14 secrets to learn 10x faster

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to learn 10x faster


Page 2: 14 secrets to learn 10x faster

“There are no secrets to success.

It is the result of preparation, hard

work, and learning from failure.” -Colin Powell-

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“Education is what remains after

one has forgotten what one has

learned in school.”

Albert Einstein

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Top materials:

- To learn 10x faster, to read 300 books in one year,

you can ref online training courses below:



- Top 20 secrets will change your life

- 18 secrets for success from billionaires

- 16 Secrets for Career Success From the World's Top


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You go to the gym to train your muscles. You run outside or go for

hikes to train your endurance. Or, maybe you do neither of those, but

still wish you exercised more. Well, here is how to train one of the

most important parts of your body: your brain.

When you train your brain, you will:

Avoid embarrassing situations: you remember his face, but what

was his name?

Be a faster learner in all sorts of different skills: hello promotion,

here I come!

Avoid diseases that hit as you get older: no, thanks Alzheimer’s;

you and I are not just a good fit.

So how do you train your brain to learn faster and remember more?

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1. Teach someone else (or just pretend to):

If you imagine that

you’ll need to teach

someone else the

material or task you are

trying to grasp, you can

speed up your learning

and remember more,

according to a study

done at Washington

University in St. Louis.

How to?

The expectation changes

your mind-set so that you

engage in more effective

approaches to learning

than those who simply

learn to pass a test,

according to John

Nestojko, a postdoctoral

researcher in psychology

and coauthor of the study.


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If you want to learn the

guitar, don't think about

performing all the parts at

once. Set the smaller, more

measurable goal of

learning a few easy chords,

how to strum correctly, and

how to put those chords


Over time, the

accumulation of those

tinier skills will add up to

the whole ability to play

guitar. It's a technique that

applies to mechanical

learning as well as fact-

based lessons.

2. Skills are easier to pick up as individual parts.


Useful post: http://www.jobguide247.info/2017/11/33-secrets-to-become-great-


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3. Do something different repeatedly.

1 2 3

By actually doing

something new

over and over

again, your brain

wires new

pathways that

help you do this

new thing better

and faster.

Think back to when

you were three

years old. You

surely were strong

enough to hold a

knife and a fork

just fine. Yet, when

you were eating all

by yourself, you

were creating a

mess. It was not a

matter of strength,

you see.

It was a matter of

cultivating more

and better neural

pathways that

would help you

eat by yourself

just like an adult

does. And guess

what? With

enough repetition

you made that



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Smartphone Mockup

Most people understand that multitasking is a

myth - your brain really can't pay equal

attention to two tasks simultaneously. But few

people apply that insight to learning.

In addition to breaking a task down into

individual steps, be sure to devote your full

energy to each step on its own. When you

get distracted, it takes roughly 25 minutes to

return your focus to the original task.

Over time, multitasking could mean you only

gain a partial understanding of various

different skills or concepts, without acquiring

a full knowledge or mastery of any.

4. Multitasking doesn't work, especially

for storing new information.

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5. Learn in short bursts of time

Brief, frequent learning sessions are

much better than longer, infrequent

ones, agrees Neil Starr, a course

mentor at Western Governors

University, an online nonprofit

university where the average

student earns a bachelor’s degree

in two and a half years.

He recommends preparing for micro

learning sessions. “Make note cards

by hand for the more difficult

concepts you are trying to master,”

he says. “You never know when

you’ll have some in-between time to

take advantage of.”

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6. Writing down what you've learned helps cement it in your mind.

If you want to translate information to

knowledge, research suggests you

should be writing down what you

learn - by hand.

A 2014 study found that students

who took notes on pen and paper

learned more than students who

typed notes on their laptops. Over a

battery of tests, the pen-and-paper

group were more adept at

remembering facts, sorting out

complex ideas, and synthesising


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Useful post: http://www.jobguide247.info/2017/11/14-tips-to-improve-time-


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7. Learn something new.

It might sound obvious, but the more

you use your brain, the better its going

to perform for you. For example,

learning a new instrument improves

your skill of translating something you

see (sheet music) to something you

actually do (playing the instrument).

Learning a new language exposes

your brain to a different way of

thinking, a different way of expressing


You can even literally take it a step

further, and learn how to dance.

Studies indicate that learning to dance

helps seniors avoid Alzheimer’s. Not

bad, huh? JobGuide247.info 15

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Being perfect is overrated. The entire point

of learning is to make attempts, fail, and find

a lesson about where you went wrong.

In 2014, a study of motor learning found the

brain has more or less reserved a space for

the mistakes we make. Later, we can recruit

those memories to do better next time.

If parents teach kids never to make

mistakes, or shun them when mistakes

happen, kids end up missing a wealth of


8. Mistakes should be celebrated and studied.

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9. Exciting topics are 'stickier' than boring ones.



1 As early as possible,

kids should gain an

appreciation for why

they remember

Grandma's weird-

smelling house and

those highlighter-

yellow shorts Dad

wears on night-time

runs. It's because

they're unique.

Author and former

US memory

champion Joshua

Foer memorised a

full deck of playing

cards in under two

minutes by tying

each card to a weird

image. Kids can do

the same for their

times tables and


Kids naturally drift

toward the weird and

wacky, but once the

experience of rote

education gets them

thinking in cold hard

facts, that sense of fun

can die off. Parents:

don't let that happen.


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10. Take notes by hand

While it’s faster to take notes on

a laptop, using a pen and paper

will help you learn and

comprehend better.

Researchers at Princeton

University and UCLA found that

when students took notes by

hand, they listened more

actively and were able to

identify important concepts.

Taking notes on a laptop,

however, leads to mindless

transcription, as well as an

opportunity for distraction, such

as email. JobGuide247.info 18

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This is a festive title “In three studies, we found that students who

took notes on laptops performed worse on

conceptual questions than students who took

notes longhand,” writes coauthor and

Princeton University psychology professor

Pam Mueller. “We show that whereas taking

more notes can be beneficial, laptop note

takers’ tendency to transcribe lectures

verbatim rather than processing information

and reframing it in their own words is

detrimental to learning.”

10. Take notes by hand (con…)

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11. Speed reading can condense learning times.

The premise is simple: If you can

read faster, you can learn faster.

Though you might think speed

reading takes a lot of effort,

programs like Spreeder pick up

the pace gradually to make it feel


By training your brain to process

words more quickly, you get

accustomed to reading entire

strings of words, rather than

imagining each one individually,

which slows you down.

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Useful post: http://www.jobguide247.info/2017/11/top-8-tips-to-improve-listening-


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12. Use what you know to learn what you don't.

If kids encounter a topic they have

trouble wrapping their heads

around, parents should help them to

understand how it relates to

something they've already learned.

The practice is called associative


A student might like football but

struggle with differential calculus. If

he can see the similarities between

a spiralling pass and the slope of a

curve, he stands a better chance at

understanding the abstract concept.

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Useful post: http://www.BusinessSecrets88.com/2017/11/7-ways-to-make-passive-


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13. Work your body.

You knew this one was coming didn’t

you? Yes indeed, exercise does not

just work your body; it also improves

the fitness of your brain.

Even briefly exercising for 20

minutes facilitates information

processing and memory functions.

But it’s not just that–exercise

actually helps your brain create

those new neural connections faster.

You will learn faster, your alertness

level will increase, and you get all

that by moving your body.

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Useful post: http://www.jobguide247.info/2017/11/12-tips-to-improve-presentation-


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13. Work your body (con…)

Now, if you are not already a

regular exerciser, and already

feel guilty that you are not

helping your brain by

exercising more, try a brain

training exercise program like

Exercise Bliss. Remember,

just like we discussed in #2,

by training your brain to do

something new repeatedly,

you are actually changing

yourself permanently.

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14. Looking things up isn't always a bad thing.

Kids should learn how to grapple

with tough problems - the act

teaches them discipline. But

evidence suggests spending too

long on a problem can make it


In 2008, researchers found that

unresolved tip-of-the-tongue

moments can gradually slip people

into an 'error state', in which their

memory of the concept or fact gets

replaced by the memory of the tip-

of-the-tongue moment.

The solution: If you know you know

it, but just can't remember it, Google

it. JobGuide247.info 24

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