12 steps that will lead you to data driven

12 steps that will lead you to Data-driven Mobile App Development

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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12 steps that will lead you to Data-driven Mobile App Development

There is an endless flow of data to be monitored for metrics such as

Bounce rates

New users

Exit rates

Returning users from innumerable sources

People usually feel frustrated or overwhelmed while

integrating data into their development process.

Avoiding the complexities of analytics will only lead

to missing the advantages it could provide.

In order to perfect an application, analysis is very important. Follow these 12 steps to data-driven mobile app development

• Collecting data

• Measure your success against Benchmarks

• Start with questions

• Provide actionable data

• Don’t pull out records manually

• Leave room for a big win

• Being Proactive Vs being Reactive

• Set your milestones

• Quantify customer sentiment

• Learn from your mistakes

• Consider the long view

• Measure relevant sample size

Collecting data

Remember all the data that is collected will answer questions one day or the other. Be smart to collect all relevant information that is needed.

Measure your success against Benchmarks

Focus on company-wide KPIs and keep probing yourself about how your app could contribute to them.

Start with questions

Always remember to determine the needs that are

to be tracked in order to give actionable insights


Provide actionable data

Free flow of information will keep analytics stream

fresh and open to changes.

Don’t pull out records manually

Reports should be set up with analysis and time focused on answering questions.

Leave room for a big win

Give some space for your analytics analyst for some

free rein, the output and the insight will be


Being Proactive Vs being Reactive

Be proactive and think of fixing the road ahead

instead of looking in the rear-view mirror.

Set your milestones

Decide on significant metrics, set your goals and

share it with your users and media to reach your


Quantify customer sentiment

Monitor reviews and received mails to analyze the

usability improvements

Learn from your mistakes

Keep record of the updates of what works and what


Consider the long view

Always look beyond, set longer timeframes and see

bigger trends.

Measure relevant sample size

Keep a statistical data set about the number of users

and the time taken

So accordingly, it’s the illuminating insight that is

gleamed from combining quantitative and qualitative

data that will effectively make data the driver to your

app decision. The most valuable role played by a data

is the app’s success.