your *g^ei| t i is ^ js^ r...

2T1B Clad to Meet it all the people siy when t line of Hair'Brti!fees'and The sroods Speak for g&m md we need resort :.* or subterfuge •••iiie and examine ; j.' prices with thus •.••re. Make a etady to no to Sell them. u charge Of OW .*• knowledge acquited 'will e to you and to jis. We ppa at our neisV ^ t p t e . a n d business. Br flalstef lltaal I*#*t«NAT12T* iffiP-0Slt<i>.fiT * oft&e jjmirrWr tek l,/,Ass.fc. ta^tifer '•'& M&FF-JTT. iA& ®gm;:... :i^M<fev"' ' "" &• 6 . Bttrbef, ' 3a& «$&&&$&»' J. B; Mttffitf, :S^dpm*6tt:#ay,, Pat*J(& Hffcloa, »T6n-& H a u g r u r a n . Ofcoife investment Sands dealt In, Draftallazrd Travelers* Cheques,' avail Ate wall parts of the world, for sale later** allowed on special deposits, if ffr v— Oi City J^atlotial Banh OF PLATTSBURGH AJ8> XiQOK OiyTEK THE ST.0G& OF •TUP AT FOWtS FISH OF Al.L'B3gvTbS, Fresh 'Caught. In fact everything in the "meat" line to make y&a wish you had never left? home, . , . • iH3gh Quality; Jow price, Courteous service, prompt.^ellyery are a lew of the ."good -things" you get up-lajt your *g^ei| ti is Phone 48-A. •CttMMKr ftWIer, Elevator, and [Liability INSURANCE •Ru|sst|t Wdutd 'Restricjt NaVlga- tio. i I n I^fgnchiiriav ' .:""• P:ETM Mm mm mtim. mmi&s&wm&immT. icon^ern ated- R ma lids riveir, tf'htcl tioaLru of,* Pel In? With Fo'rpieir President Cleve- land fte'la&it^VGttest. i Port e Will prevent Ru**ln Gri .spins tne Province ;|»iil»e oil iit CIiIna.'!* Cayltal .-~ ftur : vacua tion. .' London, April. SU^-A diSpateh; [front correspondent of the Tinieft saystbat i:i addition, to the demands; JOHN B. O^BRIEN, JOHN MAUGHRAN, #i r G- QAKER* : - Preildent Vlce-PteaWent Cashier i'JoM'. ""*£ T. Ifeilogg. 1*1/^leaden O'Brien, '-It"Sfc Efla^P a- General .©Qlnaeteial Bjanlt lag Bnstness. In a new comedyHdratHtt *>y the aw- *&or« of "Sweet -porer ,*' *«jpanl* ; ine 3?helog;^ arid, ** tfartou Wejo hot bare to depend on the" weather. Our JLtuuber Bryer with a capftoity of SO.Wk) feet at one fllling, furntshesvUS irtta thoroughly and i per- fectly 4ry, material for our trade J !w« are man'ufaeturej-s and dealers in all kinds of Rougb fend Dressed jLurnhpr, Lath, Shingles; plapooards, Soutliern Pine Ceiling'and Flooring,. ColucliaB, Newels, Ba!ustei , ? > *Wafnscotln& inter- i>efl|.JmianceiiJi&vgf dfg^nfeed' to»up> lor ilmsh of all l^inds. Get our prices popfc.aster. Itiacilpe^: before you buy. {Inquiries and orders . j.;,.. ..••. ." ., . :M* : H .-.] • ••*•• -^ girea prompt attention. , Frwi^e»' X*'tto|>ft *C±Mi' ' TAYLOBl & A^EBfe, »«£•*«**!•* *^« ^ FOX *lanchuri£i already ^ m e r ^ i. in another aispatth. de- s the navigation of the'Liad ,nder the inlandi hltTiigar .... . Itjs isl opto to' vessels v o£ all' na- tioii'k, s'lail oe. p e l l e t e d to. v e s s e l •fly'- ing' thi' Ri :ssfim and Chinese ifliajts. ,S.i)sbi)i also. d^raands^that all •eneage- raenlts <nter pfo^inotai iluthoi'ities ••wM'|tn r e'.p , aW sinhis, durln; the Bnssiaa s^cupatiQn shal^ be rec( gulzgd by China, /•flhina'd refusal of the^ Rijssiin d^ majnlds," CG|IC1U(1CS the corresponctent. .r =»Q«TS ERROMEOW§. Uim Tlmwton'a wmp MY Is well known to be one -m thisftaesfeancr m& ti*ten Httcoiict el|iiWBJ5c atov*r J3 Burns and all Skin Diseaset. ' t P B 1VTO^E3Eral43 S. Kincsbaker, 80 Ea«t _ .„,,__. Piles for several y^». BANNER SALVE cored ma qakkly ud pafwaa* ently after aevend doctora aad ramadlM GUARANTEED, PriO* 20 CmtM ROTH ?d into lay th$ aianchtoah ON I ! Crowd* Aymit' *Mlya of I»r««id*tit'« ;• ^Mtn—Wttit. MHtaijr .E«C.O^,::H«l I* : Driven to Good R.o*d« Convention, ; •*Phfer«".Bte Sp«?ijlt|i. '.•"'•'•-.:.'.. | Si' Lonie, Ajjrl| 30.—With President ,B_oqSev0lt and fofiher S r ^ i d e n t C16ye- tend under one rdofj the governors of a flQJien states arid their gold laCect *iaffa provideel for| with diplomats and jjlis- tingulahed then in almost every street 3,5,066 noldiers tenting on the exposition jfconiids and hotels and"; boarding houses jammed trith, yisifcoiSj.-every-' thlng^is in readincsa for *he dedication of tSiS* Louisiana, purchase exppsitwn. The e% has put forth Wfry .efforj: to Entertain Its T^sitors, and all sections have been lavishly decorated Ayith flags.and streamers, Tremendbtis crowds awaited the torn. Ing of President BooaeTelf s train at "is simbly 1 stereotyped refusal ahd the Union etatiohj hut to UToid the dderud; eht nge the *ituatid». ' N "Hjvet,4f Russia jBrithdmwa her de> mands he iactxeEoains unaltered: that mis f<!f<:e Will prevent Manchuria froiri be com ng « Hussiah provi!tice t -' "^dwJrat Aiwtlefl: has publiked'a proc anl ktioi 1 declaring that as Eusrslan troops £iave been ^thdrawtt idiwlgner? thay ncsv t'avel in 3iukden proVlace withsutEmsian passports* In WiW oi the t act thai Russia ivas never tnore 1? eomrtleti^hijttary control or that prov' ipce|han «t p^esetit and fliat slie is dh- creaslni; hei strengtli there daily thii| pme!«n|atidij is apt to be misleading.". Ambjajumaoj C»«ai£l Sp«KkM Offlcimjt WiKh'tegtoi, April aOHftnwt Gafcd« «4j. tl te. ] lussl in' ambassador, becsaule 1 o^ Ifche '(kJiflleting r^portt "w'liiijn hav4s #me "WMhingtoii regarding "the |BitwiIait^hliie8e ^negotiattoh's. .at ; Pe- Jjdtiisr, hns coitsentea to th# ptibtlcittlon fit &i 'e!cpIa«atloinu ! ^in ?e the a inha«sador*s call on 810% tftV)BGBy last Swnd'a^.afternpon f vhen tie «0|iil([ giv« only uhoiBcial assurances W Buta ia'a ii tehttons In »Xa»ctturiii, he has tee«ived ! nstmetions from "Ms 'gar- frn.mtorand.again called on thesecfe ijary to*m&v;a oMcially the aastjrancea ! he hajttjlyen already Of the I Sim Jhnricin Incident and tnorfe especial ;y of its rolatloa to the Waited States jand JRiiagla the ainbatiador f^idj I 1 "Acitir £ 4nt for Inatructlonf• from my goveriuiteiifc E have officlaliy assttre^ the " ' ' - - • A^m- v ^ and i|idiiikrlali will be th6rbagMy.i?a|fe- guattiissd solfa r as Russia Is concerned, but also of tlie Unfortuna'te errOneousj* nfcss lebtitaihtd to ipnlster poagiei*! dispatlel: es se 1 eral days ago from: Pe- ; ktag relitUve tjo the course of, Eusabi In Sjanchw|rla A Canadian Moiintam Blows Up Without Warning. A HSJHD^BD The Hiniugr r'tllaK* of Frank, In Mill Alberta. JProi Ion* of Now Threate r EOPl £ KfiBT DEATH Ton* ce, BnrleU Bfnenth of Xlaclc—Flood can't prep. re t J deserve ^ JS^ f Stew; GUt». t / Yaflepuver, lu 0.,' April 80.—Over- whelmed by countless-tons of rook and with mjore than| a hundred of its inhab- itants killed alihbjst jnstantly, the little mining |town ofrFrankjn southwestern with com- Old Man's •*i Alberta, is now plete pfestructiop river, Of the of''heart ' In a Grand Revival of Jtheh, enormousf jy suoce^fttl Spectacpia Paato- mimicai Prodn^Moii,, the years m I and fojf affy tafeen obligt>d jlilalrfh' F Tor* a tu Brooklyn appeared in vari- The Ointment prepared Uy ine GOTBERLiHll BAY Wfi Plattsburgh, CHfiton Co., N, V. >, 4 Va?nfltoJe »ri(1! prompt wwrtr, S^' 1 *^ caa*afe*lts place a s h o r e for •>.. and Hie rarions nroubles oSroed tn the label. Inquire for" Vt ar* f a y of the Druggist S ? all 1- f->r <-t.k'ken pens. •r fences. <r fwJ-fS. >.-reens ^utTi'as things tn \ r he lowest p-rices <'n. ^ .es of wire for fanp,' ,f .use. Ptite Are Right Savings Bank stitte. in A-nbin' fjk tills . pla^'p nit DAirir> a. rftAJSTQis. crush after the long and tiresome trip he left the train at Forsythe jrnnctlon, three inilea from the center of the cltj-. Members of the national commission of the AVorid'is fair, a reception commit- tee headed by President Francis and a crowd of spectators were* present to tveieonj© hiin. After a bWef and informal reception he was escorted to the carriage in wait- lug. Mayor Wells, with two prominent official^ accompanied the preHident in the carriage, •which was at once driven On* to the good roads convention* ftetaiy at state not only that A#are**e* Good nomdt« <jo»^*»tioJi. $ interestsin Itati<ihnr4a,• trijdipi.f*% military coin-panto? and a plu toon of police hadbeeji waiting t-njo bldeks away, and AS as the line of carriages appeared n slower mareli was taken up. to cover the thfee miles to Odeon hall. Peoplejtvere congregated along ibe streets and wildly cheered as the president passed. He continually doffed his hat»ln ackhowiedgaient The hall was packed with a crowd which Mjd beeh waiting patiently fojflioura. Tli|e president 3pok*i of ^»»d toads in t ^ l a w W c h showed, as well as hla Words,;-that he waVtiioroaghly j p ear- '*Roada» M .he declared, ftell the\great- ness of a nation.. The iHauence of the* itatJons which ha\-e not ne^n road bunders has been evaheBcenti' Rome, tho most powerful of the older clviljza-' tiobs, left her impress on literature and speech; she changed the ;boundaries of ua|ions»bilif plainer. Qian anything else lefjt to remind us of the Roman civih% zation are the Roman roads," At; this point ; in the presidents speech the crowd rose, and cheered, waving handkerchiefs and hats. "Merely from historical analogy," the president continued, fthis country, whjteh, we beiiet'e, will ileach a position ot jeadership never erjualpd—this CGUH tltin RuaaiK 'Withdrawn;? tma» April 30.-^The rfapanes* fo:relgh )fllce ; Jabllahes ,a te]tegram ftni !,no«penj|; ithat Russia, haa comp>etely ji^uitid! tl»e Shipgkiiig ptoTinqis of Mjaticl in aa~ N t> details of the. evacua-r ti^n ltoe beep received from Rtittdi officially 1 Ce nedii m Kobnon D«ad. Wewn'jrK, April 30.-Stuttrt Robson, the eoui« dian, 1 ,as ^u»t dli?d in this city iiseaf ill e. rtt> was sixty-seven bad he'en oh the stiige one y ?ars. Air. Robsoh was earl 7 U\ March and- wAs to' rejt eompMely for tvyo ni«»d his pngageaient on He resi 11 and ousi tows^s la p e upjwr pnrt of the ys ajto he Wn-« taken HI antl -o-as xlwxi hroiiijlSt few <h dty. T. Cohass ltoJ<« •"lotju w interment 'twill .take t. Mass., tomorrow, raoijd r Alt Mout rie R Introducing Pantomlmia tlle: >> rl Ad Triclcs, Nfr Ee«li.anical an<J. i Host of sXfove Eifects, ties. POSrl-IVE-LY THiE fyXtif PEODiUCTION BEPOKp! T^iE ptJBi,re^ The Funny HJbree The <Jreat"Pir&.Se^nk The Wonderfd Shic. .:)\ The Lively Odbpu The John Byiite Acrobats. *v 1 tffi 6 » S f LSOGHIdfi.MOW 1001 SURPSlSpS OF AtBANV SO State.Street DEPOSITS S OYER $10,000,000 ...... .Preaident .Vice-President . yice-Prealdent Treasurer ; peantnee I' woman <!>r The Acme of- Panton?|^l<^ Comedy. ;j mja|an( a suit Xtor I her4 toiiiajt-. 1 saidj she '±. after playing in ?Tew a|id (far- Revolvin-i an Sevk* Dlrorci?. April »l.-Mi'S. Rosft- illii;aii, tetwvn to tli<» %vorld as Rose (^ojjhtan, filed divor •<? In the district Wlirt He - attorney is JFlrsft AS5- sisfiHt'tA*! toiler Qeneml 1\ W. Met- Joghla a, who is playing here, and ler husband have not ' li^ed tobe :her t >r five years and that •she esta ago, blished n residimce here a year Troupe ofji Wlht Wo: men Should Study Their Color A palfe OS . jEARJfl.; the' iifdl^ss —^- 1 Direct From The JapSipturer- save the jobbers and retailers propt, send for samples at on,0e, giving the number of rooms you Ijtave to paper. Samples free. Address : ' | , H. BrjawE;[ii,, Dept., 56 Buffalo, NY. BANNER LYE tha moat hoallne aalwo In tha world. Ro. 4 Bridge Street Simon W. Rosendale Garret A Van : Allen James H, Manning - Albert P. Stevens ... Receive*.Deposits on Interest datinl from the First day of Each aiontp which may be seat Ijy mall in Cheeii or Cash b^r^gistere^ mall or expre*i or deposited in pearson? Bank Books= k^turned iff O^ 1 °* otherwise as desired. , Letters promptly a^JthQ^ltljBsd. Dividend days January, and July 1. { ** Inters paid on January lat, Wl, lFOW£S i70ney[ if*? ,/flr makes kidneys der right. \ at the rate of 2fr*&mkpV^^]$ r *^ M *•»•&*#-^.o> njiM- face—a. face without color, look that gives a plain ap- to ap otherwise beautiful ,child4-is the sign of anaor anaemia-means blood with- out Vita i[ower or color.' It ia cor- rected by nouri'ihing the blood, with the ifooc dements of Father John's Medicine, pure. Und wholesome, mak- ing ft>shi at.d strength. Its gtntle lax- ative enject strengthens the . stomach and corneos th<- digestion, which, in turn.givjjs increased vitality or pow-^ er tp .thi vhole system. This strong vitality Is the oily protection against' disease. It Is the same with growing children-j-schietbaea their growth is too rapldjand th 3y use up tissue fast? er than ijt i 5 ma le. Then you should supply tb,e iood irom which blood and tissue is .made, md that is found in Father. jIoltn^3 tWfedidne. This • ex4 ; plains why if cu'es scrofula and skirt idisea^eai jail of thlch are.due to thin and Impute blo<<i. We again waro you of the danger in patent ndediclnee depending ijipon alcobol and other weakening utimtlants and injurious drugs for] th|eir temporary effect We thi9 paper tomorrow one Of t^e |thoisai;da of letters re- ceived, from, worn sn who have been re-; -*—-*'' Ai ••«--! «^-«- aua strength, b y F a ; stoced) to 1 health ther John's OplMteS. medicine; 150 Me lieliie—not a patent ranee froin |2.50 to'i$3 a day wits yeai s in use, 'guaranteed. Earth Opened Wide. When reports (oiieerniug the magnl tnde or the disnsi^r and details con e^J-uing it\»omnn=n'ed to come in from reliable men wh> had bi*en out pros- peering fpr news, it was discovered that the earth oiinod for three-quar- ters of a mile an 1 many feet in width . and tha : ,the wloe northern face of Turtle mountain dipped from its place. The shiK'lv resu tant upon the precip- itation of, the millions of, tons of rocK into the |Ffilley v while #nJy actually de mohshing!* eompqrattvply few of the try, I say, should so. act that posterity will jtistily soy 1 when r spejxklng of us. - Thjnt nation bailt good roads,' " Tjbe.' president declared that good roads probably were the greatest agen- cy for regulating the.flow from the, souhtry to the city of- you,ng. men and romig women. > • • -' •*A,ioqs line of liquid morass is noti plehsant" th« pi-psidoxit continued. "It ajeaSS iii many fnsuinges practical iso- latiois to the farmer. -When tlie girl" or tlnsl)oy can't take, a turn on a 'bike' • a neighbor's because c>f the I'OUii^M'oll. it is'a"%Huatlou uot likely .0 intake farm life attractive." Froin Odeon hall tESwpresident was Irlveii to St. Louis university. A few aiiuutes were spent 'here, aftier Which Ae president and other gues.ts repaired, to the home of President Francis for iinner ( . ) j Dedication . ProKrammo. The progranirne forjoday's celebra- tion! is as follows: , ! At 10' a. in., freedom of the city will be tendered President Roosevelt at the St. Louis club by Mayor Wells; at 10:30 1. tn., the military parade formed 011 Grand avenue; at 11 a. in,. Grand Mar- shal Major G-eneral Henry C. Corbin. will start west on LIndell. boulevard froa)-> Grand avenue; at 111:30 a. m., president, in advance of %e parade, wllfreach the world's fair grounds, the presidential salute will be Wred, and President,,Roosevelt will take his place :u the reviewing stand; at 1:80. p. m„ 6and concert as crowd gathers at the Liberal Arta building; at 2 p. m., Presi-. dent' David R. Francis of the World's Fair company will call the ineeilng to order for the formal dedication- The programme includes the invocation by Cardinal Gibbons, the. dedication ad^ Areas by President Roosevelt, an ad- dress by Grover Cleveland, the; beno- iiction by Biabop Henry G. Pottfer and a centennla,! salute oflOOguns. , Buffalo Painter. Won Strike. Buffalo, April 30-—The union paint- ers of this city W;ho have been on strike for a month returned to work this morning. Their demand for an ad- which flows, through the center town, is daniuiejd up by the fall- en rodf to th« leghn of nearly a hun- dred feet, and Ihi eptire valley above he town is fh> >c ed^jjr miles. A big body Of Water ,!& pj -ssing with force upon the dam, the t ily protection^ the town cfj Frank nowiyas unless the. riv- er shall find anDthe^ehannel. Should the ihipromptu dini'^break the entire villagei would be s went'away. Whole Va Ucf jShnkein. A .dtsitatch^frnii Frank, dated late lastn^ljt.saysr ^ *j "A tremenddu sir *loud reverberatioin shook Khe wholeWaliey of the Old Man's rjlver this iaoj.'nJtng a t r 4 o'clock, and scarcely htlf thej Inhabitants of this tovn awake an! to a realization of the im jending 43 a lger ,when front the top of (Turtle mountain, overlooking the set:lement, mi HonsJoX tons of rock were hi tried. - ' ' "The Frank nines, operated by the French Canadian Coal company, across! the river from t it town, were seen to be buried I under : Mildreds of feet of rock jttst as thp morning light was breakirg. Inside < f five minutes from the first thundeipus shock and before half th it town rea lized what had hap- pened * small foij;o i of men had started to the itjllef of ths minera deipite the great risk they vi 11 of being buried un- der tb^ rocks wbch Were jstlll i being precipitjatM from-the lofty mountain top. The voluutcr relief force was un- able to gtet into mine, but managed to get pear enotgi to determine that no! a njjin at tin outslxle working had escaped death. Hiny had been fehr- fally mungledL Tbt disaster was) mer- ciful to those me i who were employed above dround in t int they must have been killed fnstaitly. The destruction was not confined t > the vicinity of the mine alpue. for many of the dwelling houses ijn the tovr of Frank were de* naolished ^y the Ifa ling rbeks. Some of 4ie occupants of death, b kiUed." ujt many houses, shook the jority ofI the dwell miles or covered •k rock, aujd ,liouso-v\h!es c-xn never la.Il to djoH^jrg $&:.. <- -— ,^—^...y depend on just,t|| >\ %|t ithey A\ant a-jd ^itienerver «ifiv~^aflt it Bums leis fuel. syj^'wjarrt; it. atb%lsti|e moi jfijfttT^We modern appliances and iU# l more than the 'inferior i Made bv Warren Co., Tro^, N.Y. F o r "SaJe by j . 'BM- - JUfe% ^Platts-burgh, N, ?. is % **. V I'tl » Mi _L VILLAGE WIPED#tJ Il ,le m ^ ^ lalms - " Mt *" DestructiveF«r»st FirestMiiiisf"™ a ™" in Pennsylvania. * !1 " •'' Bradford,, P a , .May 1.^43erio| y.^^, were truthtp, he woiild siy t \l "Just my laziness^' or "Just jmy m- i.9nrt<m«nn " 1 f these houses escaped o :bers were instantly foundations of a ma- ngs in the town so that they are unsafe to live in, and many hundreds <f people will have to live in the] open or mder fuch tempora- ry shelter as may be .ptopurable. T,h,e railroad .tesjek for a* dlstapce of two :n«fre east of the station is t^h front, ten to torty feet ot.' the' telegraph .wires are down. Ail[^omni:t»iileati6n. i is,behlg:eQn- dticted over one wite running west. Most of. the niea imprisoned, in the mines, w jose death atfijrs'tseemed cer r tain, got )«t allye late in the afternoon. There wjerp; seventeen' inen^in the mine/ •Two "died i|rom suffocatioti.-. but the oth- er fifteen forked pfeir way out. The iat»st theorj' as tp the cause of the'disaster is that it was due to a rock slid?] which, carried the top of Turtle" m junta in. down' upon the vil- lage below, It islfnpw thought that, what was supposed to be the smpbe of a volcano j(vas dust'and ,that the conr. tinued fall'Of small bits of'rojck during tbc any vks inproiy t\w aiftormath or theorigrmajl rock slide. .. i B'wton Itolinns Afraid, Boston, April»30:—Italians of this city are heggini for proteellon against the dreaded Malta, by which they claimed to Have Own orderedto0011 tribute to the defeusbi)fand Un-the New York bar- (case, Fach of the .foreign- $\ a letter frb.m! New Y.ork. p i murd,e: Vrs- showe The letter^ltold them that everywhere they went the eye of „. ^hat they iv lid not sen diaiely. they were marked men: that Mafia was oh them always; irere as good as -dead if tbey 4 the'required money imme- Three Killed In Teleseope-d Conch. Bismark; Qnt., April 30;—At 7 o'clock last evtHUigj it terrible wreck occurred at this plact? on the Lake Erie and DP-. troit River irailway. killing tfhree and mjuring sjj-eral other persons. The east bound jlocal passenger train was staading a tithe - station when ah east Bound gra tfl train . came arouiid, the 'urve and , j?<jnuplejtely telescoped the rear coach j-fihevlocal train-^which con- tained a ; uijiipher-of .passengers and workmen, i . I jjra nted. I |In Venezuela Cane. Washingtanj, April 30. \-+. 'Queen WU-' helmina-hasl hotiged the United States governtpen:,ithat she has appointed Dr. jCharles" Ajiiustinius Henri Barge to act as unlpU'e in the •' arbitration be- hyeen the United States -ajid' Venezuela at Caraeasroi American .claims. Dr. Barge formeHy was the Dttteh govern- or of CuracMi •> Jail ajreiker. Still Ml»*lnjr.~ " Albanyf Wp'ril 30.^-Tne; three ' pris- oners who Reaped'frpfial; thg couitfy jail Here am'sltillmls'sihgyj^fiey climbs ed through [a ventilator iir (the ceiling,- punched a pole through. i|h.e r«at yjall, of the building and; let theinselvaii to fires are raging in t h i s vieinljtyif p fTfte property loss te estimated at o^|lp^~ litpix doUars. Watsonville, 't^^* south, is reported to be wipedHo^j K IS thought that a number off htl|iii$Bfl£j lost The wires, are all dawjaL^hp lum'ber tents and chemical ^wifl'Stfl 5 werelburned in several placeJs'H ^ ' l 1 ' -~ ~ » ms:* No Bribery Aitempfcn^J| |j Springeld, III., Ai>rII 30.—14i<^]p5^te| committee appointed to investigate!the. charges of bribery preferred IpaMepW 1 er Hinds, reports that no attempt! sfy bribery was made, ! i 'H l ''$ \ ————————— v I , \f Jf Yesterday's Bail ( Games," I National League—New York |/?Pj|iii adelphia 10; Boston 10, BroaMVniSi( ViiYfihnra. 13 Sf TJIUIS 4. ItU.Z* i A JMttle Kaily Kiser _{ now and then, at jbedtlme will core constipation, 'biliousness ( and liv^r i troubles. DeWitt > s Little' Early I Ris- ers are the famous little jhlls^tbjtfc cure by arousing the secretions, mov- ing the "bowels gently, yet effectual- ly,->and |jvmg such tone anA^trengih to the glands of the stomach and MT» lei* that the cause of the ^trouble |g- Removed entirely, apd if their use Is continued for a) fe-sf days, there will lbs no return of. the complaint. Sold l&r J D. K. Gilbert, O. |T. Carkin, Platjri- burgh, N. Y. | Pittsburg, 13, St Louis 4, •i/4i American League—iWashragt^h,"! if2% New 70rk G; Philadelphia 12, Pqatpni KING AND PONTIFF M British Monarch Audience With PopeJ Has^apjKpt. 11! M A. .^emotandiim Concerning 1 OKaisih. M«lt«r« let Great Britain's ~ ' ' '" >v JKecent experiments, hy practical testsj ib P .and examination with the aid. of the-; Io.B« Prevented—VnterTtevK Twenty Mlnnte*. ' f \\[ { Rome, April SO-For the firstfj^^ since the Tefotmarion an Engl s isk|R|ftg has entered the Vatican and <|al , ?^cS|.-oit the 'universal head of the "Romahj'rjliihv ollcchurch v ] h | ; Passlbff the cardinals in stjatejiiigft prelates high in the church, drawlfe?, 9ilent, dignified and Imposing, j ^ 3 & Edward reached the door le^lm^Jm the' apartments of the pope. i Iff f t p s thrown open, and on the tprf^b<^ 1 stood Leo XIII, alone and smiJinfi |.l4= ' Iful arm extended to greet the king- His hdlinesa was dre§sel^ in. |o: white and a red velvet cape W>i witb ermine. Even King paused a moment upon seeing |h. tiff in his white garments. r - Th£ face; was the Color of ivo.ry,.jfr moved without aid and wlth|W parent difficulty. Froto enfer' 1 son there seemed.. to emanate menb of benevolence and spirit The king and the head of. thejje 'clasped hands' and aexehangedMu .words in French. King Edw.ardfip vrithln the papal apartoient, the was'.closed, and the pope and .Ms 11 were left aloue. v 'j^ ' For twenty minutes^Edward 1 re: ed Vfithin and was attended a^aij the dpor in departing. ' As .ttfe took his carriage, had he lookei ' wart, and upward be would liafe. at a window in the second storj|o palk(fe the figure Of a sai.ntlj* txid standing alone aad, witfi hahdsbp the'parted curtains, sniiUng'dawi 'him-Hthe figure of Pope Leo %1%,-j'' Particalara—of- the rnt.ervijp'T^ Soibe particulars of the-intervfe^[j|] tweejn Iving Edward and the pofefew becoine known. The pope gf^eip'tt-^ king] saying in French, "I am hsf see your majesty," '•^'•ilil .King Edward replied. "I am\h^p|*;fe be here and to add my cougrat^lapj to those of others upon your' jhjTf outlived the days of '-St. Necessity kees rusty. a mi an trom jgetting 1 MrrateH worst sort of ^ DeWltt's Witclk [. - Jt'jrojmi a Cat [on the aroij to the burn, sore or boil, Hazel Salve te a a u i t k <j«fe. In buy! |ng Witch Hazel Salve, he particular :o ^et DeWitt's—this is the salve that J leals without leaving a scar. Asp«| Jific for blind, Meeting, itching andl I protruding piles. Sol D. K. Gilbert, O. 0*. i burgh, Y. -Jin after years it makes a man feeb « sad when he thinks hpw fresh he used! - he. | if The X-Kay* Id by Lankin, Platts-j » i ! '- Jj^-Rays, estahhsh itj aa a iact that] Catarrh of the Stomach fe not a-dis-j Dyspepsia Cure as •curing thousands. rlji -will cure yon of (Indigestion and ; dyspepsia, and prevent or cure (Catarrh,! IpJ fhe Stomach. Kodol digests vhat 8 y»u eat—makes the Sftld by , to. K. Gilbert, O. T. fMrgh, N. -Y. fKlen love to' hear Ul dislike to be fdiity. stomach eweet Larkin, Platts- >f their power! reminded of their j the Body Tike "IVastes of ery .seven days the' Wood, muscles, . |d bones of a in ?.es ,? t!wo pounds of' Jwornottt _ tissue^ 14 waste' cannot be replenished and- [ health and strength 'kept up with- . ,jt perfect digestion 1 . -When the stoin- .djli and digestive, organs" per- bSrm Gieir functions the strength leiii. 0. ivn," health gives,, ws.y, and dis.easg.' iejs up, Kodol Dyspfpsia, €ure..en~ M es the stomach an I digestive or- alis to digest and assimilate- ail of tfe wholesome food, tbat inay be eat- , jx| into. the kind .of blo^d that refbuilds fhfe tissues and protejetis the, health strength of the lijhd and body,.' itjidol cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia 'Ih^.all. stomach trouib'lefe. It is; an $&%d' spring tonic. Sold by , | & K. Gilbert, Q.' T. LaPkin,- Platts- tfgh; ,N. Y. •. \ ti^-'- tee*wuu|l b> a" rope, The rest, of the conversation "war the part of the,British sovemgpi eernijug the attitude taken by thfe J an tl|e principal social, qliesUotiSiOllJ day and on tlie part of Tope. Lee alibi the situation of the chmi'h. in .the<;|j;i isll empire. It also is-said the'!|jdii|i|1 inforjmed King Edward that in \1ieH|!ff their! meeting he had persoDjallylesil ined |iHto all questions reg!i|rdii^5ld||||| olic Interests-now pending in.'^aitfMfi parts), of the British empire" tiiM| prepired a memorandum tp wgie| hoped, the king would pay Ms lent,attention. It ^is undeWo one part of this memorandum. cSh;S#|i the school question in. Canada>^d|f tains practically the. same pbljit| does ! the memorandum given ^yjlitlM pope to Sir Wilfrid Laurler;'the|d|ffi| dian premier, when that offl,c|t^l.||p last in Rome. r'-. 0$ Th^ whole important affair wajs velously Striking in its siinplictlj in gijeat contrast to the ipHra^efl 'pomp, and military glbr/ of thefrM( .tion -<j.f the English king by.'Ki^gf!' tor Emmanuel and the Italian'|r. 25,006 of whom, 'assembled on || rad^ grounds, were reviewed im,M Edward in the morning. ttwa?|f^ posrtpg spectacle, and splendid ^ contributed to the "brilliancy Scehej ' , .''- ; irii t ,A BHEUMATIP CUREn %<H''" . AJKD r .• - li^lLEI CjURE .- . . Potsdam, N. Y., June 1, l9ai.' J. Phillips.- Norwood, N. Y., ifiear Sir-^-Ia February last I. was heU to my bed with rheumatism ffas hot able to move -my hands or. -My physician toll me there was hihg he could do-:'or me. 'But. a. fl^n'd told, me about your famous At. ?. iRheuruatfic Cure I. sent for it ; took it according to' directions \h4 now I am working: every day. I "nnot recommend itj too "highly fj> e' suffering public. . • -'','•' •', HSOMIE3R. MILLER. .; Norwood, N. Y., ilarch. 11, 1901. 'jWjhom It May Concern: '.v "% Charles H. Bowen of Norwood, .ft".',; have ibeen in the drug busihesa mfv the past fifteen tears and have and taken all kinds of rheuma- |c|cures, found one that I took the Fa- Rheumatic ' Cure. has oured of six but never otld. cure me until ;cf|is' A. -J. P. fjhree bottles of it pletely of . rheumatism ,rs standing. ., C3HA!RTJB3S ,H. BdWEjN, Ph. G, ^o| .Whom' It May Concern: ,.baye Itad rheumatism-for fifteen. M& f-fr 3 ^°^ lia " ve t i abeB " different Mnds * ilfj: rheumatic .cures, , but I never Hd' one that wonla cure me until k the Famorus A. J. P. Rheuniatic which cured me completeily In daya, FRANK 'A\ Btu>RtQI)GS!j -Malotie, N^ Y. f'or jaale by O. T. t<arkin, Druggist, yp|ttebtti?gh.'

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Post on 28-Apr-2019




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Clad to Meet it all the people s iy when

t line of Hair'Brti! fees' and The sroods Speak for g&m md we need resort : .* or subterfuge •••iiie and examine • ; j . ' prices with thus

•.••re. Make a etady

to no to Sell

them. u charge

Of OW .*• knowledge acquited 'will e to you and to jis. We ppa at our neisV ^tpte. and business.

Br flalstef lltaal

I*#*t«NAT12T* iffiP-0Slt<i>.fiT

* oft&e



l,/,Ass.fc. t a ^ t i f e r

'•'& M & F F - J T T .

iA& ®gm;:...

: i ^ M < f e v " ' ' "" &• 6 . Bttrbef, ' 3a& «$&&&$&»' J . B ; Mttffitf, : S ^ d p m * 6 t t : # a y , , Pat*J(& Hffcloa,

»T6n-& Haugruran.

Ofcoife investment Sands dealt In, Draftallazrd Travelers* Cheques,' avail A t e w a l l parts of the world, for sa le la ter** allowed on special deposits,

if ffr v—

O i

City J^atlotial Banh OF PLATTSBURGH


FOWtS FISH O F Al.L'B3gvTbS, Fresh 'Caught.

In fact everything in the "meat" line to make y&a wish you had never left? home, . , . •

iH3gh Quality; J o w price, Courteous service, prompt.^ellyery are a lew of the ."good -things" you get up-lajt

your *g^ei | ti is

Phone 48-A.

•CttMMKr ftWIer, Elevator, and [Liability


•Ru|sst|t W d u t d 'Rest r ic j t NaVlga -

tio. i I n I^fgnchiiriav '.:""•

P:ETM Mm mm mtim. mmi&s&wm&immT.

icon^ern ated- R ma lids riveir, tf'htcl tioaLru


Pel In?

With Fo'rpieir President Cleve­land fte'la&it^VGttest. i

Port e Will prevent Ru**ln Gri .spins tne Province ;|»iil»e

oil iit CIiIna.'!* Cayltal .-~ ftur : vacua tion. . '

London, April. SU^-A diSpateh; [front correspondent of the Tinieft

s a y s t b a t i:i addition, to the demands;



#irG- QAKER* : -

Pre i ldent



i ' JoM' .

""*£ T. Ifeilogg.


O'Brien, ' - I t"Sfc Ef la^P

a- General .©Qlnaeteial Bjanlt

lag Bnstness.

I n a n e w comedyHdratHtt *>y t h e aw-*&or« of "Sweet -porer ,*' *«jpanl*;

ine 3?helog;^ arid, ** tfartou

W e j o hot bare t o depend o n the" weather. Our JLtuuber Bryer with a capftoity of SO.Wk) feet a t one fllling, furntshesvUS ir t ta thoroughly and i per­fectly 4ry, material for our trade J !w« are man'ufaeturej-s and dealers in all kinds of Rougb fend Dressed jLurnhpr, Lath, Shingles; plapooards, Soutliern Pine Ceiling'and Flooring,. ColucliaB, Newels, Ba!ustei,?>*Wafnscotln& inter- i>efl|.JmianceiiJi&vgf dfg^nfeed' to»up> lor ilmsh of all l^inds. Get our prices popfc.aster. I t i a c i l p e ^ : before you buy. {Inquiries and orders . j . ; , . . ..••. ." ., . :M*:H .-.] • ••*•• - ^ gi rea prompt attention. , Frwi^e»' X*'tto|>ft *C±Mi' '

TAYLOBl & A^EBfe, »«£•*«**!•* *^« FOX

*lanchuri£i already ^ m e r ^ i. in another aispatth. de-s the navigation of the'Liad

,nder the inlandi hltTiigar .... . Itjs isl opto to' vesselsvo£ all' na-tioii'k, s'lail oe. pe l l e ted to. vessel •fly'-ing' thi ' Ri :ssfim and Chinese ifliajts. ,S.i)sbi)i also. d^raands^that all •eneage-raenlts <nter pfo^inotai iluthoi'ities ••wM'|tnre'.p,aW sinhis, durln; the Bnssiaa s^cupatiQn shal^ be rec( gulzgd by China, /•flhina'd refusal of the^ Rijssiin d^

majnlds," CG|IC1U(1CS the corresponctent.


Uim Tlmwton'a wmp MY Is well known to be one-m thisftaesfeancr


ti*ten Httcoiict el|iiWBJ5c atov*r


Burns and all Skin Diseaset. ' t P B 1VTO^E3Eral43

S. Kincsbaker, 80 Ea«t _ .„,,__.

Piles for several y ^ » . BANNER SALVE cored ma qakkly u d pafwaa* ently after aevend doctora aad ramadlM



?d into lay th$ aianchtoah


I ! Crowd* Aymit' * M l y a of I»r««id*tit'« ;• ^Mtn—Wttit. MHtaijr .E«C.O ,::H«l I* : Driven to Good R.o*d« Convention,

; •*Phfer«".Bte Sp«?ijlt|i. '.•"'•'•-.:.'.. |

S i ' Lonie, Ajjrl | 30.—With President ,B_oqSev0lt and fofiher S r^ iden t C16ye-tend under one rdof j the governors of a flQJien states arid their gold laCect *iaffa provideel for| with diplomats and jjlis-tingulahed then in almost every street 3,5,066 noldiers tenting on the exposition jfconiids and hotels and"; boarding houses jammed trith, yisifcoiSj.-every-' thlng^is in readincsa for *he dedication of tSiS* Louisiana, purchase exppsitwn. The e % has put forth Wfry .efforj: to Entertain Its T^sitors, and all sections have been lavishly decorated Ayith flags.and streamers,

Tremendbtis crowds awaited the torn. Ing of President BooaeTelf s train at

"is simbly 1 stereotyped refusal ahd the Union etatiohj hut to UToid the dderud; eht nge the *ituatid». ' N

"Hjvet,4f Russia jBrithdmwa her de> mands he iactxeEoains unaltered: that mis f<!f<:e Will prevent Manchuria froiri be com ng « Hussiah provi!ticet-'

"^dwJrat Aiwtlefl: has publiked'a proc anl ktioi 1 declaring that as Eusrslan troops £iave been ^ t h d r a w t t idiwlgner? thay ncsv t 'avel in 3iukden proVlace withsutEmsian passports* In WiW oi the t act thai Russia ivas never tnore 1? eomrtleti^hijttary control or that prov' ipce|han «t p^esetit and fliat slie is dh-creaslni; hei strengtli there daily thii| pme!«n|atidij is apt to be misleading.".

Ambjajumaoj C»«ai£l Sp«KkM Offlcimjt

WiKh'tegtoi, April aOHftnwt Gafcd« «4j. tl te. ] lussl in' ambassador, becsaule1 o^ Ifche '(kJiflleting r^portt "w'liiijn hav4s # m e t» "WMhingtoii regarding "the |BitwiIait^hliie8e ^negotiattoh's. . a t ; Pe-Jjdtiisr, hns coitsentea to th# ptibtlcittlon fit &i 'e!cpIa«atloinu

! i n ?e the a inha«sador*s call on 810% tftV)BGBy last Swnd'a^.afternponf vhen tie «0|iil([ giv« only uhoiBcial assurances W Buta ia'a ii tehttons In »Xa»ctturiii, he has tee«ived! nstmetions from "Ms 'gar-frn.mtorand.again called on thesecfe ijary to*m&v;a oMcially the aastjrancea

! he hajttjlyen already Of the I Sim Jhnricin Incident and tnorfe

especial ;y of its rolatloa to the Waited States jand JRiiagla the ainbatiador f^idj I

1 "Acitir £ 4nt for Inatructlonf• from my goveriuiteiifc E have officlaliy assttre^ the " ' ' - - • A^m- v ^ and i|idiiikrlali will be th6rbagMy.i?a|fe-guattiissd solfa r as Russia Is concerned, but also of tlie Unfortuna'te errOneousj* nfcss lebtitaihtd to ipnlster poagiei*! dispatlel: es se1 eral days ago from: Pe-; ktag relitUve tjo the course of, Eusabi In Sjanchw|rla

A C a n a d i a n M o i i n t a m B l o w s U p

W i t h o u t Warning.


T h e Hiniugr r'tllaK* of Frank, In

Mill Alberta. JProi

Ion* of Now Threate


Ton* ce, BnrleU Bfnenth

of Xlaclc—Flood

c a n ' t p r e p . r e t J

deserve ^ J S ^ f



t /

Yaflepuver, l u 0.,' April 80.—Over­whelmed by countless-tons of rook and with mjore than| a hundred of its inhab­itants killed alihbjst jnstantly, the little mining |town ofrFrankjn southwestern

with com-Old Man's

• * i

Alberta, is now plete pfestructiop river, Of the


' In a Grand Revival of Jtheh, enormousf jy suoce^fttl Spectacpia • Paato-

mimicai Prodn^Moii,, the

years m I and fojf affy tafeen obligt>d

jlilalrfh' F Tor* a tu Brooklyn appeared in vari-

The Ointment prepared Uy ine

GOTBERLiHll BAY Wfi P l a t t s b u r g h , CHfiton C o . , N , V. >,

4 Va?nfltoJe »ri(1! prompt wwrtr, S^'1*^ caa*afe*lts place a shore for •>.. and Hie rarions nroubles oSroed tn the label. •

Inquire for" Vt ar* f a y of the Druggist



all 1-

f->r <-t.k'ken pens .

•r fences.

<r fwJ-fS.


^utTi'as things tn

\ rhe lowest p-rices <'n. ^ .es of wire for fanp,' ,f .use.

Pt i te Are Right

Savings Bank

stitte. in A-nbin' fjk tills . pla^'p nit

DAirir> a. rftAJSTQis. crush after the long and tiresome trip he left the train at Forsythe jrnnctlon, three inilea from the center of the cltj-.

Members of the national commission of the AVorid'is fair, a reception commit­tee headed by President Francis and a crowd of spectators were* present to tveieonj© hiin.

After a bWef and informal reception he was escorted to the carriage in wait-lug. Mayor Wells, with two prominent official^ accompanied the preHident in the carriage, •which was at once driven On* to the good roads convention*

ftetaiy at s tate no t only tha t A#are**e* Good nomdt« <jo»^*»tioJi. $ interestsin Itati<ihnr4a,• trijdipi.f*% military coin-panto? and a p lu

toon of police hadbeej i waiting t-njo bldeks away, and AS as the line of carriages appeared n slower mareli was taken up. to cover the thfee miles to Odeon hall. Peoplejtvere congregated along ibe streets and wildly cheered as the president passed. He continually doffed his hat»ln ackhowiedgaient The hall was packed with a crowd which Mjd beeh waiting patiently fojflioura. Tli|e president 3pok*i of »»d toads in t ^ l a w W c h showed, as well a s hla Words,;-that he waVtiioroaghly j p ear-

'*Roada»M.he declared, ftell the\great-ness of a nation.. The iHauence of the* itatJons which ha\-e not ne^n road bunders has been evaheBcenti' Rome, tho most powerful of the older clviljza-' tiobs, left her impress on literature and speech; she changed the ;boundaries of ua|ions»bilif plainer. Qian anything else lefjt to remind us of the Roman civih% zation are the Roman roads,"

At; this point ;in the presidents speech the crowd rose, and cheered, waving handkerchiefs and hats.

"Merely from historical analogy," the president continued, fthis country, whjteh, we beiiet'e, will ileach a position ot jeadership never erjualpd—this CGUH

tltin RuaaiK 'Withdrawn;? tma» April 30.-^The rfapanes*

fo:relgh )fllce ; Jabllahes ,a te]tegram ftni !,no«penj|; ithat Russia, haa comp>etely

ji^uitid! tl»e Shipgkiiig ptoTinqis of Mjaticl in aa~ N t> details of the. evacua-r ti^n l t o e beep received from Rtittdi officially

1 Ce n ed i i m Kobnon D«ad. Wewn'jrK, April 30.-Stuttrt Robson,

the eoui« dian, 1 ,as u»t dli?d in this city iiseaf


e. rtt> was sixty-seven bad he'en oh the stiige

one y ?ars. Air. • Robsoh was earl 7 U\ March and- wAs

to' rejt eompMely for tvyo ni«»d his pngageaient on He resi

11 and

ousi tows^s la p e upjwr pnrt of the ys ajto he Wn-« taken HI

antl -o-as xlwxi hroiiijlSt few <h

dty. T. Cohass

ltoJ<« •"lotju

w interment 'twill .take t. Mass., tomorrow,

raoijd r Alt Mout rie R

Introducing Pantomlmia tlle:>>rl Ad Triclcs, Nfr Ee«li.anical

an<J. i Host of sXfove Eifects, ties.



The Funny HJbree

The <Jreat"Pir&.Se^nk

The Wonderfd Shic. .:)\

The Lively Odbpu The John Byiite

Acroba t s . *v

1 tffi 6 » S f LSOGHIdfi.MOW

1001 SURPSlSpS

OF AtBANV SO State.Street

DEPOSITS S OYER $10,000,000

. . . . . . .Preaident


. yice-Prealdent Treasurer

; peantnee I' woman <!>r

The Acme of- Panton?|^l<^ Comedy. ; j m j a | a n (

a suit Xtor I her4 toiiiajt-.

1 saidj she

'±. after playing in ?Tew

a|id (far-


an Sevk* Dlrorci?. April » l . - M i ' S . Rosft-

illii;aii, tetwvn to tli<» %vorld a s Rose (^ojjhtan, filed

divor •<? In the district Wlirt He - attorney is JFlrsft AS5-

sisfiHt'tA*! toiler Qeneml 1\ W. Met-Joghla a, who is playing here, and l e r husband have not

' li^ed tobe :her t >r five years and that •she esta ago,

blished n residimce here a year

Troupe ofji

Wlht Wo: men Should Study Their Color

A palfe OS . jEARJfl.; the' iifdl^ss


1 Direct From The JapSipturer-

save the jobbers and retailers propt, send for samples at on,0e, giving the number of rooms you Ijtave to paper. Samples free. Address : ' | ,

H. BrjawE;[ii,, Dept., 56 Buffalo, NY.

B A N N E R L Y E t h a moat hoallne aalwo In t ha world.

Ro. 4 Bridge Street

Simon W. Rosendale Garret A Van : Allen James H, Manning -Albert P. Stevens . . .

Receive*.Deposits on Interest datinl from the First day of Each aiontp which may be seat Ijy mall in Cheeii or Cash b^r^gistere^ mall or expre*i or deposited in pearson?

Bank Books= k^turned iff O ^ 1 °* otherwise a s desired. ,

Letters promptly a^JthQ^ltljBsd. Dividend days January, and July 1. { ** T» I n t e r s paid on January lat, Wl, lFOW£S i70ney[ if*? , / f l r

makes kidneys der right.

• \

at the rate of 2 f r * & m k p V ^ ^ ] $ r * ^ M

*•»•&*#-^.o> njiM-

face—a. face without color, look that gives a plain ap-

to ap otherwise beautiful ,child4-is the sign of anaor

anaemia-means blood with­out Vita i[ower or color.' It ia cor­rected by nouri'ihing the blood, with the ifooc dements of Father John's Medicine, pure. Und wholesome, mak­ing ft>shi at.d strength. Its gtntle lax­ative enject strengthens the . stomach and corneos th<- digestion, which, in turn.givjjs increased vitality or pow- er tp .thi vhole system. This strong vitality Is the oily protection against' disease. It Is the same with growing children-j-schietbaea their growth is too rapldjand th 3y use up tissue fast? er than ijt i 5 ma le. Then you should supply tb,e iood irom which blood and tissue is .made, md that is found in Father. jIoltn^3 tWfedidne. This • ex4

; plains why if cu'es scrofula and skirt idisea^eai jail of t h l c h are.due to thin and Impute blo<<i. We again waro you of the danger in patent ndediclnee depending ijipon alcobol and other weakening utimtlants and injurious drugs for] th|eir temporary effect We

thi9 paper tomorrow one Of t^e |thoisai;da of letters re­ceived, from, worn sn who have been re-; -*—-*''Ai ••«--! « -«- a u a s t reng th , by F a ; stoced) to 1 health ther John's

OplMteS. medicine; 150 Me lieliie—not a patent ranee froin |2.50 to'i$3 a day wits

yeai s in use, 'guaranteed.

Earth Opened Wide. When reports (oiieerniug the magnl

tnde or the disnsi^r and details con e^J-uing it\»omnn=n'ed to come in from reliable men wh> had bi*en out pros-peering fpr news, it was discovered that the earth oiinod for three-quar­ters of a mile an 1 many feet in width . and tha : ,the w l o e northern face of Turtle mountain dipped from its place.

The shiK'lv resu tant upon the precip­itation of, the millions of, tons of rocK into the |Ffilleyv while #nJy actually de mohshing!* eompqrattvply few of the

try, I say, should so. act that posterity will jtistily soy1 whenr spejxklng of us.

- Thjnt nation bailt good roads,' " Tjbe.' president declared that good

roads probably were the greatest agen­cy for regulating the.flow from the, souhtry to the city of- you,ng. men and

romig women. > • • -' •*A,ioqs line of liquid morass is noti

plehsant" th« pi-psidoxit continued. "It ajeaSS iii many fnsuinges practical iso-latiois to the farmer. -When tlie girl" or tlnsl)oy can't take, a turn on a 'bike' • a neighbor's because c>f the I'OUii^M'oll. it is'a"%Huatlou uot likely .0 intake farm life attractive."

Froin Odeon hall tESwpresident was Irlveii to St. Louis university. A few aiiuutes were spent 'here, aftier Which Ae president and other gues.ts repaired, to the home of President Francis for iinner(. ) j

Dedication . ProKrammo. The progranirne forjoday's celebra­

tion! is as follows: , ! At 10' a. in., freedom of the city will

be tendered President Roosevelt at the St. Louis club by Mayor Wells; at 10:30 1. tn., the military parade formed 011 Grand avenue; at 11 a. in,. Grand Mar­shal Major G-eneral Henry C. Corbin. will start west on LIndell. boulevard froa)-> Grand avenue; at 111:30 a. m., president, in advance of %e parade, wllfreach the world's fair grounds, the presidential salute will be Wred, and President,,Roosevelt will take his place :u the reviewing stand; at 1:80. p. m„ 6and concert as crowd gathers at the Liberal Arta building; at 2 p. m., Presi-. dent' David R. Francis of the World's Fair company will call the ineeilng to order for the formal dedication- The programme includes the invocation by Cardinal Gibbons, the. dedication ad^ Areas by President Roosevelt, an ad­dress by Grover Cleveland, the; beno-iiction by Biabop Henry G. Pottfer and a centennla,! salute oflOOguns. ,

Buffalo Painter. Won Strike. Buffalo, April 30-—The union paint­

ers of this city W;ho have been on strike for a month returned to work this morning. Their demand for an ad-

which flows, through the center town, is daniuiejd up by the fall­

en rodf to th« l eghn of nearly a hun­dred feet, and Ihi eptire valley above he town is fh> >c ed^jjr miles. A big

body Of Water ,!& pj -ssing with force upon the dam, the t ily protection^ the town cfj Frank nowiyas unless the. riv­er shall find anDthe^ehannel. Should the ihipromptu dini'^break the entire villagei would be s went'away.

Whole Va Ucf jShnkein. A .dtsitatch^frnii Frank, dated late

lastn^lj t .saysr ^ *j "A tremenddu sir *loud reverberatioin

shook Khe wholeWaliey of the Old Man's rjlver this iaoj.'nJtng a t r 4 o'clock, and scarcely htlf thej Inhabitants of this tovn awake an ! to a realization of the im jending 43 a lger ,when front the top of (Turtle mountain, overlooking the set:lement, mi HonsJoX tons of rock were hi tried. - ' '

"The Frank nines, operated by the French Canadian Coal company, across! the river from t it town, were seen to be buried I under : Mildreds of feet of rock jttst as thp morning light was breakirg. Inside < f five minutes from the first thundeipus shock and before half th it town rea lized what had hap­pened * small foij;o i of men had started to the itjllef of ths minera deipite the great risk they vi 11 of being buried un­der tb^ rocks wbch Were jstlll i being precipitjatM from-the lofty mountain top. The voluutcr relief force was un­able to gtet into t « mine, but managed to get pear enotgi to determine that no! a njjin at tin outslxle working had escaped death. Hiny had been fehr-fally mungledL Tbt disaster was) mer­ciful to those me i who were employed above dround in t int they must have been killed fnstaitly. The destruction was not confined t > the vicinity of the mine alpue. for many of the dwelling houses ijn the tovr of Frank were de* naolished ^y the Ifa ling rbeks. Some of 4ie occupants of death, b kiUed."

ujt many

houses, shook the jority ofI the dwell

miles or covered •k rock, aujd

,liouso-v\h!es c-xn never la.Il to d joH^j rg $&:.. <- -— , ^ — ^ . . . y depend on j u s t , t | | > \ % | t ithey A\ant a-jd ^itienerver

«ifiv~^aflt i t B u m s leis fuel. syj 'wjarrt; it. atb%lsti|e moi jf i j f t tT^We modern appliances and

iU#l i « more than the 'inferior i Made b v

Warren Co., Tro^, N.Y. For "SaJe by j .

'BM- -JUfe% ^ P l a t t s - b u r g h , N , ?.

is % **. V I'tl » Mi _L

VILLAGE W I P E D # t J I l , £ , l e m ^lalms- "Mt *" DestructiveF«r»st FirestMiii isf"™a™"

in Pennsylvania. * ! 1 " •'' Bradford,, P a , .May 1.^43erio|

y.^^, were t ru th tp , he woiild siyt

\l "Just my laziness^' or "Just jmy m-i .9nrt<m«nn " 1 f

these houses escaped o :bers were instantly

foundations of a ma-ngs in the town so

that they are unsafe to live in, and many hundreds <f people will have to live in the] open or mder fuch tempora­ry shelter as may be .ptopurable. T,h,e railroad .tesjek for a* dlstapce of two

:n«fre east of the station is t h front, ten to torty feet ot.'

the' telegraph .wires are down. Ail[^omni:t»iileati6n.iis,behlg:eQn-dticted over one wite running west.

Most of. the niea imprisoned, in the mines, w jose death at fijrs't seemed cerr tain, got )«t allye late in the afternoon. There wjerp; seventeen' inen^in the mine/ •Two "died i|rom suffocatioti.-. but the oth­er fifteen forked pfeir way out.

The iat»st theorj' as tp the cause of the'disaster is that it was due to a rock slid?] which, carried the top of Turtle" m junta in. down' upon the vil­lage below, • It islfnpw thought that , what was supposed to be the smpbe of a volcano j(vas dust'and ,that the conr. tinued fall'Of small bits of'rojck during

tbc any vks inproiy t\w aiftormath or theorigrmajl rock slide. .. i

B'wton Itolinns Afraid, Boston, April»30:—Italians of this city

are heggini for proteellon against the dreaded Malta, by which they claimed to Have Own ordered to 0011 tribute to the defeusbi)fand Un-the New York bar-

(case, Fach of the .foreign-$\ a letter frb.m! • New Y.ork.

p i murd,e: Vrs- showe The letter^ltold them that everywhere they went the eye of „. ^hat they iv lid not sen diaiely.

they were marked men: that Mafia was oh them always; irere as good as -dead if tbey

4 the'required money imme-

Three Killed In Teleseope-d Conch. Bismark; Qnt., April 30;—At 7 o'clock

last evtHUigj it terrible wreck occurred at this plact? on the Lake Erie and DP-. troit River irailway. killing tfhree and mjuring sjj-eral other persons. The east bound jlocal passenger train was staading a tithe -station when ah east Bound gra tfl train . came arouiid, the 'urve and , j?<jnuplejtely telescoped the rear coach j-fihevlocal train-^which con­tained a ;uijiipher-of .passengers and workmen, i . I

jjra nted. I |In Venezuela Cane. Washingtanj, April 30.\-+.'Queen WU-'

helmina-hasl hotiged the United States governtpen:,ithat she has appointed Dr. jCharles" Ajiiustinius Henri Barge to act as unlpU'e in the •' arbitration be-hyeen the United States -ajid' Venezuela at Caraeasroi American .claims. Dr. Barge formeHy was the Dttteh govern­or of CuracMi •> •

J a i l a j r e i k e r . St i l l Ml»*lnjr.~ " Albanyf Wp'ril 30.^-Tne; three ' pris­

oners who Reaped'frpfial; thg couitfy jail Here am'sltillmls'sihgyj^fiey climbs ed through [a ventilator iir (the ceiling,-punched a pole through. i|h.e r«at yjall, of the building and; let theinselvaii to

fires are raging in this vieinljtyif p fTfte property loss te estimated at o^ | lp^~ litpix doUars. Watsonville, ' t ^ ^ * south, is reported to be wipedHo^j K IS thought that a number off htl|iii$Bfl£j lost The wires, are all dawjaL^hp lum'ber tents and chemical ^wifl'Stfl5

werelburned in several placeJs'H ^ ' l 1 '

- ~ ~ » ms:* No Bribery Aitempfcn^J| | j

Springeld, III., Ai>rII 30.—14i<^]p5^te| committee appointed to investigate!the. charges of bribery preferred IpaMepW1

er Hinds, reports that no attempt! sfy bribery was made, !i 'Hl''$ \

————————— v I , \f Jf

Yesterday's Bail (Games," I National League—New York |/?Pj|iii

adelphia 10; Boston 10, BroaMVniSi( ViiYfihnra. 13 Sf TJIUIS 4. ItU.Z* i

A JMttle Kaily Kiser _{ now and then, at jbedtlme will core constipation, 'biliousness ( and liv^r

i troubles. DeWitt>s Little' Early I Ris­ers are the famous little jhlls^tbjtfc cure by arousing the secretions, mov­ing the "bowels gently, yet effectual­ly,->and | jvmg such tone anA^trengih to the glands of the stomach and MT» lei* that the cause of the ^trouble |g-Removed entirely, apd if their use Is continued for a) fe-sf days, there will lbs no return of. the complaint. Sold l&r J D. K. Gilbert, O. |T. Carkin, Platjri-burgh, N. Y. |

Pittsburg, 13, S t Louis 4, •i/4i Amer ican League—iWashragt^h,"! if2%

N e w 7 0 r k G; Ph i lade lph ia 12, Pqatpni


B r i t i s h M o n a r c h

A u d i e n c e W i t h P o p e J

H a s ^ a p j K p t . 11! M

A. .^emotandiim Concerning1 OKaisih. M«lt«r« let Great Britain's ~ ' ' '"

>v JKecent experiments, hy practical testsj ib P . a n d examination with the aid. of the-;

Io.B« Prevented—VnterTtevK

Twenty Mlnnte*. ' f \\[{

Rome, April SO-For the firstfj^^ since the Tefotmarion an Englsisk|R|ftg has entered the Vatican and <|al,? cS|.-oit the 'universal head of the "Romahj'rjliihv ollcchurch v] h | ;

Passlbff the cardinals in stjatejiiigft prelates high in the church, drawlfe?, 9ilent, dignified and Imposing, j ^ 3 & Edward reached the door le^lm^Jm the ' apartments of the pope. i Iff f tps thrown open, and on the tprf^b<^1

stood Leo XIII, alone and smiJinfi |.l4=

' Iful arm extended to greet the king-His hdlinesa was dre§sel^ in. |o:

white and a red velvet cape W>i witb ermine. Even King paused a moment upon seeing |h. tiff in his white garments. r- Th£ face; was the Color of ivo.ry,.jfr moved without aid and wlth|W parent difficulty. Froto enfer'1

son there seemed.. to emanate menb of benevolence and spirit The king and the head of. thejje 'clasped hands' and aexehangedMu .words in French. King Edw.ardfip vrithln the papal apartoient, the was'.closed, and the pope and .Ms 11 were left aloue. v 'j^ '

For twenty minutes^Edward1 re: ed Vfithin and was attended a^aij the dpor in departing. ' As .ttfe took his carriage, had he lookei '

wart, and upward be would liafe. at a window in the second storj|o palk(fe the figure Of a sai.ntlj* txid standing alone aad, witfi hahdsbp the'parted curtains, sniiUng'dawi 'him-Hthe figure of Pope Leo %1%,-j''

Particalara—of- the rnt.ervijp'T^ Soibe particulars of the-intervfe^[j|]

tweejn Iving Edward and the pofefew becoine known. The pope gf^eip'tt-^ king] saying in French, "I am hsf see your majesty," '•^'•il i l

.King Edward replied. "I am\h^p|*;fe be here and to add my cougrat^lapj to those of others upon your' jhjTf outlived the days of '-St.

Necessity kees rusty.

a mi a n trom jgetting 1

MrrateH worst sort of ^ DeWltt's Witclk

[. - Jt'jrojmi a C a t [on the aroij to the burn, sore or boil, Hazel Salve te a auitk <j«fe. In buy! |ng Witch Hazel Salve, he particular :o ^et DeWitt's—this is the salve that J leals without leaving a scar. Asp« | Jific for blind, Meeting, itching andl

I protruding piles. Sol D. K. Gilbert, O. 0*.

i burgh, N» Y.

-Jin after years it makes a man feeb « sad when he thinks hpw fresh he used! -

he. | if

The X-Kay*

Id by Lankin, Platts-j

» i

! '-

Jj^-Rays, estahhsh itj aa a iac t that] Catarrh of the Stomach fe not a-dis-j

Dyspepsia Cure as •curing thousands. rlji -will cure yon of (Indigestion and ; dyspepsia, and prevent or cure (Catarrh,! IpJ fhe Stomach. Kodol digests v h a t 8

y»u eat—makes the Sftld by , to. K. Gilbert, O. T.

fMrgh, N. -Y.

fKlen love to' hear Ul dislike to be


stomach eweet

Larkin, Platts-

>f their power! reminded of their j

the Body Tike "IVastes of ery .seven days the' Wood, muscles, . |d bones of a in ?.es,?t!wo pounds of' Jwornottt _ tissue^ 14 waste' cannot be replenished and- [

health and strength 'kept up with- . ,jt perfect digestion1. -When the stoin-

.djli and digestive, organs" per-bSrm Gieir functions the strength leiii. 0. ivn," health gives,, ws.y, and dis.easg.' iejs up, Kodol Dyspfpsia, €ure..en~ M es the stomach an I digestive or­alis to digest and assimilate- ail o f tfe wholesome food, tbat inay be eat- , jx| into. the kind .of blo^d that refbuilds fhfe tissues and protejetis the, health

strength of the lijhd and body,.' itjidol cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia

'Ih^.all. stomach trouib'lefe. It is; an $&%d' spring tonic. Sold by , | & K. Gilbert, Q.' T. LaPkin,- Platts-tfgh; ,N. Y. • •. \

t i ^ - ' -

tee*wuu|l b> a" rope,

The rest, of the conversation "war the part of the,British sovemgpi eernijug the attitude taken by thfe J an tl|e principal social, qliesUotiSiOllJ day and on tlie part of Tope. Lee alibi the situation of the chmi'h. in .the<;|j;i isll empire. It also is-said the'!|jdii|i|1 inforjmed King Edward that in \1ieH|!ff their! meeting he had persoDjallylesil ined |iHto all questions reg!i|rdii^5ld||||| olic Interests-now pending in.'^aitfMfi parts), of the British empire" tiiM| prepired a memorandum tp wgie | hoped, the king would pay Ms lent,attention. It is undeWo one part of this memorandum. cSh;S#|i the school question in. Canada>^d|f tains practically the. same pbljit| does ! the memorandum given ^yjlitlM pope to Sir Wilfrid Laurler ; ' the |d | ff i | dian premier, when that offl,c|t l.||p last in Rome. r'-. 0 $

Th^ whole important affair wajs velously Striking in its siinplictlj in gijeat contrast to the ipHra^efl 'pomp, and military glbr/ of thefrM( .tion -<j.f the English king by.'Ki^gf!' tor Emmanuel and the Italian' |r . 25,006 of whom, 'assembled on | | rad^ grounds, were reviewed im,M Edward in the morning. t t w a ? | f ^ posrtpg spectacle, and splendid ^ contributed to the "brilliancy

• Scehej ' , .''-;


t ,A

BHEUMATIP C U R E n %<H''" . • AJKD r .• -li^lLEI CjURE .-

. . Potsdam, N. Y., June 1, l9ai.' J. Phillips.- Norwood, N. Y.,

ifiear „ Sir-^-Ia February last I. was heU to my bed with rheumatism

ffas hot able to move -my hands or. -My physician tol l me there was

hihg he could do-:'or me. 'But. a. fl^n'd told, me about your famous At.

?. iRheuruatfic Cure I. sent for i t ; took it according t o ' directions

\h4 now I am working: every day. I "nnot recommend itj too "highly fj> e' suffering public. . • -'','•' • ' , HSOMIE3R. MILLER. .; Norwood, N. Y., ilarch. 11, 1901. 'jWjhom It May Concern: ' . v

"% Charles H. Bowen of Norwood, .ft".',; have ibeen in the drug busihesa

mfv the past fifteen t e a r s and have and taken all kinds of rheuma-|c |cures, found one that

I took the Fa -Rheumatic ' Cure.

has oured m» of six

but never otld. cure me until ;cf|is' A. -J. P. fjhree bottles of it

pletely of . rheumatism ,rs standing.

., C3HA!RTJB3S ,H. BdWEjN, Ph. G, ^ o | .Whom' I t May Concern:

,.baye Itad rheumatism-for fifteen. M& f - f r 3 ^ ° ^ l i a"v e t i a b e B" different Mnds

* ilfj: rheumatic .cures, , but I never Hd' one that wonla cure me until

k the Famorus A . J. P. Rheuniatic which cured me completeily In

daya, FRANK 'A\ Btu>RtQI)GS!j -Malotie, N^ Y.

f'or jaale by O. T. t<arkin, Druggist, yp|ttebtti?gh.' •