1958 chacahoula


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This is the 1958 yearboook for Northeast Louisiana State College in Monroe LA.


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  • The weillher ou tside is UOI quil e so frighlfu l ,... ilh coa lS', gJo' and "Sonny" Breckenridge 10 keep Diane Osborne and Brer. Gambrell warm and happy.

    Th e bench S' lreng th huddles inlo hoods whil e Ihe lea rn plays on.

    There are no misplaced calls wilh Frances Smith a l Ihe s""ilchboard con trols.

    Bunny Rabbit surveys a g. roup of gue5 l~ att racted to the \ 'lu s' spring formal.

  • There iii a lim p (or work

    I /



    and ... a (im(! for pia}.

  • :\ group or Phi -"Ill initiat es arr.... yed in ....hil e po prf" lIil y on the ~ Ia ir !; in Ibe Ad l)liniSlralion RlIil d in

    Armande l\'icHenry, AOrr h o~ t eu. welcomes a g roup o f V;' C!.l }"I (l nroe High School visitors (In Senior Day.

    T herp's nothing like a gun to a ttract th e ma le

  • Jrrry Head. Clarice Dicbon , Leslie Amos. and G1YD Moton are "a t home" in Ihe ne~'lyrelllodeled Student Center

    ~c\'a I.ron :' . Bell y Shirley. Carol Spatafora , and Alice Lop~1' (:hat o ut !'i id~ Iht' h OI~ 1 iu Nacogdoches.. Texas, bef(lre go ing 10 suppor! the football It'a m .


    All honor to our Alma Mater, by the bayou's clea.r blue water.

    Deep within our hearts we seek her loft" goals of life.

    N.L.S.C. by name we call her, by the bayou's clear blue water;

    Gracious name for all who know her beauty clear and bright.

    We bow /,0 thee, our Alma Mater , by the bayou's clear blue water.

    May thy glories glow in splendor ever in our sight.

    N.L.S.C. by name we call her, by the bayou's clear blue water;

    Deep within our hearts we seek her lofty goals of life.

    All hail to thee , N.L.S.C., fa ithful we will be to thee l

  • ' North east s tudent s ch at al th ird period coffef: Sant a comes 10 Northea$1. Lo\'ely Carolyn Dr is kill reigned as ] 95 hreak , Homecoming Queen.

    L(~w l y freshlllt'9 give uppe rclassman , Bar bara Kell ey, a shoeshju f' .f

    S tuden ts kef'P pOlSled by reading Ih(' journal i SI11 bulletin boa rd in the Admini strat ion Bui ld ing.

  • Chrl,rl I"lIde rs. war d3n Ct' r ~ .
  • "Never! You know I don' l smoke." Presidenl Slater cuts chain o( bill s at formal ]. ]. Barnes. in SpE'ciaJ Educaliol openin g of Coll ege Town Branch of OuaehiLa hel ps pupil with his hearing problen NalionaJ Bank.

    KA Rebe ls "whoop jl up" a t homE':comi ng.

    Carey musl have a heavy ,Ia l(' ton i~ht.

  • BeJlllle Andrews gives Phi Mu house a new look. Her! look at us , aren't we purty?

    The Northeast Band ent ertains at haHtime. Team stat isticians and their dat e.; a t the baseball steak supper.


  • Harper isn 't goi ng 10 like it!


    Henr\' Chri ceol recejyes Ihe 1958 PharlllaCY award Irom Leon Sugar. Presiden t or th(' ]\ fonr'oe Whol e~ ale Drug C(lmpany which ' initiat ed ti lt, annual scholarsh ip la.st year.

    Fhe Northeast boosters. who att ended the Nacogdoc hes game, ehal on hOlel sia in"ay.

    All eyes are on 1958 Military Queen, !Q\'e!y Sharron Haynes, as she recejves a bouqnel nf roses.

    Yuu don't say!

  • wm Peck and Linda Bickham sit out Ihi s one.

    Logs crackle and Ibe Ore glows in the Siudent Center fireplace. Isn' , there an Added warmth 10 Ihe conversation ?

    JUSl wail! OUT day is coming.

    Pres idellt SJa ler congratulat es oUl standing graduat e. Hobson Norris.

    , I

  • Sidney l'\'lcKay presents outstanding band member award to James Halberg on Honors Day.

    Engineering students learn surveying.

    Home economics girls gel experience in child cn re.

    J eaneue McDonald cJ:plains use of lab equipment to high school student s.

    Clny Scroggin and Gerry Kenny have leading rol~;:; in " Pygmalion."

  • Captains of llw 1952 fOOlba ll team- jim Knox, Joe Driskill. and Everelt "Sleepy" Reynol ds.

    Miss Hearl Fund of 1958, Doris Kilchens Pollard, and Little !Hiss Heal"! Fund, Nancy Arnold .

    Campus fragrance.

    Freshmen keep Northea.s,'s home coming bonfire hurning .

  • Facuh y cha t at reception g iv en (or new members.

    KA men. bers. their dates. and ~hs. Allbritton at I t'a given prio r lo Old South Ball .

    Here. lei me straighten your lie. It must be a funn)- story, Jean.

  • Administration

    Student Government and Publications


    FeaturesTable of Contents Organizations






  • Administration



  • Administra tion

    WILLIAM M. SMITH, Dean 01 the

    College and head of Teacher Educa

    ti on

    The Adm inistrative staff is an integral par of the college . Their interest in students an! every phase of the insti tution is reflected iJ friendliness, vision, and efficiency, which corn bine to stimulate expansion of Northeast aJl

  • D. HOLLOWAY, Dean of

    Managing a college, which is rapidly ex in all ca tegories, proved a genuine



    to the staff. Their services and have extended beyond NOltheast to reach students from other states

    MARGARET M. NEWMAN, Dean of Women

    WILLIAM J. CHRISTMAS, Director of 1958 Summer School

    EVELYN McGEE BARNES, Director of Secondary Student Teaching

    MERRITT E. MELBERG, Guidance Counselor; Director of Civil Service Personnel

    CHARLES M. TILLMAN, Director of Elementary Student Teaching

    ODEN, Director of Student ",cti,illies

  • Business Administration

    WILBUR L. PERKINS, Head of Business Administration Department

    It's easy to gel fO lals by machine.

    The Department of Busi ness Admin istration is designed to give you ng men and women instruction in business subjects to prepare them for successfu I lives in the business and civic affairs of the community in which they will live. The department offers a bachelor of science degree in accounting, business administration ~ general business, marketing, and secretarial science CliITicula .

    )..earning to type prepares for 8 good job.

  • Li beral Arts

    DR. WILLIAM R. HAMMOND, Dean, Fields of study offered by the Department of Liberal Arts com Department of Liberal Arts

    prise English, Foreign Languages, Journalism, and the Social Sciences (Economics, Geography, Government, History, and Sociology). Students completing a Liberal Arts curriculum are awarded a bachelor of arts degree.

    Purposes of the depa rtment are: to lay the foundation for future specialization by preparing students in the basic fields of knowledge; to train the student to think accurately and form sound judgment as essential to character and personality development; to provide courses required in curricula of other departments or for pre-professiona.! work.

    Library offers a wide varielY of Libera] Arts books. Representatives from high schools in die surrounding area enjoy a visit to the Chaeahonla office on Senior Day.

  • Fine Arts

    DEAN HARRY M. LEMERT, Head, Fine Arts Department The Department of Fine Alts provides for planned learning ex

    periences in art, drama, music, and speech of a general cultural nature for students majoring in other areas of study as well as for those concentrating in thi s area. These experiences oecur as formal courses of instruction and as activities in the nature of musical recitals, theatrical productions, radio and television perfonnances, concelts and operatic productions. These curricula lead to a bachelor of alts degree.

    Talented guesl cellist entertains al Northeasl under sponsorship of Delta Omicron. Scene from "The Male Animal."

  • and orne Economics

    The Department of Agriculture and Home Economics is steadily conducting research and experimentation, disseminating valuable informati on and preparing men and women for successful careers. Offerings of the department include Agronomy, Animal Industry, Farm Equipment Management, General Agri cul ture, General Home Economics, Home Economics Education and Pre-professional courses in Foresll)" Veterinary Science and Vocational Agricultural Educati on_

    The department confers the degree of Bachelor of Science.

    F. H. Holdeman of the Agri culture facuhy watches as Ag. majors judge poulr.ry at fair grounds.

    L. L. PRICE, Head, Department of Agriculture and Horne Economics

    Home Ec. girls learn how to prepare appetizing meals.

  • LT. COL. HOWARD P. LANDRY. Head ; Military Department

    Col. Ansel heads learn h om 4th Army Headquaners [0 inspection of ROTC.


    Cadets in the Reserve Officers Training Corps at NOItheast State are offered a four-year program designed 10 qualify selected stu den ts as officers in a component of the U.S. Army. Following two yea" of basic ROTC tra ining. a cadet ma y apply for enrollment it} advanced stndy. Successfnl completion of this second phase of training in military science and .tactlcs lea ds to a comm ission of second lieutenant in the United States Army Reserve.

    make formal Even the army takes a co ffee break at Northeast.

  • Teacher Education

    Significant growth has marked the Department. of Teacher Educa

    tion since its estahli shment in 1950. Reflecting this ex pansion. many

    alumni a re working throughout the nation in classrooms of elemen

    ta ry and secondary schools.

    The Department attempts to carry out its program which is de

    signed to provide persons wi th an integrated general and professional

    educa tion . Rea li zat ion of this purpose is sought chiefly through the

    several curricula leading to the bachelor of arts alld bachelor of

    science degrees in education.

    Combining theory with practical application in the classroom,

    future teachers are given opporwnity to prepare for positions from

    the first grade through high school and in all a reas of training on

    the h igh school level.

    Guest speaker, Wood Sen, Croslt;y Elemenlary School principal, chalS wilh Siudent NEA Laboratory School pupil ~ f'njo}' W

  • Pure and Apr-lied Sciences

    EMMETT FOSTER, Acting Head, Pure and Applied Science Department

    Cberuislry students experiment with the distillation of cloves.

    Attempting to keep abreast of fast-moving events, the Department of Pure and Applied Sciences offers work in Botany, Zoology, Chemistxy, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, and their applications such as Engineering and Medical Technology_

    Principal ohjective of this department is to train students in fundamentals of their respective fields to fit them for positions of responsibility in humanitarian or public services and in the field of scientific research.

    Professional curricula offered in this department are of two types: those leading to the Bachelor of Science degree; and those gi ving pre-profess ional training which, when supplemented by further study, leads to degrees from other institutions.

    Zoology student gets assistance in dissecting a h og.

  • RALPH WILSON, Dean , School of Pharmacy


    The School of Pharmacy, estahlished at Northeast in 1956, is the only one provided at a Louisiana stnte institution of higher learning. Its rapid growth reflects a need to offer tra ining in thi s field.

    Primary objective of the School of Pharmacy is to train stlldents to become pharmacists, to take their rightful place among other membel's of the health profession.

    It is expected that the majority of the graduating student s will find employmen t in the retail field of endeavor, but mauy will become pharmacists in hospitals. Others will affiliate with pharo maceutical manufacturers as sales services representatives and in production. After continuing in advanced studies at graduate school, still others will become manufacturers, research workers, or teachers .

    Training dot's no l pro.... ide for guesswork. Futnre pha!1U8Cis lS SOon ga in re!; pt'ci for long hours of lab. work.

  • FIRST ROW, CLIFFORD L. ADAMS. Associate Professor o[ Phy~i esf M.S., Missouri School of Mines and :Metallurgy; FLORENCE ZIEGLER ALL BRITTON, Assistant Professor of .\'Iusie, M.M ., Chicago Musical College; EDWARD HAMILTON ALLEN. Instructor of Animal Industry, M.S., Louisiana Sta te University; RAytl.'l OND ANNINO. Associat e Professor o f Chemistry , Ph.D., Oklahoma State University ; FRANCES PRYOR BALDWIN, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, fvLS .. Louisiana S tate Universify; EVELYN i\1cGEE BARNES, Ass istant Professor of Education. M.S., University of Arkansas ; J OHN J . BARNES, Ass i ~ l a nt Professor of Psychology, l\1.Ed .. Louisiana Slate UnhersilY SECOND ROW, .MAUD .\1 COOK BENTRUP, Head Librarian and AssociatE' Pro fessor (Ii Lih rs ry Science, BS in Library Science, UniversilY of Illinois : EMILY BLOMQUIST. Asslstant Librarian, M.S. in Library Science, Louisiana S lafC Univer sity; GEORGE BRIAN, As,sislant Professor of Spcech, :\!l .A., Loui siana State Universil y: JOSEPH ROBERT BROWN. Associate Professor of History, Ph.D ., Louisiana State Uni\'ersit y; w. C. BUCHANAN, Assistant. Professor of Geography , M.A., Georgf' Peabody Col1ege; EVELYN SANDERS CHILTON, Instructor of English , ]\tA., University o f Mississippi ; WILLIAM J. CHRISTMAS, Assistanl Professor 01 Educa ti on , Ph.D., Columbia University .

    fIRST ROW, RAY COFFEY, Captain, ..... ss is tant Profcssor of Military Science anu Taclies (Artillery ) , B.L. , University of Nebraska; WILLA CLAJRE COX, Assoe ia te Pro lcssor o f Englisb, Ph.D., George Peabody College; ROBBIE LEE CaXE, Inso;uclor of Home EconoJnic~, l....1.S., Louisiana S tat.e Un iversity; HANSELL n YNN CROSS, Assistant Pro lessor o( Biologieal Scieuce , Ph.D., University o f 1vlaryland ; ERA DAVIS, ]nSlruclor of Home Economics, M.S .. Louisiana S tate University; fRANCES DeLOUCHE, Inslruetor in Secre tarial Sc ience, M.B.A .. Louisi ana Stale University ; RODERT L. Def!,fOSS, Line foo tball eoach. En.M.. Oklahoma Slat e University. SECOND ROW, ROBERT RAY EDGING, Pari-time Instl'Uetor in 1\lechan ieal Engineering, B.S. , George Peabody College ; LENNY FANT, Basketball eoacb, M.A., University 01 Alabama ; TED B. FERGUSON, Instruetor in HiSTory, )'1.A., Louisiana Sta le University; LEE W. FISER. AssistanT ProIesso r of Mnsic, M.A., Columbia Uni versi ty; ELOY FOMINAYA, Assistant. P rofes sor of Musie. ~'I.M., Texas S tate College; EMMETT JEFFERSON FOSTER, ACliog Head 0' Pure and Applied Sciences. Associate Professor 01 Chemistry, M.A_, Louisiana State Un ivers iTy ; GREGOR THOMPSON GOETHALS, Assis tant Professor of Art. M.A., Yale UniversiTy.



    ALVIN 1-1 . CORDON, M/Sgl.. Instruclo r in Military Science and Tac tic!;; ROBERT EDWARD CORDO!\", Assistant Professor of Biological Science. Ph.D., Tnlanc Uni ... ersi!y; CARL LEON GRANTZ. Tnslructor in English. :\t.A .. Columhia Uni~'ersjt)'; W1LLIAM R. H:\M)'lOND. Head o f Departmenl. of Liheral Art.':>, Professor of Economics. Ph .D., George Peabody College; JASPER GLEN HAM~fONS, A!;socia le Prolessor of Agronomy, Ph.D .. P enn sylvania Siale College; BUEL S. HAMNER. Regislrar, Assistant Professor 01 English, _""LA., Louisiana Sia le University; CLINT O. HANN.\, Direelor oi Admissions and Special Sen"ices, Associate Professor o f Education, Ed.D., George Peabody College.


    JACK HARRINGTON , AssistanL Pl'Ofessor o( Edueation , Ed .D., University of Houston ; ADA BESS HART, Assistant. Professor of Heahh and Physical Educati on, M,A .. George Peabody College; LEWIS UEN HARTZOG, Track Coach and Trainer, A-LA ., Colorado A8.. !I'I ; MAR Y GISH HARVEY, Assistant Lihrarian. B,S. in Librar~' Seiencf', St. Louis Puhlie Library School ; ;\NNELIES THURNER HAYWARD. Part-time instruc tor in German. Ahi,ur, Oberschule F. Machen, Germany; CECIL PAUL HEADLEE, Associa te Professor oj Pharmacology and Physiology. Ph.D .. Purdue Un ive rsit y; RODERICK AUGUSTUS HICKMA N, JR.. Associate Professor of Mathematics, M.A" George Peahody Co llege.


    FOSTER HALLEY HOLDEMA N, Assislant Professor of AgriculLure Enginee ring, M.S., Louisiana State University; E,RNEST D. HOLLO WA Y, Dean of Men. Th.D., Uniou Theological Seminary, 0.0.. Southwestern at IVtemphis; PERRY HOWARD, Kssistanl Professor of Soeiology. Ph.D.. Louisiana Slate Universit y; ALVA 5, HUFFMAN. Associa1 e Pro fessor of Health and Physieal Eduealioo, 1\'1.5., Lonisiana Stale University; HUGH HYtvfAN, Associate Pro(esso r 01 MathemaLics, Ph.D., University 01 California; RUFUS JOHNSON, M/ Sgt., In stnlctor of ~\,lilitar)" Science and Tactics; fRANCE~ KELSO. Assistant Pro le ssor o( Home Economics, l\.f.A., George Peabody College. SECON D ROW,

    ARNOLD KILPATRICK, A s~istant Professor of Health and Phrsiea l Educa tion, YI.A., Louisiana Stale University; HOWARD P. LANDRY, LI. Col., ProIessor of J\

  • FIRST ROW , GEORGE LUFFEY, End Football coach, Instructor in Health and Physica l Educa tion, B.S., Sou thwestern Louisiana Institute; JOHN LUFFEY , Assistant Professor of Business Administration, M.B.A., Uni ...-ersi ly of Texas; l'vIARCUS BUFORD MAPP, Assistant Prolcs~or of Geology, M.S., Mississippi College; BERRY D. MARONEY, M/Sgt., Instrnctor in Military Science and Taetics; FRANK W. MARTIN, Associate Pi'ofessor of Pharmacognosy and Botany, M.A., Washington University; JA~'fES PAUL MATTHAI, Inslrnctor in Geography, M.A., Sy racuse Universit y; WALTER STANLEY MAITOX, Capt., Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics, B.S., Unit ed Slates Milita'1' Academy.

    SECOND ROW, ~'IARrE \l/EHRLl t\'IcARTHUR. InSI.ruetor in Business Administration, l\LEd., Louisiana Slate University; THOMAS RALPH Mc CANN, Assistant Professor of Social Sciences, :VIS, Mississippi Stale College; JOHN HOWARD McCARTER, JR " Associate Professor of Geology, M.5 .. Louisiana State University; JO ANN '\'lcDONALD, Assistant Librarian, B.S" Columhja UniversiLy; MARGARET tvk DONALD, Ass istant Librarian, B.S., Louisiana Slale University; LEW[S MARVIN McKNEELY, Assistant Professor of Engli sh. Ph .D.. Emory Univers ity~ CARL G. MEEKS, Assislunl Professo r of Health and Physical Ed uca tion . Ed.D., Columbi a lJni veri> ity.

    fIRST ROW, MERRITT E. MELBERG. Associa te ProfeS'sor of Educa tion, Guidanee Counselor, Ed.D" Colorado Sial e Universi ty; HAZEL HAYNES f\HTCHELL. Assistant Pro fessor o( Spanish, M.A., Loui siana Stat e Uni\'ersily ; Eto.fl'vlA FERGUSON MIXON, Assistant Professor o f Mathe maties, M.s., Louisiana Slate University; JAMES F. NIONROE, Ass is tant Pro fessor of Music, M.M.. American Conservatory of Mu sk; HOWARD W. MORTON, Assistanr Professor of Business Adminiso'alion , M.B.E., Un iversity of Miss i s~ippj : JOE BARRY MULUNS, Assoc iate Professor (If Musi e, }LM., So uthwes tern at Memplusj GERTRUDE ?-.'1YERS, Jnstructor in Heahh and Physieal Education , M.A,. University of Colorado.

    SECOND ROW , MARGARET MURPHY NE\"\iMAN. Instl'uc tor in Education, Dean of Women, M.Eel., Louisiana Sta le Universil): JA~-1 ES PARKERSON. Assistant Professor 01 Speech. M.A., Uni'.-ersit y of Iowa; HOWARD DEVONE PAYNE. Head Football Coach, M.A., Ste phen F. Austin College: WILBUR LEE PERKINS, Associate Professor and Head of Business Administration Deparlment. M,A., Uni versity of Oklahoma; WJLLIAM PJERCE. M/ Sg\.. Instru etor in Military Scienee alld Tactics; LUSTER LEON PRICE, Head of Department o f Agriculture and Home Econvmics. Associate ProCessor o f Agl'icnhure, M.s., Lonisiana S tate Universit y; HILDRETH D, ROBERTS, M/ Sg t., Instruetor in Milit ary ScienCt" and Tacties.

  • FIRST ROW , LAMAR ELWOOD ROGERS, Instructor jn ::Vlechllnical Drawing. B.S., Northwestern Sta le College; RO BERT RUSSELL, Instrncl or in

    Journalism alld Ad viser of POW WOW. M.A ., Louisiana S iale University; WILLIAM KIRTLEY RUSSELL, Assistant Professor of Edu

    ca tion. Ed .D. , Univers ity of Houston; GERTRUDE SANDROCK. Assistan t Pro ressor of Music, M.M.E., Un iversity of Pittsb urgh; ED

    WARD SCHUTZ, Ass istant Professor of Arl, M.A., New Mex ico Highlands Uni~'ersj ly: LEWIS CECIL SLATER, President of the Coll ege.

    ProifSSOJ' of PhysicaL Science. }1.S., Louisia na Slate UniYel"Sil ), ; :VIABEL SKINN ER SLAY. Assi sLanl Professo r of Mathemat ies, M.A.,

    George Peahody College.

    SECOND ROW, HEGI NA SM ITH, In struetor in Business Administra tion, B.S., Lniversil), of Pi tl shurgh; W [LFORD SMITH, Assista ut Prolessor of Music,

    Ph.D., George P eabody College; WILLIAM ~'l . SMITH, Dean of the ColJege and Head o{ Departm ent of Teacher Educa1i on, M.A .

    LOllisiaua S ta te University; WILLIE TAFT SMITH, Instructor in Business Ad ministration, M.B.A.. Unh'ersity of Denver; ANNIE LEE

    W'EST STAHL, Associate Professor of Jou rnalism and Ad" iser of CHACA HOULA. M.A., Louisia na Stale Universily ; ELOISE C. STAN

    HOPE. Ass istant Prolesso r of Music, M.M., Chicago Conservatory of l"lu ~ic; CECI L J. STEVENS, S.F .C., Inslr uetor of Mili tary Sejence and



    FIIL~T ROW, ARTHUR L. TATUM. Associa te Professor of Social Sciences, ~L'\., University of Texas ; WJNNElTA THOMAS. Instruct or of French, xLA.,

    l\l iJdleburg Freneh School ; CHARLES M. TILLMAN, Instructor, Elementary Educa tion, M.E., Louisiana S ral e Unive rsily: ELTON UP

    SHAW, Assistanl Professor of Education, M.A., George Peabody College ; W ILLIAM ALPHONSO WALKER. Assjs t al~t Professor of

    Soeial Sciences, M.A. , George Peabody College : J EWELL WATSO N, Assista nt Professor oi Business Administra tion. M.Ed" Loui siana

    State University ; ED WARD CALDWELL WHA TLEY, Assistanl Professor of Biology, !vI .s.. Un ive rsity 01 Arkansas.

    SEWND ROW , I{ALPH MILBURN WILSON, Dean, Sohool of Pharmacy, Pro lessor 01 Pharmacy, .M.S., University of Oklahoma; DOROTHY NI XON

    YOUNSE, Assista nt Professor of English. M .A., Columbia Uni ....er"' jly; RUBY B. CRAFORD, Assislant ProIessor or Educatio n. !\f.Ed..

    Lluisiana Slate Uni\ersity.


    J ANET AI3RA~'l S, Secretary l O Business Manager ; BETH ANDERSON, Secreta ry to Registrar; PAULINE BREWER. Stenographer-Clerk 1 in Audi tor"s Office: MURREL CARPENTER, Account Clerk I in the Auditor's QHiee; LL1CY CHAPMA N, Housemother; CONN IE COR BIN, Store Manager I; MARY JANE DREASLER. Secretary to Director oC Admissions and Special Se{Vices. SECOND ROW , CHARLES ELLIOTT, Accountant II in Busin ess Office; ZANONA FLINN, Library Assistant: BIRDIE LOUISE FRAG ALA, Lihrary AssisLnnt ; SA RRAH AN N GREEN, Dietitian in tlte Cafeteria; VIRGINIA RUTH HAi\'fMONS. Typist Clerk I in Office of the Guidance Counselor ; DONALD HICKS, Lahoralo:ry Assistant in Pore and Appli ed Science Dcpanrncnt; GLENDA HOLLAND, Typis tClerk I in 'he Auditor's Offi ce.

    _______ Staff_________________________________

    FIRST ROW, BERNICE JO NES, Regi 8tered N nr~e in Charge of lhe Inlirma ry: GLADYS KING, Switehboard Operator ; ROSE McDONALD. CaIeteria :rvlgr. JJ ; RUIJI E .\JcELROY, Account Clerk II in the Auditor's Olf ic~; LOUISE McLAWCHLIN, Professiona l Assistant in lhe Teacher Ednca tion Departm ent; LUC ILLE McLEOD, AccoullI Clerk I in the Audito r's Office: M INNIE i\lcVICKER, Typist-Clerk I in tllf'

    Reg ist raJ '~ Office. SECOND ROW, EOSilY JOE ODEN, Di rec tor of Student Activities; JOSIE PAL,\'lER, Housemot.her ; .\JAY READ. Sec retary to the Presid!'nl ; CORENE SAXON, Aud itor ; CARLA.BTH SOULIER, Lihrary Assi:;tanl in Charg!' of Audio Visual Aids; ST ELLA WHITECOTTO N, TypistClerk I in th e Library; MA.\U E WOOD. Store Manager I in lhe Snack Bar.

    THIRO ROW , , ULMA BRYANT, Paint Foreman; JOSEPH KRAMDER G, ~'ljlilary ProperlY Custodian ; HORVIE MOAK, Superint endent 01 Buildings II; SYLVESTER NOLAN, Carpente r. Main lenance Department.


  • Instructors chat wi th guests ot opening of new Student Cent er .

    Mr. Hurvey Moak plays Sant a Claus to faculty children at annual Cbristmas party.


    Newcomers to facult y and staff arc honorees at reception given by President and :Mrs. Lewis C. Sloler.


  • ,

    Student Governmer and Publications


  • Student Council


    , - -,

    ELVIS STOUT, Student Coullcil President

    Sludent Council brnu gbt the Benny Goodman Band 10 campus for a datlC(".

    wait their Lurn 10 casl lheir vote in the Student Counci l

    Northeast students play parents Jor a day on the annual Orpbanage Day spons~>red by the council.

  • Front row: Linda Bickham, Peggy Wingate, President Elvi s StOUl, Glenda Bennett . Back rou;: FJoyd Prejean, Anne Heard, Robert "Bud" lilllelieid.

    The Student Coullcil consists of two men and two women from each class. They are elected by popular

    vote in secret ballot. The president and vice president are chosen by the student body from the junior class in the last month of the second semester. Two men and two women are" selected from each of the lower classes and the other two from the junior class. DiHing the first month of the fall semester the freshman class names its representatives to serve on the council. The secretary and treasurer are~ elected by and from the coullcil members.

    The Student Council considers alt matters concerning the general interests of the student body. Projects in which the Council does outstanding work include supervision of all campus elections, promotion of close relationship between faculty and student body, sponsorship of club and campus activities, including borne coming and direction of the annual Senior Day progra m.

  • Chacahoula

    PJlTSY BEARDEN Ac; O)O " !'iN BROOKS Coedil.ors

    Glick Anderson. Ph otographer

    A lot goes inlo making up a book like this one. fi rsl, you have 10 gel abolll $8,000. Then make some page la yollts as far as your money will permit. Round up all the groups lo r pictures, lake and develop those pictures and a few more besides. Try 10 keep some thirt y or fol'ly c1nbs happy with their page, try to get a;; many lazy sludenls as possible 10 go have Iheir picture laken on lime, dig Ollt old pictures of faculty members who did not ha ve their pictures ,made, cover all the ..activities of the year, get pictures of all the queens, beau ties, favo rites, and Who's Who whenever they have a free minute, keep a record of all the sport~ events of the year. "

    Barhara Kelley, CIOSl Editor, Alice Guyton, Are Editor Brenda Gambrell and Ja ckie Tharp. F~o'ure Ed,:lOrs

  • Staff workers: George Lofton, John Hogan and Obed Kirkpa trick. Il/ot shown: Frances Hill.

    Then take these pictUl'es, arrange them on the pages, write II the captions, dig out all the informa tion and write it up. 'hat is how it's accomplished.

    All this is done by the students shown here, and they have lasses, too. All the way from the new cover design and in rodllctory art work to th e last advertisement, only the indio iUllal photographs and a few feature shots are exceptions to tudent work. Taylor Pnhlishing Company, Fred Elsing and ack Hamilton did their part, too, which is pretty big. A lot oes into making up a book like this.

    Ray Merri ll , Sports Edit or

    LADY STAHL, associate professor of journalism and OfACAHOULA adviser.

    Jack Boggan, Business Ma nager


  • PowWow


    STAFF CLARICE DICKSON ___._ ... .._ _________ ... __ _._.__________ _____ Editor R. L. HARGROVE _ Associa.te ElliWr MALCOLM ALLEN __ ___ ._______ ._.

    _____ _ Associale Editor FRED McDOWELL _._. ______ ___ .. ___ ._..__ ._ _______ _________ Reporter SHIRLEY COLLINS __ __ __ ._____ Circulating Ma.nager FLOYD HAM ".____.___________ .. _______ .. ______ 0_. __ __ _____ ._________ Business Mana.geT CHARLES JACOES _______________________________ __. __ __ __________ Photographer TOMMY PARKS __ ___ ____________ ____ __ ____ __ ______________ _____ __._____ ___ Reporter

    Floyd Ham Charles Jacobs

  • Robert Russell. itlstruelor in journalism and Pow Wow adviser. R. L. Hargrove and :Malcolm All en

    Shirley Collins

    The Pow Wow, published weekly by students under facu lty sponsorship, carries news of interest to students, faculty and staff. For the Pow Wow there is no letup in the continual routine of getti ng stories, \vTitjng and rewrit ing them, co rrecting proofs and making up pages . This year for the first time, the Pow Wow was printed ill the campus print shop.

    Fred McDowe1l

  • Milit


  • ROTC graduates r eceivi ng arm~' CO lll1lljssion s as second lieUl f' nanl s..

    Cadet Co mmander J ames Shell pins in$ignia on The Littl e Colonf'l, Peggy Traxler.

    Lieut enant Colonel Landry and President Slater enj oy Cadet staff officers of the Reserve Off icers Traiuinl,!. Corps.

    dmlljng with General Guy S..Maloy in the Student



  • Cadf'1 ~ pOI1 l;O rs ~ h orf' Iime li glH Oil Honors Oa )'.

    Colonel An s-e l dJf'ck ~ Dal f' S pe nce$ ...... eapon durin p: fo rmal in So P('Cl ilJn hy F"onrlh Army off icer \;

    President Lewis S ia le r, Ceneral Ge(l rg~ W. Trousdale, and Lieul ellanl Cololle l Howard P . Land ry reviewing Rattl e Group a t annnal J\'liJila ry HOllors Day.

  • ROTC c.Jass ge ls basic instruction in th e mechllni cs of a mortar used to lob shells on enemy positi

    Cadet checks out his M-I rj fl e 10 give it a thorough cleaning.

    Troinccs familiarize themselvcs with a 50 Calihre machine gun. "M/Sgt. Geuin drills military student s in Ihf' procedure f OT moinlaining a rifle.


  • Four mlHksmen take !i' te
  • Features

  • 'Miss Chacahoula'

    Miss Glenda Bennett, sophomore in Health and Physical EdllC

  • Jean Bryan

  • Jean Bryan

  • Carol Goodrum

  • Sandra Seale

  • Faye Hopkins


  • Carole Spatafora

  • Sharron Haynes


  • 10 Ann Fletcher

  • Ann Nichols

  • Carole Eady


  • Shari Kirby


  • Runners-Up-_

    Mary Louise Danna Linda Davidson

    . . . ,

    Rachel Bloom Linda Krause

  • Annette Hartley

    Clarice Dicks(

    Sue Phillips

    Ann Edwards Lillian Price

  • Personalities

    Ruth Collins

    I 70

  • Jim Knox

  • Personali ties

    Sara Matkins

  • Dennis Mestayer and Floyd Prejean


  • Personalities

    Dot Phillips

  • Gary Huckabay


  • Personalities



    l' Linda Bickham



  • Will Peck


  • Who's Who

    HILDA WEST Medical Technology

    MARJORIE JONES SWAI Business Administration

    Top: RAY E. FUNDERBURK -'1ilitary Science

    Bottom: JACK RAY McCORMICK Pharmacy



    LULU POSEY Languages


    Pre-Medicine MERRITT DEARMAN

    Teacher Education

    CAROLE EADY :Vlusic

  • Or l1izations

    . .

    j A?

  • ,-.

    First Row:

    Bandy, Betty Br o,\'n: Beth Fant, Juanita

    Second Row:

    Fant, Shirley Ford , Gloria Guthrie. Fra il

    Third Row:

    Harrell, Anne Landers, Linda Lee. Betty Jo

    Fourlh Row:

    McCullough. Kathleen McDuffie, Poll , -McHenry, Arma nde

    Filth Row: May, Jalna PhilIi ps. Sue Shi rah , Frances

    Sixth Rou' .'

    Smith, Rhea Smilh . Sara Spruill, Will ie

    Sel .'enth Row: Stewart. Judv Swa n~on , Bjili e~ Sl:e Thompson. Bell )'

    Eighth Row:

    Turner: Pat



  • Alpha Omicron Pi

    Lam bda Tau Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority was installed at Northeast with 27 members, on March 1, 1958. Tbe organization participated in

    many activities this year, including the adoption of 21 little hoys at the Louisiana Baptist Children's Home and giving them an Easter egg hunt The spring Rose Fonnal took place in the Student Center, with other Northeast fraternities and sororities attending.

    On Honors Day AOrr won the Scbolarship Cup, and Pat Turner won the cup awarded to the girl with the highest scholastic average in the sorority. Fran Guthrie received the honor of being chosen the outstanding "sorority woman all the campus."


  • First Row:

    Barksdale, Dee Ben ton, Betsv Bloom, Rach'el Ro, ... Jes, Laura

    Second Rorc:

    Brooks. Jea netle Burnett . Luada Cruse. Evelyn

    Dann~. Ma~r Louise Third ROl" : Ead\'. Carole

    Elli~ I t. Barbara E rvin} Jennie Lou Ford. Eliz"

    Fourlh Row:

    Guv ton .."-lire Halse ll , Beverly Ha lsell. Glad ". Hill. Frances'

    Filth Row.' Kirby, Shari Lindsay. 'Vlaliile McDonald. Jea n McDonald , Jeanette

    Sixth Row:

    Miranti , Carolyn Moore. Jane Parker. Faye Price, Lillian

    Seventh Row:

    Smith. Gly nd a Stark. Delorese Jean Tipton, Peggy Varnado, Margaret

    Eighth Row: Walker, Kaki Williams, Jane Wingate, Peggy Worley, Sandra

    - -.



  • Phi Mu

    Alpha Rho Chapter of Phi Mu Fraternity was the first nationa l panhellenic group estabon the Northeast campus. Since its organization in 1956, the orga ni zation has made

    I"lLlSlan(lmg strides in socia l, cultural, and chari tabl e functions.

    This yea r's social affa irs began with a tlueeday housepa11y at Caney Lake, at which time th e girls planned for fan rush.

    The annual Carnatio11 Ball, the ParentDaughter Tea , tllC toy cart contr ibuted to Charity Hospital are rep

    Ireserltal.ive of their outstanding activities .

    Mu Dormitory won the pri ze the best decorated dormitory during



  • , .

    Fh'st Row:

    Baggett: Arthur H. Boggs. I\l ichael Cummins. Bunnie M.

    Second Row :

    Cu mmins, Jav Davi son, Do~g Dawson. Hen ry

    Third Row : Frvs nt. Tommr FU'd o';, J. L. . Hill. Leon

    F ou.rth Row.' Hobson. Howard Johnson. Thomas Keith . Malc olm

    Fijlh Row: Knickerbocker, David Lang. l ohn Lawson. Wilmer

    Si'l'lh. Row:

    McLean, Holbrook McDonald . Marshall Mahaffey, Jack

    Seventh Row:

    Murph)" Olj ver Parise)" Larry Scroggin. Keith

    Eighth Row:

    Wall ace, James Will iams. Bohby Wolfe, Pete

    Ninth Row: Young, Joe Gordon, Dr. Robert Edward. Sponsor McKneely; Dr. Le"f' is Marvi n, Sponsor



  • Kappa Alpha

    Gamma Nu Chapter of Kappa Alpha Order was installed at NOItheast on December 8, 1956. The national social fratemity is dedica ted to the ideals of southem chivalry exemplified in the person of General Robert _K ,Lee. The main event of the Kappa Alpha Order

    was their annual festival, the Old South Ball, where this spring Faye Hopkins was named the KA Rose of 1958.


  • \-'

    First Row:

    Andre \'is. Bennie Bacon, Ll oyd

    Second Row:

    Bearden. Charles Bell, Thomas

    Third Row:

    Blanchard. William Ma\', Willie

    F of/,rIA Row :

    Park~. Bruce Ray, Jack

    Fi/lh Row: Taylor, Barr Wayne ,'Valters, Ronnie



  • Tau Kappa Epsilon

    Epsilon Mu Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon was the first national social fraternity on the Northeast campus. The organization empha sizes scholarship, high ideals, and well-rounded participation in college life.

    The fraternity's most memorable event was the opening of the Teke House on College Avenue.


  • -,

    First Row :

    Brown. Beth Cruse, Evelyn

    Second Row: Davis: Loui se Du rden, Beverl y

    Third Row: Eady. Carole Poll ard. Doris

    Fourth Rau: :

    Proctor. Tommy Sue Smith. Cami lle

    Fijlh Row: Thornisee, Sharon

    .______Delta Omicron





  • Frst Row:

    Bruile, Charles Courls. Donald

    Second Row: Jones, Jay Bryan Robison, Wi ll iam

    Thi,d Row: Spellsley, James R. Tippett, Kent

    Fourth Row: Walker, Bobby D. Williams, David

    h/lh. Row: 'fillman, Charles. Faculty Sponsor

    Delta Kappa Rho


  • First Row:

    Albritton, George Anglin, Ronald K. Brown, John Ben

    Second Row :

    Bryan, David Burrows, Howard Case, Melvin

    Third Row:

    Decker, Ernest Doles, Dave Elkins, Gerald

    FourtA R ow: Fel'gu50n, Harvey W. Griggs: Harold Hart. George

    Filth Row: Haynes, BiJly Helams. Paul Hindman, David

    Sixth Row:

    Hutson, Henry P. Lamb, Robert Par ham. Henry

    Seventh RoUl:

    Rhodes, D, W., Jr. Speir, Peyton Walker, Bobby

    Eighth Row: Wiltshire, James Allen, E. R., Sponsor Holdemau. F. H.. Sponsor

    Ninth Row:

    Price, L. L., Sponsor

  • First Row:

    Albritton, George Anglin, Ronald K. Bro\'.'l1, John Ben

    Second Row:

    Bryan, David Burrows, Howard Case, Melvin

    Third Row: Decker, Ernest Doles, Dave Elkins, Gerald

    F ourlh Row:

    Ferguson. Harvey W. Griggs, Harold Hart, George

    Fijlh Row: Haynes. Bill y Helams, Paul Hindman, David

    Sixth Row:

    Hutson, Henry P. Lamb, Robert Parham, Henry

    Seventh Row:

    Rhodes, D. W., Jr. Speir, P ey t.on Walker , Bobby

    Eighth R ow: Wil tshire. James Allen, E. H .. SpOll sor Holdeman. F. H., Sportso /'

    Nin.th Row:

    Price. 1. 1.. Spon.sor


  • Demeter

    Demeter fraternity is a national p rofessional organization dedicated to the improvement of society through the betterment of agriculture.

    More knowledge of improvement in agri cul ture was ga ined on fi eld trips and through classroom work. Demeter shares in many 'ac tivities at NOItheast. They served refreshments at the homecoming bonfire and sold cold dri'nks at home baseball games. A highlight of the ' year's activities was a social with the Home Economics gi rls as guests.


  • First Row:

    Amos. Keith Anderson: Sidney Britt, Jim

    Second Row:

    Broca to: Frank Brooks, Jack Bryan , George

    Third Now: Cagle, Roy Cottrell, Vernon Driskill , Joe

    Fourl,h Row:

    Earle, Robert Rav Elkins, Gerald Feeney. Allred

    Filth. Row: Ferguson , Harvey Franklin , Bennie Freeman , John

    8,:Xl.h Row: French. Luther George, Carol

    Groves~ BoL

    Seventh Row .'

    Hag':UJ , Gene Harvey: Don Head . Terry

    Eighth Row:

    Heaston, Gene Huckabay, Gary Kn ox. Jim

    Ninth Row: -

    Laudadio, Jim

    Lettermen's Club'-________


  • First Row :

    Lohan. Ylike 1VI.v. Bill ,

    lVIo~k. ]a;"es Second Rou':

    :Y]cCuIien, Bud McGough, Bob McGraw. Rill

    Third Rou::

    McKay, Harper Patterson. Bob Peccon. Tany

    FOll-rth Row :

    Penfold, John Powell. Mack Reeves. Terry

    Fillh Row:

    Reynolds. Everett Reynolds. Oon Ro"use. Homer

    Sixth Rou',-

    Ru shin". Harn Smith. Llovd Ray Stegall. L;rry

    Sevenl.h Row :

    Styron, Don Thllrrnarl.. Fav Williams, Jac'k

    Eigh.th Roll':

    Williams, Lloyd Womack. xl a;k Zemello. Zeke


  • Commerce Club

    . 111 Pi Sigma Epsilon



  • H. and P.E. Club



  • Pharmaceuti(


    Circle K


  • Writers Club -.~.. f..~'

    Chemical Society


  • Honor






  • Wesley Foundation

    Newman Club


  • Geological Society

    Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia


  • Future teachers and guests lake lime out 10 answer the ca ll for a spring banque t f .. ;;..,...

    Student NEA

    Taking a bow at fall Sfudent NEA {estj\,s ) are: Inez Spangler, vice president. and Job.nnie Herri ngton, secretary.

    S tudent NEA meUlbers and sponsors listen attenti vely during special meeting.


  • Pyrenees Club

    M.E.N.C. Group

    InterSorority Council


  • InterFraternity Council



    Phi Alpha Theta


  • Activities


  • /,


  • F reshmc

    Sharron Haynes, freshman coed, shows off Joel Kirby 's "~'fohawk" haircut.


    Indian squaws keep wary eye on wildcat 81 wiener roast prior to the Wi Indian tilt ill bomecoming.

    Duri ng Freshman Week Tndian coeds beat ['b e drum 10 call all Tn dians to pow ....o w.


  • l ays

    Wanna Bjle ? P res ident Sla ter is offered samples ol lhe sq uaws' Slleker:s.

    bow to upperclassmen and push ash trays ac ross Studen f Cf' nle r with their noses.

    Caps are doffed to show ofI the lndians' n f'W styles of haircut.


  • Phi Lamhda Tau presents HI LOLLY HI LO,

    Kappa AJpha panlom;mes skit from Gu}'!': and Do lls,"

    Kaki Wolkel ., Lueky P ierre


  • kins'

    J o Ann Gas l t> T swoou ~ as Ihe C(' ll eg ial es s in g.

    Tau Kappa Ep~i l ()n s(" l s {lut "Feud i n tilt" Shade,"

    " ,

  • Military


    Sharron H ayn ... ~ i ~ Cl'ownt'd IIU Ct" n of lh t' anntlal Milit ary nail I)), Cade t C~I {)f)f1 Ha} fu ndt' r hurk.

    Cade ts tlll ci Ih t;' ir a alC's enjof 's ill ing out one danc!".


    ROTC !! rJ()nsors makt> grand (' lIll'anc~ 11. \ the ball hy \'~ a lki l1g through a isJ ~ fOl1ncd hy P('nhin ~ Rjf!

  • Rt-Iaxin g bc lwccn dan cc"- . . a nd Ihf' n Iht- rf" S ah..a)"~ lilll t' Jo r refreSb rTI E::nl l' .

    Ie looks as jf everyone w(:Ints 10 dance thi" lime.

    . , .

    (J, flo l Oll, ,&,


    The whole g roup is a gay spirit tonight. Faculty and sla ff st-t"m to enjoy juOl wUlchin.!!.


  • .',-


    Science( Fair

    Exhi bi t of a tomic energy d isplayed by a Louisiana Power and Light Company a t reg iona l Science Fair sponsored hy Norlheas t.

    Senior s slare ama ~f'd a l th e one dirt:etiou in whi ch steel ba lls Ulove.

    Philli p K er ry, W eSI lVlor High Scbool ~enior , expl; " Weigh t of an A lom," hibi , ,~ h jch ti t'd for Gr Cha mpionship .

    Evolution o( Radio is onsttated hy Louis lock. Wes t Monroe Sl l al Science Fa ir.

  • Band

    Named the bes t group in the band, the' trumpet section is composed of Doris Pollard, Roger RealI. Jon Barker. George Massingale, and Phares Corder. . .

    Northeast's Concerl. Band under the direelion of Joe Barry Mullins.

  • Sen]

    Nonhea ~ 1 ha!- a skeleton in it s c1 ol'o(> t, \ ... hi ch was I>rought out fr. r visilin ;: l'oenio"'S,

    High schoo l seniors register on campus (or the big day,

    Phi ~1u w e1cO(lH':! iSeniors with {lunch and cookies.

  • )ay

    Cadet Rex Dillingham tells visitors how the big gun works.

    Senior~ amazed aL tbe halance of th e wheel by holdin g it only on one side.

    Going thl'ough U.S. Army helicopter on Senior Day was quite a thrill.


  • /


    Rockin' and rollin' i~ fun.

    This sex l el cnj(,y s chatling during jnlermiss ion al the Dixie BaIL


  • all

    most o( ga iety at lhe annual Dixie Ball given in honor o[


    Lillian Price and Tommy Brakefield dance [ 0 th e musie played by the Red Tops at the Dixie naIl.

    Linda Davidson and Obed Kirkpa lrick pnjoy an intermission.


  • all

    most of gaiety at the annual Dixie Ball given in honor or


    Lillian Priee and Tommy Brakefield da nce 10 the mu sic played by the Red Tops at the Dixie Ball . ..

    Linda Dav idson and Obf'd Kirkpatrick enjoy an inle rmiss ion.


  • I

    Cho~en onlstanding woman on campus, Lulu Posey receiv.-s Student Cou nciJ trophy from Elvis !Stont, Co unci l president for 195758.

    Mrs. W. L. Bendel presents thf" olward (or mosl outstanding student in pre-medicine to Merritt Dearman .



    Don Simon aceepts the Pharmacy award presented by Dean Wilson.

    Award Winners L. S. U. ScAolarsAip Shirley Lord

    Journalism Patsy Bearden ]0 Ann Brooks Clarice Dickson Ray Merritt Tommy Parks

    Hante Economics Betly Norsworthy

    Speech Douglas Comeaux Audrey Fuller Gerry Kenny George McManus BiB Norris Billie Sue Swanson Agricultu.re Ronald Anglin George Hart

    Social Science James Walker

    Panhelknic Fran Guthrie 122

  • I "';nl,P-,;u~~gh ft

    Johnn ie Mae Herrington presents Philip Lisotla with the student NEA award.

    accept s .he Lewis C. Slaler Chemislry Award. MakiDg the is Preside nt S ial er for whom the award was named .

    Award Winners

    Scien.ce Clifton Pugh Merritt Deannan Carl C. Smith Gayne! Lockhart

    Pharmacy Don Simon Writers' Club Peggy Traxler

    Pyranees Club James Walker

    Greeks Betty Bandy Billie Sue Swanson Pat Turner Carole Eady Alice Guyton Sand ra Wo rley Holbrook Mclean Robert Guin Billy O'Kelly

    Dormitory Awards Hillman Levie Tommy Sue Proctor Frances Smith

    Alvin Leach reeeives Honor Society award.

    Senior Board Melba Allen Daveen Barksdale Mickey Burford Shirley Cox Clarice Dickson Carole Eady Frances Guthrie Armande McHenry Betty Norsworthy Wanda Lou Oden Ina Faye Owens Jul ia Smith Peggy Traxler Carol Varner Betty Wheat Peggy Wingate

    Music Stanley Burkett Billy Crain James Hallburg Doris Pollard -Phares Corder George Massingale Jon Barker Roger Beall Beth Brown Honor Society Alvin Leach

    Geology John E. Brown

    Business Ben Dunn E. J. Bradshaw Allen O'Quinn Mary Starks Charles Wilks Football Luther French Zeke ZamettQ Tony Hartsell " Jim Knox Jerr)' Head Robert McGough Everett Reynolds Gerald Elkins Lloyd Ray Smi th Keith Amo, Joe Driskill

    WRA Carolyn Ross Carolyn Wallis My... Franklin Ann Nichols Montez Head

    Student COl/neil Troph.ies Linda Lou Posey Harvey Ferguson

    NEA Shirley Lord Philip Lisotla

  • HiSh school student!; visit NOrlheaSl (or Speech F el:! li va l.

    The music plays. th e couples ...... altz at the Benn y Good mon Dance.


    Thanksgh'ing supper given before

    Holidays was enjoyed by everyone.

  • Tot ~ from the Sapl;;:,t Children 's Home have fUll at Chri sl mas party planned by theiT fOSle r part"nt s for a day a l Norl heas!.


    reflcct success of th e yu it'l idrsleered by this committee {rom

    W"m,,.'. Cluh of the college.

  • Mo

    Carolyn l\1iranLi re. igned as queen of the Royal Court of the Krewe of Anubis-1958 in New Orleans' famed iVlardi Gras celebra tion.

    Raehel Bloom served as one of the maids at. Queen Carolyn's courl.

  • ~vents

    ,,'all \,ii lli am M. SlI ltrh r l'-(Ij ... f'~ a ~' a rd for o u[qandin~ work in I'art Campaj~n .

    l'\onheast ",Iud f'n l !; play (osl er par('nl s for a d

  • Productions

    Ceor{!e Philli ps and Rjl a Snider pia)' lead io;! roles in "The Ma le Animal."


    The husband . (George Mackel roy ) the wife. Sni'derl and Ihe ex-boy fri end. ICeorge P h create leose momen ts in production.

    The cast in a ~t'ne from "The .\'Ialc Animal."

  • Head ing the_ cast in Ihe produc tion of "Pygmalion" arc Gerry Kenne)' 8 1ld Clay Scroggin,

    I and se t for " Pygmalion" lend 8uthenLicily,' and color [ 0 George Bel'nard Shaw's famous play. Nonheasl players were th e fir s! group in the United Stares tf') permission to presen l the drama on a co llege stage,

  • Football Coaching


    Head Coach


    Line Coach ROBERT DeMOSS

    End Coach GEORGE UTF'EY

    Trainer LEW IS HARTZOG

    DEVONE PAYNE Coach Howard Devone Payne 'had completed four

    years as head football mentor when his career was ended by hi s death on March 20.

    His pass ing was keenly felt by Nort,heast State and athletic circles throughout Louisiana. -,

    Payne came to Northeast in the fall of 1954 from his alma mater, Louisiana College, where he had served as head football coach.

    Prior to college coaching, Payne had been successful as football mentor at variolls high schools in this area, including Gilbert, Winnsboro, Tallulah, Ouachita Parish, and Neville.

    During hi s affiliation with Northeast Coach Payne developed marked improvements in the Indian squad and he was selected by the Louisiana Sports Writers in 195657 as "Coach of the Year" in the Gulf States Conference.


    Line Co aeh End Coach Trainer

    ~1\\lIi1lll~1iIo1 rll!itln IIllH


    Cvaches and guests at annual football banquet.

  • Football

    1957 SCHEDUE

    /\ 'E. Score Opponent Opponent's Score

    7 Stephen F. Auslin ........ ....._......... _______ ... . . . ..10

    33 Delta State ........... . .... 0

    o Southwestern __ .______ _ .. ........... 6

    6 Mcl\eese Stole ... . 26

    13 Sou theasteTfl _............. . . 26

    20 North""eSlem ... . 26

    20 La . College __ __ 19

    La. Tech ...______ . __ .15

  • Team Capta ins, a Lhan "Zeke" lamell o and Harvey Ferguson.

    Chosen for GSC Sports Writers' first [ea rn were Gerald Elkins and Joe Driskill.

    First Row: Jim Knox , Joe Driskill , Jim Brent, Gerald Elkins, Mack Powell, Ray Funderhurk, Harvey Ferguson, Tony Hartsell, Ray Merritt, Nathan Zametto, Everett Reynolds, Rohert Earle. Second Row: Travis Richards, Terry Reeves, Tony Peceon, Frank Broeal.o, Bennie Franklin, Keith Amos, Jim Brill, Kent Caston, J ohn McClendon , Sidney Auderson, Glyn Motoo, Boh McGough , Terry Head, Lnther French. Third Row : Lloyd Ray Smith, Roy Cagle, Alfred f eeney, Don Reynolds, Claxton Mayo, Jerry Head, Larry Ryder, Charles Boyd, Bob Tatum. Dale Hoover, Joe Brent, Carey Pearson. Fourlh, Row: Jim Laudadio , Ted Call, Rohert Randel. Dllane Storms. Charles Gordy, Don Ballard, Bill McGraw, Julian Keene. Bob McGoug h.

  • Back NATHAN ZAMETTO Quit worrying about Iht" m and run!

    Northeast vs. Stephen F. Austin

    First gR ille of the season was quite a heartbreaker for the Texas-traveling Indians, who were toppled 10-7. The fails that traveled with the tribe carne home with high hopes that the 10-7 defeat to Austin would be offset by a victory next week. The lone touchdown was scored early in the first quarter on a pass from Zametto to Mayo, Laud,adio booting the extra point.




    With great determination and a desire to provide the fans with a nevertoheforgotten home opener, the Tribe went wild in defeating the Statesm en 330. Five men accounted for the T. D.s as the Indians formed an invincible shield. Passing marked the first half, with the two T. D.s gained on passes from Zametto to Hal1sell and E. Reynolds to Earle. Zametta, Smith, and E. Reynolds pushed along the ground in the second half for the remaining tallies.

    Give Zeke some help, Indians. HARVEY FERGUSON Ta ckle

  • Look Oul' Zamelto, the Bulldogs are after you.


    Opening the Gulf Stat~ Conference season, the NOl1heast eleven were hit hard by fumbles as they dropped a 6-0 loss to the Bulldogs of SLI. Though starting strong and pushing within scoring distance in the first quarter. an intercepted pass in the end zone killed the Northeast drive as the Bulldogs held on to eke out the victory.


  • Tha!'s fancy footwork , Ben, but he's got you.


    With several first stringers 'benched by the Asian flu , Northeast met a .perennial power of the C-S.c.McNeese State College Cowboys, October 19. Fa iling to cope with the strength of the Cowboys, the fluharassed Indians suffered a 266 loss. A 16.yard pass from Zametto to Driskill late in the third quarter gave Northeast its only score.



    Still suHerjng horn "fumbleitis," the Indians couldn't hold Southeastelll Loui siana College, and the tribe lost to the Lions hy a two-touchdown margin , 26-13. Northeast scored first on a 51.yard pass from Zametto to Dri skill and Don Reynolds converted_ The lead was shorLlived, however, and Northeast fail ed to score aga in ulltil the waning minutes of the game, when Lloyd Ray Smith climaxed a 249-yard drive by balling over from the one-ya rd li ne .

    TONY HARTSELL Don Reynolds gains ground as he outmaneuvers the Southeastern Lions. Back


  • ~1 o ~ e over, Demons, here comes an Ind ian . BENNIE FRANKLIN

    Dac k

    The Indians looker] like I.hey had finally found themselves as they played th e highly tOLited Northwestern State Co llege Demons Oil even terms for three quarters. Northwestern, however. pushed across two touchdowns ill the final s ta l17~1 and chalked up a Demon win with a 26-20 score. Northeast scored once on a pass from Everett Reynolds to Bennie Franklin. The other two sco res were made by Everett Reynolds and Robert McGough. who plunged from we and two yards respectively, "iith extra po ints bein( added hy Don Reynolds and Keith Amos .

    TERRY HEAD DlLL McGRAW JIM LA liDA DIO Back Cenlt" r Baek

  • Wi lltams hreaks the way on the muddy Tech fieLd for Zamello 10 score the Ind ians' lone T[

    In the season's finale, Northeast tra veled to Ruston to face arch-rival Louisiana Tech. Once again fumhles proved costly and the!Indians dropped a J5-6 decision to the Bu lldogs. Zametto pushed across Northeast's si ngle score on a one-yard plunge la te in the third qua rter to cl imax-a' 130-yard drive. This game marked the close of coll egiate careers Ior eight Northeast seni ors and gave the Indians a 2-6 record for the 1957 season.







    "Sleepy" returns kickoff as S.L.1. Bulldogs close in.




    "Sleepy" returns kickoff as S.L.I. Bulldogs close in.

  • Intrasquad

    It was a sure vic/ory (or th e Indi ans when th e Maroons and Golds played.

    The l\hroon leam ge ls halftime brie fing.


    They got you, "Dadio." 11 '5 nOI a Spu lnik ! II 's a helmet.

  • Football Highlights

    Football Schedule 1958

    Sept. 13- Sou lhern Slate _____________ _ ____________ __ Magnolia , Ark.

    Sept. 20- Slephen F_ Auslin _________________________________ ___ Monroe, La_

    Sept. 27- Delta Stale ________ ______ ___ _____ __ ______________ Cleveland, Miss.

    Oct. 4-*Southwestern __ ......_______ .. ..._............______ Lafayette, La.

    Oct. 11- Open

    Oct. 18----

  • Homecoming__

    Beat beat bea l During homecoming "" eek the drum, manned by freshmen, neve r ceased calling all Indiau5 to pOw wow. AI the wien er roast and bonfir(" President Slater look his Lurn Lo sound tbe eall.

    A bouquet of Ameriean Beauty roses to Queen Carolyn Da rk Driskill , who J"eignecl over Northeast's 25th homecoming fes tivities. CaTolyn, elemen tary education maj or of Delhi, shares football honors with hnsband, all G. S. C. end. Joe Driskill, The Queen, a cheerleader in 1956, is a loyal supporter of the team and the school.

    Queen Carolyn and her eourt preside during the game with Louisiana Co ll ege- al Brown Stadium. Lei! 10 right

    Ann Edwards, Nanc y Nash, Shari Kirby, Betsy Bemon, Queen Carolyn, Carol Tonore, Barbara Eady, J ean Bryan,


  • Maid of HOllOT Carol To nOTe and Qneen Carolyn, crowned by RobeT! H . Evans of Olin-Mathieson, receive recognition in pre-game ceremonies.

    Nol 1L isn'l snow. It's conIeHi lhat showers the Tndian tribe 8S they roar on the field to defea t the Louisiana College Wildca1 s 2019.



  • Ba etball


    NE. Score Oppon ent Opponent's Score

    E. Texas Baptist _________ _ __ ____ ____ __ _.50 William Carey __ ___ __ __________________ ___ .___68

    51 65 67 William Carey __________________________________ __ ___ 62 56 Mississippi Southern ____ _____ ___________________ _63

    Centenary ~_~.._ ______________ ._.___ ___ __ __ _______ _____ 7368 67 Louisiana College _____________ .._. .__________62 50 Arkansas State ________ .._________________ _______ .81

    Abilene Christ ian ______ _______________ ________ 5873 76 l'iDrlheaslern Okla. __ ____________________________ ___ 55 60 :Vi ississjppi Sou thern _....___ ~._. __ ._____. .76

    Arkansas Slate __________________ ______________________ 6176 60 Southeastern ____________________ .___ ___. _______ ._______65

    McNeese Slate ____ __ ______________ __ ______ __ ____ 73 Nor! hweslern ________________ __ ________________ ______ ___ 69

    32 5', 73 Southwestern ____ ............ __ ._. __ .._. _______ ._~ .. __ 87 81 Louisiana College ._....... __________________ .__ .. __ .77 57 E_ Toxas Baptist ____ __ ________________ .. __ ____ 62

    Southeastern _______________ ._______ ________ .6263 Southwestern ________ _______ .______ .___ __ ______ .... .__ .6663 Louisiana Tech ____________________ ________ __ __._ 92

    ~'IcNee'" Sla te _________________ _______ _. _______ .. ____ 66 70 44 30 Northwestern ______ ._._ .. _._ ....__ ,, __ ,_,_,__ , ._ .__ 95 64 Louisiana Tech _.... _..._... ____ __ _._._ .. __ ..... _._ 79

  • Coach "Lenny" Fant is a native of Columbus, Mississippi. While attending high school there, he received eleven letters in basketball, football , and track. Packing all his talents into his big 6' 4" frame, he went to Centenary after serving three years in the Navy. Fant was captain of the Centenary Club. Upon graduation, he coached at Delhi for three years, then moved to Louisiana College, leading the Wildcats in one of their Lest seasons. He then moved to East Texas Baptist Col lege, and in his three years there won three East Texas cham pionships. Coach Fant joined Northeast as basketball coach in August 1957.

    The 1958 Basketball Squad

    Front, row: Jerry Head, Lyle Dorsey. Larry Stegall , William McKay, Jerry Ivy, Bob Paltl?l'son, and l ohn Freeman. Back row: Johnny Blake. Gary Brashier, Bill Phillips, Billy \1ay, Vernon Cottrell, Bob Groves.. and Vernon Frt'clllan.

  • BtLLY ,lAY Center

    Co-Captain Where's the ball ? John just scored two point ~.

    Coach Lenny Fant's cage team opened its season in Marshall, Texas, with a 51-50 win over East Texas Baptist. Bob Patterson was high scorer for the Indians with 13 points_

    All eyes are on the ha ll as John Frf'f'man Inf'!! fOl a set shot in McNeese-Northea~t game.


    Bill Phillips outreaches opponent {O~ rebou nd.

    The home opener left the tribe's high spmts dampened by a 65-68 loss William Carey, then the Indians took to the road to avenge the loss with 67-62 victory over the William Carey five .

    'William Carey cro....,ds Billy !'I-Jay 10 thf' frc~ throwiine.


    Voted most valuable player and eo captain by his l eammate~.

  • ';Baby Huey" makes like" a ballet dancer as he goes high 10 take tip off h orn McNeese's Frank Glenn .

    Guard Bob Patterson scored 17 points during the Northeast-M ississippi Southern game, but the Indians fell to the mightier Mississippians, 63-56_ Unahle to overcome their losing streak, the cagers bowed to Centenary at Shreveport, 63-68.

    JER RY IVY Guard

    Vern on COllr ell make~ an auempt to stOll East Texas Baptis!'s Jim Novak I gel!. the Tebound.

  • Back on the home floor, Ihe Indians chalked up a 6762 win over Louisiana College, with Bob Patterson scoring 20 points. Coach Fanl again took his boys a ll the road, where they were defeated by Arkansas State 8150.

    JohmlY Freeman goes higb [or tip ofL


    Billy ~1a y jump shoots for two po ints against th e Southeaslern Lions.

  • --=~ I I


    .\"l o.. c o\'~r. big: do~ ! Litll e dog'~ tH O\jll ~ in.

    \"I/i Jliam Carey prepares to break through Nortbeasl's delense.

    The [ndians again traveled to Marshall , Texas, this time to play in the Juilior Chamber of Commerce Tournament. The trihe copped a 63-.58 victory over Abilene Chri stian College and a 76-55 win

    LYLE DORSEY over Northeaslem Oklahoma- to gain possession of the toumament Fnrward trophy.

  • Get Ihal Cowboy! "Bah)" Hu ey."

    Mississippi Southern mastered the Northeast men 76-60 on January 3; bUI the determined cagers bounced back wilh a 76-61 win over Arkansas Slate J auuary 6_ DILL PHJLLlPS

    Forward Their high spirits were shOlt-lived as the tribe fell to conference opponents, McNeese, Northwestem, Southeastern, aud Southwestern_

    Est Te~as Baplist's Wa!ly Johnson gets in lhe clear {or a crip S\'OI.


  • MELVIN GIBSON Assislanl Coach


    The cage men slaughlered Louisiana College 81.77, reviving the ailing Indians. John Freeman added 28 points to his season's tally. Success followed success, as the Indians tangled with Southeastern and nipped John Freeman tries for a se t shot during Eas t Texas Baptist-Northeast till. them 6362.




    Northeast was clipped again by conference foes, as the hoopsters were defeated by Sonthwestern, McNeese, Louisiana Tech, and Northwestern.

    Though beaten in their final game with Louisiana Tech 6764, Billy May copped 27 points and Bob Patterson closed his collegiate career with 15 points.

    BOB GROVES Forward

  • Baseball


    N.E. Score Opponent Opponent Score 11 Arkansas A &M ______________________ __ _________ 4 12 Arkansas A &M ________ __________ __ _______________ __ 11 8 Mississippi College ___________________ __ 6 11 Mississippi College ____________________________ 11 4 Centenary College __ __ __________ __ _ ____ ____ 3 a Centenary Ccllege __________________________________ 12 8 Northwestern ___._______________. 9 a Southeastern _____________ ____ __________ ._ 1 7 Southeastern ____________________________________ 4 5 Northern Illinois ____________ _____ __________________ 5 9 Southwest Memphis ________________ ____ ______ ____ 8 2 Mississippi State _____________________ __ _____19 6 Louisiana Tech ____ .__________ ______ ______________ 5 1 Louisiana Tech __________________________ __ ________.10 4 Louisiana College ______________________ __ . 6 4 Southwestern ______________ __ __ __..________________ 6 3 McNeese ..____________ __ ____ ____ ____ ..____ _______________ 1 2 McNeese __ _________________...._____.. ____ __ 1

    10 Northwestern _________________________ ______ ___ 5 4 Northwestern ____ ._. ________ .... ._________________ __ ___ 3 9 McNeese _______ ___________________________________.._18 1 Southwestern ______________________________________ __ 6 4 Southwestern ....__________ _______________.____________ 3 1 Louisiana Tech __ ______ ______ ._ .._____________ 19 8 Southeas tern _____ .__ ..____ ..._____ __ __ ____________ ._. 6

  • ,

    GEORGE LUFFEY- coach

    Gary H\lckabaY-"f' I~c l f'd lHOs t valuabk playe r by Ieammales, made Sport.. Writers' ami Coach e~' esc leam .

    The 1958 Baseball Squad

    Front row: Ralph Ward. Fay Thurman, Don Ballard, Boh Groves. George Bryant , Harry Rushing. Gary Huckabay. Back row: Jke Mc Mullin, James Mock, Lyle DOTsey, Huey Jinks, Terry Reflves. Carol George. Jay Gro~s , Jackie Norman. :VQI .~hown : HOJlwr Rou ... e.

  • Nortbeast's baseball team proved a real threa t to their opponents for tbe esc crown. Finish ing the season second in the conference, tbe team had a conference record of 8 win s and 7 Josses, and ar overall record of 13 wins, 10 losses, and 2 ties.

    I'm calliug this game , LuHey!

    IKE McM ULLlN SPOTt s Writers' esc I('am

    Coaches' esc l1'am

    Bob Gro\'t's ge ts a hit in the NOrlheaslNorlhwes tern game.

  • JAivlES MOCK- lead ing slugger in

    esc, pla('cd Oil Sr:>ort.~ Wr ilers' learn .


    The pit ching starr : Ja mes Mock, Carol George. H uey J inks. Ly le Dorsey. Jackie No rm an. Jay Gross. Terry Reeves.

    HARRY R USHING-captain-shortstop


  • Come on. lke. we need :l Tun .


    BOB ANDERSO N Offieiui Scorekeeper



    Ike McMulli" ................ .375

    Jan,es Mock ........... . ..... . .. _ ..... . 367

    Lyle Dorsey _....... ...... _______ ... __ .365 Gary Huckabay .339 Jay G ro~~ ___________ .. -........... ___ .. -

    .273 Home r Row:e ... _____ .____ _. .258 Harr y Ru shing ......______ . __ __ ____ ..... . .241 George Bryan .214 Terr)' Reeves _........... .. ___ ..... ___ .200 Bob Groves _____ ....... _..._______ .. .198 Carol George ........... . ............. . .166 Jack Brooks ................. .166 Ralph Ward ......._.... .166 Don Ballard ................ . .111

    ED HEMPH1LL Assislunt Coac h

    One down and two to go. BaHt

  • Come on, lke, we need :l run.




    Ike McMulli" .375 James Mock .367 Lyle Dorsey ................................ . 365 Gary Huckabay ........... ... .339 Jay Gro," .... '.. .. .273 Homer Rouse ....... ........ ... . . . .253 Harry Rushing ....... ................... .241 George Bryan ... ............... .214 Terry Reeves ,___ ." ........ __ . .200 Bob Groves ............. ........ .198 Ca rol George .............................. . 166

    Jack Brooks ....................... .166

    Ralph Ward ...................... .166

    Don Ballard ....... ............. ... .111

    BOB ANDERSON Official Scorekeepe ."

    ED HE~IPHJLL Assistant Coach

    One down and two to go. BaHt'

  • MIKE LOHAN- Manager Infielders- Red Rushing, Gary Huckabay, Bob Groves. Jack Brooks.

    Calchers-Don Ballard, Ralph Ward, Fay Thurman.

  • Track


    M eet At McNeese Sta te, Lake Charles

    So uthwest Recreational Exposilion !Vleet, Ft. 'Worth, Texas .__


    orlhweste rn -5ouLh\\-"estero) Natchiloches .. __________ ... . __ __ _._____________ . Memph is SLale Relays) Memphis. TenJl. _____ '" _._ .. ______.._

    Northwes tern -Southeastern. N at

  • 'Coach of the Year'

    Coach Lewis Haltzog was chosen by the Louisiana Sports Writers Association to share "Coach of the Year" honor with McNeese State track coach, Wayne Hanson. Hartzog, in his first year, built Northeast track from practically a nonentity to a real power "in a single season.

    Cap tains of the '57.'58 track learn are : David Styron, co-captain, Gene Hagan , captain, and Dona ld Styron, co-captain.

    ( The 1957-1958 Track Team

    Front row: William Scott, lack Williams, Terry Reeves, Gene Heaston, Donald Styron, David Styron. Middle row : Joe Swendsoll, Elmer Reeder, Harper ~1cKay, Jerry h y, Charles MeCullin, ~hc Proctor, John Penfold. Back row : Don Harvey, Robert Ray Earle, Ronald Elkins. Fred Watson , Joe Driskill, John Blake, Gene Hagan, Luther French, Coach Hartzog.


  • ~ l

    \.):\ VIO ':=:'TYHON-Da~id. Gill( S lal t'~ Con ferenl leadin~ jnd i~'idua l ;;con:r on Iht' cind er pa ths wi 138:14 pnjnl ~, ca plu rt"d (irst place in th e loo'ya rd da' in 9.6, and Lh e: no yard da$h in 21.2. Excelli ng el~ ..... he re on the field. David placed second in hroadjutl and was leadoH ma(l Ior the- 440ya rd and Inile rela) He was ei eClf'ri fl'JO!;t "aluahle trackman ny t ~ammal' and rf'ce-iVf'd a nOlni na ti on for esc "Trackman o( Y(;ar,"


    DON STYRON- Don follow ..,d close on the heels of his twjn to take second spot wilh 114!.l.! poi nts. He pJaced se(;l)nd in hi gh rmd luw hurd l f'~ in 14..5 and 22.8. respef'li,el y. to Li e Ihe f\ E hi gh hurdle record

    ~el by Bill McDonald in ]956. His 22.8 lime in l o~' hurdles a t Southern AAI! was lhe [a~les!. lime for a freshman 01' juni or college in lhe nati on in ]958. Oon se rved as ancho r man 1m th e milt' and 440yanl relay,

    Winning esc 440 relay championsh ip are David Styron, Jerry Ivy. Terry Reeves, Don ROBERT ,:\1cGOUGH-The NE record for jaytStyron. Not sho wn is Don Reynolds. lin throwing (202' 6") is held by Rohert, who

    placed third in the GSC eve nt.

  • Ihe lape a1 NE

    GENE HAGAN-holds the NE reeord ill pole vault wilh 12' (". He lied (01' third ill esc high jllmp and came in firlh in po le 'sulting.

    Cross, country team includes : froUl row. Jack Williams, Gene Heasloll, James Flint: secoud row, Joe Swendson , Bud McCullio . Harper MeKay,

    "Trackmen Win Honors"

    To the Northeast State track team we offer con gratulations and say "Thank You ."

    First, we wish to commend you on your fine show ing at the Gu If States Conference CrossCountry meet and other meets in which you competed last year. The record made was due to your determination alld great desire to win. The experts had you picked to finish fourth , hut you fini shed with a strong second ..

    Next, we say "Thank you" for the presti ge you brought to our college. There was a time, long ago, when NOI1heast was noted fo r its track squads. Those early junior college days passed into legend. Then you came along with your winged feet, strong bodies, and willingness to train for high standards. The result means a return of prestige to what is now a senior institution.

    So, with keen appreciation of your ability and eager ness to work, we say: "Congratulations, Coach Lewis Hartzog, and th e fine men you are training for track and Northeast."

    Editor's nOle: The preceding editorial written by Ray Merritt won the annual joulnslism award presen ted at Honors Day.

    Jack Williams breaks meet in the IwO mile,

  • DON REYNOLDS- Don adds glory to NE sprint corp~ by laking second in the C l OO-yard t1a :
  • !vlembers of the 880 relay lake pracliee run around tbe tra ek.

    JOH N PENFOLD- On the esc field, John tied (or th ird place in high jump and eam~ in fjft h in broad jnmp.


    CHARLES '\fcCULLIN- Bud copped second in t he CSC two-mile run (9.56) and waS' also ~o(ed most improve.d t.rackman by hi~ Ical nlnal e.s.

    JACK W1LLIAMS-on the right, holds lbl NE record in the mile ( 4 :29) and two mill (9 :47.8). Jack was vot ed hardest worker b) his teammates.

    Don Styron is way ahead of his opponent as he brings in the haton.

  • Intran1urals al

    Second pJace men's baskelbal l inl ramUTJI winners. Klleehng: J erry Clark, J e rry Head. James Laudadio. Standng: Jim Kuox, Robert Earle, "Sleepy" Reyno ld s.

    Wonlt'n',; baskelbpU jnlramur~ J champs. Knt>eling: Jove Wade. Clara Smit h, Shirley \\: jggington. Standing: DolOTes Nolan, Cl;nda BenneLl , Jo Ann Cray. J oyce Woodward.

    Wa ler wh p,eJ formed by a group from lhe swimming clas~. Cloeb"lse frO! "1 o'clock"

  • >hysical Education

    Women's yoJleyhaJl intramu ra l champs: J oye Wade, Dolores No}:!.n , Two of the ma ny gi rls who play tennis in ph)'sica l education activities

    Glenda Rennell , Dixie Rogers. J oyce Woodward. Not shown: Pat Fuller, are sllOw n demonstrating their skill.

    Belty Jo Lee.


    You can ' t win by arguing. Men's basKe thaH in lramura ls take on the air of bi g-time eompeli tion.

  • Golj


    Golf team- lelt to right, Guy Dupriest, co-capta.in , Sonny Harper, Larry Tilley, Mark Womack. aud Ralph Norman, co-captain.


    The N0l1heast State Golf team may lead to greater achievements in athletic circles for the Indians. With three freshmen and two seniors, the tribe placed fourth in the GSC meet. Larry Tilley wa s No. 1 golfer and high scorer with 20 points. Coach R. L. (Bob) DeMoss is expecting his three frosh to be veteran " stickers" and to make a place on the greens for Northeast in '59.

  • ~vcr rearly for actiflo , tht:st' fi v(~ P'- Ils lcrs b')QS led tfll: Indian ,. Juring their 19!17-58 !>cnso n-- Mar,;a rcl Varadu, Jean el! e Mc Do na ld . Li llia n Pr;{'('". !S('!sy Benlon , Clo d ]nhnf"tte Brad ley .


    Il's never IOQ cold It) yell for th e I-N-D I A-N-S '

    ViclOry ! Victor),! is om cry.


  • sses

  • Seniors

    Class ofIicers : Treasurer. Marie Gates; President, Bennie Franklin; Vi ce-president, RUlh Collios; Seeretary, Joyce Foreman; Reporter, MeriIyn Magnon .

    First Row: ALDER, MYRTLE ___ ._. _~_____ __________ _______~ ____ ___~~ __ ______ Oak Grove

    Elementary Educal,ion ANDERSON, GLYNN __ __ ______ ________________~ ________________ West Monroe

    Elementary Education Second Row: ANGLIN, RONALD ____ __/___ ___ ______________ ~___________ .__ _ Transylvania

    Agrcul,tu,re ASHLEY, DeLOIS West Monroe

    Elementary Education Third Row: ASTON. EDGAR Monroe

    Chemistry BANDY, BETTY --- - --~~--------------~ - --o-----------------~- West Monroe

    Mnsic -. Fourth Row: BIGELOW, CHARLES Oak Grove

    PreMedicine BLAKE, SEDRIC Delhi

    Busine-ss Administration

  • First Row : BOND, FREDDIE ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~"" ~~ "" '~" "" " ' .....~........... ~....... Jone,boro

    Physical Education BOYD, JOSEPH W. ............ ................... ...... . . .... . .. Gilbert

    Element.ary Education Second Row: BRADLEY, JOHNNIE .... ................................... .... .. .... Sarepta

    Business Adllu:nistrat.ion BRADSHAW, E. J . ................... ~ ............~.. .... .. ..... Sterlington

    Social Studies Education Third Row : BROOKS, JR. , H. P . ... ........... .......... ... ..

    Pharmacy BROWN, PEGGY SUE ............ ..... ..... .... ~ __ ____ . Mangham

    Elementary Education Fourth Row :

    _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ ____ __ ___ ___< __ _ _ ___ _ _ BROWN, STEVE West Monroe Elementary Education

    BRYAN, JEAN .. ~........ ~............ ~..................... ~ ..... Fort Necessity

    Elementary Education

    Filth Row : BURKETT. STANLEY ... ~ ~~ .............. ~ ............ ~...... ~... West Monroe

    Music Education __ ____ _ _ _____ __ _ _ 0. _ __ . < _ _ __ _ o. ____ ~... ___ _____.___ MonroeCARTER, TED

    Accounting Sixth Row: CHAPMAN, JUNE . ....................... . ......... ...... . Mangham

    Business Educaton CLARK, BILLY . ~..............~...... ~................... ~........ ~..... ~... Monroe

    Business Education


  • First Row : BOND, FREDDIE ____________________ _______________ Jonesboro

    Physical Education BOYD, JOSEPH W. _________________ _________ _______________ Gilbert

    Elementary Education Second ROll):BRADLEY, JOHNNIE ____________ __ ___ _______ _______ Sarepta

    BUSI:ness Admnistration BRADSHAW, E. J. __________________ ______ _____ __ ____ Sterlington

    Social Slud,:es Education Third Row: BROOKS, JR., H. P. __________________ __ __________ Jonesville

    PharmacyBROWN, PEGGY SUE ____ _________ ___ ____________ ______ Mangham

    Elementary Education Fourth Row: BROWN, STEVE ___________.__________________________________ West Monroe

    ElemenLary Education BRYAN, JEAN Fort Necessity

    Elementary Education Filth Row : BURKETT, STANLEY ____ __ ________________ ___________________ West Momoe

    Mwic Educalion CARTER, TED _______ .___ ~ ._____ .__ ______ . _______ ._..__ .._. Monroe

    .AccountiTlg Sixth Row." CHAPMAN, JUNE Mangham

    Business Education CLARK. BILLY _________________________________________ _____________ Monroe

    Busill ess Education -'



  • Fo urth Army inspecls

    F,:rst Row: CLARK, CHARLES __________ __________ ________________ Memphis, Tenn.

    M ILJ ic Education. COLESON, ROBERT L. __ ____________________________________ ____ Swartz

    Chemi.slry Second Row : COLLINS, BOBBY _____ __________ _________ __

    ___________________ Jones'lille Math Edllcation

    COLLINS, ELLEN RUTH __________________________________________ Jonesville English Education

    Th ird Row: COMEAUX_ ROY DOUGLAS ____ ______ .__________________.____ Winnsboro

    Speech Education COODY, GENE RAY _____________________________________ .__._____ Pioneer

    Science Education Fourth ROlu : CRAWFORD, ROSA WILLIS ________ .____________________ Rayvi lle

    Science EdltcQlioTlCROTH ERS, L. T. ___________ _______ _____________________________ Tallulah

    Social Studies Education Fiflh Row: CULP, DERWARD ________________________________________________ Monroe

    Business Education CUNNINGHAM, JAMES _'---------------------------------------------- Monroe

    Geology Sixth Row: DANNA, MARY LOUISE __ ___ ________________________________ Monroe

    BrtSl:ness Edu cal-i'(} fI DANNA, PAT LYNN ____ __________ ______________ ______________ West Monroe

    Elementary Education.

    Se ors

  • First Row: DAVIS, LOUISE _________ _______ _ ______ ___ ___________ _______ __ __ ______ Monroe

    Music Educal,i

  • Time OUI for lunch .

    First Row: FOREMAN, JOYCE -------._..... __________ ..___ .. _._ ..........__ ._ Monroe

    English Education FRA KLI , BE IE ______________.._....___..._..___....._... Monroe

    Business Administration S econd Row: FREE, TH ELMA ........____._____ ..................___............ Arclribald

    Elementary Edu,cation FUNDERBURK, RAY ___...._......... Memphis, Telm.

    Geology Third Row: GARDNER, ARLEN RAY ____...................................._...... Monroe

    Physical Education GARDNER, BETTYE .________..........._................................ Monroe

    Business Education Fourth Row: GATES, MARIE ... .... _ .._............_ _ ..._............ ".... Monroe

    Ekmentary Educatwn GEORGE, WILLIAM c. __............................_ .............. Swartz

    Elementary EducaJion. FiJth Row: GOYNE, WAY E .__.___._............._.._.........._..........._.... Bastrop

    Business Administration GRUBBS, GEORGE _____...._ ..........._......_.......__............ Monroe

    Selence Education Sixth. Row: HAGAR, MARY VIRGINIA .._............._.....____....,_. Mangham

    Elemenlar~ Education HALLBERG, JAMES ____......._._..._ .....__ .__ ..._... Vicksburg, Miss.




  • Seniors

    First Row : HARE, GEORGE ~ ............_............~ ............ ..........._..~ Monroe

    Geology HEAD, OSCAR ......................_____........._...._____ . ____ ..____ ____ ._.... Eros

    Ma.thematics Second Row: HENDERSON, MAUD ........._........._ . ___ ._ _ Mer Rouge

    ElemenUIry Education HENDRICKS, JUANITA ....... ...____ .____................___ ._.. Monroe

    Elementary Education Third Row: HERRINGTON, JOHNNIE ... ___ ........____________ __._ Winn,boro

    Elementary Education HICKS, ADA .._._. __ _____________._.. ._._______ .__..._ .._.... Monroe

    Elementary Education Fou.rth Row: HILLMAN, JESSIE LEE .. _. . _ _........_... __.._ Epp'

    Biology HINDMON, WILLIAM .. ....... _........................ _.._......... Bastrop

    General Agricu,lture Filth Row: HOLLOWAY, RONNIE ..........._..__.. __ ................._.._ Crowville

    Elementa.ry Educa.tion HOPKINS, GEORGE .._.........._..._._. __ ..._ ....... Lake Providence

    Phy,i.cal Edlu;ation Sixth Row: BOPKINS, JOHN ........__........................__.._ Lake Providenoe

    Physical Ed""ation

    Bobby Joe Oden shows off new Student Center.

  • Here's how yearbooks are made.

    First Row: HOWZE. JACK IE ......__ ..__ .......__........._..__..... _ West Monroe

    Biology INGRAM. EARL ...._.._...... _. . ... _ ......._.._......._... Mer Rouge

    Social Stu.dies Education Second Row : IVEY, TED .._ ......_...__..._...____....._...__.......... Tallulah

    Business JOHNSON, EDWARD .._...................... _ ........_............. Monroe

    Social Science Third Row: JOHNSTON, ALFRED R . ............ _ ..__.................... Shreveport

    Ph'Ysical Education JOHNSTON, DAvm L. :..._._ ___.................._ West Monroe

    Accounting Fourth Rou:: JONES, MELVA ._......... ._ .._ ........... _ ......__...... Bastrop

    Educal,ion KELLY, DOROTHY ....___........ _.._................ _ .._..._.... Monroe

    English. Education F,:jlh Row: KILLIA N, RALPH ..... _.......__......___.....__......._ _ .._ Monroe

    Agriculture LAMB, ROBERT ..........,_ ...... _ ........... __.....___..__ ...... Bastrop

    Agronomy Sixlh Row : LANDRUM, HAYNES ...................._ .. _ ................. West Monroe

    Mathematics LASSITER, DELL ._ ...._ _......................... Monroe

    Speech Educ

  • Sel1iors

    First Row: LEE, FAYE ____ _________________________________________________________ Crowville

    Elemen.tary Education. LEE, JERRY _________________________ _____________________________ ______ Monroe

    Speech Second Row: LINDSAY, MATILLE _______ ______________________________ West Monroe

    Elem entary Education LITTLETON, ROBBIE ______________________________________ Downsville

    Elementary Education Third Row: LORD, SHIRLEY ________ _______________________ __________ Monroe

    English. Education McCORMlCK, DE JUANA ______________ ________ _ West Monroe

    Music Fourth Row: McCORMICK, NELDA _________ _____________________ Linville

    Business Education. McDONALD, GENEVERE ____________________________ West Monroe

    Elementary Education. Fifth Row: McDONALD_KENNETH S_ _ _ __ __________ Mangham

    . General Agriculture McDONALD, RICHARD _______ _____________________________ Holly Ridge

    Physl~al Education Sixth Row: McGOUGH, DONALD __ __________ ______ __ _________ ___ __ __ Monroe

    Music ______________________ ______ ___________ StartMcGOWEN, ROBERT Math.ematics

    Stage crew prepares for "The Male Animal."

  • Billy May scores again.

    FirSl Row: McKAY, SIDNEY ____ ___ ____________ __ _ _______ _______ ____ _ Archibald

    Music Edu.cationMcMURRY_ JEWELL __ ________ ____________ ___ ______ ___ __ __________ Gilbert

    Bu.s iness Education Second Row:MAGNON, MERILYN ______ ___ _____ __ _____________________ Mooroe

    Elementary Education.MARTIN, BRONIS __ _ ________________________ __ ___ ___________ Tullos Elelnentary Edll.cation

    Third Row : MARTIN, JOHN Tallulah

    Biology lilA ON, JOHN __ \1:'innsboro

    Science Educa,tion Fou.rLh Row : MERRI1T RAY _____ ______ ________________"__Taylorsville, Miss_

    Social Studies Education MOORE. LORETTA ________________________________________________ West Monroe

    Elementary Edu.cation. Fillh Row: MOSES, THOMAS D____________________ _ ~ ~_ Monroe

    Bu.siness Administration ColumbiaMOTT, GEORGIA

    H6me Ecoll omics Six lhRow :OLIVER, MURPHY ____________________ ___ _______________________________ _ Marion

    Social Wellore ________ __ ___________________________________ ManghamPARHAM, HENRY Agricultu.re



  • Seniors

    First Row: PARISEY, LARRY ___ ____ _________ _ __._________ ,, _____ ______ __ Elizabeth

    GeologyPARKER, FRANCES _________ ._ ..________________________ Lake Providence

    Elementary Education Second Row : PARKER, FRED _____.______ ___ _______ __ ____ ___ __ " Oak Grove

    General. Business PATRICK, LUCILLE ________ _________________ ______________________ Monroe

    Elementary Education Third Row: PATTERSON, BOBBIE R. ___________ __________________ __ ___ __Elvins, Mo.

    Physical Education ____._________________________________ ___________ MarionPHILLIPS, SUE M. Business Education

    Fourth Row: ______ . _ . _~____________._..______ ______ _.. MonroePOLLARD, DORIS

    Music POSEY, LINDA _________________________________ _________ Lake Providence

    Spanish Education Fifth Row : PRYOR, HOLCOMBE ____ _____________________

    ___Mobile, Ala. Music

    ______________________________.______ West MonroePUGH, CLIFFORD . Chemistry

    Sixth Row: RICHARD, JAMES _______________________________ _________________ Alexandria

    Physical Education RIDGLEY, JOHN ___________________ __ ___ ___ _

    ___.._ New Orleans Geology

    Phi Mu group leaves for camp.

  • Ru sh Week adds to campus (e :S tivi l ie~.

    Fl:rst Row: SEVIER, JANE ____ ._____._________________________________________ Tallulah

    Physical Educal.;o" SHAW, PATRICIA ___________________________________ Oak Ridge

    Business Second Row: SHELL, JAMES ____________________________ _ ____ West Monroe

    Physical Education SHOEMAKER, RHETHA _____________________________________ Bastrop

    Social Wella.re Third ROI/) : SIMON, DONALD J. _________ _______ ._____________________ ._ .____ Kaplan

    PharmacySMITH, MARY PEARL ______________________ __ ____________________ Winnsboro

    Business Education Fourth Row : SMITH, SALLYE ANN ___________________________________ Monroe

    Elementar')' Edu.ca.lioft SMITHWICK, LOLA ____________________________________ Monroe

    Physical Edu

  • Seniors

    First Row: TAYLOR, BARR WAYNE _____________ _______ _______, _______ Downsville

    Elemen l.ary Education THURMAN_ CECIL ___ ____________________________ ____ _______ Sicily Island

    Elementary Edu,calion Second Row : TIMS, 1- T__________ ,__ __ ____ __ _____________________ _________ __ __ ___ Baskin

    Mathematics TIPPEN. DONALD ____________________ ______________________ Chatham

    BUS1:ness Administrntion Third Row: TONORE, CAROLE _. _________ ___________ __ __ 0________________________ Monroe

    Elementary Education TOWNLEY_ RAY Monroe

    General Business Fourth Row: TOWNSEND, JANIS POWERS __ __ ,__ ___________________ Winnsboro

    Elementary Educal.icn TOWNSEND, PAULINE __ _____ __ ___________________ ,_____ Winnsboro

    Elementary Edu,cal.ion Filth Row: WALKER, BOBBY _______ ___________________________ ____________ ____ Rayvill~

    Agronomy WALK ER, DONALD Winnsboro

    Sociology Sixth Row: WATTS, VELDA _____________ ____________ ____________._____________ West Monroe

    Elementary Education ___________ _______ MonroeWELCH, BONNIE _


    Banquet climaxes social evenT S for Student NEA.

  • Seniors

    President Slater presents certificate of award to Rohert H. Evans, General Manager". Olin Malbieson Chemica l Corporation, al graduation.


    First R Ol4): ~~________________..._..._________ MonroeWEST, ROBERT V.

    Geology WILLIAMS, LLOYD _____......___......__. Greenville, Miss.

    P~rsica1 Education Second Row: WILSON: GAYLE ____________________________________ __ __ ______ Monroe

    Business EduC(J.tilJn WI NDHAM, WILLIAM ..........................._....._._...._... Tallulah

    Elemeutar), Educo.#on. Third Row: WOOD, ROY .....__. ....... _.._.........__.....__._............ Monroe

    Geowgy WY ATT, GLENN O . . _ ..__.._.._...___......____.....__........ Monroe

    Chemistry Fou.rlh Row: YOUNG, JACK T. _...... . ..... _ .... ___....... ___... _ West Monroe

    Bus in.ess Education

  • Senio