2. mycobacterial infection leprosy- dr. sinhasan, mdzah


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Page 1: 2. mycobacterial infection leprosy- dr. sinhasan, mdzah
Page 2: 2. mycobacterial infection leprosy- dr. sinhasan, mdzah


* * 1870 - Hansen ( Norway) :

….. Transmissible agent,

…… 1873 - Isolated Organisms,

* In vitro culture - NOT POSSIBLE

* Animal models - footpads of mouse,

- 9-banded armadillos

- Monkeys & Chimpanzees.

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** Chronic infection,

* Caused by Mycobacterium leprae,

** Affects cooler parts:

… Skin,

… Upper respiratory tract,

… Superficial nerves,

… Eye,

… Testes;


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Uncertain ,

Nasorespiratory tract,

Skin to skin ( uncommon ),

Man to man,

5 to 25% of wild armadillos (Louisiana)

To man ( ? Zoonosis ).

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WHO ---- 5.5 Million Patients in the world,

Mainly in-- India,

-- Tropical Africa,

-- South America,

-- Southeast Asia,

-- Philippines,

-- South Pacific Islands.


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60.9% of global cases,

57 / 10,000 ----- 1981,

5 / 10,000 ----- 2000,

High Incidence:

Bihar, UP, MP, Orissa, WB = 62%.

Incidence in India:

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1966 -- Ridley & Jopling:

Immunologic, Pathologic, Clinical features-

* TT -- Tuberculoid,

* BT -- Borderline-tuberculoid,

* BB – Mid-borderline,

* BL -- Borderline-lepromatous,

* LL -- Lepromatous,


Pure Neuritic,

Lucio leprosy,

Histoid leprosy,

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• PAUCIBACILLARY …--- Skin smear -- Negative;

• MULTIBACILLARY …--- Skin smear -- Positive;

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Clinical Features:

Hypoesthetic skin lesions,

-- Nearly all have peripheral neuropathy,

Thickened Superficial Nerves,

-- 1 in 4 shows deformity,

A F B In Skin Smears;

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Skin patches which

have normal feeling

are present from birth

cause itching

are silvery white, black, dark red coloured

show scaling

appear and disappear periodically

spread quickly

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Pale white or slightly reddish patch


Signs of damage to nerves

definite loss of sensation in hands/feet

weakness of muscles of hands/feet/face

visible deformity of hands/feet/face

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Defective Cell-Mediated Immunity:

Antigen-recognition by Helper T-cells

Interleukin --2

Interferon gamma -->Activation of macrophages.


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Examine skin

Check for patches

Test for sensation

Count the number of patches

Look for damage to nerves

How to diagnose leprosy

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- No free zone,

- Well formed epitheloid cell granulomas +

- AFBs: + or -

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Lepromatous leprosy:

-Grenz (free) zone +

-No epitheloid cell granulomas,

-Foamy macrophages,

- Numerous AFBs- (globi, cigar bundle)

----Lepra cells/ Virchow cells.

Cutaneous Pathology:

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Grenz Zone

Virchow Cells with Globi

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Leprous orchitis:

--Sterility & Impotence

Osteitis & Periosteitis:

--Skeletal deformities (collapsed nose),

Nasal mucosa: Macrophage infiltration,

Eye: Lagophthalmos, Exposure keratopathy,

Trophic Ulcers.

Other organs affected:

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Clinical Examination,

Split Skin Smear,

Histopathological Examination,

( Fites-Ferraco stain for AFB )

Diagnosis: .. To be done with Utmost caution,

.. And Confidentiality.

( Social stigma )

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Multi-Drug Therapy,




Chemoprophylactic drugs to contacts


Leprosy: Treatment


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