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Chapter 10


Communication Competence


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If you are not in tune with the universe, there is sickness in the heart and mind.

—Navajo Saying

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Learning Objectives

In this chapter, students will learn how to: 1. perceive the factors underlying intercultural communication competence. 2. understand the definition of intercultural communication competence.

3. describe the relationship between intercultural communication competence and intercultural competence. 4. summarize the various components of intercultural competence. 5. distinguish the dimensions of intercultural competence. 6. master the strategies and skills for improving intercultural competence.

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Intercultural Communication Competence

Factors Components Improving Intercultural








Significance of CIC

Imperative for IC





Situational Features


Chapter OutlineChapter Outline

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Lead-in Case Lead-in Case What’s the Matter with the What’s the Matter with the Gift? Gift?

Please read case and then discuss the questions in pairs. 1. Why do you think the old woman appeared to be angry?2. How do you relate the old woman’s behavior to her culture?

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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1. Significance of Competent Intercultural Communication

2. The Imperative for Intercultural Competencea. The Economic Imperative for Intercultural

Competenceb. The Technological Imperative for Intercultural

Competencec. The Demographic Imperative for Intercultural

Competenced. The Social Justice Imperative for Intercultural


Factors underlying Intercultural Factors underlying Intercultural Communication Competence Communication Competence

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication CompetenceText Text AA

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Why do we need intercultural

competence in modern society?

After-Reading Check

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Four DefinitionsCompetent Communication Communication Competence Intercultural Competence Intercultural Communication Competence

Text BText BDefinitions: Communication Definitions: Communication Competence and Intercultural Competence and Intercultural Communication CompetenceCommunication Competence

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Competent communication

Competent communication is interaction

that is perceived as effective in fulfilling

certain rewarding objectives and is also

appropriate to the context in which the

interac tion occurs.

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Communication Competence

Communication competence is a social judgment that people make about others.

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Intercultural Competence

“The ability to become effective and appropriate in interacting across cultures”

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Intercultural communication


Intercultural communication competence refers to the ability to accomplish effective and appropriate intercultural communication between communicators of different cultures.

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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The Components of Intercultural CompetenceIndividual Components of Intercultural Competence :Individual components usually include motivation, knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and skills. Contextual Components of Intercultural Competence

Text CText CThe Components of The Components of Intercultural Competence Intercultural Competence

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Individual Components of Intercultural Competence

Motivation includes the overall set of emotional associations that people have as they actually communicate interculturally.

a. Motivation

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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The knowledge component comprises various cognitive aspects of communication competence; it involves what we know about ourselves and others, and about various aspects of communication.

b. Knowledge

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Many attitudes contribute to intercultural communication competence, including tolerance for ambiguity, empathy, and nonjudgmentalness.

c. Attitudes

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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There seem to be two levels of behavioral competence. The macro level includes many culture-general behaviors, then there is the micro level, at which these general behaviors are implemented in culture-specific ways.

d. Behaviors and Skills

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Contextual Components of Intercultural Contextual Components of Intercultural CompetenceCompetence

• Context refers to all the information in the actual communication setting, so some intercultural communication scholars would use another term “situational features” to refer to the context.

• Another aspect of context is the communicator's position within a speech community.

• In addition, an individual’s competence may be constrained by the political, economic, and historical contexts.

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Text DText DThe Dimensions of The Dimensions of Intercultural CompetenceIntercultural Competence

• The Knowledge Dimension • The Affective Dimension • The Psychomotor Dimension • The Situational Features Dimension

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Intercultural Competence


Situational Features


Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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a. Ethnocentrism

b. Cognitive Complexity

c. Self-esteem and Confidence

d. Innovativeness

e. Trust in Peoplef. Acculturation Motivation

Text EText EStrategies and Skills for Strategies and Skills for Improving Intercultural Improving Intercultural CompetenceCompetence

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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a. Work to Emphasize Areas of Similarity with Others

b. Try to Accept Differing Opinions

c. Make Your Verbal Messages

d. Avoid Dominating Conversations

e. Avoid Being Submissive in Conversations

f. Be an Affirmer

Skills for Improving Skills for Improving Intercultural CompetenceIntercultural Competence

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Case studyCase study

Improved Communication

Alternative communication began early on our Beijing bound flight. A strong Chinese man in a navy-blue suit was the last to board. He sat down in the aisle seat next to my travel mate, Aaron, and threw his seat belt across his lap. Neither Aaron nor I had yet learned how to say as much as "hello" in Chinese. We caught the blue-suited man's attention and greeted him with a silent nod and smile. He turned away with a look of slight disgust, which we interpreted as a message to end efforts at socialization.

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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We were discouraged by the hostility of this first encounter, but we were determined to improve our capacity. We opened our China travel book and started in on the "Useful Phrases" section. As we practiced counting from 1 to 10 quietly, we were startled to hear the third resident of our row chime in to correct our pronunciation of the number 2, ("aarrr," not "rrr"). We overeagerly corrected ourselves, thanked him generously, and went on counting; making it clear that constructive criticism was welcome. For the remainder of the flight, Mr. Wang leaned over our book and pointed out our mistakes. We shared a few laughs.

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It did not matter that much if what Mr. Wang taught us was forgotten or misunderstood. What mattered was that his image of us as happily ignorant was dispelled, as was our image of him as hostile. We communicated.

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Assignment Do the Checklist and Assessment. Do the rest exercises and activities in “After-

reading Check” of each text. Answer the following questions:(1) How does this case relate to intercultural

communication?(2) Why did the author have a bad impression on

the Chinese man?(3) How did he change his opinion about the

Chinese man?

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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After-class activities

1. Write a paper analyzing the intercultural communication competence.

2. Review the chapter

Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication Competence

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Thank you! Thank you!