1. what was the main goal of the crusades? 2. what led to a significant increase in food production...

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  • Slide 1
  • 1. What was the main goal of the Crusades? 2. What led to a significant increase in food production during the Middle Ages? 3. Who introduced the plague to Europe? 4. What action called for the Muslims to be driven out of Spain? 1. Take back Jerusalem and other Holy Lands 2. Three-Field System 3. Traders 4. Reconquista
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  • From 1300-1600, the Renaissance refers to the revival in art and learning Return to ancient Greece/Rome Main reasons it started in Italy Thriving cities Wealthy merchants Heritage of Greece and Rome
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  • Italy had a larger merchant class Resented the power that nobles inherited They had earned their status Wealthiest family: the Medicis Known for ruling and supporting the arts
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  • Artists were inspired by Greek and Roman ruins Looked down on the Middle Ages Studied Latin manuscripts preserved by the monasteries and taken from Constantinople before the Turks invaded
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  • Focused on humanism Human potential and achievements Studied history/philosophy Worldly pleasures became a good thing
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  • Petrarch is considered the founder of humanism Also considered the first person to develop the idea of the Dark Ages Erasmus emphasized the ability of individuals to learn for themselves
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  • Patrons became important people began sponsoring artists in order to make their world more beautiful The Middle Ages focused on God while the Renaissance focused on people
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  • Term used to refer to somebody who tried to master every area possible Universal Man Women were supposed to inspire, but not create Better educated, but still powerless Best Example: Leonardo Da Vinci Painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist
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  • Art became more realistic and less religious Michaelangelos depiction of the human body (Statue of David) Machievellis The Prince revealed the ideas of the time People are selfish and a strong ruler is needed to maintain control
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  • If you havent uploaded your PowerPoint and submitted your question on Moodle, do that immediately! Finish your Chapter 17 Crossword Puzzle On the back of the notes are the chapter review questions you must answer. Go ahead and complete Chapters 13 and 14. Complete the Post-Classical Quiz on USA TestPrep
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  • 5. Renaissance refers to the rebirth of ____ and _____ in Europe. 6. The study of human potential and achievements during the Renaissance is known as ________. 7. What family is famous for ruling and supporting the arts? 8. Leonardo da Vinci serves as the best example of a ________ ___ because he was a painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist 5. Art and learning 6. Humanism 7. The Medicis 8. Renaissance Man
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  • Following the plague and the 100 Years War, northern Europe lacked the money to sponsor the arts Immediately began catching up following the war Northern Europe did not have the merchant class of Italy, so the monarchs sponsored most art
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  • Tried to merge religion (the Church) with humanism Wanted to reform society ( Utopia ) Promoted education Entire schools were created because the Catholic Church disagreed with their ideas.
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  • Used movable type Impractical in Chinese because of all the characters, much more realistic for Europeans with limited alphabets Johann Gutenberg invented the first Printed The Bible in 1455 Result: books become cheap enough for everyone to buy
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  • Began to follow subjects that werent just based on religion Vernacular (every day speech) becomes more widely used Encouraged individual achievement
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  • Info became cheap People had a desire to learn Laws/individual rights became more clear People will begin to question the political structures and religious practices
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  • Leaders were corrupt Spent lots of money Had children Married People began openly criticizing the Church for its worldly power Spurred on by people being able to read their own bibles
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  • 1517 he posted 95 formal statements against what 1 friar was doing Greatest complaint: selling of indulgences (a pardon for performing the penalty for sin ) gave the impression that people could buy their way into heaven Originally wanted to reform the Church, not lead a revolution Began the Reformation
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  • Like the Renaissance, it was brought on by curiosity and investigation People could get to heaven only through faith in Gods forgiveness Not acts All teachings should be based on the Bible Church traditions were invalid All Christians were equal Priests and other papal authority are unnecessary With the printing press, his ideas will spread quickly.
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  • Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther Luther through the decree in a fire Luther will take the next step: start his own Church ( Lutherans )
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  • Peasants used Luthers ideas to justify revolting against the people in charge Luther will tell the Princes to show the peasants no mercy when crushing the revolts Princes will then embrace Luthers ideas because they can force out the Church authorities became the Protestants
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  • King of England in 1509 Needed a male heir Asked to have the pope annul his marriage to Catherine in 1527 (she was 42) Pope refuses (Catherines nephew was the Holy Roman Emperor) He will then ask Parliament to end the popes power in England Act of Supremacy passed in 1534 making Henry VIII head of the English Church This becomes known as the English Reformation
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  • Henry will marry a total of 6 times Has 3 children (only 1 male) Each child will rule after Henry died Edward VI rules from 9- 15 with Protestant Advisors Mary (Catholic) will rule 2nd will execute Protestants who resist her (Bloody Mary) Dies 5 years into rule
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  • Sought to return to Protestantism Created the Church of England ( Anglican Church) in 1559 She was the head Wanted to find a compromise for Catholics and Protestants Priests could marry & sermons in English (Prot) Glory of the Church and services were more Catholic
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  • By trying to please both, she also made enemies of both Lack of + need for money will create problems between the monarch and the Parliament
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  • Chapter 17 Vocabulary Renaissance Project Questions Unit 4A Study Guide USA TestPrep Classical Civilizations
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  • 9. What was the first full-sized book printed by Gutenberg? 10. ______ refers to pardons that released a person from performing penalties for sin. 11. Who was the first head of the English Church? 12. Martin Luther was attempting to ______ the Church when he wrote the ___ ______. 9. The Bible 10. Indulgences 11. King Henry VIII 12. Reform; 95 Theses
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  • Gave order to the ideas of Luther Summarized the theology (ideas) of Protestants Introduced the idea of predestination ( God has known from the beginning of time who will be saved and go to Heaven ) Thought the ideal government was a theocracy (gov. controlled by religious leaders)
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  • One similarity: The Bible is the source of all religious truth Calvinists Presbyterians Anabaptists Women were still subservient in each
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  • Response to the Protestant Reformation Often referred to as the Counter Reformation
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  • Started by Ignatius of Loyola Extreme Catholics Took vows of poverty and chastity Sought to live like Jesus did Believed in becoming well educated, convert people, and stop Protestantism from spreading
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  • Pope Paul III investigated abuses of the Church and called for the Council of Trent Issued several doctrines (orders) The Churchs interpretation was final Faith + Works = salvation Church traditions were valid for giving guidance Indulgences are banned Pope Paul IV banned all non- Catholic books The Thirty Years War will begin between Protestants and Catholics
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  • New churches will develop and flourish Catholic Church becomes more united within itself Everyone promoted education
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  • Individual monarchs/states gained power back Laid the groundwork for the Enlightenment that will reject all religion and existing governments
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  • Chapter 17 Vocabulary Renaissance Project Questions Chapter Reviews (last page of notes) Unit 4A Study Guide