26 greenfill

DG26 Greenville By Dan Hass Odill is a large city where corruption is rampant. And there are numerous strong organizations vested in preventing reform. Even with a regime change, the Cult of Orcus destroyed, and the drug cartels damaged, the reform of Odill seems a Herculean challenge. Maybe it is time for a different strategy. A D&D 5 th edition adventure for 1-8 7 th level characters. The first episode in the Villages of Odill Arc.

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Page 1: 26 Greenfill

DG26 Greenville By Dan Hass

Odill is a large city where corruption is rampant. And there are numerous strong

organizations vested in preventing reform. Even with a regime change, the Cult of Orcus destroyed, and the drug cartels damaged, the reform of Odill seems a

Herculean challenge. Maybe it is time for a different strategy. A D&D 5 th edition adventure for 1-8 7 th level characters. The first episode in the Villages of Odill Arc.

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1 DG26 Greenville

By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Contents Adventure Summary ........................................................................................................... 2

Preparing the Adventure ..................................................................................................... 2

Running the Adventure ....................................................................................................... 2

Adventure Background ....................................................................................................... 3

Adventure Outline ............................................................................................................... 3

Starting the Adventure ........................................................................................................ 4

Encounter 1: An Audience .................................................................................................. 4

Encounter 2: Infiltrators ...................................................................................................... 6

Encounter 3: Tholy’s Ambush ............................................................................................ 7

Encounter 4: Tholy’s Marshals ........................................................................................... 8

Encounter 5: Kristoph ......................................................................................................... 9

Concluding the Adventure .................................................................................................10

Appendix 1: DM Maps ........................................................................................................11

Earl’s Manor ....................................................................................................................11

Road To Odill ..................................................................................................................12

Tavern ..............................................................................................................................13

Thanks to the many people who have helped me make this possible. Here are some who contributed in special ways.

Editing Jeremy Esch

Cover Art Fernando Olmedo (his work)

Sponsor The War Store

Sponsor Eric Mills

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2 DG26 Greenville

By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Adventure Summary Greenville is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventure designed for 1-8 7th level characters. It requires a Player’s Handbook (PHB), a Monster Manual (MM), and a Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG).

While the encounters include scaling for 1-8 characters, parties of 1 or 2 PCs and 7 or 8 PCs are fringe circumstances that may play oddly. Specifically, parties of 1-2 are highly susceptible to a single bad die roll, and 7-8 can slow play dramatically. Ideally a party will be 3-6 PCs.

It is set in the Dimgaard Campaign Setting (the Dimgaard Campaign Guide is a free pdf available at drivethrurpg), but could be set in other campaigns where there is a corrupt city ripe for overthrow by organizing the communities near it. The Digital copies of the encounter maps are available here.

Other Adventures You can find all the Dimgaard adventures to date (and supplemental content) on drivethrurpg.com. You can also back this Kickstarter.

Preparing the Adventure It is always a good idea for the DM to read through an adventure before running it. Greenville is no different. There are some rather complex encounters that will benefit if the DM spends a few minutes deciding how she will play them. In particular, it will help if the DM reviews the Monster Manual entries for the personality insights on gold dragons (p.117) and wights (p.300). Greenville can be run with a lot of social interaction between the PCs and NPCs depending on the inclinations of the players and DM. The module deliberately gives just enough information about NPCs to move the plot along, leaving a lot of room for a DM to individualize NPCs to her campaign. It helps encounters run smoothly if the DM spends a few minutes deciding how she will deliver the NPCs’ interactions. Some DMs revel in the opportunity to assume the personas of multiple NPCs over the course of a session, others prefer a summary approach. The decision is a matter of style

and showmanship. Similarly, many players look forward to opportunities to interact “in character” and other prefer to summarize. Neither approach is “correct”; both are valid ways to collaboratively build a story, but the DM should try to anticipate her players’ preferences (and decide her own) and prepare accordingly.

The Odill Campaign Guide can be found here. It contains information about the organizations and NPCs influencing Greenville. Here is the map of Greenville

A battlemat or dungeon tiles may be helpful, but not necessary.

Running the Adventure The encounters in Greenville are designed to challenge PCs in different ways besides only combat. The combat encounters are expected to be hard (DMG p.81), but additionally there are encounters to test the PCs ability to deal with diplomatic situations and pose difficult questions about their character’s morals.

Modifications Technically each encounter uses a medium XP budget per the encounter building guidelines. And for many parties a medium encounter may turn out to meet the definition of hard as PCs may be built for roleplaying and the party may not have optimized their tactics.

Modifications have been made to the creatures which do not increase the calculated CR of the creature but do increase the challenge of the creature. These are denoted with a 1. The DM should gauge the effectiveness of the party and decide which of these to use (keeping in mind the definition of hard encounters).

The goal of any adventure is to present fair challenges and have an interesting and fun session; if the PCs are not sufficiently optimized, the DM should carefully consider which of these modifications she wants to use.

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3 DG26 Greenville

By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Adventure Background There are several villages in the vicinity of Odill. Odill could not survive without their support s they provide almost all the food, and much of the crafted goods in the Odill economy. Each village has its own economic, social, and cultural factors which are summarized in the Odill Campaign Guide.

Greenville’s History and Economy When Prince Rainaldus assumed the throne, Earl Calmus was the noble in charge of overseeing the craftsmen in Odill associated with leather.

Calmus quickly saw Rainaldus’s corruption as the Prince began taking bribes by those who wanted to circumvent the protections of the leatherworkers’ guild. Calmus was quite wealthy and rather than endure Rainaldus, he built a villa about ten miles from Odill expecting to retire. To his surprise many of the craftsmen that he had overseen in Odill followed him and the village of Greenville was born.

Greenville has a modest agricultural sector which is almost sufficient to feed Greenville. But the real industry in Greenville is the leatherworking trades – armorers, cobblers, tanners, hunters, and other leather goods.

The guild ensures that there isn’t an oversupply of goods and provides a barrier to entry for new craftsmen to regulate the number of tradesmen. Rumors are that at times, the guild has “gone to war” with renegade leatherworkers in Odill and other villages in the area that tried to usurp the leather trade.

Earl Tarrowin inherited his position from Calmus, his father. In addition to his various duties as earl, Tarrowin also serves as guild master, although most of the duties of that position are delegated to senior tradesmen, and he is only called on to settle disputes.

Many Greenville residents have only marginal loyalties to Odill (although all have a significant economic interest). With some

outside influence they could be organized to bring pressure on Odill to reform. When Prince Rainaldus assumed the thrown and Odill began its slow descent into decadence, those among the nobility who resented the corruption and had the means left Odill, and many of those established communities within a few miles of Odill. These communities became havens for those seeking relief from the harsh existence in Odill, and while some are vassal states of the corrupt officials and organizations of Odill, many are quite noble in their pursuits and tolerate Odill’s corruption only because they have no recourse. Among these is the village of Greenville. It has no ties with any of the corrupt organizations, and its history is quite “clean”.

In Odill, Prince Priogrim realizes his militia is insufficient for either defense or law enforcement. The Cult of Asmodeus has aligned with him to recruit, and organize a militia capable of securing Odill both internally and externally. Further, the Cult of Asmodeus is exploring of joining the One True Faith with Asmodeus revered as an intercessor, and reforming Odill is expected to go a long way in making that happen.

Within Odill, the Inquisition is still under the corrupt rule of Tholy the Divine, but the Fellowship of Olidammara and Trithereons United offer some hope. Tholy has grown tired of the meddling PCs and placed a significant bounty on them. (The DM will decide what “significant” is.)

Adventure Outline

Brilohor’s Haunting Creature trap Odill is the territory of the night hag (MM p.178), Brilohor. The DM can use her Nightmare Haunting during any long rest. There is no known NPC in Odill capable of casting greater restoration. This effect may also carry over from one adventure to the next.

Despite considerable efforts Odill still appears to be an evil city rife with corruption.

Wulxan is a gold dragonborn who adheres to the traits of a gold dragon. He has been embedded in Odill and observing the activity. He realizes that the PCs could

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4 DG26 Greenville

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Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

be important agents in reforming Odill. He suggests that rather than continue assaulting the problems in Odill with blunt force tactics, they try to organize the towns and villages around Odill. Wulxan suggests Greenville as the first village to visit.

The PCs are granted an audience with Earl Terrowin. But on their way, they are attacked by assassins sent from Odill.

As the negotiations progress, the PCs are delivered a message that Tholy the Divine has sent a force to apprehend them. They are on their way from Odill and expected to arrive in a few hours. This is actually a tactic to draw the PCs out of Greenville and into a trap that Tholy’s forces have engineered. If the PCs survive the ambush, they are beset by the force reported as leaving Odill.

Recovering in Greenville, the PCs encounter the “Robin Hood” style criminal, Kristoph, who was converted to a wight by the now defunct Cult of Orcus.

Starting the Adventure If the PCs successfully completed DG22 Destroying the Supply, they likely have numerous enemies in Odill. Still war in the streets is not something that any of the organizations are aiming for, so the PCs can have some downtime activities before starting this adventure.

PC Resources Another way of moderating the difficulty of encounters is to regulate the supplies available to PCs. The markets of Odill can be filled with resources, or the resources can be extremely limited depending on the DM’s evaluation of the PCs overall strength. Having an ample supply of relatively cheap resources – even magic items – can make what would be a difficult encounter easier. Similarly, if PCs are constrained it can make encounters harder if they don’t have even items like potions of healing.

Greenville takes place after DG25 Pit of Karaan. As a result of that adventure, Earl Tarrowin and the citizens of Greenville should view the PCs favorably.

When the downtime is resolved:

As you relax at the end of you day, a hooded figure approaches you. He wears a cowl that shadows his features and adopts a low tone. “I’ve been watching you for some time now. Your goals appear worthy, but your path seems ambitious and even reckless at times. Perhaps we can discuss strategies and arrive on a plan likely to reform Odill for the better.”

This is the gold dragonborn Wulxan. He has a personality reflecting his gold dragon heritage (MM p.114). He has been in Odill longer than the PCs and has formulated a plan that he believes will work, but which he cannot carry out himself. He believes the key is the communities around Odill which Odill relies on for resources.

Dimgaard Dragonborn Dragonborn in Dimgaard that are circulating in human civilization have much softer features than in other settings. They look almost human, but retain distinct draconic features (scales, eyes, tongues, etc.) that can be disguised to pass as human – otherwise they would be killed by the humans.

Wulxzn suggests Greenville as a first goal. He is already friendly with Earl Terrowin and knows he is likes the PCs. Wulxan can meet the PCs the next morning and present the PCs to Earl Terrwin.

Greenville is about ten miles from Odill along a pretty good road through a light forest with numerous open areas. The trip through the countryside is uneventful.

No Rest? D&D 5th edition presumes that PCs will have several encounters before taking a long rest. If the PCs are able to complete a long rest at their leisure, they will not likely be challenged by most adventures.

Short rests are less skewing, but still should be considered carefully as there are classes the recover many of their resources from only a short rest. Regulating short rests is another tool to modulate encounter difficulty.

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5 DG26 Greenville

By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 1: An Audience Map. Appendix 1: Earl’s Manor

The great hall of Tarrowin’s manor is a welcoming room. Tarrowin has a modest, but comfortable-looking throne and areas dedicated to the various activities necessary to being an earl – receiving dignitaries, judging disputes, negotiating agreements, and entertaining guest

The room is comfortably lit with a combination of natural light from the windows and candles.

Wulxan makes a brief introduction, and informs you he will be waiting at the tavern to hear the outcome of the meeting.

Encounter background. Wulxan has been discussing Odill’s corruption with Tarrowin for some time, and established that Tarrowin would be inclined to participate in activities aimed at changing Odill’s culture if there was a reasonable chance of success. Tarrowin has fifteen guards who are only called upon when there is a concern, so they are not currently present.

Roleplaying This encounter has several intentions. It is meant as an opportunity for DMs and players who enjoy active roleplaying. Tarrowin can be as rich and nuanced as the DM decides.

His primary motivations are clear: protect citizens and trade – along with some self-promotion.

The DM can build upon those motivations and make Terrowin extremely complex if she decides. A DM may want to mix things up with random traits for Tarrowin (or any NPC). The DMG (p.89-91) has tables for randomly generating traits; this site does a nice job as well of quickly fleshing out an NPC’s traits.

Other DMs may prefer to ask for a summary of the PCs’ strategies and then use dice to determine results without the extended interaction.

DMG p.244-245 has guidelines for handling social encounters with dice.

Running the encounter. Tarrowin’s primary concern is the citizens of Greenville.

After that, he is moderately ambitious and will weigh an improved personal social or political position in any proposition, too.

Rough Business Greenville has a monopoly on the leather industry in and around Odill and the villagers are serious about protecting that situation. If upstarts in Odill or another village infringes by building a rival tannery or even establishing a cobbler shop, the guild in Greenville will demand a tribute to continue doing business or launch a serious campaign (including violence) to shut it down.

As the discussion progresses, a craftsman from the Greenville leatherworkers’ guild enters with a procession of men. The craftsman asserts that this is a trade delegation that wishes to negotiate a trade agreement with the village of Fallcrest (about 10 miles away). The craftsman believes this is true.

The trade delegation waits as the PCs continue their negotiations.

The Nature of Resistance The Greenville militia is not a strong fighting force. They are usually only called upon to drive off occasional beasts from the forest, or escort trade caravans into Odill if there are rumors of highwaymen. With a total population of less than 400, Greenville alone isn’t going to field an army capable of taking over Odill.

However, Greenville is strong economically. They have a monopoly on the leather trade.

Further, Earl Tarrowin has an excellent reputation among the nobles in the surrounding communities, and his diplomatic skills can be leveraged to build a broad coalition.

Concluding the encounter. The newly arrived delegation are actually agents of Church of Mask (Odill’s assassin’s guild). There is a bounty for killing the PCs because of their interference in Odill.

As the negotiations wind down, move to Encounter 2: Infiltrators.

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 2: Infiltrators Map. Appendix 1: Earl’s Manor

The negotiations appear to be nearing a conclusion. Earl Tarrowin appears to be seriously considering your proposals and their ramifications.

Suddenly, blades are drawn in a rush of movement. The members of the trade delegation are attacking!

Encounter background. These are not members of the Inquisition, but are actually members of the Church of Mask, Odill’s assassin’s guild. They hope to collect the bounty before Tholy’s forces eliminate the PCs.

Running the encounter. Tarrowin is a noble (p.348), but his goal will be escaping. The agents aren’t in the negotiation business. They attack. PCs with passive Insight less than 14 are surprised.

Initiative Matters The DM may decide to break up the attackers into groups of two or three (contrary to PHB p.189). Numerous opponents attacking on the same initiative can dramatically increase the lethality of an encounter as they focus attacks without a PC intervening.

Scaling the encounter. There is a bandit captain for each PC, and if there are 6+ PCs, there is an additional bandit captain. Bandit Captain. MM p.344.

1Hit Points 65 (10d8+20) + 5 temporary from aid

Speed 40 ft. 1WIS 16 (+3)

1Damage Resistances one type of DM’s choice via potion 1Saving throws Str +4, Dex +5, Wis +5. 1Trip. As a bonus action, a creature the captain can see within 5 ft. must succeed on a DC14 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or be knocked prone. 1Gear. Potion of resistance, potion of greater healing

Concluding the encounter. If he PCs are overcome, their adventure ends and the DM can move to Concluding the Adventure.

If the PCs win and question the infiltrators, they will discover that Tholy has sent a force from Odill to bring the PCs to him either dead or alive. The infiltrators estimate the force is an hour behind them.

Otherwise, as things settle, another craftsman comes in. He wants to do the right thing. He spent the morning in the market, and the rumor is Tholy the Divine knows the PCs are in Greenville and has dispatched a force to apprehend them. He estimates the force is an hour behind him.

Encounter 3: Tholy’s Ambush should be set up.

Tailoring The Villain Tholy the Divine (the corrupt head of the Odill Inquisition) is presented as the force driving the action against the PCs because at this point in the story, most parties will have been noticed by him or his allies.

However, if the PCs actions over the past episodes have fostered a greater enmity from a different organization, the forces attributed to Tholy the Divine, can be from a different group (Cult of Asmodeus, Slaver’s Alliance, Prince Priogrim, etc.)

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7 DG26 Greenville

By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 3: Tholy’s Ambush Map. Appendix 1: Road to Odill Encounter background. Tholy sent out this group in secrecy to set up an ambush, and then made a spectacle of organizing and sending another force so that the news would reach the PCs in Greenville.

The hope is that the PCs will be lured into trying to set up their own ambush for the second party and walk into this one. After a couple hours, if the PCs haven’t come up the road, the ambushers find the PCs wherever they are and attack.

Running the encounter. The ambushers brought a flashpot.

Flashpots Mechanical trap The road is obvious, so Perception yields no useful information. A passive Investigation of 20+ will notice that engineering work has been recently performed on the road when the PC is 30 ft. from the flashpot. If the flashpot is triggered, each creature within 15 ft. of it must succeed on a DC15 Dexterity saving thro or suffer 21 (5d8) fire damage (half on a successful save).

As soon as the ambushers trigger the trap or it is clear the PCs have noticed the trap, the ambushers rush to attack.

Scaling the encounter. The composition of the ambushers varies with the number of PCs.

# Ambushers XP

1 Veteran 700

2 Veteran, Acolyte, Homunculus,

Owl, Thug


3 Veteran, 2 Acolyte, 2 Homunculus, 2 Owl, 3 Thug


4 2 Veteran, 2 Acolyte, 2 Homunculus, 2 Owl, 2 Thug


5 2 Veteran, 3 Acolyte, 3 Homunculus, 3 Owl, 2 Thug


6-7 3 Veteran, 3 Acolyte, 3 Homunculus, 3 Owl, 2 Thug


8 3 Veteran, 4 Acolyte, 4 Homunculus, 4 Owl, 5 Thug


Acolyte. MM p.342. Owl familiar 1Hit Points 18 (4d8) 1Damage Immunity Piercing (from potion) 1Saving Throw Dex +2, Con +2 1Gear. 3 scrolls of cure wounds, 1 scroll of dispel magic

Reactions 1Counterspell. The acolyte casts counterspell.

Homunculus. MM p.188. Bound to acolyte 1Armor Class 14 (natural)

Hit Points 3 (1d4+1)

CON 12 (+1) 1Saving Throws Con +3, Wis +2 1Damage Immunities fire, force, piercing, poison 1Invisibility. As a bonus action, the homunculus turns invisible. 1Bite. Raise Con saving throw to DC13.

Owl. MM p.333. Familiar of acolyte 1Damage Immunities fire, force, piercing poison

Thug. MM p.250 1Saving Throws Str +4, Wis +2 1Skills Athletics +4, Intimidation +2 1Eye Gouge. A creature of thug’s choice within 5 ft. must make a DC14 Constitution saving throw or be blinded. A blinded creature can attempt the saving throw at the end of its turn until it succeeds and ends the condition.

Veteran. MM p.250 1Armor Class 18 (plate) 1Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4 1Spellcasting. The veteran can cast a 2nd level armor of Agathys 3/day, and pass without trace 1/day. 1Trip. As a bonus action, a creature the veteran can see within 5 ft. must succeed on a DC17 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or be knocked prone.

Reactions 1Hellish Rebuke (3/day). The veteran casts a 2nd level hellish rebuke.

Concluding the encounter. If the PCs are overcome by the ambushers, they are taken into custody and removed to face Tholy. Their adventure ends and the DM can move to Concluding the adventure.

If the PCs overcome he ambushers, they have limited time afterward. The marshals (Encounter 4) from Odill are not far away, and will pursue the PCs to take them into custody.

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8 DG26 Greenville

By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 4: Tholy’s Marshals Map. Appendix 1: Road to Odill (likely)

Encounter background. Tholy has dispatched his marshals to retrieve the PCs. The marshals are expecting the ambushers to have subdued the PCs, but they also consider the PCs extremely dangerous and approach the encounter expecting violence.

If the marshals cannot track the PCs, the scouts will use magic (speak with animals) to locate their path.

Running the encounter. The marshals are not far from Greenville and should arrive shortly after the ambush. The PCs may have some strategy for avoiding combat that the DM will have to gauge.

Scaling the encounter. The makeup of the marshals varies with the number of PCs.

# Marshals XP

1 Priest, Homunculus 460

2 Priest, Homunculus, 4 Scout 860

3 2 Priest, 2 Homunculi, 3 Scout 1220

4 2 Priest, 2 Homunculi, 6 Scout 1520

5 2 Priest, 2 Homunculi, 9 Scout 1820

6 3 Priest, 3 Homunculi, 8 Scout 2180

7 3 Priest, 3 Homunculi, 11 Scout


8 4 Priest, 4 Homunculi, 10 Scout


Homunculus. MM p.188. Bound to priest 1Armor Class 14 (natural)

Hit Points 3 (1d4+1)

CON 12 (+1) 1Saving Throws Con +3, Wis +2 1Damage Immunities fire, force, piercing, poison 1Invisibility. As a bonus action, the homunculus turns invisible as if he had cast the spell on himself. 1Bite. Raise Con saving throw to DC13.

Priest. MM p.348. 1Armor Class 14 (breastplate) 1Hit Points 33 (6d8+6) 1Damage Immunities piercing (or choice of another) 1Saving Throws Con +3, Wis +5 1Skills Perception +12, Persuasion +3, Religion +4 1Blessing of the One True Faith. At the end of a long rest, the priest has immunity to piercing damage. He can change the damage type as a bonus action once, and must take a long rest to reset the ability. He uses augury to try to predict the best choice each day.

1st level (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, healing word 2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual weapon

Scout. MM p.349 1Armor Class 14 (studded leather) 1Hit Points 27 (5d8+5) 1Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +4 1Innate Spellcasting. The scout can cast pass without trace (3/day), and speak with animals (as a ritual). 1Marksman. The scout ignores penalties for long range, half cover, or three quarters cover.

Gear. Potion of greater healing.

Concluding the encounter. If the PCs are overcome, they are taken into custody and their adventure ends here. The DM should move to Concluding the Adventure.

If the PCs prevail, they likely have had a very long day. Probably, they can take refuge in Greenville.

As night falls, the wight Kristoph takes up a position in the common room of the tavern and sends a villager tell the PCs he wishes a meeting. This sets up Encounter 5: Kristoph.

Priest and Homunculus

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Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 5: Kristoph

Map. Appendix 1: Tavern

Encounter background. Kristoph was once a happy-go-lucky rogue who worshipped Olidammara. He patrolled the roads around Odill redistributing wealth and attempting to bring joy and freedom to the region.

The Cult of Orcus captured him and turned him into a wight under their control. But with the priests of Orcus vanquished, Kristoph now has free will.

He has resumed his patrols of the roads, but has trouble discerning between righting wrongs and indulging his undead hunger.

He knows that the PCs would be good allies for him. And maybe they can help guide his activities. He is fairly sure that some of the people he’s turned into zombies did not deserve to die.

He has taken the tavern hostage. He isn’t allowing any of the nine occupants (Commoners) to leave until the PCs arrive and parlay with him. He sent one to notify the PCs of the situation and awaits their arrival. His zombies wait at the edge of his telepathic range (100 ft.) to the north.

Kristoph disguises himself as human; a DC16 passive Insight realizes he isn’t.

The Greenville tavern has nine occupants. Eight sit nervously around the room. Sitting at the center table is a figure wearing studded leather and armed with a longsword and longbow. He seems sullen and occasionally mutters to himself.

Running the encounter. If the PCs come to the tavern and discuss matters with Kristoph, he releases the patrons and staff unharmed. Kristoph is trying to figure out his existence. He is looking for help and

allies. He is not generally hostile, but he can become violent because of his hunger to consume life force that he is struggling to control.

He is in telepathic contact with his zombies who are waiting quietly outside.

Scaling the encounter. Kristoph’s posse varies with the number of PCs present.

# Undead XP

1 Kristoph 700

2 Kristoph, 3 Zombies 850

3 Kristoph, 3 Zombie, Ogre Zombie


4 Kristoph, 3 Zombie, 2 Ogre Zombie


5 Kristoph, 3 Zombie, 2 Ogre Zombie


6 Kristoph, 5 Ogre Zombie 2,950

7 Kristoph, 6 Ogre Zombie 3,400

8 Kristoph, 8 Ogre Zombie 4,300

Kristoph (Wight). MM p.300 Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +3

Skills Acrobatics +6, Deception +4, Perception +3, Stealth +6

Skull Crack. As a bonus action, a creature within 5 ft. of Kristoph that he can see must succeed on a DC14 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for one round.

Actions Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft. reach, one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) slashing, or 7 (1d10+2) slashing if used with two hands; and the target must succeed on a DC14 Strength (Athletics) check or drop its weapon.

Zombie. MM p.316 1Saving Throws Con +5, Wis +0 1Eye Gouge. As a bonus action, a creature within 5 ft. of the zombie that the zombie can see must succeed on a DC13 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded. An affected creature can attempt a DC13 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect.

Ogre Zombie. MM p.316 1Eye Gouge. As a bonus action, a creature within 5 ft. of the zombie that the zombie can see must succeed on a DC13 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded. An affected creature can attempt a DC13 Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect.

Concluding the encounter. If the PCs don’t come to the tavern, Kristoph holds the patrons hostage until the early morning hours and takes his zombies and returns to his barrow (two miles from Greenville).

If the PCs negotiate an arrangement with Kristoph, he will aid them to the best he can.

Combat? This isn’t expected to be a combat encounter. Kristoph isn’t bloodthirsty. He is expected to make appearances in later adventures, and develop a relationship with the PCs. He poses the question of redemption. There is a sidebar regarding Kristoph in Concluding the Adventure

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Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Concluding the Adventure If PCs are overcome, they are taken to Tholy the Devine. If they have supernatural qualities, he sells them to magic item creators as components; otherwise he sells them into slavery and they are never heard from again.

If the PCs are not taken into custody, the DM should note the disposition of Earl Tarrowin, Kristoph, and the residents of Greenville, as these have an impact in future adventures.

Awarding XP The XP listed with each encounter reflects the XP of the creatures listed which make a medium encounter. However, the encounters with the enhancements to the creatures is likely a hard encounter. Considering how “wide” 7th level is, the DM should consider awarding 50% more XP than that listed in the tables which corresponds to the XP for a hard encounter rather than a medium encounter.

Poor Kristoph Kristoph suffers from a severe identity crisis. He was a follower of the deity Olidammara and a highwayman in the vein of Robin Hood. He was widely known and generally liked as he worked against the evil and injustice of Odill.

The Cult of Orcus stripped him of free will and he performed evil acts – assassinations and raising victims as zombies.

But now he can act on his own again. However, he is always fighting to control the hunger for violence, murder, and mayhem that is part of his wight nature.

He is prone to getting confused about who he truly is. When introducing himself, he might say something like: “I am… No, I was? Kristoph. Am I Kristoph? Yes, I think I am Kristoph… again.”

He is not suicidal nor self-loathing. He realizes that the things he did for the Cult of Orcus were not his choices. He also has a complex view of his zombies. Several of them are the victim of his activities as an agent of Orcus. And he feels protective of them; he feels responsible for insuring their survival even in their current state.

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Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Appendix 1: DM Maps

Earl’s Manor

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Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Road To Odill

Foliage is lightly obscured terrain through 10 ft.; beyond 10 ft. is highly obscured. Trees are same as foliage, but also provide half cover.

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