yon fill find it pays to advertise your leal-estate! · 2017-12-17 · wednesday evening,...

WEDNESDAY EVENING, HXKRISBURG TELEGRjAiPH - MARCH 14, 1917. Yon fill find It Pays to Advertise Your leal-Estate! JDeatbs UOII.KS On March l£. Boyles, afcjeii years, at lave residence, GSiS Reily street. Relatives ami friends are |nvited to altoud the funeral services on Friday afternoon, at 2 oclock, at the Grttn street Church of Uod. Green and cal- + der streets. Interment in East Hat- m Visbui" Cemetery. _____ KUHL On March 12, 1917, John C. Rclativcs^und" friends are 'nvited to attend the funeral aervlees Thursday afternoon, ut 2 o clock, at his late residence, 312 Clinton "treet. Inter- ment Harrisburg Cemetery. Body can bo viewed this evening between tne Hours of 7 and 9. HIESTER William A. blester. Bor " September 29, 1845, died March 13, Funeral services at his , ' te Th r f"'; dence, 1100 North Front street. Thurs- day afternoon, at 2 o clock, friends invited. HOICK Henry Houck died at Leba- non, March 13, 1917, aged 81. Funeral Friday afternoon. March 1917, at 2:30 o'clock, triends and relatives invited. In Memoriam IN remembrance of our r raotUer. Mrs. Elizabeth Minskey, who fell asleep in Jesus March, I*ll. Dear mother how nie miss you no one For there is'stlll a vacant chair no one else can fill. , .. ? We miss thy willing hand, also tn. smiling face, We miss you everywhere, Hut we Know that you are sleeping neath the quiet grave. Where there is no pain or sorrow, but eternal rest with God. 1 JOSEPH MINSKEY. AND WIFE New Castle, Fa. New Castle, Pa., March, 1917. v Lost and Found LOST A fancy bag, with gold top and tassel, hanging on back o* ftj Orpheum. The party who found it will receive reward if returned- to 1850 North street, or call Bell piione -61.> J. I.OST One black handbag, contain- int? nose glasses, between third and Hamilton, Fifteenth and Regma Via Mulberry Street Bridge. Reward if re- turned to Telegraph Business Ulliie. LOST ?Lady's breastpin, bird design, with one diamond and one pearl. Re- ward. 1719 North Front, or phone 875W Bell. ' STRAYED OR STOLEN Collarless fox terrier dog, white with blac.. spot on face; timid; answers to name \u25a0Jimmy." Strayed or stolen Sunday evening from 1869 Market. Reward foi return to M. H. James, Nineteenth aud Market. _____ Help Wanted ?Male WANTED?Bov -with wheel, 16 years old, $4 a week, to deliver and work in a llower store. Keeney s, 810 North Third street. WANTED A. fjoy who can ride a wheel to deliver. Apply 34 South Sec- ond street. * WANTED Boy to work in bindery. Apply State Bindery, South Tenth street, near Mulberry. MANAGER WANTED For a shoe stole. Apply Thursday, between 12 and 1 o'clock, Haines, the shoe Wizard. 1249 Market street. Government Clerk Ex- aminations March 26, $76 to $l2O month, \u25basample questions free. W rite t rank- lin Institute. Dept., 409-C, Rochester. N. Y. _ WANTED Driver for single team. Steady employment. Must be sober and industrious. Bates & Co., 110 Market street. EARN BIG MONEY and perpetual re- newal income selling best accident and sickness policy; $lO yearly pays so,uuo deatli and $25 weekly benefits. Casualty Insurance Company, 929 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED A strong boy over 16 vears of age, to work In wash room. Apply Keystone Laundry, Harris and \\ a)lace. LABORERS W ANTED Good wages, steady work with chance for advancement. Ap- ply Paxton Furnace, Central Iron & Steel Company. GREGG & PITMAN shorthand are taught at YOUNG MEN'S BUSINESS INSTITUTE Ly Yale University Gradu- ate. WANTED?First-class boilermakers. Apply Central Iron ?& Steel Company. WANTED 5O able-bodied men for piece work. Experienced truckers can earn $75 to S9O per month. Must be able to read and write. Apply in person only to agent of Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Division Street Transfer, P. R. R. Co., Harris- burg, Pa. MECHANICAL DRAWING taught by Yale University graduate at Young Men's Business Institute. WANTED Three pit foremen. Wages from five to six dollars a day. Two ladlemen. Apply at Employment Office, Worth Brothers Company, Coatesville, Pa. jFOR RENT i Twenty-eighth & Derry Sts., *37.50 APARTMENTS fa2o I.ocuat St., (second floor) 4 I rooms and bath, city heat ....$3.1 ' 30*1 N. Second?(lst floor), 5 rooms ; and bath; city steam heat. .SSO t 25 S. Front St., 7 r. b., steam heat. i SUBURBAN ? Enolo?Ailnnm St., 2% s. f., 6 r.. sl2 1 * HummrlHtotvn?Main St. and Wal- " T ton Ave., 2% s. b.. 8 r. & b., hot" ? water heat, lot 125x200 S3O ? I.anton?Canton Ave. and Cum- 1 ? berland St.. 2', s. f? 9r. b., elec-" ? trie. Lot 100x220 S3O | STORE ROOMS | 118 S. Second. 18x30 ft S2O il'ranklin Building, 212 Locust St., . lirst lloor, two rooms $55- t 206 N. Second St. (Donaldson . Building), room 20x130 feet. *l5O \u2666 231 N. Second St., 22x100. Also 2-, i M story brick building in rear. ? WOl N. Third, second floor $25 FROM APRIL. IST 1216 Hamilton St.. 3s. b., 9r. b., S2B i 1506 Green St., 3 s. b., 7 r. b S3O i 2005 Green St, 3 s. b., 9 r. b $35 . Apartment?Arcade Building. 3rd I floor. 4 rooms and bath .... $33,541 ? OFFICES I Fifth and Sixth floors of Franklin 1 Building 212 Locust St. Offices I will be rented singly or en suite I ?running water; good elevator i service; all outside rooms, i SUMMER COTTAGES 4 Alabama Cottage at Perdlx; six . rooms- partly furnished. \u2666 Brightbill Cottage at Cove Station, | 6 rooms; completely furnished. IMILLERBROTHERS&CO. ? Member lib*. Real Eatnte Board REAL ESTATE i laauranrr Surety Bonds I Locust and Court Streets Help Wanted ?Male 75 YOUNG MEN are now enrolled In the various departments of the YOUNU MEN'S BUSINESS INSTITUTE, 1< ront and Market streets. CLERKS The Harrisburg examina- tion for Government clerks will be held this month; $2 pays tor instruc- tions and tests. Address to Interstate Bureau, Harrisburg, Pa. HIGHER MATHEMATICS Persons wishing to pursue a course of higher mathematics should avail themselves of the personal instruction given by Yale University graduate; day or night, at Young Mens Business Institute, Front and Market streets. TYPEWRITER FREE?For a limited time we will give absolutely free a standard No. 6 Remington Typewriter to each student taking our Home Study Course in Gregg or Pitman Shorthand. Course complete, 915. Machine and ilrst lesson sent 011 receipt of tuition fee. Address Interstate Bureau. Front and Market streets, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Yaung man to work on the farm. Apply at 206 South Thir- teenth street. WANTED Several young, white men to work in restaurant. Apply Philadelphia Quick Lunch, 307 Market street. WANTED An experienced waiter; must wear regulation suit. Call Man- hattan Restaurant. WANTED Young man with some experience in repairing auto radiators, lamps, fenders, etc. Apply Nuss Mfg. Co., Eleventh and Mulberry. MEN WANTED To work on plat- form. Apply to Adams Express Co. CHAUFFEUR Experienced man wanted to drive delivery car. Apply at WM. B. SCHLEISNER STORES, 28, 30 and 32 North Third St. 1 COLLECTOR Experienced man wanted at once. Address, stating age, ex- perience, references and salary expected to Box A, 4885, care of Telegraph. A YOUNG MAN to solicit on salary, also a man to collect. Best of reference required. Chance for advancement. Call between 6 and 8 evenings, 1366 Vernon street. WANTED Three reliable men for pumping plant operators. Steady em- ployment. Apply 302 Commonwealth Trust Building. . ROPE MACHINE AGENTS WANTED everywhere. No experience required to make Rope, Splices, etc., with this ma- chine. Sells last to farmers for $3.85. Weighs live pounds. Exclusive terri- tory granted. Apply Mr. Greth, St. James Hotel. { WANTED Several energetic young men house-to-house solicitors to leave town. No experience necessary. Good chance to connect with old.established firm. Permanent. Advancement for right sort. Salary. Address K., 4884, care of Telegraph. GOOD, Sober, Laboring Men Wanted, between the ages of 20 and 45 years, who are willing to be advanced. Fac- tory operated day and night turns, shifts change eacn week. Wages from 21c to 30c per hour with bonus for good workmen. Married inen preferred. Ap- ply to Superintendent, Columbia Plate Glass Co., Blairsvilie, Pa. CANVASSERS that are not afraid to work can make $20.00 weekly. Steady work, with chance of advancement. Ap- ply personally. A. Gilbert, Manager, Colonial Life Insurance Co., 219 Wal-j nut street, City. WANTED Young man, 18 years or older, for oftice clerical position. Write, stating present and previous employment, age and references, G., 487 i, care of Telegraph. WANTED High-grade specialty salesman to sell an old-established line in vicinity of Harrisburg on commis- sion basis. Salesmen in adjacent terri- 1 tories earning Irom $3,000,000 to $5,- 000.00. This is a real opportunity for a live wire. State experience. X., 4876, care of Telegraph. WANT louug men to learn auto- i mobile business, to become practica. mechanics and chauffeurs. We give our students a chance to make money at the rate of 20c per hour between clabs hours. We guarantee to pay you 30c per hour as soon as competent. SSO in cash required. Auto 'transporta- tion School. 27-29 North Cameron street. Help Wanted ?Female WANTED White woman for gen- eral housework. Apply 1809 North Sixth. WANTED Woman for general housework, and also girl for nurse girl. Inquire 902 Kunkel Building. CLERKS The Harrisburg examina- tion tor Government clerks will be held this month; $2 pays tor instruc- tions and tests. Address to Interstate Bureau, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Girl 16 or 18 years of age to work in store; reference. Apply ] Grand Unioa Tea Store, 208 North sec- ond street. DRESSMAKING taught thoroughly from any pattern. Mane dresses for yourself and others while learning. 23 South Fourth street. WANTED Middle-aged woman to keep house and care for aged lady in country. For further information in- quire at 1201 Derry street, City. TWO respectable girls to share room together in dressmaker's apartment. Terms reasonable. located. Address Box B, 4882, care of Telegraph Oflice. WANTED?A girl for general house- work; young gin preferred. Apply 171 South Eighteenth street, or Bell 654 J. GIRL for general housework. Three in family. May go home nights. No washing. Call 203 a North Second street. WANTED A girl to learu dress- making. Mail application to Box M, 4402, care of Telegraph. WANTED A cook. Take Riverside car. Call corner of Front and Lewis. Phone 3618R-2. F. C. Martin. WANTED A housekeeper, to take full charge of house in small family of adults; must have good reference, and will pay well. Apply 819 North Sixth street. WANTED White woman to cook and do general housework; no wash- ing; small family. Apply 616 North Front street. WANTED Girls to wrap candy, that delightful confection?Triangle Mints. The Winter Mint Co- Twelfth and Herr. WANTED Six lady demonstrators for Harrisburg and surrounding towns, also to travel ($10) per week. Address X., 4874, care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman one day each week to clean store and office. Apply Central Book Store, 329 Market street. WANTED White woman for cook- ing; no washing or upstairs work. Apply 122 Woodbine street Bell tele- phone 2100 IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO RENT there are people awaiting your message. The annual, and the semi-annual, "movers" do not consti- tute the sum and total of rent-paying people. People are moving in and out of the city every day of the year there are weddings every day,"and new homes to be found. Renting agents, and owners, who have desirable houses or apartments to offer will find that advertising PAYS "out of season" as well as "IN." y Help Wanted ?Female WANTED at once, sewing ma- chine* operators, inexperienced will be paid while learning, a bonus is paid to all employes every pay day. Blough Mlg. Co., Keily and Eulton streets. WANTED Weavers aud Learners. Apply silk Mill, Corner fxorth and Second Sts. WANTED A washerwoman to take wash home. Apply 102 Hamilton street, llrst lloor apartment. Hand Workers Suction Rollers Bunch Makers Also Machine Binder and Hand Binder Strippers. Apply at HARRISBURG CIGAR CO, 500 Race Street WANTED Saleswoman, experienc- ed in Coat and Suit department. Per- manent position and good salary for capable party. Apply Robinson's, cor- ner Third and Broad streets. WANTED Colored girl, 21 to 25, to appear few days in act. Apply Ma- jestic Theater oflice this evening, I to 9. FlTTE?Experienced fitter In ladies ready-to-wear garments; good salary to right party; none but experienced need apply. Call Ladles' Bazaar, 8-10- 12 South Fourth street. Salesmen Wanted SALESMAN, PHARMACEUTICAL With trade following among physicians Harrisburg, and contiguous territory. Elegant line regular goods and excel- lent specialties. Excellent opportunity for right man. Straight commission or drawing account and commission. Write full particulars in confidence to Drugs, 48 West Fourth street. New York. Situations Wanted ?Male ACCOUNTANT and special book- keeper having charge of several busi- ness firms' accounting and bookkeep- ing, in a position to take care of two or more accounts of any size or kind. Address P. O. Box 276, City. BUTLER OR HOUSEMAN Colored man would like position with private family. Dial 4924. YOUNG MAN 2l years of age, de- sires position of any kind; can furnish best of references. Address A. W. Fry- myer, 1812 Fulton street. CHAUFFEUR Young man, 26. wishes position driving truck or deliv- ery car. Call 1840 Boas street, or Bell phone 3829 W. WANTED Energetic, young man, who is not afraid of work, desires po- sition in office; has experience in steno- graphy and general office work. Ad- dress F., 4881, care of Telegraph. WANTED?A position as bookkeeper or clerical work; six years' experience; can furnish good reference. Address E., 4489, care of Telegraph. Situations Wanted ?Female DRESSMAKER wishes engagements. Perfect fit guaranteed. Old gowns made over equal to new. 23 South Fourth street. HOUSEKEEPER Young, white woman desires position in the city. Ap- ply during the day only at 621 North Front street, Steelton, Pa. DAY'S WORK Colored girl desires work by day, or washing to do at home. Apply at 1706 Walnut street. DAV'S WORK Colored woman de- sires work to do by the day. Apply at 329 Cherry street. WANTED A stenographer, with many years' experience, desires posi- tion; legal work preferred, but no ob- jection to commercial work; am not seeking -,vork as pastime, but for a liv- ing. Address S. E. J., 1307 A Market street. City. / WANTED A woman wishes posi- tion as housekeeper; a widower pre- ferred. Inquire. 1233 Fulton street. PRACTICAL NURSE. Night or day work. Massage a specialty. Address M. H? 514 North Third street. WANTED Young woman, with ex- perience, desires position as steno- grapher. Address G., 4878, care of Tele- graph. WANTED Young white girl wants a place with small family to assist with light housework, centrally located. Ad- dress Box G, 4879, care of Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged woman de- sires day's work of any kind; experi- enced; good references. Address 912 North Third street, or call Bell phone 385 J. Real Estate For Sale SINGLE HOUSE FOR SALE Very desirable; fine location; all Improve- ments; price moderate. Inquire on premises, 1717 Boas street. FOR SALE ll4 Washington si. eet. corner River alley, two-and-one-half- story fiame; eight rooms and a bath: all conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth streets. Elk wood, two-and-one-half-story frame; eight rooms and bath; all conveniences. The above properties will be sold at a bargain. Applv Sieeney & Simmons, New Cumberland Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE?At Aqueduct, Pa. A 9-room cottage, living room 15x30. Fruit in all varieties on 2 x /2 acres of land; seven trains daily; good bathing, boating and fishing. Apply to J. W. GROSS, R. F. D. No. 1, Duncannon, Pa. FOR SALE 3-story brick house; chestnut finished; a rooms; bath; gas; electricity; line condition; room lor garage. Bargain to quick buyer. Ap- ply 1931 Park street. 1 LET YOU11 RENT BUY A HOME I have several houses which can bs purchased on that plan. Small cash payment needed. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. REDUCED $500; now offered at $2,300; 1315 Vernon street; 9 rooms; bath; all improvements. Rental. S3O. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Tihrteenth street. FOR SALE On Linglestown car line, next to Hainlyn school, a well-con- structed, new bungalow, 5 rooms und bath, furnace, excellent water. Plot large enough for trucking or poultry business. A bargain at $2,1(10. Apply on premises. FOR SALE No. 1804 Green street; three-story brick; all improvements; hardwood floors; front porch; posses- sion April 1. Price, $4,000. Easy terms. Apply Harry M. Bretz, 222 Market street. TAVO SMALL HOUSES, with all im- provements; end properties; every room light; 1728 Carnation, $2,500; 1808 barker, $2,800. Occupied by owners. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Your choice of twenty brick houses with all improvements, sloo to S6OO cash and balance on month- ly payments. H. C. BRANDT, CAMP HILL LONG ST. New 2-story frame bungalow; all modern improvements; lot, 37x200; close to car line. WALNUT ST. B-roorn frame dwell- ing, with all improvements; V 4 acre of ground; elegant location; one square iroin car line. TWO-STORY brick and frame bunga- low on Page street; 'J rooms, bath and pantry; elegant condition; hot water neat; lot, 80x147; garage on rear. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. * I'OR SALE 1727 North Third street: 3-story frame dwellihg; 8 rooms and bath; lot, 20x136; good con- dition; price right for this location. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal- nut streets. FOR SALE 2llO Brookwood street; 8-room brick dwelling; all modern im- provements, including steam heat; front and rear porches; lot, 20x115. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE I The Board of Commissioners of Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at public sale in front of State Capitol Building, at entrance Fourth and State Streets, Harrisburg, Pa., at 10 o'clock A. M? March SI, 1917, the following buildings and structures upon the prem- ises within the boundaries of the pro- posed extension of Capitol Park in Eighth Ward, City of Harrisburg: Fourth Street, 141, 525, 139, 113, 127, Walnut Street, 402, 404, 438, 440. 442, 444, 446, St. Lawrnce Church; >l2, 4 00. State Street, 420, 422, 414, 416, 600, Cor. Fourth, 451, 501, 727, 729. Filbert and North Avenue. North Street, 519, 521. Cowden Street, 516, 526, 530, 112, 114. 116. North Alley, 520. Tanners Street, 116, 118. Angle Alley, etable. Curtis Alley, Stable Short Street, 107, 111, Short, Cor. Angle Avenue. South Street, 436, 438, 514, 515. South Alley, 502. The purchaser shall piiy to the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania through the office of the Superintendent of Pub- lic Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa., by certified check or United States currency, the amount at which the said building or buildings and structures are awarded to them, as follows: A cash payment of 25 per cent, shall be made on day of sale and the balance before entering upon the property to remove the material purchased. In all cases where the premises are unoccupied possession will be given the purchaser immediately. Where the premises are tenanted possession will be given immediately after the prem- ises are vacated. The Commonwealth will not bo responsible for any dam- age to property after possession is given. Purchasers shall state at time of their offer the time required to re- move the building and material after being given possession by the Com- monwealth, which in no case shall be longer than 60 days. All building reiuse shall be carted away from the premises by the purchaser. All foun- dation walls must be taken down and removed at least three feet below level | of street. ; The Board of Commissioners of Pub- [ lie Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The work of removal shall he perform- ed under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE: The sidewalks and street pavements arc not to be removed by purchaser of buildings or structures under this schedule. By order of the Board. JAMES C. PATTERSON. Deputy Superintendent. LLOYD W. MITCHELL, Secretary. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT From June 1, store- room and dwelling, corner Boas and Cowden; 9 rooms; all conveniences; good business corner. Apply A. Katz- man, 630 Boas street. Only reliable people need apply. FOR RKNT ll5 Retly street, trine rooms and bath, from April 1. Apply 1423 North Front street. FOR RENT Modern 8-room dwell- ing. North Front street, Wormleys- burg; all Improvements; large' lot; gar- age; lawn; fruit and flowers. Rent, 535. Wlllard R. Blatk, Wormleysburg. Real Estate For Sale LOOK AT 76 RESERVOIR STREET? Three-story briek house with all im- provements. This house is to be sold soon, and at nn attractive price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. STEAM-HEATED HOUSE, with gus and electric light, at very low price brick construction lot, 17 i4x#B ? No. 2532 Lexington street. Inspect this property, as tiio price will please you. RbII Realty Co.. Borgner Building. 1163 DERRY STREET?Corner prop- erty that should interest you brick house all improvements lot, 28x 73 room for a garage price re- cently reduced now vacant. No. 1163 Derry street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. THOSE NEW HOUSES at Paxtang at $2,650 should interest you. Do not guess about this important matter, but inspect them. Bell Realty Co.. Berg* ner Building. NEW SEMI-BUNGALOW HOUSE that should interest you. Brick construction with concrete porches front and rear ? equipped with steam heat gas and electricity. Price only $3,300. Bfell Realty Co., Bergner Building. AS YOU PASS BY No. 1434 Regina street take a good look at it lot, 25x 130 to paved drive alley. For sale. Par- ticulars at Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 1724 SYCAMORE STREET 2 hi- story brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath, modern Improvements, good location. Rohrer & Son, Bergner Building. FOR RENT SECOND ST., SOUTH. 101-103 Corner building; store room, second or third floor; elevator; possession April 1, iUI7. Established business building. Inquire of N. K. Ovster, Real Estate and Insurance. Offlce 15 South Third street, Harrisburg, Pa. Public Sale PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1017, at 3 P. M? on the premises. The three-story lranic dwelling located at the south- j west corner of Eighteenth and North streets, being No. 622 North Eighteenth I street, will be offered at public sale to I close an estate. This property has all ! modern improvements; 8 rooms and I bath; front and rear porch. Lot, 20x00, j with available space for garage. Look ! this place over as an investment propo- sition. business location or as a desir- able residential property. HERMAN KIEHL. Executor. Real Estate For bale or Rent NORTH FIFTH STREET HOMES Located at 2315-17-18-20 North Fiftn street. 611-13 Curtin street. Easy terms. Fred C. Miller, Builder, 213 Walnut street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 797 M. Offices and Storerooms OFFICES FOR RENT Two com- municating front rooms, suitable for professional or business ofrices. First- class location. Apply Dr. H. C. Spragg, corner Second and Market streets. FOR RENT Storeroom at 1208 North Third street. Possession April 1. Apply to H. B. Mitchell, 600 North Third street. Real Estate Wanted I WANTED TO RENT Six or seven- | room modern, steam-heated house. Up- ? town or on Hill north of Market street. I Rent must be reasonable. Address Box I L, 4922, care of Telegraph. WANTED A six-room, modern | house, April 1, a young married couple, I reference, north of Derry on Hill. Ad- dress Rusa Bros., Sixteenth and Wal- I nut streets. Farms THREE-ACRE FARM The Schaeffer farm, 4 miles east of Paxtonia, close to Shope's Church; ! beautiful 7-room house; barn; garage; I carpenter house; chicken house; hog I barn and otliei farm buildings; variety i of fruit; all garden soil; a very desir- ! aole home. Price, $1,650. C. B. CARE,, 409 Market Street. Harrisburg. THE HIGH COST OF* LIVING can most successfully be reduced by buying 1 or more V4-acre plots of ground at VAUGHN. Convenient to trolley. Land very pro- ductive. H. O. HOUCK. C. V. phone 4625, or C. B. Care. 409 Market Street. Harrisburg. Poultry and Supplies DAY-OLD CHICKS Also hatching eggs from White Leghorns, Barred I Plymouth Rocks and R. I. Reds; custom I hatching at $2.00 per hundred. Call ' Bell phone 1695-J4. A B. Davis, Pen- j brook, Pa. For Sale ?Miscellaneous TO At'TO OWNERS Before placing your AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE ask this office for rates and make a comparison. JOHN C. ORR. Phone 934. 222 Market Street. HATCHING EGGS Barred Rock ' and R. I. Reds, $1 per 15, from good lay- | ers. J. A. Hartman, Summerdale, Me- chanicsburg. No 4. j FOR SALE Music cabinet, dintng- room dome, onyx and brass table and other household articles In good condi- j tion. Apply 1625 Green street. FOR SALE?Undewood Typewriter, No. 4, recently remodeled, splendid con- dition, $40.00. Apply 1524 North Sec- ond street. FOR SALE One sideboard and one davenport bed for sale cheap. Call at 2140 i>orth Fifth street. FOR SALE Household furniture, contents of live rooms, containing new Amer. walnut bedroom suit, Adam de- sign. No second-hand dealers need ap- ply. 1614 Regina street, or Bell phone 2091 M. CARRIAGE ? 1 New, rubber-tire, Mifllinburg make, pole, shafts, lamps, double harness. Barguin price. Jonn K. Cleaver, 200 South York street, Me- chanicsburg. " _ TYl j ewrT-I : ERS~ WE have a number of VISIBLE REMINGTON. MONARCH and SMITH- PRISMIERS taken in exchange on the sale of NEW SELF-STA RTING KEM- iNGTONS. ihese machines are in good condition, and we will roll them at rea- sonable urices. Call at our ofiice and inspect them, or we will send a repre- sentative on request. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 119 WALNUT STREET. FOR SALE To discontinue house- keeping owner will sell Hobart M. Came Upright grand piano, heavy ma- hogany case, hrst-claes condition, at saoiiflce to quick buyer. Write Box R, 4907, care of Telegraph, for appoint- ment to inspect instrument. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS Remington No. 6; Remington No, 10; 12- inch Underwood; Oliver Nine; New Cen- tury CaVigraph and Smith-Premier. Fixed up in first-class shape. Prices reasonable. A new shipment of those Factory Rebuilt Visible Typewriters at a fraction of original cost. GEO. P. TILLOTSON. 211 Locust St., Opp. Orpheura Theater. For Sale ?Miscellaneous SLOT MACIIINKS FOR SALE BARGAIN PRICKS. 200 Mills, Wat- ling and Caille machines?Bells. Gum Venders, Owls, and Deweys. Excellent condition. Prices right. Shipped with privilege of examination. Wire or write. George Warner, US South Ham- lin avenue, Chicago, 111. FOR SALE Stock of Fancy Goods, Embroideries, etc. Business established for 25 years at 1208 North Third street. Apply to H. B. Mitchell, 600 North Thil'd street. FOR SALE GO shares American Telegraphone stock, $150.00, and 15,000 shares Uncle Sam Oil for' *150.00, will buy Hull Copper, Box 75. Little Rock, Arkansas. WILL SELL entire stoclt, consisting of furniture, carpets and ranges, ac- count of going In another line of busi- ness. It positively pays to see us be- fore buying Central Furniture Store. 324 Kelly street. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence, Gates, Poultry .Netting. Building Hard- were. Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board Compo-Board. Doors. Sash, Shutters! Mouldings. Porch Posts, Pumps. etc. FOR SALE Two Pool Tables, 4xß and 4Hx9; new cloth, balls and cues and rack; J75.00 apiece. W. H. Hefiley, Duncannon, Pa. For Rent?Miscellaneous FOR RENT A very desirable loca- tion in the uptown business section. A storeroom and living apartment* at 308 Broad street. Will rent the whole build- ing at SSO per month. Apply to J. Nel- son Clark, 306 Uroad street. ROOMS FOR REN f CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Musical FoR SALE A talking machine. Very cheap to quick buyer. 102 Hamil- ton. first lloor apartment. WE REPAIR any kind of TALKING MACHINES promptly. Call Bell phone 3242 J. or bring your machine to 315 Broad street. Work done by an ex- pert. OLD VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUI- TARS, BANJOS bought, sold, exchanged. Artistic repairing on all stringed in- struments. Bows rehaired. Tone re- storing a specialty. GLACE. 61'4 tlerr street. Apartments For Rent SECOND ST., S., 126 Just complet- ed apartments of four rooms and bath tor rent; city steam, electric lights, gas range; modern in every respect; centrally located; rent reasonable. In- quire at 126 South Second street. FOR RENT second iloor rear apartment, three rooms and bath, city steam. Possession April 1. Apply to Commonwealth Trust Co. FOR RENT Second lloor apart- ment at Sixth and Harris streets; four rooms and bath; steam heat; very de- sirable; rent reasonable. Inquire 1524 North Sixth. ONE FIVE-ROOM, up-to-date apart- ment for rent. 221 South Thirteenth street. APARTMENT FOR RENT Three rooms with bath and large balcony; steam heat and gas for fuel and light furnished. Call 1409 Vernon street. FOR KENT Third tloor apartment, 2148 Sixth street; live rooms and bath; electric light; hardwood lloors. Apply 2124 Sixth street. SECOND ST., 170u Five and six rooms with porch; most pleasant and open surroundings in city. Apartments Wanted APA. -iIEN'T WANTED Three business women want apartment of three or four rooms and bath, centrally located. Call Bell phone 648. APARTMENT WANTED Refined couple, without children, best of refer- ence, permanent, wants" four or five- room second or third floor front, modern housekeeping apartment. Answer, full particulars, to P. O. Box 551. APARTMENT of three large bed- rooms, kitchenette and bath wanted for three adults, In good residential section. Address 0., 4868, care of Tele- graph. Rooms For Rent MOTHER and daughter have a bay window, second floor room for rent. Private home. Either lady or gentle- men. Reasonable price. Apply 261 Pefter street. FOR RENT Nicely rurnished room; light, heat and use of bath. 1433 Mar- ket street. TWO ROOMS Furnished for light j housekeeping; use of bath, telephone, | gas and heat; ten minutes to business ! district; pleasantly located. Apply H32 ! Berry hill. Bell 1012 R. I'UR RENT Bl9 Third street, to quiet, married couple, furnished rooms lor housekeeping; no children; heat, electric light and gas. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS unfurnish- j ed, newly papered, single or communi- I eating, with kitchenettes, laundry, : phone and bathroom privileges. Stove furnished free. Weekly payment. Daily inspection- invited. Inquire Room 6. 429 Broad street. ! FOR RENT Three or four furnish- I ed or unfurnished rooms; private fam- ily; people preferred without children; rent reasonable. Apply 1628 North Fifth street. | WANTED About March 30, two [furnished rooms; apartment with bath preferred; near Second and State. Call ! Bell phone 4261. Board and Rooms BOARDERS WANTED ~~ Room and board for three good men. All improvements. Use of Bell phone. Call at 1260 State street. ROOMS FOR RENT With first- class board by meal, day or week, with running water in rooms. 21-meal ticket, J5.00. 1001 North Second street. W anted?-Board?Rooms WANTED Furnished light house- keeping apartment, on the Hill, by man and wife. Answers to P. O. Box 29. GOOD TABLE BOARD WANTED fpr two ladies in refined family, centrally located. Address P.. 4869, care of Tele- graph. W anted ?M iscel laneous WANTED Second-hand pool table. Must be cheap. What is your best cash price? William Brown, Box 321, Dun- cannon, Pa. WE BUY second-hand motorcycles. If you have one, let us know. Excel- sior Cycle Co., 1021-31 Market street OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED Don't matter If broken. I pay one to ten dollars per set. Send by parcel. poHt and receive check by return mail. L Mazer, 2007 South Fifth street, Philadel- phia, Pa, H RRISBURU RAG, METAL & RUB- BEU CO., 607 Strawberry. We buy Junk of all descriptions. Pay highest price for paper, magazines, rags, rub- ber, scrapiron, ?crap-metals. Bell 1340 R. CASH PAID for good ladles' and men's clothing and shoes; also furni- ture and carpets. Please describe goods. Send postal to Welntraub, 636 llerr. Dial 6177. Wanted?Miscellaneous CLOTHING. S'-OES. FURNITURE? Bought at highest cash prices and sold reasonable, b. Refkln, 407 Broad street, r 11 phone 2860. ? WANTED Old gold, silver, carpets, rugs, ladies' and gentlemen's second- hand clothing, shoes. Also furniture, copper, brass, pewter. Highest cash prices "aid. 326 lielly street. WANTED. AUTOMOBILES IN ANY CONDITION, to soil or buy. Why not consign your car with us to avoid trouble and worry In trying to dispose of it. We make no charges for storage or lor any repairs while car Is on sule. Auto Transportation Co.. 27-29 North JUNK WANTED We nuy any kind of old junk. Scrap Iron, Paper, Ragu, etc., for cash. A. Abramson. 1109 North Seventh street. Bell phone 937. Business Personals French Cleaning and Dyeing Works. We make old clothing look like new. All kinds repairing. Call and deliver. Uoodmun's, 1306' A North Sixth. Bell phone 3296. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Estimates furnished. See my new houses at Paxtang. H. W. HUMMER, 1423 Liberty street, Harrisburg. Bell 4420. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED ALL kinds Of SAFETY RAZOR BLADES RESHAKPENED, 26c doz., ex- cept Star heavy, 15c; old style, 25c each. HENRY GILBERT & SONS. 219 Market street. WE WILL CONTINUE IN BUSINESS" Same as during the last 65 years, una of live of our buildings in Shippens- burg, Pa., burned Thursday, .March 8. However, our stock was large and woll- distributed through all the buildings. We have a full line of finished work on hand now. Builders of best hand-made buggies, runabouts, stick wagons, Jenny Llnds and carriages. THRUSH & STOUGH, Shippensburg, Pa., and Hagerstown, Md. SEND your clothes to EGGERT'S CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS, 1245 Market street. We call and deliver. Both phones. BRING your Phonograph and Victrola to Stauffer Music House, 31b Broad street, if it needs repairing. We guar- antee our work. Open every evening. SPANGLER PLANING MILL CO. Mill work uf all kinds. Estimates cheerfully given. 824 North Seventh street. FOR falling hair try oross' Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, Drug- gist aud Apothecary, 119 Market street, H rrisburg. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. UPHOLSTERING And furniture re- pairing; mattresses renovated and cush- ions of all kinds made. S. N. Cluck, 320-326 Woodbine street. Phone 1317 J. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY ' Trustee Bldg.?All kinds ot detective work handled ?out eye always open. BELL PHONE 43i>. Business Opportunities WANTED?Proprietor of well-estab- lished, profitable restaurant, with large and growing trade, desires partner in the business. Good character, willing- ness to work, experience and limited amount of capital necessary. Location one of the best in Harrisburg. 11., 4860, care of Telegraph. COUNTY RIGHTS for the sale of one of the best automobile accessories out. Want men who can open branch, and who have some selling experience. Ad- dress G., 4921, care ol Telegraph'. PATENT FOR SALE?On new house- hold invention. Will have a nation- wide sale. Every home will buy. Re- tails for sc, costs about lc to manufac- ture. Will sell patent outright or ex- change for building lots or automobile, in first-class condition. No Fords. Ad- dress P. O. Box 59, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED A partner to invest a small sum of money in manufacturing (business. Address D? 4491, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Grocery store, stock and fixtures in good condition. Will sell at inventory. Must sell on account of interest in other business. Little cash required. Will takfe a note with good security as part payment. Address Box E, 4880, care of Telegraph. MILLINERY STORE FOR SALE ln suburban town, no competition, of 3,fto population. Rent reasonable and a well-established store with new spring goods on sale. 11l health, reason for selling. Price reasonable. Address A? 4490, care of Telegraph. OWING to other business, I desire to sell my retail cigar stand and pocket billiard parlor at once. Bargain to quick buyer. Address J., 4876, care.of Telegraph. ? HOTEL With license; old estab- lished stand; town near Harrlsbuig; cigar stand nnd pool room; 32 rooms with private baths and running water; 5 years' lease. This is a proposition worth investigating. The prioe is right. BACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ Building. FULL EQUIPMENT for making Ad- vertising Pencils! Penholders, etc. Big profits and easy to sell. Will exchange on Grocery Store or Ford car. Good reasons, and if you're from Missouri I will gladly show you. A money maker. Address L., 4487, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE An exceptional busi- ness opportunity; a meat and grocery established in 1913. Doing a good busi- ness. Located on Market street in center of business section. All new stock and fixtures. Reason for selling is ill health. Act promptly. P. O. Box 283. Lewisburg, Pa. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers, experience uneceusary. Send for par- I ticuiara. Press Syndicate, 792 Lock- | nort. N. Y. Hauling ana xuuving LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Honest and lair esti- mates. Blue Line Auto Transfer, 1512 North Sixth street. C. V. 4542, Bell 2682 J. NATlO.wi-L TRANSFER CO. Movers uf pianos, safes, boilers and general hauling. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Eighth street and R. R.. New Cumberland. Bell phone 3029 J. Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms o suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg, Ta. BANKS WON'T but we will loan you sl6 to |SOt for one year, payable monthly at legal rates, if you have good character, a reputation for pay- ing your bills and sufficient in- come to meet the payments as they fall due. (Security required: Note secured by personal property, mainly household furniture without re- moval, or real estate, or the guar- antee of some responsible per- "OU* CO-OPERATIVE LOAN A INVESTMENT CO. 304 Chestnut Street Affiliated with locai, state and national organisations which stand for approved business MONEY ADVANCED to nousekeep- ers at logal rates; business confiden- tial. Profit Sharing Loan Society. Room 7. Spooner Building. I) North Market Square. Storage RTORAQH Fireproof and non-fire- proof warehouses, Private rooms for household goods $2 per month and up. Harrisburg Storage Co.. 437-445 South gMasd str< "V 23

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Page 1: Yon fill find It Pays to Advertise Your leal-Estate! · 2017-12-17 · WEDNESDAY EVENING, HXKRISBURG TELEGRjAiPH-MARCH 14, 1917. Yon fillfind It Pays to Advertise Your leal-Estate!


Yon fill find It Pays to Advertise Your leal-Estate!JDeatbs

UOII.KS On March l£.Boyles, afcjeii years, at laveresidence, GSiS Reily street.Relatives ami friends are |nvited toaltoud the funeral services on Friday

afternoon, at 2 oclock, at the Grttn

street Church of Uod. Green and cal-+ der streets. Interment in East Hat-m Visbui" Cemetery.


KUHL On March 12, 1917, John C.

Rclativcs^und" friends are 'nvited toattend the funeral aervlees Thursdayafternoon, ut 2 o clock, at his late

residence, 312 Clinton "treet. Inter-

ment Harrisburg Cemetery. Body can

bo viewed this evening between tne

Hours of 7 and 9.

HIESTER William A. blester. Bor "

September 29, 1845, died March 13,

Funeral services at his , ' teTh

rf"';dence, 1100 North Front street. Thurs-day afternoon, at 2 o clock, friendsinvited.

HOICK Henry Houck died at Leba-non, March 13, 1917, aged 81.Funeral Friday afternoon. March1917, at 2:30 o'clock, triends andrelatives invited.

In MemoriamIN remembrance of our r raotUer.

Mrs. Elizabeth Minskey, who fell asleep

in Jesus March, I*ll.

Dear mother how nie miss you no one

For there is'stlll a vacant chair no oneelse can fill. , ..


We miss thy willing hand, also tn.smiling face,

We miss you everywhere,

Hut we Know that you are sleeping

neath the quiet grave.Where there is no pain or sorrow, but

eternal rest with God.


New Castle, Fa.New Castle, Pa., March, 1917.


Lost and FoundLOST A fancy bag, with gold top

and tassel, hanging on back o* ftjOrpheum. The party who found it willreceive reward if returned- to 1850North street, or call Bell piione -61.> J.

I.OST One black handbag, contain-int? nose glasses, between third andHamilton, Fifteenth and Regma ViaMulberry Street Bridge. Reward if re-

turned to Telegraph Business Ulliie.

LOST ?Lady's breastpin, bird design,with one diamond and one pearl. Re-ward. 1719 North Front, or phone 875WBell.


STRAYED OR STOLEN Collarlessfox terrier dog, white with blac.. spot

on face; timid; answers to name\u25a0Jimmy." Strayed or stolen Sundayevening from 1869 Market. Reward foireturn to M. H. James, Nineteenth audMarket.


Help Wanted ?MaleWANTED?Bov -with wheel, 16 years

old, $4 a week, to deliver and work in

a llower store. Keeney s, 810 NorthThird street.

WANTED A. fjoy who can ride awheel to deliver. Apply 34 South Sec-ond street. *

WANTED Boy to work in bindery.

Apply State Bindery, South Tenthstreet, near Mulberry.

MANAGER WANTED For a shoestole. Apply Thursday, between 12 and1 o'clock, Haines, the shoe Wizard.1249 Market street.

Government Clerk Ex-aminations March 26, $76 to $l2O month,

\u25basample questions free. W rite t rank-lin Institute. Dept., 409-C, Rochester.N. Y.


WANTED Driver for single team.Steady employment. Must be sober andindustrious. Bates & Co., 110 Marketstreet.

EARN BIG MONEY and perpetual re-newal income selling best accident andsickness policy; $lO yearly pays so,uuodeatli and $25 weekly benefits. Casualty

Insurance Company, 929 Chestnut street,Philadelphia, Pa.

WANTED A strong boy over 16vears of age, to work In wash room.Apply Keystone Laundry, Harris and\\ a)lace.

LABORERS W ANTEDGood wages, steady work withchance for advancement. Ap-ply Paxton Furnace, CentralIron & Steel Company.

GREGG & PITMAN shorthand aretaught at YOUNG MEN'S BUSINESSINSTITUTE Ly Yale University Gradu-ate.

WANTED?First-class boilermakers.Apply Central Iron ?& Steel Company.

WANTED 5O able-bodiedmen for piece work. Experiencedtruckers can earn $75 to S9O permonth. Must be able to read andwrite. Apply in person only to

agent of Pennsylvania RailroadCompany at Division StreetTransfer, P. R. R. Co., Harris-burg, Pa.

MECHANICAL DRAWING taught byYale University graduate at YoungMen's Business Institute.

WANTED Three pit foremen.Wages from five to six dollars a day.Two ladlemen. Apply at EmploymentOffice, Worth Brothers Company,Coatesville, Pa.

jFOR RENTi Twenty-eighth & Derry Sts., *37.50

APARTMENTSfa2o I.ocuat St., (second floor) 4I rooms and bath, city heat ....$3.1' 30*1 N. Second?(lst floor), 5 rooms; and bath; city steam heat. .SSOt 25 S. Front St., 7 r. b., steam heat.i SUBURBAN? Enolo?Ailnnm St., 2% s. f., 6 r.. sl2 1* HummrlHtotvn?Main St. and Wal- "

T ton Ave., 2% s. b.. 8 r. & b., hot"? water heat, lot 125x200 S3O? I.anton?Canton Ave. and Cum- 1? berland St.. 2', s. f? 9r. b., elec-"? trie. Lot 100x220 S3O| STORE ROOMS| 118 S. Second. 18x30 ft S2Oil'ranklin Building, 212 Locust St.,. lirst lloor, two rooms $55-t 206 N. Second St. (Donaldson. Building), room 20x130 feet. *l5O

\u2666 231 N. Second St., 22x100. Also 2-,i M story brick building in rear.? WOl N. Third, second floor $25

FROM APRIL. IST1216 Hamilton St.. 3s. b., 9r. b., S2Bi 1506 Green St., 3 s. b., 7 r. b S3Oi 2005 Green St, 3 s. b., 9 r. b $35. Apartment?Arcade Building. 3rdI floor. 4 rooms and bath .... $33,541? OFFICESIFifth and Sixth floors of Franklin1 Building 212 Locust St. OfficesI will be rented singly or en suiteI ?running water; good elevatori service; all outside rooms,

i SUMMER COTTAGES4 Alabama Cottage at Perdlx; six. rooms- partly furnished.

\u2666 Brightbill Cottage at Cove Station,| 6 rooms; completely furnished.

IMILLERBROTHERS&CO.? Member lib*. Real Eatnte Board

REAL ESTATEilaauranrr Surety BondsI Locust and Court Streets

Help Wanted ?Male75 YOUNG MEN are now enrolled In

the various departments of the YOUNUMEN'S BUSINESS INSTITUTE, 1< rontand Market streets.

CLERKS The Harrisburg examina-tion for Government clerks will beheld this month; $2 pays tor instruc-tions and tests. Address to InterstateBureau, Harrisburg, Pa.

HIGHER MATHEMATICS Personswishing to pursue a course of highermathematics should avail themselvesof the personal instruction given by

Yale University graduate; day or night,at Young Mens Business Institute,Front and Market streets.

TYPEWRITER FREE?For a limitedtime we will give absolutely free astandard No. 6 Remington Typewriterto each student taking our Home StudyCourse in Gregg or Pitman Shorthand.Course complete, 915. Machine and ilrstlesson sent 011 receipt of tuition fee.Address Interstate Bureau. Front andMarket streets, Harrisburg, Pa.

WANTED Yaung man to work onthe farm. Apply at 206 South Thir-teenth street.

WANTED Several young, whitemen to work in restaurant. ApplyPhiladelphia Quick Lunch, 307 Marketstreet.

WANTED An experienced waiter;must wear regulation suit. Call Man-hattan Restaurant.

WANTED Young man with someexperience in repairing auto radiators,lamps, fenders, etc. Apply Nuss Mfg.Co., Eleventh and Mulberry.

MEN WANTED To work on plat-form. Apply to Adams Express Co.


Experienced man wanted todrive delivery car. Apply atWM. B. SCHLEISNER STORES,28, 30 and 32 North Third St. 1


Experienced man wanted atonce. Address, stating age, ex-perience, references and salaryexpected to Box A, 4885, care ofTelegraph.

A YOUNG MAN to solicit on salary,also a man to collect. Best of referencerequired. Chance for advancement.Call between 6 and 8 evenings, 1366Vernon street.

WANTED Three reliable men forpumping plant operators. Steady em-ployment. Apply 302 CommonwealthTrust Building. .

ROPE MACHINE AGENTS WANTEDeverywhere. No experience required tomake Rope, Splices, etc., with this ma-chine. Sells last to farmers for $3.85.Weighs live pounds. Exclusive terri-tory granted. Apply Mr. Greth, St.James Hotel. {

WANTED Several energetic youngmen house-to-house solicitors to leavetown. No experience necessary. Goodchance to connect with old.establishedfirm. Permanent. Advancement forright sort. Salary. Address K., 4884,care of Telegraph.

GOOD, Sober, Laboring Men Wanted,between the ages of 20 and 45 years,who are willing to be advanced. Fac-tory operated day and night turns,shifts change eacn week. Wages from21c to 30c per hour with bonus for goodworkmen. Married inen preferred. Ap-ply to Superintendent, Columbia PlateGlass Co., Blairsvilie, Pa.

CANVASSERS that are not afraid towork can make $20.00 weekly. Steady

work, with chance of advancement. Ap-ply personally. A. Gilbert, Manager,Colonial Life Insurance Co., 219 Wal-jnut street, City.

WANTED Young man, 18 years orolder, for oftice clerical position.Write, stating present and previousemployment, age and references, G.,487 i, care of Telegraph.

WANTED High-grade specialtysalesman to sell an old-established linein vicinity of Harrisburg on commis-sion basis. Salesmen in adjacent terri- 1tories earning Irom $3,000,000 to $5,-000.00. This is a real opportunity for alive wire. State experience. X., 4876,

care of Telegraph.

WANT louug men to learn auto- imobile business, to become practica.mechanics and chauffeurs. We giveour students a chance to make moneyat the rate of 20c per hour betweenclabs hours. We guarantee to pay you30c per hour as soon as competent.SSO in cash required. Auto 'transporta-

tion School. 27-29 North Cameronstreet.

Help Wanted ?FemaleWANTED White woman for gen-

eral housework. Apply 1809 NorthSixth.

WANTED Woman for generalhousework, and also girl for nurse girl.Inquire 902 Kunkel Building.

CLERKS The Harrisburg examina-tion tor Government clerks will be

held this month; $2 pays tor instruc-tions and tests. Address to InterstateBureau, Harrisburg, Pa.

WANTED Girl 16 or 18 years ofage to work in store; reference. Apply ]Grand Unioa Tea Store, 208 North sec-ond street.

DRESSMAKING taught thoroughlyfrom any pattern. Mane dresses foryourself and others while learning. 23South Fourth street.

WANTED Middle-aged woman tokeep house and care for aged lady incountry. For further information in-quire at 1201 Derry street, City.

TWO respectable girls to share roomtogether in dressmaker's apartment.Terms reasonable. located.Address Box B, 4882, care of TelegraphOflice.

WANTED?A girl for general house-work; young gin preferred. Apply 171South Eighteenth street, or Bell 654 J.

GIRL for general housework. Threein family. May go home nights. Nowashing. Call 203 a North Second street.

WANTED A girl to learu dress-making. Mail application to Box M,4402, care of Telegraph.

WANTED A cook. Take Riversidecar. Call corner of Front and Lewis.Phone 3618R-2. F. C. Martin.

WANTED A housekeeper, to takefull charge of house in small familyof adults; must have good reference,and will pay well. Apply 819 NorthSixth street.

WANTED White woman to cookand do general housework; no wash-ing; small family. Apply 616 NorthFront street.

WANTED Girls to wrap candy,that delightful confection?TriangleMints. The Winter Mint Co- Twelfthand Herr.

WANTED Six lady demonstratorsfor Harrisburg and surrounding towns,also to travel ($10) per week. AddressX., 4874, care of Telegraph.

WANTED Woman one day eachweek to clean store and office. ApplyCentral Book Store, 329 Market street.

WANTED White woman for cook-ing; no washing or upstairs work.Apply 122 Woodbine street Bell tele-phone 2100

IF YOU HAVE SOMETHINGTO RENT there are people awaitingyour message. The annual, and thesemi-annual, "movers" do not consti-tute the sum and total of rent-payingpeople. People are moving in and out

of the city every day of the yearthere are weddings every day,"and newhomes to be found. Renting agents,and owners, who have desirable housesor apartments to offer will find thatadvertising PAYS "out of season" aswell as "IN." y

Help Wanted ?Female

WANTED at once, sewing ma-chine* operators, inexperiencedwill be paid while learning, abonus is paid to all employesevery pay day. Blough Mlg. Co.,Keily and Eulton streets.

WANTEDWeavers aud Learners.

Apply silk Mill,Corner fxorth and Second Sts.

WANTED A washerwoman to takewash home. Apply 102 Hamiltonstreet, llrst lloor apartment.

Hand WorkersSuction RollersBunch Makers

Also Machine Binder and HandBinder Strippers.

Apply at


WANTED Saleswoman, experienc-ed in Coat and Suit department. Per-manent position and good salary forcapable party. Apply Robinson's, cor-ner Third and Broad streets.

WANTED Colored girl, 21 to 25,to appear few days in act. Apply Ma-jestic Theater oflice this evening, I to 9.

FlTTE?Experienced fitter In ladiesready-to-wear garments; good salaryto right party; none but experiencedneed apply. Call Ladles' Bazaar, 8-10-12 South Fourth street.


With trade following among physiciansHarrisburg, and contiguous territory.Elegant line regular goods and excel-lent specialties. Excellent opportunityfor right man. Straight commission ordrawing account and commission. Writefull particulars in confidence to Drugs,48 West Fourth street. New York.

Situations Wanted ?MaleACCOUNTANT and special book-

keeper having charge of several busi-ness firms' accounting and bookkeep-ing, in a position to take care of twoor more accounts of any size or kind.Address P. O. Box 276, City.

BUTLER OR HOUSEMAN Coloredman would like position with privatefamily. Dial 4924.

YOUNG MAN 2l years of age, de-sires position of any kind; can furnishbest of references. Address A. W. Fry-myer, 1812 Fulton street.

CHAUFFEUR Young man, 26.wishes position driving truck or deliv-ery car. Call 1840 Boas street, or Bellphone 3829 W.

WANTED Energetic, young man,who is not afraid of work, desires po-sition in office; has experience in steno-graphy and general office work. Ad-dress F., 4881, care of Telegraph.

WANTED?A position as bookkeeperor clerical work; six years' experience;can furnish good reference. Address E.,4489, care of Telegraph.

Situations Wanted ?FemaleDRESSMAKER wishes engagements.

Perfect fit guaranteed. Old gownsmade over equal to new. 23 SouthFourth street.

HOUSEKEEPER Young, whitewoman desires position in the city. Ap-ply during the day only at 621 NorthFront street, Steelton, Pa.

DAY'S WORK Colored girl desireswork by day, or washing to do athome. Apply at 1706 Walnut street.

DAV'S WORK Colored woman de-sires work to do by the day. Apply at329 Cherry street.

WANTED A stenographer, withmany years' experience, desires posi-tion; legal work preferred, but no ob-jection to commercial work; am notseeking -,vork as pastime, but for a liv-ing. Address S. E. J., 1307 A Marketstreet. City. /

WANTED A woman wishes posi-tion as housekeeper; a widower pre-ferred. Inquire. 1233 Fulton street.

PRACTICAL NURSE. Night or daywork. Massage a specialty. Address M.H? 514 North Third street.

WANTED Young woman, with ex-perience, desires position as steno-grapher. Address G., 4878, care of Tele-graph.

WANTED Young white girl wantsa place with small family to assist withlight housework, centrally located. Ad-dress Box G, 4879, care of Telegraph.

WANTED Middle-aged woman de-sires day's work of any kind; experi-enced; good references. Address 912North Third street, or call Bell phone385 J.

Real Estate For SaleSINGLE HOUSE FOR SALE Very

desirable; fine location; all Improve-ments; price moderate. Inquire onpremises, 1717 Boas street.

FOR SALE ll4 Washington si. eet.corner River alley, two-and-one-half-story fiame; eight rooms and a bath:all conveniences.

Corner Bridge and Eighth streets.Elk wood, two-and-one-half-story frame;eight rooms and bath; all conveniences.The above properties will be sold at abargain. Applv Sieeney & Simmons,New Cumberland

Real Estate For SaleFOR SALE?At Aqueduct, Pa.

A 9-room cottage, living room15x30. Fruit in all varieties on2 x /2 acres of land; seven trainsdaily; good bathing, boating andfishing. Apply to J. W. GROSS,R. F. D. No. 1, Duncannon, Pa.

FOR SALE 3-story brick house;chestnut finished; a rooms; bath; gas;electricity; line condition; room lorgarage. Bargain to quick buyer. Ap-ply 1931 Park street.

1 LET YOU11 RENT BUY A HOMEI have several houses which can bspurchased on that plan. Small cashpayment needed. H. G. Pedlow, 3 SouthThirteenth street.

REDUCED $500; now offered at$2,300; 1315 Vernon street; 9 rooms;bath; all improvements. Rental. S3O.H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Tihrteenthstreet.

FOR SALE On Linglestown carline, next to Hainlyn school, a well-con-structed, new bungalow, 5 rooms undbath, furnace, excellent water. Plotlarge enough for trucking or poultrybusiness. A bargain at $2,1(10. Applyon premises.

FOR SALE No. 1804 Green street;three-story brick; all improvements;hardwood floors; front porch; posses-sion April 1. Price, $4,000. Easy terms.Apply Harry M. Bretz, 222 Marketstreet.

TAVO SMALL HOUSES, with all im-provements; end properties; every roomlight; 1728 Carnation, $2,500; 1808barker, $2,800. Occupied by owners.H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenthstreet.

FOR SALE Your choice of twentybrick houses with all improvements,sloo to S6OO cash and balance on month-ly payments.


CAMP HILLLONG ST. New 2-story frame

bungalow; all modern improvements;lot, 37x200; close to car line.

WALNUT ST. B-roorn frame dwell-ing, with all improvements; V 4 acre ofground; elegant location; one squareiroin car line.

TWO-STORY brick and frame bunga-low on Page street; 'J rooms, bath andpantry; elegant condition; hot waterneat; lot, 80x147; garage on rear.

BRINTON-PACKER CO.,Second and Walnut Sts. *

I'OR SALE 1727 North Thirdstreet: 3-story frame dwellihg; 8rooms and bath; lot, 20x136; good con-dition; price right for this location.Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal-nut streets.

FOR SALE 2llO Brookwood street;8-room brick dwelling; all modern im-provements, including steam heat; frontand rear porches; lot, 20x115. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets.

FOR SALEI The Board of Commissioners of Pub-lic Grounds and Buildings will offer atpublic sale in front of State CapitolBuilding, at entrance Fourth and StateStreets, Harrisburg, Pa., at 10 o'clockA. M? March SI, 1917, the followingbuildings and structures upon the prem-ises within the boundaries of the pro-posed extension of Capitol Park inEighth Ward, City of Harrisburg:Fourth Street, 141, 525, 139, 113, 127,Walnut Street, 402, 404, 438, 440. 442,

444, 446, St. Lawrnce Church; >l2,4 00.

State Street, 420, 422, 414, 416, 600, Cor.Fourth, 451, 501, 727, 729.

Filbert and North Avenue.North Street, 519, 521.Cowden Street, 516, 526, 530, 112, 114.116.North Alley, 520.Tanners Street, 116, 118.Angle Alley, etable.Curtis Alley, StableShort Street, 107, 111, Short, Cor. Angle

Avenue.South Street, 436, 438, 514, 515.South Alley, 502.

The purchaser shall piiy to the Com-monwealth of Pennsylvania throughthe office of the Superintendent of Pub-lic Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg,Pa., by certified check or United Statescurrency, the amount at which the saidbuilding or buildings and structures areawarded to them, as follows: A cashpayment of 25 per cent, shall be madeon day of sale and the balance beforeentering upon the property to removethe material purchased.

In all cases where the premises areunoccupied possession will be giventhe purchaser immediately. Where thepremises are tenanted possession willbe given immediately after the prem-ises are vacated. The Commonwealthwill not bo responsible for any dam-age to property after possession isgiven. Purchasers shall state at timeof their offer the time required to re-move the building and material afterbeing given possession by the Com-monwealth, which in no case shall belonger than 60 days. All buildingreiuse shall be carted away from thepremises by the purchaser. All foun-dation walls must be taken down andremoved at least three feet below level

| of street.; The Board of Commissioners of Pub-

[ lie Grounds and Buildings reserves theright to accept or reject any or all bids.The work of removal shall he perform-ed under the direction of and to thesatisfaction of the Superintendent ofPublic Grounds and Buildings.

NOTE: The sidewalks and streetpavements arc not to be removed bypurchaser of buildings or structuresunder this schedule.

By order of the Board.JAMES C. PATTERSON.Deputy Superintendent.


Real Estate For RentFOR RENT From June 1, store-

room and dwelling, corner Boas andCowden; 9 rooms; all conveniences;good business corner. Apply A. Katz-man, 630 Boas street. Only reliablepeople need apply.

FOR RKNT ll5 Retly street, trinerooms and bath, from April 1. Apply1423 North Front street.

FOR RENT Modern 8-room dwell-ing. North Front street, Wormleys-burg; all Improvements; large' lot; gar-age; lawn; fruit and flowers. Rent,535. Wlllard R. Blatk, Wormleysburg.


Three-story briek house with all im-provements. This house is to be soldsoon, and at nn attractive price. BellRealty Co., Bergner Building.

STEAM-HEATED HOUSE, with gusand electric light, at very low pricebrick construction lot, 17 i4x#B? No.2532 Lexington street. Inspect thisproperty, as tiio price will please you.RbII Realty Co.. Borgner Building.

1163 DERRY STREET?Corner prop-erty that should interest you brickhouse all improvements lot, 28x73 room for a garage price re-cently reduced now vacant. No. 1163Derry street. Bell Realty Co., BergnerBuilding.

THOSE NEW HOUSES at Paxtang at$2,650 should interest you. Do notguess about this important matter, butinspect them. Bell Realty Co.. Berg*ner Building.

NEW SEMI-BUNGALOW HOUSE thatshould interest you. Brick constructionwith concrete porches front and rear ?

equipped with steam heat gas andelectricity. Price only $3,300. BfellRealty Co., Bergner Building.

AS YOU PASS BY No. 1434 Reginastreet take a good look at it lot, 25x130 to paved drive alley. For sale. Par-ticulars at Bell Realty Co., BergnerBuilding.

1724 SYCAMORE STREET 2 hi-story brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath,modern Improvements, good location.Rohrer & Son, Bergner Building.


Corner building; store room, secondor third floor; elevator; possession April1, iUI7. Established business building.Inquire of N. K. Ovster, Real Estateand Insurance. Offlce 15 South Thirdstreet, Harrisburg, Pa.


SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1017, at 3 P.M? on the premises. The three-storylranic dwelling located at the south-

j west corner of Eighteenth and Northstreets, being No. 622 North Eighteenth

I street, will be offered at public sale to

I close an estate. This property has all! modern improvements; 8 rooms andI bath; front and rear porch. Lot, 20x00,

j with available space for garage. Look! this place over as an investment propo-sition. business location or as a desir-able residential property.


Real Estate For bale or RentNORTH FIFTH STREET HOMES

Located at 2315-17-18-20 North Fiftnstreet. 611-13 Curtin street. Easy terms.Fred C. Miller, Builder, 213 Walnutstreet, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 797 M.

Offices and StoreroomsOFFICES FOR RENT Two com-

municating front rooms, suitable forprofessional or business ofrices. First-class location. Apply Dr. H. C. Spragg,corner Second and Market streets.

FOR RENT Storeroom at 1208North Third street. Possession April 1.Apply to H. B. Mitchell, 600 North Thirdstreet.

Real Estate WantedI WANTED TO RENT Six or seven-| room modern, steam-heated house. Up-? town or on Hill north of Market street.I Rent must be reasonable. Address BoxI L, 4922, care of Telegraph.

WANTED A six-room, modern| house, April 1, a young married couple,I reference, north of Derry on Hill. Ad-dress Rusa Bros., Sixteenth and Wal-

I nut streets.


The Schaeffer farm, 4 miles east ofPaxtonia, close to Shope's Church;

! beautiful 7-room house; barn; garage;I carpenter house; chicken house; hogI barn and otliei farm buildings; varietyi of fruit; all garden soil; a very desir-! aole home. Price, $1,650.

C. B. CARE,,409 Market Street. Harrisburg.

THE HIGH COST OF* LIVING canmost successfully be reduced by buying1 or more V4-acre plots of ground at

VAUGHN.Convenient to trolley. Land very pro-ductive.

H. O. HOUCK.C. V. phone 4625, or C. B. Care. 409Market Street. Harrisburg.

Poultry and SuppliesDAY-OLD CHICKS Also hatching

eggs from White Leghorns, BarredI Plymouth Rocks and R. I. Reds; customI hatching at $2.00 per hundred. Call' Bell phone 1695-J4. A B. Davis, Pen-

j brook, Pa.

For Sale ?MiscellaneousTO At'TO OWNERS

Before placing your AUTOMOBILEINSURANCE ask this office for ratesand make a comparison.

JOHN C. ORR.Phone 934. 222 Market Street.

HATCHING EGGS Barred Rock' and R. I. Reds, $1 per 15, from good lay-

| ers. J. A. Hartman, Summerdale, Me-chanicsburg. No 4.

j FOR SALE Music cabinet, dintng-room dome, onyx and brass table andother household articles In good condi-

j tion. Apply 1625 Green street.

FOR SALE?Undewood Typewriter,No. 4, recently remodeled, splendid con-dition, $40.00. Apply 1524 North Sec-ond street.

FOR SALE One sideboard and onedavenport bed for sale cheap. Call at2140 i>orth Fifth street.

FOR SALE Household furniture,contents of live rooms, containing newAmer. walnut bedroom suit, Adam de-sign. No second-hand dealers need ap-ply. 1614 Regina street, or Bell phone2091 M.

CARRIAGE ? 1 New, rubber-tire,Mifllinburg make, pole, shafts, lamps,double harness. Barguin price. JonnK. Cleaver, 200 South York street, Me-chanicsburg.


TYljewrT-I :ERS~WE have a number of VISIBLE

REMINGTON. MONARCH and SMITH-PRISMIERS taken in exchange on thesale of NEW SELF-STA RTING KEM-iNGTONS. ihese machines are in goodcondition, and we will roll them at rea-sonable urices. Call at our ofiice andinspect them, or we will send a repre-sentative on request.


FOR SALE To discontinue house-keeping owner will sell Hobart M.Came Upright grand piano, heavy ma-hogany case, hrst-claes condition, atsaoiiflce to quick buyer. Write Box R,4907, care of Telegraph, for appoint-ment to inspect instrument.

BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERSRemington No. 6; Remington No, 10; 12-inch Underwood; Oliver Nine; New Cen-tury CaVigraph and Smith-Premier.Fixed up in first-class shape. Pricesreasonable. A new shipment of thoseFactory Rebuilt Visible Typewriters ata fraction of original cost.

GEO. P. TILLOTSON.211 Locust St.,

Opp. Orpheura Theater.

For Sale ?MiscellaneousSLOT MACIIINKS FOR SALE

BARGAIN PRICKS. 200 Mills, Wat-ling and Caille machines?Bells. GumVenders, Owls, and Deweys. Excellentcondition. Prices right. Shipped withprivilege of examination. Wire orwrite. George Warner, US South Ham-lin avenue, Chicago, 111.

FOR SALE Stock of Fancy Goods,Embroideries, etc. Business establishedfor 25 years at 1208 North Third street.Apply to H. B. Mitchell, 600 North Thil'dstreet.

FOR SALE GO shares AmericanTelegraphone stock, $150.00, and 15,000shares Uncle Sam Oil for' *150.00, willbuy Hull Copper, Box 75. Little Rock,Arkansas.

WILL SELL entire stoclt, consistingof furniture, carpets and ranges, ac-count of going In another line of busi-ness. It positively pays to see us be-fore buying Central Furniture Store.324 Kelly street.

FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 SouthSecond street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence,Gates, Poultry .Netting. Building Hard-were. Plaster Board. Upson Wall BoardCompo-Board. Doors. Sash, Shutters!Mouldings. Porch Posts, Pumps. etc.

FOR SALE Two Pool Tables, 4xßand 4Hx9; new cloth, balls and cuesand rack; J75.00 apiece. W. H. Hefiley,Duncannon, Pa.

For Rent?MiscellaneousFOR RENT A very desirable loca-

tion in the uptown business section. Astoreroom and living apartment* at 308Broad street. Will rent the whole build-ing at SSO per month. Apply to J. Nel-son Clark, 306 Uroad street.

ROOMS FOR REN f CARDS can besecured at the Telegraph Business

MusicalFoR SALE A talking machine.

Very cheap to quick buyer. 102 Hamil-ton. first lloor apartment.

WE REPAIR any kind of TALKINGMACHINES promptly. Call Bell phone3242 J. or bring your machine to 315Broad street. Work done by an ex-pert.

OLD VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUI-TARS, BANJOS bought, sold, exchanged.Artistic repairing on all stringed in-struments. Bows rehaired. Tone re-storing a specialty. GLACE. 61'4 tlerrstreet.

Apartments For RentSECOND ST., S., 126 Just complet-

ed apartments of four rooms and bathtor rent; city steam, electric lights,gas range; modern in every respect;centrally located; rent reasonable. In-quire at 126 South Second street.

FOR RENTsecond iloor rear apartment, threerooms and bath, city steam. PossessionApril 1. Apply to Commonwealth TrustCo.

FOR RENT Second lloor apart-ment at Sixth and Harris streets; fourrooms and bath; steam heat; very de-sirable; rent reasonable. Inquire 1524North Sixth.

ONE FIVE-ROOM, up-to-date apart-ment for rent. 221 South Thirteenthstreet.

APARTMENT FOR RENT Threerooms with bath and large balcony;steam heat and gas for fuel and lightfurnished. Call 1409 Vernon street.

FOR KENT Third tloor apartment,2148 Sixth street; live rooms and bath;electric light; hardwood lloors. Apply2124 Sixth street.

SECOND ST., 170u Five and sixrooms with porch; most pleasant andopen surroundings in city.

Apartments WantedAPA. -iIEN'T WANTED Three

business women want apartment ofthree or four rooms and bath, centrallylocated. Call Bell phone 648.

APARTMENT WANTED Refinedcouple, without children, best of refer-ence, permanent, wants" four or five-room second or third floor front, modernhousekeeping apartment. Answer, fullparticulars, to P. O. Box 551.

APARTMENT of three large bed-rooms, kitchenette and bath wantedfor three adults, In good residentialsection. Address 0., 4868, care of Tele-graph.

Rooms For RentMOTHER and daughter have a bay

window, second floor room for rent.Private home. Either lady or gentle-men. Reasonable price. Apply 261Pefter street.

FOR RENT Nicely rurnished room;light, heat and use of bath. 1433 Mar-ket street.

TWO ROOMS Furnished for lightj housekeeping; use of bath, telephone,

| gas and heat; ten minutes to business! district; pleasantly located. Apply H32! Berry hill. Bell 1012 R.

I'UR RENT Bl9 Third street, toquiet, married couple, furnished roomslor housekeeping; no children; heat,electric light and gas.

HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS unfurnish-j ed, newly papered, single or communi-

I eating, with kitchenettes, laundry,: phone and bathroom privileges. Stovefurnished free. Weekly payment. Dailyinspection- invited. Inquire Room 6.429 Broad street.

! FOR RENT Three or four furnish-I ed or unfurnished rooms; private fam-ily; people preferred without children;rent reasonable. Apply 1628 NorthFifth street.

| WANTED About March 30, two[furnished rooms; apartment with bathpreferred; near Second and State. Call

! Bell phone 4261.



Room and board for three good men.All improvements. Use of Bell phone.Call at 1260 State street.

ROOMS FOR RENT With first-class board by meal, day or week, withrunning water in rooms. 21-mealticket, J5.00. 1001 North Second street.

W anted?-Board?RoomsWANTED Furnished light house-

keeping apartment, on the Hill, by manand wife. Answers to P. O. Box 29.

GOOD TABLE BOARD WANTED fprtwo ladies in refined family, centrallylocated. Address P.. 4869, care of Tele-graph.

W anted ?M iscel laneousWANTED Second-hand pool table.Must be cheap. What is your best cash

price? William Brown, Box 321, Dun-cannon, Pa.

WE BUY second-hand motorcycles.If you have one, let us know. Excel-sior Cycle Co., 1021-31 Market street

OLD FALSE TEETH WANTEDDon't matter If broken. I pay one toten dollars per set. Send by parcel. poHtand receive check by return mail. LMazer, 2007 South Fifth street, Philadel-phia, Pa,

H RRISBURU RAG, METAL & RUB-BEU CO., 607 Strawberry. We buyJunk of all descriptions. Pay highestprice for paper, magazines, rags, rub-ber, scrapiron, ?crap-metals. Bell 1340 R.

CASH PAID for good ladles' andmen's clothing and shoes; also furni-ture and carpets. Please describegoods. Send postal to Welntraub, 636llerr. Dial 6177.

Wanted?MiscellaneousCLOTHING. S'-OES. FURNITURE?

Bought at highest cash prices and soldreasonable, b. Refkln, 407 Broad street,r 11 phone 2860. ?

WANTED Old gold, silver, carpets,rugs, ladies' and gentlemen's second-hand clothing, shoes. Also furniture,copper, brass, pewter. Highest cashprices "aid. 326 lielly street.

WANTED. AUTOMOBILES IN ANYCONDITION, to soil or buy. Why notconsign your car with us to avoidtrouble and worry In trying to disposeof it. We make no charges for storageor lor any repairs while car Is on sule.Auto Transportation Co.. 27-29 North

JUNK WANTED We nuy any kindof old junk. Scrap Iron, Paper, Ragu,etc., for cash. A. Abramson. 1109 NorthSeventh street. Bell phone 937.

Business PersonalsFrench Cleaning and Dyeing

Works. We make old clothing looklike new. All kinds o£ repairing. Calland deliver. Uoodmun's, 1306' A NorthSixth. Bell phone 3296.

CONTRACTOR AND BUILDEREstimates furnished. See my new

houses at Paxtang. H. W. HUMMER,1423 Liberty street, Harrisburg. Bell4420.


BLADES RESHAKPENED, 26c doz., ex-cept Star heavy, 15c; old style, 25c each.HENRY GILBERT & SONS. 219 Marketstreet.

WE WILL CONTINUE IN BUSINESS"Same as during the last 65 years, unaof live of our buildings in Shippens-burg, Pa., burned Thursday, .March 8.However, our stock was large and woll-distributed through all the buildings.We have a full line of finished work onhand now. Builders of best hand-madebuggies, runabouts, stick wagons,Jenny Llnds and carriages. THRUSH& STOUGH, Shippensburg, Pa., andHagerstown, Md.

SEND your clothes to EGGERT'SCLEANING AND DYEING WORKS,1245 Market street. We call and deliver.Both phones.

BRING your Phonograph and Victrolato Stauffer Music House, 31b Broadstreet, if it needs repairing. We guar-antee our work. Open every evening.

SPANGLER PLANING MILL CO.Mill work uf all kinds. Estimatescheerfully given. 824 North Seventhstreet.

FOR falling hair try oross' QuinineHair Tonic, prepared by Gross, Drug-gist aud Apothecary, 119 Market street,H rrisburg. Telephone orders givenprompt attention. Bell 1960.

UPHOLSTERING And furniture re-pairing; mattresses renovated and cush-ions of all kinds made. S. N. Cluck,320-326 Woodbine street. Phone 1317 J.

WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY 'Trustee Bldg.?All kinds ot detectivework handled ?out eye always open.


Business OpportunitiesWANTED?Proprietor of well-estab-

lished, profitable restaurant, with largeand growing trade, desires partner inthe business. Good character, willing-ness to work, experience and limitedamount of capital necessary. Locationone of the best in Harrisburg. 11., 4860,care of Telegraph.

COUNTY RIGHTS for the sale of oneof the best automobile accessories out.Want men who can open branch, andwho have some selling experience. Ad-dress G., 4921, care ol Telegraph'.

PATENT FOR SALE?On new house-hold invention. Will have a nation-wide sale. Every home will buy. Re-tails for sc, costs about lc to manufac-ture. Will sell patent outright or ex-change for building lots or automobile,in first-class condition. No Fords. Ad-dress P. O. Box 59, Harrisburg, Pa.

WANTED A partner to invest asmall sum of money in manufacturing(business. Address D? 4491, care ofTelegraph.

FOR SALE Grocery store, stockand fixtures in good condition. Willsell at inventory. Must sell on accountof interest in other business. Littlecash required. Will takfe a note withgood security as part payment. AddressBox E, 4880, care of Telegraph.

MILLINERY STORE FOR SALE lnsuburban town, no competition, of 3,ftopopulation. Rent reasonable and awell-established store with new springgoods on sale. 11l health, reason forselling. Price reasonable. Address A?4490, care of Telegraph.

OWING to other business, I desireto sell my retail cigar stand and pocketbilliard parlor at once. Bargain toquick buyer. Address J., 4876, care.ofTelegraph. ?

HOTEL With license; old estab-lished stand; town near Harrlsbuig;cigar stand nnd pool room; 32 roomswith private baths and running water;5 years' lease. This is a propositionworth investigating. The prioe is right.


FULL EQUIPMENT for making Ad-vertising Pencils! Penholders, etc. Bigprofits and easy to sell. Will exchangeon Grocery Store or Ford car. Goodreasons, and if you're from Missouri Iwill gladly show you. A money maker.Address L., 4487, care of Telegraph.

FOR SALE An exceptional busi-ness opportunity; a meat and grocery

established in 1913. Doing a good busi-ness. Located on Market street incenter of business section. All newstock and fixtures. Reason for sellingis ill health. Act promptly. P. O. Box283. Lewisburg, Pa.

ANY intelligent person can earn goodincome corresponding for newspapers,experience uneceusary. Send for par-

I ticuiara. Press Syndicate, 792 Lock-| nort. N. Y.

Hauling ana xuuvingLOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE

HAULING Honest and lair esti-mates. Blue Line Auto Transfer, 1512North Sixth street. C. V. 4542, Bell2682 J.

NATlO.wi-L TRANSFER CO. Moversuf pianos, safes, boilers and generalhauling. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Eighthstreet and R. R.. New Cumberland. Bellphone 3029 J.

Money to LoanMONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate

security in any amounts and upon anyterms o suit borrower. Address P. O.Box 174, Harrisburg, Ta.

BANKS WON'Tbut we will loan you sl6 to |SOtfor one year, payable monthly atlegal rates, if you have goodcharacter, a reputation for pay-ing your bills and sufficient in-come to meet the payments asthey fall due.(Security required: Note securedby personal property, mainlyhousehold furniture without re-moval, or real estate, or the guar-antee of some responsible per-"OU* CO-OPERATIVE

LOAN A INVESTMENT CO.304 Chestnut Street

Affiliated with locai, state andnational organisations whichstand for approved business

MONEY ADVANCED to nousekeep-ers at logal rates; business confiden-tial. Profit Sharing Loan Society. Room7. Spooner Building. I) North MarketSquare.

StorageRTORAQH Fireproof and non-fire-

proof warehouses, Private rooms forhousehold goods $2 per month and up.Harrisburg Storage Co.. 437-445 SouthgMasd str< "V