تصميم معماري

!" ! "# $ % Co-relationship between art and architecture should raise the value of architecture, and become strongest as a science supporting human potentialities and creative abilities. Sometimes, the cooperation between art and architecture reaches a desired level that aims at absolute form and attains artistic beautification. In this case it is transformed from a human science to become a branch of the fine arts. Virtually, there is no objection to beauty as a human objective, on the one hand, there is architectural beauty based on; functions, principles, conditions, integration of the formations, as well as the quality of scales, ratios and, color relationships. On the other hand, there is the architectural work that aims at reaching absolute artistic and fine art based on trends, schools of fine art, and styles. The latter does not measure up to the pragmatic benefits that are the main objective of functional architecture. Teaching is the orientation of architecture students towards familiarity with principles of design function. The principles of fine arts come after to develop the innovation skills. There are many schools oriented in the academic architectural field; the first approach concentrates on developing the way of thinking and the other learning fine arts. Basically, there is another way of learning which aims at cooperation between developing the way of thinking and identifying the principles of fine arts together. Teaching architecture design needs to concentrate on, thinking, principles, and skills, because skills develop innovation. Teaching of architecture design ideally should aim towards establishing the basics of thinking first, and developing the skills later in advanced level of learning according to the abilities of each student. This paper discusses the concepts of innovation, skill, and talent, and searching for role of architectural teaching. This paper introduces some of the architectural trends and presents the principles and differentiation for each. The main objective is teaching the way of thinking as a main task of architecture design studio, as well as teaching about trends in the theoretical courses such as theory of architecture and history of architectural thinking. Frequently, by using different design trends, students will have the opportunity to broadly express their skills in design in a more logical and systematic way. Finally, the paper builds a systematic approach to architectural design, teaching in architecture design studio. &’ ( &’ )* + )’ , -##’ . /$0 ++ 01 0#1 2 0 3 ##4 0 .# / * 05 # #1 6.7 /8 ", 9" &: ; : < 6.7 0, = > &: # > ! * -1? 9" @1 -# $9 # ! . $9 -"< = A/ )’ , # ! 8) &: +< B)7 # : &’ 8 B# A/ 6.7 < $#8 B#5 + 1 # 0’ , &’ ) "4 C - 1? ! , A B/ = < 24 / # 01 $ ( 7 = ! 1 1 . # : 0 0 D+ E 0 /# - 0#1 &: + A/ E* F # F F D7 F :’ $/ -/ ! , &’ = C G-* A 8 B8 = 0 C $7 F . - 0 . 7 / B)7 A /24 C , * $ % F F # F 9: / &’ . ##4 0 /#0 #/ 7 B#5 "$ # 81 $ H)8 = 8 G7 / 8 24 0 8< ; $ /# 9 , &’ ", &: + 0, = 0, $ H)8 # -2 ?# 1 / &: * 1 . 9 0 )6.7 0 B#’ < - = 1 I ?# . 0J 0 ! 8< A , - K$ &’ $ 0 8< H)8 0 ; &: 0 L# L F C = D M/# $ H)8 # . &:

Upload: mohammed-alkhateeb

Post on 11-Nov-2015




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building design


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    Co-relationship between art and architecture should raise the value of architecture, and become strongest as a science supporting human potentialities and creative abilities. Sometimes, the cooperation between art and architecture reaches a desired level that aims at absolute form and attains artistic beautification. In this case it is transformed from a human science to become a branch of the fine arts. Virtually, there is no objection to beauty as a human objective, on the one hand, there is architectural beauty based on; functions, principles, conditions, integration of the formations, as well as the quality of scales, ratios and, color relationships. On the other hand, there is the architectural work that aims at reaching absolute artistic and fine art based on trends, schools of fine art, and styles. The latter does not measure up to the pragmatic benefits that are the main objective of functional architecture. Teaching is the orientation of architecture students towards familiarity with principles of design function. The principles of fine arts come after to develop the innovation skills. There are many schools oriented in the academic architectural field; the first approach concentrates on developing the way of thinking and the other learning fine arts. Basically, there is another way of learning which aims at cooperation between developing the way of thinking and identifying the principles of fine arts together. Teaching architecture design needs to concentrate on, thinking, principles, and skills, because skills develop innovation. Teaching of architecture design ideally should aim towards establishing the basics of thinking first, and developing the skills later in advanced level of learning according to the abilities of each student. This paper discusses the concepts of innovation, skill, and talent, and searching for role of architectural teaching. This paper introduces some of the architectural trends and presents the principles and differentiation for each. The main objective is teaching the way of thinking as a main task of architecture design studio, as well as teaching about trends in the theoretical courses such as theory of architecture and history of architectural thinking. Frequently, by using different design trends, students will have the opportunity to broadly express their skills in design in a more logical and systematic way. Finally, the paper builds a systematic approach to architectural design, teaching in architecture design studio.

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