200710 american renaissance

8/7/2019 200710 American Renaissance http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/200710-american-renaissance 1/16 American Renaissance - 1 - October 2007 Continued on page 3 There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world. — Thomas Jefferson Vol. 18 No. 10 October 2007 The ‘De la Rey’ Song American Renaissance Is it a sign of Afrikaner re- sistance? by Dan Roodt O ver the past nine months, a seemingly innocuous song about a Boer War general named Koos de la Rey went from the esoteric fringes of Afrikaans rock music to be- ing cited on the front page of the New York Times , the Lon- don Guardian , Le Monde in Paris, and by every newspa- per, radio and TV station in South Africa. On July 21, the Financial Times of London devoted 3,300 words to the song. Why so much attention? In South Africa, some Afri- kaners have treated “De la Rey” almost like a new na- tional anthem, with people standing at attention at con- certs where it is sung, and waving old Boer republican flags. In bars, school halls, wherever it is played, Afri- kaners of all ages and persua- sions assemble, some sway- ing to the music, others standing at at- tention, with everyone deeply moved, even to the point of tears. In the summer heat of last December, a group of young people parked their cars in a kind of wagon circle or laager on the beach, pushed the buttons on their CD players at the same moment, and blasted an en- tire seaside town with “De la Rey.” There are even reports of American troops in Iraq taking to “De la Rey.” Some 8,000 Afrikaner soldiers and se- curity men, unable to find work in South Africa because of race preferences, work for the US Army in Iraq. As the song spread among Afrikaners overseas, it was only natural that it penetrate the barracks and fortifications in Iraq. When the local mass circulation magazine, Die Huisgenoot , did a front- page article on Bok van Blerk, the boy- ish singer of “De la Rey,” the magazine asked the black Minister of Culture, Pallo Jordan, what he thought of the song. Mr. Jordan warned against “the hijacking of the popular song by a mi- nority of right-wingers who do not sim- ply see De la Rey as a war hero, but who want to mislead parts of Afrikaans soci- ety with the idea that it is a struggle song, a call to arms.” Suddenly the song was banned at the rugby stadium known as Loftus Versfeld in Pretoria, home of the famous Blue Bulls. A few days later, the rugby union “unbanned” the song, but some radio sta- tions—notably the one on the campus of Pretoria Univer- sity—refused to play it. Of course, fueled by the contro- versy, sales soared and Bok van Blerk earned at least 2 million rand (about $300,000) in royalties in nine months, in addition to appearance fees at a host of venues around the country and before expatriate Afrikaners in Britain, Austra- lia and Canada. Who was Koos de la Rey, and why is a song about him causing so much controversy? Is our esteemed Minister of Culture right about a “call to arms?” Here is an English translation of the Afrikaans lyrics: On a mountain in the night I lie in the dark and wait In the mud and the blood As cold rain soaks me. And my house and my farm were burnt to ashes So they could capture us, But those flames and that fire now burn Deep within me. De La Rey, De La Rey come lead the Boer commandos. Afrikaners have treated “De la Rey” almost like a new national anthem.

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Continued on page 3

There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world.— Thomas Jefferson

Vol. 18 No. 10 October 2007

The ‘De la Rey’ Song

American Renaissance

Is it a sign of Afrikaner re-sistance?

by Dan Roodt

O ver the past ninemonths, a seeminglyinnocuous song

about a Boer War generalnamed Koos de la Rey wentfrom the esoteric fringes of Afrikaans rock music to be-ing cited on the front page of the New York Times , the Lon-don Guardian , Le Monde inParis, and by every newspa-

per, radio and TV station inSouth Africa. On July 21, the

Financial Times of Londondevoted 3,300 words to thesong.

Why so much attention? In

South Africa, some Afri-kaners have treated “De laRey” almost like a new na-tional anthem, with peoplestanding at attention at con-certs where it is sung, andwaving old Boer republicanflags. In bars, school halls,wherever it is played, Afri-kaners of all ages and persua-sions assemble, some sway-ing to the music, others standing at at-tention, with everyone deeply moved,even to the point of tears. In the summer

heat of last December, a group of young people parked their cars in a kind of wagon circle or laager on the beach,

pushed the buttons on their CD playersat the same moment, and blasted an en-tire seaside town with “De la Rey.”

There are even reports of Americantroops in Iraq taking to “De la Rey.”Some 8,000 Afrikaner soldiers and se-curity men, unable to find work in SouthAfrica because of race preferences, work for the US Army in Iraq. As the song

spread among Afrikaners overseas, itwas only natural that it penetrate the

barracks and fortifications in Iraq.

When the local mass circulationmagazine, Die Huisgenoot , did a front-

page article on Bok van Blerk, the boy-ish singer of “De la Rey,” the magazine

asked the black Minister of Culture,Pallo Jordan, what he thought of thesong. Mr. Jordan warned against “thehijacking of the popular song by a mi-

nority of right-wingers who do not sim- ply see De la Rey as a war hero, but whowant to mislead parts of Afrikaans soci-

ety with the idea that it is astruggle song, a call to arms.”

Suddenly the song was banned at the rugby stadiumknown as Loftus Versfeld inPretoria, home of the famousBlue Bulls. A few days later,the rugby union “unbanned”the song, but some radio sta-tions—notably the one on thecampus of Pretoria Univer-sity—refused to play it. Of course, fueled by the contro-versy, sales soared and Bok van Blerk earned at least 2million rand (about $300,000)in royalties in nine months, inaddition to appearance fees ata host of venues around thecountry and before expatriateAfrikaners in Britain, Austra-lia and Canada.

Who was Koos de la Rey,and why is a song about himcausing so much controversy?Is our esteemed Minister of Culture right about a “call toarms?” Here is an Englishtranslation of the Afrikaanslyrics:

On a mountain in the nightI lie in the dark and waitIn the mud and the blood

As cold rain soaks me.And my house and my farm were

burnt to ashesSo they could capture us,But those flames and that fire now

burnDeep within me.

De La Rey, De La Rey come lead the

Boer commandos.

Afrikaners have treated“De la Rey” almost like a

new national anthem.

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American Renaissance - 2 - October 2007

Letters from ReadersSir — I take exception to only two

sentences from Thomas Jackson’s Sep-tember review of Walter Laqueur’s The

Last Days of Europe . To wit: “A smallnumber of Third Worlders [in Europe]identify completely with the West. Byall means let them stay [in Europe], butthe rest should be encouraged to leave.”

Why should any non-whites be al-lowed to stay in Europe, whether theyidentify with the West or not? How isthat in the interests of Europeans? Andwhat are they identifying with? The in-terests of Europeans are, above all, intheir continued possession of their na-tive countries, whereas the presence of non-whites harms these interests. Genu-

ine identification with the interests of Europeans would require non-whites toleave Europe voluntarily and return it toits rightful owners.

Since when has “identification withthe West” been grounds to admit non-whites into our gene pool? I suppose theSidney Poitier character in Guess Who’sComing to Dinner “identified with theWest”—at least he behaved as if he did.Does that mean Spencer Tracy andKatherine Hepburn were right to accepthim as the husband of their daughter andfather of their grandchildren-to-be? Al-lowing non-whites to stay in Europemeans accepting them into the Europeangene pool.

Non-whites now average around 10 percent of the population in most of Western Europe, and their proportion of

births is around double this. If “identifi-cation with the West” became the stan-dard for allowing them to stay, the greatmajority would claim such identifica-tion, and most would sincerely believethey were telling the truth.

And good luck with “encouraging”any of them to leave voluntarily. Theencouragement would have to be enoughto set them up as veritable potentates for life before any measurable fraction

would find it sufficient, and even thenthe number leaving would be much lessthan the natural increase.

Richard McCulloch

Sir — Your September article “Equal-ity Essentials and Jane Elliott” remindedme of an incident 30 years ago, when Iworked for a company in Manhattan. Ina different office worked a black manwith whom I had no professional or so-cial contact. Inexplicably, one day hecame to my desk, sat down, stared for aminute or two, and said: “Ann, when Idie and am reborn, I don’t want to berich or famous or both. I want to be bornwhite.” Realizing that this statementfrom a virtual stranger deserved a reply,I answered: “You are still a young man(he was about 35) so you have a longway to go, but if you get your wish, youmay bitterly regret it. By then your

people will have huge advantages andmy people will be pushed around.” I sawthe beginnings of it 30 years ago.

Three weeks later that man died byfalling from a window during a wild

party somewhere in New York City.A. McAuley, Ridgefield, Conn.

Sir — France has been a disappoint-ing “ally” in our fight with terrorism, andnow you report without comment in your August issue that French law requires “a

balance of male and female candidates”in the National Assembly! No wonder they have problems with socialism andeverything else! I think of French women

as feminine, so was surprised at this an-drogynous lapse into Marxist craziness.And then Frederic Legrand tells us that“conservative” hero, Jean-Marie Le Pen,has forced his daughter onto the coun-try as the new, presumably “conserva-tive” leader! This is conservatism?

W. Edward Chynoweth, Sanger, Cal.

Sir — No doubt the film “300” (re-viewed in the July issue) is technicallywell made and conveys a strong racialmessage. However, I have misgivingsabout this film. Having already gottenus into a costly and frustrating war inIraq, US leaders are giving signals thatthey intend to attack Iran. What better way to prepare the American public thanto release a major film glorifying pastwars with Persia?

There is a group of policy advisers,

known as the neo-conservatives, whourged President Bush to attack Iraq andwho are now agitating for action againstIran. Their influence extends to the me-dia and, quite possibly, to Hollywood.My conspiratorial suspicions are that themakers of this film may have been will-ing to serve the neo-con political agenda.

William McGaughey, Minneapolis,Minn.

Sir — Both the cover story and the book review in the September issue

make the same point: Mainstream au-thors (Robert Putnam and Walter Lac-quer) recognize the terrible costs of di-versity but claim it is ultimately a goodthing anyway. It is impossible not towonder what these men really think.How can they report the data they do andnot realize that diversity has been a ca-lamity for white people?

I try to avoid attributing devious mo-tives to others. It is hard enough fully toknow our own motives, much less thoseof strangers. And yet, when intelligent

people take positions so contrary to factsthey admit to be true, there is a strongtemptation to assume they understandthe implications of those facts and arelying when they claim otherwise.

Or is it that the thought of becominga complete dissident and subversive isso terrifying that they genuinely lose theability to think? Perhaps to say outrightthat America is committing suicidewould require too grievous a renuncia-tion of respectability.

Sarah Wentworth, Richmond, Va.

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American Renaissance - 3 - October 2007

American Renaissance is published monthly by the

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Subscriptions to American Renaissance are $28.00 per year. First-class postage isan additional $8.00. Subscriptions to Canada (first class) are $40.00. Subscriptionsoutside Canada and the U.S. (air mail) are $40.00. Back issues are $3.00 each. Foreignsubscribers should send U.S. dollars or equivalent in convertible bank notes.

Please make checks payable to: American Renaissance, P.O. Box 527, Oakton, VA22124. ISSN No. 1086-9905, Telephone: (703) 716-0900, Facsimile: (703) 716-0932,Web Page Address: www.AmRen.com

Continued from page 1

American Renaissance

Jared Taylor, Editor Stephen Webster, Assistant Editor Ronald N. Neff, Web Site Editor

Boers,De La Rey, De La ReyGeneral, General, to the last man we

shall fall for you.General De La Rey.

Against the British laughing,A handful of us against an army of

themWith the cliffs of the mountains

against our backsThey think it is over.

But the heart of a Boer is deeper andwider,

They will still realize.On a horse he is coming,

The Lion of the Western Transvaal.

De La Rey, De La Rey come lead theBoers

De La Rey, De La ReyGeneral, General to the last man we

shall fall for you.General De La Rey.

Because my wife and my childAre rotting in their camps,The British running over us,But our nation shall rise once more.

De La Rey, De La Rey come lead theBoers, etc.

(A music video of the song, with En-glish subtitles can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAhHW


Koos de la Rey did not want to fightthe British, and argued for compromise.When war with the British Empireseemed inevitable in 1899, De la Rey is

said to have told the Boer national as-sembly, the Volksraad : “You will getyour war and I will have to help you fightit. However, long after you have all sur-

rendered, I will still be in the field.”These words were prophetic, as Dela Rey became one of the bittereindersor bitter-enders. During the war, he pio-

neered guerilla tactics, as well as the useof trenches at the famous battle of Magersfontein on December 11, 1899where he humiliated the Scottish High-landers led by Major General Wauchope.Wauchope himself was killed in the ninehours of intense fighting, after which thedecimated British beat a disorderly re-treat.

Apart from his courage and militaryintuition, De la Rey was also the perfectgentleman who refrained from unneces-sary killing. On one occasion he releasedhundreds of captured and wounded en-emy soldiers because he thought thatthey would be better treated in superior British field hospitals. During the gue-

rilla phase of the war, he evaded cap-ture time and again, some say due to the presence in his ranks of an eccentric prophet, Siener or “Seer” van Rensburg,who was widely believed to be able totell the future.

In 1914, De la Rey was involved inthe so-called “rebellion” against SouthAfrican involvement in the First WorldWar. While on his way to a politicalmeeting on September 15, 1914, he diedin a hail of police bullets at a night-timeroadblock. The police apparently mis-took his car for that of the notorious

Foster criminal gang that was active atthe time.Despite his courage and Hollywood-

script life, many people believe the com-

poser of “De la Rey,” a half-Irish half-Afrikaans youngster called Sean Else,chose him from among many Boer War generals because his name rhymed withthe word lei , to lead, which is in the re-frain that has now been echoing all over South Africa for almost a year:

De la Rey, de la Rey,

Bok van Blerk.

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American Renaissance - 4 - October 2007

Sal jy die Boere kom lei?

De La Rey, De La Reycome lead the Boers

Clearly, the popularity of “De la Rey”has rattled many South African blackswho still fear the Afrikaner capacity for

resistance despite being hugely outnum- bered and dominated under the currentsystem. During a panel discussion on thesong in May organised by the left-lib-eral weekly Mail & Guardian , black columnist John Matshikiza claimed thatthe Afrikaans word for British soldiersused in the song, “kakies” (referring totheir khaki-coloured uniforms) was seen

by white Afrikaners as “darkies” or “kaffirs,” the derogatory word for blacksin South Africa. According to him, “Dela Rey” could be interpreted as incitingAfrikaners to rise up against their black

rulers.Most Afrikaner commentators havedownplayed any political significance tothe song, emphasizing that it was sim-

ply a folk song dealing with the ancienthistory of conflict between Boer andBriton. In reaction to black suspicionsof an Afrikaner uprising against racialdomination, they portray Koos de la Reyas “a man of peace” because he opposedwar with Britain. A columnist in theJohannesburg Beeld , Ferdi Greyling,went so far as to compare De la Rey to

Robert E. Lee, who opposed secession but fought valiantly for the South. Un-like Robert E. Lee, who was turned back at Gettysburg and forced to surrender atAppomattox Court House, De la Reynever suffered defeat.

So what does the reaction to “De laRey” mean? Above all, it points to atrend in Afrikaner youth culture whichis deviating from Western youth culture

that anomically celebrates consumerismand multicultural ideals. Contrast BobGeldof’s crusade for Africa’s poor withsinger Bok van Blerk’s vibrant call tonationalism. There is a host of other pro-test songs about anti-white discrimina-tion and violence against whites. A goodexample is the album Genoeg (Enough)

by Hoezit Music. Sub-titled “the voiceof young South Africa,” the CD containsno fewer than 19 Afrikaans protest songs

in a variety of rock styles, many of whichare far more radical and politicized thanthe De la Rey song.

At one level, the romantic, beardedfigure of General Koos de la Rey repre-sents an unlikely youth icon. But so were

Mao or Ché Guevara in the 1960s. Our Afrikaner youth are not like the spoiled

brats of Western consumer society who benefited from the post-war economic boom, and developed a penchant for radical chic that idealised Third-Worldrebellion. Young Afrikaners are express-ing their anger and alienation in the face

of systematic anti-white discriminationthe like of which the world has never seen.

South Africa’s system of radical race preferences—known as “transforma-tion”—all but prohibits large companieslike banks, mines or telecoms from hir-ing whites. Although experienced whitemanagers or technicians sometimes find

jobs simply because there are no trained blacks, young, inexperienced whites aretold not to bother to apply. Despite their intelligence and high levels of education,they can work only in family businesses

or small firms. Add to that the racialquotas imposed on universities, whereonly the most brilliant, straight-A whitestudents can study medicine, law or ac-counting, and one understands the im-mense sense of frustration among youngwhites who feel that they have becomethird-class citizens.

As we know, South Africa is not at peace. There is enormous racial violenceon the streets every day, masqueradingas “crime.” First we had “farm attacks”in which marauding black gangs torturedand killed defenseless whites, usually

women and children or elderly men. Now the Institute for Security Studies,an academic think tank in Pretoria, hascoined the phrase “house attacks” for similar black-on-white violence in thesuburbs.

The outside world has focused on the problems in Zimbabwe under its notori-ous dictator Robert Mugabe, but mostAmericans and Europeans are unawareof deteriorating race relations in SouthAfrica. Even the liberal editor of theAfrikaans Sunday paper Rapport hasstarted to compare our president, ThaboMbeki, to his Zimbabwean counterpart.Tim du Plessis recently wrote in hisweekly column: “Nothing carries moreweight with Mbeki than race. Just likeMugabe.”

Within this context of rising racialtension, it is perhaps not surprising thata song like “De la Rey” should have

become heavily politicized. In my view,its popularity is due to an underlyingmood of disaffection and even rebellionamong white Afrikaners that just needed

De la Ray after the war.

They are not singing ‘De la Ray.’

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American Renaissance - 5 - October 2007

a trigger to come out into the open. Bok van Blerk’s song provided that trigger.Afrikaners instinctively recognize in ita resurgence of the age-old Afrikaner spirit that has sustained us since the pio-neering days of the Great Trek in the1830s.

Most Afrikaner intellectuals now rec-

ognize that the imposition of black ma- jority rule in 1994 has been a completedisaster, and that we are not going toregain racial equality or any significantform of freedom without a major libera-tion struggle that might even include aguerilla war against the ruling African

National Congress (ANC). The De laRey song has lifted spirits in theAfrikaner movement. The rebelliousmood among our young people, who are

reaffirming their identity in the face of official attempts to eradicate our lan-guage and culture, is seen as a godsend.

Since the 1970s, Afrikaner national-ism had been in decline, and the surren-der of F.W. de Klerk to the ANC in 1994must be seen as its nadir. Britain, withthe backing of the United States, reas-serted control over South Africa and dic-tated to us that we should accept perma-nent racial and cultural domination byone of the most radical Afrocentric or-ganizations the world had ever seen.

After 1994, English also became thede facto official language of South Af-rica, with the express aim of margin-alizing Afrikaans. At the same time, thenotion of white guilt that has becomealmost the norm in the English-speak-ing world was inculcated through themass media, the churches, universitiesand schools. Not so long ago, our lan-guage and culture, as well as the idealof an independent, white nation on Afri-can soil for which we fought for morethan two centuries, were declared dead.

The slogan of the ANC andits mindless black voters re-sponding to black racial na-tionalism is something like thatof the Borg in the Star Trek movies: “We are the Borg.Resistance is futile. We will as-similate you.” Just the other

day, a leading black commen-tator, Rich Mkhondo, wrote inthe Johannesburg Star that the

pace of integration was tooslow, and that there were toofew mixed marriages between

blacks and whites. Afrikaners are sup- posed to be raciallyand culturally assimi-lated into the Borg-like New South Af-rica founded in 1994.

The De la Reysong, as well as the

boom in Afrikaans protest music aresigns of a resurgentAfrikaner national-ism that asserts a spe-cific white Afrikaner identity. This is, of course, exactly theopposite of the

“grand plan” for South

Africa, hatched in the liberal West andcurrently applied by Thabo Mbeki,which requires our Borg-like assimila-tion to the African masses.

The De la Rey song marks a radicalchange in Afrikaner nationalism, which

has become almost mainstream. Afri-kaans newspapers now openly criticizethe ANC’s racial policies, somethingthey were loathe to do only a year ago.Accordingly, the fairy tale of racial rec-onciliation that the global media servedup in 1994 when Bill and HillaryClinton, together with other heads of state, flew to Pretoria to celebrate the“South African miracle” is turning sour.

Freedom fighters.

Lizzie van Zyl died in a British concentra-tion camp.

Voortrekker monument in Pretoria celebrates South Africa’s pioneers. Completed in 1949.

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American Renaissance - 6 - October 2007

We face the same intractable problemsof racial coexistence as before.

The multicultural model with its black racial domination through numbers is notworking. Despite its anomalies and de-ficiencies, apartheid was an exemplar of fairness and justice compared to theANC’s “transformation,” which com-

bines the worst of both right-wing andleft-wing 20th century totalitarianism toachieve a kind of racial communism inwhich everyone will be equal and whiteswill have disappeared. We shall either

be driven out as in Zimbabwe or killedin an orgy of violence as happened tothe Tutsis in Rwanda. Certainly the de-gree of violence—attacks and massacresof entire white families—is alreadyalarming.

Within the next few years, the age-old ethnic strains and divisions com-

bined with the current anarchic violencemay well result in full-blown civil war.We face an uncertain and increasinglyviolent future. Small wonder, then, thata clean-shaven young man called Bok

van Blerk singing a nostalgic, patrioticsong about a time when our people re-sisted the might of the British Empireagainst all odds should be dominatingthe airwaves.

Dan Roodt is a well-known novelist and Afrikaner commentator who has

played a leading role in what has be-come known over the past four years asthe “Third Afrikaans Language Strug-

gle.” He lives in Johannesburg.

How to Rear ChildrenKay Hymowitz, Marriage and Caste in America: Separate and Unequal Families in a Post-Marital Age ,

Ivan R. Dee, 2006, 179 pp., $22.50.

Some Americans—guesswho?—still marry.

reviewed by Thomas Jackson

E very society in human history hashad a ceremony to mark the unionof a man and woman and recog-

nize their children. Marriage, which KayHymowitz of the Manhattan Institutecalls “the core cultural insti-tution,” is universal—at leastit was until the late 1960s,when it became fashionablein the West to view it as justanother “lifestyle.”

This excellent little book explains why marriage is im-

portant, and describes whatwe get when some mothersthink they can do without it:“A self-perpetuating single-mother proletariat on the onehand, and a self-perpetuat-ing, comfortable middleclass on the other.” Nor doesMrs. Hymowitz ignore race.She recognizes that the“single-mother proletariat” ismostly back and increasinglyHispanic, and even has a goat trying to explain why.

“Separate and UnequalFamilies”

Mrs. Hymowitz starts with a historylesson on marriage. She points out thatup until the 1960s, it was essentiallyunheard of for Americans to have chil-dren without ever bothering to marry.

There have always been class and racedifferences in this respect, but evenamong high school dropouts, barely one

percent of American women had chil-dren without a husband. Divorce wasrare: Ninety-five percent of marriageswere permanent.

The big change came with the sexualrevolution of the 1960s. Feminists saidmarriage was sexist, hippies said it wasunnecessary, and even the middle class

decided it could be casually junked if Mom and Dad stopped getting along.Marriage became purely a matter of adult romance, and certainly not some-thing to be held together for the sake of children. Broken homes and single

mothers were “alternative families,” justas good as the real thing. Sex became

pure recreation, with procreation as anafterthought.

All social classes, therefore, em- barked together on what Mrs. Hymowitzcalls “unmarriage,” but rich and poor soon parted ways. By the 1980s, the di-vorce rate among college-educatedwomen stopped rising, and it started todecline in the 1990s. Among the poor,

the divorce rate stopped climb-ing in the 1990s, but only be-cause poor people were notmarrying, so there were fewer marriages that could fall apart.As illegitimacy rates climbed to70 percent for blacks and 45

percent for Hispanics, they peaked at just four percent for college-educated women andthen headed down.

Mrs. Hymowitz’s point isthat although close to 35 per-cent of American children areillegitimate and 40 to 50 per-cent of marriages are likely tofail, the norm for middle-classwhite women is once again chil-dren within marriage and “’til

death do us part.” Hollywoodstars and sports celebrities stillshuck spouses, and the mediastill treat this as liberated dar-ing, but suburban couples who

want their children to get into goodschools stay together. Mrs. Hymowitzsays informal polls show that about 90

percent of students in elite universitiescome from intact households.

The damage done by single mother-hood and divorce are now well known.

Off to a good start.


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American Renaissance - 7 - October 2007

Thirty-six percent of female-headedfamilies are poor, while only six percentof married-couple families are poor.Divorce clearly hurts children: Thosefrom broken homes are significantlymore likely to drop out of school, get

pregnant, or go to jail. In this respect,remarriage or long-term cohabitation are

not substitutes for the real thing: “Associety’s bulwark social institution, tra-ditional marriage—that is, childbearingwithin marriage—orders social life inways that we only dimly understand,”writes Mrs. Hymowitz.

College educated women understandthis instinctively. They know that a per-manent father is the best guarantee thatchildren will stay in school, go to col-lege, keep out of jail, and climb into thesecurity of the middle class. It’s a bonusif marriage is a life-long love affair, butit has a more important role: “In middle-

class families the child’s development— emotional, social, and (these days aboveall) cognitive—takes center stage. It isthe family’s raison d’être , its state reli-gion.” Mrs. Hymowitz continues: “The

bourgeois nuclear family is by its verydefinition a factory for producing com-

petent, self-reliant, and (at its most suc-cessful) upwardly mobile children.”Marriage may not guarantee successfulchildren, but for the middle class, it isan absolute precondition for havingthem.

Mrs. Hymowitz writes that the men-

tality that leads to marriage means awoman must follow a particular “lifescript,” and that this mentality is whatmakes the middle class different fromthe underclass:

“A marriage orientation . . . requiresa young woman to consider the ques-tion of what man will become her hus-

band and the father of her children asa major, if not the major, decision of her life. In other words, a marriageorientation demands that a womankeep her eye on the future, that she gothrough life with deliberation, and thatshe use self-discipline—especiallywhen it comes to sex: bourgeoiswomen still consider premature preg-nancy a disaster. In short, a marriageorientation—not just marriage itself— is part and parcel of her bourgeoisambition.”

The Underclass

It is one of Mrs. Hymowitz’s keyinsights that underclass women are notsimply middle-class women who happento be poor or happen not to know howto use contraceptives. They have a dif-ferent “life script” or, perhaps more ac-curately, they do not have one at all.Policy makers keep making the mistakeof assuming underclass women have allthe same motives and aspirations of themiddle class but just don’t have themeans. They think that a little more

money and a course in“life skills” will endreckless procreationand put poor women onthe road to the suburbs.Mrs. Hymowitz bravelyexplains that this isn’tso, and that for many

blacks it is emphaticallynot so.

It has been taboo todiscuss the mating hab-its of blacks ever sinceDaniel Patrick Moy-nihan pointed out that a

black illegitimacy rateof (just) 25 percent por-tended disaster. Whenhe wrote in 1965 that “anational effort towardsthe problems of NegroAmericans must be di-rected towards the ques-tion of family struc-ture,” he was hooted

down for “blaming the victim.” Liber-

als insisted that the problem was “rac-ism,” not illegitimacy, and that it was“sexist” to think black women neededhusbands. The black “family” was touted

as a resilient, multi-generational network of extended kin that could give childrena better start than the isolated, white two-

parent family. Liberals were convincedthe government would abolish poverty,and that a new era of happy, well-ad-

justed “alternative families” was aroundthe corner. Of course, Moynihan wasright, and we are now stuck with an en-trenched black underclass and a grow-

ing Hispanic underclass.How did it happen? Mrs. Hymowitz

tries to answer that question by explain-ing how the underclass really thinks. Shesays that what most strikes whites is the

passivity of ghetto mothers. For them“sex simply happens. Then babies hap-

pen. In fact, life happens.” Mothers thenexpect babies that “happened” to growup more or less on their own, whilemiddle-class mothers “are strategizingtheir children’s growth the way the gen-erals planned D-day.”

Underclass mothers do not plan. Thefuture “happens” like everything else.And yet, as many have noted, 15-year-old black mothers talk casually about

becoming doctors or lawyers, as if thattoo will just “happen.” They have no ideaof the effort and dedication it takes toget into the middle class.

That marriage and a husband are animportant part of that process is beyondtheir grasp. In ghetto housing where noone even knows anyone who is married,fathers are “the extra parent,” occasion-

Now he needs two parents.

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ally useful as a source of cash. “Why doI need to worry about a father?” asks anewly pregnant 15-year-old. “My mother raised me and my sister just fine with-out one.” She adds: “All my friends have

babies. I was beginning to wonder whatwas wrong with me.”

Mrs. Hymowitz points out that for

underclass teen-agers, a baby is defi-nitely not an unwelcome interruptionto their studies. They want babies.They will probably not see any of theother rites of passage to adulthood— high school graduation, college, firstreal job, marriage, down payment ona house—so babies are the only thingthat distinguishes them from children.There is never a shortage of boys whowill knock them up. Mrs. Hymowitzwrites of underclass men who tattoothemselves with the names of their il-legitimate children the way pilots

painted kills on their fighters. She sayssome may deliberately puncturecondoms so they can add to the list.

Nine months later, neighborhoodwomen fawn over the new mother andher baby, who gets paraded around incute clothes. The parade lasts untilabout age two, when children beginto talk back and become trouble.Then, says Mrs. Hymowitz , motherslose interest and dress them like bums.

Many people have noted how differ-ent ghetto black mothers are frommiddle-class whites. In the suburbs,

mothers talk constantly to children, en-courage them to learn, praise their ac-complishments, shower them with affec-tion and attention. Underclass mothersnot only talk much less; their speech isharsh, and centered on the word “no.”

By the time black children are in kin-dergarten, they are “much less likely toshow persistence in school tasks, to payattention in class, or to seem eager tolearn new things” compared to whites.Hispanics are somewhere in between.Underclass mothers leave education en-tirely to the schools.

Sociologists have noticed that chil-dren do better if they have parents whotalk to them, read to them, and check their homework. Some liberals have

been so stupid as to set up programs to pay ghetto mothers to do these things inthe hope it will make a difference. AsMrs. Hymowitz points out, middle-class

parents are not following a “parentingskills” checklist. Their child-rearing mis-sion comes from the heart, and payingsomeone to go through the motions is

futile.Head Start was touted in its early

years as the way to close the black/whitegap, but Mrs. Hymowitz points out thateven the most intensive “early interven-tion” efforts like the Perry Preschool andthe Abecedarian Project got poor results.

She notes there is still Head Start hereand there, but says it is just a fancy pre-

school. No one thinks it is going tochange a child’s life.

Mrs. Hymowitz claims that some of the “accidental fathers” in the underclasshave a vague sense of responsibility totheir children. She says they realize itwas a disadvantage to grow up withouta father, and want to do better. To theextent this is true, these young men face

terrible obstacles. They have never known a man who was part of a long-term child-rearing team, and have noidea how to be fathers. At the same time,they may have children by severalwomen who, in turn, have children byseveral men. With the best will in theworld, this kind of tangle leads, in Mrs.

Hymowitz ’s words, to “confusion, jeal-ousy rage, abandonment, and violence.”

Underclass fathers reportedly paymore attention to sons than to daughters.Mrs. Hymowitz says this is because theonly people they could ever count onwere “homies.” Women are good for sex

but are not friends or allies. A daugh-

ter will just be another fickle female but a son might grow up to be a pal.


Mrs. Hymowitz writes that thecurrent generation of middle-classyoung people—the GenerationXers—are more conservative aboutmarriage than their baby-boomer

parents. She says many sufferedthrough their parents’ divorces, andhave vowed to spare their own chil-dren. According to pollsters, they are

considerably more likely than their parents to say that traditional fami-lies are best.

Mrs. Hymowitz says Gen X ismore conservative across the board:far more likely than the ’60s genera-tion to agree that making money isimportant; less inclined to drink, takedrugs, or have sex for sport. Theyare also finished with feminism.Many think Mom should stay home

with the kids. They saw their own moth-ers drag themselves off to work andcome home beat, counting the days un-

til the next vacation. They don’t believe bra-burner propaganda about how ca-reers liberate women. Gen X wives maywant their husbands to help around thehouse, but they want to be “nester-in-chief”—as Mrs. Hymowitz says “theylike being boss at home.” She says tak-ing the husband’s name is back in vogue,and cites the occasional female MBAwho ditched a high-powered career tostay home and breastfeed.

The new generation of the middle-class-to-be, argues Mrs. Hymowitz , hassuffered the consequences of treatingmarriage lightly and will not repeat their

parents’ folly. “The question that con-fronts us now,” she adds, “is whether the

poor and near-poor can do the same.”The short answer to that question is “no,”and the reason is that a whole class of Americans has drifted into a dysgenicdead end.

Genes or Harp Lessons?

As Mrs. Hymowitz herself recog-

The old view of divorce is returning.

Marriage may not guar-antee successful children,but for the middle class,

it is an absolute precondi-tion for having them.

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nizes, there is a real question here as towhat causes what. If, by some miracle,the same teenagers who are having chil-dren by accident were to wait five years,get married, and then have children, howmuch difference would it make? Mrs.Hymowitz toys with the idea that peoplewho cannot graduate from high school

or keep a job may simply be defective.Their children will be defective too, be-cause they inherit their parents’ defects,not because Daddy didn’t read themWinnie the Pooh . Mrs. Hymowitzquickly drops this idea, however, nodoubt because it leads in disagreeabledirections.

Environment surely makes a differ-ence, but genes are a big part of the prob-lem. If the average black IQ is 85, theaverage IQ in the projects is surely nomore than 75. People with IQs of 75 canhold jobs, and sometimes even marry

and rear children, but only if they aresurrounded by smarter people who setan example and help them lead orderlylives.

Whole neighborhoods are now full of people with 75 IQs, where not a single person lives responsibly, and from whichnot even a child with an IQ of 100 could

probably escape. As Mrs. Hymowitz points out, these people are not like whiteGen Xers. They have learned no lessonsfrom the folly of their parents. They dropout of high school to have babies andstill think they are going to become law-

yers. Each new crop of babies is a gen-eration of double victims—dealt a sorrygenetic hand and born into the worstenvironments in the developed world.Mrs. Hymowitz is right to say “pro-

grams” will do nothing unless there is arevolution in the way the underclassthinks, but shows us no signs of revolu-tion.

Economically, the underclass couldnot have come at a worse time. Even if its members had the gumption to showup on time for blue-collar jobs, those

jobs no longer support a family. Not evena college degree guarantees a middle-class salary these days, and many

blacks and Hispanics are lucky to geta GED.

Mrs. Hymowitz applauds the 1996welfare reform that cut off automaticraises for every new welfare baby, andlimited the number of years a womancould stay on the dole. Liberalsscreamed that blacks would be starv-ing in the streets. Instead, the number of black children living with two par-ents had inched up—to 39 percent.

Isn’t the lesson that there should be nowelfare at all? If 15-year-olds knewthat they would be entirely on their own with that baby—or that they weregoing to have to go begging to friendsand family—there would be a lot fewer underclass babies. The hard truth isthat some people should not have chil-dren, period.

This is farther than Mrs. Hymowitzcares to go. Publishers like books withhappy endings, or at least hold out

prospects for one. But Mrs. Hymowitzhas gone a great deal farther than most,

and hers is one of the most readable, per-suasive defenses of marriage in a longtime. She even blasts homosexual mar-riage as another attack on an institutionthat is supposed to bring forth new citi-

zens, not consecrate copulation.America got its first underclass be-

cause it had a population of blacks thatcould not hold out against the messageof “do it if it feels good” and a welfaresystem that took the pain out of shiftless

baby-making. It is getting a secondunderclass because Mexican immigrants

are pouring into the groove well worn

by blacks. Mrs. Hymowitz tells us whitesare pulling out of the moral nose-diveof the 1960s; sadly, there are no signsthat blacks or Hispanics will do the same.

A very unhappy start in life.

O Tempora, O Mores!She Won’t be Missed

Elvira Arellano is a 32-year-old Mexi-can janitor, unwed mother, and illegalimmigration cause célèbre. She jumpedthe border the first time in 1997, mak-ing her way to Washington State, whereimmigration agents caught and deportedher. She returned almost immediately,gave birth to an anchor baby named Saulin 1999, and moved to Illinois, whereshe found a job cleaning airplanes atO’Hare International Airport. Her luck ran out in 2002 when she was arrestedand convicted of working under a fakeSocial Security number. Miss Arellano

fought her second deportation for nearlyfour years, arguing that being sent toMexico would violate the rights of her son, an American citizen. By August2006, immigration authorities had finallyhad enough, and ordered her into cus-tody. Instead of surrendering, MissArellano took “sanctuary” in AdalbertoUnited Methodist Church, a Chicagostorefront headed by Rev. Walter “Slim”Coleman, a left-wing political activistand “labor organizer.” The principle of religious sanctuary, a holdover from theMiddle Ages, has no standing in Ameri-can law. Nevertheless, Immigration andCustoms Enforcement agents took no

action against Miss Arellano, perhapsfearing there would be bad press if theyraided a church.

Miss Arellano wasn’t exactly cower-ing in fear inside her “sanctuary.” Un-doubtedly coached by Rev. Coleman’swife, Emma Lozano, the director of animmigration pressure group calledCentro Sin Fronteras, Miss Arellano con-ducted several press conferences. OnAugust 15, the anniversary of the dayshe came to the church, she announcedshe would go to Congress to testify aboutillegal immigrants. In her statement, she

blamed the United States for making her come: “I came because of what NAFTA

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and other US economic policies haddone to my country in which I could nolonger find work that paid a livingwage.”

Instead of heading straight for Wash-ington, Miss Arellano left Chicago bycar on August 17, for Los Angeles, whereshe spoke at a rally for illegal aliens. OnAugust 19, ICE agents arrested her out-side of Our Lady Queen of Angelschurch and deported her to Tijuana. Atfirst her son stayed in the United States,

but has since flown to Mexico to be withhis mother.

We haven’t heard the last of Elvira Arellano, who is now beingcompared by the pro-illegals to Rosa

Parks. She says she intends to con-tinue to fight against US immigra-tion law. “She’ll be organizing onthe Mexican side of the border whilewe’re organizing in the States,” saysRev. Coleman.

Miss Arellano is already a heroin Mexico. On August 22, a Senatecommittee voted to urge PresidentFelipe Calderon to send a diplomaticnote to the United States protesting her deportation. In late August MissArellano even met President Calderon.“What I’m asking for is a diplomatic visaso that I can be an ambassador for peaceand justice because I’m not a terroristand the United States can’t continuetreating undocumented migrants as ter-rorists,” she explained.

President Calderon has asked the for-eign ministry to look into this, and heeven mentioned Elvira Arellano in hisannual state of the nation address deliv-ered on September first. “I want to ex-

press again an energetic protest at theunilateral measures taken by the US

Congress and government which exac-erbate the persecution and abusive treat-ment of undocumented Mexican work,”he said, and repeated “the categoricalrejection of the building of a wall on our common border.” [Illegal ImmigrantDeported after Leaving Church, AP,Aug. 20, 2007. Istra Pacheco, Mexican

Senate Takes Up Cause of Mother De- ported from United States, AP, Aug. 23,2007. Deported Mexican Migrant MomAsks Mexican President to Return to USas Peace Ambassador, AP, Aug. 28,2007. Mexico’s Calderon Protests USCrackdown on Immigrants, Reuters,Sept. 2, 2007.]

Too Few WhitesIn late August, the Civil Rights Project

of the University of California at Los An-geles issued a report claiming that the

June Supreme Court decision limitingthe power of school administrators toassign students by race threatens to in-crease school segregation. It says the USrisks becoming a nation in which thecoming non-white majority (non-whitesnow make up more than 40 percent of all school children) will suffer in “sepa-rate and inferior” schools. “Reseg-regation . . . is continuing to grow in all

parts of the country for both AfricanAmericans and Latinos and is acceler-ating the most rapidly in the only regionthat had been highly desegregated—theSouth.” The report also warns that thiswill damage the US economy by short-changing non-whites. Hispanics, thefastest-growing segment of the popula-tion, will suffer the most: “Too oftenLatino students face triple segregation

by race, class and language.”Interestingly, the report doesn’t blame

“racism” for any of this. The main cul- prit is the rapidly growing number of blacks and Hispanics, and the decreasein the number of white children, thanks

to the post-“baby boom” generation’s preference for smaller families. There just aren’t enough white children tospread around anymore. [Matthew Bigg,Segregation in Schools is Increasing: Re-

port, Reuters, Aug. 29, 2007.]

Death in Black and WhiteAccording to a new study from the

Public Policy Institute of California,white men in California can expect tolive an average of seven years longer than black men: 75.5 years, comparedto 68.6 years. Differences in heart dis-ease and homicide rates account for much of the gap. Homicide is the sixthleading killer of black men but only the20th for whites. White women live, onaverage, five years longer than black women, in large part due to higher black rates of diabetes and stroke. Asians and

Hispanics in California live longer thanwhites. Among Californians of all races,heart disease, cancer and strokes werethe three leading causes of death, exceptfor Hispanic men, for whom accidentsare the number three cause of death. Ac-cidents are the fourth leading cause for

black men.Hispanics live considerably longer

than blacks, despite similar levels of poverty. Experts believe this may be because immigrants ate less junk food and were less sedentaryin their native countries, before

they came to the United States.Better health among Hispanicstends to disappear in the secondgeneration.

The “legacy of racism” rather than genetics or differences in be-havior is the first explanation somehealth experts give for mortalitydifferences between whites and

blacks. Dr. Robert Ross, president of theCalifornia Endowment, a private foun-dation that works to improve the healthof poor people, says racism is part of “a

pretty complicated soufflé” that includes poverty, education and “health issues.”

The differences in life expectancies between white and black men in Cali-fornia are greatest at younger ages, be-cause many of the leading causes of deaths for blacks—homicide, accidents,and AIDS (the eighth leading cause)— kill at younger ages. Once black menturn twenty-five, the life expectancy gapshrinks to 5.6 years compared to sevenyears at birth.

Whites have always had higher life

Elvira Arellano and her son.

Can’t get a good education without whites.

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expectancies than blacks. In 1900, thenationwide average for whites was 47.3years, compared to 33 years for blacks,for a gap of 14.3 years. By 2003 the na-tional gap had narrowed to 5.3 years.[Mary Engel, Study Finds Whites StillOutlive Blacks, Los Angles Times, Aug.30, 2007.]

UnpardonableGabriel Prosser was a black slave who

led an abortive slave revolt in 1800known as Gabriel’s Rebellion. The plotwas discovered when two slaves re-vealed plans of the uprising to authori-ties in Richmond, Virginia. Prosser (hehad no official surname, and is referredto by that of his master, Thomas Prosser),along with 34 of his co-conspirators, washanged on August 30, 1800. He had am-

bitious plans: he intended to capture Vir-

ginia governor (and future US president)James Monroe, negotiate an end to sla-very, and “drink and dine with the mer-chants” of Richmond. Prosser expectedto kill whites, although he told his fol-lowers to spare Methodists, Quakers andFrenchmen. One of Prosser’s two whiteco-conspirators was French, a fact keptsecret at the time. (The plot occurredduring the so-called Quasi War withFrance, and Thomas Jefferson, a Frenchsympathizer running for president, alleg-edly had Monroe suppress knowledge of French involvement.)

In August 2007, Virginia governor Timothy Kaine issued an informal par-don to Gabriel Prosser, would-be mur-derer. In a letter to the NAACP, Gov.Kaine wrote that Prosser was motivated

by “his devotion to the ideals of theAmerican revolution.” “Gabriel’scause—the end of slavery and the fur-therance of equality of all people,” hecontinued, “has prevailed in the light of history. It is important to acknowledgethat history favorably regards Gabriel’scause while consigning legions whosought to keep him and others in chainsto be forgotten.”

Virginia NAACP official King SalimKhalfani says the governor’s action

properly honors Prosser and his follow-ers as “women and men of integrity whofought for freedom,” adding, “In thecapital of the Confederacy, where monu-ments to the traitors of the Union aremaintained with tax dollars, this is a mo-mentous occasion.” [Virginia Governor ‘Pardons’ Slave Who Was Hanged for Leading Gabriel’s Rebellion in 1800, AP,

Aug. 31, 2007.]

Taylor in LansingOn August 4, AR editor Jared Taylor

spoke at a Council of Conser-vative Citizens meeting held inLansing, Michigan. He spoke

about the cover up of the mur-der of Laura Dickinson, a whitewoman who was killed by a

black student at Eastern Michi-gan University last December.For months, the administrationtold no one about the murder,not even Miss Dickinson’s par-ents, who were led to believetheir daughter had died of a pre-viously diagnosed heart condi-tion. When the truth came out,the president of the university,John Fallon, was fired along

with several other top officials.Mr. Taylor spoke about the les-sons to be learned from this caseas well as from other high-pro-file—and not so high-profile— interracial murders.

Mr. Taylor was followed byCanadian immigration and freespeech activist Paul Fromm,who gave an excellent talk onrecent developments in his country. Af-

terwards, both speakers had lively dis-cussions with an appreciative and wel-coming audience. The meeting washosted by John Raterink of the Michi-gan Council of Conservative Citizens.

Blacks and HerpesDuring the 1990s, the federal govern-

ment found that 21 percent of Americanshad herpes, but 48 percent of blacks hadthe virus. A more recent survey foundthe figure is down to 17 percent for thegeneral population, but there is no

change among blacks.


Kline, the phar-maceutical com- pany that manu-factures the her-

pes drug Valtrex,has started anadvertising cam-

paign aimed at blacks. Called“Say Yes toKnowing” thecampaign urges

blacks to betested. It fea-

tures print andradio ads, withthe radio adcopy reading in

part, “Nearlyone in two Afri-can-Americanadults has geni-tal herpes.Could it be you?

Could it be your partner? . . . A simple blood test is the best way to know if youhave it.” The ads are running in heavily-

black Atlanta, Baltimore and Detroit.

They are co-sponsored by the NationalMedical Association, a society of black doctors, and the American Social HealthFoundation, which fights venereal dis-ease. Herpes cannot be cured, but Valtrexreduces the duration and severity of out-

breaks, and makes the disease harder togive to others.

Critics say there is no need to con-duct large scale testing on people whodo not show symptoms, and accuseGlaxoSmithKline of using scare tacticsto drum up sales of the medicine, whichcosts $192.88 per month. Others say theads insult blacks. The Baltimore com-missioner of public health refused tosupport the campaign, but Anita Mon-crease, a doctor and consultant to theDetroit Health Department, supports it.“I am concerned about the negative con-notations because this is a sexually trans-mitted disease,” says Dr. Moncrease,who is black, “but I am concerned aboutthe public health of the citizens of De-troit even more.” [David Brown, AdsUrging Herpes Test Target Black Com-

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munity, Philadelphia Inquirer, July 30,2007.]

‘White Males Wake Up’Retired CNN anchorman Bernard

Shaw, 67, recently received a lifetimeachievement award from the National

Association of Black Journalists atBally’s hotel in Las Vegas. In his accep-tance speech he said: “Beyond this ball-room tonight, white males wake up. Glo-

bally, you are an island speck in an oceanof color. The reins of power will weakenand so will your grip—if you do notfaithfully support our nation’s greateststrength, diversity.” [David Paulin,Former CNN Anchor Bernard Shaw hasa ‘Don Imus’ Moment at a Conventionof Black Journalists, www.BigCarnival.Blogspot.com, Aug. 28, 2007.]

Homicide Rate UpIn the 1970s, 29 percent of the people

murdered in Philadelphia were black men aged 15 to 29. Now that group ac-counts for 50 percent of murder victims,with approximately one in 66 beingkilled every year. The Philadelphia In-quirer notes that gun killings rose 25

percent from 2003 to 2006, “fueledmostly by young black males shooting

other young black males.” Fifteen yearsago, 23 percent of all black men in Phila-delphia were either in prison, awaitingtrial, on probation, or on parole. Today,that figure is 30 percent.

The Inquirer , admits that the rise inkillings “is not a white problem,” add-

ing, “The number of homicides amongwhites has remained fairly stable for 25years, despite yearly variations.” [TomFerrick, Jr., A Generation at War withItself, Philadelphia Inquirer, Aug. 29,2007.]

Best Cities for Blacks Black Enterprise magazine, which

claims a circulation of 3.9 million read-ers, has recently published a list of the“top 10 ‘best’ cities” for blacks to “live,work, and play.” Here they are:

1. Washington, DC2. Atlanta, Georgia3. Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina4. Houston, Texas5. Nashville, Tennessee6. Dallas, Texas7. Charlotte, North Carolina

8. Indianapolis, Indiana9. Columbus, Ohio10. Jacksonville, Florida

[Sherri Williams and Tracy Turner,Columbus is Magazine’s No. 9 BestCity for Blacks, Columbus Dispatch,April 26, 2007.]

De Facto AmnestyAccording to

an AssociatedPress analysis of

federal data, theUS Department of Justice prosecutedonly two percent of illegal aliens caughttrying to cross theUS-Mexican border

between October 1,2000 and September 30, 2005. Thismeans the authori-ties escorted nofewer than 5.2 mil-lion illegals back across the border and released them.According to a re-cent Department of Justice memoran-

dum, in Texas, most illegal border jump-ers have to be caught at least six times

before their cases will even be referredfor prosecutors. [Alicia A. Caldwell,Prosecution Negligible for Illegal Immi-grants, Philadelphia Inquirer, April 7,2007.]

Blue-Eyed Advantage?A recent study by University of Lou-

isville professor emeritus Joanna Rowesuggests that people with blue eyes arelikely to achieve more in life intellectu-ally and academically than people with

brown eyes. Prof. Rowe also found that

lighter-eyed test subjects were generallymore successful at planning and timemanagement and were better strategicthinkers. Brown-eyed people were bet-ter at tasks involving reaction time. Prof.

Rowe had no ex- planation for whatshe found. “It is

just observed,rather than ex-

plained,” she said.Press accountsdid not saywhether Prof.

Rowe’s subjectswere all white or were a mix of races. [BenClerkin, WhyBlue-eyed Boys(and Girls) are soBrilliant, DailyMail (London),Aug. 20, 2007.]

Prof. Rowe’sresearch confirmswork published

by Morgan Wor-

thy in his 1974 book, Eye Color, Sex, and Race , in whichhe found behavioral differences relatedto eye color in animals as well as people.

Sensible SwissThe Swiss People’s Party, the largest

party in Switzerland, wants to get toughon young criminal aliens. It is pushingfor a referendum on a proposal to de-

port the families of immigrant minorsconvicted of violent crimes, drug of-fenses or welfare fraud. The poster for the campaign is explicit: three whitesheep kicking out a black sheep over acaption reading, “for more security.” “Assoon as the first ten families and their children have been expelled from thecountry, things will get better at astroke,” explains Ueli Maurer, People’sParty president. “We believe parents areresponsible for bringing up their chil-dren. If they can’t do it properly, theywill have to bear the consequences.”

Critics liken the campaign to “Sippen-

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haft” or kin liability, according to whichthe Nazis are said to have held the rela-tives of criminals responsible for their crimes. “This way of thinking shows anobvious ‘blood and soil’ mentality,”sniffs an editorial in the Zurich newspa-

per Tages-Anzeiger . Others say the policy is similar to those enacted by

Stalin and Mao to punish opponents.Despite the hyperventilation of the crit-ics, there has been little negative reac-tion to the posters from the Swiss pub-lic. “We haven’t had any complaints,”says Mr. Maurer.

The People’s Party has used racialimagery to win political victories in the

past. In 2004, the party successfully cam- paigned for tougher immigration lawsusing a poster that featured a picture of dark hands reaching into a box filledwith Swiss passports.

The People’s Party is working on sev-eral other proposals. It wants to ban theconstruction of minaret towers on

mosques and Justice Minister ChristophBlocher, the highest-ranking party offi-cial in the Swiss government, says hewants to “soften” anti-racism laws be-cause they infringe on freedom of speech. [Frank Jordans, Swiss Deporta-tion Policy Draws Criticism, AP, Sept.1, 2007.]

Another PersecutionMembership in the British National

Party, while still legal in Britain, may behazardous for one’s career. Peter Phillips’s candidacy for the presidencyof the Royal Institute of British Archi-tects was derailed in 2006 when his partymembership was revealed in the press(he still got 17 percent of the vote in athree-way race). Most AR readers recallthe case of Simone Clarke, the “BNPBallerina” who endured weeks of bad

press, protests, and an organized cam- paign to get her fired from the English

Y ou would think an organizationwith nearly $200 million in the

bank and a budget of close to$30 million could do something right— not the Southern Poverty Law Center

(SPLC).On August 21, commentator Patrick Buchanan quoted a few statistics fromthe New Century Foundation study,“The Color of Crime,” in his syndicatedcolumn, which also appeared on theVdare.com web site. He noted, for ex-ample, that blacks commit more violentcrime against whites than against

blacks, and that they are seven timesmore likely than other Americans tocommit murder.

This is just the sort of thing the SPLCdoesn’t want you to know, and one of

its writers named Heidi Beirich wentright to work, trying to keep anyone elsefrom quoting “The Color of Crime”ever again. Did she try to prove that

blacks do not commit more violentcrime against whites than blacks? Or that they are not more likely than other groups to commit murder? Of coursenot; the facts can’t be refuted. Insteadshe screamed that the New CenturyFoundation is “white supremacist,” andthat our publications and research areracist, racist, racist, racist. (She can’tsay the word often enough—she usedit, on average, every 85th word.)

Just how racist are we? Miss Beirichcited American Renaissance : “A 2002article, for instance, argued that blacksare inherently pathological, sufferingfrom a ‘personality disorder of whichthe central feature is lack of a moralsense.’ ”

What did we actually say? The com- plete sentence—written by Prof. Rich-ard Lynn, emeritus of the University of Ulster—was not about blacks: “Psycho-

pathic personality is a personality dis-

order of which the central feature is lack of a moral sense.” He then pointed outthat in the 65 years since the Minne-sota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI) has been in use, blacks have

consistently scored higher than whiteson psychopathic personality, whileAsians have scored lower.

These are the scientific facts MissBeirich twisted to make it sound as if Prof. Lynn thinks all blacks are “inher-ently pathological.” No wonder her ar-ticle posted on the Internet included livelinks to other sources, but not to Prof.Lynn. She wouldn’t want her readers toknow what he really said.

Even more extraordinary was MissBeirich’s attempt to explain how “TheColor of Crime” got things wrong. An

article in the SPLC’s very own “Intelli-gence Report,” she claimed, soundlyrefuted it. The article is seven years old.Our research was published in 2005.Even with $30 million a year you can’trefute studies that have not yet beenwritten.

Miss Beirich went on with theSPLC’s usual hash of distortion, smear,and guilt-by-association—throwing in“racist” every 85 words—as she triedto scare Mr. Buchanan away from factsshe doesn’t want Americans to hear.That won’t work, of course, becauseMr. Buchanan cares about the truth, notabout the SPLC’s dishonest yapping.

Miss Beirich hopes that others maynot be made of the same stuff as Mr.Buchanan, that they will be scared off at the thought she might blast them withher favorite word. For that is the SPLC’smission: suppress facts, shout downopponents, stamp out dissent, demon-ize anyone who disagrees. Stalin wasgood at this. So was Mao. It’s what

people do when they have neither factsnor morals.

Stalin Would be Proud

Ueli Maurer and his sheep.


Mass naturalizations? 2xNo.

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National Ballet when her party member-ship became public in December 2006(she is still dancing).

The latest victim is Mark Walker, a36-year-old instructor at SunnydaleCommunity College in County Durham,England. The school suspended Mr.Walker for “misusing” school equip-

ment: He logged onto the BNP web siteon an office computer. Mr. Walker andthe BNP claim the suspension, and aseries of “harrowing” investigative meet-ings that followed, are retaliation for Mr.Walker’s membership in the party (hestood as a candidate in a local election)and his open criticism of Labour. “Weare certain this action would not have

been taken against someone who hadlooked at the websites of the Commis-sion for Racial Equality or the GreenParty,” says BNP spokesman PhilEdwards.

The school says otherwise. “We arehappy to state categorically that Mr.Walker has not been suspended becauseof any political affiliations he may hold,”says Headmistress Sue Byrne. Shewould not elaborate on the reason for the suspension, citing “privacy con-cerns.”

More than 50 supporters of Mr.Walker protested outside the school onSeptember 3. BNP Chairman Nick Grif-fin urges anyone interested in helpingMr. Walker to contact Miss Byrne [email protected].

[Demo Over BNP Teacher Suspension,BBC, Sept. 3, 2007. Caroline Smith,School Picket for Right-Wing Leader,Sunday Sun (Newcastle), Sept. 2, 2007.Matt Weaver, BNP Member Fails inRiba Presidency Bid, Guardian (Lon-don), July 26, 2006.]

‘White Gold’ Nigeria is Africa’s largest pro-

ducer of crude oil, but Nigeriansdo not know how to pump their own oil. Westerners get the oil outof the ground and are also a sourceof revenue for Nigerian gangs andregime opponents. Kidnapping“white gold,” as the oil men arecalled, is big business. More than150 have been snatched so far thisyear, double the total for all of lastyear. These unexpected staff cuts havereduced Nigerian oil production by 25

percent, contributing to the rise in oil prices.

Government officials have found a

way to cash in. They often act as media-tors between the kidnappers and the oilcompanies’ hostage negotiators and liketo take a cut of the ransom. “Practicallyeveryone involved in hostage negotia-tions has had his hands soiled,” says amember of the rebel group Movementfor the Emancipation of the Niger Delta,

which is, itself, responsible for manyhigh-profile kidnappings. “Officialsmerely up the demands of the abductorsand keep the rest to themselves, mosttimes unknown to the abductors.” In oneinstance, members of the Nigerian se-curity forces threatened to kill a West-erner if he told anyone that middlemenhad siphoned off part of the ransom.

The business is growing; there werefive kidnappings in the first two weeksof July alone: a three-year-old Britishgirl, an adult Briton, two New Zea-landers, an Australian, a Venezuelan, and

a Lebanese. All were released unharmed.Oil workers now travel in heavilyarmed convoys, with sirens blaring.When you hear the sound, says a local,it means, “Ah, the whites are coming.It’s like ice cream vans in a [Western]country.” [Katherine Houreld, KidnapGangs Target ‘White Gold,’ Scotsman(Glasgow), July 13, 2007.]

Novel SolutionIn the small Himalayan nation of

Nepal, which borders India and China,

it is common to sacrifice animals to ap- pease Hindu gods. When somethingwent wrong with one of the state-runairline’s two Boeing 757s, airline offi-cials sacrificed two goats to AkashBhairab, the sky god. The ceremony,carried out on September 2 at the inter-

national airport in Kathmandu, appearsto have worked. Says Raju K.C, a se-nior airline official, “The snag in the

plane has now been fixed and the air-

craft has resumed its flights.” [AirlineSacrifices Goats to Appease Sky God,Reuters, Sept. 5, 2007.]

In the JeansWe reprint the following item verba-

tim and in toto:

“In Congo, which has lost an esti-mated 4 million people in the civil warsof the last decade and where many mustget by on about 30 cents a day, ‘gangs’of designer-clothes-wearing men peri-odically square off against each other in

preening contests in the streets of Kinshasa to prove that Versace andGucci look better on them than on oth-

ers. Papy Mosengo, 30 (interviewed for a November 2006 Los Angeles Timesreport), still lives with his parents, sleepsin a dingy, closet-sized room, and leavesthe child-care expenses to his ex-girl-

friend, but he owns 30 top-of –the-line outfits and spends $400monthly on clothes. Said he, ‘Thisis just what I am.’ (The ‘cloth cults’of Congo are said to have beenaround since the 1970s.)” [CulturalDiversity, Chuck Shepherd’s Newsof the Weird, July 5, 2007.]

Like Father, Like SonFalsal Wangita, 25, is one of the

43 children of the late Ugandan ty-rant, Idi Amin. He now lives in En-

gland, where he has racked up a stringof convictions as leader of a gang knownas the “North London Somalis.” OnJanuary 28, 2006, up to 40 North Lon-don Somalis surrounded “engineering

Sometimes it must have goats.

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student” Mahir Osman, 18, and stabbedhim to death with 21 knife wounds. Thevictim was a member of a rival Somaligang, the “Centric Boys.” Closed circuitvideo recorded the murder as Mr. Wan-gita and his pals surrounded their quarry,

shouting “Stab him through the heart.”At his murder trial in August, Mr.Wangita was convicted of “violent dis-order” and “conspiracy towound,” and was sentenced tofive years in prison. His father killed an alleged 400,000

people, so Mr. Wangita is not yetin his league.

Mr. Wangita’s mother, IdiAmin’s fifth wife, is said to beSarah Kyolaba Amin, now 52.She met Amin while she was a

go-go dancer known as “SuicideSarah,” attached to an Ugandanmilitary unit called the “Revo-lutionary Suicide MechanisedRegiment Band.” Mrs. Amin lefther husband in 1982, claimedasylum in Germany, and thenmoved to England. When IdiAmin died in August of 2003,she was running a cafe in EastLondon, serving African disheslike goat stew and cow hoof in gravy.[Steve Bird, Idi Amin’s Son was Leader of London Gang that Stabbed Teenager to Death in Street, Times (London), Aug.4, 2007.]

i.beat.BlaxxGerman electronics manufacturer

TrekStor recently introduced a newmodel of MP3 player, to which, in allinnocence, it gave the name“i.beat.Blaxx.” Daniel Szmigiel, execu-tive director of TrekStor, claimed thatthe new i.beat.Blaxx “precisely reflects

the desires of the young, trend-conscioustarget group we are aiming for,” addingthat the new player was ideal for “thosewho wish to do a lot more with their MP3

players than just listen to music.” WhenEnglish speakers complained, TrekStor quickly changed the name to “Blaxx.”[Stuart Miles, Pocket-Lint—Gadget

News & Reviews, www.Pocket-Lint.co.uk, www.AdRants.com, Aug. 27, 2007.]

Suffer the Little ChildrenAccording to New Zealand police sta-

tistics, Maoris are two to five times morelikely than whites to beat or torture chil-dren. Liz Segedin, a doctor at StarshipHospital for children in Auckland, saysat least one child a month is admittedwith brain injuries.

In June, Maori Chris Kahui was ar-rested for bludgeoning to death his three-

month-old twin sons. In July, police ar-rested four Maoris in the case NiaGlassie, who was hung on a clotheslineand spun in an electric dryer. The child’s

other relatives usually know about abuse, but Maoris like to solve problems with-out going to the police.

Maori are worse off than white NewZealanders by nearly every social indi-cator: They are more likely to be poor,uneducated, unemployed, on welfare, or alcoholic. Experts say this is what makesthem beat their children.

Prime minister Helen Clark, whosegovernment depends on Maori support,denies that Maoris hurt children more

than whites. “It occurs in all communi-ties,” she says. Peter Dunne, leader of the United Future Party, sees it differ-ently. “It’s time to stop pretending thatthe kind of child abuse suffered by NiaGlassie and the Kahui twins is not aMaori problem,” he says. “Within someof the families, there is a culture of cover-

up and collaboration that condones long-term child abuse.” [Child Abuse ClaimsRaise Queries about Maori Culture, In-dependent (London), July 31, 2007.]

Liberal Going Illiberal?Hispanics are changing the face—and

the thinking—of a small farming townnamed Liberal, which is in the heart of the first county in Kansas to become ma-

jority Hispanic. Seward County becameofficially 51 percent Hispanic in 2006;most people in Liberal, population

20,000, seem to think it is 60-70 per-cent Hispanic, and that most are illegalimmigrants.

The school district’s 4,325 studentsare now 67 percent Hispanicand the police force is desper-ate for interpreters. In the earlyevening, downtown Liberalthrongs with Mexicans pushingthree-wheeled carts adornedwith bells, hawking Mexican-style popsicles known as

paletas . “The scene looks likeone out of Mexico,” writes The

Wichita Eagle .This is a big change for a

town that has a Yellow Brick Road and an annual pancakerace, and is proud of its NormanRockwell image. Jesse Russell,65, a former Liberal HighSchool quarterback, doesn’t likeit. “The town went from being aclean town to a filthy town,” hesays, and adds that people must

buy extra insurance because of uninsuredHispanic drivers. “This ain’t the town Igrew up in,” he says, and he would likeit back. His plan? “We spend $10 bil-lion on Iraq,” he says. “We should spend$10 billion sending them home.” [BrentD. Wistrom, Hispanic Influx Gives Lib-eral, Kan., a New Face, The WichitaEagle, Sept. 2, 2007.]

Judge Stops CrackdownMany illegal aliens steal social secu-

rity numbers from American citizens toget work. The Social Security Adminis-

Chip off the old block.

Maoris demonstrating the traditional grimaceof defiance, in which they stick out theirtongues and show the whites of the eyes.

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tration planned to stop this fraud bysending letters to the public to check theidentities of social security card hold-ers. The plan, ordered by HomelandSecurity, was to use the social securitydatabase to cross-reference authenticsocial security number identities with the

people who were actually using the num-

bers.Before the government couldmail its letters, the AFL-CIO, rep-resented by the American CivilLiberties Union, sued to stop it.The suit claims Homeland Secu-rity is exceeding its authority toenforce immigration laws and isillegally misusing the Social Se-curity Administration’s database.The AFL-CIO further claims thatthe verification letters will pres-sure businesses to fire workerswhose documents are flagged,

and that this could expose manyimmigrants—including legalresidents—to job discrimination.

On August 31, a federal judgein San Francisco, ordered thegovernment not to send out theletters until she hears arguments on Oc-tober 1. In the meantime, Homeland Se-curity must forego the help of the SocialSecurity Administration. [Spencer S.Hsu, Immigrant Crackdown Halted:Judge Delays D.H.S. Plan to Check So-cial Security Numbers, Washington Post,Sept. 1, 2007.]

Robots to the RescueAccording to the US Department of

Labor, more than half of all farm work-ers are illegal aliens. In California alone,which produces half of the nation’sfruits, nuts and vegetables, there are hun-dreds of thousands of illegal-alien farmhands. California farmers claim thatwithout them, produce would rot in thefields or they would have to pay legalworkers astronomical wages. Agricul-tural interests adamantly oppose in-creased border security or crackdownson illegal aliens.

A simple solution would be mechani-zation, but farmers and growers claim itis too expensive and does not work ondelicate crops. Recent advances in ro-

botics may put an end to this claim.A new generation of harvesters has

robotic arms and digits that use comput-ers and hydraulics to operate with near-human sensitivity. They use state-of-the-art mapping and imaging to recognize

and sort fruits and vegetables, and shouldsoon even be able to judge ripeness.

“The technology is maturing just atthe right time to allow us to do this kindof work economically,” says Derek Morikawa, of San Diego-based VisionRobotics. His company is working withthe California Citrus Research Board

and Washington State Apple Commis-

sion to develop an advanced fruit picker,which he believes will sell for about$500,000.

Others are working to develop a ma-chine to harvest premium grapes, whichstill have to be picked by hand. A com-

pany called Ramsay Highlander already

sells machines that partially automatelettuce picking, and is working on a newmodel that picks, cleans, cores and packslettuce and other greens. [Jacob Adel-man, Robots May Become Essential onUS Farms, AP, Sept. 6, 2007.]

A harvesting machine has never beenknown to produce an anchor baby.

Lessons from HerndonLike many American cities, Herndon,

Virginia had a problem with Hispanicday laborers congregating on street cor-ners looking for work. During the firsthalf of 2005, the town—located just 25miles west of Washington, DC—wentthrough a bitter debate over whether to

build a hiring hall to keep these men off the streets. Opponents argued that thiswould be implicit approval of illegalworkers, but in August 2005, the towncouncil voted to build the Herndon Of-ficial Workers’ Center. The council later made it illegal for people to hire work-ers anywhere but in the center.

The people of Herndon were furiousover what they saw as a capitulation toillegals, and took revenge in the nextyear’s elections. They tossed out all butone of the five city councilors who hadvoted for the hiring hall—including themayor—and replaced them with candi-dates who had campaigned on a crack-

down on hiring illegals.The new mayor, political new-comer Stephen DeBenedittis, had

promised to make sure only legalworkers used the hiring center,and Herndon tried to find an or-ganization that would check pa-

pers and turn away illegals. Amaz-ingly, the city could not find asingle site operator willing to en-force the law.

In the meantime, a man who broke Herndon’s ordinance by hir-ing a laborer in the parking lot of

the 7-Eleven rather than in the hir-ing hall sued to overturn the ordi-nance. In August 2007, FairfaxCircuit Court Judge Leslie Aldenruled that the First Amendment

permits people to discuss employ-ment wherever they like, so Herndoncould not restrict hiring transactions tothe hiring hall. Worse, the judge said thecity had no right to keep illegals out of the hall.

Mayor DeBenedittis and his towncouncil were in a fix. They could nolonger restrict hiring to the hall, nor

could they keep illegals out of it. OnSeptember 5, 2007, the mayor an-nounced the city would shut down thelabor center rather than let illegals useit. Thanks to a meddling judge, the cityis now right back where it was, withgangs of men hanging out on street cor-ners looking for work. Mr. DeBenedittis

promises he will use zoning and trafficlaws to keep order. [Bill Turque and

Nikita Stewart, Labor Site Backlash Feltat Polls in Herndon: Three Who Sup-

ported Immigrant Center Ousted, Wash-ington Post, May 3, 2006. Bill Turque,Anti-Solicitation Law Challenged,Washington Post, Jan. 7, 2007. BillTurque, Herndon to Shut Down Center for Day Laborers, Washington Post,Sept. 6, 2007.]

Herndon’s experience has been in-structive. First, government flouted thewill of the people and made it easy for illegals to find work. The people electeda new government to undo the damage.

Now a judge has again thwarted the willof the people.

Artist’s conception of orange harvester.