zoo project power point for anthropology 101 by daniel santoyo

Zoo Project Powerpoint! By Daniel Santoyo

Upload: danieltheanthropologist

Post on 16-Apr-2017




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PowerPoint Presentation

Zoo Project Powerpoint!

By Daniel Santoyo

Since there is no predation in the exhibit, the chimpanzees would tend to wander around on their own or with a companion.

Sometimes with multiple companions as well.

Here is the displayment of the chimpanzees ischial callosities, which is used as an organic cushion.

The mother-infant bond is strongly displayed in chimpanzees. The mother is carrying a cucumber in both hands, possibly one for herself and one for her offspring.

Adult chimpanzees executing a squirrel with the younglings observing to learn skills for survival.

Brachiation in old world monkeys.

At times, gorillas would perform or stand in a bipedal pose for a short duration.

Distinction between the alpha in the group of gorillas. A male adult becomes a silver-back when he reaches the age of 12 or more.

Apes tend to be less social in comparison to chimpanzees.

Another picture indicating that gorillas tend to be more dispersal and less social than chimpanzees.

A gorilla gives in to submission by the dominant male.

Human presence may affect the non-human primates behavior. This gorillas behavior might have been affected by me filming it at a close distance or may have mistaken my stare at it as a threat gesture. What the reason may be; the non-human primates behavior was affected by my presence.

Orangutans live a solitary life and are the least social among the three great apes.