2013 ieee honor roll of donors


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2013 Honor roll of Donors | 1

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2 | Transforming Lives Through Technology

As the philanthropic arm of IEEE, the IEEE Foundation inspires the generosity of donors so it may enable IEEE programs that enhance technology access, literacy and education, and support the IEEE professional community.

The IEEE foundation fulfills its purpose by:• soliciting and managing donations • recognizing the generosity of our donors• awarding grants to innovative projects of strategic importance• serving as a steward of donations that empower bright minds, recognize innovation and preserve

the history of technology

With support from donors all over the world, the IEEE foundation strives to be a leader in transforming lives through the power of technology and education.

Table of Contents 1 LeadershipPerspective 2 2013YearinReview 4 InvestinginInnovation 6 InvestinginIEEEInitiatives 7 IEEELifeMembersFund 8 IEEEHistoryCenter 9 IEEEPESScholarshipPlus10 EmpoweringBrightMinds11 RecognitionofInnovation13 IEEECircleofHonor14 IEEEHeritageCircle16 IEEEGoldsmithLegacyLeague18 LeadershipDonors20 AdvocateDonors41 HonorariumGifts42 TributeGifts44 MatchingGifts45 IEEEBoardofDirectors IEEEFoundationBoardofDirectors IEEEFoundationProfessionalStaff

Donor Profiles14 BimalBose13 G&WElectricCompany42 JayGiri43 JayGreenberg41 MichaelHeyeck33 DanD.Hoolihan25 JohnImpagliazzo37 SusumuKobayashi16 WilliamMiddleton35 EmersonPugh12 LotfollahShafai23 JamesM.Tien39 RalphW.Wyndrum,Jr.

The names listed in this Honor roll are those who believe in and invest in the mission of IEEE and support the role of the IEEE foundation. opportunities to donate and make an impact are diverse, allowing donors to specify support to particular areas of interest. Donor impact is demonstrated throughout this Honor roll and through Donor Profiles where donors share personal stories about giving to the IEEE foundation.

IEEE and IEEE foundation extend grateful appreciation to those donors who are not listed in this Honor Roll of Donors. The IEEE Development office makes every attempt to ensure the accuracy of the listings in this report, including proper acknowledgement of gifts and correct spelling. Please notify us of omissions or errors by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or contact us by telephone at + 1 732 562 5550.

The Honor Roll of Donors will be delivered digitally in 2015.

IfyouwouldliketocontinuetoreceivetheHonor Roll of Donorsinitsprintversion,pleasee-mailusatdonate@ieee.orgorfilloutandreturntheenvelopeincludedwithin.

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Leadership Perspective: Transforming Lives through Technology

flash back to 1973. Your HP-35 pocket scientific calculator made calcula-tions for engineering projects faster and more precise. You were relieved that, thanks to word processors, your proposals and papers could be edited instead of retyped. You relaxed by playing electronic games on your Odyssey Home Entertainment System. And you were in awe watch-ing nAsA send astronauts to live and work in the space station skylab.

You were likely less aware, however, of those working on innovations that would change the way we live 40 years later. Bob Metcalfe was working on the Ethernet, a precursor to the wireless world in which we live today.

Vint Cerf and robert Kahn were designing TCP/IP, the internet protocol that enabled the world-wide sharing of information via the Internet. The patent for a radio telephone system was issued to Motorola, paving the way for the cell phone revolution that transformed the way we communicate and work. Google was just a thought, as 1973 marked the births of larry Page and sergey Brin.

Thanks to you, our donors, the IEEE foundation has proudly supported the efforts of the engineering and technology community that have dramatically changed our lives over the past 40 years.

During the IEEE foundation’s first 40 years, we honored and recognized extraordinary professionals and their innovative discoveries. We enabled educational programs that trained teachers and IEEE members to encourage children to discover, explore and appreciate engineering. Today we provide scholarships to students pursuing engineering careers through the IEEE PEs scholarship Plus Initiative. We also support high-impact programs for young professionals to engage in technology projects that improve the quality of life in developing communities.

During the next 40 years, the IEEE foundation aspires to significantly increase its impact by building on the successes that have helped get us to where we are today. recognizing the need for closer alignment with IEEE, the IEEE foundation Board of Directors approved a revised mission statement in 2013 “to enable IEEE programs that enhance technology access, literacy, and education; support the IEEE professional community; and inspire the generosity of donors.” We need your help to accomplish this mission. As a first step, we will actively fundraise for our new “signature programs” that offer you the opportunity to support more scalable and higher impact IEEE programs. next, we are upgrading our digital presence to provide you with an engaging online experience where you can see the programs you support in action, find more ways to be involved, and to make it even easier for you to donate and obtain receipts from your computer or hand-held device.

Thank you for your contributions to the IEEE foundation’s first 40 years of success. We hope to make your engagement with us even more rewarding and hope that you will share your experiences with others so that they too will support the IEEE foundation during the next 40 years.

leah H. Jamieson Matthew s. loebIEEE Foundation President IEEE Foundation Executive Director

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2013 - Year in Review

All denominations in this publication are in USA dollars and are based on non-audited financials as of 20 February 2014. Audited financials are available on ieeefoundation.org.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, $3,872,102 was donated in support of IEEE programs, making the 40th year of IEEE foundation a banner year. More than 8,000 donors made more than 12,000 gifts that were invested in projects that transform lives throughout the world.Institutional giving from corporations, foundations and organizations has increased this year and contributed to more than $2 million of overall gifts as represented in the Giving by Constituency chart. life Member groups represent 68% of all individual giving, and legacy gifts through bequests are up from last year as represented in the Giving by Individuals chart.

The Program Expenditures chart on page 3 shows the programs and initiatives in which IEEE foundation invested $3,345,300 in 2013. More information about these programs and how donations were invested are shared on the pages that follow.

Giving by Individuals












Giving by Constituency

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Foundation Fund


ife M

embers Fund

Humanitarian Technology Fund

Program Expenditures











Your gifts have impact and make a difference. We thank you for partnering with us to support educational programs, scholarships, fellowships, historical preservation, projects that apply technology for social impact and innovation, and the recognition of scientific and engineering excellence both past and present.Each gift transforms lives: The many people served by IEEE foundation supported programs thank all of you who have donated, making initiatives such as the ones highlighted in this Honor Roll of Donors possible. They rely upon the growing list of IEEE members, institutions and friends contributing generously to the foundation. Your philanthropic commitment advances IEEE’s core purpose to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.

Ways to keep helping: Throughout the year or during membership renewal, there are many opportunities for you to help transform lives. When you read this Honor Roll of Donors, you may be inspired to find new ways to support IEEE programs or extend your generosity to help us build a strong future for IEEE and the people it serves.

How to contact us: The IEEE Development office professional staff is here to assist you. You can e-mail us at [email protected], call +1 732 562 5550, or by mail: IEEE foundation, 445 Hoes lane, Piscataway, nJ 08854 UsA.

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Investing in Innovation

Education – $283,920 Awarded1. Development of a TryEngineering.org Mobile Site

$40,000; IEEE foundation fund

2. IEEE MADC- Mobile Applications Development Contest$7,700; IEEE foundation fund

3. Design Squad Global$50,000; IEEE foundation fund

4. Lean Manufacturing and Intro to Manufacturing$5,000; IEEE foundation fund

5. BGCO LEGO League$1,500; IEEE foundation fund

6. 2014 IEEE Sections Congress$50,000; IEEE foundation fund

7. Compartir es Educar “sharing is educating” $4,070; IEEE Humanitarian Technology fund

8. Kitenga Village Project: Solar for Science Center$10,010; IEEE Humanitarian Technology fund

9. Educating-Through-Technology Phase 1$13,450; IEEE Humanitarian Technology fund

10. Balkan STEMification$18,750; IEEE life Members fund

11. K-12 STEM Outreach in Computer and Electrical Engineering$19,680; IEEE life Members fund

12. IV Engineering, Technology and Innovation Week$13,325; IEEE life Members fund

13. CMD-IT Student Professional Development Workshops$21,000; IEEE life Members fund

14. The Next Generation of Engineers$10,500; IEEE life Members fund

15. MIDA - Museo de la Ingeniería Desde la Antigüedad$7,435; IEEE life Members fund

16. METS Science and Engineering Fair$5,000; IEEE life Members fund

17. How it works -- Computer Operation Interactive$6,500; IEEE life Members fund

Each year the IEEE foundation receives many more requests to its Grants Program than it is able to support. During 2013, the IEEE foundation identified 29 worthy projects being conducted all over the world and awarded a total of $515,975 in grants. Your donations make it possible to fund these innovative projects.

Distributed from the IEEE foundation fund, IEEE life Members fund and IEEE Humanitarian Technology fund, grants are solicited and awarded by the IEEE foundation Board of Directors and IEEE life Members Committee to IEEE organizational units and other charitable organizations in these three areas of focus:

EDUCATION - Expand and enhance engineering, science, and technology education opportunities for students of all ages through mid-career professionals to positively impact IEEE involvement and workforce development

HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY - Increase awareness of the impact and influence of early technology on the present and future among the public at large

APPLYING TECHNOLOGY FOR HUMANITARIAN CAUSES - Implement or disseminate replicable, sustainable technology-based solutions for humanitarian issues in underserved and underprivileged areas

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2 1020

IEEE foundation fund

IEEE Humanitarian Technology fund

IEEE life Members fund

Humanitarian – $68,555 24. IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology

Conference$11,000; IEEE Humanitarian Technology fund

25. Open Humanitarian Engineering Research Program$15,000; IEEE Humanitarian Technology fund

26. Micro-Grid for Uganda$9,000; IEEE Humanitarian Technology fund

27. Futuros Ingenieros$3,000; IEEE life Members fund

28. Matthew’s Town Technology Hub$10,875; IEEE foundation General fund

29. Social Change Hackathon$19,680; IEEE foundation General fund

History – $163,500 18. Divine Discontent: Charles P. Steinmetz

$76,500; IEEE foundation fund

19. The Computer Wore Heels interactive iBookApp$4,000; IEEE life Members fund

20. Let there be Light: Beginnings of Multiphase AC$9,500; IEEE life Members fund

21. The Manhattan Project’s Legacy of Innovation$50,000; IEEE life Members fund

22. On-line Engineering History Course Workshop$12,500; IEEE life Members fund

23. Discover Milestones of Ukrainian Science$11,000; IEEE life Members fund

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Investing in IEEE Initiatives

Donor support enabled IEEE foundation to invest $530,950 in the following IEEE initiatives during 2013:




• Grainger-IEEE PEs student Program received $75,000 to encourage students enrolled in curricula focused on electric power engineering to participate in IEEE-PEs meetings. Made possible by The Grainger foundation.

• IEEE Awards Program received $396,000 to honor the top minds in tech-nology and recognize these icons at the annual IEEE Honors Ceremony.

• A special awards ceremony to honor Irwin Jacobs, 2013 IEEE Medal of Honor recipient, received nearly $10,000. Made possible by Qualcomm.

• Engineers Week 2014, led by IEEE-UsA, received $45,000 for the Discover Engineering family Day and future City Competition.

• science Kits for libraries Project of the IEEE Chicago section received $2,000 to encourage local libraries to make science kits available.

• Padovani lecturer Program at the IT-s north American summer school of Information Theory received more than $1,700.

PES Scholars and students from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign visit the G&W Electric Company headquarters in Bolingbrook, IL, USA for a tour of the facilities. G&W Electric Company is a $500,000 donor to the PES S+.

Student Megan Milam of Clemson University, SC, USA explains her IEEE Power & Energy Society Student Poster Session entry titled: Smart Meter Deployment and Applications in the United States. Support from the Grainger Foundation enables the Grainger-IEEE PES Student Program which provides the funds need-ed for student poster sessions, such as this one held during the PES General Meeting in July in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

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IEEE Life Members Fund:A 40 Year Partnership

The establishment of the IEEE life Members fund (lMf) was one of the very first actions taken by the IEEE foundation in its founding year. The origins of the lMf date back to 1944 but since 1973 it has been an essential part of the IEEE foundation and has depended on the generosity of IEEE members and friends to support its initiatives.

IEEE Life Members Fund:Supports the activities of interest to Life Members, engineering students, and potential engineers that 1) reflect the breadth and range

of the engineering field; 2) make a significant,

positive global impact on the profession; and

3) improve the awareness of engineering.

What started 40 years ago has grown into a strong working partnership between the IEEE foundation Board of Directors and the IEEE life Members Committee (lMC). Today, these two collaborate in numerous ways including Investing in Innovation through the Grants Program (see pages 4-5) and hosting local life Member receptions to encourage the active engagement of IEEE life Members (lMs). During 2013, receptions were held in Philadelphia, PA, UsA on 12 April and scottsdale, AZ, UsA on 11 october.

In addition, the lMC routinely provides support to a number of ongoing initiatives of IEEE. In 2013, $107,034 was invested in these and other ongoing IEEE initiatives:

• Washington Internships for Students of Engineering, an IEEE-UsA program

• IEEE Life Member Graduate Study Fellowship bestowed by IEEE

• IEEE Regional Student Paper Prize Contests, one run by each of the ten IEEE regions

• IEEE Donald G. Fink Award bestowed by IEEE

• IEEE Life Members’ Fellowship in Electrical History administered by the IEEE History Committee

• The Bernard S. Finn IEEE History Prize administered by the society for the History of Technology in cooperation with the IEEE History Center

supporting activities that keep lMs active and engaged is also important to the lMC. Each year, the lMC publishes, in print and online, two news-letters to keep members up-to-date on lM activities. local IEEE sections are encouraged to form life Member Affinity Groups (lMAG) as a way for lMs to remain active, advance the profession, and contribute to the social good. In August of 2013, the lMC hosted an IEEE Technical Tour to Canada. This was the fourth annual technology-themed tour to celebrate the rich heritage of IEEE by visiting IEEE milestones.

To support all these worthy activities, the lMC encourages lMs and other friends to donate to the lMf. Donors who give $125 or more to the lMf receive a limited edition commemorative coaster celebrating an IEEE Milestone. The 2013/2014 coaster, the seventh in the series, celebrates the landing of the Transatlantic Cable.

by ThE NumbErs

IEEE Life Members 28,150 active life Members

80 life Members Affinity Groups (lMAG)

250 lMAG events that served 13,000 members



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FOLLOWengineeringhistory.tumblr.com twitter.com/IEEEHistory

IEEE History Center: Preserving and Promoting Our Heritage

The IEEE History Center preserves the institutional history of IEEE. It also archives and promotes engineering and technology and their roles in the history of the world. sharing how creative problem-solving has shaped the modern world brings apprecia-tion of past, present and future technology within reach of us all. The success of the History Center’s programs depends upon the generosity of its many friends and donors. The History Center delivers its resources to the fingertips of the public through the IEEE Global History network (GHn), which continues to grow in content and popularity. An exciting development in the GHn, www.ieeeghn.org, is an initiative to bring into a single site the historical material of other societies (AIChE, AIME, AsCE and AsME; plus sWE and sPE). A grant from The United Engineering society to bring the founder societies aboard the GHn and re-brand it as a unified history of engineering site will show results in 2014 and has the potential to become the top Web site for the history of engineering and technology.

The following programs are featured on the GHN:

Oral Histories record and share the memories of hundreds of professional icons.

IEEE Milestones in Electrical Engineering and Computing honor technological achievements and instill pride in the heritage of engineering.

First-Hand Histories empower technologists from around the world to share their personal stories of technological innovation.

IEEE Significant Technological Achievement Recognition Selec-tions (STARS) Program are invited, peer-reviewed articles on the history of major developments in electrical and computer science and technology.

Archives contain the historically valuable records of IEEE maintained by the History Center.

Education Portal enables high school social studies teachers to develop, post, download and use history of technology curriculum in the classroom.

More Highlights:

• Implemented outreach through Tumblr and Twitter• The best of sTArs articles are published in Proceedings of the IEEE• Maxwell’s Equations article drew all-time record views on The Institute’s

Web site• Published New York by Joseph J. Cunningham through the Amazon


With 136 Milestones dedicated in all, the last one of 2013 was special. Held in Philadelphia at the Franklin Institute, this Milestone dedication recognized the collection of papers that comprised the First Technical Meeting of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE), IEEE’s earliest predecessor society. This celebration summed up the Milestone Program and its own history in one celebration, sponsored by an IEEE Student Branch.

IEEE History Center Director Michael Geselowitz and Drexel University IEEE Student Branch past chair Liz Plowman at The Franklin Institute celebrating the Milestone dedication commemorating the first technical meeting of AIEE.

by ThE NumbErs

History Center 25% increase in visits to GHn

15% increase in GHn content

60 oral Histories posted

4 Milestones dedicated

57 first-Hand Histories posted

3 sTArs articles added

75K+ Tumblr followers

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Addressing the impending shortfall of power engineers needed to sustain and transform the electric energy systems is the goal of the IEEE PEs scholarship Plus Initiative (PEs s+). A partner-ship between the IEEE Power & Energy society (PEs) and the IEEE foundation, PEs s+ provides multi-year scholarships and hands-on career experience opportunities to qualifying electrical engineering undergraduate students in the UsA and Canada. since its inception in 2011, PEs s+ has incentivized students to study power engineering and worked to integrate these students into industry and IEEE. Early evidence reveals success as there has been a 50% increase in enrollment of students entering into the power and energy electives in universities throughout the UsA.

In 2013, contributions to the IEEE PEs scholarship Initiative fund enabled the program to support 228 IEEE PEs scholars at 110 schools across the UsA and Canada. Add to that the number of students supported since the inception in 2011 and the PEs s+ is beginning to have a powerful impact for students, corporations and the field of power engineering.




PES S+: The Next Generation of Power Engineers

“The motivation provided by the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative, and by the Estey Award, helped me decide to pursue further education and

a career in the power field,” said Nicolas. “I am forever grateful to the donors and the selection committees that have made these awards possible, and I look forward to rewarding experiences in the power field over the next several years at Drexel, and long into the future.”

Nicolas ColemanDrexel University, Class of 2013

Attending the 2013 IEEE PES General Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada are, from left, PES Scholars Sruti Nuthalapati and Ross Beppler, 2012-13 IEEE PES President Noel Schulz, PES Scholar Stephen Collins, Wanda Reder, Co-Chair of the PES S+, John W. Estey, President and CEO of S&C Electric Company and donor to the PES S+, and PES Scholar Eric DePinto.

by ThE NumbErs

PES S+ Program $5.2 million raised

549 scholarships distributed

380 scholars from

136 schools with:

13 John W. Estey outstanding scholars

40 schweitzer Meritorious scholars

160+ organizations offered internships or full-time positions

50% increase in students entering power and energy fields

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Empowering Bright Minds: Scholarships, Grants and Educational Programs

Empowering the bright minds of the next generation of engi-neers through scholarships, travel grants and other educational programs is made possible through the generous support of donors from all over the world. In 2013:• IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu - To encourage and celebrate character, attitude,

leadership and scholarship, the honor society of IEEE received more than $100,000 in support.

• Scholarships – To aid in their quest to become engineers, undergraduate students received more than $23,000 in scholarships.

• Travel Grants – To expand their educational experience, students received more than $90,000 in travel grants to enable their participation in IEEE technical conferences.

• Other Educational Programs – To encourage technical and non-technical learning opportunities, young professionals and students received more than $24,000 in support. DONATE




IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) student conferences develop future leaders in IEEE-designated fields of interest. The 2013 Student Leadership Conference was hosted by the Beta Epsilon Chapter, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA. More than 120 students, faculty, board members and speakers gathered to learn, plan, and share about IEEE-HKN and preparing for the workforce. Individual and institutional donors generously offset the expenses.

Attending the 2013 IEEE PES General Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada are from left, Wanda Reder, Co-Chair of the PES S+, PES Scholars Stephen Collins and Eric DePinto, Dr. Edmund O. Schweitzer, III President and CEO of Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories and donor to the PES S+, and PES Scholars Nicole Zimmerman, Ross Beppler and Sruti Nuthalapati.

by ThE NumbErs

Bright Minds 1,167 IEEE-HKn student members encouraged

12 scholarships bestowed

75+ travel grants provided

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Recognition of InnovationIEEE Awards: Accelerating Advances

We celebrate those who truly live the IEEE mission, accelerating the advances of technology in a world accustomed to asking, “What’s next?” and receiving answers to that question at an ever-increasing rate. The men and women we honor are leaders within our community who were not content to let the future come to them, but instead raced forward to create it. The IEEE foundation takes pride in honoring those who have accelerated advances through its support of the IEEE Awards Program.

IEEE Awards Program The IEEE Awards Program develops and preserves an awards portfolio that recognizes excellence in the technical and professional communities worldwide. IEEE Awards are presented to those whose work has positively impacted our world.

IEEE Medals—the highest awards bestowed by IEEE, the IEEE Medal of Honor is the highest medal in this category

IEEE Technical Field Awards—presented to individuals for contributions or leadership in their technical field

IEEE Corporate Recognition, Service Awards, Prize Papers and Honorary Membership—presented to individuals or corporations for significant contributions to IEEE or for advances in technology

IEEE Unit Awards—presented to individuals by IEEE societies, sections, major boards or conferences, to celebrate technological achievements often in a specific technical field

IEEE Foundation Fund Sponsors Two Medals and One Service Award2013 IEEE Medal of Honor was

awarded to Irwin Mark Jacobs (lfIEEE), founding Chairman and CEo Emeritus, Qualcomm, Inc., san Diego, CA, UsA, “for leadership and funda-

mental contributions to digital commu-nications and wireless technology.”

2013 IEEE Founders Medal was awarded to leo l. Beranek (lfIEEE), founder, Bolt Beranek and newman (now raytheon BBn Technologies), Cambridge, MA, UsA, “for leadership as a co-founder of a premier consult-ing firm that shaped modern acoustical practice and laid the groundwork for the Internet, and for public service.”

2013 IEEE Haraden Pratt Award was awarded to Barry l. shoop (fIEEE), Professor and Deputy Head, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer science, United states Military Academy, West Point, nY, UsA, “for vision and leadership in improving IEEE operations and governance, and for building a stronger foundation for IEEE’s strategic future.”

The 2013 IEEE Richard M. Ember-son Award, sponsored by the IEEE Technical Activities Board, was awarded to IEEE foundation President leah H. Jamieson (fIEEE), John A. Edwardson Dean of Engineering and ransburg Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West lafayette, In, UsA, “for contributions to IEEE technical activities through leadership, strategic planning, public advocacy, and effective new pro-grams, most notably Engineering Projects in Community service (EPICs).”

Congratulations to Our Board President

by ThE NumbErs

Awards Program 16 IEEE Medals

33 Technical field Awards

6 Corporate recognitions, service Awards, Prize Papers and Honorary Memberships

64 Unit Awards



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Lotfollah Shafai IEEE life fellow

Mr. lotfollah (lot) shafai’s gift enabled the creation of the lot shafai Mid-Career Distinguished Achievement Award. This unique award recognizes the past technical accomplishments and future potential of outstanding women of mid-career status in the field of antennas and propagation. IEEE Antennas and Propagation society established the fund and will present the award annually.

lotfollah says, “I know that female engineers with family responsibilities face challenges in engineering education and engineering practices to a different degree than men may. My daughter is an electrical engineer and I have come to understand deficiencies of our educational system in addressing the needs of the female students,” said lotfollah. He added, “one way to overcome this

problem is to reward outstanding female engineers for their successes. We need to encourage more female students to become engineers, so they can help us to educate more and better female engineers.” lotfollah created this award, with the help of his daughter and wife, to recognize the success of female engineers in spite of all the difficulties. lotfollah’s donation allows him to be recognized in the IEEE Heritage Circle.

In 2013 he received the “John Kraus Antenna Award” from the IEEE Antennas and Propagation society “for contributions to the design and understanding of small high efficiency feeds and terminals, wideband planar antennas, low loss conductors, and virtual array antennas”. This award fund is also held by the IEEE foundation.

He received his B.s. from the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran and M.s. and Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, ontario, Canada. He is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

Encouraging Female Engineers

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Announcing the IEEE Circle of Honor

The IEEE foundation is excited to announce a new donor recognition group for our most generous institutional donors. Beginning in 2014, this new group–the IEEE Circle of Honor–will recognize and highlight institutional donors with cash and stock gifts totaling $100,000 or more since 1 January 1998. Qualifying donors will automatically be added to one of the six giving levels, which are named for laws and operations commemorating electromagnetic phenomena that underpin all modern information and communication technologies.IEEE Circle of Honor members will receive a congratulatory letter, a plaque that can be displayed at a location of their choice, and recognition in the print and electronic versions of the annual Honor Roll of Donors and the IEEE “Wall of Honor” located in the IEEE operations Center in Piscataway, nJ, UsA.

Membership lasts five years. If the donor makes an additional gift(s) valued at $10,000 or more within five years of joining the IEEE Circle of Honor, membership will be retained beyond five years.

The IEEE Development office provides confidential information regarding the status of cumulative gifts of cash, securities, pledge payments and alerts donors when giving-milestones are reached. Qualifying donors will be notified of membership in January 2015. We hope to see your institution in The Circle of Honor.

Coulomb$10,000,000 and more

Ampère$5,000,000 - $9,999,999

Ohm$1,000,000 - $4,999,999

Gauss$500,000 - $999,999

Boole$250,000 - $499,999

Kirchhoff$100,000 - $249,999

G&W Electric Company Corporate Cumulative Giving Program

It is G&W Electric Company’s culture of quality, reliability and leadership in the industry that spurred the company to support the IEEE PEs scholarship Plus Initiative of the IEEE foundation in 2013, with a commitment of $500,000 to the region 4 fund of the program. G&W’s gift is uniquely designed to provide for scholarships into perpetuity to undergraduate students entering the power field. “G&W products have been proving themselves for many decades and so, we want to ensure that we are doing our part to fill the pipeline with qualified power engineers for generations to come,” stated CEo John Mueller.

Institutional Cumulative Giving Program in Action

G&W, in cooperation with IEEE Power & Energy society volunteer Prof. Peter W. sauer, regularly host dozens of students from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and surrounding schools for tours of G&W headquarters in Bolingbrook, Il, UsA. G&W also provides internships to aspiring power professionals.

“G&W’s reputation and commitment to quality and superior service are what have kept us ahead of a changing industry and one which will allow us to power the world for many years to come,” stated President Jim solari. “We are very proud to be part of this successful effort to develop future talent for the power engineering field.”


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IEEE Heritage Circle – Honored Philanthropists

The IEEE Heritage Circle is the cumulative giving donor recognition program of the IEEE foundation. The Circle acknowledges the philanthropic spirit of individuals who have supported IEEE throughout their career and lifetime. These Honored Philanthropists’ donations to IEEE founda-tion total $10,000 or more since 1 January 1995. Automati-cally recognized as members of the IEEE Heritage Circle, donors are categorized respectively within five distinct giving levels. In 2013, fourteen members joined the IEEE Heritage Circle and two members significantly increased their giving and were elevated to a new giving level.

The IEEE Development office provides confidential information regarding the status of cumulative gifts of cash, securities, gifts of cash prizes, pledge payments, gifts of royalties and donor advised gifts, and alerts contributors when giving-milestones are reached.

IEEE Heritage Circle recognition is based on individual donor giving-level and members receive:

• keepsake coin and certificate of membership in a custom presentation binder

• recognition in the annual Honor Roll of Donors and on the IEEE Wall of Honor

• IEEE Foundation Focus newsletter

• additional recognition, with donor approval, may be provided through an IEEE event scheduled in the donors vicinity

• members of the Edison, Maxwell and faraday giving levels receive an annual invitation to the IEEE Honors Ceremony

Dr. Bimal Bose IEEE life fellow

Dr. Bimal Bose’s technical achievements, spanning five decades, contributed to the growth of power electronics in IEEE. fueled by his belief in IEEE’s ability to empower young engineers, Bimal committed $100,000 in 2013 to the creation of the Bimal K. Bose Award fund, which will support the IEEE Bimal Bose Award for Industrial Electronics Applica-tions in Energy systems. This new IEEE Industrial Elec-tronics society award strives to encourage and empower young scientists to perform advanced research, providing a vehicle to encourage young industrial electronics engineers to be more involved in this area of technology.

The annual award will go to a young researcher who has made significant contributions to the advancement of energy systems through industrial electronics applications.

Bimal’s donation earned him the title of Honored Philan-thropist as a member of the IEEE Heritage Circle. What drives Bimal to donate so graciously is his belief that IEEE has been a key component in the advancement of his own career. He “grew up professionally” with IEEE and believes that, in his own words, “we must give back to the society that helped us to grow.”

2013 IEEE Industrial Electronics society president John Hung said, “The Bose Award will be meaningful for two reasons. There is the recognition of outstanding technical creativity in a key field of industrial electronics, and it will pay tribute to Bimal’s character, generosity, and lifelong professional activities that have impacted so many around the world.”

Giving Back to the Society that Helped us Grow

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IEEE Heritage Circle Honored Philanthropists as of 31 Dec 2013

Michael Faraday$500,000 and more

James Clerk Maxwell$250,000 to $499,999Valentin T. Jordanov

Thomas Alva Edison$100,000 to $249,999Anonymous (1)Bimal K. Bose #Axel n. EliasenJohn W. EsteyJames C. rautioDr. & Mrs. Edmund o.

schweitzer, IIIKiyo TomiyasuJames Wong #

Alexander Graham Bell$50,000 to $99,999Murty P. Bhavarajurichard J. GowenDonald n. HeirmanDr. Irwin M. Jacobs #ronald J. Jaszczak #ray & Albe larsenPeter A & Gretchen lewis ̂roberto Padovani ̂Emerson W. Pughramachandra ramakumarUlrich l. rohde #

Nikola Tesla$10,000 to $49,999Anonymous (1) # Anonymous (3)Dr. George B. Adams, IIIDr. Isamu AkasakiEdward E. Altshulerfrederick T. Andrews, Jr. •Esther Antler

Toshiharu AokiVasudeva P. AtluriJames K. Baker &

Janet Maclver Bakerleo l. Beranek #Ginger Birdsall #Joseph Bordognafrank A. Brandf. Paul De MelloAnthony DurniakMr. & Mrs. robert J. Dwyer #Clinton r. and Mary Turner GillilandMarylyn Goutmann in memory of

Michel GoutmannPaul r. GrayMaureen Hamilton in memory of

Jim ThomasGale G. Hannigan, Ph.D.Dr. narain and Joyce HingoraniDavid A. Hodges, Ph.D.David M. HodginJohn Impagliazzo, Ph.D. +leah H. Jamieson, Ph.D. +Thomas Kailath, sc.D.susumu KobayashiJohn D. Kraus, Jr., Ph.D. #robert E. larsonJay T. lastAlan lefkowIra M. lichtman #Matthew s. loebJohn MeggittJames D. MeindlJohn W. + & lorraine Meredithraj MittraGordon E. Moorerobert W. newcombr. K. PandeyThomas f. Peterson, Jr.Dennis J. Picard #

E. James Prendergastsimon ramorebecca rooks in Memory of

James rooksThomas rothwellKeith r. schroederDonald r. scifresravi seethapathy and familylotfollah shafaiPaul & Dee-Dee sladePaul l. smithrobert D. smithMarion sobolDana starraymond s. stataJoan A. Keiser, Ph.D. and

Arthur W. Tai, M.D.Dr. Bing Tai and Catherine r. AllenDr. James TaiMrs. Atsuko Takagi in Memory of

Mikio Takagilewis M. TermanDiane & Gary Tookerleslie VadaszJohn r. VigDr. Andrew Viterbirobert M. Walp #rudolf A. WassmerWarren H. WhiteDeke Williams #shunpei YamazakiMoshe Yanaistephen s. & Victoria l. Yau

+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Member

* Multi-Year Pledge

• Deceased

# new Honored Philanthropist

^ Upgraded Honored Philanthropist

Page 18: 2013 IEEE Honor Roll of Donors

16 | Transforming Lives Through Technology16 | Transforming Lives Through Technology

IEEE Goldsmith Legacy League – Forever Generous

The IEEE Goldsmith Legacy League is the legacy giving donor recognition group of IEEE and the IEEE foundation. The roster of this elite group of donors grew by one name since it was last published in the 2012 Honor Roll of Donors. These generous individuals are helping make a difference for future generations of engineers. nearly $100,000 in bequests were received during 2013.Membership is open to anyone who shares the news that they arranged to leave a legacy gift to the IEEE or IEEE foundation. To join or to hold a personal and confidential discussion about how your philanthropic plans could include the IEEE foundation, contact the IEEE Development office at +1 732 562 3860 or [email protected]

Membership Benefits:

In recognition of their special commitment, members of the IEEE Goldsmith Legacy League receive:

• keepsake coin and certificate of membership in a custom presentation binder

• an invitation to the annual IEEE Honors Ceremony

• recognition in the annual Honor Roll of Donors and on the IEEE Wall of Honor

• IEEE Foundation Focus newsletter

• periodic updates on estate and tax giving

William W. Middleton

Born in Bedford, PA, UsA in 1920, Mr. William “Bill” Middleton’s influence on IEEE was felt in every aspect of the organization.

Bill was deeply interested in the history of engineering; his passion is exemplified through two legacy gifts to the IEEE foundation totaling $75,000. These bequests were recently fulfilled, more than 10 years after his death, through the estate of his wife, Joyce Middleton, who passed away november 2012.

“The sheer size of his donations, in addition to the four decades he spent in service of IEEE, exemplify that he was a hard worker, dedicated to IEEE and the profession, and contributed greatly to IEEE’s continued advancement and success,” 2008 IEEE President lew Terman recalls.

Bill’s bequest of $25,000 will enable the IEEE History Center to support the development and publishing of IEEE history. The second bequest of $50,000 combines two of Bill’s interests – history and awards. It will support the newly established IEEE William and Joyce Middleton Electrical Engineering History Award. The award will be bestowed by the IEEE History Committee and will recognize the author(s) of history of IEEE related technology that exemplifies exceptional scholarship and reaches a broad audience. Bill believed in spreading the history of engineering into the public eye. “This award will encourage the kind of writing that Bill would have enjoyed,” IEEE life fellow and IEEE foundation, Vice President of Development lyle feisel explains.

The IEEE foundation acknowledges Bill and Joyce’s extraordinary commitment by including their names on the roster of the IEEE Goldsmith Legacy League. To IEEE and the IEEE foundation, they are Forever Generous. read more about William W. Middleton on the IEEE Global History network.

A Member’s Legacy Promulgates Engineering History

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2013 Honor roll of Donors | 17

Anonymous (1)

robert D. Adams •

Ernest E. Althouse •

Juris K. Andreika •

Werner f. Auerbacher •

Henry l. Bachman

Esther Hoffman Beller •

Hugh r. Boyd •

Cledo Brunetti •

Julian J. Bussgang

James Thomas & Jacquelyn stone Cain

rudolf E. Chope •

Carol M. Connell in memory of David Matheson Connell

Charles Concordia, PE •

frank A. Cowan •

Willis Ebert Dobbins •

Charles A. Eldon •

lyle+ & Dorothy feisel

Alfred B. friedman •

Alfred n. Goldsmith •

Gertrude M. Goldsmith •

richard & nancy Gowen

leonard n. Green • in memory of seymour Krevsky

robert D. Hancock •

Donald n. Heirman

Joan E. Hekimian in memory of norris C. Hekimian

Alexandra s. Herold •

Edward W. Herold •

Carl Hering •

David M. Hodgin, Jr.

robert f. & Jean E. Holtz •

John Impagliazzo, Ph.D. +

Thomas Kailath

Karen Kaufman

Charles J. Kovarik

Benjamin Garver lamme •

Peter A & Gretchen lewis

Prof. Peter A. lindsay •

John W. luce

James D. Meindl

William W. & Joyce f. Middleton •

Allan r. & Alice I. Mossberg •

George H. norris •

Iris D. norris

novinium, Inc.

C. spencer Powell •

Haraden Pratt •

Emerson W. Pugh

IEEE Goldsmith Legacy League

robert n. riley •

Bradford P. roberts •

Theodore s. saad •

Harry & Donna schauwecker

Edgar A. simkins, Jr. •

Elliot n. sivowith •

Jaclyn A. spear

Thor J. steenland •

rudy C. stiefel •

Edwin oskar sturzinger •

Jerome J. suran

satchandi narayan & Vibhashini Verma

James D. Wallace •

William W. Watts •

robert l. Wendt •

frank W. Widman •

Arthur E. Wilde, Jr. •

Arthur W. Winston

Allen J. Wood •

Myron Zucker •

+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Member• Deceased

Bequests for the benefit of IEEE should be worded as follows:I give the sum of $____ [or all (or stated percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate] to the IEEE foundation, Incorporated, new York, nY, UsA.

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18 | Transforming Lives Through Technology

Leadership Donors

President’s Circle$1,000,000 and up

s&C foundation *schweitzer Engineering

laboratories, Inc. *

$250,000 to $999,999G&W Electric *

$100,000 to $249,999Anonymous (1) *Beacon of learning foundation *Bimal K. Bose, Ph.D. *The Grainger foundation *IEEE Council on superconductivityIntel foundationQualcomm IncorporatedJames Wong

Council of Honor$50,000 to $99,999AlsToM Grid *Murty P. Bhavaraju *Doble Engineering Company *IEEE nuclear and Plasma

sciences societyDr. Irwin M. Jacobsronald J. JaszczakWilliam W. and Joyce f. Middleton •roberto PadovaniUlrich l. rohde

Benefactor$25,000 to $49,999Bell labsBirdsall family Trust

As the IEEE foundation celebrates 40 years of philanthropy, we greatly appreciate your support of programs that enhance technology access, literacy, and education; and support the IEEE professional community. The names listed are those who believe and invest in transforming lives through the power of technology and education.

Ginger BirdsallCommonwealth Edison Company northrop Grumman CorporationPowell Industries *The royal society of EdinburghshivKrupa*

Leader$10,000 to $24,999Anonymous (1)American Transmission CompanyChinese society for Electrical

Engineeringf. Paul De MelloCharles A. Eldon •Emerson and Elizabeth Pugh fund *Hitachi Data systemsIBM CorporationIEEE Circuits and systems societyIEEE Components, Packaging, and

Manufacturing Technology socIEEE Computational Intelligence

societyIEEE Electron Devices societyIEEE Industry Applications societyIEEE PEs Boston ChapterIEEE Photonics societyIEEE Power Electronics societyIEEE robotics and Automation

societyIEEE san Diego sectionIEEE signal Processing societyIEEE solid-state Circuits societyIEEE standards Association

lyn oaken farms *Iso new England *ITC Holdings Corp.Valentin T. JordanovKeithley Instruments, Inc.Kundur Power systems solutions IncJames D. Meindlnational Grid UsA Inc. new York Independent system

operator (nYIso)Emerson W. Pugh *robert n. riley •samsung Electronics Company, lTD.sony CorporationTsuneo TakahashiTexas Instruments IncorporatedThe Boeing Company

Patron$5,000 to $9,999Anonymous (3)Dr. George B. Adams, IIICH2M HIll foundationGE EnergyGE foundationHenkels & McCoy, Inc.IEEE Consumer Electronics societyIEEE Education societyIEEE Engineering in Medicine and

Biology societyIEEE PEs seattle Chapterleah H. Jamieson, Ph.D. +lockheed MartinMathWorksJohn D. McDonald *nEC Corporationoglethorpe Power Corporation *Pearson Education, Inc.PJM Interconnection, l.l.C.Powertech labsE. James Prendergast

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2013 Honor roll of Donors | 19

PsE&G *Quanta servicesWanda K. reder *rebecca rooksnoel and Kirk schulz *solvina ABThe Dorsey & Whitney foundationKiyo TomiyasuDiane & Gary TookerTransgrid solutionsUlTEIG

Associate$2,500 to $4,999Anonymous (2)Eleanor Baum +Beckwith Electric Company, Inc.Dr. Karlheinz BrandenburgCommonwealth Associates, Inc.Anthony DurniakMr. and Mrs. robert J. DwyerEnernex Corp Thomas f. GarrityMaureen HamiltonHK ElectricIEEE Control systems societyJohn Impagliazzo, Ph.D. +Cecelia JankowskiPeter A and Gretchen lewisMatthew s. loebnorth American Association of

Utility Distributors (nAAUD)Philips Electronics nederland B.V.srI International sarnoffThor J. steenland •V&r EnergyVan Tran Industries, Inc.Deke Williams

Sponsor $1,000 to $2,499Alcina and James P. G. Dalton, Jr.

fundronald r. BadamoMichael BassMichael P. Battisteleo l. Beranek, s.D.Beta Engineeringfred A. Blumroman f. BrodmannJohn H. Bruning

Burns & McDonnellJohn f. BurtonJeremy CampbellKevin D. CaseyProf. Paul Y. s. Cheung +Mr. and Mrs. James P. G. Dalton, Jr.robert A. Dentrae A. Earnshawravindra GanatraGE Global researchClinton r. and Mary Turner GillilandJay GiriJohn P. Goldsboroughrichard l. GonyeaAlfred W. GoodsonMartin GrahamJay H. GreenbergThomas H. Grimrobert J. Harringtonrobert l. HeiderMichael Heyeckroy Edward HockDavid A. Hodges, Ph.D.IEEE Antennas and Propagation

societyIEEE Communications societyIEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility

societyIEEE Geoscience and remote

sensing societyIEEE Information Theory societyIEEE Microwave Theory and

Techniques societyIEEE PEs Phoenix ChapterIEEE Power & Energy societyIEEE Power systems relay

CommitteeIEEE Vehicular Technology societyJulius r. InslerJohn A. & Elizabeth J. Zulaski

Charitable fundKailath family fidelity Charitable fundThomas Kailath, sc.D.KDDI r&D laboratoriesWalter r. KeevilChin seng Khorsusumu KobayashiJohn D. Kraus, Jr., Ph.D.Palmer langdonMark G. laubyVictor B. lawrence, Ph.D. +

leo Beranek TrustDr. ruomei li & Mr. Xiaozin ZhouIra M. lichtmanH. Henry liivDr. Burn-Jeng linMou-shiung linJacob loomisPaul D. luzbetakHenrique s. Malvar, Ph.D.Joseph W. MathewsWilliam McfarlandJohn W. + & lorraine MeredithMicrosoft CorporationMotorola Mobility foundationnCs PearsonnextEra Energy foundation northrop Grumman Electronic

systemsBikash C. PalKatherine J. Pearsall, Ph.D.Wayne H. PerryDennis J. Picardsteven W. Pullinssimon ramoPedro A. ray +robert H. redikerPatrick P. ryanAnn E. samuelsonralph D. samuelsonHarry E. schauwecker, PEDonald r. shepherdPaul l. smithrobert D. smithlewis M. TermanThe shepherd family Charitable

foundationThe Wyndrum family fund of the

Ayco Charitable foundationJames M. Tien, Ph.D.Toyota Motor Engineering &

Manufacturing north America, Inc.John r. Treichler, Ph.D.Turner - Gilliland family fundJohn r. Vigrobert M. WalpDr. and Mrs. ralph W. Wyndrum, Jr.John & Elizabeth Zulaski

+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Memberu 2013 IEEE Board Member* Multi-Year Pledge• Deceased

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20 | Transforming Lives Through Technology

Advocate Donors

Platinum Advocate$750 to $999Anonymous (1)Jay P. BrittonMaurice BrunoArnold M. BucksbaumJulian J. BussgangJohn M. Derrick, Jr.lyle D. feisel +Harold C. forstMargaret E. GoodrichEnamul HaqPeter W. loErikas A. napjus

Gold Advocate$500 to $749

Anonymous (3)Alejandro Acero, Ph.D.nicolaos G. AlexopoulosAbdul rahman Al-GhunaimGran AnderssonC. Vincent Bakerleopoldo BarriosDr. and Mrs. Peter BinghamJoseph BordognaKristi J. Brooks +reginald C. Burrows, Jr.salvatore f. CagninaPhillip K. ChatmanJames Chealrobert E. Cooper, Jr.lawrence E. CrooksDonald H. steinbrecher and

rochelle l. robbins fundPhilip DoolittleMichael l. DrewBruce A. Eisenstein, Ph.D.Howard M. ferrillleonard n. Green •

Jamie J. GyldenJerrier A. HaddadGeorge W. HailsElizabeth HarkerMichael I. HendersonDr. narain and Joyce HingoraniWallace J. Hoffles HollandWilliam f. HolmesWilliam G. HoltWilliam J. Huck, Jr.Peter E. KiseMark G. leonardPaul M. lundquistluke MakiBernard T. Marrensamuel H. Maslak, Ph.D.George l. MatthaeiTroy l. McDavidJanet MehallDale C. MenschJohn M. MilanGeorge C. MilliganDaleep C. MohlaAlon n. newtonA. Michael noll, Ph.D.Kaare J. nygaardGrace & richard okita foundationAdrian V. Pais +nita Patelrosse family Charitable foundationThomas A. rosseWilliam f. rothPeter W. sauerPaul E. schmidrobert l. schneiderDonald steinbrecherW. l. stubkjaerTakashi sugiyama •

David E. sundstromsusan and Peter Bingham

Charitable fundr. M. TannerGabor TelekiJohn M. UndrillMr. richard P. Waltermeyer, Jr.Edward r. WestmeyerThomas A. WilliamsErnest E. WitschiJ. A. Witzsatoru Yanabu

Silver Advocate$250 to $499Anonymous (2)Dr. Charles K. Alexander, Jr.Udaya AnnakkageMarc T. Apteroliveros C. AradanasPeter s. ArmstrongEthan Aronoffrobert J. Averillrichard C. AvritAnthony E. Bacevice, Jr.David l. BaileyCharles l. Barndt, Jr.Alpha o. BarryYaakov Bar-shalomKeith A. BartelsWallace E. BascoPaul E. BassettArthur r. Bauerlowell W. Bauerrichard A. BaumgartnerAlton A. BergTheodore A. BickartMartin C. BlysethJames V. BooneDrayton D. Boozer

Page 23: 2013 IEEE Honor Roll of Donors

2013 Honor roll of Donors | 21

William r. Bosshartrichard P. BowenWilliam D. BreinganBrewer science, Inc.David BrooksGeorge BroomellCharles V. Brownsamuel BroydoJ. K. BryanAlbert r. BurgePedro H. BurgosColin H. Busbyronald r. CagnonDr. James T. CainB. leonard Carlson, Jr.Vivian A. CarrDr. ricardo Cebrecos, PEGilbert I. CeriseWilliam ChamberlainJohn H. ChristianMark G. ClancyBrian J. Cliftonrobert J. CollinsGeorge W. CornellMichael W. Cresswell, Ph.D.Genti Dacisteinar J. DaleDouglas C. Dawsonrobert J. DawsonJohn and Bronwyn de figueiredoBliss l. Diamond

rick DillDouglas E. Dillardrobin A. Dillardsteve o. DixonAlbert DosserDavid & Terry DurocherDimitri A. DutoffTerrence E. DwanAntony C. EatonAlbert W. EgliWilliam J. EuskeJames r. fancherrichard D. faytingerAdolph fejfarMelvin D. fieldfred I. finkelsteinWilliam flanneryP. A. florigKirby W. fongDennis A. forchioneYasuhiro fujitaJames E. furberJohn P. Galarichard l. GallagherKaren A. GaluchieJoseph A. GiordmaineVanig Godoshians. Harold GoldDavid s. Goldmanrichard W. Granville, Jr.David G. Green + u

Walter W. Griffinleonard l. GrigsbyCarl E. GrindleCarl n. Guerreriroderic H. HaakeJohn C. Hancocksarah E. HancockDr. James s. Harris, Jr.robert E. Harrisshuzo HattoriClark M. HayYeichi HayashiAngel B. HerreraDouglas W. HillE. HirschbeinGerald l. Hoeflersteven C. Horii, M.D.John D. HrivnakTien C. HsiaHagen E. HultzschKatsuyoshi ItoWilliam J. Jameson, Jr.William C. JenkinsJohn C. and Betty J. Hancock fundAravind K. JoshiJerry I. JostKenneth KableD. KaganElmer f. KaprielianDr. John G. Kassakianfern E. Katronetskyshigeo Kazamafrederick C. Kellerrichard C. KellerMichael H. Kelleysean KelleyKozo Kinoshita, Ph.D.James l. Kirtley, Jr.C. Christopher Klepperraymond J. KloudaJoseph G. KneuerMyoung s. KoV. Prasad KodaliWolfgang H. Kummer

+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Memberu 2013 IEEE Board Member* Multi-Year Pledge• Deceased

IEEE Development Office professional staff gather in the main lobby of the IEEE Operations Center, Piscataway, NJ USA. Standing, from left, are Angelique Rajski, Karen Galuchie, Elianna Goldman, Karen Kaufman, Jennifer Stewart. Seated, from left, are Michael Deering and Richard Allen. Glenys Gotthardt is not pictured.

Page 24: 2013 IEEE Honor Roll of Donors

22 | Transforming Lives Through Technology

luther W. Kurtz, Jr.Wong Kwok-HoH. r. lamberthGregory D. lapinJohn D. larsonMichael J. lastellaHoward H. leach, Jr.Bernard J. lechnerAlbert C. leerussell J. lefevreMr. Gordon A. leiterraymond J. leopoldHarry letaw, Jr.Arthur H. lightneal E. lockwoodMonica A. MalliniPaul J. MankowskiJohn MarczewskiThomas J. MccarthyM. E. McClanahanJ. Kevin McCoyHenry E. Meadows, Jr.David lee MetzgerJames r. MichalecJohn K. MiyasakiEugene l. MleczkoGeorge Monterlloyd A. MorleyWilliam J. Morrillsteven C. MossMichael J. MulcahyVenkat C. narayanVenkatesh narayanamurtifernando P. naredoCharles M. nelsonPaul E. nelsonraymond I. nerenbergClifton E. newsomsaum Tet ngWon K. ngnorman E. nitschkeJohn r. noonanWilliam D. o’Brien, Jr.Gilbert M. ohlenryoichi ohnishiEiichi ohnoBolaji G. oladiposhoichi ono

Joseph orrKanji otsukaArlen l. overvigraymond J. Pageoscar D. ParsonsYadollah Parvizirichard s. PayneElmer M. PetercsakKurt E. PetersenJeffrey W. PferdWilliam f. PickardDonald r. Potterramesh s. Pradhannaresh Puri

William J. raduchel

G. ramakrishnan

robert W. ramsey, Jr.

G. r. ranganath

r. V. rebbapragada

James White reilly

Carl f. rench

Bart f. rice

Hans l. richter

robert J. ringlee

Charles rino

John E. rossi

Dwight E. ruston

J. sada-Gamiz

Ara B. sahagian

Bernard sander

Debabrata sarma

nicolas W. sassow

lee M. schaff

ronald V. schmidt

Victor K. schutz

Mischa schwartz

David A. sealer

Jack E. seitner

Ashis K. sengupta

samuel sensiper

lee A. shombert, Ph.D.

ludwell A. sibley

Arnold H. silver

Kenneth D. skjervem

Martha sloan

robert T. smith

friedolf M. smits

Thomas D. stadesteven n. stitzerAkihiko K. sugiyamaPhillip D. summersn. svegelJames f. Tacker, Jr.Kazuki TakamineT. Takasunafrank K. TamneyDonn s. TerryJoan M. Teschronald J. TexelHerbert l. Thal, Jr.M. rita ThissenMaurice r. ThompsonDavid J. Thomson, Ph.D.Ticer TechnologiesKenneth D. TintoEmery P. Todd, Jr.Willis J. TompkinsBen H. TongueKatsumi UchidaJose f. Valdez C.raymond l. Vargaslucio VegniBernard f. Wadsworthrobert W. Waldeleralph E. WarmackBarton WassermannWayne l. WeigleI. Marvin Weilersteinstanley A. WhiteWillis s. White, Jr.Harvey W. Wiggins, Jr.Conrad M. Williamss. l. Wilson, IIIArthur W. Winstonronald l. WolffJames M. WoodruffThomas M. Yackishlouis A. YorkIsami YoshiharaAlexander Yuill-Thornton, IIDale Zolnick

+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Memberu 2013 IEEE Board Member* Multi-Year Pledge• Deceased

Page 25: 2013 IEEE Honor Roll of Donors

+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Member

u 2013 IEEE Board Member* Multi-Year Pledge• Deceased

2013 Honor roll of Donors | 23

Bronze Advocate$100 to $249Anonymous (36)Torben AaboEinar A. AagaardV. K. AatreMichael r. AbbettCarlton J. AbbottMartyn s. AbbottArif A. Abdulmalikroger B. Abelo. r. AbernathyDavid W. AbmayrMarshall AbramsM. fayek AbulelaM. E. AcarJames r. AckerHerbert I. AckermanPaul J. AckermanJohn D. AdamMark G. AdamiakGeorge P. Adamsr. neil AdamsKirkwood E. AdderleyM. M. AdibiJohn s. AdlerMichael s. Adlerr. B. Adlerlloyd C. AffleckEdwin l. Afflerbachshri G. Agarwal

forrest J. AgeeAlfred V. AhoJack D. AinsworthG. J. AitkenDr. Isamu AkasakiJohn l. Akerray E. Akerfiorenza C. Albert-Howardl. r. AlbrightErnest C. AlcarazJames f. AldrichTyler AldrichPhilip H. AlexanderBasil f. Al-fakhriWilliam A. Alfano, Jr.V. r. AlgaziGerald P. AlldredgeMerrill B. AllenMurray W. AllenWilliam AllenWilliam D. AllenKarl M. Allison, Jr.Bipin C. Almaularichard P. AlmquistMoajeb K. AlmutairiDavid H. AltizerEdward E. AltshulerMr. G. B. Amerault, Jr.Marvin K. AmerineDaniel I. AmeyGeorge M. Ammonlouis G. Amtmann

George E. AndersonGordon Wood Anderson,

Ph.D.John B. Andersonrichard J. Andersonrobert E. Andersonross C. AndersonWeston A. AndersonAtsuya AndoClinton J. AndrewsMohammed M. AnsariE. AokiTeruaki AokiMichael ApcarAppleYukihiko Araifumio Arakawasteven J. AramMichel P. ArmandDesmond r. Armstrongfritz ArndtDale T. ArnoldJ. ArnoldV. ArnoldDonald l. Arrowsmithshem Arungu-olendeGeorge T. AschenbrennerMichael AschoffThomas E. AshburnPaula C. AshleyHasnain AshrafiHarold W. Askins, Jr.

John r. AsmusAntonio D. Asprerrobert E. AuerWalter o. AugensteinJohn P. AureliusMichael E. Austinrichard s. AustinAntoine H. AyoubWesley P. AyresEdmund C. Babbitrobert A. Babiaklarry D. Baccariralph H. BaerThomas BaerCharles l. BagnaschiMichael T. Bailfredric n. BaileyGordon BaileyKenneth D. Bailey, PErobert G. BaileyV. r. BairdJohn A. BakaKeith W. BakerMichael H. Bakersamuel I. BakerW. D. Baker

James M. Tien IEEE life fellow

James M. Tien has left a lasting imprint on IEEE during 30 years of volunteer service and a long history of donating generously to the IEEE foundation.

supportive of all that IEEE foundation is engaged in, James says, “bringing the exhilaration of scientific discovery to students, fostering technological innovation, preserving history, working to benefit humanity, promoting awareness of the long-reaching effects of engineering are all things I want to support.” His annual gifts to the IEEE History Center and life Members funds of the foundation constitute what he calls, “giving back to IEEE”, in partial thanks to what IEEE has given him—a successful career.

James volunteers his time and energy to enhance IEEE’s image and to improve the services it provides to its

members and industry. James received the 2010 IEEE richard M. Emberson Award “for vision and leadership in advancing IEEE’s global visibility and recognition as an innovator in technical, publication and educational services”. James explains, “much, if not all, of my professional success is due to my association with IEEE, whether publishing in its top-rated journals, participating in its well-attended conferences, engaging in its edu-cational mission, or being honored with its prestigious awards.” James views IEEE as “the organization of choice for professional growth and the source for technical and educational materials.”

James joined IEEE in 1966 after graduating from rens-selaer Polytechnic Institute (rPI) in Troy, nY, UsA. He received his Masters and Doctoral degrees in systems Engineering and operations research from the Mas-sachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, UsA, then worked at Bell labs and the rand Corporation before joining the rPI faculty in 1977. In 2007, he was recruited to become professor and Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, fl, UsA.

Giving Back to an Organization that Gave so Much to Him

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24 | Transforming Lives Through Technology

frank J. BalashAlan r. BaldwinThomas r. Balgierichard l. BalluffManzoor A. BalochHarold BalshemGeorge W. BaltzQuirino BalzanoEdward J. BanatoskiJohn Q. Banbury, IIAmiya r. BanerjeeUtpal BanerjeeJoseph B. BangeMohamed A. BarakatC. Bradford BarberJohn W. BarberJames T. Barbera, sr.f. BardatiChristian BarfussEugene s. BarkanT. n. BarkerWilliam C. BarkerWilliam J. BarksdaleGlenn A. BarlisJohn P. Barlowrussell BarnesWilliam J. BarnettKay H. Barneyfrank E. Baronstanley BaronJohn T Barr, IV uMr. Henry r. BarracanoEdwin C. Barringeroliver H. Bartlett, Jr.robert A. BartoliniJesus J. BartolomeDavid K. Bartonroger n. Barton

Josef Bartos, Ph.D.Thomas r. BartosiewiczGerard Bashein, Ph.D.Eesa M. Bastaki, Ph.D.Charles r. BatteauMiguel A. BecerraGeorge A. BeckJames A. BeckerWilliam r. BeckmanClifford J. Bedorerobert H. Beemannicholas A. BegovichWilliam H. BehnWallace B. Behnke, Jr.J. Beister, Ph.D.Benton BejachDavid T. BellairJules A. BellisioBruce E. BelnapWm E. BeltKen BelteauBengt E. Bengtsson, Ph.D.Justo Benitezsidney H. BenjaminJohn E. BennettKeith l. Bennett, PErichard D. BennettTanj BennettEdward r. Bennich, Jr.Marvin D. BensonJohn r. BentonAuthur r. BergenHarvey l. BergerKenneth Bergerluc BergerMartin M. BerndtTheodore BernsteinJose A. Berrios

IEEE Foundation VP Lyle Feisel and Dorothy Feisel flank Dr. Leo L. Beranek. Beranek was awarded the IEEE Foundation sponsored IEEE Founders Medal at the 2013 IEEE Honors Ceremony, held 29 June in San Diego, CA, USA. Beranek is a member of the IEEE Heritage Circle and the Feisels are members of the IEEE Goldsmith Legacy League.

E. A. BerryGordon BerryAurelio BertaniThomas r. BertolinoK. W. Betshlee H. BettenhausenArthur J. Beutlerfrederick G. Beyerleinrajaram BhatInderjit s. Bhatti, Ph.D.J. r. BiardDennis E. Bibbeereid E. BicknellDr. Wayne W. BidstrupMark l. BigelowHenry J. BilowDean H. BinkleyMichael W. BirdWilliam l. Bird, Jr.George A. Bishop, IIIrobert r. Bitmead, Ph.D.Donald l. Bitzeroleg BlagosklonovWilliam E. BlairTerence G. Blake, Ph.D.Arthur J. BlakelyGeorge f. BlandMatthew BlandingHans G. BlankGene E. Blankenship, PEGustav Blazeksteven A. BleierGerald V. Blessingrobert G. BlickDaniel Blitznicolaas BloembergenAlfred J. BlumManuel BlumW. o. BlumfelderDaniel A. BlyckerHerbert H. Bockrobert B. BodeArthur BodmerJames V. BodycombBarry W. BoehmJames f. BohrenJohn BokanskyW. Austin BollenHoward A. Bomze, Ph.D.John H. Bondfabrizio BonfigliPaul I. BortzCosimo J. Boscofranklin B. BosslerDonald E. Bostromrodney M. Boucher

stuart H. BoucheyHenry Boulangerrouh T. Bow, Ph.D.John E. BowerMark C. BowersGilbert l. Bowmanniall D. BowmanMyron J. BoyajianA. J. BoyeErvin M. BradburdDaniel A. BradleyMatthew E. BradyJames C. BrakefieldAron Brallr. P. BrandDonald A. BrandonHarold D. Branstetterf. M. BraschGary J. BraswellDavid P. BrauneJ. P. Brazysam J. BreidtDonald B. BrickE. BridgesWilliam B. BridgesWilliam H. Bridwell, Jr.frederick BriedJohn M. BriggsThomas r. Brinnerrichard J. Briscoerobert D. BriskmanJames A. BroaddusPeter C. BrockettJohn A. BrockwellB. E. Brodielewis M. Brodnax, Jr.Adrian P. Brokawfred T. Brokawralph W. BromleyCarl P. Brookingsteven W. BrooksCharles A. BroutmanAlton E. BrownCharles H. BrownDavid o. BrownGeorge A. BrownJ. BrownJohn V. BrownMartin P. BrownMax E. BrownMilton J. Brownn. W. BrownDr. ronald Brownronald D. BrownThomas W. BrownWilliam D. Brown

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+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Member

u 2013 IEEE Board Member* Multi-Year Pledge• Deceased

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Charles G. Bruchrichard P. BrueggemannCharles Bruggerfrank s. Brugnerrobert B. BrunsBarry C. BrussoT. E. BrysonBilly P. BucklesW. D. Buckleyleo Budinfred K. Buelowo. r. BuhlerGabe r. BuisDavid A. BullB. J. Bunin, Ph.D.A. G. BurgessDavid l. Burgessross W. BurgessJames H. BurghartGerald J. BurkeCarl BurklundDavid G. BurksArthur E. Burns, IIIDennis W. BurrC. M. ButlerJohn M. Butt, IIIBarry ButwellBrian P. ButzArthur l. CaderMichael J. l. Cahill, Ph.D.John f. Cainross CaldecottTheodore Cale, Jr.Malcolm D. Calhoun

Edwin T. CalkinDavid E. CallahanPaul M. CalmesHugh A. CalvinPhilip G. Cameronstephen B. CampanaGraham M. Campbell, Ph.D.ralph D. Campbellronald B. CampbellThomas A. CampbellWilliam M. CampbellWilliam W. Campbell, Jr.frank J. CampisanoProf. V. r. Canino, PEronald M. CappellaJohn D. Cappellofred l. CapshewWilliam M. CareyEarl K. CarinioJames r. CarlbergAydano B. CarleialGordon l. Carpenterotis Carpenterronald J. CarpinellaKenneth l. CarrDonald G. CarriganBill D. CarrollJohn J. Carrolllee f. CarrollTim CarrollDavid CarterG. Clifford Carterlarry E. Carterlouis J. Carter, Jr.

ronald J. Cartersteven M. CarterMichael A. Carverrobert C. CaseyPaul Casowitzralph CasperDouglas A. CassellJames P. CassidyGuillermo Castillorobert l. Castleberry, Jr.David H. CastlemanHeide CaswellClive E. CatchpoleJ. Michael Cathcartstephen T. CavitE. E. CayceMehmet I. CelebilerTino CelioEduard CernyAlan G. ChaMr. stephen M. Chalmersramon P. ChambersChandu n. ChampaneriaJunt Hoong Chanshu-Tong ChanD. A. Changshun H. ChangElie E. ChaoulJamie C. Chapmanrobert E. ChapmanJ. G. Charitat, Jr.Clyde E. Charlesronald J. ChaseMalay K. Chatterji

Gary C. ChattersC. A. ChavesChi-Hau Chen, Ph.D.Mark T. ChenEugene Chenetteshik-Kwong Chengrobert D. ChenowethJoseph f. CherneyC. Michael ChernickMichael T. ChierCharles V. ChildersJ. C. ChildressTerrence K. J. Chinglendyl J. ChisholmA. M. ChitnisJunho ChoiAlan s. ChongAlbert s. Chongledinh ChontamWiley H. ChristalBruce A. ChristensenChris s. ChristensenChris ChristieArunsi U. Chukurussell s. ChunHsin Chih Chungsan C. ChungAlan G. Chynoweth

John Impagliazzo IEEE life fellow

A Director of the IEEE foundation Board, Dr. John Impagliazzo is also an active member of its Development Commit-tee, the IEEE History Committee, and the IEEE life Members Committee. John was the key motivator in establishing the IEEE Heritage Circle, the cumulativegiving donor recognition group that recognizes donors who have made significant donations to the IEEE foundation throughout their lifetime. John is an Honored Philanthropist in the IEEE Heritage Circle and is Forever Generous as a member of the IEEE Goldsmith Legacy League. He willingly gives his time and resources to advance the IEEE foundation and to enhance its strategy for the future.

John believes it is important to support the IEEE foundationbecause, “it is the philanthropic arm of IEEE, so supporting

the IEEE foundation is supporting oneself and the profes-sion.” He added, “The foundation does good work and it has the potential of making new pathways to benefit humanity and the future of the engineering profession.”

A member since 1961, John feels that IEEE is a respected organization with worldwide appeal. “IEEE contributes to humanity and to the engineering profession,” he said. “I have really enjoyed working with IEEE past presidents who have had a genuine desire to do the right thing for the greater cause.”

John is Professor Emeritus of Computer science at Hofstra University, nY, UsA where he has served as department chair and the director of its graduate pro-grams. John serves as a consultant for various countries regarding curriculum, assessment, accreditation, and related activities. He is the editor-in-chief of ACM Inroads, a publication of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and a member of the ACM Education Board.

Supporting the Profession

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Joseph l. CicconeGregory Mark CinqueTerry C. CiscoTheo A. C. M. Claasenrobin J. ClabburnJerry D. Claibornesteven J. ClancyAlbert A. Clarkn. J. Clarkrobert l. Clarksamuel A. ClarkArthur M. ClarkeEdward n. ClarkeWilliam H. ClarkeArthur ClausTrond ClausenDavid M. Clemenlawrence G. ClemensJoseph Corussell D. CoanPhilip Coaner. r. CoatsworthHarold f. CobinJohn P. CochranC. n. CoenraadsJames M. CoffeyPatricia A. CoffeyAllan n. CohenArthur CohenEarl T. CohenErnest B. Cohensanford Cohenfrancis and Marie Henriette


r. G. Colclaser, Jr.roy A. ColclaserJames M. ColeJames ColkerJ. H. CollinsJ. r. CollinsJohn J. CollinsDaniel E. ColvinDavid J. ComerDr. and Mrs. David A.

ConnerJames P. ConnollyGary E. ConnorKenneth A. Connor, Ph.D.Thomas E. Connor, Jr.Doyle CookJames r. CookKenneth CookKoy B. Cooklarry W. Cookr. f. Cookrufus l. CookGilmore G. CookeA. Crawford CooleyJames W. CooleyJames H. CooperK. f. Cooperlee J. Cooperneil CooperJerome I. CoopermanWilliam T. CorbinCalin P. CorciovaManuel CorreiaAlbert E. Cosand

nick CosmoEdward r. Coteleonard W. CottenWhitworth W. Cotten, Jr.Charles B. CottonThomas M. CoughlinJohn C. Coulter, IIIlewis W. Countssergio D. CovaBetsy CovellAnthony C. CowinMilton E. CoxJames W. CraftEdwin l. CraigHerb Craigs. E. CraigGeorge W. CrawfordEmil J. CrescenziJohn A. CribbsCharles W. CrissD. l. CritchlowKenneth s. CrokerKenneth H. CromptonJerome l. CrossJoseph A. CrossettAlan r. CrumleyJose B. Cruz, Jr.Thomas H. Crystalronald G. CudeJane K. CullumMehmet CultuJames A. CumbyMichael A. Cummings

Ced G. CurrinCharles T. CurryThomas r. CuthbertKishor P. Dabkelawrence r. Daddarionicholas DagalakisJohn r. DahlE. B. DaigleJames M. Daley, PEPat DaleyDaniel f. Dalysteven o. DamicoAlan J. DamyenMichael E. Danielsn. r. DantuluriJohn f. DarstAnthony J. D’AtriJames M. DaughtonDavid l. DavenportJack DaveyV. s. DaveyEvan E. DavidsonDavid H. DaviesGerald W. DaviesJohn M. Daviesrichard s. DaviesCharles f. Davis, Jr.Duane G. DavisWilliam M. Davisray and Albe larsenW. Kenneth DawsonGordon W. Day ▪Kenton s. DayMichael De JesusMario f. De la GuardiaWilfred l. De rocher, Jr.Dennis l. De sempleHerman P. De sterkeDonald r. De ZutterKevin B. DeasyVaughn f. DeCrausazMichael A. DeeringJames H. Degnanrudolph A. Dehnrobert M. DeitersJ. Del Cantoricardo r. Del ValleJoseph D. DelorenzoChris l. Demarco, Ph.D.Edgar A. DemeoMarybeth DenikeHugh W. Dennyrandall s. Dentonrichard A. DePietroDonald P. Desfossefrank J. Destasi

An IEEE Foundation Grant from the IEEE Life Members Fund enabled LOG ‘El Technology and Innovation Centre’ to inspire rural youth in Uganda, Africa to pursue science, technology and engineering related careers, and to create 200 youth skilled in innovation and entrepreneurship.

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+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Member

u 2013 IEEE Board Member* Multi-Year Pledge• Deceased

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Bruce C. DetterichHerman DeutschThomas M. DevanneyJean A. Develet, Jr.russell G. DewittCharles E. DexterVincent J. Di losarobert T. Dickerobert r. DicksonWalter DietikerDonald l. Dietmeyer, Ph.D.G. Wayne Dietrichrobert W. DietrichJames DietzEugene J. DieulesantAndreas r. DillAnthony A. Dillstephen r. DillonMahmoud M. DillsiMihaela DinuAndre Dionsteven H. DittmannDavid l. DivineH. Marshall DixonJoseph B. DobsaThomas r. DobynsJohn H. DolesCarlo P. Domenichinirobert J. DompeAllen DonJohn E. Don CarlosAlbert l. DonaldsonErnest E. Donaldson, Jr.Peter J. Donaleknicholas M. DonofrioThomas E. Donohofrancis J. Donohoe, Jr.r. W. Donohuestanley DoranJason E. DorganC. nelson DornyIrwin Dorrosrashmikant B. Doshiruth Douglas-Miller, Ph.D.P. J. DownesCarserlo DoyleClaude W. Drake, Jr.Mr. richard l. Dranenarayan V. DravidC. B. DriverAdam T. DrobotPaul r. Drouilhet, Jr.Dolores K. DrumhellerC. K. DruzgalskiCarl H. Dubacrichard E. Dubroff

In attendance at the presentation of the 2013 IEEE Medal of Honor to Dr. Irwin M. Jacobs at Qualcomm Headquarters in San Diego are, from left: Lewis M. Terman, Gordon W. Day, Irwin M. Jacobs, Leah H. Jamieson, and Peter W. Staecker

normand J. DuchesneCarroll G. DudleyJoseph A. DudrickJohn C. DuemlerCharles J. DueyJames J. DuffyJohn DulchinosWilliam A. DunhamDominic f. Dunlopraymond D. DunlopDaniel M. DunoyeJohn J. Dunserobert A. DurisCharles J. Durkin, Jr.W. Dutfieldroger DworakHenry A. Dwyerrobert B. DybdalJohn G. DykeWilliam f. DykesJames r. DyneChester A. Dyrudsebastiao E. M. de oliveiralester D. EarnestBruce C. EastmondPeter C. EayreWayne E. EberhardAlton B. Eckert, Jr.Victoria EcksteinP. C. EconomopoulosW. f. EctonMurray EdenCharles f. Edgelawrence W. EdgettJames s. EdmondsJohn B. EggerAlbert D. Ehrenfried

roger W. Ehrichleonard EhrmanDonald l. EichenbergerCharles W. Eichhornrichard W. Eimer, Jr.Thomas H. Einstein, Ph.D.Moniem A. El sherbinystewart M. ElderBrice EldridgeE. l. ElizondoBradford H. Elkerscott E. ElkinsClara K. EllertJoseph o. ElliottJon n. Elzeylawrence W. Emark, Jr.Dale l. Embrylinda r. EmeryWarren M. Emlenlawrence D. EmmonsGeorge Emrich, Jr.robert C. EnderB. Eng, Jr.sverre T. EngA. M. EngebretsonG. G. Enkeronald E. EnstromJohn n. EntzmingerT. M. EppingerJohn A. EppsBarry M. EpsteinGeorge T. Erbeshervin ErfaniHenry P. Erwin, Jr.r. J. ErwinB. EtezadiAsher Etkin

Joseph E. EtterGeorge A. Etzweilerlynn W. EuryWilliam J. Evansroderick J. Evensonrobert r. EverettWilliam C. EverettThomas E. EverhartEugene J. fagansamuel l. faginfrancis E. fairman, IIIWallace o. faison, PEPeter famighettiParviz famouri uH. Brainard fancher •robert M. fano, Ph.D.nick A. farinacciAlbert B. farisPatrick G. farrellWilliam E. feeroEugene J. feinbergEldon D. feistWolfgang M. feistrobert P. feltonWeston A. fennerrobert E. fentonrobert E. fentonGeorge fergadesDonald r. fergusonKeith M. fergusonPatrick E. ferguson

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Paul M. fergusonnils C. ferneliusJames A. fernerAlfred J. ferrariChris fieldJames E. fieldsJose r. figueroaEugene P. fingerBernard s. finnrobert E. finniganWilliam l. firestone, Ph.D.s. M. fischerDavid A. fisherDavid l. fisherJack D. fisherWayne K. fisherArthur o. fitznerJerry W. fitzsimmonsJoe fjelstadG. G. flaigDavid C. fleckMark A. flemingDr. Philip J. flemingIrving l. fletcherJohn D. fletcherWilliam B. flewellen, Jr.Uwe florBrian G. flowersGordon M. floydrobert s. flumachEugene P. fogartyrichard P. fogartyrobert f. forlawJames f. forrenVincent J. forteJerry G. fossumrodney A. fosterEdwin C. foudriatCharles A. fowlerrichard l. fowlerMalden V. frankErnest A. frankeBob franzinorobert friasGerald G. frickJeffrey A. friedhofferr. James fritschCharles H. fritzAntonio fronterarobert D. frostCharles M. fryGary J. fryeJohn A. fugeToshitaka fujisakiHiromichi fujisawaHideo fujiwara

The IEEE- Industrial Applications Society (IAS) James A. Rooks Memorial Fund supports the IEEE-IAS James A. Rooks Memorial Student Intern Program which allows interns to attend the annual IEEE IAS Pulp and Paper Industry Conference (PPIC). At the conference, from left, are PPIC Chair Alex Wu, student intern from International Paper, Georgetown, SC, USA Jonathan Green and Senior Electrical Engineer at the International Paper Monty Artz who was Jonathan’s sponsor.

Minoru fukadaKiyoshi fukahoriTadashi fukaoHatsuaki fukuiAkira fukumotorobert J. fulmerDix fultonHak-Ming fungYoji furuhamaPetros GabrielGordon H. Gaertnerstanley Gaglionel. E. Gagnefrancis l. GalassoVernon M. Galelouis M. GalieChester E. Gallrobert G. Gallager, sc.D.Homer C. GallowayJames H. Gallowayray D. GalyeanBipin V. GamiEdward J. Ganderluis GandiaWilliam H. GanoeThomas V. GarceauEdward E. Gardners. r. GardnerJames r. GarnerJose GarrigaW. B. Garrisonleonard l. Garver •David C. GasdaDennis J. GaushellH. Paul GayCarl C. GebhardtHans P. GeeringDietrich K. Gehmlichralph s. Gensfinis E. Gentryrhett T. George, Jr.Atanas Georgievlester A. GerhardtElena A. GerstmannDavid B. Geselowitz, Ph.D.Michael n. GeselowitzDwip K. GhoshJames J. Gibney, IIIBruce GilchristMichael J. GillDavid W. GillespieBurhl GilpinPaul J. Giorsettoradu Giugaruleo M. GlahnAlexander J. Glass

Benjamin Glattraymond r. GlennMaurice GlicksmanAloys A. Godarrichard E. Godfreyowen l. Godwinrobert C. Goessmans. s. GohilBryant r. GoldAaron J. Goldberg, Ph.D.Harold s. GoldbergAugust GoldenDonald Goldmanrichard l. GoldmanJulius l. GoldsteinMario E. GolianiJack GolinAlfonso l. GomezClaude E. GonnetAntonio C. GonzalezHector Q. GonzalezMario J. Gonzalez, Jr.Beverley r. Goochrobert B. GoodClemente E. GoodingD. J. GoodingKenneth r. Goodwin, Jr.William H. GorderJiri G. Gornerrichard J. GorzegnoTerence J. GosciniakBrian E. B. Gottrichard J. GottardiJohn K. Gotwalsl. E. GoughArvin GrabelWerner GrafJohn J. GraingerDonald A. Grandis

Willard s. GrantThomas GrauMaris GraubeArthur s. GrayGary D. GrayDr. Paul E. GrayJay W. Grear, Jr.Anthony GrecoGeoffrey D. GreenJ. H. GreenJ. P. Green, Jr.Terry C. GreenVincent J. Green, Jr.Myron GreenbaumAllan E. GreenbergAlan E. Greenerlarry J. GreensteinJohn f. GreenwaldEdward M. GregermanPaul J. GreggDonald G. GregoryJohn G. Gregoryrandall V. Gressangrobert f. Gribblelarry B. GrimCornelis A. GrimbergenTheodore A. GrishDavis Marshall Grittonlawrence r. GroehlChris Grosssheila Grossmanfrancis B. Grosz, Jr.roger GrubicJohn J. GuagliardoJoseph W. GuderjohnJohn A. GuevaraPascal Guilbaultralph E. GuionYuri V. Gulyaev

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+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Member

u 2013 IEEE Board Member* Multi-Year Pledge• Deceased

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Paul J. GundDavid GundryG. r. Gunther-MohrBernard s. GurmanDavid B. GustavsonJohn GutmanHarold HaakeH. K. HaaseMatthias HaaseIrving Haber, Ph.D.Dale A. Hachtelrolland r. HackbartMichael V. HaddadWilliam s. Haddock, Jr.John B. Hagernorman K. HaggertyJames J. HagnerToshihiro Hahimoto, Ph.D.Jay B. HainesJames J. Halbachfred M. HalfHarold r. HallHenry P. Hallrichard W. HallGeorge H. HallnorTerry H. HamadaMasanao HamaiJ. scott HamiltonCharles f. HammerJacob M. HammerDan W. Hammerstromronald M. HamrahCharles l. HandAlexander HannaDavid G. Hannalionel D. HanneyA. J. HansenJames P. HansenH. A. Hansonshya HaoTatsuya Haradarussell C. Harbaugh, Jr.Harold E. Hardenrobert n. HargisEdgar E. Harprobert Harperrobert V. HarperEdgar D. HarrasPaul T. HarrellErnest r. Harrisfred HarrisJames E. Harrisluther s. Harrisronald T. HarroldPaul Hartroy E. Hart

William f. Hartrobert l. HartmanDavid P. Hartmann, Ph.D.James r. HarveyJohn A. HarvillaChester G. Haschkeryusuke HasegawaTatsuro HasegawaMasao HashiguchiAsif M. Hassansameer s. HassanEdwin B. Hassler, Jr.Mack A. HatawayJames C. HathawayArne HatlestadAnthony V. HattierGeorge r. HausGeorge M. Hausmanrichard M. HawkesD. l. Hawkinssyuiti Hayasirichard A. HaysD. M. Hayterrichard l. HealerWilliam T. HeathHerbert Hechtrichard J. HedgerMichael and Kathy HeelanPaul A. HeermansJohn W. HeflerArthur J. HeidrichHerman M. HeinemannHarold C. HeldJohn W. HeldWalter f. HeldKenneth I. HeldebrandtDuane HelmerC. o. Hemmi

John C. Hempsteadrobert D. HempsteadCharles HendersonH. A. HennenPaul r. HenneuseJohn H. HenningsMogens HenriksenHanspeter P. HentzschelAndrew HerbertGeorge A. Herbertludwig J. Herbstrobert o. HerendeenC. D. HermanJohn M. Herman, IIIHector HernandezJ. V. HerosyDenver W. HerrJohn P. HerronDaryl T. HesterJohn A. HetrickGary A. HeustonCharles r. HewesArthur HeymanPhilip M. HeymanMichael s. r. HeynesGeorge HickeyArthur n. Hicks, IIrichard A. HieberAlfred K. HigashiJohn A. Higginsrobert A. Higginssterling f. HigginsWalter T. Higgins, Jr.Arthur HillJoanna Hilllarry C. HillPeter C. J. HillJoseph s. Hills

John l. HinkleKazuhiro HirasawaKhalaf H. HirminaEvelyn H. HirtTheodore W. Hissey, Jr.Donald W. HitzemanBichlien HoangMartin HochdorfDavid M. Hodgin, Jr.Phillip s. HoeperCharles r. Hoeselraymond W. HoffmanKurt HoffmannDavid W. HoganDieter B. Hohmannleander H. Hoke, Jr.Egon r. HollmJohn D. HolmEric HolmeDwight P. HolmesJ. f. HolmesAndrew G. Holmes-siedleJohn D. Holodakraymond H. HolsteadGeorge E. Holzsteven E. HolzmanKiyou HooshiarDuong B. HopMark A. HopkinsWilliam HoppaJun HorikoshiHans P. Horisberger, Ph.D.Kazuo HoriuchiJoh D. Horrocksronald s. Hoseknozomu Hoshimiyarobert T. Houkr. W. HouskampHarvey r. HoustonDean D. Howardrobert P. HowardJones V. Howell, Jr.robert E. Howellraphael Hoydarichard A. HrusovskyHenry Y. H. HsuEvelyn l. Hu, Ph.D.Joseph Huanglincoln B. Hubbardneil T. HuddlestonMartin Hudis

IEEE Foundation Directors and professional staff celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Foundation at its Board Meeting. From left are IEEE President Peter Staecker, IEEE Foundation President Leah Jamieson, IEEE Foundation President Emeritus Richard Gowen, IEEE Foundation Executive Director Matthew Loeb and IEEE Foundation Director Eleanor Baum.

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Edward W. Hudsonroy f. HuemerMark V. HughesPatricia M. Hughesrobert Hugheslinda HugleHarold W. HultsJ. E. HumbertPeter Chi fai HungWilliam J. HunnebeckWilliam P. HuntJohn E. HunterMichael B. HunterHarry l. Hurdrobert E. HurlstonJames J. HurnyJohn HusMr. Carl l. Hussey, PErobert l. HutchinsAnh n. HuynhJoseph W. IannielloYuzo IanoAllen s. IbaraMakoto Ibukaroy K. IdeharaMakoto IharaJohn P. IhnatKenji IkedaTakehiro IkeuchiHiroyoshi IkunoHiroyuki ImaiToshio ImaiMasaaki ImamuraHiroshi Inaba, Ph.D.Kjell A. IngebrigtsenBarry D. InglisThomas G. Innes

The IEEE History Center’s IEEE Milestones in Electrical Engineering and Computing celebrate technological breakthroughs around a number of which the IEEE Life Members Committee organizes technology-themed tours. In 2013 the tour to Canada included a stop at Sydney Mines to visit the 1956 IEEE Milestone “The First Submarine Transatlantic Telephone Cable System (TAT-1).”

Hirosei InuzukaJason IrbyHisaich Iriefred H. IronsDonald s. IronsideDonald T. IrvineDavid J. IrwinJ. David Irwin, Ph.D.Elmer l. IsaacBruce G. IsaacsonCharles E. IsbellKokichi IshibitsuTomo IshikawaBoyd P. IsraelsenKenji ItohTatsuo Itoh, Ph.D.nick Itsinesferdo IvanekTerje IversenMo IwamaCharles B. IzardTakehiro Izumirobert W. JackBruce B. JacksonJames r. JacksonGeorge T. JacobiJerrold l. JacobsJohn M. JacobsMarc Q. JacobsJames E. Jacobsonrobert A. JacobsonTyland l. JacobsonJon B. JacquesMarko JagodicDouglas A. JamesDonald l. JansWilliam K. Janz

fred r. JarrattAlexander f. Jaszekn. s. JayaramanHerndon H. JenkinsJon M. Jenkins, Ph.D.sheldon C. JenkinsWilliam K. Jenkinsronald r. JenningsEric Jensenronald G. JensenThomas C. JerniganWilliam B. JervisJavier E. JimenezJoel W. JinkersonPeter A. JohansonJoseph ralph JohlerJohn and Karen Carroll fundHarold f. JohnDwight A. JohnsenArthur E. Johnson, Jr.Ben C. JohnsonDamon B. JohnsonDonald W. JohnsonEdward l. Johnsonfrank l. JohnsonGeorge C. Johnson, Ph.D.Havis JohnsonMark H. Johnsonoscar f. Johnsonrichard A. Johnsonrobert JohnsonTimothy l. JohnsonWalter A. JohnsonGeorge I. JohnstonWilliam T. Joines, Ph.D.Allan s. JonesBrian JonesColin M. JonesCurtis A. JonesEdwin C. Jones, Jr.Edwin r. JonesG. A. JonesKatharine J. Jonesleon T. JonesMerrill C. Jonesrobert K. Jonesruss JonesThomas D. Jones, Jr.Thomas J. JonesAngel G. Jordan, Ph.D.M. H. JordanErik JorgensenThomas J. JorgensenEdward J. JoscelynDonald E. JoslynPeter Jubinski

Graham A. Jullienfrank E. Jumpray and Helen JuzaitisJohn KacerekAdolph J. KachlerMotoji KadoKeith K. KagamidaHerman Kaganstephen J. KahnePeter Kaiser, Ph.D.Masaichi KajiwaraMartin KaliskiAdri C. KalisvaartVasilios E. KalomirisAdriaan J. Kampstralaveen n. KanalCarroll f. KaneMiles f. Kannerobert P. KapplerTerence Karaninkfred G. Karkaliklars B. KarleHaran C. KarmakerThomas C. KarpatiE. KarpinskiPaul f. KarshisAkinobu KasamiHiromitsu Kashiwagiraman KashyapJ. r. KatanTerry T. KatayamaKyoko KatoMakoto KatsuraiDavid l. KaufmanKaren KaufmanThomas J. KausekHaruo KawaharaHirohisa KawamotoCarl M. KawauchiJohn E. KeaneTerry W. KeelerEdward P. KeenanJohn C. KeenanWilliam J. Keeryfred r. Keith, Jr.David J. Kellemsfrancis W. Kellerlarry E. KellerWilliam r. KelleyJordan C. Kellysamuel T. KellyKenneth M. Kempnerfeltus KennedyGarth r. KennedyKenneth D. Bailey survivor’s


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+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Member

u 2013 IEEE Board Member* Multi-Year Pledge• Deceased

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Anthony M. Kerdocklawrence E. KerrJoel r. KeslerThomas J. KesolitsWarren A. Kesselmanotto KesslerMohammed A. KhanMahmoud M. KhatibiYuri KhersonskyHenry K. KhooE. B. C. KhuTooraj Kia, Ph.D.Dallas l. KibbeMarshall C. KiddDonald J. KienastE. G. (Al) KienerDon KilfoylePeter Killius •Donald W. KilpatrickJames C. Kim, Ph.D.John n. KimClive W. KimblinE. KimuraDavid A. KingDenis J. KingJames D. KingJohn H. King, Jr.Marsh B. Kingrussell C. KingWilliam P. KingWilson K. Kinkeadrichard r. Kinseylyle D. Kipp, Ph.D.russell Kirby, Jr.George M. Kirkpatrickscott KirkpatrickJohn A. Kise

An IEEE Foundation grant supported program, Accelerate: South Carolina’s Engineering LaunchPad, provides motivated high school students in SC, USA with an innovative and accelerated path toward college engineering degrees. Pictured here are Accelerate students participating in a nanotechnology lab exercise.

Harris H. KitamuraKuniji KitoVishnuraj Y. Kitturfrank C. KitzantidesAllan r. KjeldsenHarry W. KlancerJ. J. KleberMargaret A. KleeBrian D. KleenMiles V. KleinJeffrey r. KlembczykMartin s. Klemesralph E. KlesiusDaniel K. KlingensmithMarvin KlingerJohn A. Klobucharfrank J. Klohtrex C. KlopfensteinD. r. KloseMartin s. Klotzbach, Jr.Marian J. KlozaJames r. KnightDavid H. KoHsien Ching KoMiki KobayashiHiroshi KoderaCecil W. Koehlerrudolph A. KoehlerAlfred r. KoelleCharles W. Koellerr. A. KoelzerHenriecus KoemanHarlen n. KoenJ. I. KoeperGerhard A. Koepfryuji KogaToshio Koga

Karl E. KohlrusEdwin E. KolatorowiczGeorge E. KoleszarHarwood G. KolskyH. f. KongabelMichael KorekBernard B. Kosickirobert K. Koslowskyrobert J. KostCharles J. Kovarikrichard A. KowalskiWalter J. KozakTaisaku KozumaGeorge D. KraftWilliam o. KramerPaul C. KrauseEmil KrennKelly J. Krickfrancis X. KrierHerbert KroemerWalter f. KrolikowskiGregory A. KromholtzJohn C. Kroonrobert J. KruegerGeorges KryzeClarence K. KuboJames Kubotastanley P. KubotaPaul A. KuckeinChandra M. Kudsiafrederic A. KuhlemeierJames A. KunkelAlexander J. KunkleMichael E. KunsmanArthur Kunstlouis H. Kurkjiannoriyoshi Kuroyanagi

Jerome I. KurshanAelred J. Kurtenbach, Ph.D.Jun-Ichi KushibikiHarvey D. KushnerJoel s. KvitkyPeter P. KwanPang C. KwongEdward f. labudaPaul E. lackeBruce lagerHungchi laiKeith o. laingDonald n. lairdVasudevan

lakshminarayananlawrence l. lamrobert W. lambeckDennis W. lamontPaolo lamparielloEdward J. lancevichrichard C. lanzalouis J. lanzerottiDavid A. lapinskiWallace E. larimorelars Bauer & Barb ortizray and Albe larsenAlmon E. larsh, Jr.Martin E. larsonrichard E. larsonrichard l. larsonrobert E. larsonJay T. lastBhagawandas P. lathiJay W. lathropJames r. latorracaClifford lauGeorge T. laughlin, IIKalevi laukkanenDavid J. laurinTheodore lavootsibert K. lawlarry G. laymanGregory s. leachJohn r. learyrichard A. learyrobert J. leavyKwang Y. leerichard C. leesong P. leesoong Hak leelouis G. leffler

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Warren K. legler, Ph.D.robert f. lehenyDonald l. leichtweisleland f. leinweberIlmars lejaVassilis P. lekkasCecil C. lencioni, Jr.Hugh G. leneyGabriel lengyel, Ph.D.W. leonhardDan P. leonidarichard A. lerchesamuel A. leslieHarry K. lesser, Jr.M. E. leviroger E. levienrobert E. levinseymour levineHarry levittDavid C. lewisDennis lewisDonald E. lewisEdwin r. lewis, Ph.D.George K. lewisGlyn J. lewisJohn G. lewisrichard E. lewisTed H. lewisJ. f. libbeZvie libermanAlberto s. licupCharles A. liechtirobert K. likuskiJoseph V. lillie +Antonio l. limTeong C. limChin-Huang linDavid C. lincolnM. s. lindberg, Jr.W. J. lindbladGary M. lindgrenPhilip E. lindquistlyndon E. lindsayWilliam B. lindsayDavid D. lindseyfuyun ling, Ph.D.Duane P. lingafelterJohn C. linzDr. Joyce Currie littleWarren G. littleJeffrey W. littmanChao-Han liuMichael s. liuMing T. liuYen Yeh liurobert M. livingston

The 2013 IEEE Honors Ceremony, “Accelerating Advances,” was held 29 June in San Diego, CA, USA. In attendance were, from left, IEEE Life Fellow Donald Heirman, IEEE Fellow John Baillieul, and IEEE Senior Member and IEEE Executive Director James Prendergast. Both Heirman and Prendergast are IEEE Heritage Circle members.

Joseph G. llaurado, M.D., Ph.D.

Gerald loPeter E. lobbanKenneth C. lockwoodGeorge C. loehrJaan A. logerJohn J. lomaxl. r. lombardoJames f. longshore, Jr.Alfred r. lopezrichard s. lordJoseph A. losierBryan G. lottJames A. lott, Jr.fred A. lotte, Jr.Jean-francois loudeDaniel J. lovePaul lovecchioDonald l. loweGeorge H. lowelester H. lowe, Jr.Milton J. lowensteinClark E. lowmanfrank E. lowtherAlbert s. lozanoAlbert r. lubarskyMichael s. lucasr. D. lucasfabrizio luccioDavid W. luceJohn W. lucelouis A. luceriErnest lucierDale A. luckrobert A. ludtkeEdgar J. lueckeTod E. luginbuhl

H. Douglas lungJames r. lusbyG. J. lusczek, Jr.Kevin B. luxfordGeorge E. lynessEdward l. lynnlawrence C. lynnworthPeter B. lyonsMichael C. MacaulayD. A. MaceyGene H. C. MachM. l. MacMedanWalter J. MacomberJohn MacpheeAlfred U. MacraeMelvin M. MaedaJ. C. MaenderAlexander B. Magounfrank J. MaguireErnest A. Magyar •s. Mahantirowdan K. MaharajChristoph E. MahleKarl-Heinz MahrtAnthony H. MajewskiJohn Makhoul, Ph.D.Tsugio MakimotoErnest I. MalamudWilliam T. MalanczukAncile E. MaldenCharles G. MalleryJohn f. MalmWilliam T. MaloneyMarco MambelliEnrique Mandadorobert MandelJoseph D. ManicaGeorge A. Mann

John A. Mannroger f. Mannsalvatore J. MannoJuliana ManoliuMohamed MansourJohn P. ManteyJames r. ManuelAugust f. Manz, sr.Piero G. MaranesiWilliam C. MarchandMurlin MarksThomas J. Marlowe, Ph.D.Georgios A. Marnezoslouis J. MaroglioMichael D. MarraffinoJames T. MarrsAllison C. MarshJohn H. MarshAlan H. MarshakJ. H. Marshall, 3rdPaul C. Marth, Jr.Dalton W. MartinGordon E. MartinJohn E. MartinKent r. Martinrichard o. Martinrobert W. MartinTom A. MartinWilliam l. Martinorichard o. MarwinMatthew s. MashikianAlbert E. MasonGiandomenico MassariVukota MastilovicHiroo MasudaJoe T. MathisJohn V. MatlockMisao MatsushitaTaro MatsuuraB. Dal Mattersons. H. MatthewsGeorge r. MattoPeter T. MauzeyJohn MavorClifford l. Maxwellrobert Mayer, Jr.robert J. Mayhan, Jr.Clarence E. MayoAlexander MazurGene W. Mc Phersonrichard T. McandrewD. r. McAvoy, Jr.Thomas G. McBriderobert H. McCamisho. T. McCarterKenneth r. Mcclymont

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+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Member

u 2013 IEEE Board Member* Multi-Year Pledge• Deceased

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Benjamin W. McconnellGary E. McConnellronald C. McConnellEdward D. McCormickMartin J. McCormick, Jr.Dennis D. Mccradystuart McCulloughErnest A. McCurleyWilliam M. McDermidT. McDonaghArthur McDonaldMichael J. McDonaldWilliam C. McDonaldrichard Mcfeesamuel f. McgeiverBryan W. McgheeWilliam M. McGillfrancis J. McGrathAugust l. McGuffinJohn P. McHenryronald C. McHenry, Ph.D.Gregory f. McHughGeorge A. McIntoshJames A. McIntoshJack D. MckinneyJenny l. MclaughlinDr. robert W. McMillanD. D. McnelisA. J. McnerneyPeter J. McnultyJames f. McveighWilliam r. McWhirter, Jr.W. D. MedwethDean r. Mehlberg

Thomas H. MehlingEarl J. Meiersroy W. Meinkeosorio C. MeirellesH. Paul Meiselr. P. MeixnerThomas s. MelchiorHorst r. MellenbergJames MelsaDavid MeltzerJohn W. MenchPeter J. Mendelsohnrichard A. MendlerD. Mercado, Jr.Harry W. MerglerDavid W. MerrillPaul M. MerryPaul A. MeschlerCarl MeshenbergEdwin J. Messerli, Ph.D.russell f. MessierHans U. MeyerJoseph A. Meyerrobert H. MeyerJames r. MeyersIssiaka MgboronAndrew l. MichelJames A. MichelMarlin H. MickleDr. and Mrs. Angelo MieleC. Michael MigloreTetsuya Mikinorbert B. MiklitzZeljko Miksic

James r. Miles, Jr.James M. MiletichChristopher r. MillerDavid A. MillerDouglas l. MillerGabriel l. MillerJohn o. MillerJon r. MillerMelvin Millernorman Miller, PEroger l. MillerThomas W. MillerWilliam C. Miller, Jr.J. M. MilneWilliam G. MinahanPaul o. MinearHarry D. MinertMilton J. Minnemann. MinniciCharles J. MintzElpidio MirandaThomas J. MisaGlenwood J. MitchellW. J. Mitchell, Jr.William C. MitchellTsuneo Mitsuishigehiro MiyatakeKunika Mizushimasaleh s. MneinaYukou MochidaAlvin W. MoellerMahmood MohajeryJohn G. Mohrrichard J. Mohr

James M. Moidellouis A. MoleJohn I. Molinderronald l. MonahanWilliam A. MonetteJ. roger Moodylaurence l. MoonPaul J. Mooneyfranklin D. MooreHarold r. MooreJames l. Moorerobert A. Mooresundaram C. Moorthyleonard W. Morganfrederic r. Morgenthalernorihiko MorinagaMititada MorisueJames B. MoritzCharles s. MorrisHayden MorrisMaynard B. MorrisJohn G. MorrisonJoost MortelmansDonald E. MortonDouglas M. Mortonrobert A. Morton, Jr.roger s. Mortonsigmund W. MoskoAllan s. Moskowitz

Daniel D. Hoolihan IEEE senior Member

Daniel D. Hoolihan, a member of IEEE since 1983, is President of Hoolihan EMC Consulting located in lindstrom, Mn, UsA. He is a consultant to the United states Department of Com-merce national Institute of standards and Technology (nIsT) in the area of Telecom Certification Body and Conformity Assessment Body evaluations. He is also an assessor for the nIsT national Voluntary laboratory Accreditation Program. Daniel has been on the Board of Directors of the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility society (EMC) since 1987.

Daniel joined IEEE for the professional opportunities. He stayed active because of the associations he formed through the founding of the IEEE EMC Chapter of the

Twin Cities section in 1986 and the local meetings that followed. Daniel feels that those personal and professional relationships are the biggest benefit of IEEE membership. one of his fondest memories is the 50th anniversary celebration of the IEEE EMC society in Hawaii in 2007. The society arranged to have a 50th anniversary pin flown on the UsA’s nAsA shuttle, which is permanently displayed on a plaque at the IEEE operations Center in Piscataway, nJ, UsA.

He favors the historical operations and interests of the IEEE foundation, and donates to its IEEE History Center fund. Daniel believes the IEEE foundation is a lasting legacy of IEEE. “By supporting the foundation, a member can support the future efforts of IEEE which are built on the past activities,” Daniel said. He added, “We all rely on the outstanding efforts of earlier members of IEEE. We build on their achievements and help our fellow man with our own personal hard work and achievements in the electrical engineering area.”

The Past Helps the Future Shine Bright

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David r. MossCraig A. MottEdward C. Mozley, Ph.D.A. V. A. MuellerJishnu Mukerjirangaswamy Mukundanfred f. Mulholland, Jr.Walter D. MullinsKaoru MurakamiKendall H. MurakamiKazuo MuranoJay H. Murdockfrederick C. MurphyPatrick r. Murphyrobert Murphystephen T. MurphyAlan G. MurrayCharles r. MurrayJames B. MurrayJohn J. MurrayMehmet V. MusaM. P. MusickKalyan K. MustaphiMax W. MuterspaughJohn D. MyersTheodore J. MyersC. D. nabaviWarren l. nadlerAtsushi naganoH. H. nagelDr. H. Troy nagleferenc nagy, Ph.D. •norris s. nahmanKyoji naitohDr. Tsuneo nakaharaAkira nakamuraTakuma nakamuraTakao nakanoYoshimi nakanoKenichi nakashiJohn nakatashoichi nakayamaToshihiko nakayamaseiichi namba, Ph.D.Philip r. nanneryAnthony P. napikoskiDevarajan narayanasamyrobert T. nashJimmy r. naylorMarvin A. needlerM. Hashem nehrirAugust neitzelWm M. nellisArthur T. nelsonHoward n. nelsonrobert E. nelson

2013 IEEE President Peter Staecker and 2013 IEEE Region 8 Director Marko Delimar spoke at the IEEE Milestone dedication ceremony of the Krka-Sibenik Electric Power System on 5 July 2013. On 28 August 1895 electricity generated at this location was transmitted to the city of Šibenik, Croatia where six power transformers lit street lamps.

robert G. nettlesHans neukomPeter G. neumannrobert W. newcombsheldon newmanrobert E. newsomeHieu V. nguyensanh T. nguyenThuan V. nguyenMr. richard s. nicholsWilliam r. nicholsonKeith l. nicodemusJohn l. nicolettosW. David niebuhrJames A. niedererrobert l. nielsenJan M. niemiecJorma U. nieminenCharles W. niessen, Ph.D.stig l. nilssonrobert E. nisbetHiroshi nishiharaGene M. nishimuraEikazu niwanorobert T. nobleHector f. noelAlexander r. nordenBruce D. nordwallDouglas C. normanGeorge G. northDonald W. novotnyfred l. nylanderMichael J. o ConnorTimothy W. oakleyThomas P. o’BrienKevin T. o’ConnorAndrew M. odlyzkoJohn J. o’Donnell

John T. o’DonnellWilliam M. ogdenJ. H. oharaBoris V. ohmanThomas E. ohnesorgeKatsuhiko ohsakiCarl A. ohsiek, Jr.Akira ohteTatsuo ohtsukiKoustubh D. okaroy T. okamotosevgin oktaysakae okuboToru okumuraseymour okwitJohn M. oldMichael D. oliverEdgardo V. oliveros M.Arthur G. olsenDennis r. olsenWilliam A. olsenray olsonH. George oltman, Jr.robert J. o’Malley, Jr.Yasuhisa omura, Ph.D.orville r. o’nealIbrahim onyukselY. oonoAlbertus oosenbrugWilliam H. ooststefan P. opalskiKarn opasjumruskiJoseph r. oranchakAngelo f. orazioVincent J. organicJohn A. orr, Ph.D.John M. osepchukThomas W. otto

nathaniel W. ozarinUtku ozcanWilson D. PaceE. Valdes PagesMohan PaiGarrett PaineIan M. PalmerJames D. Palmerl. C. PalmerPaul H. PalmquistKrishna P. PandeThomas A. PanfilAnton E. Pannenborgniki r. PanteliasClaude J. Panyrobert E. PapscoMichael s. ParcherDavid J. ParkKenneth K. ParkJerald V. Parkerrobert D. Parkerrobert G. Parkinson, Ph.D.lowell C. Parodericardo Parralouis C. ParrilloGeorge E. ParsonsTheodore W. ParsonsJohn PascuGerhard f. Paskusz, Ph.D.Brian C. Passralph W. PassarelliBernard M. PasternackC. Kumar Patel, Ph.D.Devendra J. PatelJitendra M. PatelAnnasameb A. PatilMurray s. PatkinDonald A. PattersonJohn P. PattersonJoseph Pattersonrobert J. PatukonisBoonsong PaukatongDev PaulJohn Paulson, Jr. •Guenther J. PaulusThomas J. PavlikKenneth r. PealD. r. PearsonDonald E. PearsonJack o. Pearson, Ph.D.Gabriel B. PeaseleyJohn B. PeatmanWilliam E. Peckrobert K. Pedersenrobert M. Pedigoleroy s. Pendleton

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+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Member

u 2013 IEEE Board Member* Multi-Year Pledge• Deceased

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William B. Pennebakerrobert P. Pennon. P. PennyWilliam B. PenzesM. l. Pepper, Jr.Walter E. PeraJuan Peracaula, Ph.D.Anton E. PereraAntonio Perez Yuste, Ph.D.Douglas A. PerhamCharles E. PerkettEdward G. Perkinsfrank PerkinsPeter E. PerkinsW. r. Perkinsrobert E. Perkinsonron Perlarobert E. PerlissThomas f. Perrinerichard T. PerronH. r. PersonEmanuel P. PetersJerome E. PetersonTimothy J. Petersonfrank PetscheBernard l. PfeferCharles A. PfeifferHans K. PfyfferMarcena Phan & familyJames H. PhilipP. G. Phillipsrobert r. PhillipsThomas C. PierceEdward s. Pierson

William J. PietenpolEmanuele PietralungaAnn Mary Pinerobert W. PintoMichael J. PiovosoDavid s. Pittmansteve Pittmanroland Plottelorville J. PlumA. J. Poggiorichard G. PogsonG. E. PokornyBohumil Polataleslie G. Polgarrobert W. PolkinghornWilliam D. Pollardsomkiat PongkantaAlbert G. PonteDonald n. PontslerPaul Popenoe, Jr.Don J. Poppleonard J. PorcelloJon E. PortDavid PorterEdwin l. Postneils r. PoulsenH. PovedaAllan PowersJohn H. Powersseth M. Powsnerronald E. PrattGeorge G. Preckshotronald l. PrevostPhilip r. Price

Kenneth W. PrierGary K. PritchardEdward J. ProchaskaE. norris ProcterJ. f. Proroksteven D. Proughroger J. ProvencalJoseph P. PrukopJames W. Prydelee J. Pryorrobert J. Puckettrobert A. PughWalter C. PumoDr. neil D. PunditKay M. PurcellThomas n. Pyke, Jr.David E. Quallsraul Quezada P.rene Quirighettirichard A. QuodomineJoseph G. raczradant family fundMilton E. radantWilliam A. radaskyJoseph A. radocchioJohn r. ragasesrinivasa H. raghavanorlando f. raimondoEdward E. rajakumarVignesh rajamani, Ph.D.Yudh V. rajputAngelique rajskiramachandra ramakumarKudinelli s. ramanath

raj ramchandaniClarence f. ramstedtronald randallrussell K. raneyWilliam B. ratcliffKenneth f. rathDonald E. rathbone Ph.D.,

PEAntonio ravenDennis rayr. l. rayboldJohn A. reaganJames J. rechnerVellenki U. reddy, Ph.D.Paul M. reevesroger and Joyce rehfeldstig l. rehnmarkGeorge T. reichJohn A. reifHarold f. reiherJulius reinerJohn r. reinertClyde J. reinhardWilliam f. reinkesteve E. reissluis A. remezAlexander M. rendeAndrew W. revay, Jr.r. K. reynolds

Emerson W. PughIEEE life fellow

“The biggest benefit of my IEEE mem-bership has been to learn and practice leadership skills,” says Dr. Emerson Pugh. A leader he is. Emerson served as IEEE president in 1989. In 1996, he joined the IEEE foundation Board serving as its President from 2000 through 2004. During his presidency, he initiated a study of the relationship between IEEE and the IEEE foundation resulting in the creation of the policies and procedures manual, operations manual, and contracts with IEEE organizational units for which the foundation held donated money.

His personal passion is volunteering to promote projects of the IEEE History Center. His fervor for the Center is made apparent through his investment of time, talent and treasure. In 2009, while serving on the IEEE History

Committee, he helped conceive the significant Tech-nological Achievement recognition selections program (sTArs). This compendium of approximately 20 peer-reviewed articles on the history of major developments in electrical and computer science and technology is on the IEEE Global History network and will be published in the highly respected Proceedings of the IEEE.

Emerson is enthusiastic about the foundation’s activities in supporting the development and promotion of the histories of technologies in the fields of interest to IEEE members. A member of the IEEE Heritage Circle and the IEEE Goldsmith Legacy League, Emerson gives generous annual gifts to the IEEE History Center, the IEEE life Members and the IEEE foundation funds. He donates to the foundation because, he says, “The IEEE foundation has many programs worthy of funding. If IEEE members do not support these activities, who will?”

Emerson’s oral History can be found on the Global History network at ieeeghn.org.

Leading by Example

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Eugene A. rheingansJohn rheinsteinrichard G. rhodaGordon P. ribletlaurence B. riceJohn richardsrobert E. richardsAlexander l. richardsonGordon richardsonJohn f. richardson, Jr.Paul richmanGeorge H. richmondleonard H. richterstephen l. richter, Ph.D.Gunnar ridellG. W. riegleJames r. rieglingHubert A. riesterleland riffelAnthony l. rigasJohn H. rinkaMarlin P. ristenbatt, Ph.D.David D. robbroger M. robergeBrad J. robertsBradford P. roberts •John A. robertsJohn r. robertslarry W. robertsroland W. robertsJoseph E. robertshawCharles s. robertson, IIIGeorge A. robertsonJames C. robertsonroderick D. robertsonJ. Darrell robinsonleslie l. robinsonn. David robinson, M.D.stanley A. robinsonstanley M. robinsonWillard A. robinsonHernan roblesrichard B. robrock, IIWilliam M. robsonJoseph l. rodgersGeorge P. rodrigueManuel f. rodriguez-PerazzaJohn s. roeEugene r. roeschleinstanley B. roeskeroger and Joyce rehfeld

fundDavid V. rogersKenneth C. rogersrichard E. rogersHeljar B. rognerud

Fayette County Public Schools District (FCPS) in Fayetteville, KY, USA received a grant from the IEEE Lexington Section Fund of the IEEE Foundation thanks to a gift from The Xerox Foundation. The grant enabled FCPS to purchase LEGO NXT Robotics Kits and supported the IEEE Robotics Camp held in June for 180 students.

Mark r. rognstadHans rohdinJoseph rolfeHans G. rolfesWilliam s. romansalvatore A. romano, Jr.Albert J. rosaGary T. roselars G. rosengrenCharles W. rosenthallawrence rosenthalHugh C. rossr. G. rossJames A. rothenbergerrodney s. rougelotTarunbikash royC. roychoudhuriErlind G. royerJohn rozemarichard G. rozierCharles rubenstein, Ph.D.lawrence G. rubinlouis P. rubinfieldT. J. ruddMilton rudermanraymond l. rudolphArthur K. rueneil f. ruggieri, Ph.D.steven ruppCharles M. rushDouglas D. russellrobert D. russell

robert Eric russellDonald M. rutherDaniel J. ryanHenry f. ryderAlbert l. ryffsevier sabinDavid sachsHerbert Kenneth sacks,

Ph.D.samuel saezWilliam H. sahm, 3rdrobert A. sainatiMakoto saitoTakeshi saitoThomas Y. sakaguchiroy Y. sakamotoMaurice s. salamyrichard A. saloJack l. saltichJoseph salzmanGeorge M. samaniegoAhmed H. samehAlberto sanchezI. Aguilar sanchezChester l. sandbergDavid W. sandersPhillip A. sandfordJohn r. sanfordJun-Ichi sanonorbert f. santoskiHal M. sappingtonEugene W. sard

Dean W. sargentPradip K. sarkarMiklos sarkoziMarlene sarnatTaiji saruwatariHajime sasakishin sasakiA. M. sasson, Ph.D.Yozo satodaTukaram n. savdharias. G. scagliastephen A. scandalisJohn f. scarzellorichard r. schabergJames A. schaeferMervin G. schaeferMartin M. schaffelHerbert schankerBrad scharf & Mary WhiteDonald E. schaufelbergerrolf schaumannlarry l. schedinAllan C. schellrobert A. schemanDale E. scherryI. Morton schindlerfrank E. schinkEdward l. schlossbergfrank W. schmechelKurt H. schmidtThomas J. schmuggeDorothy l. schnabelschneider ElectricJohn n. schneider, PErichard l. schneiderW. K. schnureJames B. schoedlerfrank l. scholtenDoris V. schoonWalter schoppestanley M. schreinerrudolph f. schreitmuellerronald B. schroerMark I. schubinleonard schuchmanBernard s. schuchnerMartin A. schulmanAdolf J. schwabrichard f. schwartzleon schwartzmanrichard E. schwarzCameron C. schweitzerr. A. schwinnWm r. scoble, Jr.norman r. scottrichard J. scott

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+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Member

u 2013 IEEE Board Member* Multi-Year Pledge• Deceased

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richard P. scottWilliam A. scottDavid scullDavid A. seamansJohn r. searleCharles r. seashoreChalmers f. sechrist, Jr.George sehnGeorges seilDouglas r. semmes, Jr.Chen B. sen, Ph.D.J. I. sendleinJohn G. sendleinAlfred A. seniorKenneth D. senneDonald n. senzigr. E. sequeiraCarlo H. sequinPeter serenyPeter G. serevMasatada setoWalter D. sewardrobert G. sewells. sextonMichael M. shafferDilip n. shahManzoor A. shaikhD. G. shalesCharles K. shanks, PE, nsPEEugene D. sharpTom G. sharpenagabhusan shashidhar,

Ph.D.George A. shatonlisa A. shay

Marleigh C. sheaffD. f. sheahanJohn P. sheehyDaniel H. sheingoldrobert T. shelquistMichael J. shepherdWilliam shepherdAlbert P. sheppardAkikazu shibataYakov s. shifrinDaniel W. shimerHidetoshi shinodaJames P. shipleyChris M. shiraifrancis r. shoemakerThomas M. shoemakerErnest f. shojiTom A. shortT. M. shortalChen-Wen shouJerry f. shoup, Ph.D.roy W. shoup, Jr.Joseph shraibmanGary l. shrockrandall P. shumakerK. r. siarkiewiczJohn J. sideravageArthur siegalThomas W. sigmonDragoslav D. siljakPeter M. silverbergH. s. silvus, Jr.John J. simkanichWilliam W. simmonsstephen G. simo

Carl f. simoneEarl P. simoneauDonald C. simoneauxnazaro A. simonelliDolph simonsJames E. simpsonMurray simpsonr. A. simpsonWilliam A. sims ·robert s. sindlarHarpreet singhHeramb singhWilliam singletonVirgil siourisAlbert sivahopE. Anne siversE. T. skantarHalvor skeieralph J. skellyJames J. skilesWilliam A. skillmanBernard sklarJohn W. skooglundWalter skuggevigleslie H. sladenKenneth J. slegerJames G. sliney, Jr.leo slobodinThomas W. sloweyrichard H. smallDouglas C. smathersEdward G. smethurstArchie E. smithDouglas B. smithH. stanley smith

Harold P. smith, Jr.Jeffrey E. smithKelvin C. smithKirk W. smithlanny l. smithMarshall D. smithMichael B. smithMichael C. smithr Kirkland smithrobert T. smithroger D. smithVernon Z. smithWesley r. smithWilliam B. smithWilliam C. smithWilliam H. smithEdward A. smytheronald C. snarerichard M. snellCandido A. soaresAlan sobelCharles sobelDavid l. soldan, Ph.D.frank G. soltislal C. soodrodney J. soukupAlbert C. spaargarenJohn H. spareWilliam G. spauldingJon H. speer

Susumu Kobayashi IEEE life Member

He read somewhere that, “sometimes donations, even if the amount is very small, make your mind stable and calm.” In an effort to bring meaning and purpose to his life, Mr. susumu Kobayashi decided to make his first gift, in 1996, to the IEEE History Center fund and he has been giving ever since. susumu Kobayashi is an Honored Philanthropist in the IEEE Heritage Circle, supporting the IEEE History Center, the IEEE life Members and the IEEE foundation funds. susumu told us he gets very excited to find his name on the donor list in the Honor Roll of Donors each year.

susumu always had an interest in Mr. Cray’s (the “father of supercomputing”) computers and his architectures as

well as the Central Processing Unit (CPU) architectures of other manufacturer’s and vendor’s computers. He joined IEEE in 1979 for access to the cutting edge information on computers and CPU architecture and trends in the field.

susumu was the President and representative of the Japan branch of Tera Computer Japan, now known as Cray Japan, Inc., in Tokyo, Japan until he retired in 2005. He has translated, edited and been featured in many books based on computers and technology.

He says the IEEE foundation is important because, “it helps and inspires young people to go into science and technol-ogy fields.” He supports the IEEE History Center because, “Before understanding any technology well, we have to know its history deeply, from the very beginning. We have to gather and prepare historical information, as the History Center does, so this information can be accessed by the rest of the world.” susumu added, “The IEEE History Center is the treasure and legacy of human beings in the world.”

Bringing Meaning and Purpose to his Life

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John s. spencerPhillip spergelspyridon n. spetsierisrobert C. spindelArun srivastavaK. D. srivastavaPaul G. st AmandDale E. st. JohnHenry s. st. John, Jr.roger I. staabPeter W. staecker uforrest l. staffansonKenneth staffordronald J. staharaAlan l. stahlK. Terry stalkerDavid l. standley, Ph.D.Bernard A. stankevichlenox robert starkeyGarry D. starrfred M. staudaherJohn W. steadman, Ph.D.Malcolm G. stearnsJohn D. stebenrobert W. steenbergePeter M. stefan, Ph.D.roy H. stehleGunter steinGerhard steinbrennerDave W. steinmeierH. r. steisslingerrobert f. stengelGeorge G. stephenJames E. stephensHenry E. sternrobert A. sternroger W. sternlaverne E. stetsonAlfred M. stevensrichard C. stevensWilliam G. stevensClell E. stewartDavid B. stewartDonald M. stewartfrederick A. stichManfred H. stieblerJack J. stifflerM. A. stiffmanMichael V. stimacJohn f. stledgerDaniel C. stockJohn r. stockHeinrich J. stockmannsGeorge stoeppelJames C. stoffel, Ph.D.ronald B. stokes

The IEEE Life Members Committee (LMC) and the IEEE Foundation hosted an IEEE Life Members’ Reception on 12 April in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Pictured here are some of the local IEEE Life Members. Life Members from 4 Sections were invited and 35 members and their guests attended. The reception provided Life Members and the LMC an opportunity to gather in a social setting and exchange ideas about Life Members activities.

Christopher r. stookWilliam T. storeyEdmund r. stoughtonfred J. stover, Jr.richard W. strahanBradley J. straitrobert A. stratbuckerroy f. strattonloran W. stringerrichard l. strombotneAlbert strubrobert A. struthersMani subramanianstephen suckenikr. sudarsanamYasuharu suematsuYukiyasu sugurif. J. sullivanr. l. sullivanrichard l. sullivanVirginia C. sulzbergerPeter G. sulzerThomas H. sumidaDavid sun, Ph.D.Hun Hsuan sun, Ph.D.George s. sundayJerome J. suranJon M. surpriseArthur W. suttonDonald Y. suzukinoboru suzukishiro suzukiToshio suzukiYasunobu suzukiJames E. svarovsky

Paul svetzPhilip H. swainMahesh M. swamyC. B. swanH. W. swanEdward E. swansonWillis E. swansonD. W. swearingenJoseph n. sweeneyJames A. swetlikoeD. W. swiftGuy E. swifteJohn M. sylvesterJohn W. synhorstBohdan J. sypniakJoseph P. szafranskinicholas E. szymanskiHarry TabakMargaret r. TaberYoshitaka TakasakiHideki TakasuToshikiyo TakemoriTadasu Takumaleon V. TalmageGrant A. TanakaHatsukazu TanakaTakeshi TaneichiMorris Tanenbaumsophia s. Y. TangKatsunori TaniguchiDuncan n. TannerEugene C. TappisTzyh-Jong Tarn, Ph.D.Isamu TatsuguchiCharles A. Taylor

Harold l. TaylorJohn H. Taylorr. s. TaylorKyun H. TchahCalvin C. TeagueGeorge P. TecosMichael D. TeemsThomas s. TeetorGeorge J. TeleckiAlbert H. TerpCarl D. Terryfrederic T. Terryr. s. TerryHans-Jorg ThalerThe Emery P. Todd TrustThe Milligan family living

TrustJohn l. TheimerJohann TheurlPaul W. ThiedePatrick A. ThielArun M. ThomasChifong l. ThomasDavid M. ThomasGeorge M. ThomasJohn r. ThomasMichelle Thomasrichard P. ThomasJoseph f. ThomasonM. A. ThometDaniel D. ThompsonDavid l. ThompsonJames r. Thompsonroger W. ThompsonC. nortoft Thomsen

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+ 2013 IEEE foundation Board Member

u 2013 IEEE Board Member* Multi-Year Pledge• Deceased

2013 Honor roll of Donors | 39

Wayne E. ThomsonJ. r. ThorntonPeter M. ThorpKenneth Thurberrobert G. ThurmanJohn l. TietzeJohn H. TilleyGeorge D. TkachTakashi TokuyamaDan TolandPeter M. TolliverGeorge TolosCarlos A. TomaszewskiHideo TomitaWilliam P. TompkinsEdward M. TomsicDavid TonhoferP. TorgrimsonValentin Trainottiloi Tien Tranorlin D. Trappsven TreitelAlexander B. TrevorJohn B. Trevor, IIITimothy n. Trick, Ph.D.Bryan C. Troutmanrichard True, Ph.D.Tim TruebloodHenry P. TrujilloMalcolm T. TruppHenry J. TrussellJohn J. TrutwinChiu-Kwan TsangAndreas A. Tsatsos

Constantine T. TsitseraGeorge TsolakisKazuo TsuboiHaruhiko TsuchiyaTakehiko Tsuikisaburo TsujiJiromaru TsujinoK. TsukadaEvangelo P. TsurdinisJuri TultsHoward l. TuretzkyHoward C. TurnageCharles W. TurnerDavid M. Turnerfrank W. TyoUBsTeiji UchidaThomas UekiMalcolm r. UffelmanPaul D. UllandThomas E. UllmanWerner UlrichMartin A. Uman, Ph.D.John H. UmemotoWarren W. UmholtzVictor C. UrrutiaBjarne E. UrsinGerald s. Ustachramasamy UthurusamyPentti T. Uuspaa, Ph.D.Bob Uyetanirobert E. VagoHarri J. Vahatalo

Joseph A. Valentrobert r. ValleniD. G. Van CoeveringGene l. Van CurenE. C. Van Der MeulenBernard f. Van DinterJohn A. Van DykJohn Van Egmondroger Van Ghentr. G. Van Heeswijkronald M. Van oeverenJames C. Van Zeeleonard J. VanderheydenKenneth E. VannicePedro Vaquer-ComasGerald B. Varanisandra K. VargaVarian Medical systemsspyros G. Varsosnuman H. VasquezWilliam A. Vaughan, PEJaime r. Vazquez-PlardJames r. Vealerobert A. VeitchGeorge C. VergheseVerizon foundationGijsbertus f. VermeijMichael Vicars-HarrisAlfred E. VictorJens Vidkjaerrichard C. Viinikainenrobert s. VincentW. r. Vincent

Percy B. Vinet, Jr.federico A. ViramontesHassanali r. Viranirichard J. Virgilioronald f. VirostekJose I. VizcarraPaul A. VlahutinHerbert B. Voelcker, Jr.reinhold P. Vogelremo J. VogelsangJoseph r. Volpe, Jr.John P. VolpiDr. Manfred von BorksHoward T. VoorheisDavid E. VozzolaG. G. VurekPeter VutzE. WachsbergJerrold l. WagenerAndrew Waggottsigurd WagnerVernon H. WaightChow Wai-KwokAndrew M. WalkerBen f. WalkerEdward l. Walkerralph E. Walkerrichard f. Walker

Ralph W. Wyndrum, Jr. IEEE life fellow

since he joined IEEE predecessors the AIEE and IrE in 1957, finding ways to spark innovation and recognize member contributions have been at the forefront for former IEEE-UsA President ralph W. Wyndrum Jr. The tools provided by IEEE have been invaluable throughout his career and as a student. “In graduate school and during my doctoral research, IEEE publications were indispensable and this continued to be the case in the first decades of my career at Bell labs,” he says. “Increasingly, in my career, the professional conferences and networking afforded by IEEE became most important.”

A long-time, generous donor, ralph’s most recent donation to the IEEE life Members fund of the IEEE foundation exemplifies his commitment to continuing programs that

further innovation. “The fund supports my professional values, awards grants to programs which encourage innovation for humanity, recognizes important member contributions, and represents the values that innovative engineering delivers to the world at large. It also supports our History Committee assuring a well-documented past for the IEEE,” he said.

“The life Members and IEEE foundation’s grants program makes important technical and social contributions, is judged by competent peers, and will improve the lives of future generations,” said ralph. This is why he is driven to support the program.

“Those who should best understand the goals and successes of the foundation are indeed our members. Young members and senior members alike can find initiatives that resonate with them and they should support those initiatives,” said ralph.

Thanks to generous donors like ralph, more engineers will be equipped with the resources they need to thrive in their career and innovate in ways they never could have before.

Committed to Programs that Further Innovation

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40 | Transforming Lives Through Technology

ronald G. WallaceWilliam l. WallaceJohn B. Walshrobert r. WalshJohn W. WalterWalter A. WappausWeldon W. Ward, Jr.Brendan J. WareCharles l. WarnerJanusz WarszawskiCurtis M. WarthenPaul WarunKiyotaka WasaJohn T. WasdiAtsushi Watanabelaurence s. WatkinsDavid J. Watsonfred l. Watson, Ph.D.John r. WatsonJohn r. Wattsstephen C. WearyEdward A. WeaverThomas l. Weaverrobert C. WebbJoseph D. WebsterMark A. Webster, Ph.D.felipe n. WefferGrace C. WeiH. l. WeidemannDon M. WeigleClaude M. WeilAlfred WeinbergMarc r. Weinbergerrichard T. WeinsbergHenry D. Weinschelstephen B. WeinsteinDavid W. Weisssteve J. WeissGregory V. Welchlloyd r. WelchChristopher X. WellerWilliam C. WellsWilliam WelshMichael J. Wenglerrichard WerlingTodd J. WesolowskiC. David WestDavid l. WestGordon l. WestergrenDavid f. Whalenfrank W. WhalenJoseph C. Wheelernorman A. WhitakerAlan D. WhiteAlbert l. Whiterichard M. WhiteT. s. WhiteW. l. White

Walter A. WhiteWalter M. WhiteCharles l. WhithamDaniel E. Whitney, Ph.D.Howard E. WhitstonAlbert C. WhittleseyAllen V. WhitwellJimmy W. WickiserElbridge M. WiegmannEugene l. WiemelsCarl M. WigginsBrian P. Wilfleyrichard s. WilkinsHarvey E. Wilkinsonrobert o. Wilkinsonlarry H. WillDavid H. WilliamsDennis r. WilliamsE. B. WilliamsPeter A. l. WilliamsPeter l. Williamsrobin WilliamsJ. Claude WilliamsonJohn W. Williamsonronald W. Williamsonlutz WillnerChristopher W. WilsonDonald G. WilsonErICo Development and

Engineering DepartmentsEric l. WilsonHoward D. WilsonJames r. WilsonJohn T. WilsonKenneth T. WilsonKevin G. Wilsonralph E. Wilson, Jr.

norman D. Winarskyfrank D. WinfieldCharles E. WinnEdward W. Wintersrichard l. WirtWilliam J. Wisemanleo WissemanJohn f. WittibschlagerDale W. WittigHorst r. WittmannJack G. WitzelChester WolejszaP. A. WolfgangHarry J. WollPeter M. WolterKenneth l. Wongr. W. Wongroland C. WongWai-Choong WongGeorge r. WoodJames B. Woodr. WoodW. lewis Wood, Jr.H. l. Woodburyronald D. WoodsCraig A. WoodworthDavid Wortendyke, Ph.D.robert B. WorthAdolph J. Wozniaklawrence r. Wozniczkaf. l. WrightJames W. WrightAlex & Daisy Wusien-Chong WuWilly Wunderlin, Ph.D.John W. WustenbergMichael Wymann-Boeni

B. J. XufreEli YablonovitchPhilip YaffeeHideki YamamotoMasamichi YamanishiItsuo YamauraZia A. Yamayeeshunpei YamazakiHsu Kai YangGregg J. YedwabYing C. YehK. sigfrid YngvessonMamiro Yoshizawafrank s. YoungGordon s. YoungGregory C. Youngrobert M. YoungsXinghuo Yu, Ph.D.neal s. YudaH. oner YurtsevenJohn E. ZabelKenneth D. Zastrowronald W. Zborowskistanley Zebrowitzs. ZelencikAlbert f. ZellerJay n. ZemelBruce T. Zemlinneal ZierlerD. J. Zilligrobert E. ZimmermanEarle r. Zinn, Jr.frank r. ZitzmannJohn B. Zocchi, Jr.Javad ZoroofchiPedro J. ZorzanoVictor G. ZouridesHerbert W. Zwack

Peter W. Staecker, 2013 IEEE President, presents the IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award to Cecelia Jankowski, with Eric Herz

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2013 Honor roll of Donors | 41

We recognize the generosity of IEEE leaders and innovators who donated their speaker fees or cash prize(s) to the IEEE foundation. By donating all or a portion of their honoraria to the IEEE foundation in 2013, these distinguished individuals enable IEEE foundation programs to further the scientific and educational purposes of IEEE.

Honorarium Gifts

Award Honorarium2013 IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member AwardCecelia Jankowski

2013 IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety TechnologiesTsuneo Takahashi

2013 IEEE Medal of HonorDr. Irwin M. Jacobs

2013 IEEE Richard M. Emberson Awardleah H. Jamieson, Ph.D.

2013 IEEE PES Leader-ship in Power AwardMichael Heyeck

IEEE PES Prize Paper AwardMark G. AdamiakHeide CaswellVincent J. forteTom A. short

2013 MGA Achievement AwardMonica A. MalliniEiichi ohno

Speaker Fee2013 IEEE History Center PresentationsAlexander B. Magoun

2013 IEEE Southeast Michigan Chapter VIII EMC Society EventsGeorge BarthJeremy CampbellUwe florJeff Godleysteve HallEd HareJoanna HillTodd HubingDoug HughesMatthew JacksonDennis lewisJerry MeyerhoffDr. Vignesh rajamani, Ph.D.rodney rodgersCyrous rostamzadehCandace and John surianoJames Young

2013 CIM Task Force Organized TutorialJay P. BrittonMargaret E. GoodrichEnamul Haq

2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society General MeetingEnernex Corps&C Electric Companysteven W. Pullins

2013 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies ConferenceEnernex Corpsteven W. Pullins

Michael Heyeck IEEE senior Member

Michael Heyeck was the senior Vice President at Transmission for American Electric Power until he retired in June 2013. He earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s in Electrical Engineering at the new Jersey Institute of Technology in newark, nJ, UsA.

Michael became a member of IEEE in 1975, while a student, because he thought it was an important addition to his resume. since then, he realized that IEEE had much more to offer. He states, “Most invention comes from interaction in a neighborhood of thought leaders, whether by the accidental connection of random thoughts, or by a teaming of folks trying to solve a problem. IEEE is that neighborhood of thought leaders that seeds invention for the benefit of society.”

“The IEEE foundation is a vehicle that can help others who in turn help others to continue advancing technology for a better society,” Michael said. When he received the IEEE Power & Energy society (PEs) leadership in Power Award in 2013, he announced the donation of his honorarium to the IEEE PEs scholarship fund of IEEE foundation. In his acceptance speech, he said, “legacies are what you leave behind to help others.” After Michael announced the dona-tion of his honorarium, he recalls, “I was overwhelmed with thanks from the scholarship winners present, one of whom was coincidentally from my hometown.”

Michael believes that college education is expensive and, for most students, yields debt that takes years to overcome. That’s why he feels compelled to donate to the IEEE PEs scholarship fund which supports the IEEE PEs scholarship Plus Initiative. “It helps advance the profession, helps young men and women decide to make engineering their profession, and helps overcome the shortage of engineering talent that is needed to advance technology for our society’s well-being,” said Michael.

Legacies are What You Leave Behind to Help Others

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Making a donation to the IEEE foundation as a gift in honor or in memory of someone special is a deeply gratifying way to recognize someone that touched the lives of others while advancing technology for humanity.

Tribute Gifts were graciously given both ‘In Honor of’ and ‘In Memory of’ very special friends of IEEE.

Tribute Gifts

In Honor OfLe HuiPterra, llC

Prabha S. KundurGran AnderssonUdaya AnnakkageChinese society for

Electrical EngineeringJay GiriMichael I. HendersonHK ElectricKundur Power systems

solutions, Inc.Mark G. laubyDr. ruomei li

Bikash C. PalPowertech labssolvina ABTransgrid solutionsMr. Xiaozin Zhou

Jan Vardamanlawrence smith

In Memory OfRick DaviesKenneth D. Greenstadtraymond JuzaitisWilliam McfarlandMaryAnn saundersBrad scharf & Mary White

Dr. B. J. DasherHenry E. Meadows

Rosalind DuongDr. Burn-Jeng lin

Frederick J. EllertClara K. Ellert

Laurence Hugh FerryEric Jensen

Dr. Rui J. P. de FigueiredoPatricia A. Coffeyfrancis and Marie Henriette

ColacoAlcina and James P. G.

Dalton, Jr. fundJohn and Bronwyn

de figueiredoVictoria EcksteinJohn GutmanMarsh B. KingDr. and Mrs. Angelo Mielerobert Murphy

Jay Giri IEEE fellow

Jay Giri joined IEEE in 1975 at the suggestion of a college professor. He discovered membership to be a very valuable learning experience and has enjoyed networking, meeting colleagues, learning from others, student interactions, and having an extended professional family regardless of where he was working. Jay reminisces about attending the IEEE meetings as a wide-eyed graduate student, meeting and learning firsthand from the pioneers of the power engineering industry, whose textbooks and papers he was studying at school.

In 2002, he was elected IEEE fellow, “for contributions to the design and implementation of power system control centers”. He has been involved in IEEE PEs sub-committees, working groups, task forces, tutorials, and paper and panel sessions, and is a member of the IEEE Power & Energy society (PEs) Governing Board.

Considering Jay’s background, he was inspired to make his a first gift to the IEEE foundation for the the IEEE PES Prabha S. Kundur Power System Dynamics and Control Award Fund. Established in 2012, this award recognizes outstanding contributions to the understanding and control of the dynamics of the power system. “I have known Prabha Kundar through IEEE PEs since the late 1970s. He was very inspirational as an industry utility engineer who was technically competent, always looking for practical solutions, and one who could confidently challenge academics and other researchers,” said Jay. He commends the IEEE foundation for “enabling IEEE units and pioneers in our field, and for continuing to support the growth in student scholarship programs.”

Jay is the Director of Power systems Technology and strategic Initiatives at Alstom Grid’s network Management solutions in redmond, WA, UsA. He has a B.Tech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Madras, India and a PhD from Clarkson University in Potsdam, nY, UsA.

Recognizing Pioneers in Our Field

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2013 Honor roll of Donors | 43

Eugenia “Peggy” Smith Green

Dr. and Mrs. David A. Conner

Walter H. HallVirginia Hall

Francis B. HugleBrewer science, Inc.Betsy CovellMihaela DinuJoe fjelstadsheila Grossmanlinda HugleMou-shiung linJacob loomisPam lucasnita PatelQualcomm IncorporatedMarlene sarnatTicer Technologies

Robert Jeffersroger H. Tancrell

Frank MehallJanet Mehall

Arthur S. Metcalfe, Lt. Col. Retired

Katherine J. Pearsall

George Franklin McClureUsATerrebonne Parish (lsT

1156) Association

J. Barry Oakeslyn oaken farms

Krishna M. Pasala, Ph.D.robert P. Penno

Donald M. Pattersonstephen fukuchiJohn P. Goldsboroughrosalie T. Johnsonsandra l. PaigeBetty QuickendenThomas C. Yamashiro

Donald V. RiderJ. Claude Williamson

James A. RooksJohn M. BriggsDavid &

Terry Durocher Peter famighettirory r. JohnsonHenry B. MartinDaleep C. Mohlasteve Pittmanrebecca rooksAlex & Daisy Wu

Dale SamuelsonAnn E. samuelsonralph D. samuelson

Daniel J. SeneseAnthony Durniakfern E. KatronetskyPeter A and

Gretchen lewis

William A. SimsJohn P. Cochran

Tak SugiyamaEiichi ohno

Jim ThomasAnonymous (1)Maureen HamiltonMichelle Thomas

Dr. James Wilsonlars Bauer & Barb ortizErICo Development

and Engineering Departments

Tom & Carol Gedeon & family

Vivian Harysean McEwanJoseph shraibman

Jay Greenberg IEEE Member

Volunteering for the betterment of the community has always been a high priority to Mr. Jay Greenberg, who serves as a volunteer to IEEE-UsA Energy Policy, Government fellows and research & Development Committees in Washington, D.C, UsA. An IEEE member since 2003, Jay supports IEEE-UsA because of its positive effect on engineering careers in the UsA—advising decision-makers with recommendations based on the proceedings of the aforementioned committees.

Through the efforts of IEEE-UsA volunteers, it is possible to correct imbalances in engineering work-force demand, reform immigration policy, ensure tax incentives for continuing education, protect inventors’ rights, provide incentives for innovation, and combat employment discrimination.

The valuable volunteer time Jay contributes to IEEE-UsA is matched by his employer, Boeing, through its Gift

Match program. The program donates up to $6,000 credit in an Employee Gift Match Bank each year per employee, contributing to non-profit organizations throughvolunteering, monetary contributions, or charity events.

raking up 775 volunteer hours since 2010, Jay’s com-mitment to the IEEE-UsA is truly unique. Chris Brantley, Managing Director of IEEE-UsA, says, “Jay is one of our most dedicated volunteers at IEEE-UsA. The money he has raised for the IEEE-UsA fund of the IEEE foundation is a direct reflection of his commitment both of time and resources available to him through The Boeing Company.”

Jay believes that the Gift Match program goes beyond the surface-level donation of hours or dollars: “Boeing employees are driving positive change in communities worldwide and open themselves to new opportunities to develop their professional skills and demonstrate their leadership capabilities.”

Thanks to Jay’s work with IEEE-UsA, as well as the Boeing Gift Match program, more engineering professionals will have the support they need to help the engineering profession prosper.

Exemplifying that Time is Money

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Matching Gifts

The following donors increased the impact of their gifts by taking advantage of their employers’ matching gift programs. Included are donors whose gift was matched during 2013, along with their respective companies, which gave in excess of $50,000. The IEEE foundation thanks you for maximizing your generosity and thanks the companies that have made philanthropic support an important part of their cultures through matching gift programs. To find out if your company matches gifts to the IEEE foundation, visit ieeefoundation.org.

Applelee M. schaff

The Boeing CompanyGilbert I. CeriseJay H. GreenbergJohn T. neustadtersandra K. Varga

Cheveron HumankindJohn M. oldDonald f. rhodes

General Electric Companylowell W. BauerBruce E. Belnapfrederick G. BeyerleinMalcolm l. Bienvenurobert G. BlickThomas W. BrownTheodore Cale, Jr.Elihu Cohenfred A. Duran, Jr.richard D. faytingerThomas f. Garrityfinis E. Gentry

Brian E. B. Gottrichard W. Granville, Jr.James E. HarrisTimothy l. JohnsonEdwin E. KolatorowiczJerome I. KurshanBernard J. lechnerAlbert C. leeGordon A. leiterrobert l. lindenlawrence C. lynnworthrobert M. McCoyJohn D. McDonaldAllan K. McGeerobert l. nevinEdwin f. Prachlouis J. ragoneseJulius reinerJack E. seitnerroger D. smithHarry P. solomonHerbert l. Thal, Jr.roger W. ThompsonDavid f. Whalen

Goodrich Corporationfrank scinicariello

GoogleMark Costin, Ph.D.

IBM Corporationstanley r. DicksteinAncile E. MaldenTheodore J. smithPhillip D. summers

Intel CorporationAnonymous (1)

Microsoft CorporationAlejandro Acero, Ph.D.Henrique s. Malvar, Ph.D.Alon n. newtonDebabrata sarma

PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.Murty P. Bhavaraju

PSE&GMurty P. BhavarajuWilliam A. Vaughan, PE

Qualcomm Incorporatedroberto Padovani

Schneider ElectricJack G. Witzel

UBSfred KubliCharles W. rosenthal

Varian Medical SystemsJoseph Co

Verizon Communications, Inc.Arthur l. Cader

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2013 Honor roll of Donors | 45

2013 IEEE BOARD OF DIRECTORSPeter W. staecker, IEEE President

roberto de Marca, IEEE President-Elect

Gordon W. Day, IEEE Past President

robert E. Hebner, IEEE Vice President, Technical Activities

Gianluca setti, Vice President, Publication Services and Products

ralph M. ford, Vice President - Member and Geographic Activities

Michael r. lightner, Vice President, Educational Activities

Karen Bartleson, President, Standards Association

Marc T. Apter, IEEE-USA President

Marko Delimar, Secretary

John T. Barr, Treasurer

Cor l. Claeys, Division I Director

Jerry l. Hudgins, Division II Director

Douglas n. Zuckerman, Division III Director

Jozef Modelski, Division IV Director

James W. Moore, Division V Director

Bogdan M. Wilamowski, Division VI Director

Cheryl (Cheri) A. Warren, Division VII Director

roger U. fujii, Division VIII Director

Jose M. Moura, Division IX Director

stephen Yurkovich, Division X Director

Peter A. Eckstein, Region 1 Director

Parviz famouri, Region 2 Director

David G. Green, Region 3 Director

Karen s. Pedersen, Region 4 Director

James A. Jefferies, Region 5 Director

Michael r. Andrews, Region 6 Director

Keith B. Brown, Region 7 Director

Martin J. Bastiaans, Region 8 Director

Gustavo A. Giannattasio, Region 9 Director

Toshio fukuda, Region 10 Director

Directors EmeritusEric HerzTheodore W. Hissey

2013 IEEE FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORSleah H. Jamieson, President

lyle D. feisel, Vice President, Development & 1st Vice President

John W. Meredith, Vice President, Grants

Adrian V. Pais, Secretary

Paul Y. s. Cheung, Treasurer

Directors-at-LargeEleanor BaumKristi J. BrooksDavid G. GreenJohn ImpagliazzoVictor B. lawrenceJoseph V. lilliePedro A. ray

Members, Ex-Officio

louis A. luceri, Chair, IEEE Life Members Committee

lewis M. Terman, Chair, IEEE Awards Board

David Whyte, President, IEEE Canadian Foundation

Michael lightner, Trustee, IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu

Presidents EmeritusHenry l. Bachmanrichard J. GowenEmerson W. Pugh

Directors EmeritusWallace B. Behnke, Jr.David A. ConnerJerrier A. HaddadEric HerzTheodore W. Hissey, Jr.Peter A lewis

HonoR Roll oF DonoRs PROFESSIONAL STAFFMatt loebIEEE Staff Executive & IEEE Foundation Executive [email protected] +1 732 562 5320

Karen Kaufman Editor & Communication Manager [email protected] +1 732 981 3436

richard Allen Stewardship Administrator [email protected] +1 732 465 5871

Michael DeeringDirector of Development [email protected] +1 732 562 3915

Karen GaluchieDirector, IEEE Foundation [email protected] +1 732 562 3860

Elianna GoldmanSenior Administrator, Annual Giving & Data Integrity [email protected] +1 732 562 5550

Glenys H. Gotthardt Board Support & Grants Program [email protected] +1 732 981 3435

Angelique rajski Parashis Capital Campaign Manager [email protected] +1 732 981 2866

IEEE Development office 445 Hoes lane Piscataway, nJ 08854-4141 UsA

Page 48: 2013 IEEE Honor Roll of Donors

IEEE and the IEEE Foundation are tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations. Charitable contributions to IEEE and IEEE Foundation are tax deduct-ible to the fullest extent allowed by law in the United States. For other countries, please check with your local tax advisor.

The IEEE Development Office is available to assist you in creating a gift plan and payment schedule to suit your needs.

IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment and bullying. For more information visit ieee.org/nondiscrimination.



[email protected]
