1ueekly1£xpnuen1 - montana state university · 2016. 5. 24. · = volume viii. zephyrs of spring...

VOLUME VIII. = ZEPHYRS OF SPRING SPREAD FUSSING BUG 1Ueekly1£xpnuen1 MONTANA STATE COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA. :"llO:-ITANA F RIDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1917. , RoTZ BULLOCK ON SICK LIST. The sra1 t has missed the services 'i Fritz Hnllock. chiet of the sport ·t·1 tion <H the sheet. this wef::k. Fritz u,.. llt:L·n t·onlined to his home hr an Bobcats Make Clean Sweep of All Games On Big Trip MANY STUDENTS SEE " THE BLUE PARADISE ." NUMBER 18. PLANS FOR STUDENT L OAN FUND COMPL ETE w irm \Veath-er Has Spread Fussing Epidemic to all Quarters on the ill. Many Thought to be Immune j Are Now Stricken With Serious Cases. 11 k ul i-111.-umatism tluring the past I '\\ 11. ys !fr to be out · h.· irst 01 the week. Eigh t Stra ight ··The Hine Paradise." a musiC'al comedy gi\i:n at the :\lunidpal thta ter lasl eve;1ing. was well .atten1led by IJoth ··t·lls· aucl · ('O-E"di::;. · both in· di\'idually and collec·tivel.Y. All ex Ga rn es Is th e Fea t of the Bobc at Quintet pressed themsel1es as 1 11ea>-e1i with BAND PLAYS AT WILLOW CREEK W hich Invad ed the Stro ng Teams of Mon tan a, Id ah o the splendid production. and Washington . The C olle ge Team Excelled All P laye d VIDAL COPS THE TEN-SPOT Plans Whereby Needy Students May Obtain Fund For Small Rate of In - terest Have Been Sent to Chancellor Elliott For Approval. 1·1 l' 1111pus, which been the .scene or ma11y a romance in the past 11rring months is onCf· more ron:.Hlirg mt(l form a hapJlY medium which the Co-t:d::; a:i.d tht.: wore gc·ntle hare thefr thf!uzh s and 1n the ' The not .t:; :n·t bul 1'11 Wt>atlwr hai;;; ll 111erP "" and "'l•l·n· thl' · ll;wPn r " w ht sho\\ :->igns pf rcnew1 d .1t·'i\ily, \\.·Jw.:h wf!s all to arnl 1id1li:.lly broken Of! fast '.'\QYembCr. Alrt•,\d}' thm1;zi. the g:; ound b slushy an1J the wea i:-; uncertain. (Oilil ,.. .. '- lu·mc, I Ye•l o' et anil thcr Hl'. li 1gt'r ug alJcntt the m n h 1 1 he r1) ln1 l whq i.ll'P waltmg fo1 somt• 111 t rla ·e:-; t1 h 11 r. ,..1 1 !1;11 they ma. pipe t11 d1gh llo\\ n r l!O mor will Pld dH.:n11:-;1 ry lit r.ig be t ... gallery for PllrJIU' 0 or , .. anll tt11 members ot tb1 l 11e111::-1;. depart· ment wlll have to lay R<.:ide their "'n•i·tol' Loll ll11ward l\\"UL\·· unt" of the C'Olle 0 ge regir1pn tal han<i jonrneyN1 to \\'illnw C'"l·tc>l\ I. sl :\lonila)· whf'rt' 1l1Py at a da!H·t> gl \'t'a by 111e \\"illuw Creek 0n• lllt>l'C"!al dnh. Thl' l)Oys p\a.vt-•d r:ll' In Every De pa rtme nt of the Ga me and Had Litt le Tro u- ble In Wi11ning Games :: :: :: :: :: :: .. .. •• :t •• :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: .. :: :.: Ten1ath·t> plans for lhe o' About eighty couples altetldt!cl tlic student loan at the instHmion" clanC'e given in the drill. hall Friday I comprising tbe 1·uh·ersity nf '.\lo: by the col lege band. I ta:ia have been placed before the fal t ·, dances :Ofondar e\·ening and Tues- •••• •• .. da.v 11111rning anll retlll'llf'll lo Bn.:P· it ll•Ull lnoking- rather worse for o Tlk) rr·port t•xeellent treatment THE SQUAD :: :: •• u WHAT THEY DID _ muR1c '"is excellent and everyone hatl iJ!ties or the four branches bv ('han· a goo<I time although the dancing sur c-ellor E. C Elliott for The was ··:·dO\\ed up" by the heavr t11nds will tw placed in banks whe1e :: paim lines on tlw Iio<•r lhPy will Jw :-;11bject to withdrawal t: TllL• lucky ;rnmher in the upon order of the ehanrellor. Reco111. :: rnr thP ten flollar prizt" helil •• Coach Fred Bennion :t 1: •• Captain "S licker· 1 Rice Center :: - Bobcats. 30: State U. Bobcats, 31: State U. ... Lawrenee \"idal 15 •• UTAH AGGIE GAMES •• Ray Cannon •• Homer Taylor WILL BE THRILLERS Ralph Jorgenson Tom Ross :: Ralph Burgess Manager u :: ::: :: Forward Forward ... Guard Guard Guard Forward ! :: :: Bobcats, 22; Whitman 20 :1 Bobcats. 59: Dayton A. C. 12 i: Bobcats, 26: U. of Idaho 20 H Bobcats. 58: Whitworth Col 25 •• Bobcats, 33: Gonzaga U. 17 !1 Bobcats. 37: Gonzaga U. 13 .. 296 127 ;: BIG HAVRE AUDIENCE SEES THE " GUIDE POST" •• Frank Harns In the Utah Aggie Basketball Team •• Raymond Pitts the College Will Meet One of the :1 u u ;: u .. College Dramatic Club Play We11 Nor- Strongest Conference Teams. The only nmlerencP ind11d· 1..•U in tilt:> Bubl..'at schi:dnle arl' wl: fl the t•tah A:.o.,>ie:; anll are slatt'r! 10 lw playeU iu Bozeman. F'ehrnary :!1 u :: :: :: .. ........ ::: ... . ..... :: A throng of cheering students greeted Co,;:c Bennion anrl victorious Bobcat ba:;;ketbdl\ squ<::d at the Northern Pac ifi.:: station the 1ast Sunday i'lfte r noon when they re turre d from their invasion of the Nort west which netted them an unbroken stri11g of victori es against the strongest quintets of this state, ldah o, and Washington. Although some· Taken by Large Audience in thern Montana City. The firsl annual excursiou of the> (.·ollE'gE:> dramatic club was ,·ery sue· .. Tht Guide agri· menrlations for loam; will be made by I a raculty committee. The_ reg11lation!; goYerning ap11lic·<• lion:; for loans are as follows Regulations. The llll thocl f'f preC'edure in rnakfnl! for loans is follows: · AJ1μlka1ions for loans may bt> •na<ll· b)- 11pper !->t111lents (junior::; 1.nd H•n!<ll's). who to be gradual\ l trom onl)' one of the ini;titutions f tht:> 11ahersity, I.Hit who art' nnahle t1J l ntilltll tlh:.:ii studie.!:i without fhan· <-1<11 aid 01ily in ex<·eptional C'ase:-- will luaus Lt' 111ach· to studenls ot !owe!' rank m11st present ;1.ld :?2 Tht= :.:.nut1ll'rJH·rs <-Ltim tl·.lf what fatigued by the long trip not a man on the squad sustained an injury c-nltmal drama writtt•n Uy :\Ir-... lh-r- n·(·ommE-ndatinn as to <'haracter antl ·:-;py antl :-;how themselves lht·ir this year. h- the bei-:t arid every one returned 1n the best of physical condition. ril'k atHI :\li:-,;-; Qnaw, \\as pr. ,...t:11tt•1l t'rom tn£· dean or direct' r it they wi:-:b to be <lireC'tl.'· iuformerl (•\t;>r pr'"1tl1H·1::-cl hy their institmion s, The State University at Missoul a; Whitman College at Walla Walla, in rhe city or Ha\'rP la:n F'riday. The of the Ll whirh lw is ef th'=' SJJrillg :-<tyle:-; lar thb n·ar they met with Washington: the Dayton athletic club of the Un1ver· 1day \\as 11ranfrally the same <.h thl' (1he dt>-a11 ol" \\Omen in the ca:;e Dt StyleD ar.d Smiles. nothing hut in all 1he1r sity of Idaho at Moscow: Whitworth college , Spokane, Washington ; and i:a• present(•d in nozenrnn. An ap. women apvlkants). or lhe- head of th(j R bf lllg ('ast sil1t> I11r g-ames and have ended most 01 thi:-tn Gonzaga University at Spokane were all defeated-and most of them by preciatln! audienn• of about fi\ h 1. department in whiC'h the major work the white collur hy most of lilo:::e who ''ilh o\erwht'lming s(·ore:-. Ill the.i over whelming scores-by the touring Bobcats who. despite the wearir.g dred th?Oμle saw the produttion Tho); is rlonp. •e:ie'e thl'}' will han· to Jl"'ly on some- 1:nor effect of constant travelling and tre strange floors which they met who took part lu tne play were Blan ·!1 "Jn all <'Ht-'i(>t'.l in which the app li canr thin!?" besides iu winnf:lg fully 10 <•tn(·h the t:tah their opponents. proved invincible. Border, :\lartba .Johnson. Rlllh IR not of Jpgal agP, or is dependent !nrue fair maiden's heart and new title anrl pntt"r their team in With the exception of the Whit man game and the contest with the Grace Mclver, Jannelle Lund, Edi111 upon or gual'dian for support. caps and necktie" are daily th'"• ·auonal Ama1eur tuurnarneat in strong Moscow five, which the blue and g old hoopsters won by two and six Fowler, Gregor Mct\lillan. lJa\ iJ the applicalion must be atcompanieu making their noisy appt=arance. Spring Chicago at which the Universit,Y of ;-oints, respectively, the Bobcats i:.il ed up bi g leads on their opponents Gray, .John "'biteside, Lee Park an1: b)-· the written l'Onsem of parPnt vr nyles :J:id sprine; Kipling him- rrah walked aw;,ty with tht> b:1«c-n Wherever they played they elicited from the press and from the specta · Hal Stewart. Miss Quaw went with guardian Lor the Joau. set( could not ha Ye imagined a bet· las1 )"t:'ar Tht'Y art' coming to \lo .\· tors admiring comments and won the repu t ation of being a fast, clean· the troop as ch aperon e. a:ld .Jobi. "The application must be accom· ter combination. The windo,i.-· of the rn1u1. 1or lilt' purpo:-.t' of playin g team . \\"hiteside acted business ruauug:('I'. panled by the applicant's promissory office is brightening up position fol' a plan• in 1hi:- 111u; The results of th e trip amount to a cinchir.g of the st ate The tronp left Dozeman Thui-:1 !a.. note, with a <.:tatement of the ::;ecurity ..-itb wreathed. fullmeaning smiles as nament iate basketball tit le and recogni t ion by mentors of the winter soort through - morning about o'dock. and ar:-in"I orrered. hPad of the e-rain laborat0ry It h; to their out the northwest as one of the strongest college quit1tets be tween t he in lleleua about noon. The "The (>).pend iture s of the app1ica:n ;iaases. on his path ul duty iu look- with tha1 of the Bobcat quh· Rockies and the coast. Rumor has i ! that. unle ss a slump occurs in the wa!-\ SJH!lll in \isiti·1g t.he leg-islaldrt· must be shown to be in accordance ing over "Duke Galbraith's grain pos- ft·t. a1 the present time. ai:. botb teams playing of th e blue and gold w arriorsdur•ng t he . remainder of the season. ,GO\t'rno1 Ste,\art. and l'hauullJ01 1'.l with his C'lairu of limited means. Ibilitiee" for next summer. I ha Ye played in absolutely differtnt te1·· the colle ge will be represented on All-North w est sele ction ilott Tbe troup IE'U Hel en .i af 1 ··rr the applicant hr..3 any debtH Mr Lu<'r our rf'llo\";nPrl commis- ritory and ha,-e not met the same o'rlo•·k on the G1ent );lortheru these :-. hall be reported in the appli· - !iouer of toren 13 ics n:p-orti:. that his Coach Bennion regards the Su11erior coat·hing, gooJ {_·ondilion, d. -:,uoni! 111 tlw .1g,u11 -..t Ruth :\able and Grace Mch'l•r cation. " ui-u:tl bad cold and hoarseness which l'tah Aggie games as the big featurPs consi!-;tPnl -..trong d 0 Ille .Jorg-t>u:'>u n. at r'orwr1nl. joined the party in Great Fall:). ']'lie Xo more than $1011 Is to be loaneJ heen his alibi for the las t three or the :season and will put forth an pla yint;". and t eam work we1e tlid \err t•ffl>C'ti\'e work in tht:> l\\o :\l i!>i· train arrived in Havre early to any one in one year and no rears of his meteoric debating car· extra effort to have the team primed Iii'-- t'ac·tnrs which tht- Hoh· soul<\ game=-- and stood .up morning. more thau *20Ll during the entir,• reer has taken no relapse and soon for the events. 10 "tanrl up unrter the :-itrai.1 of the trip Harrh;_ tllc laaky 1\fost of the day ia Havre was spt;: nl courst of his at the institut=o:1. wilt be able to remove his long winter Basis of 1hp tri11 and wrest \'ic1ories from the frt:"'shma.n though lacking in in preparing the stage for the p:a.Y except in cases. The n\·ercoat which baa been the cause o:t 1 IH· l"u•b ... ar·· :1tn•·· uppot,ing team!'> in their own lairs pericn<·e. fought well, held bis mn: and iu collecting stage "props." The are due one year after date. uule!>::l Bis beine: mistaken for a short course thf' moH im11orta:a to 1 .. 111:1vt·ft ti· · man wh o made the trip μro,·ed c.lown in tilt column, a.nil in ... play was. gi\·en in the Havre h:;;h s11t'tial indulgence is gra.,ted by the .. tnde:i.t so many times. Memories of Y(.'<H as they enable the <'oile£,e rnNtle ancl contributed to the suc- < 1u t--ntly gallo1)ed dowu from his back sclwol auditorium, nnd was very wel! faculty committee, but the payment nigh school laurels :=md the jingle cf to gel a comparison of the relative <"t:>5s of lhe tour. To big. speedy position and found the cigc. t reeei\t<l in of insuffident L may not be deferred beyond o ne ye<tr ua. ck medals have caused the speedy strength or the Bobcats and other .. Slicker·• Rice who. I•laying at th e Pitts , thou.gh greea a.t the I tice11e1·y nnd $P\Pral I after graduation. The notes are to Jolley to turn hb mind from race Mountain Conference teams. position, Plll u1i a :--11lt>ndid de· ganw. pro,t-d a valuable man to students 01 the lhn rC:' high bear 2 per cent interest until matur· llorse!!I and military honor:s J ost and ThP Utah Aggregation is compos· Lens1q_ game and brohe and gained eXt)C'rien<:e \\ hi1·h wer e on the 1'1t:.lge i:l tlw thl;d :h·l, il;- and 6 per cent afterward. As soon ·.r-on. to the more reaJi!jtic ('inde r ttl ot at ganw ;111cl 11 into the R('oring t·o lumn : tn the ) will do much toward hi,r whkb rl'•presE'nted nm11H1111 1.' as a :lOte is paid. the money is re· wur:;e and he may already be ; .::.een C<tptarn lo\ap1.J1· tlwv IH\\'f' 1 np ol ti,( su re- shooting and tn inw !'lhape for future meeting turned to the fund from whi ch it wn:-: 'holding his brPatb for his w=:naJ most dang-pr1Hls player:-; i:i lhe f Ross r;oPs mnth ot Ray Ca11non in addilion 'ti After the performan<'t- an lnt'Ltllta! taken . <C"nntinuc-d on Page F'ou.· l He one of lhe guard position:; C'redtt for work o[ the tht.:' business 1:>ni] of th1.• 1ri1, danc e was given by Lula Chest COLLEGE BASEBALL and i fi always one of the heavy scar. These men by their experience on pre. w;i:-. a ,·:1luablP nrn.11 on 1\w nut, 'lt). and Curtis N"elson. in of tbe game. ln a recent contest I dous tours and through their consis- floor. the high school. Refreshmeno.; W£'r,) be scored 24 oul of a total 50 points tent. coo lh eaded playing did much to T he T ;lp. se rved Iatet· at the home ui :\Tb-.. ,.;rored by bb tearu. He is exception· steady the work of the quintet and l;o1h ganws with the Slfltt' nni\-1'1'· C'heRtaut. S CHEDULE Is HEAVY all> a<'t mate on free throws and has I kPep thf' phn \\Orking Bruin::.-. pro\'ed Thr Party Stopped in Great Falls . M. S. C. WILL DEBATE GONZAGA UNIVERSITY I managed to keep hb:i opposing for- Ot hers Show Up Wel l. Bob<'ats walked nway "ith the> t'ir!'.t I ThP troup of "The Guide Po::.-.t"' sp,..,nl __ wards from scormg ma::iy baskets tn Burgest-, ''ho nr< omJHtllled ti:·· and doubled the scort> in tht· 'Sntnrclay in Ureat F'alls. _ H.mh tbe games he has Illayed. The tearu· squad 0111) as far as :>.l!::;;soula vlayC>'l (Continued on Page I\"ohle and :\fi:5s. Grac·e 1'.Jc·ht;>r treat Burns and Ecton Will Defent College Bobcat Basebal l Players Wdl Have IH,\\·ever. is not a one man te,t·t1 ed tht;" at·tors rn an automol>ilP ridL· GONGrnlNG WITH on Which to Captain Kajlpie haR four of lh•) be>< ANPIENT nar · lNllATlnN '"llC[ REPnRT M•oE assO('latt!S e\·er gathered together on H lJ u n tJ" " u I t" J u " ... I ' IN Smith, guard. ·-aenl 1emen. the meeting will no" arounrl the c-in in 1ht' atlE"t 1101111 b;111q11et was lwld in lht' Pink lf·'lt'J at •i o'i.:ln1·k \tis:-; Thill <Jnd \'b. Stt•(·k of t:reat F'allH entertaiarrl th.- at " very delightr111 ft'untlntt?d on Page Four) Ba.:>1.:ball tntbusia.stt:i on the bill are siore than pleaserl with the schedule lor U1is year At the pret;tmt time it looks as though the diamond artisl s wlll haH• at least ni:le contests t•l c:ome to order." said Chairman tOnlJ)t'te in Coad1 Bennion who llas M. S. C. WJLL HAVE rapping df{orously upon t!tc flooni J •. };t re111rned frnm th weRt has 11rac- RESERVE OFFICERS lirma with the sole of a dainty num· \\"orking hall11«ina1ion I BILLINGS WADES lirally t•ompleterl a ll pl<-1,,n:-; regardinF bt'r 12 The scenr ot tht:' 1rnth hlsehall for th!! com111J? spring cring '':as in one (,! tilt- r I TRAINING CORPS rooms in Faculty How "hich iR sit nov. on ly tbe fin!sh!ng touches leed LP looked after. na t ed on the third floor of the l ocal The schedule is as follows: Y. i\I. C .'\.. building. l:ath t-rPd ahoul l'Ome writer un till' I stalf of thP J)ail r :\lis:moliaJ. l·on<'o('t· ed a iutereHting and sli.1rt.l111g: at· 1•011nt of the eollegt> fre!Shman-Hil. lirH!H i111 l epentlent_s gnml' for the ')di ffrution of follower:-; uf 1lw w'nlf the daintily ::; hod master of ceremon- !Ylay 4--Fi State uni\'ers lty at Mis· Courses Given at College Will ies in altitudes e:!.SC and I Students to Ob ta in Second Lieu- re laxation from the nnluous du ties or spo rt in lhe Gur<len The :11" May 7-o-G<>nzaga at Spokane. May 9 -\Vbitworth college at Spo· tenancy in United States Officer's a hard day :;pen t on the hill enden,·or- tidP appeared ln the rnf)r kaa e Reserve. in g to innoculate the youth of the ing edition the Mh isou lian anrl pk May 11-12-ldaho university at Moe· t·ow Treasure Stale with the infetLion pro- tured the :\fontnnn State to llege fir:.->t <luced by that fickle littl e organiHm the bacillus educatus wam as havin g been unmcrci1u lly INTO THE M. S. C. BOBKITTENS Romney's Aggrega t ion of All-Stars Includin g F ormer Athletic Coach, Joe Ma r kham is T oo Much F or the F resh men. Miles Ci t y H igh Scho:>I Defeated by t he F rosh. Title Against Gonzaga Debaters on March 1. University The secoud debate 01 the Hnt>-1:11 I season will be held in Boz..:>man on March tirsl when the forensic artist:-; of the college will meet a team repre· senting Gonzaga universily of Spok- ane universit.\ The Spokane hsti· tution :::.ends out strong whkh are well drllled in the runclnments of dehatine:. ha\·e regular, n.'llllired in ·'It•· bating and in this res11ert haYe ., marked advaatage over the re11resen t tives or 1 hP college. Tlw .. by Luce and Park, year defeated the Go:lzaga team in Spokanr. The will be oppostd .Jame s Burn:;; and Zales botn of the freshman class. Both of lhese men have good records in school forensic work and can be reli ed upon 14·1.l-Slate univers ity at Bozi: · man. Gonzaga has a!iked for two games in Bozeman about May first which JJ:1ay later be schedu led. A game or lvto amyalso be played with Wash· !ngton Slat< college at Pullman. This Is the heaviest baseball sche- "11ie that the college has ever had . Pranically every man of la st year's ttam is in college so prospects are unusually bright provi d ed tha t Pr <r f esF.or Burke doeR h is pa rt in schfl<lul· 'b e right b rand of sp ri ng weath er. The cadet• o[ M. S. C. who have were four of bis official cc>-workers ·l mpletcd a four year course i11 mili- tary trainl:tg will now be allowed to lleaten by tbe Bu11ng:; aggregation. "The i.ecretary will pleat)<- r ead the iry cor a se>C'ond lieutenancy in the minutes of the mee ting" continu· ed the chairman. The report that it the collegt• rirst team originated in where tfie repres en tativ e of thr as· socla ted press who covered the gam1..• made th e mi i{. ake of sending broari casl, over the press wire. th e reporc tT. S Olfi<: r'::; neser\'e corps, a unit .!.Yhich has only recently b en effected by the U. S. army and which will al- low nlPll to berome O(flcers jn Lhe army without interfering with "Mr. Chairmun-:.-tr. Chairman, in 1he interest or our belo, ·e cl society I to enter nn objection at t hi s th?.t the Montana State college tean• tlmP. It OC"U rs to me that there is had been beaten. As a mntter of 1ar· La st Mo nday the freshmen resen·e:. to do their best for the collegP. \ went to Billings where th ey suffered won the Interscholasllc exteniporane· d efeat l'rom the fast Billings lnllc-· ous speaking contest last spring null pendent team. The score On third pince in lhe debating <'ontest. Tue s day .they walloped the Miles 'ity Burns has had little frouble In de high school team by the of 2C feating all comers in lhe preparatory to H. b the first game tlw speaking for the two 'heir rivil life Captain Clark if.\ in r<'reipt of gen ,.,ral frrm th( \Yar de>pnrlmenl ·vhirh glvP lh " 1nd f'."c11 fContln11ecl on l ,igl, l·'oor.1 no nee-d or consuming the vnlnabl"' time of this organi1ation by iuiln< over the minutes of the previous n 1 nn· 111ir "fl' h n 1 ght. \\'e l11ve nobll" work (Contl nu eo on Tw0 l t was th freshman of the co 1 1 ege which met wilh di!mster. Jn ordl'r to all ,·late any mlsappr· l'-:nstcn in the .cl (Continued on PJgc Two.) ra n up against a. trong lineup or ol r' "o llege s tars l1.omney, Markham, \Vickstron ,..hor ne :i nrt Rag3ley. Ro mnry player' n !he ' ""m tw" ntro an (Con t!nued on Pap 4.) years. The question which will be ed is. " Resolved, thal capital punish ment shC'u ld be abolished." The col· !('l"Y",., h!ls th•" affirmative 0r t11e l>nticn.

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Page 1: 1Ueekly1£xpnuen1 - Montana State University · 2016. 5. 24. · = VOLUME VIII. ZEPHYRS OF SPRING SPREAD FUSSING BUG 1Ueekly1£xpnuen1 MONTANA STATE COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA







The sra1 t has missed the services 'i Fritz Hnllock. chiet of the sport ·t·1 tion <H the sheet. this wef::k. Fritz u,.. llt:L·n t·onlined to his home hr an

Bobcats Make Clean Sweep of All Games On Big Trip





w irm \Veath-er Has Spread Fussing

Epidemic to all Quarters on the ill. Many Thought to be Immune j

Are Now Stricken With Serious


11 k ul i-111.-umatism tluring the past I '\\ 11. ys !fr hopt'~ to be out a~ain

· h.· irst 01 the week. Eight Stra ight

··The Hine Paradise." a musiC'al comedy gi\i:n at the :\lunidpal thta ter lasl eve;1ing. was well .atten1led by IJoth ··t·lls· aucl · ('O-E"di::;. · both in·

di\'idually and collec·tivel.Y. All ex Garn es Is the Feat of t he Bobcat Quintet pressed themsel1es as 111ea>-e1i with

BAND PLAYS AT WILLOW CREEK W hich Invaded the Strong Teams of Monta na, Idaho the splendid production.

and Washington. T he College Team Excelled All P layed VIDAL COPS THE TEN-SPOT

Plans Whereby Needy Students May Obtain Fund For Small Rate of In ­

terest Have Been Sent to Chancellor Elliott For Approval.

1·1 l' c· 1111pus, which ha~ been the .scene or ma11y a romance in the past 11rring months is onCf· more ron:.Hlirg mt(l form a~ a hapJlY medium ncro~s

which the Co-t:d::; a:i.d tht.: wore gc·ntle swak~ hare L~xerdsvi thefr thf!uzh s and limti~ 1n the .-1priu~ 'The ~now ha~ not 1t~ft .t:; :n·t bul 1'11 Wt>atlwr

hai;;; commenl'~d ll n~ 111erP "" and "'l•l·n·

~oon thl' · ll;wPn r " w ht sho\\ in~ :->igns pf rcnew1 d .1t·'i\ily, \\.·Jw.:h

wf!s all to ~o\m arnl 1id1li:.lly broken

Of! fast '.'\QYembCr.

Alrt•,\d}' thm1;zi. the g:; ound b slushy an1J the wea h~r i:-; ~till uncertain. (Oilil m1'mvrie~ ,.. .. '- lu·mc, I Ye•l o' et

anil thcr Hl'. li 1gt'r ug alJcntt the m n h 11 he e· r1) ln1 l whq i.ll'P

waltmg fo1 somt• 111 t uomic~ rla ·e:-; t1 h 11 r. ,~=--et1 ,..1 1 !1;11

they ma. pipe t11 d1gh llo\\ n r l!O mor will t~ll Pld dH.:n11:-;1 ry lit 1·

r.ig be t ... ~ gallery for !l~e PllrJIU' 0 or vie~~;i,~g 'pa~sIUt.;, 1,;\:•~n , .. anll tt11 members ot tb1 l 11e111::-1;. depart· ment wlll have to lay R<.:ide their

"'n•i·tol' Loll ll11ward ~ind l\\"UL\·· unt" 111;,_~mtwr:-. of the C'Olle


ge regir1pn tal han<i jonrneyN1 to \\'illnw C'"l·tc>l\ I. sl :\lonila)· whf'rt' 1l1Py playt~.i at a da!H·t> gl \'t'a by 111e \\"illuw Creek 0n• lllt>l'C"!al dnh. Thl' l)Oys p\a.vt-•d r:ll'

In Every Department of the Game and Had Little Trou-

ble In Wi11ning Games

:: :: :: :: :: :: .. .. •• :t •• :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: .. :: :.:

Ten1ath·t> plans for lhe harn.lli:1~ o' About eighty couples altetldt!cl tlic student loan fund~ at the instHmion"

clanC'e given in the drill. hall Friday I comprising tbe 1·uh·ersity nf '.\lo:

PYl't~int::. by the col l ege band. 'Th•~ I ta:ia have been placed before the fal

t ·, dances :Ofondar e\·ening and Tues- •••• •• .. da.v 11111rning anll retlll'llf'll lo Bn.:P· it ll•Ull lnoking- rather worse for ,.,_.,:',1~ o

Tlk) rr·port t•xeellent treatment THE SQUAD

:: ::


_muR1c '"is excellent and everyone hatl iJ!ties or the four branches bv ('han· a goo<I time although the dancing sur c-ellor E. C Elliott for apl)rov~l. The La(·t~ was ··:·dO\\ed up" by the heavr t11nds will tw placed in banks whe1e

:: paim lines on tlw Iio<•r lhPy will Jw :-;11bject to withdrawal t: TllL• lucky ;rnmher in the !lrai··lt1~ upon order of the ehanrellor. Reco111. :: rnr thP ten flollar prizt" wa~ helil I>~

•• Coach Fred Bennion :t 1: •• Captain "S licker·1 Rice Center :: -

Bobcats. 30: State U. Bobcats, 31: State U.

... Lawrenee \"idal 15 ••

UTAH AGGIE GAMES •• Ray Cannon •• Homer Taylor

WILL BE THRILLERS ~ Ralph Jorgenson Tom Ross

:: Ralph Burgess

Manager u :: ::: :: Forward

Forward ... Guard Guard Guard


~ ! :~ :: ::

Bobcats, 22; Whitman 20 :1

Bobcats. 59: Dayton A. C. 12 i: Bobcats, 26: U. of Idaho 20 H

Bobcats. 58: Whitworth Col 25 •• Bobcats, 33: Gonzaga U. 17 !1 Bobcats. 37: Gonzaga U. 13 ..

296 127 ;:


•• Frank Harns In the Utah Aggie Basketball Team •• Raymond Pitts

the College Will Meet One of the :1 u u ;: u .. College Dramatic Club Play We11

Nor-Strongest Conference Teams.

The only nmlerencP gam~s ind11d· 1..•U in tilt:> Bubl..'at schi:dnle arl' wl: fl the t•tah A:.o.,>ie:; anll are slatt'r! 10

lw playeU iu Bozeman. F'ehrnary :!1

u :: :: :: .. ........ ::: ... . ..... ::

A throng of cheering students greeted Co,;:c r~ed Bennion anrl

victorious Bobcat ba:;;ketbdl\ squ<::d at the Northern Pacifi.:: station the 1ast

Sunday i'lfte r noon when they re turre d from their invasion of the Nort h· west which netted them an unbroken stri11g of victories against the strongest quintets of this state, ldah o, and Washington. Although some·

Taken by Large Audience in thern Montana City.

The firsl annual excursiou of the> (.·ollE'gE:> dramatic club was ,·ery sue·

.. Tht Guide Po~t." ~111 agri·

menrlations for loam; will be made by

I a raculty committee.

The_ reg11lation!; goYerning ap11lic·<• lion:; for loans are as follows

Regulations. The llll thocl f'f preC'edure in rnakfnl!

for loans is a· follows:

· AJ1µlka1ions for loans may bt> •na<ll· b)- 11pper 1·lan~ !->t111lents (junior::; 1.nd

H•n!<ll's). who i111·~1Hl to be gradual\ l

trom onl)' one of the ini;titutions f tht:> 11ahersity, I.Hit who art' nnahle t1J

l ntilltll tlh:.:ii studie.!:i without fhan· <-1<11 aid 01ily in ex<·eptional C'ase:-­will luaus Lt' 111ach· to studenls ot

!owe!' rank

m11st present

;1.ld :?2 Tht= :.:.nut1ll'rJH·rs <-Ltim tl·.lf what fatigued by the long trip not a man on the squad sustained an injury c-nltmal drama writtt•n Uy :\Ir-... lh-r- n·(·ommE-ndatinn as to <'haracter antl

·:-;py ~la:-.!St"'s" antl :-;how themselves lht·ir 11~am. this year. h- the bei-:t arid every one returned 1n the best of physical condition. ril'k atHI :\li:-,;-; Qnaw, \\as pr. ,...t:11tt•1l ~( lwlar~hi1 1 t'rom tn£· dean or direct' r it they wi:-:b to be <lireC'tl.'· iuformerl (•\t;>r pr'"1tl1H·1::-cl hy their institmion s, The State University at Missoul a; Whitman College at Walla Walla, in rhe city or Ha\'rP la:n F'riday. The of the ~l·hool Ll whirh lw is studyin~ ef th'=' SJJrillg :-<tyle:-; lar thb n·ar they lui.n~ met with Washington: the Dayton athletic club of Dayton~ Washington; the Un1ver· 1day \\as 11ranfrally the same <.h thl' (1he dt>-a11 ol" \\Omen in the ca:;e Dt

StyleD ar.d Smiles. nothing hut ~HC<'es~ in all 1he1r sity of Idaho at Moscow: Whitworth college , Spokane, Washington ; and i:a• present(•d in nozenrnn. An ap. women apvlkants). or lhe- head of th(j Tbl~ jer~ey R bf lllg ('ast • sil1t> I11r g-ames and have ended most 01 thi:-tn Gonzaga University at Spokane were all defeated-and most of them by preciatln! audienn• of about fi\ ~.· h 1. department in whiC'h the major work

the white collur hy most of lilo:::e who ''ilh o\erwht'lming s(·ore:-. Ill the.i overwhelming scores-by the touring Bobcats who. despite the wearir.g dred th?Oµle saw the produttion Tho); is rlonp. •e:ie'e thl'}' will han· to Jl"'ly on some- 1:nor effect of constant travelling and tre strange floors which they met who took part lu tne play were Blan ·!1 "Jn all <'Ht-'i(>t'.l in which the appli canr thin!?" besides per~onaliu iu winnf:lg The~ fully l~xpect 10 <•tn(·h the t:tah their opponents. proved invincible. Border, :\lartba .Johnson. Rlllh ~n1-JJt> IR not of Jpgal agP, or is dependent !nrue fair maiden's heart and new ~tatf-' title anrl pntt"r their team in With the exception of the Whit man game and the contest with the Grace Mclver, Jannelle Lund, Edi111 upon pare~ts or gual'dian for support. caps and pas~iolH!te necktie" are daily th'"• ~ ·auonal Ama1eur tuurnarneat in strong Moscow five, which the blue and gold hoopsters won by two and six Fowler, Gregor Mct\lillan. lJa\ iJ the applicalion must be atcompanieu making their noisy appt=arance. Spring Chicago at which the Universit,Y of ;-oints, respectively, the Bobcats i:.il ed up bi g leads on their opponents Gray, .John "'biteside, Lee Park an1: b)-· the written l'Onsem of parPnt vr nyles :J:id sprine; ~miles. Kipling him- rrah walked aw;,ty with tht> b:1«c-n Wherever they played they elicited from the press and from the specta · Hal Stewart. Miss Quaw went with guardian Lor the Joau. set( could not ha Ye imagined a bet· las1 )"t:'ar Tht'Y art' coming to \lo .\· tors admiring comments and won the repu t ation of being a fast, clean· the troop as ch aperone. a:ld .Jobi. "The application must be accom· ter combination. The windo,i.-· of the rn1u1. 1or lilt' purpo:-.t' of stren~tlw11i11~ playin g team . \\"hiteside acted a~ business ruauug:('I'. panled by the applicant's promissory .re~1strar's office is brightening up th~·ir position fol' a plan• in 1hi:- 111u; The results of th e trip amount to a cinchir.g of the s t ate int~colleg· The tronp left Dozeman Thui-:1 !a.. note, with a <.:tatement of the ::;ecurity ..-itb wreathed. fullmeaning smiles as nament iate basketball tit le and recogni t ion by mentors of the winter soort through- morning about ~I o'dock. and ar:-in"I orrered. Iii~ hPad of the stat~ e-rain laborat0ry It h; impo:-;~ibl(:> to 1..~orn11are their out the northwest as one of the strongest college quit1tets between t he in lleleua about noon. The aft~rnntH "The (>).pend itures of the app1ica:n ;iaases. on his path ul duty iu look- ,.;\ren~lh with tha1 of the Bobcat quh· Rockies and the coast. Rumor has i ! that. unless a slump occurs in the wa!-\ SJH!lll in \isiti·1g t.he leg-islaldrt· must be shown to be in accordance ing over "Duke Galbraith's grain pos - ft·t. a1 the present time. ai:. botb teams playing of the blue and gol d w arriorsdur•ng t he. remainder of the season. ,GO\t'rno1 Ste,\art. and l'hauullJ01 1'.l with his C'lairu of limited means. Ibilitiee" for next summer. I ha Ye played in absolutely differtnt te1·· the college will be represented on th~ All-Northw est s ele ction ilott Tbe troup IE'U Hele n .i af 1 ··rr the applicant hr..3 any debtH Mr Lu<'r our rf'llo\";nPrl commis- ritory and ha,-e not met the same o'rlo•·k on the G1ent );lortheru ~ll"'s these :-. hall be reported in the appli·

- !iouer of toren 13 ics n:p-orti:. that his tea.rm~. Coach Bennion regards the Su11erior coat·hing, gooJ {_·ondilion, d. -:,uoni! ~Hrnc 111 tlw c:onte-..t~ .1g,u11 -..t Ruth :\able and ~ltss Grace Mch'l•r cation." ui-u:tl bad cold and hoarseness which l'tah Aggie games as the big featurPs consi!-;tPnl ba~ket-shomi11g. -..trong d 0

• Ille Bruin~. .Jorg-t>u:'>un. at r'orwr1nl. joined the party in Great Fall:). ']'lie Xo more than $1011 Is to be loaneJ ha~ heen his alibi for the last three or the :season and will put forth an ft->n~i\"t' pla yint;". and team work we1e tlid \err t•ffl>C'ti\'e work in tht:> l\\o :\l i!>i· train arrived in Havre early Frirt~\r to any one ~tudent in one year and no rears of his meteoric debating car· extra effort to have the team primed Iii'-- t'ac·tnrs which Pna bl~d tht- Hoh· soul<\ game=-- and stood .up w~ll morning. more thau *20Ll during the entir,• reer has taken no relapse and soon for the events. c·cH~ 10 "tanrl up unrter the :-itrai.1 of thro~1ghont the trip Harrh;_ tllc laaky 1\fost of the day ia Havre was spt;:nl courst of his ~nay at the institut=o:1. wilt be able to remove his long winter Basis of Compari~on. 1hp tri11 and wrest \'ic1ories from the frt:"'shma.n ~rnarct. though lacking in e~~ in preparing the stage for the p:a.Y except in ~pecinl cases. The note~

n\·ercoat which baa been the cause o:t 1 IH· l"u•b \~~~·1p ~am•· ... ar·· :1tn•·· uppot,ing team!'> in their own lairs pericn<·e. fought well, held bis mn: and iu collecting stage "props." The are due one year after date. uule!>::l Bis beine: mistaken for a short course thf' moH im11orta:a to 1 .. 111:1vt·ft ti· · Ev~ry man wh o made the trip µro,·ed c.lown in tilt ~coring column, a.nil in ... play was. gi\·en in the Havre h:;;h s11t'tial indulgence is gra.,ted by the .. tnde:i.t so many times. Memories of Y(.'<H as they \\~111 enable the <'oile£,e hi~ rnNtle ancl contributed to the suc- <1u t--ntly gallo1)ed dowu from his back sclwol auditorium, nnd was very wel! faculty committee, but the payment nigh school laurels :=md the jingle cf to gel a comparison of the rela tive <"t:>5s of lhe tour. To big. speedy (1001~ position and found the cigc. t reeei\t<l in ~pite of th~ insuffident L may not be deferred beyond one ye<tr ua.ck medals have caused the speedy strength or the Bobcats and other .. Slicker·• Rice who. I•laying at the Pitts , thou.gh greea a.t the collegint~ I tice11e1·y nnd ~mull ~tagt1. $P\Pral I after graduation. The notes are to Jolley to turn hb mind from race Rock~ Mountain Conference teams. pivo~ position, Plll u1i a :--11lt>ndid de· ganw. pro,t-d a valuable man to ~a\e students 01 the lhn rC:' high ~~·lwol bear 2 per cent interest until matur· llorse!!I and military honor:s Jost and ThP Utah Aggregation is compos· Lens1q_• game and couH i HtP·nl~ brohe alon~ and gained eXt)C'rien<:e \\ hi1·h were on the 1'1t:.lge i:l tlw thl;d :h·l, il;- and 6 per cent afterward. As soon ·.r-on. to the more reaJi!jtic ('inde r ttl ot veu::ran~ at tla~ ganw ;111cl 11 into the R('oring t·o lumn : tn the t'a~t ) will do much toward rQnnclin~ hi,r whkb rl'•presE'nted nm11H1111 1.' as a :lOte is paid. the money is re· wur:;e and he may already be ;.::.een C<tptarn lo\ap1.J1· tlwv IH\\'f' 1 np ol ti,( su re-shooting Ta~· Jor: and tn ll~am:-·, inw !'lhape for future gaml·~- meeting turned to the fund from which it wn:-: 'holding his brPatb for his w=:naJ most dang-pr1Hls player:-; i:i lhe Wt3~f f hard_fightin~ Ross r;oPs mnth ot ti~..-. ~i.ana~er Ray Ca11non in addilion 'ti After the performan<'t- an lnt'Ltllta! taken .

<C"nntinuc-d on Page F'ou.· l He Jllay~ one of lhe guard position:; C'redtt for th~ work o[ the ~qua.t. ln1 ni.1li:1~ tht.:' business 1:>ni] of th1.• 1ri1, dance was given by ~Iis~ Lula Chest

COLLEGE BASEBALL and ifi always one of the heavy scar. These men by their experience on pre. w;i:-. a ,·:1luablP nrn.11 on 1\w ~1Ln 111~ nut, 'lt). and Curtis N"elson. ·1~. in

Pr~ of tbe game. ln a recent contest I dous tours and through their consis- floor. the high school. Refreshmeno.; W£'r,)

be scored 24 oul of a total 50 points tent. coolh eaded playing did much to T he T ;lp. served Iatet· at the home ui :\Tb-.. ,.;rored by bb tearu. He is exception· steady the work of the quintet and l;o1h ganws with the Slfltt' nni\-1'1'· C'heRtaut.

SCHEDULE Is HEAVY all> a<'t mate on free throws and has I kPep thf' phn \\Orking ~mootbly ~lty Bruin::.-. pro\'ed picking~. Thr Party Stopped in Great Falls.


I managed to keep hb:i opposing for- Ot hers Show Up W e ll. Bob<'ats walked nway "ith the> t'ir!'.t I ThP troup of "The Guide Po::.-.t"' sp,..,nl

__ wards from scormg ma::iy baskets tn Burgest-, ''ho nr< omJHtllled ti:·· and doubled the scort> in tht· !-;~(·nrnt 'Sntnrclay in Ureat F'alls. _ :\Ii~:-- H.mh tbe games he has Illayed. The tearu· squad 0111) as far as :>.l!::;;soula vlayC>'l (Continued on Page i.~our.) I\"ohle and :\fi:5s. Grac·e 1'.Jc·ht;>r treat Burns and Ecton Will Defent College

Bobcat Basebal l Players Wdl Have IH,\\·ever. is not a one man te,t·t1 a~ ed tht;" at·tors rn an automol>ilP ridL·


~~rf~~:·T~:~°spG~~ges on Which to Captain Kajlpie haR four of lh•) be>< ANPIENT nar·lNllATlnN '"llC[ REPnRT M•oE assO('latt!S e\·er gathered together on H lJ u n tJ" " u I t" J u "

~~~,n~~;:~~~~~.;l:,;:·~~~~:;~ ... ~:;:i:~'.~·n"·,;: I ' Ol~GO~fA£0 IN J£5~10N Smith, guard.

·-aenl 1emen. the meeting will no"

arounrl the c-in in 1ht' atlE"t 1101111

b;111q11et was lwld in lht' Pink lf·'lt'J at •i o'i.:ln1·k \tis:-; Thill <Jnd \'b.

Stt•(·k of t:reat F'allH entertaiarrl th.-

colll"'~f' ~rnde:as at " very delightr111 ft'untlntt?d on Page Four)

Ba.:>1.:ball tntbusia.stt:i on the bill are siore than pleaserl with the schedule lor U1is year At the pret;tmt time it looks as though the diamond artisl s wlll haH• at least ni:le contests t•l

c:ome to order." said Chairman

tOnlJ)t'te in Coad1 Bennion who llas M. S. C. WJLL HAVE rapping df{orously upon t!tc flooni

J •. };t re111rned frnm th weRt has 11rac- RESERVE OFFICERS lirma with the sole of a dainty num·

\\"orking nnd~.. hall11«ina1ion I BILLINGS WADES lirally t•ompleterl a ll pl<-1,,n:-; regardinF bt'r 12 bo~l. The scenr ot tht:' 1rnth hlsehall for th!! com111J? spring ~nu cring '':as in one (,! tilt- ~llitl·~ r

I TRAINING CORPS rooms in Faculty How "hich iR sit

nov. only tbe fin!sh!ng touches leed LP looked after. na t ed on the third floor of the local

The schedule is as follows: Y. i\I. C .'\.. building. l:ath t-rPd ahoul

l'Ome en~r~l'tk ~von writer un till' I stalf of thP J)ail r :\lis:moliaJ. l·on<'o('t·

ed a mo~t iutereHting and sli.1rt.l111g: at·

1•011nt of the eollegt> fre!Shman-Hil.

lirH!H i111 lepentlent_s gnml' for the ')di

ffrution of follower:-; uf 1lw w'nlf .~ the daintily ::; hod master of ceremon­

!Ylay 4--Fi State uni\'ers lty at Mis· Courses Given at College Will ~nable ies in altitudes be.speakil1~ e:!.SC and

~oula. I Students to Obta in Second L ieu- re laxation from the nnluous du t i es or sport in lhe Gur<len Cit~r The :11" May 7-o-G<>nzaga at Spokane. May

9-\Vbitworth college at Spo· tenancy in United States Officer's a hard day :;pen t on the hill enden,·or- tidP appeared ln the Tue~day rnf)r l·

kaae Reserve. ing to innoculate the youth of the ing edition o~ the Mhisou lian anrl pk

May 11-12-ldaho university at Moe· t·ow

Treasure Stale with the infetLion pro- tured the :\fontnnn State tollege fir:.->t <luced by that fickle littl e organiHm the bacillus educatus inte llectua l! ~.

wam as having been unmcrci1u lly


Romney's Aggregat ion of All-Stars Including F ormer Athletic Coach, Joe Ma r kham is T oo Much For the F resh men. Miles Ci t y H igh Scho:>I Defeated by t he F rosh.

Title Against Gonzaga Debaters on March 1.


The secoud debate 01 the Hnt>-1:11 I season will be held in Boz..:>man on March tirsl when the forensic artist:-; of the college will meet a team repre· senting Gonzaga universily of Spok­ane universit.\ The Spokane hsti· tution alway~ :::.ends out exceptionall~ strong leam~ whkh are well drllled in the runclnments of dehatine:. Tl1e~

ha\·e regular, n.'llllired cour~t>s in ·'It•· bating and in this res11ert haYe ., marked advaatage over the re11resen t tives or 1 hP college. Tlw .. ·olle~e

repre~elll~cl by Luce and Park, la~t

year defeated the Go:lzaga team in Spokanr.

The visitor~ will be oppostd .James Burn:;; and Zales l~Non botn of the freshman class. Both of lhese men have good records in lti~h school forensic work and can be reli ed upon ~la) 14·1.l-Slate univers ity at Bozi:·


Gonzaga has a!iked for two games in Bozeman about May first which JJ:1ay later be schedu led. A game or lvto amyalso be played with Wash· !ngton Slat< college at Pullman.

This Is the heaviest baseball sche­"11ie that the college has ever had. Pranically every man of last year's ttam is in college so prospects are unusually bright provided that Pr <r f esF.or Burke doeR h is pa rt in schfl<lul· In~ 'be right brand of spring weather.

The cadet• o[ M. S. C. who have were four of bis official cc>-workers ·l mpletcd a four year course i11 mili­tary trainl:tg will now be allowed to

lleaten by tbe Bu11ng:; aggregation.

"Th e i.ecretary will pleat)<- read the

iry cor a se>C'ond lieutenancy in the minutes of the la~t mee ting" continu· e d the chairman.

The report that it wn~ the collegt• rirst team originated in Billl:u~.,

where tfie represen tative of thr as· soclated press who covered the gam1..• made the mii{.ake of sending broari casl, over the press wire. th e reporc

tT. S Olfi<: r'::; neser\'e corps, a unit .!.Yhich has only recently b en effected by the U. S. army and which will al­low 111an~· nlPll to berome O(flcers jn Lhe army without interfering with

"Mr. Chairmun-:.-tr. Chairman, in 1he interest or our belo,·ecl society I 1"~ire to enter nn objection at t hi s th?.t the Montana State college tean• tlmP. It OC"U rs to me that there is had been beaten. As a mntter of 1ar·

Last Monday the freshmen resen·e:. to do their best for the collegP. l<~cto \ went to Billings where th ey suffered won the Interscholasllc exteniporane· defeat l'rom the fast Billings lnllc-· ous speaking contest last spring null pendent team. The score 2!S·U~. On third pince in lhe debating <'ontest. Tuesday .they walloped the Miles 'ity Burns has had little frouble In de high school team by the ~core of 2C feating all comers in lhe preparatory to H. b the first game tlw Fre~d11ue1· speaking l.'Oatc~ts for the ln~t two

'heir rivil life Captain Clark if.\ in r<'reipt of gen

,.,ral order~ frrm th( \Yar de>pnrlmenl ·vhirh glvP lh " 11•1111i!·.,nw111~ 1nd f'."c11

fContln11ecl on l ,igl, l·'oor.1

no nee-d or consuming the vnlnabl"' time of this organi1ation by iuiln< over the minutes of the previous n1 nn· 111ir "fl' h n 1ght. \\'e l11ve nobll" work

(Con tl nueo on Png~ Tw0 l

t was th freshman ~Quad of the co 1

1ege which met wilh di!mster. Jn ordl'r to all ,·late any mlsappr·

l'-:nstcn in ~!l s~cu ll the follm»!~t; .cl (Continued on PJgc Two.)

ra n up against a. trong lineup or ol r' "ollege ba!lk~tba ll s tars lncludin~

l1.omney, Markham, \Vickstron ,..horn e :i nrt Rag3ley. R omnry player'

n !he N•llP~!<' ' ""m tw" ,.'-'"r~ ntro an (Con t!nued on Pap 4.)

years. The question which will be di~cuss­

ed is. " Resolved, thal capital punish ment shC'u ld be abolished." The col· !('l"Y",., h!ls th•" affirmative ~Ide 0r t11e l>nticn.

Page 2: 1Ueekly1£xpnuen1 - Montana State University · 2016. 5. 24. · = VOLUME VIII. ZEPHYRS OF SPRING SPREAD FUSSING BUG 1Ueekly1£xpnuen1 MONTANA STATE COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA


A l=-BRF~CT gentleman ain 't pro­

- d··:C''1 b~r a night's study over

an etiq11t LL'' b001 Same \Va.y with 'l per{~:::t ;..J~

Wind Roughened



(Continu<.>tl from Page One.)




10utgrn"U1 of !otlonthJ~ E.xponenL E~tablisbed January 1, Jh!/5.•



Tlrn \\'e('kly E:q_101u-11t ls- -.1rictJ~- ~1 stud nt C':Heipri~e. 11·s l:lnef purpose

1g rn rrc-sent to ii~ re:Hkr~. e;_(·h \\ c~k. ~1n ~.cn1ra1e and complete record ot

Lhe deYelo11mentti- ln (.'allege affair:: <luring thCIL period anti to exerl its influ·

ence for 1he u1-building d )[Ontana State <.'ollegc., The pa11er is t11e result N

\ oluntury effort put forth by the s:tude..1ts wbo compose the staH.

Publii::hC'd e'er~· F'rhiay nf 1he C'Oll('ge yenr by ~. staff cl'los0n lrom the

wde11r:-; t'f the :\lci::,!i..1 8rnte (.."o 11 ;.:..t of Agiit·ulrnrt· anrl .'.\feurn111c Arts,

or U1e L1uhendty of :\[ontann, HOZ{!lll2.ll, Mout3.:ta.

Entered as secoucl-tl<lss mattu· at Bozeman. ~lontana.

under Act f Congrc~!1; ot' ""l\1nr<:l1 a, l'-.!~ 1 •


J'w0 llnliar~ P1:.'r Yn-:r Te:i Centt: Per Copy

Studt>nts become Subscribers upon i.;ay1nent of the n~gular actlYity ree


l'l1t -.;tHitlling! ~oftening, and 10 11e1·form trnd IifC' i:; :::ho1·t. ·1·pw:nd

liL lin_t!· l-n.':1111 for wind rongh-1 <ind onward' is my motto. Let us li:DlT"OR-lN+CJTIEF

' 1.d la~es is spc111l all 0111· ume in ~arnl':-.t emlC'a.- BtJSl:"\ESS 1\f .\NAGER

E. L.. t'OL~. 'Ii

HAROLD Dll'KSO:>I, 'lo

C G STRAi\"AllAN. 'l~

DO:< J,A;.1<;01-1 R. ·1-

DAVJD TllO:'tl '.S, ·1~

FRFD fll'I.I.. H'K.

i;;DITI I F'OWI..Ell. '1,


VELVET WITCH HAZEL ""., i<> "'""11 eo,.h eYcnin• 1l1e no!.lo MAl'\AGING ErnTOR

CREAM \\Ork of th~ )1:-t~I ,.\ud ht':-:id~l:. :~/~\~~ AS80CJATh: 1..:DITOR

1'11· ,. <'ti!.:hJ_,. mc<licated. daintily 1H rfumcd. ea.;,_\ tu :ipply. ls !11 !.!f!..':t!-\ ~r :-;ticks. Good

f r l'JL i}p;d hand" a: 'Yell a:-. lie face.



Rose Drug Co. n.. :it"""° ~e. 3to1't

::.~:~~~:·l~sroli~~~· l::~~·1~~1~<~1;;ttar~anunt JP:Hl ClRCTll.ATION ,\lAi\'Al;ER


in flOC'IETY Rl:11'0RTE!l

lhl l llltna 1•11 of \\-i1id1 ht.:> ~t anlt nt

h ,'•'l'~l'-'I"" - !!'!Isl I 11.1' •" s111·c·(>P1 d

in ·1.iku1~ 111y!'>1-"lt ill(l\'l t11 ks:-; 1 lc)r"

\\'ith tht>.-St• wnnl:-; Pro1E:·~~or

c·~.1111 <ln-11wd himst>lC oYer thl' w)ndow

"' II tlJ St·r-r\'l.ll'Y ·:-< room wher)

rhP ttll•diJJf; WiB h ing ill'ill

Session Interrupted.

\t thi~ f111H: t11e 111ee1i11~ of tile p11r-

l _ 1.. '" 111r-1 1f•t.:1l ti:- a 1010< Ji:

,, d11tr \• le nr ,;:4·r-

t-, Pll;..«-• 11 1 h • ould·ll<'·





l;REGOR ~IA(' MILL\1'. ·1~1

Al.11ERT 1. BURTll:-C, 1'

JOH!\ \Y. MlNAR, '18


.I.ACK 8\\ l~AT. ·1~ ASSJS'lA1'1' 11CSJ)\1';SS :lIA1'Alil,r:---·· .. -··­

.\SSlSTAXT l'IRl'lli.ATJO).; ;l[A).;Af1Elt

l.t Ro~ Fnwle1. 'Ut

\lf1'\!d \fa<.~ l•,;1rlin. ':!11

General Reportorial Staff

I I 1111,, -.;11i11n \ H·t•-pr~si- llurold ~ cwa1t. I!'

:'.\J;irt1n I It•\ I h·~. :!H

Georgia Hannal1. ':!11

C.lst"<ll' J ~nlbcri!. :!(1

Ill~., t• ;1 11 u r"i ·d 11 ip 111


1 Candy, Ice Cream Soda






L A N 6 () " RS Greenhouse

Phone 95 w. 315 So. Tracy.


Electrical_ ).Iachinery. best l\ak Tanned Leather and expert

I workman-..h1p dues it. Ladic..··.' heel" a --v~(:,1 1 1 :. J ., \\" pri~t: ...


1: John Komar. l'r"p.


The Gallatin Lumber Co.

I Headquarters for the Famous Owl Creek and Peerless B..u

Creek CoaL-Your trade will be appreciated.

1, I < lpposite Court House. T lephone No. 20.

the tr<111.l'l011l o[ tht d""" 1c1 1 n·;. r

runm ol tht• snitL~ where he 1n·o~rt"•l·

f'd 10 nwkP ~ 1 a11tit,11.!:. in,·eqf~utir)a

n t1 (' 1 r)ITi11Pr Hrtdttg di:--1·0 ·en~cl

1h ll rlw kl!()( 1,er ''''"' lJ l't:'i?;lll:lr nH.·11-


r----I Flowers "THE BEST CHE"

11 1 it I' 1 hr 1(•t111'11t1l The

"t'l'!.;L':tnt·al arm~ th"'n niwned lhl' door

I cln1 t 11 1 l .!11p;11lrtr rorm 01

I l,1:-.te l11 Pt:>lls miHaht ~ aull It \Yas haslt' in acce}lfll11! a 1·11rn:l11~i1 1 '' llil

' 11-..1.'tl T It: F;.; •Ollt>nt w wandPr trom 1lw fnnoo: in an <1rtid<:> in last \\eel\

J,.;slil' \\·e !,lli:t> tliis OJ J!ort1111ity tH 1·01Tt'\'lit1:.! th:lt mb•t.:kt: cHltl :11:-.1

1·1 ari11g 11) ·1 mi..: 1111der~1:1 Hl111g whidl b !!l~neral in lht:! t-\ll1dt•llt ht•1ly 11

;..:;,1rc!ing_ tJ1f> l\adug O( t1h• l't:'SJIOll~lliiJil> fn1 IJ!L' I hangt:' Ill the ilill'f)ll't'li!·

lion ol lhl' :il' tolar~hip r11Jin!- al tht- t·ul11•fr.>.


AND LUNCHES ! \"'ct-, '\a'""u'. H\'~,·i1 rls,

DAY AND NIGHT. Tulip:--. ( Pl~r;lrtu .... an:I l~l'.'le-

!"""· Tracy

... i r111~ n11te iull and "'tn1ng

111;" "\?a~on. ,d1en it co111e- to

Id' .... and if yuu want there

lt :1tur~ hat f11r Spring- ·11 've

,trt: the unl..\ dt.:nkr' -..h4 1wing-


11me and kt ll5 show yott.

Walsh's Noman can

describe 'i'h1.. -..11litlc beaut\ 11f tla: hi; and it j, equall:; impt.1~,iblc r 11' lo adequately cxplain

11..' appearance of


'l'h1..· he:-.t \\"L' l'~lll dn i" to te11

'"" that it i;; artictic beyond l't: ;n 1..Tag-e, 1 hat e\ cry design

1..: a \\·11rk 1)-f art. and that we

an 11iier ..,ttpri~ing Y:llt1e!'.

!iut in order that ~'i'Ht mtty :!1..·t ;.1 c11rrcct and accurate idea 1f 011r l ·111 ( ila~~ argument,

\\'L' in,·ite you tn see ir. ro ex­.1.n11k 1t. to price it.

'.'i,c11 \vu'll lie sure to be ·, 1t\·rn.:e(l.

H. A. Pease & Co. \\ d ,., and Optometrists

I he I lallmark Store

I rnl whn •·~tt11111t·t•d him~l.:'lf

1 11 t, t 11i1't';111 111tl t [l.dt: hltnsel: , <1m­

!l11 t·thl1 a:-; pos.~1hh· a!lwn~ thL· 1h,:~LT1 l'nrm1"rl~ hi~l1 !:-dwol :it lH\1•nt.~ \\ho wPrc· gn u1 sdwlar .... hip~ in tlli-. n

IJ11~in1..·s~ :illt1tti11n Wt·l't.' rf'li~·,·1.'tl f111m die i~1~t111"tll of :111 I lwrnror~ lt·t:'~ a11l 1l

m. dt• :. 11\1· utrnd111·

1d1ll<'ss < nd then ndlt•d upon

tl• k~.\lt> fni- <111 impromptu

ttlk Ion,!-;. tlw ~am~ line:->.

Cub Reported Suffocates

. 1 nst 11~ I lit' lllL't'lln}! WH!-= wa\ht!

wnrm :11111 lht:" E.\porwtll r1llJUrTt·r whr

l1:1d hid<le1~ himself away 11ndt>r~1··1,·I.

thf' da\1.,.•11po1·1 11.111 srttle\l duwi, 10

takt- ;1 1lewiled an·onnt nt 1he , i

r·PPilin~~ tla. YL'H.-raliiL· <'hain11:111 a, l

Jl ll 1(.11 d. I!! 1;-o! Ill ! I l~ llS I I >

llllt''qlf'dt•1lly IPl1ll1\l-d hi~ I t•d:il t I:

';i .... T'll-"HIS, J'l1l tw:\I tl: p ,-h.' "·•111·rt

Pl' kne\\· it Wll~ lHOlllillC Hlld tilt· Hlj. \\'

po:-;i1s !n addition 10 thl~ 111tn11al nwtrfrulntion l'PP. Tlli$ Yt-~1r n t"han~P w.1~,

lll:.llh;,,nnd holckr~ nJ :--l'l101<1rsl11p~ welt- 1·111111wl11 ii to pa\ ad lt:'t's <t1HI •tl'\" :-.

wi1h 1lw l'-'t·c11ti011 ot tllC" n'g1tlar 111n1ric11lation fee pf :::1i. :\au1rally lh1..;

<·HHt;t:d llissati,.;fat tion <rnwng thl1 :-:l hular:-;hip srn<l.-.nu-~ wlio n1mt:" 10 11!

i 1:-ti111ii1111 wit It d1P nndt:"rsl:rnding tln11 all tlil'i!' fee:-. were tn ht. paid .\1 •

1h0Hgh tht•rt· wn,.; n11 oflic·lal announ<·t:'1nen1 to that eifl>l'l, th~ c·ondusion 1\at-

1.~lJ-'til' 1'1-'iH·li.hl ti.wt the llP\\ niling ''·is :i result ot' C'hancellor 1-=.lliott's sy:::­

lt·m ol l·n11i11g Ol\l ;111 11n!1t•t·1:1:-;~'1ry expeu~l·8 rn the i:1!'>ti1111ion~ 1·ompri:-:;ipg

th1· l'11hL>1~it.' of ,\1011tana Thi~ lmp!es~inn IH~l·amfi P,t-neral nmon£; holder~

of ,..1·holarships 1111 !ht-' hill anll the e!H\lt(·ellor wa:-; nHher ::it>Yert•ly <'l'itkizt:> l

Th•• l·:\p<t1h• 11 ;lt'('t'l1t12d thi~ t>1Tnneo11~ C'Olldu::,ion with too lllll<'h ha~te ;rnd

1011 llttlf' i11\e:-.rii.;a1ion. a::: i..: now l'YidPnt, an(l printed an urti1.·ll.'" in lits1 Wf'Pk·~

.]·If~ \\•·l'A nH·nily ~iindn!.! oillsiih~ l:t b'SUt.: t•ritici..:it1i; tht-> a1·tion Hnd pla«in~ tlw r('spon~ihi\ity at 1ht.> <.'hant•ello1":.:;

illrhm, duOT'.

TJ11s. i11 J1riN lt··lls. th'' -.1111\ 1o1 11 ·,,

11 ,~. rtinutes cl( a llll'P.tiJJ2. 11·1 Olll:' 01 1 ~ilHt· lhL•:1 the t'ollowiug far·1~ han.~ com1 111 Jighl The ori~inal rulin~

11 HW:-.1 l:'\.<\11si\t; 11r!.!~l\lit:a1iu11:-. uf tll1·

f1lli ~c" 1 ame w11hi11 1wo fl'PI of hPing

·ibhsilL· ll \·erhatilil i11 1h1.·~·f· ('Ol11nrns.

~111 h < l'i' tlH· cli:--af11•oin1 HH·m~ ol tile

111·11 spa111>r ganw

l.itl11111~li thl! n h J:iilt-cl 10 <"11\l'l' hi~

-...:uu11111·11t on lib iirRt attempt to

d!~<'lose the mysterious proceedings !1i"' sp1·rcth1..· sdt·nlifir soriety he

i 111 1i: ( ' 'th ll .. 1 rni;n-

11 ;d1 1 roh

,.ti Ji!)- <I lllOl'i' d••!i'!i]\-fl a~TlltlJll OI lit'

1)l(P'-'1li11gs Of th~ llig11lJy ('I) 1·la\I·

' ill ;'PJIL'a:· 1n 1he n .. ar lurnn·

i11 li1t;' l\l1•a11timt: t ht nib l'Pf•Ol'll'l

i· ... 011ri11i! l_n _, Lo\\ ·1 IOI' , P~1,.. , "'1 t

llH\llC' by tht> ~talf' hoH1·d nf ~dncation ou the ma1ter ot scholarships pr<.1vidt~

for ti11• p:1~111P1J1 of thp 1na1ri<·nla1ion kt'> 0111~ This ruling was \\TVH~ly i11lt•r

11n·tt'tl !Jy \f 1mwna StaH• t•oiltAt~ ol'fh ial~ man~ year::; ago. before Preshk11'

ll<1n111tCJ11 s tilllC'. ancl the Jir<Htil'e of l'\:PnlJHh.!r holdr>rs nl :-><"hnl,\l'ships tn1111

p:.iyJ01.;•nt ol all fl'e:-. wa~ !"t::r11.;·il and hag :-:illtf> her-:t followf'tl withol1t h" 1~ !

brought to th1· notic·t· or tht' ~talP huartl Jn the otht"r s!alt.' in:;Hitmion •~l'hol

¢1r~l1ipt-. h;.ne 1'0\H'erl ! 11L' 111a11·u·11J;-1lirn1 ft;"t' alUil('. Tlti:-; cllff('lrenn:• uf illtC'l'­

Plt·t.ltio.1 was lin.1 t1~ltt tu lilL' uotkt• ol the :--tar. lun-trd a ipw 111nnth:-;. ug11, 1ht

orl~iu; I ruli11~ ,,·n:-- Jnoki?d ll 1. :111c'l ot'fidal:: at 1hil'l i1lstil111hm Wt:'l't~ i11::;trw-1 'l

1u r ll;iiJ..:t ..;t"J10l.1rsltip :--lllclt•11t:-;. with all fel':-. (1\ltsidt ol lhC' annual 111atri1"I·

1:1ti1111 h'l 1'1 ~!l 1n ..:ho1t t.lt• mist I.;•"' s mHdP rt! 1his it;htilulion :::eYer:ll

).;>ars H/.!o. tlh' fTi~in;d :-.l hul:Jr:-;hip rnling ''a:s draw:1 up hy tht- :..:t:ne boanl

01 p1l111•a1 ltm. ;ind ('hallf'l1 11nr Eflioll 1~ t 111ln·1 ... - il1110l'l:'Tll or any l'l'S1'l1!1sihilit,\

111 the matte1·.







We Cater to College

Trade. I I GREENHOUSES Phone 46


Every Day Is Bargain Day



J. M. SA "'YER, Cash Merchant-EAST MAIN STREET.

Purity Bread Mothers Bread

Home l\1ade Bread l'hn:l might~ iine J...i11d:-- ,,f hread to ent. For ._,Je at

l'\ l'f.\ !;!TUrery ... ture. l1h1...,t t•n the l11af yl.111 like he-:.t

DELIVERIES 10:30 A. M. and 4:00 P. M.

The Vienna Bakery ~~--~~--~--

Thj.., 1ncidt•11t ,grn·~ tn 1 m11busii.e th<· dR11~e1· of a dbt•a:..t.• \\hid1 is ··hro .. !C'

a111n11g ht111w11 ht;•iug!:> in g-L 1wral. \\-~ :1rt' all too quivk t11 jump at t'<I wJt::-;,i 1m:5,

100 eng r to Jlla~·e tllt> hkmti tor nu1onti whh.:h. lO u~. !-.1't?lll nnjll:H. withour I rir:-:t f:f':tt·<·hin~ oLlt all t\HA fat·t~ nt' tl1(' c'Ht\f' lle>fore tb. C'i1·c11m~tantial E'\'l­

dt>J1<1· Ln.l~):l <t tltou:-;,nnd 1111jnst 1·n11\lc·1ions iJI ~1wil•l\ u1 lan:::1:.• 111 one in thP 1

<.'OUl'l·rtli11l\. ~n1111 wa~ s1;>1H 1rc1111 the E~ponl'n\ o.

1i1·1· \\'Pdllt:'!'>(l::ly l"\'t'llillj!..

Tl11, llnil) 'fi:-;~01dian.

.\!1 1J1;rna.

Your aceou111 l1( l-lillin~~-'.\lu11t:u:1

0oLllt· rnll(:'~f' baski ti all gnnw ab~u-

111;1..•ly t'IT(illt'Otl!". l·'it·:·:I lt->:1111 plnyccl

1111 g<11111·s ~i11(·1~ :'\'onlH\'i:\l"tt•n1 Lour

Las llut met dt-lt;>nt 1hi~ sPaRon. rol 1H!I' frt·~ilman tt'Hlll me1 Billings In

! dl·l\l'lldl'nts MrnHlAy. Billiags ludp

pi~nclt>nts defeatr<l by nrs1 team three

l \\f'€'k:-; a~.1 1hlrty-t"·o 10 ten. Correc­

will bP 111ipref'intecl.

1 Signed l Th\'.' \\'e~l\ly Exponent.


ITndt:-r tlw l!l'1:.'&e1n plnn or giving scl10L1rshipi-;. 1lw ::.u1dt'n 1 in ea1·h ~a·.

ercllit~d hi~h ~t'llOol \\hu auains the highest scholarship n•cord of !ti~ «las:$

b rP:H;hcll llut. is lie rea<'hed eCfec·tively? Monwua c·annot a(fonl ttl hfl\l'

lier best high ~('hool studt•nts go to ini:;tiuaions ot bigher lt'ar-1ini.:, i11 ofoer

s tates. IL was to oft'er an inducement to these pt!ople, we rak(' it, thr1t

the scbnl:1r!:>hi11 Jll'C\ision was origitialty made by the s tate I.ward .

Why Hide Your Beauty? nel\Cnth iht: fndt'tl, 5.(likd. di.sc1.Jlt)red 11r aged l'1JmpJ~x10 I

nne L•nce fair and beautiful. Xeg-lect hn:' tran!'iOn11ul ti·~

once bt~autiful girli~h fres.hn~ss into this h1.wrihle c1111diti11 .

Du not longer neglect your grcatc~t charm. La :derill1l l\·rlt.·

.\fassnge Cream will bring out the old seli <tga111. 11 1.; a

rolling- ma::.-:-'age \.'.ream and it::- Ct>1istant and p~r ... \ ... tci:t 11..: ..

will gradually renHH L: the de\'italized '.'1nria('t: "'kin. rC\ t•.Llin~

the yunng. fn• ... h. beautiful :-.kin btneath. l '!-.t.:d bv n·l:1i....~J

\\~omen who perier i..:omplexion of true natur;Llne:':--. 1--~al.'.'h:t~~·'

of frosted glas ..... en1ho~s.cd bra!-~ la lie I cfft·'-·t at 2~\- \ Lu:~e

size at soc).



The s<:holarshi11s, ;is at present grantecl, rclie\'L• the holder from the 11a_r­

ment Of the annual matriculntion fee or $9 ead1 ' "t:':lr. 1:1 other words dlt:'

scholarship invoh-es a saving of $36 to the hold r in h i~ four yenr~ :u the in·

stituUon. 'l'he saving- or that small i1mo11nt when 1..·t1m1rnretl with the total

xpenses 01 a tour year rollege course does not l'0:1s titute nn appreciable

influenc in dirt.'t'ling llw bt>:-.t s tudl1nts of 1\tontana's high R<' hOoh; to -Mon­

rnna's collt'g(l-s.

Roecher's Drug Store Prescriptions a S pecialty

ln Fountain Pens Self Fi l le: 'on Leak Service Cap

PHILLIP'S BOOK STORE - -------------

Shotlid the !wholnrsh ip exrmpt til1;.1 holder from the pnym~nt of n ll fees

at lht' instit111i11n "iti1 lht> pxce plio 1 or the student ac- t i\•ity fer it woul<l

amount tc' a rin; Tif'i,al !';n Ill" nf ~0me :"l!'\O in ~evern l tif the lour year cours~~­

Rt:c·h <l ..;;•Yin~ would ~,f' .., ":w1or in brinl{ing more ~C"kola.r~hi11 Hude11ts ro

I the stat.~ inc;tit11ii11n~

I The- -..iate boa"d o' ··rl ·en ffl has alwnys bPen r lil ac• 10 c·ti-operate with

t~·· stnrltnt::: vi thP na;t- iT!'li1u1hms 'n fur!lHi1ring 1he work of higher til uta·

tn n in !i'H ~th •· 1 .~ .t. "r~ 1.eu Thr· Expont;"nt that if the matu•r •11

I in<·r"a~mc. 1• r-t.o ; ~ ·' T'P- i~\(lh ·! hy the c:.ct\o1n.r"'hir•<:l; wen• 11rougb.t , ,

'lti.e 9" 1.i .. rlis ... •ttnt1>1 ri.i..-nifwd .rn• t'r lw 1ht· As~o1i .. td Slt>tt1P~f.;. th"'

·------- ,..'t-< •rP·fi v.r\1 11 r -. "P-1 "'~ tH·.;- ntt' 'k r 11r \l•5':,lt.

..._ _________________ _ NELSON STORY JR. EXTEMPOR. part. and Jr ts thought that thtre '

ANEOUS SPEAl<.ING CONTEST be at leHsl ten •P•Uker•.

The sLii:t11 :"\elson Story Jr. Extl'ln- A l!Fit f subject~ of g Ut.'ral tu

porn.ncm~ Speaking ('Ontest for al1 It.rt ha~ bern prepared by Priufh

secnndary students is set lor F'rttlay Holst, but will probabl)· not be Ul

evening, February 2J-. n<t 8 o'cloC'k, to pub lic untU well aJong in tlw ar • lake 11lace i:l tbe A~~eu1bly room of :10on of the 23rd. Be 1 a~ J.d\' h j

the l\In:i.u building. hoVt;eYer, that all those tMnkrng

Already muri inter~t has beea h«king part becorup tlested In na

i.n;rnifp~rl .. .,. ...... e \'!TtgHW• t ~'ke t.o Ut'09e• t. rlBY ioNj('d ~.





Page 3: 1Ueekly1£xpnuen1 - Montana State University · 2016. 5. 24. · = VOLUME VIII. ZEPHYRS OF SPRING SPREAD FUSSING BUG 1Ueekly1£xpnuen1 MONTANA STATE COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA


-- ~- 1 1"'""'"""'"=---=--=------==~--~--,

florsheim 'I ~ Soddy 1

' ~ 1

1 Spring Time

\\ ilJ "11)11 lH: hL-t. ,Ul.\ .\"l•ll ... J >ll1cl ,.1• '\t.: \'

~\lll 11\1\\

\11 the lat1 .... t \\'t",t\t: ... dllll 1111\d• .... \\t1 1 t ,,_ur •.1:--pv·-

Shoes · The )li~!ie~ Helen Ho~~ and :\labd 1:-lage;1 oi Great Fall~ ~1111 '.\lis~ Huth

Sie\ pr~ of Bm te art• llP\\ ~nm er" at Hamilton hall thi~ wi>t.•k

antl of th~ ~1et•essity 01 l:'Rl'llt>~t t•IJ·

dt•a\11r and l':lretul study during tht

nt·\\" ~emf':-.IPr just bt>gun.

t11•n lirtlp 111 rnd let' talk ll ,,·tr

\\ ,.,.,. ,ime ....

\\ e ha' t· n:<.·l'iYl'd lan~1..· :-.pr!'!-!'

... hipn cnt... and are rt>atly •O

... how , Jtl the TH.''' ... tylt•'."-,

$5 50 t, $8.00

"llr}h1:--t.:d th;~t ti 1..') 'lft,: ... o

' t'a11 - Larl) bu_, rn~ b th~

Holloway's Qua 11ty Corner

"The Nettleton" A Gentlemens

Shoe Priced

at $8.00

and up

Reed's Bn~!ery


College And School Shoes

\ 1 lll re 't:\\ ... h1•\\ m~ •)i

t l 1 '11rn 1 · ,r l•,tr:-... }j .. ' :t. lcJ\\'

1 t c-. 11 ace, are 1111\\

' ' etl1t·r \1111 are n•<J.d}

ti Ii 1~ or 111H, t:11mt: in and ~cc 1• <"l' rcct Ill..:\\ th111~:-. in fout

\\l'ftr fc~r ... µring 1917.

1 n I.la~"'· tan. ;intl nulrnck atht.'r'.'-. abo LallYL>'."- \Vith best

katht:r or nenlin .:.oles.

$3 00 lo $6.00 pair

Chambers=Fisber Co.



l leaning !ac!ics \\'l11te g!oYeS


Under Holloways Phone 258

Your Choice of 50,.

$3 and $3.50 Hats


$2.00 While They Last

6;,}?,~::~-~,r"'..4../ ~

,.. ~?

~- . .;t-Y

Chavey & Jacobs, Prop.

011 Friday t'\'t-ning, Febrm1ry :-.., :'lti:;~

.\fr~. ll~·ltm Fi~h~r \\ il\~011 1.•nte1 'larit.• Flood ~.nenalncd a number 01

mined thl' Alumnae c:.:hlh 011 Tlrnr girl fripn1l!-0 cf Hamilton hall at an

day i•\t•ninK. Fehruary 1:~. at htr hom1·

in the c·ny. \ 1h·I ;..htful l'\1·11!11~ \\:t;c:i

t:njoy1·d by , 11 .tt 1 nda ll t'

011 Frirlay. Ft>b. ~· the women met in ••~semblj' in the general assembly of the agricultural building. Dean {'na B. l lerri<:k. who was in charge

t-lahnnne s1•read in honor of l1t·r hit"th·

day Thoi:;t: 11re~~nt wen'· \Ji<.;~t>~

'.\!; rit> Floticl :\1)-rtle !>:11hn~ . .\IH'c )it'

C'ont•. Huby flodgskbs '.':ina .\rm

tn·n:..:.. I r~ulc1 Jtocle,skis~. '.\tary Kret·

Ill\\. :\lar~ Danielson. Hetty EmhoH, <iladys Hitz. IJattie Arneson, Jre:ie Abraham. :'lfartha Johnl:5on. Beulah



! Johnston's Chocolates I

I Always Most Acceptable

I ldi!!ht .... •llll' ... )rl I j ... <1l1H:l11 \_, \\ 1• ! I 'l ... I

t h11t"nlatc:--.

..\ hig ~lPJI in f11rth('1'ill~ the good

ft•1.:ling 1.wtw1·Pn town and <:ollege "a:.;

tl1e f.n·t·to~tther :-mokt.·r a111l r •t·1 1

tion :.!i\·pn hy the Hozeman C'\1.1ml r of thP meeting, :.-poke of tlw r...-cord Haller \'hian <'orni~h. Hel1·na l.t·a:--•· , nmnwn·t> in hn wr at lhl· uwle nwm­

o[ the i·ollt~ge wonwn in tht- 11a:o.t Fla\'ia Blanding. and Ct>orf:'ia I L11111~. 1 Ler~ nf tht• n•llcc.e f~u·ultr \\"erinc·-.:-

I I I I ! i 6 EO. H. WILLSON GO.


Fast Semi·Professional Team Will Meet the Bobcats in the Drill Hall

Tomorrow. Crescents Featuring

Jimmie Russell.

Thi· 1ghtnu: Bnb( ~,"ill h.11t 1fl tht>

t'h rn.g 1 ('fl'H nl"' 1r 'ht. ii ·1 11 nal

< m ri O\\ m..J11 Thi < re c•nl 1·'111.e

b ft.' y, h tilt r• 1rn1a11on 01 hcin~ 1 ne

e -,tr) 1g1 mj prof~ ... 1oual

t 11 .... of thf.1' 11id11IP \ ThL·~ l 1.1 ~

cm t al " ••1 ~ he~ h ,., IJ1·c11

l'!ta ed h~ st:n 1.11 tcn.m Lut this Is

t 11 1 e \\Oil<! JC'd 1 s the teams


l~ntla~ Ft;"l.1 ~l. a t;Jit>riaJ men·s n~­

"t:mlJly wns twill al which timL' l'r('~i·

dt 111 Jlnmilton .1<lt.l t'SSt"'I! Utt• ~tUdl·nts I 1C2'.1nl IO lhl· J'PS\Jlts O[ tht• H'llH".

tf>1 t·\:111 111;1tions Ht• sniil th.11 then

were tnOl'C" low grades and fnilurPs this yt>ar than l'H'r 1Jp£ore in the hi-..­

tory of the colle>ge. "01 <·011rsr.· • rHhl

eel l n· hlt>nt llamilton. "'t111·n• c.irf" 1101 t..' :-.1 •1dPlll~ at the i•rPs .. nt tha11

tlu:re ha,.; lll't'n formt'rly lint thert . huuld nut IJt: ,,s larg<' .1 Jlt'l'l't'llUU?;l

gl'l E's' :rnd F's a:s th1•r1 yt=-ar ..

\\a ... this

n \- ~I ru Ld, 1ll'l'~id1•11 t ol tilt' A. s \I ~ 1~ gni> 2 shol'I rtnew ul ti.l•

<lay evc·ning. "TO\\ n an1l ~uwn·· m~

in 1 " n11i111s 111 th<' diambt.·r ol

romm('ree. min~1C't1 with eal"h 01h 1·r dis<·uss('c] platis for bdtPr 1·n-opf'n1

tlon. ,.,<1. :ill in all. !iJJCTlt a Jlil'a~ant

and prufitahll? e\'cning.


Al'nf• .Jnhnsnn cf tht· sut1hop·1 r

da~!'< k\t t"1r lht> minin,,, l'ity 1:1

TUl'!=:<la~· ;dll'l'llO('!l t11 look ;. 1'.

real eslate intE>rests whkl1 ill m;w1

11ts attentio;i ~Ir .John sun will pro hi) J,, 111,ahll.' to lr. up\t•t(:' his \'' r

Ill t • to 11·tUl'lt tu 1·nllN!.l' this ..... m

t:'"kt' I.Jut IH 1Mrns on rl'llll'llill'-! n•



(J11.,.:n11 & t'alit'ornia Hailroarl C'c..1

< r1111 L. rnb


"O n the way to the p06t office."

A.G.McKEY The Printer



... h<•til<l 11a n

-.tnu.tr·l <Jt .. C'. !~tn l

han11q11i J 1--- df~·\, 1 "1th \'11 1

\\ • •r1 .... ' I"\ l'\{l• q-.n l'' 111

h'a :-- ... 11 -,.,_... 1 1 B It 1 l 1 n 1 Ja-.. l JI them· l'ln~-,

this yEa They played tt•ams in Colo-ha"kl·thall trip au<l sm::gt·~tt 11 ~h 1112 la

t 1t 11 111 • n ~1ppro11riate ren•11 inn " 111t d S.1 :.Ht i:.. b)· a<:t of ( ul\C.l'P:O:.~

I June !11 1~16. Two million thr~e ' 1 • , r t

1 t,)c r-. 11 '

T ( \\( i--! ~ lhampton '' lt t!11 ;i.: rl•t111'11t'>d. ~rr. Corbin, state student ~ecretnl')

f t.•nm o. I~ :;uc- 111 th1• Y ~I C A. talJ,1·d \11 Th• l'-t i rn out In l rP<"ent

dt•nts dmilt 1ht· \\Ork ol 1111 •. :--~CH'

" 1 0 , lw players ion 1n J;l'llPrnl and hu\\ 11 \ 1 I\ l'Otd I Pl ! him ... I I.I~ l1l·t·n111jnJ:!; .,l

t a1 xvt. 111 nc: that 11 11 o( th iar' tl1< \ rt ·uU"t>lllt:'rC • 1 11• pkk u( \he

a{(:I J'S ftf0Ulld ('bl< 3g0, rl hey fea·

t rl.' a 1orwJrd nallltd Jimmie Rus· ell ,\ho 1s ,. lfrned to b~ the be~t

basketball player in the "orld II~

} ll' It

h ·n n ·11:-il f •lot

( Pt-It' 1..;

~!lit l I

:-1 C I I·' ·n ~11.trdt•ll hi h, ...

f'! t th"t'l~

Thi• C'res<'t·ut~ ' ! · u 11·1 111 Ii J l:.t.\ 1h1· t• JIH·l'~il\· Of !.!alw .i :\lu:-­

{I\\" and "·a!>lllllj!IOI :-.t:Ht:' ( 1)))(·~1·

11 l'nllman Tln..; i~· uot tlH' first trip

the ('nsc.·ents ha\\: 111ailt. to tl1P \\e-.t.

!~11 \ .1r" i'\~o 11~'"'' i1 .. 1, .Ht.·tl till• , ol

h·-~·· lt:'~lll !1t·r1.: on a ''' s11111 I• 11

' ' hidt wa!-> n·ry ~un.·essful.

Th" g-a111e \\ill lit• 1·allt•li at :1 o'dc.Jk

rd111rp a11ll :1 ltig 10\\ d i~ 1;.. '( 11•1!

t<J ·~·it llll' Hi L1 t~ 111 •• I 1111 c1.:..: in

;.t r .. aJ :12C!l'•·,l!a1inn ''' ~! r. A tl11 ... ,

:\I \I C \ playPd 1111 till l t1rd1·r 1l1

inl! lht• "l<l~ oi the P ~. t ·0011s in

dos 11g: h1• in\"ite<l C\'('Q'lw1h to :i

nt1•1•ting to be held in the committeP room of the lorn\ Y' Friday night.

Pre ·i<l1·t1t llamiltnn ~ug:gc~t+·cl tl1at

fl H( (I lll'i ,,, llH· ~t'\'t•ratlt'(' 01 <l 1110-

111 n 1111111 ... w ii t:pnn 1 l\ 1111 I~

1 a .111n· ul \\ ar 1'101111~ on th<.

!C•J /,(11) H 0 Sllll'l t It f0JlO\\tJ•;.:_ '}OJ

i1,,_, " 1~ L.1\l oln·~ hirlh1 n lh

\\'1111ld ht> ·• \l·ry appro1 lall' 11111

r11 ... 111~i11;... 111 • .\111t>ri1·a \II '01 t-11

11 \\ llh 111111'!1 l'lllhu~iasm


Last Sarnrd<JY nig-ht th(' Shnrlhnr

baskel ball tt>~1111 li11Pc1 up a~aini:;1 a

tl1a111 <·ompn:->t:!d partly or c·ollegt> boy"

and }Jarll)· ot Uelgrade 11Iayers ancl

\"tor·· dt..•f1•att..-d IJ)' a s<·ore ot li to 3~.

\-.111 .. I 11111 1h1· ~ood Wlll'k ut Iii! SllIH'lt

'r h1 ~ho1l C1111rH· IH•Y:< • 1ul ln·

,..;..1mf' h. :.;111·e ic 111 pl;i~ 1·11 a11d •• •1 x Jlt·iil liask1·i -..hoof llJ! 11 ,,,., 11

!t;.1 ·1.11 IJ1 ;.:..<1.Hu .. ui th•• r 1:1• \1· tr tlw 1111•1:si11c. 1ea111. liil' playi

:.: rt·11g1h of thl· Hohc·;i1s 111d hl' l ni­

n•rsity or t •ruh !J~ I hP l'tlllJl•:n.l! iY •

s1·nn·s If th~ IlulJ<': l ~ 1·a 1 win iH'

a l.!Ood 1t1argil1 1lu:y will lll' dllitle>1l

to c:o11sf1lPration a-.. .1 n·al c .1am1:icm­

... hip t''nm



Two l\.·:un:-. 1 Jt IHJ~1·cl (11 11111•1..·

sp'-'akt•r:-. t::"<H.:h, 1 I: ... J·t·d h.1~1 T11l~s1lay

IHir1111::::hu11t wa~ r<ll !H·r 100.:-1• at!\! o\

n ptiot 11r1Jt.r

11lt' t\\o tc·a111:-: lim•d up as follow~:

'Shortl10n1s Lull and ~helley. <.'l'n

tt·r. Bissont>tl and J~owlt-11. !111"¥.i.11'1]-.:

l'lnnJlct: and Re1lfil·l<l. guarcb )lb..Ptl

1:am ~l1.:\'enson. tenter . ..\nnoat->Otl

and C'ow1111. (orw~1nb: Fitzl!:ernld and

"''' illl'. ~unrd:.:

night 111 the fir~I of :i :--••l'i1•:-> of illlt-r· DEAN F. B. LINFIELD

da:-.s il1~hn1t·~ 10 111 !.!•\Ptl hy !ht· shon 1·1.111 st. .... r11<.lc·n1~.


Tilt:< qt1Cl'stio;1 dt"l;. ,.ti \\as Ht.: sol\

l'Cl. 1hat -.;J1or1 1 m~nw slndPllls ~11 >11l1l

It \C· mi1:1ar) 111~u·11c·rin11 d11rin:~ tl11:il' .1rl.!t.' y1~ar coUl':sf'.

IJt:au I-' II. Li11fidil ldt hist $at11r­

cla) for \\'ushing-ton wlu-•rt> IH· will c·on­

~1111 \\ilh Sit•ntltor Thomas .J \\"nl:-:h in

r1 e.anl to Lile farminE; qualitt s of

The 1wgati\'l· ll tdlL , .•• 1 I '; 'I bC'!H'h Janf! ill the en)\\ l'(.'Sl'l'\"fltion.

~·t.11:.i :t. Jtamlulp.. all 1 H:..11 ,,, 1 !-> Tlw !.!;0\1'1"1111..,Tll il-1 11111ki1tl! :111 i11\·1·s

}~ ', n tht• j1:dg1::-- dt·i· sio•I i,~ a nit<;> lig~tio11 into the i1gri1·u l111r:tl JIO"si­

cf ~ 10 I on·r l:::l.rl~. J>lt1111l•·" :.inrl lnlit!P~ ul t in• land

Puue,h \\ho nplwlct th•· :-1rt"lnu , i\

J>r:~H·tp. I Jvh11 II. I Jolt-I, \\"alt-:>?"

:"t·1·dham :tn1I .famE>s Byr.,e~ ac1Nl as 1: •• .. .. .. .. .. ... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. . . j1uJ~1;>1". ant! their de<'ision was Rat ls- :1 rat:to1·y tu all.

Tiu· ho's repre~entlng th<.: u...,~utive ..

lwltl tlit.•lr ar~umt-nt~ togethl'r lH?t· ...


Coad1 B~nnion wn111s all

u :: ::

tl.'r. and introduttd

pn.of, upholdinl! tht:lr •• meu interested in trark \\Ork to 1: •• report in Pro!'ei::.!:>or 'l'allmJn's ::

lhan die! 1h1•ir Ol>JiODP;tti-;. ::

Hamlolph of the negati\'l:' Wa!i the ::

~urprb<' or tllP \'€'!ling, hb work be· :.: ing es11el'ia ll y good. Early of the ar. t:

firnw th·<· alfio did good work. u

room next \\'ed:iesday a t ~:30 H iH Important for e,·c·rybod~- : :

to he there so that work tan 11P :: stal'ted immedhttely .

The Mi ssoula ~fert will b

I 111111 ·1'fi hons. ud a<TC:-. t1 be ope:ie·l

' 1'



11 and ~ale- Timber an1l (Gill I 111..:

iu I 1,1l t ::-;1

\Ill 1

,: 1 inn. J ing: net a :111 '~l

-. l'i 1[i11T1 0 ('\ 1: ;Jlt• Ii.I H

•1f'\at11•B , di l'o ... l!•:litl ont• dollar (; ant Land Lot·ating C'o., Bo:\.. +;111.

Portland Ort.>!::nn I \r


r 11..la~ one


Schlechten Montana Scenes

..,. 11<11.. r 2 "- Illa ck

-------------------. I Non Skid, Non Slip Neolin l I l I Fibre Soles I

.1111 tl 1

'l ... Ill


• t 'l x1 1 -c re 11 c I ,..,

1 I (I 'S



Bozeman Farmers' Creamery J udevine & Sons

AIJ Hinds of Frozen Prcducts



Car. Main and Tracy Stss.


I CHAMPION SHOE SHOP l ,......---~---------------------. ------ 'I Montana State College of Agricul-

What Does lj ture and Mechanic Arts Silage Cost ? Practical courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical

The acres used and culti- 1 Engineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy, Hor-ticultural, Home Economics, Industrial Chemistry .

v:tted time and again, and Economic Biology, Music and Art. the area to be gone over to

1 get the fodder are the big items in Silage cost.

Nitrate of Soda, as a Top Dressing worked in when cultivating, will cheapen production of your Silage.

Beautiful grounds, commodious buildings, complete wood and iron shops, extensive laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms, music and art studi'O.

J.M. Hamilton, President. Bozeman, Montana.

Bigger, more succulent ! stalks and bigger ears will I,--­be yours. For The Boys .

Send Post card for free book on "Corn Cultivation"

DR. WILLIAM S. MYERS 25 Madison Avenue, New York

Mortons Shoe Shop

" 'c h:wc the onl y 'l"~citl

bdil''.'-. ... tih· hing machi 1H· in t!H• 1 I




Staple and Fancy Groceries

Prices Always Right

TDE MODEL fiROCERY !I ~ ~~~d a"~wo~~:~~


!~n~;~,.~1i;;· b~~ ~ 1-1 SOUTH CENTRAL 1I1 Auto DcEvery.

A 1Jo11r fifty couples enjoyed a royal U Ing drawn up. Negotta.Uon ~ a r e :.t ----------------- '--------------------------------SHORT COURSE DANCE,

GEO. BARTZ, Proprietor. Telephone 88.

-t. od time IH~t :'.Iond:iy 11i~·ht Hl tht

~h,•n 1·n11r.H' 1Jr:111·1 :.!•\·1·n in tit"' tlrill

h: I!

tt ~o~qm~~@~lli~u = 1 -------------~=====~===~==---7~=========~====== :: rni:rn anti tht.·re i~ a possibi lity

•• th<l l [hP !Pam wi ll be takt·n in

:1 ~pnka 1C' .from 1\li s~onl:i. All ) f u~ir w:1~ f11rni~hl•d h~ <:ray's or­<hc·s tra and r!P]idou!-\ and refrt->shing ...

i11mrh add ·<l to the plc>H!'l;Ul'e of thP i: rlatl(·ers throu~hout 1he e' ening. The :-;

hours ~ped rapidly and when th e €VP:1· ""

ing w:ic: a thing er the p:l!=;L all agre<'d r. that, from t he ~ta:idpoint of a .ccnuinl: t!

vnpd time. thi: danr< had nevt·r been ...

' IT''a"Pd if tfttlOiJf•d l·y '10) Of tbC t:

.; I

ll It

J:.~... r: •n

•c ... ilil·· Jlfli nt win1H r~ will b<• t:tkt!n to DPn' 1'r for lhe h;~

Hoc·k~ '1onntain C'onfpren('P


1111 H hdcl dnrin~ th e lattrr :: 'I he ~pring tra l'k ...

-.<'h~·d11 l t=> include~ a rross-roun

r r in thP fro~IHtOflh meet. U Jr ~·h·Clallati Jil t pt lnler Cl n~.: :t

wct·t. Spring llan<lit-ai... ~111 .. t

Mi!=!.~onln.·Gonza~a t rip. and th P :-1

Make Your Hens Lay • By feeding L ee 's Eg Ma ·er :. o~·IJ

c thcrs re u~ing it to good profit.

Sold in 25 and 5~ packages. f'oL .try Supplies.

:ictice the difierent e

Hodqc.ar:ers for

Owen house Hardware Company wallr ., ..

~ •l'Dt:' c I tf,t. ..,n

;i \.- " t ••a; ~ r • t ••ui!...-

Page 4: 1Ueekly1£xpnuen1 - Montana State University · 2016. 5. 24. · = VOLUME VIII. ZEPHYRS OF SPRING SPREAD FUSSING BUG 1Ueekly1£xpnuen1 MONTANA STATE COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA

PAGE F()lfjt.

Fashion Barber Shop If you arc pan c tlar about a clear shave and a clean

place ,11-y the


Marquis I Under Gallatin Trust Bank

I jE. W.j Thompson I


11dc1 '\at1»11;d Bank of Galla­

tin Vailcy .

College Students a Specialty.


in the blue and g0ld with the colll·l!-c seal on in silver.

I 1i11 .... ll11tto11:::.. R111g:;. Bro­achc=-, Cufi 11uttons. Fohs and

ouYinedr Spoons.

Leslie E. fiage Jeweler and Optometrist


Dental and Oral Surgeon

Comm<'rcu.l Bank Budd111g

Phone 386-W

L etts &


tl l•ntiuut:d l<~rom Page Oue. l

1 111·tl':'>l with little 1.rouble. Although th 11M umP rhalry IJl.~twcen the two

l • 11t1\,., \\,I'• sill\ JlH'"'t'lll the leeling

wa~ . on tht: whole, much bettL•r than ha.., hl'e.1 in past t'OlllPHlS and thP

ub1 i:.-. wt•rc gi,·e:1 a royal reception :--ligrn:i Chi Jrat rnity eutertaiueli the rnotPrs who ac<.·ompanil!d tlle tenm rom IH.•re and also showt•tl thi.· team

m:.rny faqir ... as did also the Sigma :\'11... The bhlL' and -Y lrl nwn re110n

he be~t of trentna·nt during their

Thi? l"h.>sl•sl g:ame of th.: tout rnnH' Jl \Yhitman whert' t ll I 1b1·at!-'- burk

··fl 1111 ;tE:t 1:-\t a hu~ky. l''-JIE'rit:'t1<·('tl

ll'am. It wu~ only alter 0.1 hard llilttli· th.tt Bt>nninn·~ ha~keti;:;hooters n\1 ·t-cl

0111 <l ,.i<."lory

Real Gattie With Idaho Thl' ne\.t game tlrnt with th\.~ J)a\

rnn .Athletic duh, pro' cd ~01111'\\ i1a1

1 01 a 1iast,:O and the ho;\:-; 111.in·"~·~.1 ,.1

glean tin~ point:-; to tlwlr ppp1.1'1-•11 .... ~

one. At .\lo:-;ec\\, tht• Hnbca1.., llh t Ii\'

h1.: ...... , ·ll:l!' llonp !llf'll who g,1\-1 lhf'lll

;1 rt:>.tl 111~~1·! Thf' : < r:-<I Im 11' ~if thl•


t- \\ 1~ ;.1 1p ,inti tu1·k ft.!.!.H ;1·:

,.I\ .:1nd 1.Udt•tl iu d til' SI"()' 1.: T11

In tht nt>X h<df till· \iont:ln~11:--

I OPEN 1·ame- bnt k \\ ith a ,-~ngearn ·e and pin~· p rhxkiug account with this .. ~d ip 10 tht.• limit. hnt al1ho11µl ;. ll ::!'3ank and pay all you~ college .. 1 ... wa~ 11t nalizt-d tl'•"1t1t'11tl~. i.,

expenses hy check This will I hlt • .1:111 gold ··:rnH- out 1m tu11 ~11 :1

enable yot.i to keep ac(urate 2-1·-:?11 ::;core. account of your cxpenrlit11re~. 1 he Ii.lal11) lt.'am i~ 0111.' of 11w ...,1 JllC'

GALLATIN TRUST & t'sL aggregation~ iu Lhe i\01'1hw1·~1 tllb

W o. Da id C hi j l :1 ..; ason :111<1 l."'IHntain hi~h hO\h._,.., SAV I N GS BAN K 1-t"· r Tbt:>y hrtY~ hall a YPn· ""c ( ...... , ...

• \J. v son, as er . , ,, nurng 1r111u tlw h11 ... k~ \\"astd11e,

Coal, Wood I ton State C'o.llege quintet in th1•ir •·nm

I ~ ~arn• wnh tht? l'nllnrnn boys.

\ \\'hitw orth l·o11ege proYecl 1..·asy <tnd

I !ht-' 'Tonrnn:-t1h- rolled up rt total of -~

!llh whil1 1hdr OIJPC)Jlt:'nls 1u111exed '...'1 Lumber

Kenyoo=Noble Lumber Co. 320 W<:Wt Main Sito.



I/Ve have for your 111sp~ction

t~e pure gum extra tl11ck Suction

1'ole Ba.sket Ball Shoes. We

Gonza ga Bad ly aeaten .

Tht' hist two games of the trip were played in SpokaDL· \\ht> re tilt' Bobcats lllt~I the 1·;.1->l. harrl-fic.hting C1:11holit.·

' ' · Tht-~e l'OIHt.'sl~ wt.·re bterestin~ h(\ltle~ from ~l;1rt to finish but the ';ti!: •;.urn lnds were no match for t h e ... ptit:>d.Y Bennion machine a.nd two de-

1'.i:tiYt? \"iCtories were chalkt:"d up. Good Sc he dules i n Si ght .

1'1· • ~t·orint! t·111t1m11 IPr 1hl' tri11 ,-how~ <1 1ornl 11! 2!Hi poinlti for the


I ~·.-•ting

t11 t:?I points fnr their 011-

For wurinc. <·olle_!:!P team :-.trong a g~ r'"'~a tious

1hb re-c·ord i:..; one whil'i1 nHl.' w(•ll al

1lso have the extra thick pure lr;-ir t atl~ntion. Tlw sll'lllH! :-.howin~

m.1dt-i by tltt• blue <t1Hl gold sq11ad 11.1

Rubber Sole Gym Shoes. T hese d .. r tlll:' diro'l'tion oi C'oad1 lk1111iun

-.hoe:-. a.re the very he~t \Ve cinild hil mul'h '" hriug lht' t·ol\1·:.:." nto I rumillPllCI' in ~orthw1•slcrn n1l 1 :..(

~et. \'V c would be pleased to .. on l·1n·l1•:-. \\"i, 1ht-· n·11111ati1 n

ga1ut:'1l on thi:-- trip thl· 1uattP1 .. "''' han~ you call ancl examine these r 'Tiil;{ ntu·::H·tht' ~dll'tluk-. 1 1 11 .. hnc~ rat1c1w ... 01 spnri i-.; grt><llly si111 1i11

Exclusive Shoe Store J E Ling & J. B. Lang

22 W. Main Street

rpn1 ;ihnnt si!!nini.r llP tor 111111t•->1 ...

h '10111an S1::u1 lt'alll:- <-1r" 11•1\\

"il~PI' to secun• dau?·~.

! \\"hilt' on tht· WPRtt'rn tour C'o:wh

I :t·11nion pa\ .-d th1..• \\a) for !:.nod sdw-

_______________ 1 d J11~:- tH•Xt )"('~I' Pl'lll1<1 .1Plll J'l'li-l

I •011-; with !hf' l'11i\·1~rsity 1;f l1bhn

Commercial Nationa I " · .. ,rn1i1i'11"i1 and ""ra""' ·Ill"""'

Bank Cap1 laJ ~tock $ 1 50,000 Surplus ancl Profits .$250,000

J . H . Balcer, Cashier, Bozeman Montana

Our Entire L ine Of

M EN'S 75~


55<' each

N ote- l'h"'e l"uur- l n- l lands arc all >l nctly fresh. fir,l class "t11rk-Hn 111..' ha.\ i ig- hee11 in .... t11cl\ 11\'lT a 1nu11th 1\~sort­

llll'll L of l 1lc1 rirq.~·.., and pattent:::i

The Willson Co. I_ " In Bozeman Since '66"

I I' ~ ... rj1,_->s ()J° hilS4-'1JaJ\ C::lllll'S in ~!11 ·

l·r1w thb ~q1rmg Wl'rt' pt•rfl'('tt->tl :\', \.!

_ ._.·~ r l1lHhn will <'l\IJIPHI" on 1:11· Y •li\

1'. dit11110n1l. 'n '\li:--srnil '· ,dan 1~1 1·1in1plL·tt·d for ... tag-ing till a 1111111 1

r.t k lllN't !or lhr• state intercolll1 1!.i ;\11 title ~·ere <'C1mplete-d 'l'ilf' nwf"t ".II 1al~P pince in tlw Garden city r,n .\I IY J ~lth.

fCnntlnucd F rom P age One.)

1 nwin~ party that l'Vtlning ;,11 tllP

<.:ml tt'r C'l11h house

'.."othin~ uf pnrtknlar HOt<• happe>n· 1•1l Sunday morning eXl'C'PI thut Hal

l 1\· ll't ,_lf'pl too latf' for drnrc·n

''' -~ l•:dith Fowler wt.•nt to Dt->lt

'h tll to gin• (l (\(•monstration or

1·noki:l.g. and the n)~t of tht' party

i·f>lw·ne-d to Bozemr111 tht• fir:-it ot' t'1P ·k


\\"ord l'omes t o 1h e Expon ent f r om

Oa\f'pport, Iowa. that M r . and Mr8.

I f,m,\'11 R~ King are the 11roud pos­

·l';:,~or~ u l a haby boy bor:i on F eb­ru.1 ry I). M r King was J?; r adualed

ronl the college with Lbe c lass or , ~04 He bns b een \-·er y su ccesefut

'\::i .1 con sulti ng en gi neer wJtb. bis ot· i~·ci at Daven port, Iowa .



(Continued Crom Pal:"e One.)

nMdt.· an all-stale position. J oe Mark­' nm. a:i old star was for m erly athletic ,·01H h nt :.\1 S. C. The l ast th ree in hf' Dilling!:i li:1eup are players w ho

raH' starred on college teams in t he

In till' ~tile::; City J.!amc the re~enes

11 1d linle difficult)· in maintaining a saft.· lead. Once !n the ~C'l·ond llalf 1\11-" Cmner team started a rally. mak· 'n•: ·p, Prill b:i!:'kl·t~ i:i quick ::;m·<·e~

if n. hm the Frn~h tiglHenetl and cnme hnl·k with morC' scores making up

their lo~s.

B illings Ga m e. Billincti made the first goal altl'r a

tl·W minutes of fnst 11assim! f111ri11~

whkh mnny ~hots on both sicks faill'd

to 1uakc- good in tile net Th~ LHI•-' pcndt;•nts were unallk tn 1ak1..• ,. l•'<lll 111 !·worinµ. Shootin~ on hoth sid ... · wa~ n•ry 1100r. n11cl the hn\1 ("1HIPcl


11.. onliauc<l f r om PRgc On e.)

li'n- t 1 of time in 1.:overing the o.H:' hnnrlrt>d varll~. namely lfi S~<'Onds.

J . Gordon 111 Lime li ght.

\\"lwt a drnnge the breath ot' sprinh has wrou~hl; tbt' element. (·olor which has s<1 :ons been abgl:'nt from

the fal·e or Pnim"'r H Tubbs. of the ~1->nior, junior. sophomore. or rresh

man l'lass, Is o.w~ marl' taking hold 1..'\"l'tl a~ though in iht.' day!:! whC'n lw himsrll wn~ n f1rn:-:.er nnd strollC'd about thf' C'am11us with n fair mniclt:>n •. 1111 wll(>n he held tlH' ~upreme honors

th:ll no" Lo all appearancl'S seem tn

hl• in th<' 1wsses~ion J. Cordon Sewell Tilt• \am1111s Fusser."" what a titlL'. ll

is co\·Pled nt snmt~ time or other 11) cYl'J"Y :;;tll(\ent "ho has made his way i:l!<l the JIOl'l<lJs Of fair ;\{ S. C J-<:n·n ··SwNle .. :-\orclqui~t looks back with re­~ffl·t that ht> dirl nnt :-ilart as ;i_ fresh· man fivt-i 01· si\ ye;_1 1s ago.

nut ;di f.'ampu~ rC'cord:-. are promi" ind. Hillin~:4. 011 tiilaybg the irt.'!"hmen l'cl 10 tw !:'nrpa ... sed wilh t1w tl..:011an11re Sl'<'lll'l'il a lcali which the lallt'I' wen· lll thl• willfl'l" "'11"". by ·'Lany" s,1ltz

unable to l'OJ\ll' lllJ rn unU lhl' linal c·i•IPIHatNI duh-hon1'~ tt'nur a:1l1 hand whist\ 1 round thl' tr11"l ~IWWt'd 11ntlPr I soni1..• Hlilll 1 II! ._. of tht> ··oltl

J ii points r 11 wr< \\Ill ht> r1_·mindt->ll 111' thl' \l<dlll~

with a 13-1 :l tie. In the st->rond per-

.\larklrnm 11la~·i11g ;\{ l(ll"\\'.ll"ll rr11

llilling~ \\"'1" thl~ l<.:.llt .. 1,_• nl lht.-> ("Olll\•st llis t'1HllC'llill'k Hlll'1" \wing alJs1.•nt from

<lthh•t i(·~ !or a nnndwr of y1,.Hs \\a:-­

s111·pri~iag 10 all who :-:.H\\ llu• i..:;lltn•

\\"icksfl'tllll ltitl 1ll thf• sl'nrin~ 1h•p, rt

nwnt for Hillings h111 w;1:-. 11oor 1 n

fret> th rows.

Vor tht.• irl'shntl'll H11:-:h <llld Pill!" W•'rt' tht• s1ar Jl\•J'ltfflllt>rs

M iles Ci t y Game.

In ;\fik'"' Ci1~- tlw l'"H'J"\"t>-'I; r"ou111t a f;1s1 1Pulll thollt:.h not a ... ··,111•rienn·rl ft~ till' 111rlt.'Pt>lld1·nt:-. Thl' Hnhkitll• L::' np1•1H•d 111' with tlu• :-.C'Ol"illg s\wr1ly at

lt•l' 1lw rPl'••r1·1.·':-. whistle somHle11 llPrL· thP)" wer1• t·1i:1hlt:d to nsc· nio~t

11f their phn!-i and somP c;oOfl 111ts~in~

wiL-. ~hown. Thl• ('u~tt>r team waf' :-.t·lilnm .1 1Jh.• 10 hn•;1k up their oppon-1~nu• play:-. hut "'Pl"P ... url' pa ... !';t:>l's an•l

:nirl~ (!Pttd Oii h·i-,h+·t~hooTi Ii.:. 1 ll•'

~all't' w·i-, 1·11m1·a1:11 1 \·d~ fn' 1 ·01.

ro11JinJ.:. In 1'11· la:-.l h:llf th1• ('11:--t1 r

tnn\artls h1•.~n111 ~n1rin~ and tli.•1r

IHH''"''~·rs ... X!Jl't 11•1! <t 1"'llly T11+• r -.h

lllt'll li!?.htellt."'rl lHlWt•\'t'I' ,.111! lh1• Jt:.ill

ended 26-lfi in their iavor

H<·rg;man ~It guar<l '\\a" 1he :>tnr of 1lw g-1-rnw lnr thl' (r('shnwn

L in eup.

day-. t'I .\I ; •·,·1..•lt·en wlwn lo\'e \\a~ l\i 1:? and ~t1111!ec:; ciirl not inter r1•n• \\ill\ 'I 'rt'a\"" l•oJh,•g:e l'dHC'atioll.

Tallma n Does the Th i nk i ng .

Tlw tairy tolll'h nf promised "'J1ri11g

ha:-. t.'' en J>PIH'I rated into the in11e1 1.i1b-. 01 part of our Fa<·nlty and dk

) ~I (' A lllt.·11. C!'lllt'S!:iOr Tallman

untl .ii:-- 1 wu as:--o<·iatt.•s in l'rime. Pow·

l'll nil \ll't'honl arP renPwing with

1..·oacPntnHt•d 1.·i'fon~ tlwir allempt c-1 spring: hou~t'<'ienning al lht· Y. :'It ('

A and will sow1 feel in a pn:-iition to

n·1·Pi\l' ,-bitur:-:. Durin~ 1he Jn-tst \dll tt.•r thl' :--inging dlons nt' lhi!-' mi~ho

trio Ii,n1· "'lll11:--he1l 1111:--('t>n" in tlw

n:l'-'1' walls or 1lw Younf,?'. )le-n's <.'hrb

1ian a:-.sol'iatio11 but soon !he exquisitt• b;n1n1;ny of •lllC'i~nt loq• Ballads wil hl· ~c:tlll•fl•cl 11111 of npen window~ :tnr

will he ~llrl·ad by tht> warm ) l arcl 1\inds In thi> mn~i•· lo\·ing 1onunu11 it\ Tltt li~hlL'r parts will be <'itlTit11i

h) .\.i t'hor1l ud 1•0,v1•ll ""hilP TaJl ma11 1.1 tnrn will 1lo !ht• hea\-y 1h1nk

i11g . .ind of 1·11urM· a n·dtal will b· 11tannfd in tllt> l·ilrly p •. n nt' April

And a.l(ain \\'hi1" )\annine: whos

t')E's hin P 1101 met tho~e of fair l'o­t>d wr ma11y mon t h~ pa~t E'XJ)l'es:;e!--

FRl~SlDI l'~X :-;l•rion:-. int1 .. llionR with lhP fo r rnf\l

Positio;1 \\.kk~tl'Olll


I lllntsht;>!"!Pr. O'BriPn lw in seard1 u1 :1 girl who b •·tolf'r (•rum al~.\ t'rnnk. gi:n tb feminine, and 110 1

F'orwarrls <l;rn:..:.t"rm1:;; I_v ht<>ll igem." A nd whos1



Hu-.;h Pllth•1sia~m ha~ arou~cd ~oml'thing n ~emb line; inler1..·~t 1 1•hind th e g l at:se~

Pitts nf his fr ie nd '" Red l 'ndern who will

HPnnnan '"'"11 on the \n .. k 01n for Olll' of te r p·

Gua rds

M. J. ~. Will HHE REaERHJ

(Co111i1; 'f'l.1 FrOi l' nne . 1

go to q11ali1y !'or an n1111ointnwnl. Tlw It 1q·n• \rm~ Orri<'er·s:. 'rraining 1·1 ri :-: as thl' llt•\\ unit will ht• 1·a ll e-1l

will h1· sl')l<:lriltl' rrom alt oth1..•r mili­t:tr~ lw1h,•:- ,ti 11 will ll<IH' u 11ift1~rc>11l

insic 1ia of rnnk

A t·o11rs1..• in ;\lillrnr.\ tal'li<·~ thro;.t:.:_.1

Olll lhl' ;111plll'otlll0

~ ('llll••J.:;l' ('Pilr'" l:-­

Jtl'l'"'l")'iJ11•1l, iilill !hi-. l'Hlli"!'-l' •\ qj 1·1

:st <t rtt"d Hl t lw 1 ollq.~1· •1 I 1111• •

hi:-. lrl'"'hllliill )"l":.11" till' ;1pplit-:i1 'I}

tak1 w11rk In p\1,_•1111·11!-U"~ I' 1l11:i

drill. 11hy:-.·( .ti •ii 1·a1 i1111, l i11 f'I'\ 11 •·•I' :..:.1·! Jil"a<'lln•, n1<1p readin~ hf\)ttUt-1

cumhat, !'inn aid imnruction rt.HI ·n·

1 r'P11t·hmen ts.

Ad va n ced I nstru ct ion .

In tilt• ~opliomore yt~;11· tht• bluflt>Ht will 1·p1'l'i\t' instrnt·tion in t·n111J.t1~ llr

int!.. t:.tr£!l't practice, "'ic:t.rtlhtr with lhP s1~maphnrt• and !lag, !lt.lrl work'"· ld1st;wlt•:-:. l11"id~1·s ~11111 I"'."..:· Pl":l<'·

1!1'11. th1'1'<• hour:-. <I Wl'Pk.

I lurln~ tllP j111ii11r .\ ••;u h \ II h•· rl''lllirt<rl to 1L1J,:1• II\ 1· hn1;1 , \\t'l k

nul "ill l1·arn lh • tlulil'!'> , =nsb11·nt •' itn 1 a1let oflin·r~. mi\11.11.. ~k1·tth

h1l!. 1'1p}I\ 111«h·r~. minor t;Jc t H'"· 1·om

si1•hor,.,.an <1b il ity who doe?-\ l'l (__"Oil-

sirlt<r !IH1·1• dances a c·rowd.

l 'hit.;I Carr the umrnrpassed expo l t'lll <•t 1ll"i·:rn1) lh.nc in ~ and tech nk· ioothal\ playing wil l t ll ink of some·

thi n g t>lse than thl' pre~ t ige t h at an \ I worn 011 a hen' y g r a y s weater will bring him, :1nd will ~pend less an<l It-'-':-. timt" in l'roic~sor Sch OJlpP's l'1ll j11rium 3!:i thP :-:.~nson adva n ces.

Frosh Are Affe cte d.

1':Yt•n lO !hi' ll'e~ J11nan WhO has nt.·n·r lH·inrP "'\'' nt a tm·e\y ~prin.e:

"n th11 "Id l·amp11s. wi ll t hen:. graclu­:11ly come :l ht•t1• 1 understa n rlia.x of nall1r1· und 1lw n·al ml•aning of tht' \\Ol"il ~r<'Pll ·· llarrb "ill nn<'t:- uwrti "'int:. alonct <11111 app.·: 1 in a rather dull 1 •1111·,~- <'n l•}J •·I •st•al r wi1h n U h• ri 1 1 \\ h'l'i1 s 1"n·l"' for ~omethi11g.

'"ll'""'\I <-n• 111 ld t11' r T.1 Priel· th~ n· \I ill ·l " 4 full 1111• 1 ling if

~~~~~~~lt ~1r~~\~1 rl~·l~·'.i\'.l.•:.t h1i1~-~,~~:~:::l~1l1:L~ts i ters spr-nt i11 I !1111olul11. <"akutt<l, Tilll· I buc-too, l-"lori11a, Alil:-.lrn. and, (tlncl

!)il lon), a111l 1 hL·y \,ill ,, nn !Pr "lint

a 1111iPt sprin~ 1n 1 :nt.l'llHtll will mean

to hirn.

.\lr ~;a:1forrt Snow hn:; alr ... ady put iu a hid for all spring \•n•.1ings nt the Phi Ua1nma I !oust.•. although t hat ha~

lwt·n g1·n1..'r<1ll.' known tor some time

to lll'iH rl'latiYPS anti fl'i\•nd::-. 11.

Hild ~t1~wart prom\s{·s tha t tlw King

ci;..:.ht will ~oon llC' in l"onditi1u 111 1ak1•

sontl•l:otl) rl!lin~ ;ltHl thi~ wnr1hy ''.!_I) 11d111illl~trntio l, mila,u--:.- histnry. Thl-'spiau al~o 11romb1·s th<H it will

!'h·nwnt-. ci illli>r11a1iot••tl IA\\ 1Hld C'Urry a load of fail r(}-ed:.: that will m1•1lwtl:-. nf ohtilining ... nppliPs 1..·1111ip111Pnt

111! 111ak1· it look likt• a 191:-.: Pil'r1'e Arr1H\.

Stenography In te r es t s ·'Ben," As n st--nior lit• will 1.:1Hl lh .... ll1..•nPpP is :tln•a(\) plnnntne, a long

hours a WP•''' in 1'ainia~ \\111"' lt-(tg-._• 01 lJeartl and n ~hort hair c:ur and is 11 1 • r1•g11lar ~tutit.->s of a "U!l·mi:.sion._£1 ouLilning a cours!' i.l typewriting olri 1·pr. court mur1lal prnrl'1 dlni:;..; Am 1 ght>n hy 1he horticu l ture depa r tment. 1 I kan polidt.':-i of tli11ln111<1l '~ \ s,\·o•hol

o~y or war, lt'~blation, i1l-;1un hlld gP111~rul tal"li<'al pro\Jlt-111,.,

Th• a1111lit•a1H i~ ;dso 1"1•·1uin•r\ to

havt-- taken a c-our:-;C' in rithl'r FrPnl'h

Carl Borton got n hair cut too. ju~

tilt• oth('r day, "Phat Uahl i~ plan·

ning on the ~pring' p l owtn~ up 1.t

the woncle-rfu l muulcipnlil) (•alle---l BC' l l. and in a~sol'intio·1 wtth '·BriC'k'

C1·rman or ~11ani~h fht.'"" nrdPr~ Dru m mon d will play a dut.~t in [rent .,. ill OpPn a ·1t>w ti1~1t1 to t~io· ~T;1duut Of t lu• Donn with thE." r e~t of L h t~ C'ol·

inK l"rillN{l· :.-. t u1h•11t in l"ll'" 11,... at any 1

tegl:' Brind a~ their nC'l'OtnpnnlmC'n l

tilll(.> Wishes lO 1:11U•r ,t ... ,llT''.\ lmt i~1.· r:u Ron1u• is n l so "Or('R~ing up, will a\..,o hl' ..,n!Jjt>t'l 111 1 .\ll at anJ H looks Hke morringC', b u t don't b•

tlmf'. ttfraid lht''" nre n il doln~ thnt at pn'F

The 6allatin Laundry Company Is giving better service this year than ever on account of the success obta ined s ince adopting a strictly cash system. Make arrangements with your landlady to take care of yo ur laundry whe n same is delivered, othen.vise it will be returned

to laundry . We are here to serve you.

l he Gallatin Laundry Company J

HOWARD'S \\ l' wi.:.:.h lo a1111nu1H ... l' nur .:-..pr1t1g- Lilll ii iin1.· d· th111g­

ll;tt"~ ( flP"'- ~hoc:-> and other article ... 11f wl'aring; apparel "iH I c ntrc tn a few day:-.

\\ c itH·ite you t 11 call and in~pect ••Ur \ar•nth liiic~

THE HUB Ed. and Lou Howard.








S weetheart . Mother, Sister or Friend l'hey'll appreciatl' the littk lnuch <>i -entiment ><J tkhght

iully e'pre:-.~erl in a hn\: ni fntr \-alentine (;iit Chn\.'nlate.;. and 11,,.,,,. \lade l'andie'

SUGAR. BOVVL P hone 71-J i o4 W . Main

Cook By Wire U sc an Electric Grill .


W!.11 Press Your Clothes.


Montana Power Company

An Evening Lunch for Six

. 20c


Thos. H. Rea & Company PHONE 2-1.


Ideal Furniture Company Martin Block


The Bozeman liotel


Ceretana Means Quality In Flour and Rolled Oats-Try Them Today.

The Bozeman Milling Company ent: that Is n atur::i.I with sprinr

SENA T E O F A. S. M S. C MEETS All I can l"f'llll'nlbt'r n f whnt 1:rnmnonr I \\'prl1w~clay alt1·rno.·n Pr··--idl'nt R oy snicl !:-; 1 his "Jn thP s11ring n vnun 1-

St rnnli pre~idPcl c.wer ,, met.>tin~ of t h e mnn's fanr~"' but win · ~houlr'ln't th"· HUM NON TONG st.'n,1lc Several im1iortant matt ers be. 1 don"l bl ame lhem. do y('u? wpre discussed n n d recommendations N o te--Th c n a m e of t he rPp0r1 I 14 North Hozc1111 11 . \\' e rn 1e

'''hich wi ll be presen te d to t h e Ass<>-\ wh o hns been fotn d gu ilty o l' <'rm m ', \Vashin g Ca_ll : <l f~r- a nd Deli\'ered dat~d Btu d e:its al t his m orning's t in g the nbove 11. r t k l w 11• h" .. "11•1 Pn ce!S Rt:a~onabl c me.eting we.r e pn.ssed u pon . \ on Page two. I:-------------------------------