

recorded by police on 1/5/07, she has not disclosed the said fact and

therefore it is an after-thought evidence.

57] Then, there is evidence of P.W. 4- Siddharth who has returned to

the Hospital in the morning at about 9.00 a.m. and as per his evidence, in his

presence Doctor made enquiry with Udit as to what he has eaten and he

said to the Doctor that in addition to the lunch and Vada-pav , he has eaten

the 'Prasad' given by Aditi. His evidence is also challenged on the ground

that he does not remember the name of Doctor to whom Udit has told that

he has eaten 'Prasad' and further on the ground that as admitted by him Udit

was critical when he returned to the Hospital in the morning and at that time

he was appearing to be drowsy and irritable.

58] But then there is also the evidence of the most independent

witnesses like, P.W. 17- Dr. Stphen and P.W. 18- Dr. Diddee who were

attending Udit in Aditya Birla Hospital. Their evidence on this point is also

supported with the entries made in the medical case papers of Udit from time

to time, since his admission till his death.

59] As per evidence of P.W.17- Dr. Stephen, Udit was shifted to

I.C.U. at 10.45 a.m. on 23/4/07. First he was examined by Dr. Rahul

Deshpande. As per entries made in the case papers by Dr. Deshpande, Udit


has given history before him of consuming 'Prasad' and also some quantity

of alcohol on the previous night. This witness, Dr. Stephen who has worked

with Dr. Deshpande, has identified the entries to that effect, made in the case

papers of Udit, Exh. 57, in the handwriting of Dr. Deshpande. Dr. Deshpande

is now in Australia since May 2007, therefore, he is not available to give

evidence, but the entries made by him in the case papers, which are

maintained in day to day ordinary course of business, can definitely be

relied upon,when his handwriting thereon is identified by the witenss who has

worked with him.

60] Further, evidence of Dr. Stephen goes to show that he also

examined Udit at about 11.00 a.m., in I.C.U. At the time of his

examination,he has also asked Udit the history as to what he has

consumed and Udit has given the similar history before him like,

consumption of 'Prasad' and some quantity of alcohol on the previous night.

Accordingly, he has recorded the said history in case papers in his own


61] Thus, even if in the instant case, the evidence of P.W. 3- Megha,

P.W. 4- Siddharth about disclosure by Udit of eating 'Prasad' is excluded

from consideration, there is independent evidence of Dr. Stephen who was

attending Udit, along with the contemporenious documentary evidence in

the form of medical case papers of Udit, reflecting that Udit has given the

history of consuming 'Prasad' on previous night.

62] This piece of evidence is challenged by learned counsel for the

accused Shri. Mohite on twofold grounds. In the first place it is submitted that

there is nothing on record to show that history was given either to Dr.


Deshpande or to Dr. Stephen by Udit himself. At least the case papers do

not reflect that the history was given by the patient himself. To substantiate

his submission he has placed reliance on the authority of The State of

Maharashra Vs. Asaram Mahadu Dwange,1978 CLJ 1017 wherein, in the

absence of clear statement in the medico-legal register, showing that

information or the history recorded therein was supplied by deceased herself,

it was held that,

"the said history cannot be treated as dying declaration and hasto be excluded from consideration."

63] However in my opinion this authority cannot be made applicable

to the facts of the present case, because in the instant case, because except

for Udit , no-one else was knowing that he has eaten Prasad. Therefore,

there was no question of anyone else stating either to Dr. Deshpande or to

Dr. Stephen that Udit has consumed Prasad. As per the evidence of his

classmates, from whatever Udit was saying initially, he has consumed only

lunch and Vada-pav. They were admittedly not present at the time of meeting

between Udit and Aditi. It is also not their case or even suggestion given to

them that they came to know earlier from Udit or anyone else that he has

consumed Prasad, whether given by Aditi or anyone else. Moreover

assuming that they had given the said history, there knowledge about it was

derived from Udit only. Therefore, the fact that he has consumed 'Prasad'

was solely and exclusively within the knowledge of Udit alone. Hence there

was no question of any other person giving that history before the Doctor.

Only Udit could have given that history and no-one else. Therefore, this

history of consumption of 'Prasad' as given by Udit, becomes his dying

declaration and assumes significance of a clinching nature.


64] The second ground on which this piece of evidence is challenged

is that if it is a dying declaration, then it should have been consistent with

other declaration or statement made by Udit. Reliance is placed on oft-

quoted decision of Khushal Rao Vs.State of Bombay, AIR 1958 Supreme

Court 22[1], wherein certain guidelines are laid down for accepting the

evidence relating to dying declaration to be a sole basis for conviction. One

of the guidelines as laid down in this authority is that, such statement made

by the deceased has to be consistent throughout, if he had several

opportunities of making a dying declaration apart from the record of it and

other guideline is that such statement had been made at the earliest

opportunity and was not the result of tutoring by interested parties.

65] In the instant case it is urged that this statement of Udit that he

has consumed 'Prasad' is neither made at earlest opportunity , nor is

consistent with his other statement. It is further urged that earlier he has

given history of consumption of only lunch and Vada-pav. This is a

subsequent statement about the history of consumption of alcohol and

'Prasad' and therefore, it is not consistent and not made at the earliest


66] However this argument cannot be accepted because in the first

place there is any inconsistency as such between the statement of Udit. It is

true that earlier he has not given history of consumption of 'Prasad' and he

has given the history of consumption of lunch and Vada-pav only, but this

is bound to happen because the lunch and Vadapav was the substantial

food which he has consumed, whereas 'Prasad' was a small piece, which

could have easily escaped from his mind. The moment question is asked,

what food is eaten, naturally only the substantive food like lunch, dinner or


snacks come to a mind of a person and not 'Prasad', which is eaten in a very

small quantity and one does not treat 'Prasad' which is eaten in a small

quantity as a food, to cause the poisoning. Therefore, it is but natural that it

might have slipped from his mind to include consumption of 'Prasad' also in

the history given earlier. However when searching enquiries were made with

him by his classmates and also by the Doctors on this aspect, it might have

occurred to him to disclose the said fact also. It is one more additional piece

of food which he had eaten. By the said statement, he is not being

inconsistent with the earlier history of consumption of lunch and Vada-pav.

There is no question of anyone tutoring him to give the said history, because

no-one was knowing about it and no one has any reason to do so. Therefore,

even if the history of consuming of 'Prasad' is not given at the earliest

opportunity,it cannot be said that it is inconsistent with his earlier statement,

or it is a tutored version or an after-thought.

67] The next submission made by learned counsel for accused is that

in order to accept the evidence of dying declaration, it must be proved to have

been made by a person in a mentally and physically fit condition. He has

urged that as per the evidence of Doctors also, after admission Udit's

condition started deteriorating . The alleged history of consumption of

'Prasad' was given by him after he was admitted in I.C.U. at 10.45 a.m. It is

deposed by Dr. Stephen that when he examined Udit at 11.00 a.m., in I.C.U.,

Udit was little but drowsy. Accordingly he has made entry in his case papers.

Therefore, according to learned counsel for accused, it cannot be said that

the general physical and mental condition of Udit was fit and oriented to

give any dying declaration. As admittedly Aditi has offered 'Prasad' to him in

McDonald's hotel,there is possibility that in his drowsiness, Udit might have

assumed that he has consumed the said 'Prasad' and therefore, this


alleged history given by him in the form of dying declaration,cannot be relied


68] However this submission also cannot be accepted, because the

evidence on record goes to prove that , though Udit was shifted to I.C.U., at

about 10.45 a.m., his condition was definitely stable; he was conscious and

well oriented. Dr.Stephen who has examined him immediately at 11.00 a.m.,

has categorically stated that,Udit was conscious and obeying commands,

though he was little but drowsy. Even the entries in case papers made at

9.40 a.m., by P.W.16- Dr. Dadke goes to show that he was conscious and

oriented. He has specifically deposed that his pulse rate was 120 per

minute, respiratory rate was 30 per minute and all his vital parameters were

stable. However as his clinical condition and symptoms were not going

hand in hand, they decided to shift him in I.C.U. The cross examination of Dr.

Dadke also goes to show that till evening the patient was very much

conscious and well oriented.

69] The evidence of P.W.11- Viju Pille, Director of college, who has

visited Udit in the afternoon at about 4.00 p.m., in I.C.U., also goes to show

that Udit was very much conscious and well oriented. As per evidence of

Viju Pille, first he met Dr. Deshpande and then he met Udit and asked him

what he has consumed. At that time Udit was wearing Oxygen mask. Udit

himself removed it. He found Udit to be fully conscious. Udit initially said he

has not consumed anything. Then he again asked Udit whether he has

consumed any Drugs and immediately Udit said 'why should he' ? This part

of evidence of Viju Pille is not challenged. Thus, from his evidence also it

is clear that till 4.00 p.m. on that day, Udit's condition was quite stable,

conscious , well oriented. Otherwise too the question of Pille, whether he has


consumed any Drugs, he would not have with alertness exclaimed, why he

should consume the Drugs !

70] Hence in the instant case, it cannot be accepted that condition of

Udit was neither fit nor well oriented when he gave the history of

consuming Prasad. Admittedly the said history was given before the

Doctors viz. Dr. Deshpande and Dr. Dadke. If they had found him to be dis-

oriented, unconscious or not in a fit condition to give history, they would not

have mentioned it in the case papers or at least they would have mentioned

the said fact in the case papers. Conversely the entries made in the case

papers clearly go to show that he was very much conscious; he was obeying

commands, there was no neuro deficit , his vital parameters were stable, his

blood pressure , pulse rate and everything was normal. Only he was having

some drowsiness, but it was not of a such nature as to make him disoriented

, so as to disbelieve his statement of consumption of Prasad. Now this being

a dying declaration,coming from the mouth of Udit himself, it has to be

accepted as a reliable piece of evidence, especially, as it is getting support

and corroboration from other source also.

Aditi's admission before friends of Udit consuming 'Prasad'given by her. :

71] The other corroborating circumstance on this aspect is the

evidence of these classmates of Udit. As per P.W. 2- Vinay, when they came

to know about the disclosure made by Udit before the Doctor of consuming

of Prasad, they traced Aditi in consequence of phone call made by her on

Udit's cell . They met Aditi and Pravin near Chinchwad station. They told Aditi

that Udit was admitted in Hospital in serious condition and asked her

whether on the previous night, she has given any 'Prasad' to him ? As per his


evidence, Aditi admitted that she has givens some 'Prasad' to Udit and she

herself has also eaten that Prasad. Therefore, they told her to give the

said 'Prasad' if it was with her, so that they can show it to Doctor to ascertain

from what sort of food poisoning Udit was suffering. At that time, Aditi told

them that she has already thrown away the packet of 'Prasad' and therefore,

she was not having it. As Aditi has told them that her health was also affected

due to consuming Prasad, they told her to come to the Hospital so that

Doctor can check her. This fact is disclosed by P.W. 2-Vinay in his statement

on 1/5/07 itself that is much before the offence was registered and as per

his evidence, which is not shaken in cross examination , Aditi has admitted

the fact of giving 'Prasad' to Udit on previous night.

72] There is also the evidence of P.W. 3- Megha , who has

confronted Aditi when she came in the Hospital, as to whether she has given

'Prasad' to Udit. As per her evidence also, Aditi has told her that, yes, she

has given 'Prasad' to Udit and she has also eaten some Prasad. This part of

her evidence is also not challenged in cross examination.

73] Then there is evidence of P.W. 4- Siddharth, who has also

deposed that when he, Abhishek and Jagbir along with Vinay confronted Aditi

at Sugar cane Juice Center and asked her whether she has given 'Prasad' to

Udit, she said yes, and asked what has happened ? They told her that Udit

has become ill and Hospitalized. She told them that after eating 'Prasad',

she had also vomited and was not feeling well. They asked her whether

she was having that packet of 'Prasad' ? She told that she had already thrown

it in the parking on previous night. P.W.4- Siddharth is also not cross

examined on this material aspect. The evidence of P.W. 5- Jagbir is also on

the same point and he has also corroborated the evidence of P.W. 4-


Siddharth and P.W. 2- Vinay. Though he is cross examined on this point,

nothing is elicited to disbelieve him.

74] These four witnesses P.W.2- Vinay, P.W.3- Megha, P.W.4-

Siddharth and P.W. 5- Jabgir are totally independent witnesses who were

on equal terms with Udit and Adit. They had no reason at all to implicate

Aditi in any of the offence. Conversely, they were most courteous and

friendly with her. As can be seen, from the evidence of P.W.4 –

Siddharth,he had even gone to drop Aditi up to Rickshaw when she left

Hospital. Therefore, when they had made the disclosure of this fact

immediately in the course of A.D.inquiry also, from their evidence, the sort

of extra judicial confession made by Aditi of giving 'Prasad' to Udit on the

previous night, is abundantly proved. Hence the plea now taken by Aditi,

that she has merely offered 'Prasad' to Udit and Udit refused to take it , being

subsequent and of an after though nature to somehow to escape from

clutches of the Law, it is required to be rejected.

75] It is pertinent to note that, not a single suggestion is put up to any

of these four witnesses,even after their exhaustive cross examination, that

when they confronted Aditi about giving 'Prasad' to Udit, Aditi made

immediate disclosure that Udit refused to take 'Prasad' from her saying that

he does not want to take anything from her hands henceforth. The very fact

that entire cross examination of these witnesses is silent on this aspect and

their evidence has remained unchallenged on record, goes to prove that Aditi

has not only offered 'Prasad' , but Udit has consumed it, which fact was

disclosed by Udit also before the Doctor. Hence the fact of Udit consuming

Prased is not only proved from his own statement, but also from the

immediate statement of Aditi made before their friends.


Conduct of Aditi :

76] In this respect the conduct of Aditi is also assuming significance .

As rightly submitted by learned APP. On the next day, she made phone call

on Udit's cell, PW.5- Jagbir with whom Udit's mobile was, received the said

call. Aditi did not disclose her identity, but she merely asked him, where was

Udit ? He asked her, who she was? She then asked him, who was he? He

told her that he was Jagbir. Then she again asked where was Udit ? He told

her that Udit was standing at some distance,she may call after some time. As

Jagbir felt that phone call was from Aditi, as Udit has met Aditi her on

previous day, in order to find out from where that phone call was received,

he and Abhijit went to STD booth of Reliance company. There they came to

know the address from where the call was made. The said address was of a

small shop of P.W.6- Sandip Bahirwade, which was near White house Lodge

. They went there and verified by tallying the said number received on Udit's

mobile phone and confirmed that call was received from that STD booth.

Then they made further inquiry and came to know that phone was made by

Aditi and she was staying in White house Lodge . They went there and

confirmed it. As Aditi was not in the room, they went to McDonald's hotel,

it being a lunch time, to ascertain whether Aditi has gone there to take the

food. On the way they found Aditi and Pravin entering in to Sugar cane Juice


77] Aditi has admitted the fact that she had made phone call on Udit's

mobile in the morning. As per her case, she has made that call to know

Uditis condition, as he was very much upset on the previous night. She has

admitted that there was somebody else on the phone, who told her to contact

after some time and thereafter she met these students at Sugar cane Juice


Center. Thus, Aditi is not denying to have made the said phone call on

Udit's mobile. The explanation offered by her cannot be called as probable

or satisfactory . If she was really worried about Udit, she would have made

the phone call first thing in the morning,but evidence of call record shows that

it was made in afternoon. Moreover she has not disclosed her identity on

phone. Nor she again made call after sometime. She was traced only

because of the efforts taken by these students to find out the number from

which she made the call. For the present, thus it can be sufficient to hold as

proved that Aditi has made such phone call on Udit's mobile, without

disclosing her identity,

78] Coming to her subsequent conduct, when she was confronted

about giving 'Prasad' to Udit. Evidence of P.W. 2- Vinay goes to show that

when they asked Aditi whether she was having that packet of Prasad, she

told them that she has already thrown it away. However of P.W. 4-

Siddharth before whom also, she has told the same thing, when he met her

at Sugar cane Juice Center, has deposed that while he was sitting in the

lobby of Aditya Birla Hospital, alongwith Aditi , Aditi opened the purse and

in that purse,they found the packet of Prasad. He took up that packet of

'Prasad' from her purse and handed it to Dr. Deshpande, who stapled it and

kept it in the drawer. As per his cross examination , Aditi herself took out

the packet of 'Prasad' from her purse and gave it to them in the Hospital. The

evidence of P.W. 5- Jagbir also proves that though Aditi has told them

that she has thrown the packet of Prasad, in the Hospital, when he asked

Aditi to confirm whether that packet was still lying in the purse,she opened

the purse and started searching, at that time he saw one packet in her purse

and took it out. They asked her whether it was the same packet from which

she has given 'Prasad' to Udit,she said, yes. As per his evidence, in that


packet, there were some particles of Prasad, they gave that packet to Dr.

Deshpande who kept it in the drawer.

79] Thus, this conduct of Aditi of initially claiming that she has

thrown away the packet of 'Prasad' , but subsequently the packet of 'Prasad'

being found in her purse, becomes one more incriminating link against her.

If Udit has not consumed that 'Prasad' and if there was nothing in that

'Prasad', there was no reason for Aditi to say that she has already thrown

it, when actually it was found in her purse. Thus, this conduct of Aditi ,

betrays the guilty mind. It appears that only because of the persistency of

these witnesses they could get packet of 'Prasad' from her purse . It is

also pertinent in this respect to take in to consideration the evidence P.W.4-

Siddharth. As per his evidence when Aditi started leaving th Hospital, he

asked her mobile number. She gave her mobile number, but when they

tried on that mobile, it proved to be a wrong number He is not cross examined

on this point. The question for consideration is why Aditi should do it ? No

explanation is coming from the side of Aditi, though she was given an

opportunity to file an elaborate written statement of her defence.

80] The submission of learned counsel for accused is to the effect

that merely because these are independent witnesses, their evidence

cannot be accepted as gospel truth. It is not always easy for the accused to

say why these witnesses are stating against him / her. learned counsel for

accused in this respect has placed reliance on Deoraj Deju Suvarna Vs.

State of Maharashtra, 1994 CLJ 3002 wherein it is observed that :

"norms of appreciation of evidence do not warrant that theevidence of a witness who is in dependent and has no reason tofalsely implicate the accused persons, should be mechanicallyaccepted as gospel truth. Even the Testimony of witnesses who


fall in the aforesaid category can only be accepted after it isestablished that they are truthful witnesses and their evidence is inconsonance with probabilities. "

81] He has also placed reliance on the authority of Madkami Baja v.

The State 1986 Cri. LJ Orissa 433 on this aspect, wherein it was held that


" Evidence of a witness to the occurrence in a criminal case isnot to be accepted merely because, the defence has notbeen able to say as to why the accused has been involved or as towhy a witness has come forward to depose against him orbecause the witness is a disinterested persons. Disinterestedevidence is not necessarily true and interested evidence is notnecessarily false."

82] It may be true that merely because the witnesses are

independent, their evidence is not to be accepted as gospel truth on the

ground that defence has not been able to say why they are deposing against

the accused. However, as held in the above said authority, their evidence

can be accepted if it is in consonance with probability. In the instant case,

the evidence of these witnesses as gleamed from entire state of

circumstances, is definitely in consonance with probability and most

importantly, their evidence is not challenged or shattered and it accords well

with the factual aspects of the case.

Seizure of the purse from Aditi :

83] The most incriminating circumstance alleged by the prossecutin

against Aditi is, that of the seizure of her purse in which two packets of

'Prasad' were found and as per the C.A. Report, those packets were found

to be containing Arsenic poison. To prove this circumstance, the prosecution

has placed reliance on the evidence of P.W. 1- panch Umesh Tanjane, in


whose presence the said purse was seized and the evidence of P.W. 28- API

Pratap Pawar, who has seized that purse on 5/5/07, vide panchanama Exh.

25. As per the evidence of both, the panch and API Pawar, two plastic

packets, one containing Sakhar futane and other containing small pieces of

Khadi sakhar, were found in that purse. They sealed the purse, after

keeping it in the paper bag and then keeping it in plastic bag. Accordingly,

the panchanama was also prepared. As per evidence of P.W. 28 API

Pawar, he has deposited the said purse with muddemal clerk- P.W. 30-

Ashok Nilkanth. As per his evidence on 5/5/07 API Pawar produced one

sealed packet. Accordingly, he made entry No. 11 in the Register, the

relevant extract of which is at Exh. 124. On 191/5/07, he sent the said sealed

packet to C.A. There is signature of PW 32- API Bhamre on the Register to

that effect. Evidence of API Bhamre also goes to show that he has sent the

said purse to C.A. As per the C.A. report Exh. 55, proved through the

evidence of P.W. 15- Gujar, the chemical analysis of the purse and the

contents of Khadi sakhar and Sakhar futane,it revealed the presence of

Arsenic in both, the purse and Khadi sakhar.

84] Learned counsel for accused has however seriously assailed

this evidence about the seizure of purse, especially, the sealing part of it.

Aditi has admitted the fact that the purse was seized from her, but she has

denied that it was sealed in her presence, or at any time. Learned counsel

for accused has tried to draw the attention of the court to some vital

admissions given by the witnesses in this respect, like P.W. 1- panch

Tanjane has admitted in his cross examination that the lables of the

signatures of panchas were not affixed to the actual purse, but to its wrapper.

The purse was kept in the plastic bag, however the seal was not affixed to

the plastic bag. The plastic bag was also not stapled. He has further admitted


that in the panchanama it is not mentioned that the purse was first kept in

plastic bag and then it was kept in the paper bag. In the panchanama, it is

also not mentioned that the lables were affixed to the paper bag.

Therefore,it is urged that his evidence is not at all sufficient to prove that

purse was actually sealed at the time of panchanama.

85] According to learned counsel for accused , even the evidence of

P.W.28 - API Pawar, who has seized the said purse, goes to show that

though he has deposed that he has kept the purse in the plastic bag, closed

the plastic bag with lables of signatures of panchas and himself and sealed

that plastic bag containing purse with lakh, in cross examination he has

admitted that both the plastic packets of Khadi sakhar and Sakhar futane ,

which were in the purse, were open. He did not seal those packets

separately. He did not staple the plastic bag in which the purse was kept.

He has further admitted that the plastic bag which is before the court, is not

having any seal and there are no marks on the plastic bag to show that it

was sealed. Even the lable of the signatures of panchas is not appearing on

this plastic bag. There are also no marks on this plastic bag to show that

label was affixed to it. He has not even obtained the receipt from muddemal

clerk to show that he had deposited the said purse with him. The copy of

seizure panchanama was not given to Aditi . No endorsement to that

effect is made on panahanama. He has not even given the detail description

of the articles seized, in panchanama, either of the purse or of the packets of

'Prasad' . He has not given any report in writing to his superior officers

about seizure of the purse. He has not made any entry in the station diary

about the same.

86] He has submitted that, the evidence of P.W. 30 - muddemal clerk


- API Ashok also shows that in the relevant entry No. 11 in the muddemal

register, there is no mention that API Pawar has given him the original

panchanama. The date on which the purse was produced before him is also

not mentioned in the entry. It is also not mentioned that purse was in sealed

condition. He has also admitted that he has not issued any receipt to API

Pawar about the deposit of purse. Further he has not mentioned when the

purse was given to the carrier for delivering the same to C.A., it was in

sealed condition.

87] Hence according to learned counsel for accused , all these

admissions given by the witnesses are more than sufficient to show that the

purse and the packets of 'Prasad' were not sealed at the time of

panchanama and there is no conclusive evidence to show that when the

purse was seized, there were packets of 'Prasad' in it.

88] Therefore, according to learned counsel for accused , there is

serious breach of mandatory provisions laid down in Police Manual para

Nos. 147, 150, 152 and 167 of sealing the article immediately after seizure

and the said article must be continue to be in sealed condition, till it was

received by C.A. According to him,if there is no reliable evidence about

sealing of either purse or the packet of 'Prasad' therein, there is possibility

of tampering with the contents thereof which is sufficient to disbelieve the

said evidence, there need not be actual proof of tampering. So far as the

present case is concerned, he has urged that,such possibility cannot be

ruled out considering the fact that as per evidence of P.W. 28- API Pawar,

the none of the packet was bearing the stamp of any shop, whereas as per

C.A. report, it was bearing the stamp of Mata Vaishnodevi temple. He has

also drawn attention to the fact that one of the police officers, namely P.W.


27 – Sanjiv Patil has, in the course of investigation gone to Jammu on

5/5/057 and left Jammu on 10/5/07. As the town at base of Vaishondevi

temple is only at the distance of 40 KM from Jammu, there is every

likelihood of his visiting Vaishnodevi temple during that period and while

returning bringing packet of 'Prasad' from Vaishnodevi in order to distribute

those packets to his superior officers. There is possibility that in contents of

one of the packets, Arsenic might have been mixed and the same packet

being sent to C.A. Both these suggestions were put up to P.W.27- Sanjiv

and API Bhamre. No doubt they have denied the same, but this possibility

according to him, cannot be ruled out because as per the law proof of

actual tampering need no be adduced, mere possibility is also sufficient.

89] To substantiate his submissions, learned counsel for accused

has relied on the authorities of : State Vs. Motiya 1995 CLJ 835 and Dasu

and others vs. State of Maharashra,Bom. C.R. 18985[2] 168 etc. ,

wherein the importance of sealing the muddemal articles at the time of

seizure is emphasized and the effect of non-sealing is spelt out. The crux

of these authorities is that, prosecution should produce evidence that

articles sent to the C.A. were the same which were recovered from the

accused. Similarly, it is necessary for prosecution to prove that officer

recovering the articles should take efforts to seal them and evidence should

be produced that the seals were not tampered with till the identification is

offerred or till the articles are sent to C.A. for analysis. In the absence of such

precautions, it would always be open to the accused to say that the police

later tampered with those articles in order to implicate him. If the evidence of

such sealing is not produced, court cannot place reliance on the discovery of

such incriminating articles. It was further observed in these authorities that, it

is not necessary for the accused to show that the articles were actually


tampered with. The possibility thereof is sufficient.

90] Though there cannot be any two opinions about these legal

prepositions,in the instant case, despite all the admissions given by the

witnesses, the documents produced on record like, the seizure panchanama

of purse Exh. 25, goes to show that the purse was kept in the plastic bag,

then said plastic bag was closed and lables of signatures of the panchas

and police were affixed on it and it was sealed. Therefore, panchnama is

clear to the effect that purse was sealed. Even the letter which was sent to

C.A. along with purse, Exh.133, shows that the purse was sent in the plastic

bag in sealed condition to the C.A. along with police constable Tamboli. The

C.A. report of the purse Exh. 55 also goes to show that the description of the

parcel received was given as " one sealed envelope , seals intact and as

per copy sent." Therefore, it cannot be said that when the purse was seized

, it was not sealed just then and there and or it did not continue to remain in

sealed condition till it was sent to C.A. Therefore,the possibility of tampering ,

which is suggested in the case , cannot be accepted. Moreover, the facts of

this reported authority like Dasu and others vs. State of

Maharashra,Bom. C.R. 18985[2] 168 were different in the sense that,

there was no mention either in the panchanama or in the evidence of

investigating officers that the clothes and the weapons were properly

wrapped and sealed in the presence of panchas. Though in the forwarding

letter, issued by the Investigating Officer to C.A.,it was mentioned that those

articles were wrapped and duly sealed, there was no evidence as to when

they were wrapped and sealed and in the light of the same, it was held that,

“non-sealing of the articles immediately after the seizure in presence of

panchas, is bound to affect the probative value of the findings of Chemical

Analyser.” As as against it in the present case, in the panchanama it is


clearly stated that purse was sealed and as per the letter sent to C.A.

also it is mentioned that it was in the sealed condition and the C.A. office

has received the muddemal with seals intact. Now it may be true that after

handling of C.A. office, the seals or their marks may not be remaining,

but that does not mean that it was not sealed at all. Hence the possibility of

Investigating Officer tampering with contents cannot be accepted.

91] Learned APP has relied on the authority of Franco D'Souza Vs.

State of Goa 2000[5] BCR 890 to submit that, in case of defective

investigation, the story of prosecution will have to be examined dehors such

omissions and contaminated conduct of the officials , otherwise the mischief

which was deliberately done would perpetuate and justice be denied to

complainant and this would obviously shake the confidence of people not

merely in law enforcing agency, but also in administration of justice.

92] In this authority the reliance was also placed on the observation

of Apex Court in the case of State of Karnataka V. K. Yarappa Reddy,

1999[8] Supreme Court 496 to the effect that ,

“criminal justice should not be made the casualty for the wrongscommitted by the Investigating Officers in the case. If the court isconvinced that the Testimony of a witness to the occurrence istrue,the court is free to act on it albeit Investigating Officer'ssuspicious role in the case. “

93] Reliance was also placed on the observation of the Apex Court in

the case of Kernel Singh Vs. State of M.P., 1995[5] SCC 518 that :

“it would not be right in acquitting an accused person solelyon account of the defective investigation as to do so, would

tantamount to playing in to hands of Investigating Officer, if theinvestigation is designedly defective. "


The point therefore, to be stressed is that , even if there are

certain infirmities or lacuna in the investigation,especially as regards the

seizure of purse, simply on the basis of those lacuna, the prosecution case

cannot be disbelieved. The court has to see to the other circumstances to

ascertain the truth.

94] Learned counsel for accused has challenged this circumstance

also on the Test of probability factor also. According to him , it does not

stand to reason that Aditi will keep with her the incriminating article of

'Prasad' in the purse for number of days, especially when since beginning

she was under a cloud of suspicion. It is urged by him that, the alleged

incident has taken place on 22/4/06, whereas the purse is seized from her

possession on 5/5/06, i.e. after the lapse of about 15 days. During the said

period she has also gone to Delhi and hence she has ample opportunity

and time to dispose of the purse. She is not any rustic lady,but an educated

girl. When she was aware since the day one that she was under a cloud of

suspicion, to assume that she would retain the purse and bring it back,when

she was called by police,is as good as insulting her intelligence. Moreover,

when in the Hospital on 23/4/07, she was called upon to open the purse and

from that purse she has produced some packet of 'Prasad' , it can hardly be

accepted that she will bring the same purse again. Therefore, according to

learned counsel for accused , on this Test of probability also, the evidence

relating to seizure of the purse is required to be disbelieved. He has urged

that Aditi has fairly conceded in her statement u/s 313 of Cr.P.C., that purse

was obtained from her subsequently,i.e. only after the C.A. report of viscera

was received showing the presence of Arsenic. The purse was also sent to

C.A. only after the receipt of C.A. report and hence this fact supports the

defence plea of tampering with the contents of the purse.


95] In my opinion why Aditi brought the same purse and that too

without clearing contents thereof,there is probability that as she has already

given the packet of 'Prasad' to Dr. Deshpande, she might not have expected

the police to again search or seize her purse, that too, after 10-15 days from

the incident. Secondly, there is also probability that she being an intelligent

lady, she might have even thought that she would be suspected if she

changed the purse or did not bring it with her. Her own acts or her own

intelligence,may in such case prove to be her own undoing. One cannot

enter in to the mind of accused or even cannot explain under which

circumstances the accused has acted in a particular way at a particular time.

The fact remains that the purse containing 'Prasad' was seized from her

possession and the said 'Prasad' was found to be having Arsenic. It is a

matter of record that when it was seized, C.A. report of the viscera or

stomach sample were not received. Therefore, it cannot be accepted that

at the time of seizure of the purse itself, the police were knowing the contents

of C.A. report.

96] In my considered opinion, even for the sake of argument,it is held

that this circumstance is not convincingly and reliably proved by the

prosecution, it does not affect prosecution case as there are other clinching

circumstances on record on the basis of which also, the prosecution has

succeeded in proving its case.

Evidence of Polygraph and BEOS Test :

97] One of such link in the circumstantial evidence is the evidence of

two Psycho Logical Evaluation Tests conducted on accused No. 1- Aditi.

Witness No. 29- Sunny Joseph who is working as Assistant Chemical


Analyser in Forensic Science Laboratory, Mumbai, has conducted the said

Tests. In all he has conducted 2 Tests, one Polygraph Test and the other

Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling [BEOS] Test on Aditi and only

Polygraph Test on Pravin . It is not disputed and otherwise also, proved

through the evidence of P.W. 33- Mohite that, after he received

investigation of the case from P.I. Vidhate, on 25/5/07,he obtained

permission from the court to conduct various Tests of Psychological

Evaluation on both the accused at Forensic Science Laboratory, Mumbai.

Accordingly, he has written the letter , Exh. 142 for obtaining suitable dates

for conducting said Test. On 23/7/07 he was called upon to remain present

along with accused. On that day, a team headed by P.W. 29- Sunny, made

inquiry with him and the accused about the facts of the case and next date

was fixed as 25/7/07 for conducting the Tests. On both these days, he has

taken Aditi from Yerawada Jail to FSL Mumbai. Pravin who was on bail,

was also present for the Test. Only Polygraph Test was conducted on


98] The evidence of P.W. 29- Sunny also goes to disclose that on

23/7/07 his team consisting of Dipti Puranik and Nawaz Irani interviewed the

investigating officer and both the accused. They prepared the notes of their

interviews, discussed the case in detail in the light of whatever information

they had collected and in pursuance of their discussion they decided to

conduct Polygraph and BEOS Test on Aditi and only Polygraph Test on

Pravin . For conducting the Test, they had prepared a set of questions. He

has described in detail the procedure adopted for conducting these two

Tests. It also formes part of his report Exh. 111.As per the said procedure as

deposed by him, for conducting Polygraph Test they prepare a set of

questions. The subject on whom the Test is to be conducted is made to sit


with a number of sensors attached to his body. These sensors are supposed

to record the respiration, electro-dermal activity and blood pressure. The

sensors attached to the body continuously monitor these parameters during

the Test. They take a base line of all these parameters and questions are

asked to the subject one by one. For every question there is a base line.

The subject is supposed to answer 'yes' or 'no' to all the questions. After his

verbal response, in 'yes' or 'no', his psychological responses are recorded.

The questions are divided in to three sets. viz. Irrelevant, controlled and

relevant. Relevant questions are related to the case. These questions are

prepared on the basis of the interview of I.O., and the facts given in his

report and documents enclosed with the referral letter. Responses given by

the subject to the relevant questions are compared either with the baseline

and/or with the responses of the controlled questions. There is a pre-

determined criteria for detecting deception and truthfulness. There is a

Working Procedure Manual for Polygraph, for conduction and scoring of

Polygraph . It is a universally accepted Manual. Based on this criteria,

responses given by the subject are noted down and compared and they are

given scores. These scores indicate truthfulness or deception while

answering to the relevant questions. The recording and monitoring of all

these parameters is done by the computer. Scoring is however done

manually with the help of features which are already available in the

Polygraph software.”

99] His report disclosed that on the basis of case formulation,

Psychological profiling of Aditi , the observation of her mental status

examination and psychological assessment, the Polygraph examination was

conducted on her, after understanding of the case and Aditi's alleged

involvement. As per his evidence a question set was prepared which


question set is produced at Exh.109. The said questions were aimed at

checking whether she was deceptive of questions related to her having a

hand in Udit's murder, her hiding some important facts related to Udit's

murder, her mixing Arsenic in 'Prasad' that was given to Udit and the

possibility of her having discussed the plan of murdering Udit with Pravin.

He has deposed that “Analysis of Aditi's responses on Polygraph revealed

Deception on all the relevant questions : “Kya Udit ki hatya mein aapka hath hai?”

[Q.No.3], “Kya Udit ki maut ke bare main koi baat Aditi and Pravin chupa rahe

ho? “ [Q.No.6], “Udit ko diya hua 'Prasad' main kya aapne Arsenic milaya tha?”

[Q.No.9] “Kya aapne Pravin ke saat milke Udit ko marne ka plan kiya tha?”

[Q.No.12]. This indicates that Aditi was deceptive when questioned about her

involvement in various aspects of the murder of Udit. "

100] Similar Polygraph Test was conducted on Pravin also. However

the analysis of the results of his responses on the relevant questions being

in-conclusive, it was opined that his role in this case cannot be commented

upon, as his responses could not be qualified as deceptive or truthful when

analysed. Pravin was not therefore subjected to BEOS Test which was

conducted on Aditi on the same day.

101] P.W.29- Sunny has in his report and also in his evidence given

the details of how the BEOS Test is conducted. According to it, BEOS is a

Test which is an application of the EEG [Electro Eencephalo gram] . It is

commonly used in a medical set up for diagnostic purposes. In medical field

EEG is done for the purpose of detecting any abnormality in the brain. In this

process electrodes are attached to different parts of the brain to detect

electrical activation of different parts in the brain. The subject is asked to

wear a cap with 32 electrodes . Out of these 32 electrodes two electrodes


are on 2 ear lobes and remaining 30 are on different parts of the brain.

These electrodes are arranged in a universally accepted manner touching

the scalp to detect electrical activation inside the brain. It is not an invasive

procedure . By this method, different aspects of the memory are studied.

Such as : conceptual knowledge and experiential knowledge. Conceptual

memory is related to semantic processing. Semantic means the use of

words, vocabulary knowledge of language etc. This aspect of memory is

restricted to the information that we receive from various sources, such as –

reading newspaper, watching TV etc. Experiential knowledge is acquired

only through participation in an activity or event leading the person to have

an experience of that event. According to him, this BEOS system is

programmed in such a way that it detects and differentiates between the

electrical activation related to conceptual and experiential knowledge. Based

on the information of the case collected from I.O. and other documents,

they prepare number of probes- meaning - short sentences or phrases.

These probes are arranged in a sequential order to depict different

scenarios. The probes are of three different categories. Viz. Neutral, which

are presented to prepare base line for cognitive process. Second : control

probes. Those are related to personal information of that subject. Third :

relevant probes. Those are related directly to the case. These probes were

recorded in a computer and presented to the subject. The subject is asked to

sit with his eyes closed and listen to probes. The subject is asked not to give

any answers verbally. After the Test is completed, the system analyses the

electrical activation for relevant probes in comparison to the baseline for

each individual probe. After analysis the system generates a report that

tells us what kind of cognitive processing that took place when each probe

was presented. There is no manual analysis involved in this system. As per

his evidence the report prepared by the system shows the experiential


knowledge against a probe only when electrical activation suggestive of

memory related to processing related to an event is present.

102] In his evidence he has proved on record the list of probes

which was presented to Aditi along with her responses. It is at Exhs. 114/1-

5. These probes are qualified in to 8 categories relating to different cognitive

processes in the the brain when probes are presented. Those cognitive

processes are attention, primary processing , encoding, familiarity,

experiential knowledge, negative response, activation suppression, and

emotional response. He has enclosed a sheet along with lhisreport giving

definition of all these processes. It is Exh. 115. In this sheet, Scenario

Nos. 3 to 8 are relevant probes."

103] His report discloses that findings of the BEOS conducted on Aditi

showed Experiential Knowledge on a number of target probes presented to

her, indicating her involvement in the murder of Udit Bharati. Experiential

Knowledge was found to be present on probes depicting her having an affair

with Udit taking admission along with him in Pune and her having some inter

-personal conflict with Udit and, therefore, both of them not talking much to

each other. It is also revealed in BEOS, that Aditi knew that Udit was not

really happy about her affair with Pravin and about her getting married to

Pravin. Aditi was found to have Experiential Knowledge for having a plan to

murder Udit by giving him Arsenic. Experiential Knowledge was also found

for her having gone to a temple and collected Prasad, buying Arsenic from

a shop, and keeping some 'Prasad' aside for Udit. She was also found to

have Experiential Knowledge for her having called Udit up and given him the

'Prasad' that was mixed with Arsenic. Experiential Knowledge for the

emotional experience of getting relieved and scared in relation to giving


Udit the 'Prasad' was also found present on BEOS Test . Thus, these

findings clearly indicate Aditi's involvement in the murder of Udit.

104] Therefore, in conclusion he has stated that “Psychological

Evaluation including Psychological Profiling, Polygraph Testing and BEOS of

the subject Aditi Sharma clearly indicated her involvement in the murder of


105] The Psychological Evaluation tests of Aditi thus,clearly proves

her involvement in Udit's murder as indicated by Deceptive responses on th

e relevant questions in Polygraph Test and by the presence of Experiential

Knowledge on the target probes in BEOS in terms of having a plan to

murder him, collecting 'Prasad' and Arsenic, meeting Udit and giving him the

Prasad. Analysis of the Aditi's responses on Polygraph indicated Deception

on all the relevant questions, thereby corroborating the BEOS findings.”

106] His evidence and opinion is challenged on the ground that he

himself has not conducted the said Tests, but his team-mate Dipti Puranik

has done so and therefore, his knowledge is hearsay. However his evidence

is more that sufficient to show that he himself, Dipti and Nawaz had formed

a team for conducting these Tests on the accused. He was reporting officer of

the Tests and Dipti and Nawaz were his assistants. The report also is

prepared and signed by him. Therefore, it can hardly be accepted that his

knowledge about the Tests is hearsay.

107] The second contention raised is that, these Tests are not of a

conclusive nature , as neuro science which is a study of brain and nervous

system, is comparatively a new field. As admitted by this witness, in India


Polygraph Tests are introduced only about 10 years back, whereas the brain

mapping- BEOS Tests are introduced as recently as 5-6 years back. It is

submitted that this witness, therefore, cannot be called as an expert or

qualified one to conduct these Tests. But then, competency of this witness t

conduct the Test is not seriously challenged. His evidence also reveals that

he was working as Clinical Psychologist in National Institute of Mental

Health and Neuro Sciences at Bangalore and he has experience in the field

of Neuro psychology since last 6 years and in forensic technique since last

1½ years. He has himself conducted approximately 15 Polygraph Tests and

has been associated with almost 100 Polygraph Tests. He has conducted

16 BEOS Tests and has been associated in conducting of about 12 Neuro

Psychology Tests. Therefore his expertise in my opinion, can in no way be

challenged and nothing is brought on record in his cross examination to

show that the Tests conducted were not proper and requisite procedure was

not followed.

108] As regards the contention that the results of these Tests are not

conclusive in nature, certain suggestions are put up to him in cross

examination to the effect that, there are two Polygraph Tests, one is

Computer Polygraph and the another Analog Polygraph; out of them

Analog Test gives better results, whereas Computer Polygraph Test

provides high degree of false positive results. This suggestion is denied by

him. Further suggestion put up to him is that, Polygraph Test is based on

arousal of autonomic nervous system which can take place when person

speaks lie and also when person is under stress, anxiety, anger ,

nervousness, fear and embarrassment. He has denied the said suggestion

and nothing is brought on record to show that at the time of Test, Aditi was

either under stress, anxiety , anger nervousness, fear and embarrassment.


Her Psychological Profiling and Assessment reveal that no significant

abnormalities in her mood or thought were observed except for her distress

over alleged involvement in a criminal case. Therefore, it cannot be

accepted that arousal of her autonomic nervous system, resulting in to her

deceptive answers took place on account of the stress, anxiety , anger

nervousness, fear and embarrassment.

109] The attention of the witness was also drawn to the opinion of

American Medical Association that, the results of Test depend upon the skill

of Polygraphist and the success rate is only 70%. He has not agreed with

the same as both the Tests are computerised. In BEOS Test even the

analysis is also done by computer and no manual element is involved.

110] An attempt is made to contend that the BEOS Test, which is used

in Forensic Science Laboratory, Mumbai is different from the Farwell's

Brain Finger Printing Test, and the system used for similar Test in Forensic

Science Laboratory Banglore. It is urged that this system is highly sensitive

and only an expert can use it. This witness's attention was also drawn to the

preposition in the Expert's Assessment of Neuroimaging an Brain- Computer

interface to the effect that some more work needs to be performed both, on

the methods used to cause brain activation as well as processing methods

for resulting data that provide clear interpretations of the results. He has

denied the said suggestion. His evidence is categorical to the effect that

as the BEOS Test which is conducted without any manual intervention and

its results depend only on the automatic activation of the probes, there is

no question of any mistake or error being committed. According to him, the

Experiential Knowledge is acquired only through participation in an activity

or event leading the person to have an experience of that event. BEOS


system is programmed in such a way that it detects and differentiates

between the electrical activation related to conceptual and Experiential

Knowledge. Therefore, merely because Aditi has read the newspapers

or this case was reported in Media and hence she has given some false

responses on the basis of her acquired information or knowledge cannot be

accepted. Unless and until she has participated in such offence, her

responses to Experiential Knowledge could not have been activated.

111] An attempt is also made by learned counsel for accused to

contend that the questions have been raised over the methods used by

Forensic Science Laboratory Mumbai referring to authenticity of the Forensic

techniques used there. Reliance is placed in this respect on one computer

print out of the Article published in Mid-day, dated 20/1/08 titled as 'Battle

of the labs'. As per the said Article, Dr.B.M. Mohan , Director of Forensics

Science Laboratories in Bangalore has alleged that the controversial

techniques used in Forensic Science Laboratory, Mumbai has led to

innocent people being wrongly incriminated in a case probed by

Maharashtra State CID. However the perusal of said Article itself reflects

that Dr. Rukmini Krishnamurthy, Director of the State Forensic Science

Laboratory, has rubbished Dr. Mohan's claims, stating tht lab's BEOSP

technique is the same as the one used since 2003 at Forensic Science

Laboratory Gujrat which Lab is accredited by the National Accredited Board

Limited and in the past said technique has helped gather corroborative

evidence in four sensational cases, like the Ujjain serial killing, the

Jharkhand mass murder probed by the CBI and two murder cases with the

Gujarat police. In two cases, capital punishments were awarded to the

accused based on the BEOSP findings.


112] It is just sufficient to state that these allegations and counter

allegations made in this news Article are self- speaking for not giving any

importance to this Article for the purpose of discarding the reports of

Polygraph and BEOS Tests and evidence of P.W 29- Sunny. As held in the

authority of, Bhaskar Sitaram Narule Vs. State of Maharashra, 2008 ALL

M R [Cri] 913 relied upon by learned APP, only on the strength of

authoritative books or such reports, the court cannot substitute its opinion,

in the place of opinion which is expressed by expert witness on the basis of

his own findings, observations and Tests.

113] Learned counsel for accused has then placed reliance on the

Guide-lines issued by Human Rights Commission relating to administration

of Polygraph Test on accused. It is submitted that as per the said

Guidelines except with the consent of the accused recorded before Judicial

Magistrate, no such Test should be conducted and secondly, accused should

be given an access to lawyer and the physical, emotional and legal

implication of such Test should be explained to him by the police and his

lawyer. In the present case, it is urged that these Guidelines were not

followed. The consent of the accused was not obtained before the

Magistrate, nor they were informed that they can keep their lawyer present.

114] However in this respect, the evidence of P.W.29- Sunny shows

that he has obtained informed consent and willingness of the accused

before administering Tests to them. He has also explained the implications of

the Tests to the accused. In his report also said fact is mentioned. Therefore,

the absence of their lawyer cannot invalidate the report of these Tests.

115] As regards the admissibility of this evidence, leaned APP has


relied on the authority of Ramchandra Ram Reddy Vs State of

Maharashtra All M.R. Cri L J 2004 Bom.1704, wherein it is held that,

“as these Tests are not in the nature of Testimonial compulsion,they do not in any way violate Article 20[3] of Constitution andrecourse to such Test can be taken if and when the investigatingagency seeks to introduce such statement as evidence.”

Thus the use of these Tests both during the course of

investigation and trial is held to be admissible.

116] Learned APP has also relied upon the observations of Apex

Court in the case of State Vs. S.J. Choudhary, 1996 DGLS 346 wherein

the evidence relating to expert was considered and it was observed that :

" It is obvious that the Indian Evidence Act when enactedoriginally in 1872 did not specifically mention typewriting in addition to

handwriting because typewriters were then practically unknown.However, the expression 'science, or art' in Section 45, in additionto the expressions 'foreign law' and 'handwriting' used in thesection as originally enacted, and the expression 'fingerimpressions' inserted in 1899, is sufficient to indicate that theexpression 'science, or art' therein is of wide import. Thisexpression 'science, or art' cannot, therefore, have a narrowmeaning in Section 45 and each of the words 'science' and 'art'has to be construed widely to include within its ambit the opinionof an expert in each branch of these subjects, whenever the courthas to form an opinion upon a point relating to any aspect ofscience or art."

It was further observed in this authority that -

"An enactment of former days is thus to be read today, in thelight of dynamic processing received over the years, with suchmodification of the current meaning of its language as will nowgive effect to the original legislative intention.”

It was concluded by holding that -


“There cannot be any doubt that Indian Evidence Act 1872 is, byits very nature, an ongoing Act."

117] Thus in view of section 45 of the Evidence Act, whenever the

court is required to form an opinion upon a point of science, then the court

can take the help of the opinion of the person specially skilled in the said

science and the opinion of said expert is admissible in evidence as relevant

fact by virtue of Section 45 of the Act. In the instant case, as P.W. 29-

Sunny is an expert in the branch of Forensic Science pertaining to

Psychological Evaluation Test, his opinion being of an expert, is admissible

in evidence by virtue of section 45 of the Act and his opinion supports

prosecution case so far as accused No. 1- Aditi 's involvement and

authorship of the crime is concerned.

118] Of course this court is aware that the results of these Tests are

not to be treated as conclusive in the sense that on the basis of those

results only the case is not to be decided. They are just one of the link in

the chain of circumstantial evidence, like any other evidence on which

prosecution places reliance.

Proved circumstances :

119] Thus to sum up, the circumstances which are proved on record

are to the effect that -

There was broken love relation between deceased Udit andaccused No. 1- Aditi.

Thereafter Aditi left Udit along with Pravin as she fell in lovewith him and both of them started residing together at Delhi.


On 22/4/07 both the accused came to Pune. Immediately onreaching Pune, Aditi got Udit's cell number from his mother bycalling her in the name of student by name Amit.

She called Udit for meeting at McDonald's hotel.

After returning from the said meeting at about 12.00 O'clock in thenight. Udit started suffering from vomiting and loose motion.

He was admitted in the Hospital at 2.30 a.m. where he disclosedthe history of consuming Prasad.

On the next day, at 1.30 p.m. Aditi made phone call on Udit's cellwithout disclosing her identity.

Udit's friends traced Aditi.

Before them she admitted that she has given 'Prasad' to Udit.

However she gave a false explanation that she has alreadythrown away packet of 'Prasad' .

The packet of 'Prasad' was found in her purse later on.

Udit died due to consumption of Arsenic.

In his stomach wash and viscera, fatal dose of Arsenic was found.

In the packet of 'Prasad' , which was seized from the purse of Aditi, Arsenic was detected.

In the Polygraph and BEOS Test, responses of Aditi to the set ofquestions put to her were found to be deceptive and proving

her experiential knowledge, respectively.

120] In the light of these proved facts on record, submission of learned

APP is that these facts from a chain of circumstances leading to no other

inference, but to the inference that it was Aditi , who has knowingly and

intentionally caused murder of Udit, acting in conspiracy with Pravin, by

administering him Arsenic in 'Prasad' knowing fully well that Udit will not

refuse to take it as normally no-one refuses and he will not remember

also of having consumed it. It was a very well thought-out strategy designed


and planned by Aditi.

121] As against it, submission of learned counsel for accused is that

these circumstances are not satisfactorily proved beyond reasonable doubt

in view of the infirmities pointed out in the evidence and even if they are

held to be proved on record, still then, they leave open several possibilities,

especially the possibility of Udit committing suicide by consuming Arsenic,

being totally disappointed and dejected on account of the disclosure made

by Aditi of getting secretly married with Pravin and residing with him. The

submission of learned counsel for accused is that in case of murder by

administration of poison, four important circumstances have to be

established by prosecution as laid down in the authority of Sharad Sarda.

They are :

1] There is clear motive for an accused to administer poison to

the deceased.

2] That the deceased died of poison said to have been


3] That the accused has poison in his possession and

4] That he had an opportunity to administer the poison to


122] In the present case, he has urged that even if it is proved by

prosecution that Udit died on account of poisoning and also further proved

that Aditi has an opportunity to administer the poison, in that case also, the

prosecution has failed to prove the clear motive for accused to do so and

also that accused Nos.1 and 2 had the poison in their possession. According

to him, unless all these four ingredients are proved, the case of murder by


administration of poison cannot be said to be proved. The two

circumstances proved by prosecution are, not of an unerring tendency

leading to the only conclusion of Udit succumbing to homicidal death by

consumption of Prasad. They still leave open the possibility of Udit

consuming Arsenic himself, due to frustration in his love affair.

123] Now coming first to these four essential ingredients, required to

be proved in case of murder by administering poison, leaned APP has relied

on another land mark decision of Apex Court in the case of Anant Lagu

Vs. State of Bombay, AIR 1960 SC 500, which was also a case of murder

by poisoning. In this authority also it was observed that :

" The prosecution must establish in a case of poisoning : a] thatdeath took place by poisoning; b] that the accused had the

poison in his possession; and [c] that the accused had an opportunity toadminister the poison to the deceased.”

However in this authority it was further held that :

“Though these three propositions must be kept in mind always,the sufficiency of the evidence direct or circumstantial, to establishmurder by poisoning will depend on the facts of each case. If theevidence in a particular case does not justify the inference thatdeath is the result of poisoning because of the failure of theprosecution to prove the fact satisfactorily , either directly or bycircumstantial evidence then the benefit of the doubt will have tobe given to the accused person. But if the circumstantial evidence

, in the absence of direct proof of the three elements,is so decisivethat the court can unhesitatingly hold that death was a result ofadministration of poison [though not detected] and that the

poison must have been administered by the accused person, theconviction can be rested on it.”

It was further observed in this authority that :

"A case of murder by administration of poison is almost always


one of secrecy. The poisoner seldom takes another into hisconfidence, and his preparations for the commission of the offenceare also secret. The greater his knowledge of poisons, the greaterthe secrecy, and consequently the greater the difficulty of provingthe case against him.”

124] In this authority the postmortem examination and Chemical

Analysis of viscera failed to disclose any poison, but the ligature marks on

the neck were found to be postmortem. Therefore there was no direct

evidence to show that accused administered the poison and as no poison

in fact has been detected by the Doctor who performed the postmortem

examination or by the C.A., a strong case was tried to be made out for

acquittal of the accused, which was rejected by Trial court, High Court and

Apex Court also, by drawing inference of the guilt of the accused on an

examination of a mass of evidence proving the conduct of the accused. In

the light of statement made by the accused at a time he was not required to

face the charge, it was observed that:

"if some prior conduct is connected intrinsically with conduct ofthe accused after death, then the motive of the accused would bevery clear indeed."

The material observations made in this authority, which are very

relevant for the purpose of this case, are to the effect that :

"It is to be observed that the three propositions were laid downnot as the invariable criteria of proof by direct evidence in a case

of murder by poisoning because evidently if after poisoning thevictim, the accused destroyed all traces of the body, the firstproposition would be incapable of being proved, except bycircumstantial evidence. Similarly, if the accused gave victimsomething to eat and the victim died immediately on the ingestionof that food with symptoms of poisoning and poison, in fact, wasfound in the viscera, the requirement of proving that the accused


was possessed of the poison would follow from the circumstancethat the accused gave the victim something to eat and need notbe separately proved. "

125] In this authority, one decided case having identical facts was

quoted with approval that and holding that :

"proof and the fact of possession of poison was renderedunnecessary, because the victim had died soon after eatingPedhas given by the accused in that case, and he had notpartaken any other food likely to contain poison."

126] In the present case, therefore, from the mere fact that prosecution

has not adduced sufficient evidence to prove that accused Aditi was in

possession of the poison, her possession of poison can be proved by the

circumstances showing that after consuming 'Prasad' given by her, Udit has

not eaten anything else and he has started suffering from vomiting within 5-

6 hours, as does happen, in the case of Arsenic. This circumstance is

sufficiently proved on record. Though the submission is advanced that

the prosecution has failed to show from where Aditi has procured or got in

possession of the Arsenic; conversely I.O. has admitted that though police

staff was sent along with photographs of accused to Delhi, Gurgaon and

area of Wakad at Chinchwad, to know whether they had purchased

Arsenic, but no evidence could be elicited on this point and hence the

possession of Arsenic by Aditi being not proved, especially in view of

lacuna in the evidence relating to seizure of purse and packets, in my

opinion the other circumstances in the case being so strong, they lead to no

other inference , as held in this authority, but to hold as proved that the

death of Udit took place on account of consumption of 'Prasad' given by

Aditi to him in their meeting at McDonald's hotel. These circumstances are,


127] As per the admitted facts on record, which are proved through the

evidence of all the witnesses and not challenged also, Udit has taken only

lunch in the afternoon and Vada-pav in the evening, apart from this 'Prasad'

given by Aditi and a sip of Whisky in his flat, after returning from meeting her.

As regards lunch in the afternoon and Vada-pav in the evening, as he has

taken that from a public place, either his hostel or in a mess, hotel etc.,

there is no possibility of his alone suffering from poisoning on account of

consumption of the same. More over lunch was taken in the afternoon ,

whereas Vada-pav in the evening and he has started suffering from vomiting

at about 12.00 O'clock in the night. As per evidence of P.W. 15- Chemical

Analyst Gujar, in case of acute Arsenic poisoning, its action starts in the

body within half to one hour. His evidence also goes to show that

considering the presence of quantity of Arsenic in the stomach wash and

viscera, it can be said that Udit was administered a fatal dose of Arsenic.

Therefore, there is no question of Udit consuming Arsenic either in Vada-pav

or in lunch, as he has not started suffering from these symptoms within half

to one hour from consuming the same. He has started suffering from these

symptoms only after returning at about 12 O'clock and at that time the only

thing which he has consumed was 'Prasad' given by Aditi. So far as the sip

of alcohol which he has consumed is concerned, the C.A. report Exh.19

of the alcohol bottle which was also seized by police under panchanama,

goes to show that no Arsenic was detected in the same. Therefore, there was

no question of his consuming Arsenic in Whisky. Hence, the only food article

which he has eaten from evening till he started suffering from the symptoms

was that of the 'Prasad' given by Aditi. There is absolutely no iota of evidence

that he has eaten any other thing during this crucial period. Therefore, it

leads to inescapable conclusion that Arsenic went into stomach of Udit

only from 'Prasad' given by Aditi. This fact is conclusively proved by


prosecution and from this sole fact also, excluding all other evidence on

record, it can be unerringly held that, Aditi was the author of the crime.

Defence - Plea of Suicide :

128] Submission of learned counsel for accused is that there is one

more possibility which is suggested by Aditi in her statement u/s 313 of

Cr.P.C. that of Udit committing suicide on account of being frustrated in his

love affair. He has urged that when the only witnesses to the incident were

deceased and Aditi and there is no other direct evidence, the statement

given by Aditi about the incident is required to be given importance. To

support his submission, he has relied on the authorities of Hate Singh Vs.

State of Madhya Bharat, AIR 1953 Supreme Court 468; Amarsing Vs.

State, 1956 MB 107; Narsiah and others AIR 1959 313 and Ajay

Singh Vs. Stae of Maharashtra, III [ 2007] CCR 112, wherein it is held that,

“statements of accused recorded under section 313 of Cr.P.C. areamong most important matters to be considered at the trial.They have to be received in evidence and treated as evidenceand be duly considered at the trial. They should be given asmuch weight as the matters which tell against him. Becausethough presumption of the innocence lies in his favour even thenhe is not in a position to prove the truth of the story, his versionshould be accepted if it is reasonable and accords withprobabilities unless the prosecution can prove beyond

reasonable doubt that it is false."

129] In the present case he has urged that the explanation given by

Aditi in her detail statement as to what happened at the time of her

meeting in McDonald's hotel and what was the reason for her meeting with

Udit, is not only reasonable, but it also accords with probabilities of the

case. He has urged that Udit was deeply in love with Aditi . Their marriage

was also settled and as admitted by Udit's mother, Aditi was also observing


fast of Kadva Choudh for Udit. Naturally, when Aditi left him, Udit must have

been quite disturbed mentally and also frustrated. As admitted by his father,

Aditi has ditched Udit, as a result of which their marriage was broken and as

both the families were known and respectable families in Jammu, it is but

natural that on account of breaking that relationship , there was some

dishonour brought to the family name. The evidence on record according to

him also shows that Udit was a sensitive person. As admitted by P.W.3-

Megha in her evidence, she had seen cigarette burns on his arm and she

had asked him what was the cause of those burns, which shows that he was

a very emotional and sensitive person, though she has denied suggestion

that Udit has told her that whenever he was angry with some one, he used

to burn himself with cigarette, even in her statement recorded by police,

Udit's mother Ravikiran has stated that as Udit's love affair with Aditi was

broken he was under stress. Said portion in her statement is denied by her,

but it is proved through the evidence of I.O. Learned counsel for accused

has also submitted that Udit's mother has admitted the fact that she has

immediately called upon Udit , not to meet Aditi , when from Udit's phone,

she came to know that Aditi was in Pune and has called Udit to meet her.

Moreover the repeated phone calls made by her to Udit clearly reflect that

she was worried about Udit's mental condition on his meeting Aditi. The

statement of Aditi also goes to show that when she told Udit that she has got

secretly married with Pravin and now she intends official marriage, Udit was

extremely angry with her and appeared to be very much upset. He told her

that, " the whole Jammu knows that you were to marry me, now they will

know that you have ditched me. You have spoiled my life and lowered the

reputation of my family."

130] As per statement of Aditi, Udit was totally upset and therefore


none of them ate anything , though McDonald hotel was a usual joint for

them earlier. They came out. Udit then lighted cigarette, had a couple of

puff and saying as above again, he pressed his burning cigarette on his left

hand. She pushed aside the cigarette, but he left the place in rage, saying

that "you have completely ditched me. Life is no more dear to me and now

you will see what I will do to me now." As per her statement, she did not

take his words seriously, however after coming back to the Lodge, she told

Pravin as to what happened and started crying. Pravin consoled her. On the

next day in the afternoon, she rang up Udit to pacify him, as he was very

much upset on earlier evening. As per her version she has decided to meet

Udit on that day as she felt that as she had already come to Pune, it would

be advisable to meet and appraise him of her marriage with Pravin in the

temple and the intending official marriage and to say sorry to Udit. However,

as she was not having Udit's cell number, she thought that she could get

his number from his home at Jammu. But she felt embarrassed to talk with

his parents, since she had broken her relationship with Udit, therefore, she

requested Amit, a student from the college to phone at Udit's home in

Jammu and get his mobile number.

131] According to learned counsel for accused , this version of the

incident, as given by Aditi is equally and more probable than the case put

up by prosecution. Especially in the light of the fact that in the case papers

also there is mention of the cigarrete burn marks and also considering that

despite Udit's mother telling him not to go to meet Aditi, he went to meet

her . It is but natural that after coming to know that Aditi has got married

with Pravin, his being totally disappointed, agitated and frustrated, at the

same time being angry with Aditi also. All his hopes of Aditi returning to him

some day in future , were vanished , when he came to know about her


marriage with Pravin. Thus according to learned counsel for accused the

possibility of Udit's committing suicide cannot be ruled out in this case. No

investigation is carried out by police to explore this possibility. All the efforts

were made to know whether any of the accused has purchased Arsenic. But

no effort was made to find out whether Udit has purchased such Arsenic,

though there are shops in Dange chowk which is at the distance of half to

one K.M. from the flat where Udit was residing.

132] According to him, therefore, when this possibility of Udit's

consuming Arsenic after meeting with Aditi, being very much present, the

case of prosecution that Udit has homicidal death, cannot be held as

conclusively proved. He has urged that burden lying on the accused is

quite light. Accused has merely to show that from the evidence available

on record, two views are possible and the view shown by the accused is

also equally probable. By placing reliance on the authority of Sharad

Sarada he has submited that when two possibilities are clearly open, one

that of a suicide and the other that of a murder and when both are equally

probable, it has to be held that prosecution case stands disproved.. He has

strenuously urged that when the case stands on circumstantial evidence, the

prosecution has to prove that the act of the accused cannot be explained on

any other hypothesis except the guilt of the accused and in all probability

the accused alone and non else has committed the said act.

133] In the present case , as per his submission as there is fair

possibility of Udit committing suicide which possibility cannot be excluded

or eliminated and when two reasonable views are possible about the same

incident, there is no reason for not extending the benefit of doubt to the

accused. He has also relied on the well established rule of criminal justice


that in case of a serious offence, the standard of proof also must be equally

high. The greater the crime, the stronger is the proof required for conviction.

In his humble opinion, the prosecution has not succeeded in adducing that

higher standard of proof considering the serious nature of the offence

inviting capital punishment or life imprisonment , in case the guilt is held to

be proved.

134] Now considering the possibility of suicide, in the first place there

is absolutely nothing on record to show that Udit was in any way a sensitive

or emotional person and on account of Aditi leaving him in favour of accused

No. 2 Pravin, he was in a depressed state of mind. Though all the

prosecution witnesses are put up suggestions to these effect, they have

flatly denied the same. Conversely their evidence shows that Udit was

leading quite a normal life of student. As a matter of fact, except for P.W. 3-

Megha, who was Aditi's friend also, other students like, Siddharth, Naresh,

Jagbir etc., were not even aware about the broken love relationship between

Aditi and Udit. It clearly indicates that Udit's condition was not such , of

being in a depressed state of mind, from which they could come to know

about the broken relationship between Aditi and Udit. Conversely the

evidence of Udit's parents go to show that Udit has studied regularly. His

attendance in the college was 98.6%. He was a brilliant student and he has

secured 75% marks in the First Semester of MBA. If on account of the broken

relationship he was dejected or disappointed , then it does not appear

probable that he would have secured this high score of marks. The

evidence of Director Pille also goes to show that Udit was working with

him on Project work.

135] Though a submission is advanced to the effect that Udit's parents


were worried about his mental state on account of broken relationship and

his mother in her statement before the police has stated that Udit was

worried about Aditi, after she left him , it is but natural that after this long

standing love relationship between Udit and Aditi was broken, for some

period Udit might have suffered from the agony and therefore, his parents

might have been worried about him But there is nothing on record to show

that on account of this broken relationship Udit was in a totally frustrated

depressed or dejected state of mind and any suicidal thoughts entered in

to his mind.

136] It is pertinent to note that, it is not that Udit went to meet Aditi

immediately on her phone call so as to infer that he was eager to meet Aditi

and had some hopes of reunion. The mobile phone record Exhs. 65,66

goes to show that Aditi has made first phone call to Udit on 22/4/07 at about

19.19 hours, which was of the duration of 26 seconds. Immediately then

she has made another phone call at about 19.21 hours which was again of

219 seconds. Thereafter she has made third phone call at 19.34 hours,

which was of 61 seconds. Fifth phone call at 19.35 hours which was again of

61 seconds, sixth phone call at about 19.36 hours, which was of 301

seconds, then seventh phone call at 19.49 hours which was again of 80

seconds and the last phone call at 20.53 which was of 28 seconds . It shows

that Aditi has persuaded Udit to meet her by making repeated phone calls

from 19.18 hors to 20.53 hours. Therefore, it is clear that though Udit's

mother has told him not to meet her and he was also not eager to meet

her, nor having the hopes of reunion, he was constrained to meet her due

to her persistent phone calls. Some phone calls were of the duration of 219

and 301 seconds also which goes to negative the case of defence that as

Udit was having the hopes of reunion despite his mother requested him not


to go , he went to meet her. Conversely this record goes to show that Aditi

was so keen to meet Udit that she persuaded him by making repeated

phone calls to him, to come there. No other inference but except of her

guilty intention can be gathered, from this conduct of Aditi.

137] As regards the submission that there is nothing on record to show

that Udit made phone call to his mother and asked her why she gave his cell

number to Aditi , the call record produced at Exh. 66 shows that Udit has

received phone call from his mother at 19.27 and 19.30 hours and again at

19.52 hours and 20.25 hours, which shows that some talk took place

between Udit and his mother. Otherwise Udit's mother would not have

come to know that the call received from 'Amit' was made at the instance of

Aditi. Hence she called Aditi's mother also requesting her to told Aditi not to

go to meet Udit. As per her evidence, Aditi's mother also assured her, but

subsequently told her that she could not contact Aditi. If Udit has not made

phone call to his mother, then there was no occasion for his mother to come

to know that the phone call which was made by Amit was at the instance of

Aditi. In view of the broken relationship between them, it was but natural for

Udit's mother to request him not to meet Aditi and also to request Aditi's

mother to tell Aditi not to meet Udit. From this conduct of Udit's mother it

cannot be said that as they were worried about Udit's mental condition, they

told him not to go. Naturally when they came to know that Udit has gone to

meet Aditi, they are bound to ascertain what happened and that appears to

be the reason why they made phone call to Udit at night. At that time, Udit

told them that he will discuss about it in the morning as he was having toilet

pressure and hence in the morning they again made phone call to him. As

at that time Udit's phone was not picked up, they assumed that he might

have gone to college as usual. If they were still worried about his condition,


they would have rung up his friend also. Therefore, from the conduct of

Udit's parents or even from conduct of Udit also , it cannot be be said that

he was in a depressed state of mind, his parents were worried about him or

despite request from his mother he immediately went to meet Aditi . The

evidence on record clearly goes to prove that on account of Aditi's persistent

calling to him, he agreed to meet Aditi and went there.

138] It also cannot be accepted as probable that Udit had any hopes

of reunion with Aditi. It is pertinent to note that,their love relationship has

come to an end quite long back. As stated by Aditi in her statement, after

First Semester started, in June 2006, within 2 months, she came in to contact

with accused No. 2 Pravin and within a short span of time their love

relationship flowered. Both of them were going for outing with each other. As

stated by Pravin, they had even stayed in the White house Lodge during the

said period for a night. As Udit was studying in the same college, it must be

held that he was very much aware about their love relationship. As deposed

by his parents, about 15 days prior to Diwali itself, Udit has informed them

about his broken relationship. At the time of Diwali when he has visited his

parents in Jammu, at that time also there is nothing on record to show that

they found him under any mentally disturbed state or having any suicidal

tendencies. It is also matter of record that thereafter he has appeared for

his examination, passed in flying colours, he was totally occupied in his

studies and college and thereafter on April 22, i.e. after the lapse of about 5

months, since Aditi left, this incident has taken place.

139] It is thus apparent that Udit must have known about Aditi and

Pravin residing together as both of them left the college and hostel together.

Therefore, it was not a case of total mental shock for Udit when Aditi made


disclosure about her secret marriage with Pavin. Udit was very much fully

aware about all these developments and he has accepted them in his stride.

His parents has have also accepted this broken relationship. Therefore,

there was no question of Udit being suddenly thrown in to a shock or

depressed state, on account of Aditi's disclosure and being faced with

consequences of dishonour to the family. Her disclosure was therefore,

neither sudden nor can be called as traumatic revelation for Udit for taking

the drastic step of suicide.

140] Subsequent condition of Udit also nowhere discloses that after

meeting Aditi he was thrown in totally depressed or frustrated state of

mind. Though P.W.3- Megha has stated that when Udit returned after

meeting Aditi, he appeared somewhat upset and at that time though she

asked him whether he wants to eat anything, he told her that he does not feel

like eating anything, Udit's becoming upset can be very much natural. After all

Aditi was his ex-beloved. However from that circumstance it cannot be

gathered that he was totally in dejected mood, entertaining any suicidal

tendencies or having decided to end his life.

141] Much reliance is placed on the cigarette burn marks on the left

hand of Udit which are found noted in his case papers by the Doctors. It is

urged that as stated by Aditi when she disclosed her marriage with Pravin,

Udit got angry, annoyed and disturbed so much that he pressed his

burning cigarette on his left hand. She pushed the said cigarette aside, but

the fact that he has burnt himself with cigarette shows that he was in totally

disturbed state of mind and also in rage. It is submitted that even Megha

has admitted that she has seen sometime back, burn marks on his hand and

she had asked him cause for the same. A suggestion was also put up to her


that Udit has told her that when she has made inquiry with him, he has told

her that when he gets angry with himself,he has burnt himself. She has also

stated before police that Udit used to get angry immediately. No doubt, the

said portion in her statement and the suggestion to that effect is denied by her.

But the submission advanced on the basis of the same is that, Udit's nature

was short temper and sensitive and he was in the habit of burning

himself with cigarette whenever he was angry.

142] However as rightly submitted by leaned APP, this incident of

Megha asking Udit about the burns marks, has taken place in October-

November 2006. None of the witnesses has stated that after Udit returned

from McDonald's hotel, they found any recent burn marks on his hand. Such

suggestion is denied by all of them. Even the case papers do not show that

the burn marks found on his hand were recent one,or they were in the nature

of burn injuries. If it was so, there would have been mention to that effect. The

words used in the case papers are “ cigarette burn marks” and not “ cigarette

burn injuries”. Postmortem report also does not reveal the burn injuries.

Therefore, it cannot be accepted that Udit has in a rage of anger or

frustration caused cigarette burns to hand at the time of meeting with Aditi.

143] It is also significant to note that the various Doctors who were

attending Udit in Hospital, have nowhere mentioned in the case papers that

they found Udit in a mentally disturbed condition. It is a matter of record

that Udit was very much conscious and well oriented till 4.00 p.m. on the

next day, when P.W. 11- Director Pillee visited him. Even minor

observations about Udit are mentioned in the case papers. Therefore, if Udit

was in a disturbed state of mind or even at any time, expressed his desire

not to take the medical treatment, there would have been definitely mention


to that effect in the case papers. There is not a single whisper to Doctor that

he wanted to die and hence any request to Doctor not give to medical

treatment. No suggestion is put up either to any of the witnesses like his

friends, who were attending him in the Hospital or to the Doctors that Udit

has expressed his intention not to take any medical treatment as he no more

wants to live and therefore, he has consumed Arsenic to end his life. When

Udit was definitely conscious and well oriented till 4.00 p.m. and surrounded

by all his friends and the Doctors, it does not appeal to reason that he will

keep quiet and will not tell that being disturbed and frustrated in his love life,

he has consumed poison and he no more wants to live. No such

suggestion is also put up to any of the witnesses. Conversely the evidence

on record shows that Udit was willingly undergoing all the medical treatment

and has urge to live.

144] As a matter of fact,when all these witnesses were making

repeated inquiries with him about the cause of his vomiting, it would have

been but natural for him to disclose the said cause i.e. consumption of

Arsenic if he has done so. At least for the purpose of getting proper

medical treatment, it was expected that he should disclose the same

immediately. One need not say that the urge to live is a natural

phenomenon. Even a person who tries to commit suicide, cling to the last

support, if it is available and given to him. As admittedly, such support,

assistance and medical treatment was offered to Udit and given to him, it

does not appear probable that he would not avail the same by disclosing the

real cause of his suffering. Conversely when Director Pille made repeated

inquiry with him in the Hospital in the afternoon of 24/4/06 , what he has

consumed and whether he has consumed any drugs, and further gave

assurance to him that if he has done so,he may feel free to disclose the


same, at that time also, Udit has exclaimed , why he should consume the

drugs ! It clearly indicates that Udit has no reason either to consume the

drugs or to consume the poison. His love affair with Aditi has broken long

back and he was very much aware of Aditi falling in love with Pravin.

Therefore, now whether they had secretly married or to be officially

married, this revelation did not come to him as a shock.

145] Thus there is absolutely no possibility of Udit committing suicide.

In the case of Sharad Sarda on which much reliance is placed by learned

counsel for accused in this respect, the evidence on record was clinching to

show that deceased Manjushri Sarda was very much in a totally dejected ,

disturbed and frustrated state of mind, as her expectations from the

marriage were not fulfilled. She was also found to be a lady of a very

sensitive and emotional nature. The various letters to that effect were

produced on record showing that there was strong possibility of her

committing suicide out of sheer depression and frustration arising from an

emotional upsurge and hence it was observed that when there are two

reasonable possible views, the possibility of her committing suicide, which

was spelt out from the various letters, disclosing her mental state, being not

excluded or eliminated, the case of prosecution of her being put to

homicidal death, cannot be accepted.

146] As against it, in the present case, there is no such evidence

brought on record to show that Udit was impulsive or over sensitive or in a

frustrated or depressed state of mind, either since before or after meeting

with Aditi. Therefore, possibility of Udit's committing suicide is not at all a

probable or reasonable view of the matter.


147] Otherwise also, even if it is accepted that Udit has any reason to

commit suicide there is no evidence proving on record even as a probability

to show that Udit has any opportunity or time to procure Arsenic,within such

a short span after the meeting. As per admitted facts on record, he went to

meet Aditi at about 9.00 p.m., and returned to Megh's flat at about 11.30

p.m. There is no evidence proving that after meeting Aditi , Udit went to

some other place. Therefore, it is but natural that at 10.00 p.m. or thereafter

the shops in the surrounding area must have been closed. Arsenic poison is

not a thing which is easily available. Even in the medical shops which may

be open , unless the prescription is there,it is not sold. Though it is brought

on record that there are some shops in Dange chowk, which is near the flat

of Udit, no evidence is brought on record to show that those shops were

open, even after 10.00 p.m. It cannot be disputed that if Udit has taken any

decision of committing suicide, it must be only after his meeting with Aditi

and by that time all the shops, in the normal course of events, being

closed, the probability of Udit getting Arsenic at such a short notice and at

such an odd hours, is not acceptable.

148] The choice of Arsenic poison also does not go well with the act of

suicide just as it suits the act of homicidal. Like cynide , Arsenic does not

cause instant death. It gives sufficient opportunity to the culprit to leave

unnoticed. Giving of Arsenic in 'Prasad' which normally no-one refuses and

no-one suspect is an ingenious act of intelligent minds like the accused.

149] As a matter of fact, if Udit wanted to end his life, several

probabilities were open to him like, even committing suicide on the rail track,

or from a high building. At these odd hours he would not have gone in

search of Arsenic and after consuming the same returned to his friend


Megha and thereafter to his flat and talked with them normally. Only because

he started suffering from vomiting and loose motion , he told his parents on

phone that he will talk with them in the morning about his meeting with Aditi .

After returning to the flat, he behaved normally, he changed the clothes, then

as he was feeling uneasy, he took the sip of Whisky. Therefore, this

conduct of Udit is also not in consonance with the possibility of his

consuming Arsenic poison to end his life.

150] Thus, looked at it from any angle, the possibility of Udit

committing suicide cannot be accepted as probable or reasonable one. Only

when the two views about the incident,one alleged by prosecution and the

other by accused, are equally probable and reasonable one, the benefit of

doubt is required to be extended to the accused, otherwise not. In the

present case, the view suggested by the accused of Udit committing suicide

cannot be called as reasonable or probable one. Hence though it is true that

the benefit of doubt is required to be extended to the accused,such doubt

has to be a reasonable doubt and not any and every doubt. As observed by

Apex Court in the case of Sucha Singh Vs. State of Punjab, 2003 Cri L J

3876 :

“Exaggerated devotion to the rule of benefit of doubt must notnurture fanciful doubts or lingering suspicion and thereby destroysocial defence. Justice cannot be made sterile on the plea that it

is better to let hundred guilty escape than punish an innocent.Letting guilty escape is not doing justice according to law. A reasonable

doubt is not an imaginary, trivial or merely possible doubt, but afair doubt based upon reason and common sense. It must grow

out of the evidence in the case. If a case is proved perfectly, it isargued that it is artificial. If a case has some flaws inevitablebecause human beings are prone to err, it is argued that it is tooimperfect. One wonders whether in the meticulous

hypersensitivity to eliminate a rare innocent from being punished, many


guilty persons must be allowed to escape. Proof beyond reasonabledoubt is guideline, not a fetish. Vague hunches cannot take placeof judicial evaluation.” ---- “Doubts would be called reasonable if they are free, from azest for abstract speculation. Law cannot afford any favouriteother than truth. “A Judge does not preside over a criminal trialmerely to see that no innocent man is punished. “

“A Judge also presides to see that a guilty man, does notescape. Both are public duties. ”

151] The point to be stressed is that the truth when presented through

human perception is bound to suffer some infirmity. That does not mean

that merely because there are some infirmities and lacuna in prosecution

case, accused should be extended benefit of doubt. The pristine principle of

benefit of doubt can be invoked only when there is a reasonable doubt,

regarding the guilt of the accused. That doubt is reasonable which

conscientious judicial mind , entertains on a conspectus of the entire

evidence that the accused might not have committed the offence, which

doubt affords benefit to the accused at the end of the criminal trial. Benefit

of doubt is not a legal dosage to be administered at every segment of the

evidence but an advantage to be afforded to the accused at the final end

after consideration of the entire evidence, if the Judge conscientiously and

reasonably entertains doubt regarding the guilt of the accused.

152] It is normally impossible in any criminal trial to prove all the

elements with a scientific precision , as observed by Apex Court in the

case of State of Haryana Vs. Bhagirath and others, [ 1999 ] SCC 96.

153] In the present case, therefore, when the circumstantial


evidence brought on record by prosecution on all the aspects of the case is

of a clinching nature, whereas no reasonable or probable view of Udit

committing suicide can be taken from evidence brought on record , it has to

be held that the death of Udit was homicidal one and it was on account

Arsenic poison administered to him by Aditi in 'Prasad' when he she called

him for meeting at McDonald's hotel. Therefore, so far as Aditi is concerned

her guilt is required to be held as proved beyond reasonable doubt.

Criminal Conspiracy – guilt of accused No. 2 Pravin.

154] This brings me to the aspect of criminal conspiracy. As per leaned

APP, as the conspiracy is hatched in secrecy , and as the accused always

takes another in to confidence in secrecy and his preparations for the

commission of offence are also made in secrecy, the direct evidence of the

criminal conspiracy could hardly be available , hence the court has to take

help from the circumstantial evidence. In the present case, according to her,

there is more than sufficient circumstantial evidence on record proving the

said conspiracy. After her relations with Udit were broken, Aditi has left

along with Pravin, they had stayed together and got even secretly married

and it is proved from prosecution case that Pravin has given understanding

and threatening to Udit not to come in the way of his relationship. Therefore,

Pravin was very much having the motive to eliminate Udit and the motive

always plays a significant role in case of circumstantial evidence. Secondly,

she has submitted that the evidence on record also proves that both, Aditi

and Pravin had come to Pune together. No evidence is brought on record to

show that Pravin had any official work at Pune. They had registered in the

Lodge in fictitious name. It can definitely be held that the phone call made to

Udit's mother in the name of Amit to get cell number of Udit for Aditi to call


him was made by Pravin, and lastly both of them have left together. If

these circumstances are read together, then according to her, the offence of

criminal conspiracy can definitely be inferred and proved. It is submitted by

her that in the case of offence of criminal conspiracy , each and every

criminal act need not be committed by each and every accused. As the law

relating to criminal conspiracy punishable u/s 120-B of IPC and section

10 of Evidence Act have introduced the concept of agency in criminal law,

when men enter in to an agreement for an unlawful end, they become

Ad-hoc agents for one another and have made partnership in crime'. To

substantiate her legal submissions, learned APP has relied on the authority

of the Apex Court in the case of State Vs. Navjot Sandhu, 2005 CRI L J

3950, wherein the law relating to the criminal conspiracy as defined under

section 120-A and Section 10 of Evidence Act is elaborately discussed, the

crux of which is laid down in the case of Kehar singh Vs. State, 1988

[3] SCC 609 to the effect that,

“From an analysis of the section, it will be seen that section 10will come into play only when the court is satisfied that there is

reasonable ground to believe that two or more persons haveconspired together to commit an offence. There should be, in

other words, a prima faice evidence that the person was a party to theconspiracy before his acts can be used against his co-conspirator. Once such prima faice evidence exists, anything

said, done or written by one of the conspirators in reference to thecommon intention, after the said intention was first entertained, isrelevant against the others. It is relevant not only for the purpose

of proving the existence of conspiracy, but also for proving that theother person was a party to it.”

155] In the instant case, leaned APP has submitted that as there is

prima faice evidence affording reasonable ground for the court to hold

that both accused Nos. 1 and 2 were members of a conspiracy and both of

them have acted in reference of their common intention , the charge of


criminal conspiracy is required to be held as proved against them. Accused

No. 2 -Pravin is also therefore, equally liable for the offence of murder of

Udit , though he has not played the actual overt act of administering

poison to Udit.

156] Per contra, learned counsel for accused Shri. Mohite has

submitted that there is absolutely no iota of evidence showing that any

conspiracy as such , was hatched between accused Nos. 1 and 2 and in

pursuance of the same, Aditi has allegedly administered poison to Udit.

From the mere fact that accused Nos. 1 and 2 were in love with each other

and they had got secretly married, inference that accused No. 2 has entered

in to an agreement with Aditi for eliminating Udit, cannot be drawn. The

evidence as regards the motive is also not strong. His accompanying Aditi or

being with her in such situation, alone is not sufficient. Moreover, there is

also no evidence to prove that the phone call made to Udit's mother in the

name of Amit was positively and conclusively made by Pravin. Hence

according to him, merely on some slender threads of suspicion, the charge

of conspiracy cannot be said to be proved, especially when accused No. 2 is

given a clean chit even in Polygraph Test and therefore, BEOS Test was

not at all conducted on him. No deception was noticed from the answers

given by him to P.W. 29- Sunny, therefore, it was not thought necessary to

subject him to BEOS Test. Thus, according to learned counsel for accused,

prosecution is standing on very slippery grounds, so far as accused No. 2 is


Legal position :

157] The gist of the offence of criminal conspiracy is an agreement to

break the law. It is not an ingredient of the offence that all the parties


should agree to do a single illegal act. The offence may comprise the

commission of number of acts. As a matter of fact, the gist of the offence

of conspiracy lies, not in committing the act, or effecting the purpose for

which the conspiracy is formed. But in the forming of the scheme or

agreement between the parties. There must be unity of object or purpose,

but there may be plurality of means, sometimes even unknown to one

another amongst the conspirators. Hence as per the Law , when in

pursuance of the agreement the conspirators commit offences individually or

adopt illegal means to do a legal act which has a nexus to the object of

conspiracy, all of them will be liable for such offences even if some of them

have not actively participated in the commission of those offences. As

observed by the Apex Court in the case of State Vs. Navjot Sandhu, 2005

CRI L.M. 3950, the conspiracies are committed in secrecy. It is seldom an

open affair. Therefore, usually both the existence of the conspiracy and its

objects have to be inferred from the circumstances and the conduct of the

accused. As further held by Apex Court in the case of Noor Mohammad

Yusuf MominVs. State of Maharashtra, AIR 1971 Supreme Court 885, in

most cases proof of conspiracy is largely inferential though the inference

must be founded on solid facts. Surrounding circumstances and antecedent

and subsequent conduct, among other factors, constitute relevant material.

As there is always difficulty in tracing the precise contribution of each

member of the conspiracy the cumulative effect of the proved circumstance

has to be taken in to account in determining the guilt of the accused rather

than adopting an isolated approach to each of the circumstances.

Facts of the case :

158] In the present case, just to reiterate the circumstances proved

on record, Aditi left Udit in favour of Pravin and as per evidence of Udit's


mother, Pravin had told Udit not to come in their love relationship. Then on

22/4/07 both , Aditi and Pravin came to Pune. Pravin himself has not stated

in his statement, Exh. 147, that he has come to Pune for his office work. As

stated above, no documentary or corroborating evidence is produced on

record to that effect. No satisfactory explanation is offered for staying in the

White house Lodge in the vicinity of the college, if he has office work. No

reasonable explanation is offered for registering in fictitious name. When

already they were secretly married and staying together openly in Delhi ,

there was no reason for him to stay in White house Lodge that too, under

fictitious name. The phone call made in the name of Amit to Udit's mother

to obtain Udit's cell and then both of them leaving together even without

achieving the purpose for which they had allegedly come to Pune, that of

collecting the refund of fees ----- all these circumstances especially the very

conduct , motive on the part of Pravin, is more than sufficient to infer the

agreement between the parties to do away Udit, so that they can live their

own happy life. On probability factor also, it does not appeal to reason that

Aditi will do all these things on her own or without participation of Pravin.

Therefore, the inference of conspiracy has to be drawn through these

proved facts on record when they are taken cumulatively. As regards

submission that in the Polygraph Test, no deception was noticed in the

answers given by Pravin, the results of the said Test, are merely inconclusive

and they do not give clean chit to Pravin. Hence charge u/s 302 r/w 120 ob

IPC is also required to be held as proved.

159] To sum up, therefore I have no hesitation in coming to conclusion

that prosecution has succeeded in proving beyond reasonable doubt, the guilt

of both accused Nos. 1 and 2 for the offence punishable u/s 302 and 120-B

of I.P.C.


160] At this stage I stop my dictation in order to hear the accused on

the question of sentence.

161] Both the accused are present before me along with their learned

counsel Shri. Vijayrao Mohite and learned APP Smt. Nilima Vartak. They are

informed about the decision of case. Learned APP submits that she require

some time to make submission on the question of sentence and hence the

matter is adjourned till tomorrow for hearing the accused on the question of


162] As accused No. 2 Pravin is on bail, considering the fact that I have

already held him guilty , I take him in custody and sent him to Jail to be

produced before me tomorrow, for hearing on the question of sentence.

Pune. [Dr. Smt.S.S. Phansalkar-Joshi.]Date : 11/6/2008. Sessions Judge, 5, Pune.

163] On the question of sentence both the accused Nos. 1 and 2

have submitted that they have not committed any crime and therefore, they

do not want to make any submission on the quantum of sentence.

164] Learned APP Smt. Vartak has submitted that the object of

punishment is not only deterrence but also to set some example, therefore,

the examplenary punishment is required to be awarded in the present

case,considering that in this case both the accused are young persons, and

hence they were supposed to keep an ideal before the society by their own

lives but they have used their youth and intelligence for some diabolical

purpose of committing murder and that too, of the ex-beloved of Aditi in


whose life she was the only girl. According learned APP the loss suffered

by Udit's parents, brothers, friends is irreparable. At the same time the

society has also suffered on account of these young persons in the society

committing such serious offence, thereby creating a dent in social and moral

fabric. Hence it is urged by learned APP that having regard to this growing

trend of criminality in youth, the severe punishment be imposed on both the


165] However as rightly submitted by learned counsel for accused Shri.

Mohite, in the case of murder only two sorts of punishment are laid down

u/s 302 of IPC, one is of a life imprisonment and other is of capital

punishment. As contemplated u/s 354[3] of Cr.P.C. , the special reasons are

required to be given if the severe punishment death is to be awarded . As

per the Law evolved after the year 1955, the general rule is to award life

imprisonment and death penalty is an exception. It is to be awarded only

in 'rarest of rare' case. In the historic decision of Bachan Singh Vs. State,

1980 CRI L J 636, the Supreme Court has laid down certain guidelines to be

applied to the facts of each individual case where the question of imposing

of death sentence arises : [1] the extreme penalty of death need not be

inflicted except in 'rarest of rare' case of extreme culpability; [ii] before opting

for the death penalty the circumstances of the 'offender' also require to be

taken in to consideration along with the circumstance of the 'crime', [iii] life

imprisonment is the rule and death sentence is an exception. In other words,

death sentence must be imposed only when life imprisonment appears to be

an altogether inadequate punishment having regard to the relevant

circumstances of the crime, and provided and only provided, the option to

impose sentence of imprisonment for life cannot be conscientiously

exercised having regard to the nature and circumstances of the crime and all


the relevant circumstances; and [iv] a balance-sheet of aggravating and

mitigating circumstances has to be drawn up and in doing so the mitigating

circumstances have to be accorded full weightage and a just balance has to

be struck between the aggravating and the mitigating circumstances before

the option is exercised. In order to apply these guidelines interalia , the

following questions may be asked and answered [a] Is there something

uncommon about the crime which renders sentence of imprisonment for life

inadequate and calls for a death sentence and [b] Are the circumstances of

the crime such that there is no alternative but to impose death sentence

even after according maximum weightage to the mitigating circumstances

which speak in favour of the offender ?

166] The point therefore, to be highlighted is that, only in 'rarest of rare'

cases the punishment of death is to be awarded, otherwise the normal rule

is to award Life Imprisonment. Learned counsel for accused has also relied

upon the authority of the Apex Court reported in Balwant Singh Vs. State

of Punjab, 1976 Supreme Court 230, wherein also the same principles were

reiterated that, death sentence is to be awarded only in 'rarest of rare' case,

where special reasons are made out , otherwise the normal rule is to grant

Life Imprisonment.

167] So far as the present case is concerned, it can hardly be said to

be falling in the 'rarest of rare' category or in the four corners of guidelines of

the Apex Court and therefore, the normal rule which is of Life Imprisonment

is to be applied in the present case also. None of the accused is in any way

harden criminal . The offence is also not committed for any monetary gain.

The young age of the accused cannot be an aggravating factor. The

intelligent mode of the commission of offence also cannot be called as an


aggravating factor. The offence for which therefore, accused are convicted

cannot be said to be falling under 'rarest of rare' category so as to impose

capital punishment of death. Hence the order.


The accused No. 1 Aditi Baldeo Sharma and accused No. 2-

Pravin Premswarup Khandelwal are hereby convicted as per Section 235(2)

of Cr.P.C. for the offence punishable u/s 302, 120-B of I.P.C. and sentenced

to suffer imprisonment for life and to pay a fine of Rs.10,000/-, each. In

default of payment of fine, they have to undergo further R.I. for 1 year.

Accused No 1- Aditi is entitled to set off for the period already

undergone in jail from 16/5/2007 till today and accused No. 2 Pravin is

entitled to set off from 16/5/07 to 12/7/07 and from 11/6/08 till the date.

Muddemal property be destroyed after the appeal period is over.

However on the request of learned counsel for accused Shri. Mohite, it is

ordered that, muddemal property article No. 3- purse and its contents, as it is

be kept in safe custody of Nazir, till decision of appeal.

Certified copy of this Judgment be given today itself, to both the

accused, free of cost.

Pune. [Dr. Smt.S.S. Phansalkar-Joshi.]Date : 12/6/2008. Sessions Judge, 5, Pune.


I affirm that the contents of this PDF file judgment are same word for word as per

original judgment.

Name of steno : Sou.Madhuri Godse.Court name : Dr. Smt. S.S.Phansalkar-Joshi,

Sessions Judge, 5, Pune. Date : 13/6/08.
