why ced definitions features of ced values inherent in ced the how of ced the results and...


Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Why CED  Definitions  Features of CED  Values inherent in CED  The How of CED  The Results and Challenges of CED  Summary and Conclusion
Page 2: Why CED  Definitions  Features of CED  Values inherent in CED  The How of CED  The Results and Challenges of CED  Summary and Conclusion

Why CED Definitions Features of CED Values inherent in CED The How of CED The Results and Challenges of CED Summary and Conclusion

Page 3: Why CED  Definitions  Features of CED  Values inherent in CED  The How of CED  The Results and Challenges of CED  Summary and Conclusion
Page 4: Why CED  Definitions  Features of CED  Values inherent in CED  The How of CED  The Results and Challenges of CED  Summary and Conclusion

Stop the leaks in the local economy▫ Out migration of people and resources

Increase the Inflow – build on assets▫ What can we leverage

Secure the plugs▫ Take control of local resources

Strengthen the bucket▫ Invest in infrastructure or people.

Page 5: Why CED  Definitions  Features of CED  Values inherent in CED  The How of CED  The Results and Challenges of CED  Summary and Conclusion

A technique▫e.g. a way of organizing a meeting

A single program of an organization▫e.g. a community business or a skills

training project A person

▫e.g. someone starting an enterprise An organization

Page 6: Why CED  Definitions  Features of CED  Values inherent in CED  The How of CED  The Results and Challenges of CED  Summary and Conclusion

Community Economic Development (CED) is action by people locally to create economic opportunities and better social conditions, particularly for those who are most disadvantaged.

CED is an approach that recognizes that economic, environmental and social challenges are interdependent, complex and ever-changing.

To be effective, solutions must be rooted in local knowledge and led by community members. CED promotes holistic approaches, addressing individual, community and regional levels, recognizing that these levels are interconnected.

Page 7: Why CED  Definitions  Features of CED  Values inherent in CED  The How of CED  The Results and Challenges of CED  Summary and Conclusion
Page 8: Why CED  Definitions  Features of CED  Values inherent in CED  The How of CED  The Results and Challenges of CED  Summary and Conclusion

Community Development (CD)

CD is action by people locally to sustain and strengthen their community of place or interest through citizen engagement where community members meaningfully influence decisions that affect their lives. CD is about community members identifying the challenges and opportunities they face, understanding the various dynamics that impact them, and collectively deciding on a course of action that will build capacity in the community members in the process. CD enables people to work together to influence change and exert control over the social, political, and economic issues that affect their lives. It challenges inequitable power relationships within society and promote redistribution of wealth and resources in a more just and equitable fashion through an alternative way of working together that is focused on social inclusion through dynamic, innovative, and creative approaches.

Page 9: Why CED  Definitions  Features of CED  Values inherent in CED  The How of CED  The Results and Challenges of CED  Summary and Conclusion

Economic Development

Economic development refers to the deliberate effort to improve the economy of a specified geographic area, which can be as large as an entire nation-state or as limited as a city neighbourhood. Benefits, beneficiaries, and ownership can differ from case to case. The intended economic improvements themselves will also vary from case to case. Indeed, one of the problems in the process is how to define the measures that would indicate whether or to what degree any improvement has taken place.

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Local Economic Development

The reference of this term is very close to community economic development in that it targets a specific fairly limited locality for more than a single project approach. Where it differs most is in the usual governance structure. That is, as a program, "LED" is generally carried on by a local government (or quasi-governmental entity) or by a business consortium such as the local Chamber of Commerce.  The lack of participation in governance by a broad range of community residents tends to mean that both ownership and the program's activities may be relatively limited, thus reducing the spread of benefits and beneficiaries. Moreover, without broad citizen participation, LED tends to be a less comprehensive strategy, involving fewer different functions.

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Devolves decision-making to those most affected by those decisions.

Weaves together economic, social and environmental goals.

Focuses on more than one issue. Uses more than one technique Is long-term in nature.

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1. If nobody is going to help us then we gotta help ourselves.

2. If we are going to help ourselves then we have to start with what we got.

3. If we are going to work together then we have to weave together each others motivations and interests.

4. Once we have a plan – then – we gotta do it.

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Positive social transformation and change.▫ Social and economic justice;▫ Poverty reduction

Participants as partners not clients. Individual/collective empowerment and self-help. Equal opportunity and equal access to resources. Sensitive and understanding of particular needs. Having a different understanding of risk. Positive, Practical, Progressive, Pragmatic,


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There is no ‘one’ strategy for building community capacity – the possibilities are endless.

The following ‘basic functions’ appear in a large number of CED initiatives▫ Research, planning and networking▫ Community ownership and equity▫ Human resource development▫ Access to Capital (equity, debt, grant)

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A single purpose organization The Community Development

Corporation (CDC) The Integrated Service Delivery

Organization The Convenor organizations

▫Associations and Networks The Infrastructure Organization

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Organizations that focus on one issue e.g. housing

And/or use one or two functions e.g. training

And do so consciously making the links to build a local integrated solution.

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Organizations that bring together many functions under one-roof▫E.g. Networking, research & planning,

advocacy, loan fund

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Organizations that offer myriad services that are strategically linked to each other and to local needs

These organizations usually focus on labour force development.

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Organizations that bring together and help coordinate the work of many CED and local organizations to revitalize the community

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Organizations that support the efforts of CED groups through the following methods:▫Technical Assistance▫Funding▫Research▫Policy▫Networking

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There is a growing body of evidence that the CED approach is effective in:▫Ensuring solutions fit local needs and priorities▫ Improving the lives of marginalized residents▫Strengthening the capacity of local institutions▫Expanding the local economy▫Generating return to the taxpayer

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Amount/Type of funding that is available▫Government silos

Lack of supportive policy framework▫ Nationally defined programs

Short-term expectation

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Maintaining a meaningful voice for marginalized residents

Thinking & acting comprehensively Working collaboratively Building sufficient skills, networks and

financial resources in the organization Balancing social, economic and

environmental priorities

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Page 25: Why CED  Definitions  Features of CED  Values inherent in CED  The How of CED  The Results and Challenges of CED  Summary and Conclusion

To bring together all the different types of CED organizations

To support practitioner development and peer learning among it’s members.

To advocate policy to all levels of government and key sectors to strengthen support to community led efforts.

To promote CED as an alternative model.

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To provide the opportunity to talented youth to enter into the CED field.

To support peer learning between interns and CED organizations.

To provide a broad perspective on CED as a national field of work

To highlight both the similarities and differences between CED organizations based on type and geography

To contribute to the growth of the CED movement in Canada

Page 27: Why CED  Definitions  Features of CED  Values inherent in CED  The How of CED  The Results and Challenges of CED  Summary and Conclusion