1990 - school webmasters · 1990 quite the athletes lisa miller and scott cuppett pose for the...

We are the Champions The CT Basketball Team poses at the end of a 19-2 season becoming District V champions. 1989-1990 Facts President - George H. W. Bush Event - The US Supreme Court upsets law banning flag burning. Top 5 Songs 1. “Opposites Attract” 2. “Black Velvet” 3. “Nothing Compares 2 U” 4. “Vogue” 5. “It Must Have Been Love” 1990 Quite the Athletes Lisa Miller and Scott Cuppett pose for the “Most Athletic” photo. The Bleacher Creatures Students demonstrate pride in their support of the basketball team. The Second Time is a Charm The Conemaugh Township Baseball Team poses for a picture on its way to winning a District V championships sought after for many years. Senior Girl Linda Peifer poses for her senior portrait. Senior Boy Senior Adam Thomas Breaking News Mr. Andolina poses with his Contownian staff members. A “Kick” of a Time The student population looks on while teachers, students, and coaches play Donkey Basketball. Absolute Royalty Prom Queen Linda Peifer is crowned by Heidi Reddecliff, while King Adam Thomas looks on. Man of the Hour Assistant Principal Mr. Richard Matey poses for a picture. Ringing off the Hook High School Principal Mr. Eugene Podratsky answers another phone call while on the job. A Night to Remember Still in his uniform, Bob Beener and Kim Wiley were voted the Homecoming King and Queen.

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Page 1: 1990 - School Webmasters · 1990 Quite the Athletes Lisa Miller and Scott Cuppett pose for the “Most Athletic” photo. The Bleacher Creatures Students demonstrate pride in their

We are the ChampionsThe CT Basketbal l Team poses a t the end of a 19-2 season becoming Dis t r ic t V champions .

1989 -1990 Fac t sPres ident - Geo rge H . W. Bush

E v e n t - T h e U S S u p r e m e C o u r t upse t s l aw bann ing f l ag bu rn ing .

Top 5 Songs1. “Opposi tes At t rac t”2 . “Black Velvet”3. “Nothing Compares 2 U”4. “Vogue”5. “ I t Must Have Been Love”


Quite the AthletesL i s a M i l l e r a n d S c o t t C u p p e t t p o s e f o r t h e “Most Athle t ic” photo .

The B leacher Crea turesStudents demonstra te pr ide i n t h e i r s u p p o r t o f t h e basketbal l team.

The Second Time is a CharmT h e C o n e m a u g h T o w n s h i p B a s e b a l l T e a m p o s e s f o r a p i c t u r e o n i t s w a y t o w i n n i n g a D i s t r i c t V c h a m p i o n s h i p s s o u g h t a f t e r f o r many yea r s .

Senior GirlLinda Pei fer poses for her senior por t ra i t .

Senior BoySenior Adam Thomas

Breaking News Mr. Andol ina poses wi th h i s C o n t o w n i a n s t a f f members .

A “Kick” o f a TimeThe s tudent populat ion looks on while teachers, s t u d e n t s , a n d c o a c h e s play Donkey Basketball.

Abso lu te Roya l tyP r o m Q u e e n L i n d a P e i f e r i s c r o w n e d b y Heidi Reddecl i ff , whi le K i n g A d a m T h o m a s looks on.

Man o f the HourAssis tant Pr incipal Mr. Richard Matey poses for a p ic ture .

Ring ing o f f the HookHigh Schoo l P r inc ipa l M r. E u g e n e P o d r a t s k y answers another phone cal l whi le on the job.

A Night to Remember S t i l l i n h i s u n i f o r m , B o b B e e n e r a n d K i m Wi l e y w e r e v o t e d t h e Homecoming King and Queen.