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Bethel Methodist Church, Bangalore Bethel Tidings 21&22, Bethel Nagar 1st Main, Off Kodigehalli Road, K.R.Puram Hobli, BANGALORE - 560 036. Website: bmcbangalore.org Pastor: Rev. T. David Livingston Cell: 99865 26450 E-mail: [email protected] (For private circulaon only ) A BILINGUAL MONTHLY BULLETIN OF BETHEL METHODIST CHURCH Volume 7-12 December 2013 ZÉÉw à|w|Çzá Éy zÜxtà }Éç ZÉÉw à|w|Çzá Éy zÜxtà }Éç ZÉÉw à|w|Çzá Éy zÜxtà }Éç ZÉÉw à|w|Çzá Éy zÜxtà }Éç Äâ~x EMDC Äâ~x EMDC Äâ~x EMDC Äâ~x EMDC

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Bethel Methodist Church, Bangalore

Bethel Tidings

21&22, Bethel Nagar 1st Main, Off Kodigehall i Road, K.R.Puram

Hobli , BANGALORE - 560 036.

Website: bmcbangalore.org

Pastor: Rev. T. David Livingston

Cell: 99865 26450 E-mail: [email protected]

(For private circula�on only )


Volume 7-12 December 2013

ZÉÉw à|w|Çzá Éy zÜxtà }ÉçZÉÉw à|w|Çzá Éy zÜxtà }ÉçZÉÉw à|w|Çzá Éy zÜxtà }ÉçZÉÉw à|w|Çzá Éy zÜxtà }Éç


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Bethel Methodist Church, Bangalore 2

Advent Festival - 24 Nov.

IEM Christmas Program— 23 Nov.

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Bethel Methodist Church, Bangalore 3

Pastoral Letter

Dearly beloved members,

Gree�ngs to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

It is the month of Christmas again and the word December itself excites us.

This month we engage in many church ac�vi�es to the fullest to celebrate Jesus’

presence on earth and to share the Good News around. Almost all departments of

our Church are doing their best to sing and share the love of Christ in different ways

and I encourage every individual to happily involve in one or more ac�vi�es.

Once when I asked my friend as to what convicted him leading to his conver-

sion in Christ, he said, “I heard a person preaching that Jesus was a historical person

who divided history into two as BC and AD. This excited me and led me to receive the

offer of Salva�on in Christ!”. The birth of Christ talks different things to different peo-

ple and creates decisive effects in them. The content of the angels’ song to the shep-

herds of Bethlehem communicates the desire and reason for Heaven’s mission to

earth through the Messiah. The song was,

"Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, good will toward men!” Luke 2:14

The presence of Jesus, the God of grace and truth, has blessed human histo-

ry to this day. The word of Gospel is the essence of all good and divine things hap-

pening on earth. We must uphold it and con�nue to spread it around.

The carol singing of angels and their group appearance was a special event.

This occurred only once on earth and Heaven’s choice of audience to receive them is

quite thought-provoking. Few shepherds in a remote countryside were those privi-

leged VIPs! Why? Take a careful look at the response of the shepherds to the angels’

message - they were overjoyed at it and started an instant journey to see the new

born baby. On their journey back, they shared the message of the Saviour’s birth to

everyone they saw excitedly. Perhaps, the visita�on of angels was strategized and

planned in Heaven to people who would respond thus.

Heaven views people on a different scale. It cannot differen�ate people as

poor or rich, shepherds or landlords as in the scales of the world. In Heaven, the real

VIPs are those who are excited about the presence of Jesus on earth and are passion-

ate about sharing it. They may be shepherds or beggars or lame and blind or

transgenders or slum dwellers or even so called ‘sinners’ on earth. The first experi-

ence of the shepherds should con�nue on earth.

Let the holy presence of Jesus on earth and in our lives and the message of His

Gospel con�nue to excite us in some way and prompt us to share the message

around. Let us meditate the gospel in the words of the angels’ singing and share it to

the ‘VIPs of Heaven’ on earth around us, just like the ordinary shepherds of Bethle-

hem did so long ago. That is the best way to close the year and prepare for the New

Year 2014. The remaining days aBer Christmas will prepare us to look back at 2013

thankfully for the Lord’s gracious dealing and leading in our lives. Wishing you Christ-

centered and Happy days of Christmas!

Rev. T. David Livingston

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Bethel Methodist Church, Bangalore 4

ேபாதக� மட கிறி����� ப� யமானவ�கேள, நம� இேய�வ�� நாம�தி� அ�ப�� வா����க. ம!ப"#$ கிறி��ம� காலமாகிய "ச$ப� மாத�தி'� நா$ வ(தி)*ப� ெப)மகி�,சிைய அள.�கிற�. இ$மாத$, தி),சைபயாக, இேய� ப�ற*ப�� ந'ெச/திைய ெகா0டா" பல வழிகள.� ம'றவ�க3�� அறிவ��கிேறா$. தன. நபராக�$, �5$பமாக�$ இ(த ந'ெச/திைய பகர

உ7க யாவைர#$ நா� அைழ�கிேற�.

ஒ) 9ைற எ� ந0ப� ஒ)வ ட$, அவ� கிறி��ைவ எ*ப" ஏ'!�ெகா0டா� எ�! ேக<ட ேபா� அவ� “ இேய�ேவ உலக வரலா'ைற கி.9 ,கி.ப� எ�! ப� �க காரணமான மன.த� எ�! ஒ)வ� ப�ரசி7கி�க� ேக<ேட�. இ,ெச/தி எ�ைன இேய�ைவ ஏ'க ?0"ய�” எ�! Aறினா�. கிறி��வ�� ப�ற*B ஒCெவா)வ)��$ ெவCேவ! வழிய�� தா�க�ைத உ05ப0Dகிற�. ெப�லேகமி� ேம/*ப�க3�� ேதவ ?த�கள.� இ(த ந'ெச/தி வா���* பாட�, ேமசியாவ�� வ)ைகைய� �றி�த பரேலாக தி<ட�ைத Aறிய�. அ(த வா���: “உ னத�திலி��கிற ேதவ��� மகிைம��, �மிய�ேல சமாதான �, ம�ஷ� ேம ப�"ய �

உ#டாவதாக” எ பதா��. ((�கா 2:14)

இேய�வ�� இC�லக வா�வ�� Fல$ மன.த வரலா! இ(நா வைர ஆசீ�வதி�க*ப<")�கிற�. ேதவ ந'ெச/தி அைன�� Iேலாக ந'கா ய7க3��$ அ"*பைட. ஆைகயா� நா$ ெதாட�(� இ(த

ந'ெச/ைத ம'றவ�க3�� அறிவ��க ேவ05$.

ேதவ ?த� ேசைனய�� வா���*பாட� ஒ) வரலா'! சிற*Bமி�க நிக�வா�$. ஒ) 9ைற ம<5ேம நட(த இ(த நிக�வ�'�, வய�ெவள.கள.� த7கிய ேம/*ப�க ஏ� ேத�(ெத5�க*ப<டா�க எ�ப� வ�ய�க�த�க� ஆ�$. ேம/*ப�க அதைன� ேக<ட ெபாJ� ெப)மகி�,சியைட(�, உடேன �ழ(ைதைய� காண, ெச�!, அ,ெச/திைய ப�ரசி�த$ப0ண�னா�க. ஆ$, மகி�,சி#ட� இ(த ந'ெச/திைய ம'றவ�க3�� அறிவ��க அவ�களா�

A5$ எ�பதாேலேய அவ�க 9�கியமானவ�களாக ேத�(ெத5�க*ப<டன�!

ேதவ பா�ைவய�� பண�காரேனா, ஏைழேயா வ��தியாசமி�ைல. கிறி�� ப�ற*ப�� ந'ெச/திைய மகி�,சி#ட� ஏ'! ம'றவ�க3�� அறிவ�*பவ�கேள 9�கியமானவ�களாக க)த*ப5வ�—அவ�க யாராக

இ)(தாM$ ச .

ஆகேவ நா9$ இ(த ந'ெச/திைய மகி�,சி#ட� ஏ'!, ந$ைம �'றி#ேளா)�� பகி�ேவாமாக. இ�ேவ இ(த ஆ0ைட நிைறவா/ 9"�� B�தா0"'� ெச�ல சிற(த வழி. உ7க அைனவ)��$ என� இன.ய

கிறி��ம� ந�வா����க.

ேபாதக�. ேடவ�< லிவ�7�ட�

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Bethel Methodist Church, Bangalore 5

ேதவன.ட�தி கி�ைப ெப0றவ1

- தி)மதி. ப� யஙா சி7

நOட$ ப��ேனா�கி* பா��க, ெச/#$ கவைல �'!$9'!$ பா��க, ெச/#$ ந$ப��ைகேயா ேம�ேநா�கி* பா��க, ெச/#$ அ�தைகய தளராத வ��வாச வா��ைகய�� எ5���கா<டாக வா�(த ம யாள.� வா�வ�ைன நா$ ஆரா/(� அறித� அவசிய$. ேதவன.ட$ கி)ைப ெப'றவ ம யா எ�! P�கா 1:30 �றி*ப�5கிற�. க��த � பா�ைவய�� ம யா3�� ம<5$ ஏ� இ(த வ�ேசஷி�த கி)ைப? ேராம அரசி� அ"ைமதன�திலி)(� மV<க ேமசியாைவ எதி�பா����ெகா0")(தன� அ�ைறய Wத�க. அ�தைகய ேமசியாவ�� தாயாக வ�ள7�வ� மிக�$ மதி*ப�'�$ Bக�,சி��$ உ யதா�$. ஆனா� ம யாேளா த�ைன அ�தைகய வா���தM�� த�திய��லாதவ என� க)தினா. தன�ெக�! எ(த ஒ) அ7கீகார�ைத#$ வ�)$பேவா எதி�பா��கேவா இ�ைல. ஒ)வ�, தா� ஒ�!மி�லி)(�$, த�ைன ஒ) ெபா)<ெட�! எ0ண�னா�, த�ைன�தாேன வXசி�கிறவனாவா� (கலா�திய� 6:3) எ�ற வசன�தி�ப" த�ைன ஒ) ெபா)<ெட�! எ0ணாதி)(தா. இ�! நா9$ ந$9ைடய �யசி(தைனக, ெப)ைமக ஆகியவ'ைற ம<5ேம சி(தி�� வாழாம� ம யாைள* ேபா� தா�ைம#ைடயவ�களா/ இ)*ேபாமாய�� க��� � கி)ைபைய#$ அவ)�� ஊழிய$ ெச/#$ வா/*ைப#$ ெப'றி5ேவா$ கிறி�� இேய� த�ன.� உ)வாக, ஆவ�யானவ � ஆ3ைக�� ஒ) அ"ைமைய* ேபா� த�ைன அ�*பண��தா ம யா. த�\ைடய எதி�கால$ எ�னவா�$, ம'றவ�க எ�ன நிைன*பா�க எ�ெற�லா$ கவைல*படாம� ேதவ\�� 9Jைமயாக ஒ*B�ெகா5�தா. கிறி��ைவ உள�தி� ெகா05ள நம��$ அ� ேபா� 9Jைமயான அ�*பண�*B ேவ05$. எதி�கால�ைத� �றி�த பய7கேளா ேகவ�கேளா இ�றி அ'Bத நாத � கர7கைள ப'றி�ெகாேவா$. ம யா த� வ��வாச வா��ைகய�� எCவ�த 9!9!*Bமி�றி ெபா!ைமேயா5 காண*ப<டா. உலக�தி� வரலா'றிேலேய, ஒ) மா<5� ெதாJவ�தி� எCவ�த வசதிக3மி�றி ப�ரவச�ைத ச(தி�த ெப0 ம யாளாக ம<5ேம இ)�க�A5$. அ(த ]�நிைலகைள ச'ேற க'பைன ெச/� பா���$ ேபா� மனைத ெநகிழ ைவ�கிற�... ந$ �5$ப�தி� ஒ) �ழ(ைதய�� வ)ைக�காக எ�தைன 9�ேன'பா5கைள நா$ ெச/கிேறா$, வசதிக �ைறவாய�)*ப�� எ�தைன ேபைர �'ற*ப5��கிேறா$ அ�ல� 9!9!�கிேறா$. ஆ0டவ � சி�த�தி'� 9Jைமயாக த�ைன அ�*பண��� எ�லா நிைலகள.M$ ேதவைனேய சா�(� மன தளராத ம யா நம�� ஒ) சிற(த எ5���கா<டா�$. ந$ வ�)*ப7கைள வ�ைரவாக ெசய�ப5�த எ0D$ நா$ ேதவ சி�த�ைத நிைறேவ'ற அ�தைகய ஆ�வ$ கா<5கிேறாமா? ேதவ\�� கீ�*ப"ய ஏ'ற ]�நிைலக, வசதிக உ0டா எ�!

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Bethel Methodist Church, Bangalore 6

ஆரா/கிேறா$. அ� ம<5ம�லா� மன.த � ஆதரைவ#$ Bக�,சிைய#$ நா5கிேறா$. ம யாேளா அCவ�த ேயாசைனய��றி அ(ேநரேம ேதவ\�� கீ�*ப"(தா. ஒ)நா ேதவ ஊழியராகிய ஹ<ச� ெட/ல�, �7கியா7 எ�ற இட�தி'� ப�ரச7க$ ெச/ய படகி� ெச�!ெகா0")(தா�. அ*ெபாJ� அதி� பயண$ ெச/த ம'ெறா) நப� த0ண _ � வ�J(தா�. அ(த மன.தைன மV<க அ)கிலி)(த ேவெறா) படகிலி)(த மVனவ�கள.� உதவ�ைய ேக<ட ேபா� அவ�க “எ7களா� 9"யா�, அத'கான வசதிய��ைல எ7கள.டமி�ைல, எCவள� பண$ ெகா5*ப�̀க” எ�! ேபசி ேநர�ைத வ _ண"�தா�க. த�ன.ட$ உள எ�லா பண�ைத#$ (14 டால�க) த)வதாக ஹ<ச� ெசா�ன�$ உதவ த_�மான.�தன�. ஆனா� எ�லாேம ேநர$ கட(� ேபான�. – F�கின மன.தைன கா*பா'ற 9"யவ��ைல. ந_திெமாழிக 24: 11,12 இCவா! A!கிற�: மரண�தி'� ஒ*ப��க*ப<டவ�கைள#$, ெகாைல#0ண*ேபாகிறவ�கைள#$ வ�5வ��க � A5மானா� வ�5வ�. அைத அறிேயா$ எ�பாயாகி� இ)தய7கைள ேசாதி�கிறவ� அறியாேரா? உ� ஆ��மாைவ� கா�கிறவ� கவன.யாேரா? அவ� ம\ஷ)�� அவனவ� கி ைய��� த�கதாக* பலனள.�கிறா�. இ�! நா9$ மரண�தி� வ�ள.$ப�� பாதாள���� ெச�M$ அேநக ஆ��மா�கைள� கா*பா'!$, வ�5வ���$ பண�ைய ெச/ய� கடைம*ப<5ேளா$. ஆ0டவ � அ�ப�ைன பல)�� ெத வ���$ க)வ�களா/, ம யாைள*ேபா�! �யநலம�றி 9Jைமயான அ�*பண�*ேபா5 வா�(� அேநகைர ஆதாய*ப5��ேவாமாக. ஆெம�.

(தி)மதி ப� ய7கா, டா�ட� �மார ராஜா சி7 ம'!$ ேபப� மVகா அவ�க �5$பமாக நம� தமி� ஆராதைனய�� ப7� ெப'! வ)கிறா�க)

இ�மாத�தி ப�ற3த நா1 ம05� தி�மண நா1 கா7� இ�மாத�தி ப�ற3த நா1 ம05� தி�மண நா1 கா7�

அைனவைர�� சைபய� சா�பாக வா:�;கிேறா�. க��த� அைனவைர�� சைபய� சா�பாக வா:�;கிேறா�. க��த�

உ<கைள ஆச�ீவதி@பாராக!உ<கைள ஆச�ீவதி@பாராக!

Wishes from congregation to all who celebrate Birthday and Wishes from congregation to all who celebrate Birthday and

Wedding Anniversary this month May God Bless you!Wedding Anniversary this month May God Bless you!

“Christmas, my child, is love in ac2on. Every 2me we love,

every 2me we give, it's Christmas.”

― Dale Evans Rogers

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Bethel Methodist Church, Bangalore 7


It is interesting to note briefly the history of our Christmas carol hymns. The word ‘carol’ is derived from the word ‘carola’ which means a ring dance. Carols, then have long been thought of as an early form of sacred folk music, dating in time from the early middle ages. Dur-ing this period, they seem to have been an integral part of the miracle plays which were widely used by the medieval church for teaching its religious doctrines. The carols were sung during these plays as an intermezzo between the various scenes, much like the role of a modern-day orchestra between the various scenes of a drama production.

Here is a brief background of one of the most popular Christmas carol of all time “Joy to the World.” Joy is the keynote of the entire Advent season, especially for the Christian who realizes its spiritual signifi-cance – very God Himself invading this world and providing a means whereby sinful man might live eternally. This hymn was written by the well-known hymn writer of the eighteenth century, Isaac Watts. Even as a boy, Isaac Watts displayed his literary genius and had learnt Latin, Greek, French and Hebrew and became an ardent stu-dent of theology and philosophy and wrote many notable volumes which had a powerful influence upon the people of his time.

As a seven year old, he wrote an acrostic, spelling out the letters of his name, which reflects his faith even at that tender age:

“I” – I am a vile, polluted lump of earth

“S” – So I’ve continued ever since my birth

“A” – Although Jehovah, grace doth daily give me

“A” – As sure this monster, Satan, will deceive me

“C” – Come therefore, Lord, from Satan’s claws relieve me

“W” – Wash me in Thy blood, O Christ

“A” – And grace divine impart

“T” – Then search and try the corners of my heart

“T” – That I in all things may be fit to do

“S” – Service to thee, and thy praise too

In all, Isaac Watts wrote approximately 600 hymns throughout his lifetime. He has rightly been called the “Father of English Hymnody.” Because of his bold departure from the traditional singing of Psalms to the writing of hymns using expressions based on one’s own thoughts and words, Isaac Watts was considered to be a radical churchman in his day. But today, more than two and a half centuries later, our hymnals still contain his beautiful hymns such as: O God, our help in ages past, Jesus shall reign, When I survey the wondrous cross, I sing the mighty power of God and many more.

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The music for the carol ‘Joy to the World’ was composed by the great German composer, George Handel whose composition ‘the Messiah’ is one of the greatest compositions of all time and undoubtedly the most frequently performed. It is said that Handel closeted himself for twen-ty four days and completed the entire musical piece of fifty three num-bers together and when he had finished, he emerged from his isolation with tears streaming down his face and said, “I believe I have seen heaven itself.” Some parts of the ‘The Messiah’ were rearranged by a 19th century choir director to fit to the words of Joy to the world writ-ten by Isaac Watts.

Thus, through the combined talents of an English literary genius and a German musical giant, both from the eighteenth century, a great hymn was born that has since found permanent place in the pages of our church hymnals for use during every Advent season – JOY TO THE WORLD.

(Compiled from the book 101 More Hymn Stories by Kenneth Osbeck)


Special Announcements

• On December 8, 2013 (second Sunday) a special White Christmas offering will be

collected to give to various people during Christmas.

• There is a special Telugu Christmas Programme on December 14, 2013.

• Request various groups to come and sing in the BMC outreach inter-church carol

on December 15, 2013

• First and second Sundays of January 2014 will be family sing-song services.

• BMC Book Stall and a Kids library will be opened in the Church premises soon.

Child Dedica2on :

Baby Ida Miracle, daughter of Mr. Bernard Shaw and Mrs. Divya Bernard Shaw was

dedicated on November 24, 2013

Bap2sm :

Uphold the Bap�sm candidates Mr. Sunil, Mrs. Jasmine John and Mrs. S. Anushya

Subburayalu who will be bap�zed on December 1, 2013, at BMC.

Wedding :

Mr. Manish Nobert our member S/o Late Mr. Nobert and Dr. Nancy and Ms. Prema,

D/o Mrs. & Mr. George, members of East Parade CSI Tamil Church, MG Road will be

married on December 7, 2013 at the East Parade CSI Tamil Church.

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Missionary Profile - By Mrs. Anne F Sangeeth

CHARLOTTE WHITE – MISSIONARY TO PATNA Charlotte White was the first single American woman missionary sent to a for-

eign country. She was sponsored by the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions and arrived in

British India in 1816.

Charlotte Susanna Hazen Atlee was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the daugh-

ter of Judge William Augustus Atlee on 13 July, 1782. She married Nathaniel Hazen White

in 1803, when she was 21 years old. He died just a year later in 1804 and the couple's only

child died in 1805, when she was just 23.

Though she lost so much at a very young age, she responded to the Lord's calling

to serve as a missionary. At first, Charlotte had a hard time because it was controversial to

let a woman become a missionary. The Baptist Board of Foreign Missions believed in only

letting ordained males become appointed missionaries. After her husband's death, Char-

lotte became the first single American woman missionary sent to a foreign country. She

volunteered her services and her personal property to go to Burma to care for the women

and children. Against stiff pressure, she was appointed as the first Baptist woman mis-

sionary from the United States.

Charlotte was appointed as a helper and companion for the wife of George

Hough, a missionary printer being sent to India with the assurance that she would be sus-

tained by her own resources. By the end of her service as a missionary in India, she not

only supported herself but also gave $200 to the Baptist Board.

Shortly after she arrived, Charlotte married Joshua Rowe, a missionary with the

English Baptist Missionary Society, also a widower with three children. The couple man-

aged missionary schools in Digah, near Patna. She then took care of a large school, a sta-

tion for which she was excellently qualified, where a directress was greatly needed, and

was introduced into a sphere of respectability and usefulness. She also wrote a Hindustani

language spelling book for children.

Joshua died in 1823, but Charlotte remained in India until 1826, when she re-

turned to the U.S. with her three children. Charlotte taught English, music and drawing in

an academy at Lowndesboro, Alabama in the 1830s.

Interesting facts: • No one knows her date of death.

• She once said, "Having found no period of life exempt from trials, I do not expect to leave them on leaving my native land, but rather to add to their weight and number."

• She was a missionary even though she had a tragic life. Charlotte White has set an example to many Christians by living for God though

she had gone through a lot of tragedy. All this she could do only because she found the

power of God working in her during her weaknesses.

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. There-

fore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power

may rest on me.

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Prayer Diary Compiled by Mrs. Anne F Sangeeth


BAHRAIN: Key Facts

Bahrain, officially the Kingdom of Bahrain, is a small island country situated near the western

shores of the Persian Gulf. The country was one of the earliest areas to convert to Islam. As of

2012, Bahrain had a high Human Development Index, 48th

in the world and was recognised by

the World Bank as a high income economy. Educa�on is compulsory for children between age

groups of 6-14 years. Chris�an Bahraini ci�zens number 1000 people approximately. Chris�ans

are rela�vely free to prac�se their faith in private worship places but it is illegal to evangelise

Muslims. Muslim-background believers generally do not talk about their conversion. Pressure

comes mostly from family and community, though the government also imposes restric�ons

on na�onal and church life.

Capital: Manama, Official Language: Arabic, Current Popula�on: 1,234,571.

Government: Unitary Cons�tu�onal Monarchy, King: Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa

Prime Minister: Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa

• Pray for the unemployment, especially among the young, and the deple�on of both oil

and underground water resources which are major long-term economic problems.

• Pray for the health of the ci�zens as a high percentage of the popula�on suffers from

obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and sickle cell anaemia.

• Pray for secret believers who cannot talk about their conversion that they may grow in

their faith.

• Pray for Arabic Bibles and Chris�an literature to be available in public bookstores.

• Praise God for the rela�ve freedom of expression here. Pray that Chris�ans will make the

most of every opportunity.


• Praise and thank God for the Harvest fes�val & MYF Outreach program that happened in

November 2013.

• Pray for all the Christmas programs that are being planned this month.

• Pray for those families that have lost their loved ones due to the tragic bus accidents last


• KR Puram Area Fellowship & its members (Dennis, families of Ashok Doddanna, Athee-

joe, Jayant, Jeevan, Joseph Paul Abraham, Moses, Naveen Warren, Stephen Daniel,

Swaroop, Peter)

• Hoodi Tamil Area Fellowship & its members (Sagadevan, families of Mary Rita, Stephen

Babu, Jyothi, Franklin, Rani Jeypaul, Prabhu Paul, Saral Sarojini, Usha Reddy, Arul, Vino)


• Praise and thank God for all that He has done in our church and our individual lives in


• Pray for the various commiRees of the church and the missions that our church is sup-


• Pray for our Pastor Rev. David Livingston & his family and the missions that our pastor is a

part of.

• Bethel Nagar Area Fellowship & its members (families of Pastor, Anand, Ebenezer, Kal-

yan, Prabhu, Publius, Rajkumar, Sharon, Vijay Prakash, Paul Naveenraj, URam, Vivek,

Sangeeth, Benjamin, Karuna Rajesh and David)

• Devasandra Tamil Area fellowship & its members (Balan, David, families of Anandaraj,

Koilraj, Lydia, Philip, Rajupaul, Ruth, Suresh, Shekar, Wilson, Raniammal)

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• Praise and thank God for all the people who have supported our church in various ways

throughout 2013.

• Pray for the Irula outreach program in Hosur and the Whitefield outreach ministry.

• Pray that all our prayer cells (women as well as men) would be strengthened and that

everyone would take part.

• Whitefield Area Fellowship & its members (John, Daniel, families of Alan Paul, Binu

George, Christopher Vasa, Irwin, John Prashanth, Rajan Abraham, Sanjay Joel)

• Priyankanagar Tamil AF & its members( Families of Inbaraj, Karunamurthy, Nithya,

Paneerselvam, Rueben Gandhi, Swamidas, Suresh)

• ITPL Area Fellowship & its members (Families of Anban, Clement, Darwin, Franklin

Koilpillai, John Manoah, Ronald, Sheldon)


• Praise & thank God for Sharon’s tes�mony, and pray for the family.

• Pray for the various needs of our church so that God would fulfill our needs at the right


• Pray for the Kannada Sunday School children and the teachers.

• Pray for Bethel Shaale – for the children who aRend and for Mr Prabhu’s family and Mr

Sangeeth who conduct the classes.

• Hoodi Area fellowship & its members (Frank Jeyakar, Ruth, families of Arun, David

Anand, David Jabez, Isaac Peterson, Kingsly Francis, Ranjan, Shibu, Tony, Vivek Bangera,

Meryl Joseph, Franklin, Sheril)

• Kodigehalli Tamil AF& its members: (Families of George, Jeyamma , Jashua Devadas)


• Praise and thank God for Mr Manish A. and Mrs Esther Vivek who were bap�zed recently.

• Pray for Philippines and parts of India that have suffered due to cyclones.

• Pray that the road leading to our church would be repaired soon so that everyone can

aRend the church without inconvenience.

• Pray for all the area fellowships (English, Tamil and Telugu) of our church.

• Marathahalli Area Fellowship & its members (Margaret, Kasturi, families of Dinakar,

Frank Santhosh, Himanshu, Praveen Paul, Sathiya, Selvin, Solomon, Sundar, Vadivel,


• Bethel Nagar Tamil AF & its members (Durai, Jus�n, families of Pastor, Joseph, Huldah,

Paul Durai, Vijay, Bernard, Das, Jonathan)


Mission: Sakshi Apologe2cs Network Website: hRp://www.sakshi�mes.net

Sakshi is an apologe�cs network in India (SAN) that consists of a network of Chris�ans com-

miRed to obey the Great Commission given by the Lord Jesus Christ through apologe�cs, as

described and prescribed in the Holy Bible.


• Apologe�cs as Evangelism:

- Evangelism through reasoning, discussions, debates, forum and dialogs in public places, reli-

gious ins�tu�ons, houses and all open venues through various media.(Acts 9:22, 9:29,17:2,

18:4, 18:19, 18:28, 19:8-10, 28:30)

- Evangelism by addressing the intellectual needs, issues of society and community so that the

Gospel of Christ is presented to its recipients. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

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• Training Chris�ans to do Apologe�cs as Evangelism in their own local context using locally

relevant means. (Ephesians 4:12)

• Networking and Partnering with other Chris�ans, churches and Chris�an organisa�ons to

conduct evangelis�c and training programs.

Core Values:

God’s Glory: Seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness first in all the plans that SAN


Biblical Authority: Primacy of the Holy Bible and uncompromising commitment to its authority

in all the decisions that SAN takes.

Integrity: Working with transparency, accountability and integrity in all the ac�vi�es.

Interdependence: Partnering and networking with fellow believers in execu�ng its visions and


Love: Commitment to each other’s well-being as evidenced in the example of Christ as com-

manded by the Scriptures.

Prayer Points:

• Pray for the Chris�an organisa�ons and churches that partner with SAN that they may

glorify the Lord through the wisdom He has given them.

• Pray for the financial support as it is a self-financed organisa�on.

• Pray for the various evangelical events that are scheduled to happen.

• Pray for the various ac�vi�es that they may reach the society and community through

relevant means.

Testimony - Angeline & Wilfred

We are grateful to the Lord for His countless good deeds in our lives.

The beginning of this year dawned on us with the expecta�on of a new baby. Yet a

shock awaited us �ll Angeline underwent the first thorough check-up for healthy pregnancy in

February. Upon examining her, the Gynaecologist no�ced a cardiac murmur, a condi�on that

is associated with blood flow problems in the cardiac vessels. We prayed to that Lord that this

would be healed and wouldn’t hamper the baby’s growth or cause complica�ons during deliv-

ery. A brief respite came from the Cardiologist who men�oned that the situa�on was nothing

to be alarmed of right away, but advised us to be aware of it and take precau�onary steps as it

could lead to complica�ons during delivery.

Months passed by. In the month of May, we had to go through another emo�onal

heartbreak. Ci�ng an issue, we had to hear wounding words from one of our most trusted and

confidante rela�ve whom we had looked up to as parents. We were pained by the words that

have remained in our minds �ll date. Angeline had broken down several �mes during these

days. For sure we were worried about the impact that this could have on the baby. We prayed

to the Lord that He would give us the strength to endure the pain that has been inflicted upon

us. Till the term and due date, we were tossed up and down through this pain.

When Angeline moved to Madurai for delivery, we men�oned about the cardiac

murmur. Upon diagnosis, the Cardiologist men�oned that it could have been a physiological

aspect noted earlier and that the issue had disappeared by then. Praise God! On 16th Octo-

ber, God blessed us with a healthy baby girl. 2013 has been a very difficult year for us but the

Lord has given us the grace and power to grow in Him from strength to strength. We thank the

Pastor and many members of our church, who visited, hosted and enquired of us during these

�mes. God willing, we are dedica�ng the new baby, christening her ‘Helen’ on the 29th of

December, the day that marks seven years of God’s faithfulness in our married life.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” 2 Cor. 12:9

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Bethel News roundup - Mrs. Ajji Alan

BMC Tamil Harvest Fes2val 2013 : On Sunday, 10th

November 2013, BMC family celebrated Tamil Harvest fes�val, an occasion of thanksgiving. The fes�val started with the regular Sunday service where Rev. Charles Mani brought out a message on different kinds of giving to the Lord. We were also happy to have Whitefield outreach children amidst us on this special occasion. Soon aBer the service, the foods stalls were opened with a word of prayer by our dear pastor. There were plenty of deli-cious dishes and snacks prepared by our church members. Apart from the food stalls, the youth team entertained us with lots interes�ng games. Meanwhile, the children enjoyed different designs painted on their face. Then, the giB offerings brought by our church members were auc�oned. All members par�cipated enthusias�cally in the auc�on. And the fes�val ended with distribu�on of Briyani lunch which members took home. It was an awesome day, full of fun, food and fellowship with the purpose of thanksgiving for our Lord. All the proceeds from the harvest fes�val is set aside for our church building fund.

BMC Kids Choir at IEM Christmas Get-Together 2013 : On 23rd November 2013, the kids choir of BMC directed by Mr Sathiya Prabhakar represented our church and her-alded the Christmas Season 2013 by presen�ng a few songs at the IEM Christmas gathering in the city at St. John's School auditorium. Apart from singing of Christmas carols, there were other programs like Missionary dedica�on, Mission report presen-ta�on and book release. Our BMC members took ac�ve par�cipa�on in the en�re program, star�ng with MC by Mr Isaac, Carol singing by kids, Mission Report by Mr Atheejoe, Puppet show by our Pastor and food serving by our BMC members. In spite of the heavy rain, people enjoyed the fellowship together.

BMC Advent Fes2val 2013 On 24th November 2013, during the Sunday service, the kids choir started the Advent season in our church. The kids performed various ad-vent music and heralded the Christmas season 2013 by proclaiming the birth of Je-sus.

வ�டா3திர அ5@ப� ப#Bைகைய: நவ$ப� 10, 2013 ேததி நம� BMC தி),சைப

வ)டா(திர அ!*ப�� ப0"ைகைய ெகா0டா"ய�. மைறதி). சா�ல� மண�

அவ�க ேதவ\�� ெகா5��$ பல வைககைள �றி�� ேதவ ெச/திைய

பகி�(தா�. அ(நாள.�, நம� ஒய�<ப�̀5 சைப சி!வ�க ந$ேமா5 ஆராதைனய��

ப7�ெப'றன�. ஆலய ஆராதைன 9"(த�ட�, ந$9ைடய அ�B ேபாதக�

ெஜப��க நிக�,சி ெதாட7கிய�. பலவைக உண� ெபா)<க3$, சி'!0"க3$

நம� ஆலய அ7க�தின�க தயா� ெச/� ைவ�தி)(தன�. ந$9ைடய வாலிப�

�J பலவைக வ�ைளயா<"'�$ ஏ'பா5 ெச/� ந$ைம மகி�வ��தன�.

சி!வ�க 9க�தி� அழகிய வ0ணமி<5 மகி�(தன�. சைப அ7க�தின�

ெகா05வ(தி)(த அைன�� ப � ெபா)<க3$ ஏலமிட*ப<ட�. அைனவ)$

உ'சாகமாக அதி� கல(� ெகா0டன�. நிைறவ�� ப� யாண� பா�ெக<5க

அைனவ)��$ ப மார*ப<ட�. உண�, ஐ�கிய$ ம'!$ ��கல��ட�

க��த)�� ந�றி ெத வ���$ நாளாக இ)(த�. இ(த நிக�,சிய�� வர�

அைன��$ ஆலய க<5மான* பண��ெக�! பய�ப5�த*ப5$.

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December has arrived and brings with it the familiar sounds and sights of

Christmas. All our celebrations finally point to the one scene that man could

not have conceived, God as a human being, a little baby in a manger. And

there you are, Joseph, the carpenter of Nazareth, standing beside Mary, relief

and joy written over your face, gazing with wonder as you look down on your

sleeping son, but it was not always so easy, was it? The initial shock and dis-

gust had given way to bewilderment and amazement at what the angel told

you. For Mary, her integrity and innocence in the matter was something she

knew, but you had to trust and literally die to self to accept a situation that

was not easy to say the least, and reading between the lines of Scripture, we

can see through all the ups and downs you had to go through emotionally to

the inner strength of character and goodness that shines through you.

How was it like to hold the baby Jesus in your arms? Did your eyes ever fill

with tears as you felt overwhelmed by the awesome responsibility entrusted to

you? Could you fathom the paths those rosebud feet would have to walk as

they journeyed through life on earth? How exciting was it to hold Jesus’ arms

and teach him to walk as he took his first baby steps? to have the boy Jesus

running errands for you in your workshop? to teach Jesus to smoothen and

sharpen, to cut and saw, to fix and to hammer? How much Jesus’ brothers

and sisters must have adored him! How was it to sit down for prayer as a fam-

ily when the day’s work was over and to talk about the things of God with


The Bible tells us very little about Jesus’ boyhood and early life, but we know

all we need to know to follow him. Reflecting on your life Joseph, the primary

lesson we learn from you is the willingness to give up, to die to self – to obey

God even when we don’t understand everything (something we never will

while we are here) and know the simple truth that it is only when we are will-

ing to empty ourselves that God can fill us – that as long as we are filled with

our own egos and desires and long for their fulfillment more than we long for

God’s ways – we will always be dissatisfied and unhappy and we will sadly

miss out on the main point of life – living the abundant life that Jesus teach-


And when all our work on earth is done and we shall all gather to-

gether up there where the faithful have gone before us, someday prob-

ably in the not too distant future, we will sit around you Joseph, like

Sunday school children. Perhaps we would draw our stools closer to

you so as to not miss a word as you begin to tell us interesting stories

from Jesus’ life, “Once upon a time, in Bethlehem ...”

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Bச�ப� 2013 – நிக:Fசி அGடவைன

எதி�வ�� நிக:Fசி அGடவைன

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Bethel Methodist Church, Bangalore 16

Date & Time Visi2ng Team Houses to visit

Dec 7th


6 PM - 10 PM

Youth Team

Co.ord: Franklin Koilpillai / Jesuraj

Families of Joseph, Huldah, Paul Durai, Vijay, Bernard, Das, Rev.Stanley (To Tamil Bethel AF) + Families of George, Ravi (To Tamil Kodi-gehalli AF) + Family of Prabhu + Jonathan, Durai, Jus�n

Dec 10th


7 PM - 11 PM

Families of Dinakar, Selvin, Sathiya,

Frank, Sundar, Wilfred, Melwyn,

Himanshu, Praveen, Vadivel, Solomon

(Marathahalli AF)co.ord: Sathiya / Sundar

Families of Arun, Isaac, David Anand, Shibu,

David Jabez, Vivek Bangera, Ranjan, Franklin

Joseph, Kumara Rajasingh (To Hoodi AF) +

Family of Gladston

Families of Atheejoe, Jayant, Ashok

Doddanna, Jeevan, Naveen Warren,

Stephen Daniel, Swaroop, Jyothi, Deva

Sundar (KR Puram AF)

co. ord: Jayanth/Jothi

Families of Pastor, Vijay Prakash, URam,

Anand, Sharon, Publius, Vivek AG, Sangeeth,

Sahitya Deep, Benjamin, Jays, Solomon, Saju

Alexander (To Bethel Nagar AF)

Families of Alan, Christopher Vasa, Binu

George, Irwin, John Prasanth, Praveen,

Sanjay, Rajan Abraham (Whitefield AF) +

Family of Dr.Rajkumar co.ord.:Irwin / Alan

Families of Jabez, Ronald, Anban, Sheldon,

John Manoah, Franklink Koilpillai, Darwin,

Clement , Prem, Henry Sam, Abraham Edwin


Families of Anandraj, Koilraj, Rajpaul,

Philip, Ruth, Suresh, Rani Ammal, Shekar,

Wilson (Tamil Devasandra AF) + Fami-

lies of Inbaraj, Karunamurthy, Rueban

Gandhi, Nithya, Suresh, Swamidas, Pan-

neerselvam (Tamil Priyankanagar AF)

Co. ord.: Koilraj / Pastor

Families of Mary Rita, Stephen Babu, Jyothi,

Franklin DC, Rani Jeypaul, Prabhu Paul, Usha

Reddy, Vino, Saral (To Tamil Hoodi AF) + Fami-

ly of Arul & Jancy

Dec 12th


7 PM - 11 PM

Families of Arun, Isaac, David Anand,

Shibu, David Jabez, Vivek Bangera, Ran-

jan, Franklin Joseph, Kumara Rajasingh

(Hoodi AF) co.ord: Isaac / Arun

Families of Alan, Christopher Vasa, Binu

George, Irwin, John Prasanth, Praveen, Sanjay,

Rajan Abraham (To Whitefield AF) + Families

of Rajkumar, Andrew Isaac

Families of Jabez, Ronald, Anban, Shel-

don, John Manoah, Franklink Koilpillai,

Darwin, Clement , Prem, Henry Sam,

Abraham Edwin (ITPL AF)

co-ord: Anban / John

Families of Dinakar, Selvin, Sathiya, Frank,

Sundar, Wilfred, Melwyn, Himanshu, Praveen,

Vadivel, Solomon (To Marathahalli AF) + Ms.Kasturi, Mrs.Divya, Ms. Margeret, Jeba-


Dec 13th


7 PM - 11 PM

Families of Prabhu, Vijay Prakash, URam,

Anand, Sharon, Publius, Vivek AG, Sang-

eeth, Sahitya Deep, Benjamin, Jays, Solo-

mon, Saju Alexander (From Bethel Na-

gar AF) Co.ord.: Publius/Vijay Prakash

Families of Atheejoe, Jayant, Ashok Doddanna,

Jeevan, Naveen Warren, Stephen Daniel,

Swaroop, Jyothi, Deva Sundar (To KR Puram AF) and Families of Joseph Paul, Senthil Ku-

mar, Vijay Nethala, Dennis

Youth Team

Co.ord: Franklin Koilpillai / Jesuraj

Families of Anandraj, Koilraj, Rajpaul, Philip,

Ruth, Suresh, Rani Ammal, Shekar, Wilson (To Tamil Devasandra AF) + Families of Inbaraj,

Karunamurthy, Rueban Gandhi, Nithya, Suresh,

Swamidas, Panneerselvam (To Tamil Pri-

yankanagar AF)

Families of Mary Rita, Stephen Babu,

Jyothi, Franklin DC, Rani Jeypaul, Prabhu Paul, Usha Reddy, Vino, Saral (From Tam-il Hoodi AF) + Families of Joseph, Huldah,

Paul Durai, Vijay, Bernard, Das,

Rev.Stanley (From Tamil Bethel AF) + Families of George, Ravi (From Tamil Kodigehalli AF) + Family of Arul & Jancy

Co ord: Jothi/Pastor

Whitefield Outreach Families

Dec 17th


7 PM - 11 PM

Carol Rounds Plan

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Bethel Methodist Church, Bangalore 17

Prayer m

eetings - Dec 2013

Whitefield Outreach - Dec 2013 (Coord. - Ath


e, M


ns d


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Bethel Methodist Church, Bangalore 18

Regular & Special Programs - Dec. 2013 & Jan, Feb. 2014

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Bethel Methodist Church, Bangalore 19

Date Time Speaker / Service detail


7:00 am (Tamil)* Mr Stephen Thangappa

9.30 am (English)* Mr Stephen Thangappa

6:30 pm (English)* Pastor


7:00 am (Tamil) Rev. Gandhi Selwyn

9:30 am (English) Pastor

6:30 pm (English) Candle light Carol Service


7:00 am (Tamil) Pastor

9:30 am (English) Mr. Vivek

6:30 pm (English) Outreach Inter-Church Carol Service


7:00 am (Tamil) Rev. Stanley Jeyaseelan

9:30 am (English) Rev. Stanley John

6:30 pm (English) Guest Speaker

24-Dec-13 10:30 pm (English)* Pastor / Christmas Eve Service

25-Dec-13 7:00 am (Bilingual)* Pastor / Christmas Service

7:00 am (Tamil) Pastor

9:30 am (English) Pastor

6:30 pm (English) Pastor

31-Dec-13 11:00 pm (Bilingual)* Pastor / Watch-night Covenant Service


1-Jan-14 7:00 am (Bilingual)* New Year Service

Pulpit Calendar

Theme: Theme: Theme: Theme: Good Tidings of great Joy - Luke 2:10

Editorial Team: Ajji, Anne, Asha, Hannah, Selvin, Wilfred & Pastor

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Bethel Methodist Church, Bangalore 20

A few thoughts on Christmas ……

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” ― Charles Dickens

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” ― Norman Vincent Peale

“How many observe Christ's birthday! How few, His precepts!” ― Benjamin Franklin

“He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.” ― Roy L. Smith

“Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.” ― Janice Maeditere

“Peace on earth will come to stay, when we live Christmas every day.” ― Helen Steiner Rice

“Want to keep Christ in Christmas? Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, forgive the guilty, welcome the unwanted, care for the ill, love your en-emies, and do unto others as you would have done unto you.” ― Steve Maraboli

“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.”

― Calvin Coolidge

“As I read the birth stories about Jesus I cannot help but conclude that though the world may be tilted toward the rich and powerful, God is tilted toward the underdog.” ― Philip Yancey

"Off to one side sits a group of shepherds. They sit silently on the floor, perhaps perplexed, perhaps in awe, no doubt in amazement. Their night watch had been interrupted by an explosion of light from heaven and a symphony of angels. God goes to those who have time to hear him"-- and so on this cloudless night he went to simple shepherds." - Max Lucado