1 2,3,4 europ conquest and colonization


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Page 1: 1 2,3,4 Europ Conquest And Colonization
Page 2: 1 2,3,4 Europ Conquest And Colonization

Five Nations started colonies in the New World

Five Nations started colonies in the New World

§ Spain – in South, Central and North America

§ Portugal – in Brazil§ France – In Canada § Great Britain – along the East

Coast of North America§ The Dutch – On Long Island

§ Spain – in South, Central and North America

§ Portugal – in Brazil§ France – In Canada § Great Britain – along the East

Coast of North America§ The Dutch – On Long Island

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Cycle of Conquest & Cycle of Conquest & ColonizationColonization

Cycle of Conquest & Cycle of Conquest & ColonizationColonization

Explorers Conquistadores






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Ferdinand Magellan & Ferdinand Magellan & the First the First

Circumnavigation of the Circumnavigation of the World:World:Early 16cEarly 16c

Ferdinand Magellan & Ferdinand Magellan & the First the First

Circumnavigation of the Circumnavigation of the World:World:Early 16cEarly 16c

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European ExplorationsEuropean ExplorationsEuropean ExplorationsEuropean Explorations

“ “ ””

“ “ ””

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Christófo Colón Christófo Colón [1451-1506][1451-1506]

Christófo Colón Christófo Colón [1451-1506][1451-1506]

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Columbus’ Four Columbus’ Four VoyagesVoyages

Columbus’ Four Columbus’ Four VoyagesVoyages

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The Treaty of Tordesillas, The Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494 & 1494 &

The Pope’s Line of The Pope’s Line of DemarcationDemarcation

The Treaty of Tordesillas, The Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494 & 1494 &

The Pope’s Line of The Pope’s Line of DemarcationDemarcation

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Fernando CortesFernando CortesFernando CortesFernando Cortes

The First Spanish The First Spanish Conquests:Conquests:The AztecsThe Aztecs

The First Spanish The First Spanish Conquests:Conquests:The AztecsThe Aztecs

Montezuma IIMontezuma IIMontezuma IIMontezuma II



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The Death of The Death of Montezuma IIMontezuma IIThe Death of The Death of Montezuma IIMontezuma II

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Mexico Surrenders to Mexico Surrenders to CortésCortés

Mexico Surrenders to Mexico Surrenders to CortésCortés

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Francisco Francisco PizarroPizarro

Francisco Francisco PizarroPizarro

The First Spanish The First Spanish Conquests:Conquests:

The The IncasIncas

The First Spanish The First Spanish Conquests:Conquests:

The The IncasIncas




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Father Bartolomé de Las Father Bartolomé de Las CasasCasas

Father Bartolomé de Las Father Bartolomé de Las CasasCasas

New Laws --> 1542New Laws --> 1542

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The “Columbian Exchange”The “Columbian Exchange”The “Columbian Exchange”The “Columbian Exchange”v Squash v Avocado v Peppers v Sweet Potatoes

v Turkey v Pumpkin v Tobacco v Quinine

v Cocoa v Pineapple v Cassava v POTATO

v Peanut v TOMATO v Vanilla v MAIZE

v Syphilis

v Olive v COFFEE BEAN v Banana v Rice

v Onion v Turnip v Honeybee v Barley

v Grape v Peach v SUGAR CANE v Oats

v Citrus Fruits v Pear v Wheat v HORSE

v Cattle v Sheep v Pigs v Smallpox

v Flu v Typhus v Measles v Malaria

v Diptheria v Whooping Cough

v Trinkets

v Liquor


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Docs. 1- 4Docs. 1- 4

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The Spanish The Spanish Gain land and riches

§Gain converts (Catholic)

§Conquered and destroyed native cultures (Encomeinda system)

Gain land and riches

§Gain converts (Catholic)

§Conquered and destroyed native cultures (Encomeinda system)

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Spain in the New World

Spain in the New World

§Motivated by the 3 G’s§God, Glory and Gold

§Destroyed native culture§Encomienda system

§Motivated by the 3 G’s§God, Glory and Gold

§Destroyed native culture§Encomienda system

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§Economic activity should enhance power of the state (more gold and silver).

§Economic activity should enhance power of the state (more gold and silver).

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Mercantilism An economic policy of the major trading nations from the 16th to the 18th cent.,based on the premise that national wealth and power were best served by increasing exports and collecting precious metals in return. State action, an essential feature of the mercantile system, was used to accomplish its purposes-to sell more than it bought to accumulate bullion and raw materials.

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Under a mercantilist policy, a government exercised much control over economic life by regulating production, encouraging foreign trade, levying duties on imports to gain revenue, making treaties to obtain exclusive trading privileges, and exploiting the commerce of the colonies.

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§Favorable balance of trade – Spanish try to control access to wealth

§Mining (gold and silver)

§Control commerce.

§Favorable balance of trade – Spanish try to control access to wealth

§Mining (gold and silver)

§Control commerce.

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Fight for controlFight for control

§Spanish crown, colonists, and church fight for Indian cheap labor.

§Spanish crown, colonists, and church fight for Indian cheap labor.

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Foundation of economy – Indian labor.

Foundation of economy – Indian labor.

§Indian slavery and coercion – Indians paid tribute of gold and silver and worked for almost nothing or nothing.

§Indian slavery and coercion – Indians paid tribute of gold and silver and worked for almost nothing or nothing.

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The CongregacionThe Congregacion

§Churches attempt to control Indians§Placed Indians on


§Churches attempt to control Indians§Placed Indians on


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The MissionsThe Missions§Once Indians were

concentrated, Missions were established to convert and westernize the natives§Church schools

§Once Indians were concentrated, Missions were established to convert and westernize the natives§Church schools

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The Influence of the The Influence of the Colonial Catholic ChurchColonial Catholic Church

The Influence of the The Influence of the Colonial Catholic ChurchColonial Catholic Church

Guadalajara Guadalajara CathedralCathedral

Guadalajara Guadalajara CathedralCathedral

Our Lady of Our Lady of GuadalupeGuadalupe

Our Lady of Our Lady of GuadalupeGuadalupe

Spanish MissionSpanish Mission Spanish MissionSpanish Mission

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§An assignment of Indians who were to serve the Spanish grantee (colonist) with tribute and labor…Indian slavery!

§An assignment of Indians who were to serve the Spanish grantee (colonist) with tribute and labor…Indian slavery!

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Encomienda System = Feudal System

Encomienda System = Feudal System

§ Headed by the Viceroy – a noble§ Social hierarchy based on race§ Peninsulares§Creoles§Mestizos§Mulattoes

§ Presidio – fort used to defend the mission – castle

§ Headed by the Viceroy – a noble§ Social hierarchy based on race§ Peninsulares§Creoles§Mestizos§Mulattoes

§ Presidio – fort used to defend the mission – castle

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§As the encomienda system began to fail colonists created plantations called Haciendas – moved towards capitalism

§Tribute was no longer given

§Slavery still existed

§As the encomienda system began to fail colonists created plantations called Haciendas – moved towards capitalism

§Tribute was no longer given

§Slavery still existed

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Spanish Colonial Class SystemSpanish Colonial Class SystemSpanish Colonial Class SystemSpanish Colonial Class System



MestizosMestizosMestizosMestizos MulattosMulattosMulattosMulattos

Native IndiansNative IndiansNative IndiansNative Indians Black SlavesBlack SlavesBlack SlavesBlack Slaves

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TreasuresTreasuresfrom the Americas!from the Americas!

TreasuresTreasuresfrom the Americas!from the Americas!

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The English Transplantations:

Motives for Settlement

The English Transplantations:

Motives for Settlement§ Commercial§European belief in mercantilism§Find wealth or escape poverty

(enclosure movement)§ Religious§Puritans wanted to escape

persecution§Establish religious communities

§ Commercial§European belief in mercantilism§Find wealth or escape poverty

(enclosure movement)§ Religious§Puritans wanted to escape

persecution§Establish religious communities

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The EnglishThe English

§Commercial ventures ($)

§Joint Stock Companies

§Religious freedom (Protestants)

§Friendly at first – later fought natives for land

§Commercial ventures ($)

§Joint Stock Companies

§Religious freedom (Protestants)

§Friendly at first – later fought natives for land

Must Know

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The English Transplantations:


The English Transplantations:

Plymouth§ Pilgrims§Separatists looking for

religious freedom§ Created Mayflower Compact§Government gets power from

the people§ Relations with the natives

§ Pilgrims§Separatists looking for

religious freedom§ Created Mayflower Compact§Government gets power from

the people§ Relations with the natives

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New EnglandNew England§Pilgrims (1620) were religious

dissenters who wanted to separate from the Church of England. They faced fines, imprisonment or death in England for practicing their religion

§Came for Religious Freedom

§Pilgrims (1620) were religious dissenters who wanted to separate from the Church of England. They faced fines, imprisonment or death in England for practicing their religion

§Came for Religious Freedom

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New EnglandNew England

§ The Pilgrims were headed for Virginia, but were blown off course in a storm, and ended up in Massachusetts

§ Created the Mayflower Compact – a document that says the government gets its power from the people

§ The Pilgrims were headed for Virginia, but were blown off course in a storm, and ended up in Massachusetts

§ Created the Mayflower Compact – a document that says the government gets its power from the people

Must Know

Must Know

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The English Transplantations:

Massachusetts Bay

The English Transplantations:

Massachusetts Bay§Puritans§Wanted to purify church§Faced persecution

§ “City on a hill”§A religious model for the

world§Intolerant of dissent

§Puritans§Wanted to purify church§Faced persecution

§ “City on a hill”§A religious model for the

world§Intolerant of dissent

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New EnglandNew England

§ Puritans (1630) also sought religious freedom

§ Wanted to create Cities on a hill – religious cities that would serve as a model for others

§ Covenant Communities§ intolerant of dissent

§ Puritans (1630) also sought religious freedom

§ Wanted to create Cities on a hill – religious cities that would serve as a model for others

§ Covenant Communities§ intolerant of dissent

Must Know

Must Know

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New EnglandNew England

§ Puritans were governed by the male members of the church

§ Town meetings – discussions about church rules that eventually became legislative assemblies

§ Puritans were governed by the male members of the church

§ Town meetings – discussions about church rules that eventually became legislative assemblies

Must Know

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The English Transplantations:


The English Transplantations:

Jamestown§ The first permanent English


§Colonists were “gentlemen”

§Expected to find gold

§ Poor location and management

§Located for defense§Smith saved colony from disaster

§ The first permanent English settlement

§Colonists were “gentlemen”

§Expected to find gold

§ Poor location and management

§Located for defense§Smith saved colony from disaster

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§ Jamestown started as a Joint-Stock company, but it was poorly managed and later a Royal Colony (controlled by the king)

§ Jamestown was founded in 1607

§ Jamestown started as a Joint-Stock company, but it was poorly managed and later a Royal Colony (controlled by the king)

§ Jamestown was founded in 1607

Must Know

Must Know

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The English Transplantations:


The English Transplantations:


§By 1609 it became a Joint-stock investment (Virginia Company)

§Tobacco made the colony profitable

§Getting to the colony

§Indentures& Headrights

§By 1609 it became a Joint-stock investment (Virginia Company)

§Tobacco made the colony profitable

§Getting to the colony

§Indentures& Headrights

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§Jamestown nearly failed due to lack of supplies, poor weather and poor location 60 miles up the James River in a swampy area (Defense).

§Jamestown nearly failed due to lack of supplies, poor weather and poor location 60 miles up the James River in a swampy area (Defense).

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§Their neighbors were the Powhattan Indians§ Pocahontas

§The English mistreated the Indians and used force to get what they wanted. This angered the Indians who refused to help the settlers

§Their neighbors were the Powhattan Indians§ Pocahontas

§The English mistreated the Indians and used force to get what they wanted. This angered the Indians who refused to help the settlers

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What saved Jamestown?What saved Jamestown?

§Tobacco was grown and the colony began to make a profit. Brought more settlers and $

§Tobacco was grown and the colony began to make a profit. Brought more settlers and $

Must Know

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France in the New World

France in the New World

§Commercial Incentives§Fishing and fur trade§Northwest Passage

§Adopted native customs§Married into families§Learned language

§Commercial Incentives§Fishing and fur trade§Northwest Passage

§Adopted native customs§Married into families§Learned language

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The FrenchThe French

Fishing, Fur Trapping

§ Looking for the Northwest Passage

§Gain converts (Catholic)

§Traded w/ natives (partners)

§Married Native American women

Fishing, Fur Trapping

§ Looking for the Northwest Passage

§Gain converts (Catholic)

§Traded w/ natives (partners)

§Married Native American women

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Trans-Atlantic Slave Trans-Atlantic Slave TradeTrade

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trans-Atlantic Slave TradeTrade

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Slave ShipSlave ShipSlave ShipSlave Ship

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““Coffin” Position Coffin” Position Below DeckBelow Deck

““Coffin” Position Coffin” Position Below DeckBelow Deck

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African CaptivesAfrican CaptivesThrown OverboardThrown OverboardAfrican CaptivesAfrican Captives

Thrown OverboardThrown Overboard

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Slaves Working in a Slaves Working in a Brazilian Sugar MillBrazilian Sugar MillSlaves Working in a Slaves Working in a Brazilian Sugar MillBrazilian Sugar Mill

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Sacrifice of the First-Sacrifice of the First-BornBorn

by Theodore de Bryby Theodore de Bry

Sacrifice of the First-Sacrifice of the First-BornBorn

by Theodore de Bryby Theodore de Bry

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European Empires in the European Empires in the AmericasAmericas

European Empires in the European Empires in the AmericasAmericas