게임제작개론: #2 세부 디자인 요소

게임 제작 개론 #2 세부 디자인 요소 NHN NEXT 구승모

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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NHN NEXT 게임 제작 개론 2번째 수업 게임 인터페이스, 게임 캐릭터, 게임 공간: 레벨 디자인, 전투 체계


  • 1. #2 NHN NEXT

2. Agenda : Discussion Q&A 3. 4. (Game Interface) 5. ? , (Input) (Output) , , (HP/MP) , , 6. , () 7. 8. () Help , 0.1 (lag) Feedback MP , 9. UI : : HP, MP, : (dimension) : , , (mode) (?) () /UI , 10. Hit Map () Hit , 11. Copy (layer) : (sub mode) 12. (Game Character) 13. Player Character (PC) (Avatar) , () , , () , , : () : 14. NPC Non-Player Character AI () , (pet) NPC [] Creature PC, NPC, ETC ( : , ) Mob (mobile object) Big-ass mob, Uber mob? 15. , , (), , , , ? ? ? ? ( ) Diablo III , ? 16. , , , , () , , 17. (interpersonal circumplex) 18. , : ? () ? 19. (Level Design) 20. , , ? , , , 21. () ? 22. ? ( ) ? 1 [] 15 (The Phenomenot of Life) ? 23. 24. , ? 3D 2D ! 3D , ? : : 3 () , 25. () ? 26. () , , , , () , ? 27. : IMG from orangecrocodile.blogspot.com 28. : NDC10 http://www.slideshare.net/kwondoyoung/ndc-10-4885372 29. ? Level Design SI 30. (Combat System) 31. ? ? PvP , (tech) , , , 32. (ability) , , (ability) AI mob (PvE) (PvP) ( ?) 33. (ability) (operative action) (unique) () ( ) () () (counter attack) Advantages: Damage, Stun, DOT, Blindness, HP regen, Penalties: Consumable MP/HP, Cooldown, Delay, Recovery time, 34. Call of Duty 35. 2 High Risk High Reward 36. (Collision) ? ? (formation) (: ) Creature (volume) Case-Study , , WOW, ? 37. (motion) () FPS : () (fireball) , ( ) () FPS : , () , (counter attack) 38. Targeting 39. Non-targeting 40. Targeting vs Non-targeting Targeting Non-targetingT6 T5T4WeaponT3Direction T2 T1 Player Ally In Fact, 3D Volumefor Collision Check Enemy Optimized space search and collision check are needed 41. Targeting vs Non-targeting () () () (focus) 3 , 42. () High Risk High Reward () ? () vs ? ? ? ? 43. Q&A , , , , . ! 44. The Art of Game Design, Jesse Schell 15 http://arload.wordpress.com/2010/11/19/rebecca-wirfs-brock-nature-of-order-i/ http://arload.wordpress.com/2011/05/13/plop-rebecca-wirfs-brock-nature-of-order-ii/ The Fundamental Pillars of a Combat System http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/175950/the_fundamental_pillars_of_a_.php