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Your Friendly Church on Knob Hill2017

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Page 1: Your Friendly Church on Knob Hill - Constant · 310-540-4435 Recently, I have received what I believe is an inspired vision

“Your Friendly Church on Knob Hill”


Page 2: Your Friendly Church on Knob Hill - Constant · 310-540-4435 Recently, I have received what I believe is an inspired vision


Recently, I have received what I believe is an inspired vision as a pastor to get around in the community and connect with the non-churched - in a deeper manner.

One of the ideas that I have to help facilitate such a vision is to connect with all of you by visiting where you live. Together, we will give God thanks for your neighbors and pray (in a non ostentatious manner) for their well being. Here is how I see it working.

During the next few months, I’d like to provide a sign up list on Sunday mornings for you to make a commit-ment to have me stop on by where you live.

Than I’d like to join with you in taking some time to walk around where you live and silently intercede for your neighbors. I believe that as a result there might very well be God ordained opportunities to engage in a conversations with others.

Hopefully, as a result of these conversations, they might move closer to God and be more involved in living out their faith in the context of a church community.

“... seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper." - Jeremiah 29:7

See you in church!

Pastor Jess


Thank you for attending our second meeting with Reverend Gary Norton, of the Transforming for Mission Program. This process of moving forward with the Transformation project will continue with One Service at 10:00 am and lunch on April 2nd All church members are invited to participate and provide their personal insight and help.

04/02/2017 Visioning Meeting #3 – Aligning Vision and Mission – 11: 15 AM - 1:00 PM

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From the Pastor...

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As we enter the month of April, we enter into the most dramatic, the most tragic, and also the most wonderful part of Our Lord's life. We will rehearse His Triumphal Entry, His mock trial and crucifixion, His mighty resurrection and His initial appear-ances to His disciples. The lessons for the fifth Sunday of Lent speak of life, and the Spirit, and life in the Spirit. The Old Testament lesson portrays the valley of the dry bones from Ezekiel 37. The prophet must prophesy to the breath before the bones can become alive and stand on their feet. The Hebrew word for breath, ruach, may also be translated Spirit. The New Testament lesson is Paul's wonderful discussion from Romans 8 on the importance of the Spirit in the believer's life. The Gospel lesson is the sto-ry of the raising of Lazarus from John 10. Jesus has come all the way from Galilee, and is now in Bethany, only two miles from Jerusalem. Even though He knows what He is about to do, He grieves with Mary and Martha, and is "troubled in spirit." And even though the dead man had been in the tomb four days, Jesus' commanding voice communicates the life-giving Spir-it to the dead body, and Lazarus is raised to life. The sixth Sunday of Lent is also called Palm Sunday. We decorate the church with palms, carry palm branches into the church and sing in concert with those who shouted "Hosanna to the Son of David." We hear one of passages describing the Triumphal Entry, in which Jesus fulfills the kingly prophecy from Zechariah 9:9. But note also that this Sunday is the last Sun-day in Lent. Although there will be services during Holy Week, many people will not hear of Our Lord's passion unless we proclaim it on this Sunday.. The Old Testament lesson is the Messianic passage from Isaiah 50, where Jesus sets "my face like flint" toward the cross and the completion of our salvation. The New Testament lesson is the glorious song of praise from Philippians 2 in which Jesus "humbled Himself to the point of death -- even death on a cross." And the Gospel lesson is the complete Passion narrative from the Last Supper to His burial. This is often read with the congregation seated, and often involves congregational members reading various parts. The Thursday in Holy Week is Maundy Thursday, in which we remember the establishment of the Lord's Supper, and Jesus' betrayal and arrest. "Maundy" comes from the Latin word to command, as in "do this in memory of me." The Old Testament lesson is the Passover story, in which the blood of the lamb saved the Israelites from the avenging Angel. The New Testa-ment lesson is Paul's recollection of what Jesus said to establish the Lord's Supper. And the Gospel lesson is John's recollec-tion of Jesus taking the role of a servant and washing the disciples' feet. On Good Friday we hold an afternoon service in which clergy and deacons recall the seven last sayings, or "words," of Jesus from the cross. In the evening our church meets to experience the power and meaning of Jesus' suffering and death. This service ends with a loud noise, signifying the rolling of the stone over the mouth of the tomb. And then comes Easter Sunday. We celebrate Our Lord's victory over death with flowers, songs and the resurrection cry, "He is risen indeed! Alleluia!" The Old Testament lesson Is Peter's preaching on the resurrection to the house of Cornelius in Acts 10. The New Testament lesson is that portion of Paul's letter to the Colossians in which the meaning of the resurrection for us is discussed. For the Gospel we hear one of the resurrection passages. On the second Sunday of Easter, we hear a portion of Peter's Pentecostal sermon from Acts 2. We also hear Peter's discus-sion of the meaning of the resurrection for us from his first general epistle. And from the Gospel of John we hear the story of doubting Thomas. The third Sunday of Easter is similar, with the last portion of Peter's Pentecostal sermon, the continuation of Peter's discussion of the meaning of the resurrection, and the story from Luke of Jesus' appearing to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. Your board of elders urges and exhorts you to involve yourselves in the services of this glorious month to the extent to which you are able. In so doing we pray that the Gospel message will become, for you, clearly personal and personally clear. For the Board of Elders, Dn. Fred Roach

From the Board of Elders...

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From the Board of Education...

Deck of Cards Card games have been a part of societies for centuries. Way before the modern technology of games available on various devices, people have sought out ways to pass time with friends and alone. From Solitaire to Bridge to Cribbage to Crazy Eights or even “Go Fish”, card games have given us many hours of fun times. We also have used cards in other ways to learn various skills such as; number recognition, counting, and arithmetic skills; memory recollection with rules, game play, and Concentration; and building skills with 52 pick-up, sorting by suits, and even making a house out of cards! There also have been inspirational stories told to give people a hope and connection with God. The “Deck of Cards” is a tale that has been in print since 1778. It is sometimes known as “A Soldier’s Prayer Book” with slightly different versions for each current time, and even made into a song in 1948. I like that a deck of cards is easy to get, doesn’t take up much space, and can be easily used as a focus for staying connected to God. “The Deck of Cards” “A young soldier was in his bunkhouse all alone one Sunday morning over in Afghanistan. It was quiet that day, the guns and the mortars, and land mines for some reason hadn’t made a noise. The young soldier knew it was Sunday, the holiest day of the week. As he was sitting there, he got out an old deck of cards and laid them out across his bunk. Just then an army sergeant came in and said, ‘Why aren’t you with the rest of the platoon?’ The soldier replied, ‘I thought I would stay behind and spend some time with the Lord.’ The sergeant said, ‘Looks like you’re going to play cards.’ The soldier said, ‘No sir, you see, since we are not allowed to have Bibles or other spiritual books in this country, I’ve decided to talk to the Lord by studying this deck of cards.’ The sergeant asked in disbelief, ‘How will you do that?’

‘You see the Ace, it reminds that there is only one God. The Two represents the Two parts of the Bible, Old and New Testaments. The Three represents the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The Four stands for the Four Apostles: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Five is for the five virgins that were ten, but only five of them were glorified. The Six is for the six days it took God to create the Heavens and Earth. The Seven is for the day God rested after working the six days. The Eight is for the family of Noah and his wife, their three sons and their wives, in which God saved the eight people from the flood that destroyed the earth for the first time. The Nine is for the lepers that Jesus cleansed of leprosy. He cleansed ten, but nine never thanked Him. The Ten represents the Ten Commandments that God handed down to Moses on tablets made of stone. The Jack is a reminder of Satan. One of God’s first angels, but he got kicked out of heaven for his sly and wicked ways and is now the joker of eternal hell. The Queen stands for the Virgin Mary. The King stands for Jesus, for He us the King of all kings. When I count the dots on all the cards, I come up with 365 total, one for every day of the year. There are a total of 52 cards in a deck, each is a week, 52 weeks in a year. The four suits represents the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Each suit has thirteen cards, there are exactly thirteen weeks in a quarter. So when I want to talk to God and thank Him, I just pull out this old deck of cards and they remind me of all that I have to be thankful for.’ The sergeant just stood there and after a minute, with tears in his eyes and pain in his heart, he said, ‘Soldier, can I borrow that deck of cards?”

So, next time you use a deck of cards, I hope you will take a few to minutes to remember “The Soldier’s Prayer Book” and say your prayer of thanksgiving to God!

Diane Trimble

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Celebrating this Month...

Apr. 1….Chris Kuecker

Apr. 2….Rohn Barrow

Apr. 2….Bill Kulencavich

Apr. 4….Keith Franz

Apr. 9….Michael Wicks

Apr.. 10...Sharon Theveny

Apr. 10…Kiyo Beverly

Apr. 10…Beth Krcmarik

Apr. 10...Melissa Sutton

Apr. 11...Frank Pierce

Apr. 13...Pauline Romjue

Apr. 15…Jim Ecklund

Apr. 15…Greg Hiehle

Apr. 15…Debbie Schneider

April 18…Catherine Brown

April 19…Jon Allan Swartzfager

April 20...Don Beierschmitt

April 22...Nicolas Wells

April 28…Steve Robinson

April 30…David Lambert


Apr. 2….Bob & Mary Rose Denesia

Apr. 10…Robert & Irene Dufel

Apr. 16…Richard & Barbara Schoonover

Apr. 17...John & Amanda Kos

Apr. 22…Fred & Laurie Bauernschmitt

**If your birthday or wedding anniversary is not

listed, please call the church office and give us your

information. We do not want to leave anyone out**

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Lent Schedule… BIRTHDAYS...

Apr 5

6:00 p.m. Soup Supper

7:00 p.m. Lenten Service


Supper Server: Apr. 5 Elders/Confirmation


The lovely fresh flower arrangement on the stand near the Lectern on April 9th was given by Beth Kcmarick in memory of her parents: Jacob & Elizabeth Younger and parents-in-law: Charles & Josephine Krcmarik.

Continental Breakfast at 9:30 AM Easter Morning Hosted By Thrivent!

On Easter morning we are asking for donations of food items, it can be from cookies, muffins, ham, coffeecakes, anything you wish to bring (must be cooked items). We will be greatly thankful for these food items, if you can’t bring anything, please bring yourself and enjoy the food and great fellowship.

Please bring them to the church by Easter Sunday from 8-9 am. Please put the items on a tray ready to serve. If you do not want to use your own tray, take one from the church kitchen to use for the food.

We are also looking for volunteers to help set up and clean up. We always have a beautiful fellowship time so please join us, with your families, even if you cannot make any food donations.

Any questions please contact Laurie Bauernschmitt at 310-373-1770.

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THERE IS STILL TIME TO ORDER EASTER PLANTS! Order forms and prices to order blooming plants to beautify our sanctuary on Easter morning will be available in the Narthex during the month of March.

It is very important that you give your order to Sandy Willson-White or Iris by April 5th so we can order what you want. Please make checks payable to:

Immanuel Lutheran Church and in the memo area please mark Easter Plants.

Thank you for your support.

Easter Church Decoration It's time to decorate the church for Easter and we need your help!

Please contact Iris at the church office (310) 540-4435 or Diane Trimble if you wish to volunteer for this event. Decoration day will be on Saturday, April 15th at 9:00a.m.

2017 Friday Faith and Fun

Please join us for our Friday program, from 4 to 6 pm. We

have a variety of Fun Factory activities planned for you. We

will begin with a light snack, have our Bible Discovery time,

interact at our Imagination Station, strum the Ukuleles with

Joan Wilner, and enjoy a few more Sound Waves with Cathe-

rine Brown! Each month will have a special theme and Bible

verse. Additionally, there will be a few special projects, movie

nights, and events! Please join us when you can.

April 7, 21, 28

(No FFF on April 14-Good Friday)

Easter is April 16 (Brunch and Egg Hunt)

Bible Theme: God will always love you.

Bible Story: Jesus dies and comes back to life. (Luke 22:66 – 24:12)

Bible Verse: Your unfailing love will last forever. Psalm 89:2

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Scripture Readers’ Schedule… Events...

Apr. 2 ~ 10am: ROGER SOMMER Readings: Ezekiel 37:1-14 and Romans 8:6-11 Apr. 9 ~ Palm Sunday 8am: DON & JUDY CHAPMAN 11am: DN. FRED ROACH Readings: Isaiah 50:4-9a and Philippians 2:5-11 Apr. 13 ~ Maundy Thursday ~ 7pm: MARGE THON Readings: John 13:1-17, 31b-35 Apr. 14 ~ Good Friday ~ 12noon: Sandy Willson-White ~ Luke 23:32-38 Betty Jackman ~ Luke 23:39-43 James Fearn ~ John 19:25-27 James Fearn ~ Mark 15:33-35 Dn. Fred Roach ~ John 19:28 Marge Thon ~ John 19:30 Open ~ Luke 23:44-49 Apr. 14 ~ Good Friday ~ 7pm: Steve Fynaardt ~ Matthew 26:20-25 Steve Fynaardt ~ Matthew 26:47-56 Martin Romjue ~ Matthew 27:11-26 Martin Romjue ~ Mark 14:3-8 Greg Hiehle ~ John 16:29-32 Greg Hiehle ~ John 19:25-30 Apr. 16 ~ Easter Sunday 8am: MARGE THON 11am: MARTIN ROMJUE Readings: Acts 10:34-43 and Colossians 3:1-4 Apr. 23 8am: SANDY WILLSON-WHITE 11am: CHRIS & KAREN KUECKER Readings: Acts 2:14a, 22-32 and 1 Peter 1:3-9 Apr. 30 ~



Readings: Acts 2: 14a, 36-41 and 1 Peter 1:17-23

Scripture readers are always needed for our regular worship services

8:00 and 11:00 a.m. If you like to participate call Iris at the office and

let her know so that we are able to arrange the dates and time you

are available for. Thank you for volunteering your time to this

important part of the worship service!

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Holy Week and Easter! Palm Sunday – April 9th - 8:00 & 11:00 AM

Maundy Thursday -- April 13th - 7:00 PM

Good Friday -- April 14th

12:00 Noon Circuit 5 Service

7:00 PM Service of Reverence

Easter Sunday -- April 16th - 8:00 & 11:00 AM

Come and hear the uplifting and inspirational message of Christ’s victory over the power of sin and death

Sunday School Easter Activities - 9:30 AM

Children’s Easter story, Egg Hunt, Snacks and Adult & family activities in the Community Hall

Continental Easter Breakfast - 9:30 AM hosted by Thrivent

Easter Church Decoration Take Down

Saturday, April 18th at 7:00 P.m. Volunteers are need to help take down Easter decorations. Please contact Iris at the church office (310) 540-4435 or

Diane Trimble if you wish to volunteer for this event.


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Immanuel, Redondo Beach


The 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther

and the Reformation with pictures, stories, and songs




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Immanuel online giving options In an effort to make giving more convenient in this electronic age, Immanuel now has a account for those of you who wish to give to the church using an online payment option. The web link is: Also, for those who use online banking, you can set Immanuel up as a payee and send in your donations at the same time you are writing your bills.



Coming soon after Easter “Deep Love” series lead by Diane Trimble. Sign-up and more information will be available in the narthex during next month.

Ladies Day Luncheon * Saturday, May 6 at 11:00 a.m.


TEA – Our tea party will feature special tea services at each table. *

TACOS – “Handmade, Fresh Tortillas” with Yummy Taco Fillings will be made by our catered Taco Cater.**

TRUFFLES – A Sweet Treat for You.

TALENT – Special Musical selections will be presented by our guest soloists, and a Sing-a-long will be enjoyed by all!

This is a great day to bring your friends and family for a fun way of honoring ladies of all ages!

*We need hostesses for each table. Hostesses need you to bring a tablecloth, teapot, and tea cups for your table. It’s such a nice way to use your pretty sets.

**There will be a Freewill Cash Donation for our Taco Cater**

RSVP & QUESTIONS – Diane Trimble or Iris (church office)

Mother’s Day

Sunday, May 14

8:00 & 11:00 am ~ Worship Services

Join us for Muffins celebration after each service!

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KIM Ministry: Mary Rose Denesia, Evelyn Haley, Ryan

Perez, Barbara Purtee, Barbara Schoonover.

Continued Prayers for Healing & Recovering:

Bob Denesia, Paul Parresol, Rosalie Esser, Luis Belloso,

Caden Williams, Abigail & Susan Manjarrez, Elmer Scheel,

Jessica Garcia, Beverly Anderson, Jordan Macario, Amy

Belloso, Jim DiBello, Maria Torres, Martin Lopez, Jordan,

Dany & Sandra Gomez, Ruth Hanson, Miguel Najera,

Kristian Beverly, Marge Thon, John Langhans, Lois

Squillante, Sean Nelson, Geronimo Alvizuris, Helen

Davis, Bob Padilla, Donna Knauft, Ann Ecklund, J. J. Haas,

Barbara Purtee, A.J. Noll, Carlos & Rosa Gomez, Yolanda

Belloso, Scott Theveny, Keith Franz, Norma Schoppa, Ron

Krcmarik, Evelyn Haley, Mary Ann Kendall, Beckie Strode,

Margaret Gilbert, Sue Dake, Sarah Hampton, Barney

Mueller, Susan Robinson.

Praying for Healing for those being treated for Cancer:

Mil June Heger, Lupe Hill Sandro Rojas, Claire Wagner,

Peter Dean, Brandon Osborne, Ubaldo Gonzales, Kathy

Rogers, Meg Gregor, Ellen Bonnet, David Baseribe,

Flora Hummel, Vera Timmins, Robert Morales, Steve

Anderson, Sandy Brooks, Jan Esser, Amanda Mata,

Steve Zalabak, Beverly Gresham, Michelle Norton, Hans

Bauernschmitt, Quang Son Hong, Ann Sandeman, Gus

Browning, Frank Pierce.


Prayer Friends Thank you for praying and sharing God’s

love in this special Way!

This Prayer Friend time has been for the

Lenten season.

On Easter greet your prayer friend and tell

them how much you have enjoyed praying

for them.

Thank you for praying:

Everyday day for this person and/or family.

In general, pray for God to bless and keep

them in His care.

Pray for their health, safety, and well-


Pray for them to have wisdom to always

follow where God leads them.

Thank God for allowing us to take every-

thing to Him in prayer.

Blessings to all of you who are praying,

what a nice way to share God's love!

Please remember how important prayer is

to be a part of your daily life!

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ILC EVENTS… Please contact Iris/office to schedule any events.


1 6:00 pm Bible Study at the Strode’s

7:00 pm Handbells Rehearsal

7-10 pm LA Chorus Community Hall

2 9:00 am Green Thumb

7:00 pm All Boards

3 10:00 am Pastor Wednesday Bible Class

7-9 pm AA Group Room 2

TBA 7:00 pm Confirmation

5 4:00 pm FFF

6 11:00 am Women Celebration Breakfast

7 8 & 11 am Mother’s Day (Flowers)

8 6:00 pm Bible Study at the Strode’s

7:00 pm Handbells Rehearsal

7-10 pm LA Chorus Community Hall

9 9:00 am Green Thumb

7:00 pm Board of Directors Meeting

10 10:00 am Pastor Wednesday Bible Class

7-9 pm AA Group Room 2

TBA 7:00 pm Confirmation

12 4:00 pm FFF

TBA 7:00 pm Confirmation

15 6:00 pm Bible Study at the Strode’s

7:00 pm Handbells Rehearsal

7-10 pm LA Chorus Community Hall

16 9:00 am Green Thumb

17 10:00 am Pastor Wednesday Bible Class

7-9 pm AA Group Room 2

TBA 7:00 pm Confirmation

19 TBA FFF Closing Dinner/Program

22 6:00 pm Bible Study at the Strode’s

7:00 pm Handbells Rehearsal

7-10 pm LA Chorus Community Hall

23 9:00 am Green Thumb

24 10:00 am Pastor Wednesday Bible Class

7-9 pm AA Group Room 2

29 All Day Memorial Day/Office Closed

30 9:00 am Green Thumb

31 10:00 am Pastor Wednesday Bible Class

7-9 pm AA Group Room 2


1 1:00 pm Wedding

3 6:00 pm Bible Study at the Strode’s

7:00 pm Handbells Rehearsal

7-10 pm LA Chorus Community Hall

4 9:00 am Green Thumb

7:00 pm All Boards

5 10:00 am Pastor Wednesday Bible Class

6:00 pm Soup Supper (Elders/Confirmation)

7:00 pm Lenten Service

7-9 pm AA Group Room 2

TBA 7:00 pm Confirmation

7 4:00 pm FFF

9 8 & 11 am Palm Sunday/Crosses to take home

10 6:00 pm Bible Study at the Strode’s

7:00 pm Handbells Rehearsal

7-10 pm LA Chorus Community Hall

11 9:00 am Green Thumb

12 7-9 pm AA Group Room 2

13 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service

14 12 & 7pm Good Friday

15 9:00 am Easter Church Decoration

16 8 & 11 am Easter Services with Special Handout

9:30 am Continental Brunch

Sunday School Egg Hunt & Family


17 6:00 pm Bible Study at the Strode’s

7:00 pm Handbells Rehearsal

7-10 pm LA Chorus Community Hall

18 9:00 am Green Thumb

7:00 pm Take Down Easter Decorations

19 10:00 am Pastor Wednesday Bible Class

7-9 pm AA Group Room 2

TBA 7:00 pm Confirmation

TBA Deep Love

21 4:00 pm FFF

22 9:00 am LWML Spring Celebration

24 6:00 pm Bible Study at the Strode’s

7:00 pm Handbells Rehearsal

7-10 pm LA Chorus Community Hall

25 9:00 am Green Thumb

26 10:00 am Pastor Wednesday Bible Class

7-9 pm AA Group Room 2

TBA 7:00 pm Confirmation

28 4:00 pm FFF

28-30 All Day Catalina Men’s Retreat

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April 2016



1:00—6:00 PM

Garcia Wedding

2 10:00 AM

Worship Service

11:00 AM

Transforming Mission Meet-

ing and Lunch


6:00 PM

Bible Study at the


7:00 PM

Hallelujah Ringers


7:00—10:00 PM

LA Chorus Rehearsal -


9:00 AM

Green Thumb Gang

1:00 PM

Sew In Love

7:00 PM

All Boards Meeting


10:00 AM

Bible Class (Pastor)

6:00 PM

Soup Supper-

7:00 PM

Lenten Service

7:00– 9:00 PM

AA - Room 2


7 4:00 PM

Friday Faith & Fun


9 **Palm Sunday**

8:00 AM

Classic Worship Service

9:30 AM

Sunday School

Pastor’s Bible Class

9:45 AM

Men’s & Women’s Bible


11:00 AM

Worship Service

10 6:00 PM

Bible Study at the


7:00 PM

Hallelujah Ringers


7:00—10:00 PM

LA Chorus Rehearsal -

Community Hall


9:00 AM

Green Thumb Gang


7:00– 9:00 PM

AA - Room 2

13 **Maundy Thursday** 7:00 PM

Worship Service

14 **Good Friday** 12:00 PM

Good Friday Circuit


12:00 PM

Good Friday Service of


15 9:00 AM

Easter Church


16 **Easter Sunday** 8:00 AM

Easter Celebration Service

9:30 AM

Sunday School Egg Hunt

Easter Continental Breakfast

and Family Activities

11:00 AM

Easter Celebration Service


6:00 PM

Bible Study at the


7:00 PM

Hallelujah Ringers


5:00 PM

Newsletter Articles Due

7:00—10:00 PM

LA Chorus Rehearsal -

Community Hall


9:00 AM

Green Thumb Gang

7:00 AM

Take Down Easter

Church Decoration


10:00 AM

Bible Class (Pastor)

7:00– 9:00 PM

AA - Room 2

20 21 4:00 PM

Friday Faith & Fun

22 9:00 AM

LWML Spring



8:00 AM

Classic Worship Service

9:30 AM

Sunday School

Pastor’s Bible Class

9:45 AM

Men’s & Women’s Bible


11:00 AM

Worship Service


6:00 PM

Bible Study at the


7:00 PM

Hallelujah Ringers


7:00—10:00 PM

LA Chorus Rehearsal -

Community Hall

25 9:00 AM

Green Thumb Gang


10:00 AM

Bible Class (Pastor)

7:00– 9:00 PM

AA - Room 2

27 28 4:00 PM

Friday Faith & Fun

All Day

Catalina Men’s Retreat

29 All Day

Catalina Men’s Retreat

30 All Day

Catalina Men’s Retreat 8:00 AM

Classic Worship Service

9:30 AM

Sunday School

Pastor’s Bible Class

9:45 AM

Men’s & Women’s Bible


11:00 AM

Worship Service

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Every Sunday Schedule:

8:00 a.m. ~ Classic Worship Service

9:30 a.m. ~ Sunday School for all ages

9:30 a.m. ~ Pastor’s Bible Class

9:45 a.m. ~ Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies

11:00 a.m. ~ Worship Service

Childcare available for Sunday’s worships 9:30 a.m. –12:15 p.m.

IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH 706 Knob Hill Avenue Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Phone: 310-540-4435 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Senior Pastor: Rev. Jess Knauft

Deacons: Fred Roach & Arvid Strode

Office Administrator: Iris Solis

Office Hours: Monday & Friday: Appointments Only

Tuesday—Thursday: 8:30 a.m. — 3:30 p.m.

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