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UNIT 11 1

In a Night Club Tom - Come on, Margaret! We haven’t much time. The

show in that night club begins at nine o’clock.

Marg. - Then we have plenty of time, dear. It’s only eight o’clock!

Tom - What are you talking about? It’s already half-past eight.

Marg. - Well, my watch says that it’s only eight o’clock.

Tom - Then your watch is slow. It isn’t a good watch. Throw it away!

Marg. - What nonsense, dear! There are moments when you are very silly.

Tom - Well, we are talking and time is passing, and we are forgetting that the show begins in half an hour.

(A cuckoo clock strikes 9 o’clock) (Un orologio a cucù suona le nove.)

Marg. - Well, the cuckoo clock says that it’s nine already!

You can throw your watch away, too.

Tom - We have no time for jokes, Margaret. Come on! Hurry up!

(Half an hour later.) (Mezz’ora più tardi.)

Marg. - This is a fantastic night club, Tom! And so big! Is the entrance fee very expensive?

Tom - No, it isn’t. On the contrary, it’s very cheap.

Marg. - Well, the first number of the show is over. What a pity!

Tom - Come on! This table is free. Let’s sit down here. The programme says that the next number is a flamenco dance. There are four famous dancers: a man and three women.


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UNIT 11 2

(continuation) In a Night Club Marg. - Yes? Oh! - Look at that lady with those beautiful


Tom - Beautiful? Yes! A very beautiful woman! You’re right.

Marg. - Not the woman. The pearls. The pearls. I love pearls. I have no pearls. I…

Tom - Pearls are for dark women. You’re blonde, my dear.

Marg. - You’re wrong. Pearls are for blonde women too. Tomorrow we can go to that jewellery shop…

Tom - A museum tomorrow, Margaret!

Marg. - But dear! You are always saying that museums are very boring.

Tom - Opinions change, dear… And now, would you like a drink, dear?

Marg. - No. I want just an ice cream. A chocolate ice cream.

Tom - All right.

Waiter! A chocolate ice cream and a double whisky, please.

Wait. - Very well, sir.


Marg. - Oh, Tom! They are wonderful dancers!

Tom - Yes, and the girls are so beautiful!

Marg. - I’m not talking about their faces, Tom. I’m talking about their art.

Tom - Yes, dear… their art… their art…

Le parole sottolineate si debbono pronunciare con più enfasi.

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UNIT 11 3

saxon genitive = genitivo sassone

> Tom’s car is red. L’automobile di Tom è rossa. > My friends’ house is large. La casa dei miei amici è grande.

> The children’s room is small. La stanza dei bambini è piccola. Come si forma il saxon genitive:

Prima si mette il nome del possessore con (’s). Tom’s…

Dopo si mette il nome della cosa posseduta. Tom’s car…

Se il possessore è plurale, si aggiunge solo (’ ). My friend’s house.

Se il plurale è irregolare, si aggiunge (’s). The children’s room…


> Abel’s sister’s name is Debra.

Il nome della sorella di Abel è Debra. Se ci sono due possessori, la “’s” si aggiunge soltanto all’ultimo. > Tom and Margaret’s tastes are different.

Le altre regole riguardanti il Genitivo Sassone le

spiegheremo in una “Unità” successiva.

Carmelo Mangano – http://www.englishforitalians.com

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UNIT 11 4

What time is it? = Che ora è? - Che ore sono?

It is four o’clock. It is five past four. It is five to four.

1. Quando la lancetta che indica i minuti si trova sul “12” si dice:


2. Quando si trova nella parte destra del quadrante si dice: past .

3. Quando si trova nella parte sinistra del quadrante si dice: to.

o’clock E k lok = E’ la forma abbreviata di of the clock.

past pa : s t = passato - dopo

to t u = a - alle

a quarter E kwo: t E = un quarto

half ha : f = mezza

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UNIT 11 5

It is four o’clock. It is five past four. It is ten past four.

It’s a quarter past four.

It is twenty past four.

It is twenty five past four.

It is half past four. It is twenty five to five.

It is twenty to five.

It is a quarter to five. It is ten to five. It is five to five.

Per dire l’ora intera si dice: It is four o’clock, oppure

It is four.

Negli altri casi: prima si dicono i minuti o le frazioni di

ora “a quarter, half”, e poi l’ora.

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UNIT 11 6

minutes (minits) = minuti

Quando i minuti sono 5 o multipli di 5, la parola

“minutes” non si suole usare.

It is five past four. It is two minutes past four.

It is ten past four. It is three minutes past four.

It is twenty-five past four. It is four minutes past four. <<<☺☺☺☺>>>

it is eight thirty = sono le otto e trenta

L’ora si può esprimere anche così:

9:15 It is nine fifteen.

10:22 It is ten twenty-two.

11:30 It is eleven thirty.

12:40 It is twelve forty. etc. <<<☺☺☺☺>>> Per gli orari ferroviari ed aerei, per i programmi radiofonici,

televisivi ecc., gli inglesi dividono il giorno in 24 ore pure.

1. The train leaves at eight forty-five.

Il treno parte alle 8.45.

2. The show begins at twenty f ifty.

Lo spettacolo inizia alle 20.50.

3. The aeroplane from London lands at twenty-one thirty.

L’aereo da Londra atterra alle 21.30.

4. The aeroplane to Paris takes off at nine f ifty. L’aereo per Parigi decolla alle 9.50.

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UNIT 11 7

watch = orologio da polso clock = orologio di parete, di chiesa ecc. alarm clock = sveglia (lett. allarme orologio)


right = esatto fast = veloce slow = lento

My watch is fast. = ...è avanti (lett. il mio orologio è veloce)

Your watch is slow. = ... è indietro (lett. il tuo orologio è lento)

It is nine o’clock.

> This clock is right. It says nine o’clock.

Margaret’s watch is slow. It says ten to nine.

Tom’s watch is fast. It says ten past nine.

<<<☺☺☺☺>>> Osserva

1. Per chiedere l’ora si può dire:

What time is it? oppure What is the time?

2. Davanti ai numeri che indicano le ore non si mette l’articolo the. It is eight o’clock. It is the eight o’clock. Errore!

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UNIT 11 8

in the morning = di mattina (lett. nella mattina)

in the afternoon = di pomeriggio (lett. nel pomeriggio)

in the evening = di sera (lett. nella sera)

a.m. = ante meridiem = (antimeridiane) prima del mezzogiorno

p.m. = post meridiem = (pomeridiane) dopo del mezzogiorno

Per distinguere le ore antimeridiane da quelle

pomeridiane ci sono due modi:

1. at eight in the morning = alle 8 di mattina

at eight a.m. (ei em) = alle 8 antimeridiane

2. at nine in the evening = alle 9 di sera

at nine p.m. (pi: em) = alle 9 pomeridiane


1. time = ora It is time to go. = E’ ora di andare.

2. time = tempo Time passes so quickly! = Il tempo passa così velocemente!

3. time = volta I eat three times a day. = Io mangio tre volte al giorno.


once = una volta

twice = due volte

three times, four times etc. = tre volte, quattro volte ecc.

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UNIT 11 9

1. to have = avere

> Margaret has got a brother and a sister.

2. to have “To have” viene usato pure con il significato di “fare

colazione pranzare, cenare, bere qualcosa ecc.”

I have breakfast at eight. = (lett. Ho colazione alle otto.)

I have lunch at one. = (lett. Ho pranzo all’una.)

I have dinner at nine. = (lett. Ho cena alle nove.)

I have tea, coffee, a drink… etc.

Nota I make breakfast significa: “Preparo la colazione.” Abel

> I have breakfast at eight o’clock. For breakfast I usually have coffee with milk, bread, butter and jam.

> I have lunch at half-past one. For lunch I usually have a

plate of pasta, a salad and some cheese. I also like to have a can of Coca-Cola. For dessert I have only some fruit.

> I have dinner at half-past eight with my family. For dinner

we usually have soup and fish. After dinner my father likes to watch TV and have a glass

of whisky, sitting in a comfortable armchair. 3. to have Si usa pure con le seguenti espressioni:

to have a bath = (lett. avere un bagno) farsi un bagno

to have a shower = (lett. avere un doccia) farsi una doccia

to have a rest = (lett. avere un riposo) fare un riposino

to have a siesta = (lett. avere un sonnellino) fare un sonnellino

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UNIT 11 10

some any no

> I have got some money. = Ho un po’ di denaro. I haven’t got any money. = Non ho denaro.

(lett. Non ho alcun denaro.)

I have no money. = Non ho denaro. (lett. Ho nessun denaro.) “not any” è uguale a “no”

“Any” si usa con il verbo nella forma negativa.

> I haven’t any money.

I haven’t any time. I haven’t any friends.

“No” si usa con il verbo nella forma positiva.

> I have no money.

I have no time.

I have no friends.

<<<☺☺☺☺>>> someone = qualcuno not anyone = nessuno no one = nessuno

> There is someone in the house. = C’è qualcuno in casa.

There isn’t anyone in the house. = Non c’è nessuno in casa.

There is no one in the house. = Non c’è nessuno in casa. In inglese non si possono mettere due negazioni nella

stessa frase.

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UNIT 11 11

Let’s go! = Andiamo! Let us go! = Andiamo! “Let’s” è la forma contratta di “let us”.

Per fare una proposta o un invito, si usa “let’s”

seguito dall’infinito senza “to”.

> LLet’s go to the cinema! = Andiamo al cinema!

LLet’s sit down! = Sediamoci!

LLet’s eat! = Mangiamo!

LLet’s have tea! = Prendiamo un tè!


over = su, sopra

> There is a beach umbrella over Margaret’s head.

to be over = finire

> The lesson is over. = La lezione è finita.

The film is over. = Il film è finito.

The show is over. = Lo spettacolo è finito.

Our holidays are over. = Le nostre vacanze sono finite.

<<<☺☺☺☺>>> joke = scherzo - barzelletta to joke = scherzare to tell a joke = raccontare una barzelletta

> Tom is a jolly young man. He is always laughing and joking. He likes to tell funny jokes, too.

=== jolly = allegro to laugh = ridere funny = spiritoso

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UNIT 11 12

1. that = quello, quella - quel

> This boy is Italian. That boy is French.

2. that = che (congiunzione)

I think that… = Io penso che… He says that… = Lui dice che… Remember that… = Ricorda che…

Tom and Margaret Tom - Come on, Margaret! It’s half-past eight. Remember

that the show begins at nine o’clock. Marg.

- But Tom! I think that your watch is fast. My watch says that it is only eight o’clock.

Tom - Then it is better that you throw it away.

Marg. - I can’t dear. This watch is a present from my fiancé.

=== better = meglio ...that you throw it away = ...che lo butti via a present from = un regalo del

<<<☺☺☺☺>>> 1. about = di

> Tom likes to read magazines about sports and politics.

2. about = circa

> China has a population of about a billion (1,000,000,000)


What are you talking about? Di che cosa stai parlando?

(lett. Cosa stai tu parlando di?)

Non dire stupidaggini!

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UNIT 11 13

away = via, lontano

to go away = andar via Go away! = Vai via!

to throw away = buttar via Throw it away! = Buttalo via!

to give away = dar via, regalare Give it away! = Regalalo!

Robert and Millie

Rob. - Millie! Bring me a bottle of wine!

Mil. - Here you are, dear.

Rob. - This wine is awful, so bitter! Throw it away! Mil. - Oh no, dear! I can’t throw it away! It isn’t right to

waste things. Rob. - Then give it away! And now please go away! I want to

read my book in peace. Mil. - But Robert dear! It’s already midnight. Put that book

away! It’s time to go to bed. Rob. - Oh, go away! Go away! ===

awful = pessimo, orribile peace = pace

to waste = sprecare midnight = mezzanotte

<<<☺☺☺☺>>> half an hour = mezz’ora (lett. mezza una ora)

an hour = un’ora

an hour and a half = un’ora e mezza (lett. un’ora e una mezza)

two hours and a half = due ore e mezza (lett. due ore e una mezza)


two and a half hours etc.

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UNIT 11 14

It is time to go. = E’ ora (di) andare.

Quando le preposizioni di - a - da - per precedono

l’infinito italiano, in inglese si omettono.

- Give me something to eat. (da mangiare) - No! Begin to read! (a leggere) You come here to study… (per studiare) …not to waste time! (per) sprecare - Oh, I’m so tired! I’m going away. It’s time to go to bed. (di andare)


pity = pietà

To feel pity for = sentire pietà per

> Those people that go on holiday and abandon their dogs

and cats are very cruel. They feel no pity for their poor, loving animals.

What a pity! = Che peccato! (lett. Che pietà!) Tom and Margaret

Tom - The first number of the show is over. It was a

flamenco dance. What a pity! Marg. - But, we can come again tomorrow evening. Tom - No, we can’t. Tomorrow evening there is a football

match on TV that I can’t miss. Marg. - What a pity! === was = era

I can’t miss = non posso perdermi

sin = peccato

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UNIT 11 15


My real name is Abelard, but most people call me Abel.

la maggior parte delle

persone mi chiamano

I can’t understand it, because Abelard and Abel are two completely different names.

Some of my teachers call me Abel the rebel. ribelle

They call me “rebel” because I am always speaking about students’ rights.


If women want their rights why can’t young people speak about their rights, too?


The problem is that very few people understand us. Least of all our teachers.

meno di tutti

<<<☺☺☺☺>>> hurry = fretta to hurry = affrettarsi, sbrigarsi Hurry up! = Sbrigati! I’m in a hurry! = Ho fretta! (lett. Io sono in una fretta!)


My father and mother are always in a hurry.

They get up very early. They have a shower in a hurry, they have breakfast in a hurry, and they go to work in a hurry.

I hate doing things in a hurry! When I have breakfast, I like eating slowly. I enjoy eating my bread and butter calmly. And I love having my chocolate milk without having to hurry.

But my mother is always saying to me, “Hurry up, Abel! Hurry up! It’s late! - It’s late!”

=== early = presto to hate = odiare

late = tardi without = senza

to enjoy = piacere molto

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UNIT 11 16

forma in “-ing” Dopo alcuni verbi, si può usare tanto la forma in -ing come


to like = piacere

to love = amare

to hate = odiare

to enjoy = godere - gradire molto

to begin = cominciare

> Abel likes eating / to eat slowly. He loves drinking / to drink his chocolate milk calmly. He hates doing / to do things in a hurry. He enjoys eating / to eat his bread and butter without

having to hurry. He begins studying / to study at half-past three.

<<<☺☺☺☺>>> > I would like to go to Paris.

Abel would like to eat slowly. He would love to drink his chocolate milk calmly. He would hate to do things in a hurry.

He would enjoy to eat his bread and butter without any


Dopo le forme del condizionale il verbo che segue si mette all’infinito.

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UNIT 11 17 Abel

My day

My day begins at seven o’clock, when my enemy

wakes me up. Who is my enemy? - My enemy is

my alarm clock, of course.


mi sveglia


When I wake up, I remain in bed for about ten

minutes, thinking and looking at all my beautiful

posters. Then, I get up and go to the bathroom to

have a nice shower.

When I come out of the shower and comb my

hair, I always see a very sad face in the mirror.

In the morning, when I get up, I always have a

sad expression on my face, except when I am at

the seaside with my parents and my sister.







al mare

My sister Debra likes to get up early. She is a

strange girl. So, when I go to the kitchen to have

breakfast, she is already sitting at the table

drinking her second glass of chocolate milk.


strana - cucina

At eight o’clock my sister and I go to the bus stop.

At the bus stop there are always some of my

schoolmates. The expression on their faces is sad,

too. It’s strange, but I never see anyone with a

happy face in the morning.

compagni di >


At half-past eight my lessons start. And after five

long hours the lessons are over and I go back home.


ritorno a casa

Lunchtime is the first pleasant time of the day,

because my mother is a very good cook, and I love




After lunch, at about three o’clock, I lie down on

my bed and have a little siesta.

mi sdraio

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UNIT 11 18 (continuation) Abel

At half-past three I begin studying and I usually

finish my homework at about eight o’clock.

Why so late? Ask my teachers. Most of them think

that besides study, there is nothing better to do in


di solito

così tardi

oltre a >

di meglio

At half-past eight I have dinner.

When dinner is over, I would like to sit down,

relax, and watch a nice film on TV- but I am so tired

and sleepy that I haven’t any wish to watch TV. So,

I go to my room, read comics for half an hour and

go to bed. Isn’t my day exciting?





Carmelo Mangano – http://www.englishforitalians.com

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UNIT 11 19

The Poor Student and the Beautiful Dancer

This is a very important night for me. I am

sitting in an elegant night club, but I am alone.

This is the first time that I come to a night club,

because I haven’t got much money. I am only a

poor student.



The waiter brings me a glass of orange juice. I

never drink alcohol. The waiter says that the show

is very good tonight. But it is already half-past ten,

and the first number is already over. What a pity!

stanotte - già

è finito

The second number begins, it is a flamenco

dance. The dancer is a beautiful young girl. She

has big black eyes and a pale face. She is wearing

a white dress, and there is a red rose in her black

hair. She dances wonderfully.

pallido >


The programme says that she will be in this

night club for three nights. I would like to come

back and see her again, but I cannot. I haven’t

enough money.



The dancer dances three times. For the second

dance she wears a green dress. For the third

dance her dress is blue. All three dresses are

elegant and expensive. She is a famous dancer.

She is a star.


I like all her dresses, but I prefer the white one. quello bianco

She is beautiful! She is wonderful!

There is a little flower shop in the night club. The

flowers are beautiful, but very expensive. There

are flowers of many colours. I buy six red



I return to my table, I take a pencil and I write

on the programme, “For the wonderful dancer with

the beautiful eyes.”



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UNIT 11 20

(continuation) The Poor Student and the Beautiful Dancer

I give the flowers and the programme to the

waiter and I say to him, “Give these flowers to the

dancer, please.” Then I go away.

The night is very dark. I walk for many hours…

thinking… thinking… I am a young, romantic boy

and the beautiful dancer is my first love. My only

love. For now and for ever. But I am only a poor

student and she is a famous star.


per sempre

I like all her dresses, but I prefer the white one.

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UNIT 11 21


1. Fai la traduzione orale.

2. Copia tutta la pagina.

1. - What time is it?

2. Remember that the show begins at nine.

3. - My watch is slow.

4. - Then look at that cuckoo clock.

5. - That clock is always fast.

6. - This is an expensive night club.

7. The show begins at eleven.

8. The dancers are famous.

9. The first number is over.

10. What a pity!

11. - Look at that woman!

12. - Which woman? There are so many women here!

13. - The blonde one with the beautiful pearls.

14. - In my opinion, pearls are for dark women.

15. - Opinions change.

16. - I wake up at six, when my husband gets up, …

17. …but, I get up at a quarter past seven.

18. I have breakfast at half-past eight.

19. My husband has no time for breakfast.

20. I have lunch at one.

21. My husband prefers to have just a sandwich.

22. He hasn’t much time for lunch.

23. Only twenty minutes.

24. He has no dinner because his work is over at midnight.

25. When he comes back home, he is very tired.

26. He sits in a comfortable arm-chair and watches TV.

27. Poor man! He has a tough life.

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UNIT 11 22


1. Tradurre in inglese per iscritto ed oralmente.

1. - Che ora è?

2. Ricorda che lo spettacolo comincia alle nove.

3. - Il mio orologio è indietro.

4. - Allora guarda quel orologio a cucù.

5. - Quel orologio è sempre avanti.

6. - Questo è un costoso night club.

7. Lo spettacolo comincia alle undici.

8. I ballerini sono famosi.

9. Il primo numero è finito.

10. Che peccato!

11. - Guarda quella donna!

12. - Quale donna? Ci sono tante donne qui.

13. - Quella bionda con le belle perle.

14. - Secondo me, le perle sono per donne scure.

15. - Le opinioni cambiano.

16. - Io mi sveglio alle sei, quando mio marito si alza, …

17. …ma io mi alzo alle sette e un quarto.

18. Io faccio colazione alle otto e mezza.

19. Mio marito non ha tempo per colazione.

20. Io pranzo all’una.

21. Mio marito preferisce mangiare solo un sandwich.

22. Egli non ha molto tempo per pranzo.

23. Solo venti minuti.

24. Egli non cena. Perché il suo lavoro finisce a mezzanotte.

25. Quando egli ritorna a casa, egli è molto stanco.

26. Egli si siede in una comoda poltrona e guarda la TV.

27. Povero uomo! Egli ha una vita dura.

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UNIT 11 23


1. Rispondi alle seguenti domande.

1. Margaret says that it is eight o’clock. Is her watch slow or

fast? 2. Tom says that it is half-past eight. Is his watch slow, fast

or right? 3. Is the night club cheap or expensive? 4. What is the second number on the programme of the show? 5. Are pearls only for dark women? What is your opinion?

6. Margaret has no pearls. Have you got any pearls?

7. Is Margaret eating a chocolate ice cream or a strawberry

ice cream?

8. Is Tom drinking orange juice or whisky?

9. Robert wants to throw the wine away. Why?

10. Why can’t Millie throw the wine away?

11. Which of them is right?

12. Which of them is wrong?

13. What is Abel’s real name?

14. When Abel is having breakfast, what is his mother always

saying to him?

15. Write what Abel has for breakfast.

16. When Abel gets up in the morning, has he got a happy or a

sad expression on his face?

17. When has he got a happy expression? 18. According to Abel, his sister Debra is a very strange girl.


19. Is lunchtime a pleasant or unpleasant time for Abel?

20. Why has Abel no wish to watch TV?

21. Abel says that his day is exciting. Is he serious, or is he


22. Are your English lessons exciting or boring?

23. When you get up in the morning have you got a happy or a

sad expression on your face?

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UNIT 11 24

La soluzione di questi esercizi si trova dalla pag. 31 a 35.


2. Completa le frasi seguenti inserendo “any” o “no”. Abel

I would like to buy some new records, but I haven’t got

….. money. I would like to go out with my friends and play football.

But I have ….. time. When I finish my homework, I’m so tired that I have …..

wish to watch TV. In summer I have ….. problems. There is …..school, so

there isn’t ….. homework to do, and there is ….. enemy

that wakes me up in the morning.

3. Traduci in inglese.

1. Sono le otto di mattina.

2. Sono le cinque del pomeriggio.

3. Sono le nove di sera.

4. Per colazione io ho (mangio) pane, burro e marmellata.

5. Per pranzo io ho (mangio) un piatto di pasta con salsa di

pomodoro. (tomato sauce)

6. Per cena io ho (mangio) solo un’insalata.

7. Mi piace raccontare barzellette spiritose.

8. Sorridere - Ridere

9. Dimenticare - Perdonare

10. Vai via! - Buttalo via!

11. Millie dice che non è buono sprecare cose.

12. Ho fretta! Hai fretta?

13. Mio padre si alza molto presto, e va a letto molto tardi.

14. Abel odia mangiare in fretta.

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UNIT 11 25

La soluzione di questi esercizi si trova dalla pag. 31 a 35.


4. Completa le frasi seguenti inserendo: at - in - to - on.

….. seven o’clock Abel wakes up. He usually stays …..

bed for about ten minutes looking ….. his posters. Then he

goes ….. the bathroom to have a shower. ….. the morning he always has a sad expression ….. his face. When he comes out of the bathroom he goes back …..

the bedroom to dress. When he goes ….. the kitchen, his sister Debra is

already there. She is sitting ….. the kitchen table having

her second glass of chocolate milk. ….. eight o’clock, Abel and his sister go ….. the bus

stop. There are always many people ….. the bus stop, with

sad expressions ….. their faces. There are also many boys

and girls with heavy school-bags ….. their shoulders. Abel’s lessons begin ….. half-past eight, and finish …..

half-past one. ….. lunch time Abel is very happy, because his mother is

a very good cook and she prepares delicious meals. And as

we know he loves eating. After lunch, Abel lies ….. his bed and has a little siesta. ….. about eight o’clock, ….. the evening, he finishes his

homework, and ….. half-past eight he has dinner with his

family. After dinner Abel’s father likes to watch TV and have a

glass of whisky, sitting ….. a comfortable armchair. ….. ten o’clock Abel goes ….. bed. === heavy = pesante shoulders = spalle

schoolbag = zaino meal = pasto

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UNIT 11 26

La soluzione di questi esercizi si trova dalla pag. 31 a 35.


5. Scrivi le ore in inglese.


112:00 = It is twelve o’clock.

5:00 5:05 5:10 6:15 6:20 7:30 7:40 7:45 7:55

6. Scrivi le ore in inglese.


03:00 = three in the morning - 3 a.m. 15:00 = five in the afternoon - 5 p.m.

06:00 08:00 10:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 04:00

7. Scrivi le ore in inglese.


112:15 = a quarter past twelve - twelve fifteen

04:10 06:15 08:20 10:30 11:45 19:20 19:30 19:50


12:00 twelve in the morning midday 12 a.m.

00:00 twelve at night midnight 12 p.m.

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UNIT 11 27

La soluzione di questi esercizi si trova dalla pag. 31 a 35.


7. Traduci le seguenti frasi.

( Prima di iniziare a tradurre rileggi la pagina 3.

1. I capelli di Margaret sono biondi.

2. Il nome di sua sorella è Linda.

3. La madre di Abel è americana.

4. Le stanze di Abel e Debra sono piccole.

5. La casa dei loro nonni (grandparents) è molto bella.

6. I vestiti (clothes) di quelle donne sono molto eleganti.

7. I genitori di quei bambini sono entrambi (both) insegnanti.

Carmelo Mangano – http://www.englishforitalians.com

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UNIT 11 28


alarm E la :m allarme

alarm clock E la :m k lØk sveglia

animal AnimE l animale

awful Ø : fE l orribile

bathroom ba : † rum stanza da bagno

to be over t u b i ouvE finire

to begin t u b ig in cominciare

besides b i sa ids oltre a, inoltre

better be tE meglio, migliore

butter bú tE burro

carnation ka :ne iSEn garofano

to change t u t Se indZ cambiare

cheese t S i :z formaggio

clock k lØk orologio

comb koum pettine

to comb t u koum pettinare: pettinarsi

to come back t u kúm bAk tornare

comics kØmiks fumetti

cook kuk cuoco / cuoca

to cook t u kuk cucinare

couple kúp l coppia

cruel kruE l crudele

dance da :ns ballo

to dance t u da :ns ballare

dancer da :nsE ballerino - ballerina

dark da :k scuro

double dúb l doppio

drink dr iNk bevanda

early E : l i presto

enemy enEmi nemico

to enjoy t u i ndZØ i godere

entrance fee en t r Ens f i : biglietto d’ingresso >>>

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UNIT 11 29


expression i k spreSEn espressione

face f e i s faccia

famous f e imEs famoso

fantastic f En tAs t ik fantastico

fast f a : s t veloce

for ever f E r evE per sempre

to forget t u f Ege t dimenticare

free f r i : libero

funny fún i spiritoso

half ha : f metà

to hate t u he i t odiare

hurry húr i fretta

to hurry t u hú r i affrettarsi

ice a i s ghiaccio - gelato

ice cream a i s -k r i :m gelato

jewellery dZu :E l r i gioielleria

joke dZouk barzelletta - scherzo

to joke t u dZouk scherzare

jolly dZØ l i allegro

kitchen k i tSEn cucina

late l e i t tardi

to laugh t u l a : f ridere

midday midde i mezzogiorno

midnight midna i t mezzanotte

mirror mirE specchio

to miss t u mi s perdere

next neks t prossimo

not anyone nØ t en iwún nessuno

to pass t u pa :s passare

past pa : s t passato

peace p i : s pace

pearl pE : l perla


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UNIT 11 30


pity p i t i pietà

plate p le i t piatto

pleasant p lezn t piacevole

quarter kwØ : t E quarto

real r i E l vero

rebel r eb l ribelle

to relax t u r i lAks rilassare - rilassarsi

to remain t u r ime in rimanere

right r a i t corretto, esatto

right r a i t diritto (sost.)

rose rouz rosa (fiore)

schoolmate sku : lmei t compagno di scuola

seaside s i : sa id mare - spiaggia

show Sou spettacolo

shower SauE doccia

sleep s l i : p sonno

to sleep t u s l i : p dormire

sleepy s l i : p i assonnato

slow s lou lento

to stay t u s t e i rimanere

strange s t re indZ strano

to talk t u t Ø :k conversare

to throw away t u † rou Ewe i buttare via

time t a im volta - tempo - ora

can kAn latta, lattina

tonight t Ena i t stanotte

usually j u :ZuE l i di solito

to wake up t u we ik up svegliare, svegliarsi

to waste t u we is t sprecare

watch wØtS orologio (da polso)

to wear t u weE indossare

wish wiS desiderio

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UNIT 11 31

Soluzione degli Esercizi Exercises

1. Rispondi alle seguenti domande.

1. Margaret says that it is eight o’clock. Is her watch slow or


Margaret’s watch is slow.

2. Tom says that it is half-past eight. Is his watch slow, fast or right?

Tom’s watch is fast. The cuckoo clock strikes 9 o’clock.

3. Is the night club cheap or expensive? The night club is cheap.

4. What is the second number on the programme of the show?

The second number is a flamenco dance. There are four famous dancers: a man and three women.

5. Are pearls only for dark women? What is your opinion? I think that pearls are for all women / for dark women.

6. Margaret has no pearls. Have you got any pearls?

No, I have no pearls. / Yes, I have pearl earrings.

7. Is Margaret eating a chocolate ice cream or a strawberry

ice cream?

Margaret is eating a chocolate ice cream.

8. Is Tom drinking orange juice or whisky? Tom is drinking a double whisky.

9. Robert wants to throw the wine away. Why?

Robert wants to throw the wine away because it is bitter.

10. Why can’t Millie throw the wine away?

Millie says that it isn’t right to waste things.

11. Which of them is right? Robert / Millie is right.

12. Which of them is wrong?

Millie / Robert is wrong. >>>

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UNIT 11 32

Soluzione degli Esercizi Exercises

13. What is Abel’s real name?

Abel’s real name is Abelard.

14. When Abel is having breakfast, what is his mother always

saying to him?

Abel’s mother is always saying to him to him, “Hurry up Abel. It’s late, it’s late!”

15. Write what Abel has for breakfast.

For breakfast, Abel has bread and butter, and chocolate milk.

16. When Abel gets up in the morning, has he got a happy or a

sad expression on his face? When he gets up in the morning, he has a sad expression

on his face.

17. When has he got a happy expression?

Abel has a happy expression when he is at the seaside.

18. According to Abel, his sister Debra is a very strange girl. Why?

According to him, she is strange because she likes to get up early in the morning.

19. Is lunchtime a pleasant or unpleasant time for Abel?

For Abel, lunchtime is the first pleasant time of the day.

20. Why has Abel no wish to watch TV? He has no wish to watch TV because he is tired and sleepy.

21. Abel says that his day is exciting. Is he serious, or is he

joking? He is joking.

22. Are your English lessons exciting or boring?

My English lessons are exciting / boring…

23. When you get up in the morning have you got a happy or a

sad expression on your face?

When I get up in the morning I always have a happy / sad expression on my face.


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UNIT 11 33

Soluzione degli Esercizi Exercises

2. Completa le frasi seguenti inserendo “any” o “no”.

Abel I would like to buy some new records, but I haven’t got any

money. I would like to go out with my friends and play football. But

I have no time. When I finish my homework, I’m so tired that I have no

wish to watch TV. In summer I have no problems. There is no school, so there

isn’t any homework to do, and there is no enemy that wakes me up in the morning.

3. Traduci in inglese.

1. Sono le otto di mattina.

It is eight o’clock in the morning.

2. Sono le cinque del pomeriggio.

It is five o’clock in the afternoon.

3. Sono le nove di sera.

It is nine o’clock in the evening.

4. Per colazione io ho (mangio) pane, burro e marmellata.

For breakfast I have bread, butter and jam.

5. Per pranzo io ho (mangio) un piatto di pasta con salsa di

pomodoro. (tomato sauce)

For lunch I have a plate of pasta with tomato sauce.

6. Per cena io ho (mangio) solo un’insalata.

For dinner I have only a salad.


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UNIT 11 34

Soluzione degli Esercizi Exercises

7. Mi piace raccontare barzellette spiritose.

I like to tell funny jokes.

8. Sorridere - Ridere

To smile - To laugh

9. Dimenticare - Perdonare

To forget - To forgive

10. Vai via! - Buttalo via!

Go away! - Throw it away!

11. Millie dice che non è buono sprecare cose.

Millie says that it isn’t good to waste things.

12. Ho fretta! Hai fretta?

I’m in a hurry! Are you in a hurry?

13. Mio padre si alza molto presto, e va a letto molto tardi.

My father gets up very early, and goes to bed very late.

14. Abel odia mangiare in fretta.

Abel hates to eat in a hurry.

Carmelo Mangano – http://www.englishforitalians.com

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UNIT 11 35

Soluzione degli Esercizi Exercises

4. Completa le frasi seguenti inserendo: at - in - to - on

( A b e l )

At seven o’clock Abel wakes up. He usually stays in bed

for about ten minutes looking at his posters. Then he goes to the bathroom to have a shower.

In the morning he always has a sad expression on his


When he comes out of the bathroom he goes back to the bedroom to dress.

When he goes to the kitchen, his sister Debra is already

there. She is sitting at the kitchen table having her second glass of chocolate milk.

At eight o’clock, Abel and his sister go to the bus stop.

There are always many people at the bus stop, with sad expressions on their faces. There are also many boys and girls with heavy school-bags on their shoulders.

Abel’s lessons begin at half-past eight, and finish at half-

past one.

At lunch time Abel is very happy, because his mother is a very good cook and she prepares delicious meals. And as we know he loves eating.

After lunch, Abel lies on his bed and has a little siesta.

At about eight o’clock, in the evening, he finishes his

homework, and at half-past eight he has dinner with his family.

After dinner Abel’s father likes to watch TV and have a

glass of whisky, sitting in a comfortable armchair.

At ten o’clock Abel goes to bed. === heavy = pesante shoulders = spalle schoolbag = zaino meal = pasto

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UNIT 11 36

Soluzione degli Esercizi Exercises

5. Scrivi le ore in inglese.

Esempio 12:00 = It is twelve o’clock.

5:00 It is five o’clock.

5:05 It is five (minutes) past five.

5:10 It is ten (minutes) past five.

6:15 It is a quarter past six.

6:20 It is twenty past six.

7:30 It is half past seven.

7:40 It is twenty to eight.

7:45 It is a quarter to eight.

7:55 It is five to eight.

6. Scrivi le ore in inglese.

Esempi 03:00 = three in the morning - 3 a.m.

15:00 = three in the afternoon - 3 p.m.

04:00 four in the morning 4 a.m.

06:00 six in the morning 6 a.m.

08:00 eight in the morning 8 a.m.

10:00 ten in the morning 10 a.m.

16:00 four in the afternoon 4 p.m.

18:00 six in the evening 6 p.m.

20:00 eight in the evening 8 p.m.

22:00 ten in the evening 10 p.m.

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UNIT 11 37

Soluzione degli Esercizi Exercises

7. Scrivi le ore in inglese.

04:10 ten past four four ten

06:15 a quarter past six six fifteen

08:20 twenty past eight eight twenty

10:30 half past ten ten thirty

11:45 a quarter to twelve eleven forty-five

19:20 twenty past seven nineteen twenty

19:30 half past seven nineteen thirty

19:50 ten to eight nineteen fifty

7. Traduci le seguenti frasi.

1. I capelli di Margaret sono biondi. Margaret’s hair is blonde.

2. Il nome di sua sorella è Linda. Her sister’s name is Linda.

3. La madre di Abel è americana. Abel’s mother is American.

4. Le stanze di Abel e Debra sono piccole. Abel and Debra’s rooms are small.

5. La casa dei loro nonni (grandparents) è molto bella. Their grandparents’ house is very beautiful.

6. I vestiti (clothes) di quelle donne sono molto eleganti. Those women’s clothes are very elegant.

7. I genitori di quei bambini sono entrambi (both) insegnanti. Those children’s parents are both teachers.

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