1 police reform and social responsibility act police and crime commissioners transition

1 Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act Police and Crime Commissioners Transition

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Police Reform and Social Responsibility ActPolice and Crime Commissioners


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The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act has now received Royal Assent

What does this mean?

• Elections for the first Police & Crime Commissioners (PCCs) will be taking place on 15 November 2012, with PCCs taking office on 22 November 2012

• London keen to go-live early

• Police Authorities outside London will be abolished at midnight on 21 November 2012

• Chief Executives & Treasurers are key to the transition between Police Authorities & PCCs by providing continuity between changes in administration

• Both the PCC & Chief Constable will be established as two distinct corporations sole, with both having the power to employ staff and hold funds

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Overview of current progress on all projects 1 of 2

Project Name Lead Body RAG StatusProject 1 – Elections: established to prepare and consult on required secondary legislation to enable the election of PCCs

Home Office Green

Project 2 – Police Authority Support & Challenge: ensuring key risks to police governance nationally are identified ; identifying themed support & informing scope & development of products to support transition

Association of Police Authorities


Project 3 – Protocol: ensuring protocol is issued in time for 1st transition; set parameters within which PCC & CC will deliver & govern effective & efficient police service

Home Office Amber/


Project 4 – Strategic Policing Requirement: draft & consult on draft prototype SPR & issue shadow SPR Home Office



Project 5 – Collaboration: Project closed as the majority of work subsumed into Project 6

Home Office CLOSED

Project 6 – Transfer Schemes: produce initial scheme & clear guidance for PCCs to enable Home Secretary to approve transfer of staff between police authorities & PCCs

Home Office Amber

Project 7 – PCC Capability Building & Induction: identify core skills & training required for PCCs; design training programme for PCCs ensuring it is tailored according to local needs

Home Office Amber

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Overview of current progress on all projects 2 of 2

Project Name Lead Body RAG StatusProject 8 – Checks & Balances: produce guidelines to local authorities for establishing PCPs & their relationships with other structural arrangements for checks & balances in England, providing implementation support;

Home Office Amber

Project 9 – Handling of Complaints: developing PCC complaints procedure policy, incl. laying regulations on how it will work; developing guidance setting out who will do what when

Home Office Amber

Project 10 – London: completing feasibility study to decide when London provisions can realistically commence incl. ensuring transfer schemes in place

Metropolitan Police Authority


Project 11 – Wales: Establish PCCs within Wales incl. fostering effective working relationship with Welsh Assembly Government & Local Authorities, ensuring consistency between England & Wales

Home OfficeAmber/


Project 12 – Relationships with Partners: developing PCC Crime role & role as joint commissioner of relevant local services; help local partners understand PCC’s wider role on crime & commissioning; Supporting PCCs to develop strong & effective relationships with local partners

Home Office Amber

Project 13 – Finance, Contracts & Appointments: Ensuring Ministerial decisions on CC appointments & large financial contracts taken, laying revised Financial Code of Practice & resolving technical & financial issues re introduction of PCCs

Home Office Amber

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Let’s take the content of the PCC induction as an example…

National Level

• Statutory duties & responsibilities inc. PCCs, CCs & PCPs

• Protocol • Strategic Policing Requirement• Establishing good governance • Future Policing Landscape• Role of HMIC • Role of IPCC• CJS Partners• CSP Partners• Commissioning …etc

Local Level

• Policing Plan (moving to a Police & Crime Plan

• Force budget • Local policing priorities• Community consultation &

engagement strategies• Contracts• Details of staff transferred• Local risk management issues• Community mapping &

engagement• Force performance overview

(current & historic)…etc


Transition Work – What needs to be done, where?

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Mitigating Risks – Top 6 risks & Mitigation

Project Risk Mitigation

Overall Programme risk

Partners unable to commit resources or unable to meet their resource commitments

Sign up from sponsorship board & delegation of resource from key colleagues

Overall Programme risk

PAs fail to deliver transition work •Commitment from HMIC & key sponsorship board colleagues to monitor PAs of concern.•Sponsorship board to support HMIC as requested where concerns identified in relation to PAs not achieving plans

Project 1 Register may not be 100% accurate at time of elections as electoral register being renewed in Sep/Oct resulting in potential for election fraud

Working with Cabinet Office & Electoral Commission to agree policy options for avoiding clash with canvass

Project 3, 4 & 13

Statutory Protocol , draft SPR & Financial Code of Practice may not be issued in time for London to go early

Engagement with key partners during drafting phase, products on track to be laid in Parliament in November

Project 4 SPR could be overly descriptive & restrict local discretion of PCCs & Chief Officers, or not finalised in good time to allow PCC to produce Police & Crime Plan that takes into account priorities set up in the SPR

SPR will be high level & non-prescriptive document & PCCs & Chief Officers will have legal duty to have regard to SPR including ability to flex resources where operationally necessary

Project 7 Lack of information about remit, financial & operational restrictions means candidates /potential candidates don’t stand

• Early work undertaken to assess & develop resources required• Liaison with HO Comms to target resources adequately to encourage wide pool of credible candidates• Information to be pitched at right level• Engagement with PA members to ensure consistency

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7Cross-cutting milestone for Dec 2011: Transitional Provision Order – inc transfer order (for London and rest of country)

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Pressure points and interactions

Immediate actions to be taken:

•Meeting on complaints regulations with London stakeholders •Submission to Policing Minister on Strategic Policing Requirement (SPR) in preparation for meeting with senior policing partners in October•Submission on Home Affairs clearance for the draft SPR and Protocol sent to Ministers•Home Secretary writes to Home Affairs for clearance of the Protocol and draft SPR

End October:•Protocol laid in Parliament to begin negative resolution procedure – Protocol can then come into force 21 days after this to allow London to digest and formally publish their proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the mayor and Commissioner •Draft SPR published for consultation•New code of financial practice produced•Regulations for appointments and dismissals of Chief Constables laid in Parliament for negative resolution process

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Impact of APACE contributions on projects

How APACE have been and need to continue contributing to projects:

• Brought practical experience to all projects

• Provided sound advice and guidance on implementation

• Helped to translate legislation into reality

• Stress testing timelines and programme plans

• Providing expert advice

• “Keeping us on our toes!”

•Most importantly: providing leadership at local level during period of uncertainty & vulnerability & ensuring that you continue to work with PA Chairs’ members & Chief Officers to support transition

All of the above is recognised by Ministers and we look forward to maintaining this level of engagement

We need you to continue to provide support to Police Authorities, during this transition period, as well as gearing up to be a primary point of continuity

But remember there is support available to you on national issues via the APA

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Priorities for APACE over the next 12 months

• Ensuring Police Authorities deliver statutory functions

•You can rely on our support to help you do this

• Sorting out membership continuity is a big priority…

• …And we’re working on making reappointment of Independents as straight forward as possible

• Know you’re concerned about timing & continuity of Chief Officer appointments…

• …the regulations are currently out for consultation

• We’re relying on you as a resource to inform inductions for PCCs at local level

•Preparing for Stage 2 transfers of staff & negotiations with Unions & Chief Constables to enable that to happen smoothly

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APACE leads for projects

Project 1 – N/AProject 2 – Claire SwallowProject 2 – Jenni Douglas-ToddProject 4 – Fraser SimpsonProject 6 – Andy Champness / Jacky Courtney / Miranda Caruthers-WattProject 7 – Andrew ChampnessProject 8 – Richard MartinProject 9 – Jennifer Douglas ToddProject 10 – Catherine CrawfordProject 11 – Shelley BossonProject 12 – Andy ChampnessProject 13 – Jacky Courtney / Miranda Carruthers-Watt

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Q&A session