zombie scene 1


Upload: matthew-chatfield

Post on 26-Mar-2016




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zombie scenes.



IMAGESHere is my first one i produced. there is a total of 3 different scenes i plan to put together in this section so i will first look for imagery and see if these are possible to produce. i found this nice image from an old holiday album from Canada which has 2 skyscrapers i could cut out on either-side for the first scene.

This is the effect i applied onto the building. Using a threshold effect and cutting the individual buildings out i have made a simple street view.

Used this picture of a man in a cowboy costume as i was looking for a bass ass for this scene and he is a man that doesn’t look worried at all by the approaching zombies so this he will fit the bill. It is also a large image so can bee zoomed onto which is what i am planning to do.

i Used the image above and cut out the zombies copied them and made them into a small group to use in the 1st scene.

Simple grungy background i made using paint brushes i had download and a graidient background behind.

Here is wht the finishe scene shoul look like in after effects.

I Love this image i found. its perfect for my next scene with the survivers surrounded. i have made a sample video using this image but i will tackle it a bit differently this time. i will cut each individuale person sout and layer them up making it look more 3D and also loose the background.

I layered up a couple lyers of the same zombie couwd just flipping them to give the impression of even more zombies.

I Agian already experimented with this layout and here is the outcome i pln to use for y title sequence for the screeming zombie as the song drops.