r cmcxjh a.nmr^^^^^ss^^^mi mnseikstmsi utswiffltiel i...

Pi^EMBl^fc^ |a.™*"™"' tf : MNSEIKSTMSI UtSWIfflTiEl , ^ 1 ' r k x v \ I: )!•"•. TO DEVELOP mk$ COM- "i-it<l-. WITH- TBEIS .<JOl|K* lin-r-FAflNG GKJ63AW | S * ' I>1 STIUAL' D B V M i O ^ MEXt! I ElMEtS-- " •h-> iv [ N -...-v., Dec. S-^-Sweden !i|s m a k - flirts- to develop. |t^ trade > •- • ":r.try, according fe state* •:.:!..T;als' Of tile' |Sjwe«.isl£ .v, •-•;. : Cnnmerea yesterday,; '. *. •.= /... general manager' &f-' ; . •-•:!» v;it t h e t r e m ^ a M u s i n - . -. .<-vp.>rt.s from this- country ••, -nro'-tht war, skUi that |t: : -i 'K-A* U. .assume!' tfaiftt the ';, . ..-:.• •. sJ.iv-.xlen were djssllne'd :••:.- -ih-r country, •j .'v.'iiV'. he saij, **$ f h© dottntry •j.-: ,V;:s. and hot! only-itee^ A«w c_.i..<is. but is selling m»ta than *.'. r.p j.. ibe tJnite4 J S t a ^ t£?hc .-. . ..; .ri.iusirifl d&vmopment .s.. ..:».;> lies'in "'the pi'34§ n©^ i- ,'• :i:'i-i operation, fiijrt?. tfeft' de* r ; ;.-r. ..-f immense -wa^'powcr .•.••>. . Th.p large atnoeytits- being, ppent and to 10 s p e n t ,--- dov.plApmen-t wlli-' ena&io •i. i-, a< cnease m8&ufa^tmin& .-i'.-.i per mi I her t o eJMB»£t£ i». ,r...:.s of the world to ?,»jCsd&afc t .::• •;••- rralizedv* , li..-' vr.'.^z- pointed out tltat since ,.r Siu-.l.-:: had i^ot -o&|y<4aagbt ./.-:•,s SM*reft for ma4jeris|l» ass- '..:.-:,;".,.-.d from other W«jatrle&,' ,-if- cart.ii:ij to this cottrtry w||h 4 - f :.r: : o!ies which the. Rallied :KC accustomed . •hct countries 'war. ;' -• to ,gei in- Austria. tnf-Olved,. :RAfiOH le&m Vi..,ST,!.:l«>AT. I X €<»©$£ W .sis federal .gov^nment to effect a sct» t-..r., Bee. 84-£&IMM£| .,3§et |:j3#fcs.6»t ottaie, *ohir.oversy and <iafit M<..mbcr*>;went i«|4-bfjfel:e>|i'»e.correspondence, which passed be- rtwjeen ;.£resiite»t, Wilson &IHT 'thr 31 u?t. M-t at no«n„ » l 4 [ M s f |ftjifed Mtao 'Workers.'^- AmerTaa. late at itjifft ; IBV; t | j * Wmnj-u-nis act-on sas» tb.»t. in vie% jM?t'r"'0.f'i1ip'r©ceat:.action of t t e Pfc'stfl*8« 3&a*|itt appointingr .a. J5ed«r&l mediuti-or f •--:-' fr-/- V.il -•f:,r- .- > ' •:n:i :h. V . •.--•-.I ; : his -ainnaal &&$ -t-ff heard feesdri- c.-t.-5 Badger oa p.r^tia»^«*s$'- j\:rniy a^propffa^r ri-'«-.i..r!«-d-: l toy Milf&tery rirvi K; 2|-iid teVfyop?- * fnslldejssftitst itegUtt; W* 1 r Hi - li -iiifili L71"H nun _.H;I.<I'I; WORK. ' anent WJOICS, ! :^'<^bdpfa«>r': ., ;o«##p®Bf; "For Hattsbnrgh and Clinton Co., First, VOL xvni Np r ss j^RteEgr cmcxjh : A.nmr^^^^^SS^^^mi A Recomm< adatian tbat Industrial IE1HBB RATES I FOR FOURTEFN MONTH. .SIIIJLI JBtnttdOElf SDVANCS 1ST CHAltGKS ON G^AEST 3EROM 3STI2W ITOiKK Oto KCWSPER- * t*im & K » JDD3CDOIT j ^,^__ ^. • • _ f grswii IU i-jufiuo« quoted . ®X<3L I TO ma tB3SBEfiS , I)ean?»r, iSfeij. «*-A, --Mcoflxifienda- tioa to t«raiiaate the Colomdo cuai tacts' "stall:«,. 'wMcli had fes inoop- ti«a ut 'th« northern "ColoraUu field? fa April/isW, and.wfaiCtt tot mor« : t«aa 14 tttontfes hajs Involved- prac'tl- .wtor the et ike «oal ttniaing indaa- tW at ColttJ'ido, was contained in ?» camiaanisatifttt from the iaternation ni'«xeeBttv« jaard of tfte United Mint Worker? *f A»aeri«k preseated' i^raak 3. Ha^es, vie© ©resident,, to -th. union minmn of Colorado in convey- Han -h<$?& to lay, f*We reoeiaitstcs no- sassrpnder anf $!tHl3 continue to pr4]?agfafe tho prfn eti^W. of «ae hamanixarian m»»^ ta*at tKroagboat the <soal fields o" Cajtamdo,* r s i ^ s to© oomaiu-tUcaU.jn itt ar.nounoing the determination o* *3j<i evocative ^aar4 t& terminato Ul* ..Strf'Jfft. -^.fter fevi«wtot the pKorts of tlv Kow. Yor'k*, jDec. ^—Rates Oa shift room for girain and general cargo to Engiis^ and Preaohi ports have been increased ^roai iOftto 390 per cent over the normal, rates jit this time, a year ago. 3?o i^ottj^rdam a rate on g*arn i^ras quoted Yesterday at close lo,. 10 (shilling^, whijoh is nearly five times (the normal rate. A rate on graih to Lojjdon Quoted yesterday was<r a year ago;, on flo«ir, Zte. a sack, asrainst 14e, last year. , Shipping roont . is exceedint?5| scarce and rates are steadily inereaa* ing. dfhe *eas&nsj #hippin$p men sSy, ire pl^in. The ttioat prominent ariS •he removal of the German and AUB- 11.W'O coUe^a- sfe -,^daiiirals/-co:nmi!ssion.. *<SPO deom it tho part «* a»to*^'- 'wiudoni,. to aucspt «%• -(the p-rc^si ^Wll; dis*i &*#i'*v!*«EB*!8ion and to tenninafe th* .strike-.*" %-»a| «jtor^s on thf •l?n feted'Jllne lie* t-h* co;att«mIcati*m *ia4<"A t»ft- "Workers iurt of t-o settle *h<» lh» v !^iF •iii i 4 ^naj i^jod-j^fc^essel^' / ^ i- ed4rli ,^-i t^4 St ^M -J—14— ;.i e.lor *.* ti U' >thr b o t t f c .1 « •rian merchant fleets from the sea xnd thie ntiHaifttiOn of a great nam* Set of British *ships of comjUerce By ho British Admiralty. Aicordias' t> a compilation by thj Jwiiroal of Commerce the amount of -I'lyplns taken out of commercial .te in these ways has heen'ahout 5»*»- HiO.oOO .gross tons. Experienced -' "Piling »n«*„i 88ld yesterday that thla •sfiihate «rAs unite con«ervatlv« and hat an csi-mmto of «,000,ftflO to «*- co,«oo to«s ^ouid I probahiy not fife oo »nuch» ft »vaa estimated that the total <5er» «j«n a n d A u s t r i a n t o n n a g e l»eimo%'ed r m commercial asea b^ the war is.' W « • - ^ a i ^ W . of t h e «r<(nera} i »out 5»5U&i»OU « r o s s t o n s ; ^hipping said yesterday Mxat for all prac- leal purpose the entire" merchant: *»&* m tho <s «»&•* arrajfeeW^ narlae of these countries is «ut ot <>n»*»4i3Ssioa, t o t a l i i n s m o r e i h a n 5 j - Kjft.oeft t o n s . SShtimatea oj the namber of ships xtfceti l*y tibte British for Admiralty i.-sc^r r«n as high as 1^00. . It is c*m- »rvatively .estimaEed, howewr, that it least SOikships v;ith a total gross lEtiase of 1,700,000 tons liave been \?n out of coniinefo»al use for this n»ri*ose. ' , . . The" shipment aa fpscdn ftbroad con- Unwr« to iftewassu -Qrowth in ship- ping traffic hm also SJCOB stimuiawtt hr, <he Jacreauin'? casfa of g*vtSft$ ve*r r&$% 'ihteranm. . "• MJ&Vtt&SS' JWR& W««J35I3KSBUJJJ?.JSt.^ f A^G^w^^is^rtw. Last and Always. Y^&Hgy je Hedp Approve of Flaps of iBsUnctioB i ' wot Pt% W mm - ME3*-. mm: ti c- » i Waahinstoitf,. Dec. f.—iS)^ waf de- panment".*m:tici»ate» the*e -wilt be at .the nilUtcsty instruction camt> at Plattsburgh j from next July 5tb ' to 'August Stli j inclusive. Plaips ar« at' ready andpr. '*?ay 10 ear<^ €or that .numbed of i^ung min M th| flats' bu#sh aite* ismch hgs been d«^i^iat< ed asoiie di the four places £or|»tu- dent in^trueSion n'ext year, 'fC'he eam|*:.^rf be on o:« near] th« mitltafy reseryation of Jlattab irglj, Sarii*cks, ^iid, the'taake Chamjds-ii- country with; in a radius ol t*njti)fe '$i tm ibarraek? «|U -be- iw*eft 'fo* tnan^uvdffr «r| shads, ,;-'' '#© conkder the camp site . « ?l|ttsbur*li' Id'eat."' said Captain Bo* *ta-ft ^ftf**' t«da ; y,' Who W ttftghsod- wia isthcr «^-ic*rjii.-i»'t i wrlciM3:/t-at drc. d« nijsantatn-t-ou'n.-of Coracora*- 3n.£tu<> if*j:i}«4'bv tft tu$mimmt ®t Ay^eaclvo," about 3 *°'U!jh»»<i' t «V I* tnili<& flaepjiiifeast^t! i»imai was shaken f n-a*^ ,-pfadlci t<y' a severe oarthtpitaJjo on' -S«nd«.y. I t*ailvj?«,ty oJ i'her^ were djverat' casnaitfts,- 'own is in rni:js, The ,\ wm«]SfeiX AP*q»3^»nBKT\ ci'}».cmor--E3icc1j Makes General \Vot|i» . c t ^ p o o n S'ta.<b- S a p r r i n t c n d d i t -of . Fnl'Mc Works New York, D*«. $-*Ma'|o» Gen.. Wf h- Hans' Wotherspo»>n, retired as Chief of Stair of the •Uaiibed States Army last ntonth^ was ncrtlfied today by Governor-oi^ct'.' i.fhiijnQn that • h* :' «owld he - an-pBin'i#d ! , State'. jSape'rih- t c a d 6 n t * f FublKi'"SP^rlwi. -Mr, t V h i t v man eaid th&t 0encrai Wotherspoon had accepted the 'appointment, l|r, •Whitman said ]that he had ten- dere'd ihe office to general Wotlicr* spoon at the time oi Genera? Woth- erspoon'p retirement,, but ho hard not accepted until today, . " I consider nlm.the best man in the country 1 for the position/* * air, whitman aaid. The'ofllce runs concurrently with the governor's term and pays $6.obb a year. ; &s< Superintendent jdeaeral Wotherspoori t\ijl has-e supervision of' navigation anfl -*eii«frs" of the siaW canals and. also will be -charged' with the. espendltijire of njonej's appropri- ated by \ht* \esidHi.m» for public im- provement authorized by special acts. Atnt* a sftd hish aoheoi student^ <^«fattott 1M te the-shores; of lj»ki- Champiain tftt.it the suKrouiLdins ;5CUJ. try-jis especially ^ood *ir Saneivci purwoaca. ViJ e 'expect *o -nri r w sub stan iiar -|«uiHbe^ feo^i-thc ufewewsittt s.m tho r-eas** Hjtrvard/ • Tate! Ct-jJdfll, ; ^= V ROSE! ;erday, /^phej of tho tides- in/Ke-w Xork.-^y' shteO CaWO with the' sale. -y^Sr catri^d .the arigry-^ intb unprecendenled. jplkces, and a cinsifterabla t|aiie at the miiadlje' 6$ the ,day ferry seryic& tb Jersey. j3fty ha4 to be abandoned bclcanse pagpen geri cohld not leave th4' boat*. The* rfoe-W the- tide jit '©over4or'i •JMaf{d;'was Tt.S <eet, a^'cpmp^rcd.ifitii-l .a nprmaL .4,2$, feet. ^t. 1% 1S>0#, tliiis rl&e waa equalled, ; ^ i n g exCjiied-l ed only fry'tfee^eeora'-of mo^M K imi,., when it .was & fe*fc. • • - j - /,. *f •-' [ the highest r #ind of I km. ;.ijtorjjfe ; cahto at 11:40 o'clock ^este^fc^ Morsdng, •w'mn the gtia^es M«^fea'|^. uites-an horn At So't&pdk j^l:$$t ' he .rainfall for the day iwaa'4#?o^''**: inch and the limit eeemed to havi seen reached. | _.y-\ it •.. { AM day" the iempeyatnr^.had.fe aped Just above the dbj^t^ng poi^ *nd tM» tact made th;c gale see: mora s e r i n s to the ma«i .ia^'the^ street) | -ban it'really w**,' ^urprjslnsfly'.'£|lwf w,cMeht»- '-in the city shero- 'xeporp^ iWint ti^ dayv iGennans Preparing To Resist Its IES CLAIM THE B£Si'OF HGHI1NG caBaaaiAir- •o&m&&m$& -EST *ad2$ictt f*i * » -vtr + «•'«'•' rticte TWO ca irt flu' rcQairiea to pas" |3*5& a J i«ee* f Sare ;ad thfc; meaia ixm be.j^r^parsed,"' ; rained a*my cooks. '^MtN«a»;,i»ia) titan be" required .to , hay;..a uniform atj| * cose ; #t«ginfe xrom $4 W ,$»,, &e*: | r»i9ci>fliTi-r)c In Mtt/k.llW*' " » - ' '• I The' cordinar %p ^naiits*. All f^rm» of military - tonsBteuctlosi will be given/regular -oamp re|ular, .4on» will' be malata|n4a", /Arid the] companies' tvil* he •commfende4 by reg- u l a r o.ftijqcrs. 1*he war' d e p a r t m e n t jfe«.ue«Sjf fn-' ?ts jppnasyi^aMijf |wid ether bjlgr .nwititw- j wder that studenSss-desfaTiar to" enter i t'h». ? the 'camp a* Piattekirgh 'address'the,! t*on4 .and' from 1ttgh schools of casj,: U*o ahw&dy have reieived up pli?apf«*s fii mx a •CAKSidcrablc ' ujum 'mr ot stud<jni&* * 4 Oiijtftia fjin Horn rcttw!ttt4 fcs'daj from] if01* i r jjrl£ fthci=04iP atwadi ;d" a twetlus of tju» advfc^ft' e w s l ' t c »-or Uu*' ^itetc*s^' natinVna^l rcsfcrvc ctra.-*. f h « 4o»*n- - ii(j?f iss.inado ' up. t»i the f»rc^d^ias«S'a» iijsf- auivcrsjties ;ef 'tSiC*-c&»awy|iVhd at- 4ho ; m*.^il*ftr v-iii -K««? "'fork tjspy.tritmsPd a4 >hd^rf>b-} ; sfefe?-Q^»' jlre^cribed*'^h'C. <J6»-ja»e'or* **. w&^h 1 ,»rsois .WaU*lat»-.tft i»»t!ci.|ak 4 ! f i m .osulJ-.gtwdente Who' come %v' Umau Peru, »ac; - S.-T-^^C--^iaa«ji tt < Its :^ A ^^'t44\n^tt^^^ "4e«tr«4." A'csnshect nmd'cr>> sltoB'^^srprpsiftoin'^^f stondinef '-of the 'pa*incijprl?s, im-ol^'d ikceiosx, toffeli, ofi£af^-j '-mim -(^msidwea'ormoro ; importance'*': adlc-jil of t^vH, penml of the | in thse short tsm^ avaiiaMO for^Jastruo f 4lai»ma, Beijjjanii 1 * Ida'. WiwcJib, <it 'tlhc Uailvcwsty 'of calllfor* uia, p$t Printer, of i&ehlgh, juid'<ien- to lit ti.em 't' Virgin! $, Aliiitary «ral Iwho.i«: of the Institute ..... ^hc''**ti-i«|waj , e'h 'k'JXr is 4ohsi*j-^ opec'4,15 5 d'f#iraplo in J -that i!i Is'loeas (pd.la (;_ isett»i-)i«!r rssbrt -district, and ; thft*yot»j!* < -m^p,.attcndItt5? will b o a n ' 1 itij.jtfd t.*'.jia»t:;cii)ate kn t h e # c i a i pea- 'tuWs ^]f ltfO-:-ihereJ I*ae« '^l^l^l^th^icasi' tviwt niai|itaiae(|t at '!feurl^isJton, 'f t» cad! 'nearly 40$ J5ttt- j' ere enroh'ed*i •1'she: ^tiles'.; threes c stmpiit' "nest.' * t e i ^ twgf wli M r ftt' cajt*«ni.tei^ Pi'rii* Ga>;. |Jtdia3tc.n, --'Mi^liiganv- -and the,|'-|- PresJdtcv Sj^r. Fran0-|5co t CaiSfoi nia. | * fthblp'b^t of y|t6 carnpt,*; isaysj* Maio-r- •$«*>**!; a- W. 'W, Woijhcfsp-jon, J j former chief '<'-of'- stalf, in a huli<4invi|: "la to irlycJ'ilbie Tou^fe men-^f 'tfte r j| : <5o»j»irj i military' tr*qftl«3f» tbe r -b.f|tter- |' a ditsct rse t&eir gan .tvith the acceptance on Sept. Id of President "Wllson'a proposal of a throe-year tiruce. .»T*his action was taken hjf a,. district contention' at Trinidad^ \ ' .- .'- ,:•'>...- ' After ftuo^ing' the!. communication of •Presicjenfe, Wilson ion Bee," 1, [(in- ndhaclngithei appointment of a fed- eral mediation- comr mission to deal with future controt ersiea"' between operators and employes in the Col^- .orado coftl fields, .thx report say?: •. -*'ln view of tWs i rgeht reQuest, coming as it ^oes from the chief ex- ecutive of the nation, we deem it fhe part of wisdom to accept his Jfuggea- tion and terminate thts strike, -In o«r Opinion, to waijre the strike further w.ould not mean additional gain to our members. . •'"If. the. operators reject 'the, good olfiees oJf-4"hi$ fcommlssion appointed in good faith' ib'y,the l*resi<ient of the United States, upon their* shoulders will rest the responsibility, of any fu- "ture trouble i|n the. »lining fields of- Colorado." ! ••'- • . . " i Af ter declaring that the. m^n "have ma'le every •'overture for peace, since the beginning, of thii canfliet,"., the rcisort '&ay-e in eonclUiiion that th# Bub^coramlttee of ths international executive 'board now attending the fHstric*., convehtlon has been gjye-n "dis u'etionary power to meet the ex •least.?insonVeiij[ch.c'e..aad gj^eateat In ^ttrrctionai -a^vantage^ "Inv-aijfiitibji b tlblJ patriotic mo-, tivc theie ajTjj to ..'be considered , physical beneKts to he derived Jess =than the usual; jcxpeujie- when away fr« healthfHl ^eamp, ^%e M ."crease h ;.a. udent is certain to hence hU- economic value., thra the hablin th^js acqujr^d of '.discipline, ohfd^nee, s^f-controi," order ' ind ciimniand: aijd the stuciy of organ AS,- VXnti and .idnunistratiiUi as exeniE>ii fiodjn ilrst'ck;s3 modera armies, . 'Thelbtnei; of these camps'to'-tho- nation is'thajt they.itos:er a, patriot Jo spirit, •wtthba;: wh;eh a nation .s.)o« tosee itsv'trtlify and.- falls iniio decay; the they spread among tho citizens of country'a, mjt re thoroa? *".fS:' HS t 1 " •-- - ^^ 1 1, ' i' " ' i ' 5 •- ' i i i "!•' •' i ': : ' i ' 1- li . 1 i * s- : , . "i -'. . - , the lorminati^n of the (strike that may * ',' a-rjse. ;ge4«les of any situatlion, concerning 'graduating c l s s s ' of ."higlji sChooJii»-» ^r:,4'.t-"i*is oi t: •null tavy diitWs, «auivid thMr., county uver'-ii •„-,,.„ tXA~ 0 ,% ;«» ^ l v ^ / k i ^ ^ ^ , * * ; ^ stand Nneca of th«kWi«*f 'VhM, your tteos 13 in th0 / biendiflg summer Ivaciijion pexlod Is siefeiotejl t l ' 1 | *««/??«-#» •enable ^tudei-fe- to r «ttend -vrilta rthij-lf "*vfeCllxig» .ess I nTiciency h ' kdrawle of mililkrp history, military policy and mShtary«;aecdgt,-'-all necessary k» •th'*'- coniplareji educaajoii of a'wjll- ,e<iuipped cdiutnln order that ho may himself form,;4ast. 4nd jtr-u© •,&pinjJ*n'S' on miliars topics ""Yhe iUltm^te object -bought, j a ' ^ ^ military a^fra^idizemenil pi'-o\'ision, i|a vital .need tontronting u< ful and unipilltary peopl t'hat peace inip.'propriety served throiisJ; the only Isafw preciitt- tlon, viz., mloro thoroughr prejiarat.on and ecfujpm^nt to ressfefc .fpy ^Itopi to •breftk such peace Students, for'admission] mnkt'be ai least fere fee^;'.Cour- tech<jas in" -hei;3is and -between tise. ag-es of eiffhtees p4 thirty, in ualM^Jties* coltees or-the ;hnt to m-.a<a ome-'d^gre^, to mee; u •qh& u, pea e«' to the.<nd may bo pre- and <ather sc^ols rafetf^s guch t« .earns. Ihey will "OaRccr m Charge, stud^nta? military; "'inatraetion Camp, iJeadgnaiters, EaMj <-m" Bepa^tment, <3o^erao?*§- 'jitandj Xew tor&**' •. '. ; .. ' •''• . '! Kcftl SJtiiitary Work. j A feigsilicant paragraph in -^eneralj v?atheK*aooh*a -ordct>'.»ay:»: > . •; "In rc-turn for' the, opportuniti^ 1 ] th«s, affrirded,. -stadients- W cspeeted! fo. mj^wgj.tarnt^tljr-.th* 'cp^ese'.oif'-.lni wksuY cm; UOETH a ALBANY €4 t XfOhdon, B e e . S^-^he -'^ernianis "arc putting forth their ^est endeavors "to ;prejpfnt :lhe- landing ©fan Allied ,es* tjjsedijtian under i h t -gain*. of'tbc^flO'*. t21a operating'- -8tti|".''<!oa$t.';o-f - ^ e ^ - terujgge/.. Beavy'-gnn^'have- h^en jpiae^ -ed tsherever' p^^bte hs. tho : %st"i»os-* Itlons near the town, and plana!, Apr desp erate hand' tosfiand ^ghtm|f haie been- ma4'^ ; iu--'-*^B i ':4t^etii-s% ; ;i3:at "if •the;:n)MeiS*'--force^i^ie;:to 1 get a/foot-' hold- It w-ill h a y e -Icj , "^in£e"?i' fevers-inch of tt.e ws.fi, • EEou^s^haire'^eh lWP- hole'd'-and'-aro promoted fey-*"*bn€ ; 'bagp. 'aBKSf: aehia'd •"these,, n ^ t c h j n ; ^ ' ^ ^ ; ;bja*». ; : beeh.:.plaeed ao,#A In «to "fes»f^':i^p*' ; cutioa -within : a Ji^alte^finaco^,^"- ' -.- Attacks -of .-ilMes'Sucfe#s&d; v ' ;. , ' .;^h>-att&ek|i of the. allies."have' heen: •most'succeksf-di i3ius j .fa^,'''^j?he ipfer- W&ni- opened Sre with^ their; artillery at' i Oast^ Bank-irkej. 'some [&st£Bf!g ffom^Xienporti'ibut the" aliifes''ship^ Steantcd 'iii : 'dose- to" the sliore an# ISt MAB6AR£7C BTEtmiT" %iati the ehipmet 6f war «tMM said service in Poland. to have been pressed 1»%| comfjeHcd the ing» Thp, French now possess?'th^ fii-.' 'between .©ethnae also fough't ijl^htijQ^ around I^da at I0%ft00. an^ t -™ • • '"'""««""*'*>> t|on* than'tiic exercise'\.itse5f," only, that decree of prceMop, in,'«los»Vo»der % drill ncec-ssary to Insure' •diEftiplinc |j will be ipsistcd upon, fextended 'c-rder' drill --and iicid excrc-lse^ aro-consrider- «d most Important. Work; will bccaiit- fined, as far as praKticaM^' to tHjo tn«.«mi^s', leaving t h e "aXte«ifx>ag ''aa|ft evening?, with •due's^ord xp propc* 'S«per«!«ion, at tb«' disposal of the sttt* dent for rest, athletic «p«r<^ r and re- creation, m for | sach* oilier mefk **r *ast,ru-c«on he- *ftay desire'and which I can, be gl^en."' , ' •'' '•"' wmm. Hi i WARSHBP KANSAS I'^hiladelphja, Dee. S—^Th* v^. helliyed to be in! distress<oi£"l City, Md„ undoubtedly was'th^ Ci| States "battleship Kansas, i$£ last night from Captain NiMa*s£3 ImatLder of the K^nsaB, whi?!' i ing: Inside the Delaware Brattk^l say -hie. w a s t obliged to"anchor 0| isothls vessel from .the storm, fj| ESansas was uninjured and the Phnadeiphia Kavy tasej&'ihe weather moderates. •fiterjmans t o cease '-fir*. r lage of VertaeUes, and , tmns. "Shey; have their.-way forward v along tho, railroad line, ^hich they now hold, ^wing to- ilia ; ?e*y suddennesss and A £iercenesls. ,of t i c attack; the .German ,!ine.'.ha>.. ;ven; way in place* aeapey ' • the., ;dmiue. The' tterma.es haviJ!, yieMefi f-jSansilerablo %onad •'northwest'' of HTOyoi in the, region of .Eoyvjroie.... *i • 33|<j IP%I>^8 |u'^ol|('»a : ,.'." '•!'- ;0hr).f -t 'Oif^rav:^??©^ -.f'.-X^* TT s-,--. T - , , ajjw- the" percents^?© ot'ioW is tltolarly high amoas t$* commAhdlng pee;*. Even colonels,and occasion^- a ily generals,' it says, remained oa the f ring* line nhtfl 'they were ,'ab|e -to scape only l»y incans of motorcycles, '-Itt^fcs |»«sssedt Into Sert|ic<j Ac^rdiisg to won».ded *j6ern»an eteeeJtss In the prison ba=mp jat Biel- btttock, Ittsssia, a.number of Turkish !|3fifl£ers are serving So the' 'German » niy in Poland- It Is said Ef^ey have. iHieu' traiolns' % 'the Germany miil'* iary schools and were drafted on ac- J^j^yoBht n^^e^3hat& T a»"je- PP*fr -1-*•r«*M*|j^s&'" aSxSr ' 34^'rch n 4, **#*#*-••••«•«*•«••*«******* ••••****4^»*++t-*** S: . tnd 1" The b% secret iftgeHi^g; 3|ant of the lack of competent of- ler?. ' Two ^nrkisb oiheers, who 'jbrera seat from .• Ci-mstantinoplje to; Ip^rlin op a missi;on in .cGijm.ection! I 1 th^ beist results fr&m ,- ; ! of the feed you ire i thOjM I Have made a study in the%i|idir>g6t#i^^e«tf€^ds ^fc^fc^ufei ' • 0urWYANI30TTEr«TCH'feed^s" S ^d the test aad'fcas'jtM&B groyea, to produc jghfi t|ian any otherfe^d on the Now-is ImetO/put mm of C0.n0J^ SEED faLINGS, and to i;ake advantage of otir low prices; Comefin and wV will tie i-;. :." ''V . ' ' t we can S&YQ you mbi ey. eedefs MEGIS&ATOCR HA|> ^KOtJBUE WEEH HIS Chicago, Dee, S—-Alonjso-v J. nWn, once a member of the Mini (/legislature and wealthy, la*l irejas dfetamved^at 'the detective t>Ue| a'^~attemptiaRi to pay a bote! a j cheek tlpt igas noz deemed >b'y the clerks Whiteman .: arrested various "times ijf" ten years, usiislly in ee 'v»Mi cheeks • ^ ' K X ^ & A SKSSIl>3v O F COI^C Washington- 3>EC, ?v^i>esid*4*i sort- teaid todn>.i»/ : &!£,-3a©t.. tte 'tiv?ib wit Senator Kera a.nd Underwood, the and Represenl_ fctemoer»S Jeaiprs of th^ pwo houses agre* r V:*TH: 1 BEE5T iPOrSTD BF.33XA Siijn Anionio, Tev., I>ec. S—Tk name "Dorothy Arnold/" written the pj-ileaf of a bible, in possessipa Of !a|,iypqng woman arrested here ia t -caused the police today w tn-1 |ate whether the bible had, anyl nigb veati cant Action with Dorothy Arnoia, tl long ; jmissing- Mew York girl, A sUg of paper had beep pasted over ch*| hamii. •§r. I Vice-President Wai.T)en. Vice Prcsideu|t- Jr. fitt, TrAasurer- M , |VOMAK'S f RFLTEP OORl^S, M* Seers elected for ih© yeasr In thel Wiltjv H. Beaiedict "Woman's Relief* Corp:k were as follows: r , Prls^'deat—Mrs. Fannv v^i!k,Infeon k Mrs.[ l&ther 3 I -Urs. AlXce l £ o # ^ | -I, 1 Mrs. A. aiay Gr,«it. Chjiplain—3Irs. Xellie Ouncan. Ccnfiuctor—^^frs. Wary Callansni, dfnj:rd—.Ar^s. Sar4 C'-vanell Del aerate—ilrs Clara Aa^ms. 4f* « Ab ornate—il rs A. May G-raat. * ft. >1 *'«,X«i SXiWftJ^SSXSXIXSXiXSKS^^ iemore e market. gs m ypui* Winier Supply BEAN f and M I D - pleased to show you Mackinaws /Sweaters Fali ' l l - 1 :\< l > tptr^warMii rfWM^MJ

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, ^ 1 'rk

x v \ I: )!•"•. TO DEVELOP mk$ COM-"i- i t<l- . WITH- TBEIS .<JOl|K*

l i n - r - F A f l N G GKJ63AW | S * ' I>1 STIUAL' D B V M i O ^



ElMEtS-- "

• h - >


[ N -...-v., Dec. S-^-Sweden !i|s m a k -• flirts- to develop. | t ^ t rade

> •- • ":r.try, according • fe s ta te* •:.:!..T;als' Of t i l e ' |Sjwe«.isl£

.v, •-•;.: Cnnmerea yesterday,; '. *. •.= /... general manage r ' &f-' •;. •-•:!» v;it the t r e m ^ a M u s in-. • -. .<-vp.>rt.s from this- country

••, -n ro ' - th t war , skUi t h a t | t : : -i ' K - A * U. .assume!' tfaiftt t h e ';, . ..-:.• •. sJ.iv-.xlen were djssllne'd :••:.- -ih-r country,

•j .'v.'iiV'. he s a i j , **$fh© dottntry • j . - : ,V;:s. and hot! o n l y - i t e e ^ A«w c_.i..<is. but is sell ing m»ta t h a n

*.'. r.p j . . ibe tJnite4 J S t a ^ t£?hc .-. . ..; .ri.iusirifl d&vmopment .s. . ..:».;> l ies ' in "'the pi'34§ n©^ i- ,'• :i:'i-i operation, fiijrt?. tfeft' de* r;;.-r. ..-f immense - w a ^ ' p o w c r .•.••>. . Th.p large atnoeytits- m£ • being, ppent and t o 10 spen t ,--- dov.plApmen-t wlli-' ena&io •i. i-, a< cnease m8&ufa^tmin& .-i'.-.i per mi I he r t o eJMB»£t£ i». ,r...:.s of the world to ?,»jCsd&afc t .::• •;••- rralizedv* , li..-' vr.'.^z- pointed out t l ta t since ,.r Siu-.l.-:: had i^ot -o&|y<4aagbt ./.-:•,s SM*reft for ma4jeris|l» ass-'..:.-:,;".,.-.d from o ther W«jatrle&,' ,-if- cart.ii:ij to this co t t r t ry w | | h 4 • - f :.r::o!ies which the. Rallied



. •hct countr ies 'war. ; ' -•

to ,gei in-Austria. tnf-Olved,.



Vi..,ST,!.:l«>AT. IX € < » © $ £ W .sis

federal . g o v ^ n m e n t to effect a sct» t-..r., Bee. 84 -£&IMM£| .,3§et |:j3#fcs.6»t ot ta ie , *ohir.oversy and <iafit

M<..mbcr*>;went i«|4-bfjfel:e>|i '»e.correspondence, which passed be-rtwjeen ;.£resiite»t, Wilson &IHT ' t h r

31 u?t. M-t at no«n„ » l 4 [ M s f | f t j i fed Mtao ' W o r k e r s . ' ^ - AmerTaa. late a t itjifft ;p» IBV; t | j * Wmnj-u-nis act-on sas» tb.»t. in vie%

jM?t'r"'0.f'i1ip'r©ceat:.action of t t e Pfc'stfl*8« 3&a*|itt appointingr .a. J5ed«r&l mediuti-or

f •--:-' fr-/-



. - > • '

• : n : i

: h . V .

•.--•-.I ;

: his -ainnaal &&$ -t-ff heard feesdri-

c.-t.-5 Badger o a p.r^tia»^«*s$'-j\:rniy a ^ p r o p f f a ^ r ri-'«-.i..r!«-d-:l toy Milf&tery rirvi K; 2|-iid teVfyop?- *

fnslldejssftitst itegUtt; W*

1 r Hi - l i -iiifili L71"H n u n _ . H ; I . < I ' I ;

W O R K . '

anent WJOICS, !

:^'<^bdpfa«>r': .,


"For Hattsbnrgh and Clinton Co., First,

VOL xvni Npr ss j^RteEgr cmcxjh:A.nmr^^^^^SS^^^mi

A Recomm< adatian tbat Industrial






j ^,^__ ^. • • • _ f grswii IU i-jufiuo« quoted .

®X<3L I TO ma tB3SBEfiS ,

I)ean?»r, iSfeij. «*-A, --Mcoflxifienda-t i oa t o t«ra i iaa te t h e Colomdo cuai tacts' "stall:«,. 'wMcli h a d fes inoop-ti«a ut 'th« nor thern "ColoraUu field? fa A p r i l / i s W , and.wfaiCtt tot mor«

: t « a a 14 tttontfes hajs Involved- prac'tl-.wtor t h e e t i k e «oal ttniaing indaa-• tW at ColttJ'ido, was contained in ?» camiaanisatifttt from the iaternat ion ni'«xeeBttv« jaard of tfte United Mint Worker? *f A»aeri«k presea ted ' t» i^raak 3 . Ha^es, vie© ©resident,, to -th. union minmn of Colorado i n convey-Han -h<$?& t o lay,

• f*We reoeiaitstcs no- sassrpnder anf $!tHl3 cont inue to pr4]?agfafe tho prfn eti^W. of «ae hamanixarian m»»^ ta*at tKroagboat the <soal fields o" Cajtamdo,*r s i ^ s to© oomaiu-tUcaU.jn itt ar.nounoing the determination o* *3j<i evocative ^ a a r 4 t& terminato Ul*

• ..Strf'Jfft.

-^.fter fevi«wtot t h e pKorts of tlv

Kow. Yor'k*, jDec. ^—Rates Oa shift room for girain a n d general cargo to Engi is^ and Preaohi por ts have been increased ^roai iOf t to 390 per c e n t over the normal, ra tes jit this time, a year ago. 3?o i^ottj^rdam a ra te on g*arn i^ras quoted Yesterday a t close lo,. 10 (shilling^, whijoh i s nea r ly five times (the no rma l ra te . A ra te on graih to Lojjdon Quoted yesterday was<r

a year ago;, on flo«ir, Zte. a sack, asrainst 14e, last year. ,

Shipping roont . is exceedint?5| scarce a n d ra tes a r e steadily inereaa* ing. dfhe *eas&nsj #hippin$p men sSy, i r e pl^in. The ttioat prominent ariS •he removal of the German and AUB- 11.W'O coUe^a-


-,^daiiirals/-co:nmi!ssion.. *<SPO deom i t tho par t «* a » t o * ^ ' - 'wiudoni,. t o aucspt «%• -(the p-rc si ^Wll; dis*i &*#i'*v!*«EB*!8ion a n d to tenninafe

th* .strike-.*" • %-»a| «jtor^s on t h f

•l?n feted'Jllne lie* t-h* co;att«mIcati*m *ia4<"A t»ft-

"Workers i u r t of

t-o set t le *h<» lh»v

!^iF •iii i

4 ^ n a j


/ ^ i-



t ^ 4 St ^M -J—14—

; . i

e.lor *.* t i U'

>thr bot t fc .1


•rian merchant fleets from the sea xnd thie ntiHaifttiOn of a great nam* Set of Brit ish *ships of comjUerce By ho British Admiralty.

Aicordias ' t> a compilation by t h j Jwiiroal of Commerce the amount of -I'lyplns taken out of commercial .te in these ways has heen ' ahou t 5»*»-HiO.oOO .gross tons. Experienced -' "Piling »n«*„i 88ld yesterday tha t thla •sfiihate «rAs unite con«ervatlv« a n d hat an csi-mmto of «,000,ftflO to «*-co,«oo to«s ^ o u i d I probahiy no t fife oo »nuch»

ft »vaa estimated tha t t he total <5er» «j«n and Austr ian tonnage l»eimo%'ed r m commercial asea b ^ the war i s . ' W « • - ^ a i ^ W . of t h e «r<(nera} i »out 5»5U&i»OU «ross tons; ^hipping

said yesterday Mxat for all prac-leal p u r p o s e t h e entire" m e r c h a n t : *»&* m tho <s «»&•* a r r a j f e e W ^ nar lae of these countries is «u t ot <>n»*»4i3Ssioa, total i ins more i h a n 5j-

Kjft.oeft tons . SShtimatea o j the namber of ships

xtfceti l*y tibte British for Admiral ty i.-sc r r«n as high as 1^00. . I t is c*m-»rvatively .estimaEed, howewr , t h a t

it least SOikships v;ith a total gross lEtiase of 1,700,000 tons liave been \?n out of coniinefo»al use for th i s

n»ri*ose. ' , . . The" shipment aa fpscdn ftbroad con-

Unwr« t o iftewassu -Qrowth in ship­ping traffic hm also SJCOB s t imuiawtt hr, <he Jacreauin'? casfa of g*vtSft$ ve*r r&$% ' i h t e r a n m . • . "•

MJ&Vtt&SS' JWR& W««J35I3KSBU JJJ?.JSt.^f A ^ G ^ w ^ ^ i s ^ r t w .

Last and Always.


je Hedp Approve of Flaps of

iBsUnctioB i

' wot Pt% W mm - ME3*-. mm: ti c-» • • i

Waahinstoitf,. Dec. f.—iS)^ waf de-panment".*m:tici»ate» the*e -wilt be

a t . t h e nilUtcsty instruction camt> at Pla t tsburgh j from next Ju ly 5tb ' to 'August S t l i j inclusive. Plaips ar« a t ' ready andpr. '*?ay 10 ear<^ €or that .numbed of i ^ u n g min M t h | f l a t s ' bu#sh aite* i smch hgs been d«^i^iat< ed a s o i i e d i the four places £or|»tu-dent in^trueSion n'ext year,

'fC'he eam|*:.^rf be on o:« near] th« mitltafy reseryation of J la t tab irglj, Sarii*cks, ^iid, t he ' t a ake Chamjds-ii-country with; in a radius ol t*n j t i ) fe '$i tm ibarraek? « |U -be- iw*eft 'fo* tnan^uvdffr «r| shads, ,;-''

'#© conkder the camp si te . « ? l | t t sbur*l i ' Id'eat."' said Captain Bo*

*ta-ft ^ftf**' • t«da;y,' Who W ttftghsod- w i a isthcr «^-ic*rjii.-i»'tiwrlciM3:/t-at drc. d«

nijsantatn-t-ou'n.-of Coracora*- 3n.£tu<> if*j:i}«4'bv tft tu$mimmt ®t Ay^eaclvo," about 3*°'U!jh»»<i' t «V I* tnili<& flaepjiiifeast^t! i»imai was shaken f n-a*^ ,-pfadlci t<y' a severe oarthtpitaJjo on' -S«nd«.y. I t*ailvj?«,ty oJ i'her^ were d jvera t ' casnaitfts,-'own is in rni:js,


,\ wm«]SfeiX A P * q » 3 ^ » n B K T \

ci'}».cmor--E3icc1j Makes General \Vot|i» . ct^poon S'ta.<b- Sapr r in t cndd i t -of .

Fnl'Mc W o r k s

New York, D*«. $-*Ma'|o» Gen.. Wf h-Hans' Wotherspo»>n, retired a s Chief of Stair of the •Uaiibed States Army last ntonth^ was ncrtlfied today by Governor-oi^ct'.' i.fhiijnQn tha t • h*

:' «owld he - an-pBin'i#d!, State ' . jSape'rih-t c a d 6 n t * f FublKi'"SP^rlwi. -Mr, t V h i t v man eaid th&t 0encra i Wotherspoon had accepted t he 'appointment,

l | r , •Whitman said ]that h e had ten-dere'd ihe office t o genera l Wotlicr* spoon a t the time oi Genera? Woth-erspoon'p retirement,, b u t h o hard not accepted until today, . " I consider n l m . t h e best man in the country1 for the position/* * air , w h i t m a n aaid.

The'ofl lce runs concurrently with the governor's term a n d pays $6.obb a year. ; &s< Superintendent jdeaeral Wotherspoori t \ i j l has-e supervision of' navigation anfl -*eii«frs" of the siaW canals and. also will be -charged' with the. espendltijire of njonej's appropr i ­ated by \ht* \esidHi.m» for public im­provement authorized by special ac ts .

Atnt* a

sftd h i sh aoheoi student^

<^«fattott 1M te the-shores; of lj»ki-Champiain tftt.it the suKrouiLdins ;5CUJ. try-jis especially ^ood * i r S a n e i v c i purwoaca. ViJ e 'expect *o -nri rw sub stan iiar -|«uiHbe^ feo^i-thc ufewewsittt s.m tho r-eas** Hjtrvard/ • Tate! Ct-jJdfll,;

^ =


;erday, /^phej of t h o

tides- in/Ke-w X o r k . - ^ y ' shteO CaWO with the' sale. -y Sr ca t r i^d .the arigry-^ intb unprecendenled. jplkces, a n d a cinsifterabla t|aiie a t the miiadlje' 6$ the ,day ferry seryic& t b Jersey. j3fty h a 4 to be abandoned bclcanse pagpen g e r i cohld not leave th4' boat*.

The* rfoe-W the- tide jit '©over4or'i •JMaf{d;'was Tt.S <eet, a^'cpmp^rcd.ifitii-l .a nprmaL .4,2$, feet. ^ t . 1% 1S>0#, tliiis rl&e waa equalled, ; ^ i n g exCjiied-l ed only fry'tfee^eeora'-of mo^MKimi,., when i t .was & fe*fc. • • - j - /,. *f •-' [

t h e highest r#ind of I km. ;.ijtorjjfe;

cahto a t 11:40 o'clock ^ e s t e ^ f c ^ Morsdng, •w'mn the gtia^es M«^fea ' | ^ . uites-an h o r n A t So't&pdk j^l:$$t

' he .rainfall for t h e day iwaa'4#?o^''**: inch and the limit eeemed to havi seen reached. • | _.y-\ i t •.. {

AM day" t he i empeya tn r^ .had . f e aped Just above the dbj^t^ng poi^ *nd tM» tact m a d e th;c gale see: mora s e r i n s t o the ma«i .ia^'the^ street) | -ban i t ' r ea l ly w**,' ^urprjslnsfly'.'£|lwf w,cMeht»- '-in t h e ci ty shero- 'xeporp^ iWin t t i ^ dayv

iGennans Preparing To Resist Its


caBaaaiAir- •o&m&&m$& -EST *ad2$ictt

• f*i * » -vtr + «•'«'•'

rticte TWO ca irt flu'

rcQairiea to pas" |3*5& a J i « e e * f Sare ; ad thfc; meaia ixm be.j^r^parsed,"' ; r a ined a*my cooks. '^MtN«a»;,i»ia) titan be" required .to,hay;..a uniform a t j | * cose ;#t«ginfe xrom $4 W , $ » , , &e*: | r»i9ci>fliTi-r)c I n Mtt/k.llW*' " » - ' • '• I The' • cordinar %p ^naiits*.

All f^rm» of military - tonsBteuctlosi will be g i v e n / r e g u l a r -oamp re |ular , .4on» will' be malata|n4a", /Arid the] companies' tvil* he •commfende4 by r eg ­ular o.ftijqcrs.

1*he war' depar tment jfe«.ue«Sjf fn-' ?ts jppnasyi^aMijf |wid e t h e r bjlgr .nwititw- j wde r tha t studenSss-desfaTiar to" enter i

t'h». ? the ' c amp a* P ia t tek i rgh 'address'the,! t*on4 .and' from 1ttgh schools of casj,: U*o ahw&dy have reieived up pli?apf«*s fii mx a •CAKSidcrablc ' ujum 'mr o t stud<jni&* * 4

Oiijtftia fjin Horn rcttw!ttt4 fcs'daj from] if01* irjjrl£ fthci=04iP atwadi ;d" a t w e t l u s of tju» advfc^ft' e w s l ' t c »-or Uu*' ^itetc*s^' natinVna l rcsfcrvc ctra.-*. fh« 4o»*n--ii(j?f iss.inado ' up. t»i the f » r c ^ d ^ i a s « S ' a » iijsf- auivcrsjties ;ef 'tSiC*-c&»awy|iVhd at- 4ho ;m*.^il*ftr v-iii -K««? "'fork tjspy.tritmsPd a 4 >hd^rf>b-};sfefe?-Q^»' jlre^cribed*'^h'C. <J6»-ja»e'or*

**. w&^h1,»rsois .WaU*lat»-.tft i»»t!ci . |ak4! f i m .osulJ-.gtwdente Who' come %v' Umau Peru , » a c ; - S . - T - ^ ^ C - - ^ i a a « j i t t < I t s : ^ A ^ ^ ' t 4 4 \ n ^ t t ^ ^ ^ "4e«tr«4." A'csnshect nmd'cr>>

s l t oB ' ^^ s rp rp s i f t o in ' ^^ f stondinef '-of the 'pa*incijprl?s, im-ol^'d ikceiosx, toffeli, ofi£af^-j '-mim -(^msidwea'ormoro ;importance'*':

adlc-jil of t^vH, penml of the | in thse shor t tsm^ avaiiaMO for^Jastruo f 4 l a i » m a , Beijjjanii1* Ida'.

WiwcJib, <it 'tlhc Uailvcwsty 'of calllfor* uia, p$t P r i n t e r , of i&ehlgh, juid'<ien-

to lit ti.em 't'

Virgin! $, Aliiitary « r a l Iwho.i«: of t h e I n s t i t u t e . . . . .

^hc''**ti-i«|waj,e'h 'k'JXr i s 4ohsi*j-^ opec'4,155 d'f#iraplo inJ-that i!i Is'loeas (pd.la (;_ isett»i-)i«!r rssbrt -district, and

; thft*yot»j!*<-m^p,.attcndItt5? will b o a n ' 1

itij.jtfd t.*'.jia»t:;cii)ate kn t he # c i a i pea-'tuWs ^]f ltfO-:-ihereJ I*ae« ' ^ l ^ l ^ l ^ t h ^ i c a s i ' tviwt niai|itaiae(|t a t '!feurl^isJton, ' f t» cad! 'nearly 40$ J5ttt-

j ' ere enroh'ed*i

•1'she: tiles'.; threes c stmpiit' "nest.' * te i^ twgf w l i M rftt ' c a j t*«n i . t e i ^ Pi'rii* Ga>;. |Jtdia3tc.n, --'Mi^liiganv- -and the,|'-|-PresJdtcv Sj^r. Fran0-|5cot CaiSfoi nia. | *

f t h b l p ' b ^ t of y|t6 carnpt,*; isaysj* Maio-r- •$«*>**!; a- W. 'W, Woijhcfsp-jon, J j former chief'<'-of'- stalf, in a huli<4invi|: "la to irlycJ'ilbie Tou^fe m e n - ^ f ' tf te r j | :

<5o»j»irji military' tr*qftl«3f» tber-b.f|tter- | ' a ditsct rse t&eir

gan .tvith the acceptance on Sept. Id of President "Wllson'a proposal of a throe-year tiruce. .»T*his action was taken hjf a,. district content ion ' a t Trinidad^ \ ' .- .'- , : • ' > . . . - '

After ftuo^ing' the!. communication of •Presicjenfe, Wilson ion Bee," 1, [(in-ndhaclngithei appointment of a fed­eral mediation- comr mission to deal with future controt ersiea"' between operators and employes in the Col -.orado coftl fields, .thx report say?: •. -*'ln view of tWs i rgeht reQuest, coming as it ^oes from the chief ex­ecutive of the nation, we deem it fhe par t of wisdom to accept his Jfuggea-tion and terminate thts strike, -In o«r Opinion, to waijre the strike further w.ould not mean additional gain to our members . . •'"If. the. operators reject ' t he , good

olfiees oJf-4"hi$ fcommlssion appointed in good faith' ib'y,the l*resi<ient of the United States, upon their* shoulders will rest the responsibility, of any fu-

" ture trouble i|n the. »lining fields of-Colorado." ! ••'- • . . " i

After declaring tha t the. m^n "have ma'le every •'overture for peace, since the beginning, of thii canfliet,"., the rcisort '&ay-e in eonclUiiion tha t th# Bub^coramlttee of t h s international executive ' b o a r d • now at tending the fHstric*., convehtlon h a s been gjye-n "dis u'etionary power to meet the ex

•least.?insonVeiij[ch.c'e..aad gj^eateat In ^ttrrctionai -a^vantage^

"Inv-aijfiitibji b tlblJ patriotic mo-, tivc theie ajTjj to ..'be considered

, physical beneKts to h e derived Jess =than the usual; jcxpeujie- when away fr« healthfHl ^eamp, ^%e M ."crease h ;.a.

udent i s certain to

hence hU- economic value., t h r a the hablin th^js acqujr^d of '.discipline, ohfd^nee, s^f-controi," order ' ind ciimniand: aijd the stuciy of organ AS,-VXnti and .idnunistratiiUi a s exeniE>ii fiodjn ilrst'ck;s3 modera armies,

. 'The lb tne i ; of these camps'to'-tho-nation is'thajt they.itos:er a , patriot Jo spirit, •wtthba;: wh;eh a nation .s.)o« tosee itsv'trtlify and.- falls iniio decay;

the they spread among tho citizens of country 'a , mjt re thoroa?

*".fS:' H S


1 " •-- - ^^ 1 1 ,

' i' "

' i '

— 5 •-

' i i i

"!•' • ' i


:' i ' 1-l i . 1






. "i

-'. . - ,

the lorminati^n of the (strike tha t may * ',' a-rjse.

;ge4«les of any situatlion, concerning 'graduating c l s s s ' of ."higlji sChooJii»-»

^r:,4'.t-"i*is o i t:

•null tavy diitWs, «auivid thMr., c o u n t y uver'-ii • „ - , , . „ tXA~0 ,% ;«» ^ l v ^ / k i ^ ^ ^ , * * ; ^

stand Nneca of th«kWi«*f 'VhM, your tteos 13 in th0 /biendiflg summer Ivaciijion pexlod Is siefeiotejl t l '1 | *««/??«-#» •enable ^tudei-fe- t o r « t t e n d -vrilta rthij-lf "*vfeCllxig»

.ess I nTiciency

h ' kdrawle of mililkrp history, mi l i t a ry policy and mShtary«;aecdgt,-'-all necessary k» •th'*'- coniplareji educaajoii of a ' w j l l -,e<iuipped c d i u t n l n order that ho may himself form,;4ast. 4nd jtr-u© •,&pinjJ*n'S' on m i l i a r s topics

""Yhe iUltm^te object -bought, j a ' ^ ^ military a^fra^idizemenil pi'-o\'ision, i|a vital .need tontronting u< ful and unipilltary peopl t 'hat peace inip.'propriety served throiisJ; the only Isafw preciitt-tlon, viz., mloro thoroughr prejiarat.on and ecfujpm^nt to ressfefc .fpy ^Itopi to •breftk such peace

Students, for 'admission] mnkt'be a i least fere fee^;'.Cour- tech<jas in" -hei;3is and -between tise. ag-es of eiffhtees p 4 thirty, i n ualM^Jties* c o l t e e s o r - the

;hnt to m-.a<a ome-'d^gre^, to mee; u

•qh& u, pea e«' to the.<nd

may bo pre-

and <ather s c ^ o l s r a f e t f ^ s guch t« .earns. I h e y will

"OaRccr m Charge, stud^nta? military; "'inatraetion Camp, iJeadgnaiters , EaMj <-m" Bepa^tment, <3o^erao?*§- ' j i tandj Xew tor&**' •. '.;.. ' •''• • . ' !

Kcftl SJtiiitary Work. j A feigsilicant paragraph in -^eneralj

v?atheK*aooh*a -ordct>'.»ay:»: > . •; " In rc-turn for' t he , opportuni t i^ 1]

t h«s , affrirded,. -stadients- W cspeeted! fo. mj^wgj.tarnt^tljr-.th* 'cp^ese'.oif'-.lni

wksuY cm; UOETH a


t XfOhdon, Bee. S^-^he -'^ernianis "arc put t ing forth the i r ^ e s t endeavors "to ;prejpfnt :lhe- landing © f a n Allied ,es* tjjsedijtian under i h t -gain*. of'tbc^flO'*. t21a operating'- m£ -8tti|".''<!oa$t.';o-f -^e^-terujgge/.. Beavy'-gnn^'have- h^en jpiae^ -ed tsherever' p ^ ^ b t e hs. tho:%st"i»os-* Itlons n e a r the town, and plana!, Apr desp erate h a n d ' tosfiand ^ g h t m | f h a i e been- ma4'^;iu--'-*^Bi':4t^etii-s%;;i3:at "if •the;:n)MeiS*'--force^i^ie;:to1get a/foot-' hold- It w-ill haye -Icj ,"^in£e"?i' fevers-inch of t t . e ws.fi, • EEou^s^hai re '^eh l W P -hole'd'-and'-aro promoted fey-*"*bn€;'bagp. 'aBKSf: aehia'd •"these,, n ^ t c h j n ; ^ ' ^ ^ ; ;bja*».;

:beeh.:.plaeed ao,#A In «to "fes»f^':i^p*' ;

cutioa -within: a Ji^alte^finaco^,^"- ' -.-• Attacks -of .-ilMes'Sucfe#s&d;v' ;. ,

' .;^h>-att&ek|i of t h e . allies."have' h e e n : •most'succeksf-di i3iusj.fa^,'''^j?he ipfer-W&ni- opened S r e with^ their ; arti l lery at ' iOast^ Bank-irkej. ' s o m e [&st£Bf!g ffom^Xienporti ' ibut the" aliifes' 'ship^ Steantcd 'iii :'dose- t o " t h e sliore a n #

I S t MAB6AR£7C BTEtmiT"

%iati the ehipmet 6f war «tMM said service in Poland.

t o have been pressed 1 » % |

comfjeHcd the ing»

Thp, F rench now possess?'th^ fii-.' 'between .©ethnae

also fough't

ijl^htijQ^ around I ^ d a a t I0%ft00. a n ^ t -™ • • '"'""««""*'*>>

t|on* t h a n ' t i i c exercise'\.itse5f," only, t h a t decree of prceMop, in,'«los»Vo»der % drill ncec-ssary to Insure ' •diEftiplinc |j will be ipsistcd upon, fextended 'c-rder' drill --and iicid excrc-lse^ aro-consrider-«d most Important . Work; will bccaiit-fined, a s far a s praKticaM^' to tHjo tn«.«mi^s', leaving t h e "aXte«ifx>ag ''aa|ft evening?, with • d u e ' s ^ o r d xp propc* 'S«per«!«ion, a t tb«' disposal of t he sttt* dent for rest , a th l e t i c «p«r<^r a n d re­creation, m for |sach* oilier mefk **r *ast,ru-c«on he- *ftay des i re 'and which

I can, be gl^en."' , ' •'' '•"'


Hi i

WARSHBP KANSAS I'^hiladelphja, Dee. S—^Th* v^.

helliyed to be in! distress<oi£"l City, Md„ undoubtedly w a s ' t h ^ Ci| States "battleship Kansas, i$£ las t night from Captain NiMa*s£3 ImatLder of the K^nsaB, whi?! ' i ing: Inside t he Delaware Brattk^l say -hie. was t obliged to"anchor 0 | i s o t h l s vessel from . the storm, f j | ESansas was uninjured and

t h e Phnadeiphia Kavy tasej&'ihe weather moderates.

•fiterjmans to cease '-fir*. r

lage of VertaeUes, and , tmns. "Shey; have their.-way forward valong tho, railroad line, ^ h i c h they now hold, ^wing to-ilia ;?e*y suddennesss and A £iercenesls. ,of t i c a t tack; the .German ,!ine.'.ha>..

;ven; way in place* aeapey ' • the., ;dmiue. The' t terma.es haviJ!, yieMefi

f-jSansilerablo %onad • 'nor thwest ' ' of HTOyoi in the, region of .Eoyvjroie.... • *i •

33|<j IP%I>^8 |u'^ol|( '»a : ,.'." '•!'-;0hr).f


'Oif^rav:^??©^ -.f'.-X^* T Ts-,-- .T- , ,

ajjw- the" percents^?© o t ' i o W is t l to lar ly high a m o a s t $ * commAhdlng

pee ;* . Even colonels,and occasion^-a ily generals,' it says, remained oa the f ring* line nhtfl ' they were ,'ab|e -to

scape only l»y incans of motorcycles, '-Itt^fcs |»«sssedt In to Sert|ic<j

Ac^rdi i sg to won».ded *j6ern»an eteeeJtss In the prison ba=mp jat Biel-btttock, Ittsssia, a . n u m b e r of Turkish

!|3fifl£ers a r e serving So the' 'German » niy in Poland- I t Is said Ef ey have. iHieu' traiolns' % ' the Germany miil'* iary schools and were drafted on ac -

J^j^yoBht n^^e^3hat&Ta»"je-PP*fr -1-*•r«*M*|j s&'" aSxSr ' 34^'rch n 4,

* *#*#* - • • • •« •«* •« • • *«* * * * * * * • • • •****4^»*++t-***


. tnd


The b % secret iftgeHi^g;

3|ant of the lack of competent of-ler?. ' Two ^ n r k i s b oiheers, who

'jbrera seat from .• Ci-mstantinoplje to; Ip^rlin op a missi;on in .cGijm.ection!

I 1

t h ^ beist results fr&m ,- ; !

of the feed you ire

i thOjM

<« I Have made a study in the%i|idir>g6t#i^^e«tf€^ds ^ f c ^ f c ^ u f e i ' • 0u rWYANI30TTEr«TCH' f eed^s" S ^d

the test aad'fcas'jtM&B groyea, to produc jghfi t|ian any otherfe^d on the

Now-is ImetO/put

mm of C0.n0J^ SEED faLINGS, and to i;ake advantage of otir low prices;

Comefin and wV will tie i-;. :." ''V . ' ' t

we can S&YQ you mbi ey.



Chicago, Dee, S—-Alonjso-v J . nWn, once a member of the Mini

(/legislature and wealthy, la*l irejas dfetamved^at ' the detective t>Ue| a ' ^~a t t emp t i aR i to pay a bote! a j cheek t l p t igas noz deemed

>b'y t he clerks Whi teman .: a r res ted various "times ijf" ten years, usiislly in ee

'v»Mi cheeks

• ^ ' K X ^ & A SKSSIl>3v O F COI^C

Washington- 3>EC, ?v^i>esid*4*i sort- teaid todn>.i»/:&!£,-3a©t..

tte 'tiv?ib


Senator Kera a.nd Underwood, the

and Represenl_ fctemoer»S

Jeaiprs of th^ pwo houses agre*

r V:*TH: 1

BEE5T iPOrSTD B F . 3 3 X A

Siijn Anionio, Tev., I>ec. S—Tk name "Dorothy Arnold/" writ ten the pj-ileaf of a bible, in possessipa Of !a|,iypqng woman arrested here ia

t -caused t h e police today w tn-1 | a t e whether the bible had, a n y l

nigb veati cant Action with Dorothy Arnoia, t l long;jmissing- Mew York girl, A sUg of paper had beep pasted over ch* | hamii.

•§r. I Vice-President Wai.T)en.

Vice Prcsideu|t-Jr . fitt,



, |VOMAK'Sf RFLTEP OORl^S, M* Seers elected for ih© yeasr In thel

Wil t jv H. Beaiedict "Woman's Relief* Corp:k were as follows: r ,

Prls^'deat—Mrs. F a n n v v^i!k,Infeonk

— Mrs.[ l&ther 3


-Urs . AlXce l £ o # ^ |



Mrs. A. a iay Gr,«it. Chjiplain—3Irs. Xellie Ouncan. Ccnfiuctor—^^frs. Wary Callansni, dfnj:rd—.Ar^s. Sar4 C'-vanell Del aerate—ilrs Clara Aa^ms.

4f* «

Ab ornate—il rs A. May G-raat. *

f t . > 1


iemore e market.


m ypui* Winier Supply

BEANf and M I D -

pleased to show you

Mackinaws /Sweaters


• ' l l - 1


tptr^warMii rfWM^MJ