ylp, iiiiale

JVant Ad. Rates. ONE CENT PER WORD when paid In advance. No Ad. taken for less than TEN CENT-. NO ADS. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN TWENTY-FIVE CENTS when phoncd ln or chorgcd at the counter. FOR BUSINESS CONTRACTS Phone Monroe 1 for the WANT AD. MAN to call._ $_T___\V^U.D FOR THE ARKKST OF tho person or persons caught/ wlth my polnter dog. whlto und black fpottod; tan spot ovur each eyn; some tan around nioutli; sllghtly tlcltod; about tbrco yoarH olu; named "Das'n"; boen fe 'ne about three weeks. A. J. W/vHREN, 415 North Slxth. 'Phones: Madison 514; Madl- son S09D. LOST, ON EITHER bWoaD OR Fourth Str«Mt8, a enrpeo brooch of old workmunshlp. Sultuble reward- wlll be glven lf returned to 402 East Cary Street. LOST, FROM MY WAQON WEDNES- day. Novernber 21, two pair ef blacK kid gloves. Kinder wm piuusu re¬ turn to 316 North Flfth Street nnd- recelve reward. MRS. A. J. PYLE. LOST, SATURDAV A FTEKNOO N, elther ln .Mlner _. nlwads'-, or be¬ tween Miller it Rhoads's and "Tne Mlrror," a biacK l'cr.iaii lamb mui't. Rewurd It returned to 2611 East Frankiin Street._ LOST. LARGE AMl.THYST FIN. _EN- ulrcled ln gold. Rewaru ir returned to Room 710, Mutn.il Buildlng._ FOu.*.-/, M'.uv i/uCi.i.'illoUK. conuln- ing money. H. IS- MUUGA.N, 3313 Dec'-tur Street, ..wansjjori*. \ u._ LOST. PAIR GOLD E_EGLASSES, ON Maln Street, between Thlrteentn iiud .Seventh Streets. Retunrto 735 East Maln. Reward._ LOST. ON BARTON HEIGHTS CAR line. lady's cut sieel hundbag. Flnd- cr wll] pieasu return kume to .1. W. WI1.L1AMS. corner Tenth and yank sti cets. LOST. B_TW'I.E.. 3702 GRO~vTf AVE- r nue and tlie car. llne, ebony pin. goid Initial .'(.*.." wlth slx small stOnetS. iu- urd it returned to.above address. STRA1 __D FROM S'.o'r, FLOYD AVE- inu'. Novomber 21, r<_ homer plgeon, wlth a plain ieg band on leg. i.lb- rral reward lt roturned to above ad- dress; LOST. ON CLAY ___t__T.l" CAR, AT Harrison and Maln, between 5:30 and 6 P. M. Frlday. lady. pock.tbook. qonia^nlng vaiuabies. Roiurn to I10O West Maln .Streu£. Reward. FOuN_>-0N7-BIXT_£-STREET, SMALL purse. .oiitaming cnangu, v. luci; owner oan get by provlng property at Times-Di-patcn.___ LOS-\ LADY'S GOLD LOCK.ET, EN- graved "M; G. 11." Llberal reward If returned to 30U5 East Mtiin Street. &tifciimanwt Itituc. f.ALE_Mi-N.WE ARE MANUFACTUR- ere oi an .xciusive anc of caloriaarn, unique and entirftly new ln charac¬ ter; also tor 30 years tlu- largest manutacturors in the world of liigli-* giuue leather advertlslng Bpeclaities -antl--diaries: carry a ._>_a__>tq line ot '..t'Uier" speclal tles; want litgh-elass, experiencud roaa und city suiesineu, irom any llne; ostabllshod trade. c.\- clusive Uno, exelusivc homo terrltory for exclusive saltiamen* no side Uncs; unuHuul opportuntties for eapuble hustiers. H. B. HARDEtSTBURG _-. CO., -3 Centre citreet, New York. CAN USE SEVERAL INTB_._1GENT m**n to travel Soulliern terntory; sal- ary and expenses; references. Ad¬ dress E 70., care TlmeB-Dlspatch._ «'"___ _^_vM_i_ ORDER BUSINESS AT lumu ovenlngs and earu thousands ¦¦"ot doliats every yoar. Partlculara '.or stamp. _.UBbKi Bi.i-._i- o.u Park Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y._ WANTED,'*A- GOOD, SOBER CEMENT ...nulsner. W. P. VElTCil. 21. South Sixth Street^_ A_T_.Ul-_,-ITUKR SEX; CAN M-___ $4 daily all winter raising mushrooms lor noteis ana resiauraui- WJCh niy Bpa-wn in ceimrs, sueils, uoxes, eic. Free lllustrattd. Instructlon, booklui. HIRAM aAUl ON, 3-'J We_t l'orty- eigntn Street. Jsew'York._ WANTEDo-B'S: I-A.RGE-.FINAKCIAL1N- Mitutlon. a.man ot .u_n siahdnig to compile lists of names ln his neign- buihocd. AddroBs in ycur own liund- wrWng, Trt0__-.S WOOD. Secretary, bOi Chestnui Street,;Fhiladelphia.: Wl VTEliv .lO'f TC LEARN I .IOTOG- i- ii.iv. Apply COMMEKC1AL I.IO- TOGKAPH CQ'ii .12 East Alalh! Street. \TRAVa__ING:IiEUN F< ih NORTH CAROT \ llna for a large mnnufHCturing piant who can iayeBt fi;oni $3,000 to $lu.000. Unusuat.opno'rtu*rilty. Address R O. Box 3S,' Riehrn.ond. Va._ WANTE1>.' ITOOiSG MAN (WHITE), IS to 20 years old, to loolc after horso and chlekens on .n.all place near Richmond. Auuress <_ 777, care Tlme--Dlspatch._ SALESMAN TO WORK RETAIL grocery trade in Richmond tor llrin j wlth osublishcd trade; must havo ?r,..oo io invest in the business. Ad¬ dress P. u. Box 3$, l-'icai'.'oiul, Va. RAILWAY MAIXi CLBRKS5..SPRING 1 uxurainatlons. Preparaiion freo. ,' FRANivLIN LNSTITUTE, Uept. 411-H. RocJiester,-; N-_>'-_J_' WANTED," AT ONCE, REGISTERED assiiitant; single preferred; good hours. Apply" at WEST END PHAR- MACY; Hampton. Va. Oscar Wil¬ liams._ WANTED, A GFiNTLEMAN BOOK- keeper aiui stenogiiipher of educa¬ tion and experience; good salary to risbt man. AxUlreas Box i-i-l. City. WANTED, ONE OR MORE I'.Mt.M l.A- borers, good workers; favorable terma to sultable men. ri- VON AM- MON, Fonteiia. lietn .- WANTED, OFKIC K BOY WITH BI~ cjrele; must be n'eat, caretul and will. lng to learn; chance of promotlon. ^ GUARANTEE WATCH CO.. .01 Kasl VVl.i NTED, Fl RST-CLASS MOULDING rnachine hand. ;«ia.ie experience and glve.v reference, il possible. Sieady empldi'inc-iit lo goud raan. Apply to_M. L. lUrilllEi-L, Alexandrla, Va. WA-JT.ED. BO 'i \V1T _"__? BI'. BNC E in prlntlng offlce; must be able lo set atraight matter and feed presses; must bo honest, Industrlous and healthy. GAZETTE, Williamsburg, \ .i;___ W.NTKD, ..RST-CLASS J ANITOR for an oflice buildlng. Apply be¬ tween 0 and >; l' M. to No, '-. North Eleventh Str< et V_A_*fTED, GOOD MAN FOR LAUGb! appU: orchard; orchard experleac preferred, but nm renuir^-d; ui.-.t- ciass worker; favorable terms. S. VON AMMON, Fontella. Bedford county, Vo^_ _ CI_5___ WAN TED FOR COUN T11V .*'.ore; must have experlenco aiid Kcod references; goud place i,->i rl/ght man. KAIRFIHXD'.. MERCAN- TII_E CO., Reidvllle, Va. SVANTEDj YOUNG MEJi »viiu OAN furnlsh references to bcc__ travei- ing- Mieiiman: txperlonce unnecos- ,.,rv Wrlte to-day for tull parii'*- utai-s. BRAliSTREET SYSTEM, Do- partment .4U. "Rochester. N, .._ _E_____SB1d DBVO CU3RK JVANT*- 1 <-iT (single). Apply CAP«ULES, care Ti_rn-*-Bl«patoh- V.;A'<Tlin...RAlLWA Y MAIL, CLERKS. Cornendflment -salary f.800, Bprlns i >:anii»iulloiiB overywlure C<jn_{- dat.-b prepared free. fiianki.i.s i.n- UTITL'TE. -Dfepl. 411-11. JlOchest.r. N. Y. .-. f WANTA MAN TO J.01.N ME IN THB lumber aud box bualne»*s. Slual l¦.- pr_-tli>ab|s und wllh KO.me ni'iu.,-. Addr.as il b-3, caro T»ue--Dl_paicli. $"bo'A^fav'rrr. 1f3ti^*J£rsB"N*§_3 allow-' ithce st. Htnrt, io put r,\u titercltitndl ie nnd grocery rainlogtir---; mall orrlor house. AMERICAN HOME SUPI'LY CQ. Pcslt ;il. Chlcago. "A" WAS AFPOINTED TO A $1,200 posltlnn A few weeks ...ter hls examl¬ natlon; "B" started at fsio a yeat before ht- recelved hls grades; "C hnd hln salary increane<l DO per cent. soon nfter he stood tho test. Our pa¬ per tcllH all ahout U. S. govefhment clvll sorvico. opportunltles and ap¬ polntments.and how to secure them. A copy wlll un mullerl free IT you wrltf! for It. Address CIVIL SIOU- Vicr: RECORD, fifiil E3 Street, N. W. Washlngton. D, C. WANTED, A RRIGHT BOY FOR OUR ooinpoRlng- room; one wlth some ex¬ perience. WILL1AMS PR1NTIXG CO., 11-13-15 North Fourteenth Street. WANTED. EIGHT MEN. LA130RERS. Apply S o'clock Monday mornlng jtorse Show Building. Reservolr. WANTEDr B Y~X LARGE'SOUTHERN toxtlle corporation, first-class mnlo stcnographer. A good place for tlio rlght man; none other need apply. State age, oxperlenee. salary expe.ct- ed or now recelvlng and when cun report. Address Bux 598, Greenville. S*. C. . "WANTED, A iTePFJ^'eN^TIVE MAN of character and ablllty :o ta»*.e care of our lnterest. ln thls clty aml vl- clnlty. Goods extenslvely adver- ttsed and sold evcrywhor.; rnust bo able to purchase $100 worth of t*cods nt start; only thoso who are famlllar wlth notion or speclulty lines and havlng the best of referoncc-s need apply- A brlght future for the rlght man. MAGK" CURLUR COMPANY. ISO South Eleventh Street, Phlla¬ delphla. Pa. WAN'FED~;i'EN HOYS bW\VEEN 10 AND 20 YEARS OF AGE TO DE- LIVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES. APPLY CASHIER'S OFFICE, 8:30 A. M. MO.VOAY. SOUTHERN BET.L TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF VIRGINIA. WANTED. I-nRST-CLASS^aiEAT-CFT- ter; permanent posltion for right man- Stato whether marrled, and also tt* able to do slaughter-house work; also wage desired. References ro- quired. Address A. GREENEERG, _Rox_nj>. Danvllle, Va._ wanted. a Wrst-class meat- cutter in a green grocery, wlth ref¬ erences. Address J SS1, care Tlmes- Dispatch. BOOKKEEPER IN KSTABLISHED business who can Invest $10,000: splendid opportunlty tor a man of .character and Intrlllgence,. and who cau'net as secretary and treasurer. Address r. O. Box 33, RIchmond, Va. ______ WANTED. TWENTY CANVASSERS; good proposltlon; nothlng to sell. Apply Monday mornlng, fc A. M., 822 East" Broad Street. ____ WANTED, .-. TENiGENTEEMEN SOI_Ir oltors for best Xmas novelty seller; everybody wlll buy from one to three. Call Monday mornlng, be¬ tween f and 12 o'clock. J. II. ROMER, JUfi East Maln Street. Uiwrence's Hotel,_.^___ A HIGH-CL.ASS MONTHLYMAGAZIN'E wants a local ag-mt o- representatlve ln ench cltv of .** 000 o, over; must he ablo to "furnish bond and rcfor- ence. We pav salary and commis¬ slon. Wrlte "BUSINESS AMERICA, Phlladelphla.__ 5LERKS AND OTHERS WITH COM- inon school educatlon can nuallfy by new system of correspondence in- Btruction to illl advertising posltlons $1,200 veor up; elegant prospectus and advice free, GEOIIGB H, POW ELL, 13S. Metropolitan Annex, New York. ;-NV""]NTKLLiC-ENT PERSON MAY earn $100 nionlhly eorrespoudlng for newspapers; no csnvasslng. Send for pattlculars. PRESS Si'NDICATE, Lockport. N. Y. _ WANTED, FIR-.T.-CLASS WHITE barbor; good wages guaranteed. Ap¬ ply J. M. SMALL. 1211 West. Maln. WANTED. MEN TO LEARN TO WRF.S- tlu and box or take ptjyslcal culrure. Special rates to those Joininp: borore December 6, 1306. School 221 East Maln Street. GEORGE HERBF.RT, World's Champ_on_ Wrestler. _______ VVANTED. FIRST-CLASS BARBER AT once at No. 328 East Main._ PAINTERS ""WANTED;' NONE" BUT Qrst-class men need apply. 7 South Slx th Street. II1.TZER_& GANZE1.T. 5TviL SERVICE EMPL.OYEES ARE pald well for cusy work; cxamina- llonn of all klnds soon; expert ad¬ vice, sample questlons and booklet 104 doscriblng posltlons and telllng easiest and qulckest way to secure them free. Wrlte now. WASHING¬ TON CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL, Washlngton, D. C_. ___ W^N_ll;n*r_3lA"N"rJlUST BE WILLING to learn and capable of actlng as our representativc; no canvasslng or so- licitlng; good lncomo assured. Ad¬ dress NATIONAL CO-OPERAT1VE REALITV CO., S17 Marden Bldg.. Washlngton, D. C. SALESMEN W AN~TE D..TU E~B USL np.ss world calls for producers; why work for small wages? We train you hy actual experience; positlon and promotlon secured. Wrlte ar call SCHOOL OF SALESMANSHIP, 0". Nassau Street. New* York. JOIN~~ SHa"VI§G CLUB..'¦:'. ASSURINO perfect servlce, saving $2-$50 yearly. Any way you -shave. will pay you to ask partlculars. Membershlp ilrst year free. SHAVING CLUB, Plne Street. New York-_ FEW MEN WANTED..CASH WEKK- ly mado attendlng to our advertls- i;tH materlai fur your locallty. In- close stamp- for reply. Dci>t. S", PANDORA MFG, CO.. London, Ont. CIVIL SERVICE ^'P.OSITIONS AKE very d'eslrable for young people. l>'u!l informatlon and questlons recently used by the commisslon free. CQ- LUMBIAN CORRESPONDENCE COL¬ LEGE. Washlngton, D. C. i&ttimtidns(^ant_lt^ialE. r'iCi:a^i5_TVoS; o'oTTn^fTv eT Y"EArts'~iN " tho mall order business. Began wlrli $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. HEACOCK. S-13,_LoclM>ort,_N^._Y. WANTED, ^POSITION. -AS,MANAGER on large or small farm; can furnish unlintlted references. Address A. WEBB, General Delivery. WANll-.l >. POSITION AS' KBE PER. ¦' ON prlvate flsh pond, huntlng ground or clubhouse; good references; Address 1' 721, care 'rimes-Dtspateh. A V'l'.-V "i ICAlT CAB.BENTER AND butldei wants some building oi- job work; wllllng to work second-hand inatcrlal, R W. JONES,, 310 East Main Street. (lieaf.) a'mUSH.TaN FROM WASHINGTON.:D. C, deslres a place ln some Protestaht church ocganlst or cholrmaster, m- b,ith. Salary no object. Address A .;, is. cai Tlmea-Dlspatch, WANTED, BY" YOUNG MAN,. Pi VI- tjon ,.as stonographer; srood rofer- ¦i imes'-I-uspateh. K 921, WANTED, BV .IANI* A H V 10, A POSl- tlon as bookkeeper by n young man Iwenty-Blx yeays old; flve yeurn' ek- perience wlth one ot tho largest whpleHale houses of Virginia, holdlng same posltion now; good reasons l.'or wuntlng to eti_iiK>.-. Addrese Eo.\ No. 22, Mancheater. Va. WANTED,. A JOB A. MACinNISTT AD~ dress Box 55, Atlee, Va, WANTED," SITUATION BY YOUNG man with nlno yeu.r.-i' «N|ii,rlence >n hardu'are busln^^s ln siore nnd on road; hard worker. Address HARD- WARE, Petersburg;, \'a. "w.\.\"i.'El<. POSITION BY VQUNQ MAN ot nbllitj' as bibslstttnt ln otllc.; eight years" experience, Best references jj 657," care Tlrnes-Dlspatclj, WANTEl'. i'LAt E AS FARM MAN- ager on stQck nnd hay (arm,*marrled map, n_*.> *«; ex'pbrl' nce, B. U COE, Llgnuin. va. TWO YOUNG i-.COTOH.MEN' WlSii MT. natlons on n dalry farm; exporlencp; refeieiicon II roqulred, K nos, ci_re 1 '_'hii.i-i_i'-'.iatali. ¦ '.'... &ittta.ian6 iiliZrlantrD. 0aU, pVisiTii-jn \VA'NTi3b~l'fv YffispoNST blo young rnan, thoroughly nxpef-l; rneed .iceoiliilHIit, sali'Kllliin nnd lld' vettiserj dcslrcf* positlon owlng t' eloBlttg of old liUHlnesB. HAR1 U'ORKER, P. 0. Box 003, Richmond BOOKKEEPER AND FRENCTC-uEU' ma 11-Engllsh corrcspondent. late wlll' lame Now York house. deslres po¬ sitlon; nioderato eoinpensutlon ac¬ ceptable. K 904, caro Tlmes-Dis¬ patch, WANTED, S1TUATION BY .UNREQIS' tered drug clerk us rellef work lt! drug store; four years' experience good references; studont of pharin- acv Universlty College .Medlclne. Ad- dress QUININE, 60(1 East Lelgh St; COMPETENT YOUNG MAN Dr>.lftE!- posltlon as bookkeepor, asslstanl boukkeeper or olerlcal work pcrmln- Ing to bookkeepor In olllcu or bank: have experience und knowledge ol hookkeeplng. Good references. I> 747, care Tlnies-Dlspatch. YOUNG MAN, FOURTEEN Y'EARS' experience In general morchnndiso, wants posltion, any llne; satlsfac- torv references furnlshed. Addres? GENERAL MERCHANDLSE, 023 East Marshall Street, Richmond, Va._ HARDWARE SALESMAN, TWELVE years' experience, wants positlon wlth elther wholesale or retall hnrd- ware house. References furnished. Address HARDWARE SALESMAN. ''23 East Marshall Street, RIchmond, Va. i""T"~_ t.CIjASS PATTERN-SIAKER wants job; can give O. K. references. Aauress K 929. caro Tlmes-Dispatch. AD." M'RlfBirWANTS ADB TO WltiTE for those who cannot aft'ord to hlre a regular msn, or who want to make change. Satisfaction or no charge. Address K 027, care Tlmes-Dispatch. e!TpERIENC¥d.WOODS AND SAW~ mlll manager wanta positlon; machln- lst. sawyer nnd constructlon etigl- necr: successful wlth labor: thor¬ oughly responsible; result getter. A. WuOD. P. O. Box 603. RIchmond. .-"ractical enginTTe'r WANTS posltion; young; hard worker; ex- perleneou in office and outside con¬ struction work; successful superln¬ tendent of labor and work. G. NEAR, P. O. Box 603, Richmond._ P0SiTf6^N~WANTEb B*_ EXPERI- enced and competent bookkeoper nnd ofllce man; at present employed, but deslres to change business; Al references. M 160. caro Tlmes-Dis¬ patch. waNTeTX POSITION BY EXPER1- enced bookkeeper. References. AC- CURATE, care Times-Dl3patch. WANT~ED, A GOOD LOCATTON BY capdble practicing physlclan. Ad¬ dress PHYSICIAN, care Tlmes-Dls- patch._ T-C-SITTon'' WANTED AS FOREMAN composing room rr on stone and makeup: good on ad.. catalogue, tab- ular, mamfold. loose leaf work; 35; marrled; temperate; good executive; prefer Virginia. Further partlculars on reauest. State needs and salary offered. JAMES. G.2- De Kalb Ave¬ nue, Brooklyn. N. Y._ youncT"man;~des'_res POSITION IN RIchmond; prefers offlee work. Can furnish good references. Address W. M. F.. Room No. 24, care Y. M. C A., Charleston, W, Va._ WANTED. SFFUA^'TON BY REGIS- tered drug clerk. Rellef or porma- rietit posltion. Al references. F 722, care Times-Dispatch. 5VANTED; GIRLS TO WORK IN OUR book bindery. Kxperlenco not nec¬ essary. Apply W1LLIAMS PRINT¬ ING CO., 11-13-10 North Fourteenth Street._ I'OUNO LADIES AND GIRLS DES1R- Ing ponitions wlth pleasant sur- roundirgB and good pay cannot do better than wrlte or apply to THE WHITLOCK BRANCH, Twenty-thlrd and Cary Streets. Richmond. Va. WANTED. NICE SETTLED LADY WHO is willing to do housework for fam¬ ily or two ln country, near car llne. Address O 7SS. care Tlmes-,Dl.-:patph. iVANTKD. LADIES TO SEW~ APPLY 1»07 Floyd Avenue._ ¦VANSJED. WHITE WAlTRESS. ONLY whlto help employed. Address D 641, cai'e Tlmea-Dlspatch._ vY ANTED, A COOK. GOOD WAGES to rlght party. Apply at 2611 East Franklin JStrest._ WANTED, AT ONCE, A OOOD COOK; rererences. Apply 1837 Monument Avenue. ^N^"iaD~GIRL"s TO_MAICl-T"PAPER boxes; experlcnced preferred. Apply POHL.IG BROS.. Twenty-ftfth and Franklin Streets._ VVAnTeTd. COMPETENT HOUSEMAID to work ln small family. Call with references at 1131 West Avenue. MIDDLE-AGED SEHVANT FOR COOK and light housework; references re- nulred; sleep on premlses. Call at once, R North Morris Street. Clty. U^NTEdT GOOD, ALL-ROUND COOlT Apply DAV.1S HOTEL._ WANTED, A WHITE COUNTRY WO- man to cook for family of two. Ap¬ ply at my otllce, 1. Governor Street, with references._ LADIES VTINSEL CARDS AT HOME; can mako $25 weekly; $1 per day guaranteed. Outtit free. Send 10c for beautlful sample and instruc- tlons. MONROE CARD CO.. 1643 Monroe Street, Baltlmore, Md. ladies-make dress shields at home; good pay; materlai furnlshed; Btamped envelope partlculars. MUT¬ UAL SUPPLY HOUSE, Dept. 755, Chicago._¦ WANTBD,"!>LIVE CANVASSEK FOR reliable flrm; salary or commisslon. K 931. care Times-Dispatch. MILLER & RHOADS REQUIRE THE servlces of 125 salesglrls at once; good wages and permanent r^-mons to good glrls. SEAMSTRESS TO SKW AVITH DRESS. maker at once; onlv competent help need apply. GEORGIE STILPHER. 104 West Graco._ WANTED,-- AT ."ONCE, FIVE EXPERI- enced salesladlea. Apply at once to W. A. CHEATWOOD & CO.. 1509-11- .13 East Maln Street. want~ed. LADfES FOR OUR bind" ory. Apply to THE BAUGHMAN STATIONERY CO., corner Bowo and Marshall Streets. WANTED, A~~ YOUNG WOMAN AS mother's help; must be wlliing to do part of copking and any neces¬ sary housohold work. Address F 723, care Tlmes-Dispatch._ WANTED;tYOUNG;;l_A.DIES BETWEBN the ages of 16 and 22 years to be¬ come operators. Apply to TELE- PHOXE EXCHANGE. 711 East Grace. DOES AN~ELDERLY LADY W1SH A Kood home in the country? Address YIRGINIAN. care Tlmes-Dispatch. $T.'u6~per' day'paid^to'one'lTady' In each town to dlstrlbute free clr- culars and take orders for Concen- trated Flavorlng ln tubes. Perma¬ nent posltion. J. S. ZIEGLER CO.. Chlcago, 111- _ fettuatfowi J&rnttt, Jfcmali*-. LADY:" WANTS""*~EMPLOYM ENT ~6f any kind. IC 002, caro Tlmes-Dls- patch. Yot.*N G~"LArn;~v\rrJiFL"D~irn<T*r "FdsT- tlon In olllco where she o.ould hava use of type\vrlt«r aml stehographlc practlce.'- Address D 056, care Tlmes- Dls pi_tch. W A N T1: D,.LADI ES TO DEMON- etrato; prefer those wlliing to travel. liood nppuriuniiy. 1) or.,"., caro Thnea- Dlspatch,, I; X i' i: 1: ENOE 5 STENi ii 111A i' 111; lf n E*- slres positlon, K 009, care Tiiries- Dlt-jmtch, TWO bXPEltTsNCED' W «' It K E lt S want H'aoi- as houseglrl and cook. 12-'o-A, hl. Juint-jj Stre.t, _&ftuatfoit_. <E_l.iiteb, Jfemale. a" LADY OF i_'I'INEMENT WtSrtEH puslilfin us ntir'.o nnd companldr) to Itivalld or oldi-rlv ioly: wlll Koop houso; molhor's holp'Jt'i care I'or lln- c il room. Ueferoiices exchanged. A<1- clrnBo i! vfii, eare TlmoB-DlBpatcli._ EXP E iti ENC E 6" YOU NG LADY OF IN - tclllffence wants posltlon :ih stniiog-' l'.ipli'nr; luive thofi'itgh knolvlertgo of all .offlce detallii. (llltig, etc, and not arrald of liiir.i work, Address P, O. _Box 38, Richmond. WANTED, n~Y~~A LADY,""POSITION TO asslai. ln housework night und morn¬ lng. Apply io "Ui," W. C*. Assucla- ilon WANTED, BY A REFfNED WIDOW lady, employmenl part of euch day o.h companlon to Invalld or reader lo one whose sdght is not good. Ad¬ dress B 576, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. ¦_?Ylp, iiiiale an& Jfcmale. ^\NT__iT1_\DY OR.'GENTI.HMAN OF falr education to travel for flWH ot largo ciyiital; salary $1,07 2 early, payable weekly. Expenses advanc ,d. Address GEORGE G. CLOWS, Rl.h- mund, Va., Dcpnrtment F. AVANTED, COLORED MARRIED COU- ple for Hartford, Conn.; also help for this city. Apply at, once. SOUTHERN INTELL1GENCE OF¬ FICE, 21 V& North Slxth Streot. MEN AND WOMEN. BOYS AND GIRLS. Mako yourselves Independent and N UBeful qulckly. Lcurn telegraphy. Terms reasonablo. Address SCHOOL OF RAILWAY AND COMMERC1AL TELEGRAPHY, 14 North Slxth _Street, Clty.__ WANTED, COMbTnATION BOOK- keepor*- stenographers. salesmen, salesladles, cashlers, housekeepnrs. good hotel appllcnnts, waltrosses, prlnters, good salarles; lumbernien <sawyers, foremen). Apply PIED¬ MONT EMPLOYMENT AGENCY', Dur- hom. N. C. 'KOTviH_fKaX __TaCR"ER_" BCnEAU supplies prinvte and publlc schools wltn teachers of all grades on short notice. REV. R W. CRIDLIN. Man¬ ager, 33 East Tenth Street, Manches¬ ter, Va. Phono 567S. KINDERGARTNER WANTED .IAN- uary 1. Address, statlng terms, REV. A. B. SHARPE, Statlon A, Rich¬ mond. ONLY "SUIT ABLE FOR \*. _t.L> CON nected, lirst-class men to sell stooK ln a large corporation, quoted in New York, uonnecb'd \rlth garden- ing and farming; stock secured b> productlvo land, havlng also monop¬ oly for fertilizer produong crop in- creases up to 600 per cent.; llberal commlsslon. STANDARD. Room 46, 156 Broadway. New Y'ork Clty, MAN CLEA.RED $1,132, II__ Y~$Y20"'. last slx months. selling Holladay's Marvel Shoe Pollsh; self-shlnlng; waterproof. Why not you? Wrlte for demonstrated sample and terms. N. N. Hoiladay, 126 West Thlrty- tirst, New York. _ BUTTER*TR U S T BU S T E D1.NEW patent machine for family use merges one plnt of milk lnto one pound of creamery butter ln two tnlnutes; no chemlcala u«ed; a godsend to the home; wondcrftil lnventlon; grenter than wireless telegraph; twenty-llve tcstimonlals and agonts' credlt; terms sent free; machine sold on paymonts $1 monthly. FAMILY BUTTER MERGER CO.. Brooklyn. N. Y._ S~P L BNDLD PROPOSITION FOR agents; $3 per day easlly earned. Apply 10S 1-2 North Eighth Street. between 3 and 9 A. M., or 4:30 and 6 P. M. any week day. l_. C. GRO- NEMEYER._ AGENTS.$10 DAILY; ENGRAVED metal novelties, names, inonograms; fast sellers for Christmas. Sample. free. Wrlte qulck. ACME EN- GRAVING CO.. Boston. Mass._ AGENTS.I POINT THE WAY TO S_C- cess to any agent who wlll follow my course. I have shown thousands how to make money. I can show you. My goods and business meth¬ ods have llfted niortg-iges. luilt homes and scattered prosperlty every- where. Write to-day for tlio "Say- man Plan" and free samplos. 530 Saymun Buildlng, St. LuuIb, Mo._ WE START YOU SELLING DIAMONDs" Don't fall getting our llberal offer; S5 dallv sure. CARBON D1AMOND CO., Sy'racuse, N. Y._Mentlon paper. AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMIS- slon; the greatest agents* seller ever! produced; everv user of pen and Ink buys lt on slght; 200 to 500 per cent. proflt; one agent's sales amounted to $620 in six davs; another $32 in two hours. MONROE MFG. CO., X 39, La Cross, Wls._ A-JENTSTaRE- COINING MONEY &ELL~- ing lilgh-grade holiday post cards; enormous demand: thousands varie- ties. Send 10 cents for sainples. AT¬ LANTIC SPECIALTY CO.. Dept. 6. 451 Last 137th Str.et, Nejw York Clty._ AGENTS'-^WANTED -FOR A HIGH- class, beautifully printed and lllus¬ trated dollar-a-year woman's nmga- zine. Commlsslon, 50 cents on each Sl subscrlption. Wrlte for agent's free outtlt. AMERICAN HOME MONTHLY. 27 Spruco Street, New York. AGENTS WANTED.BRAND-NEW 10C novelty; never sold before; every man who wears a hat will buy; 300 per cent. profit. STOWKLL & CO., 79 William Street,, New Bedford, Mass. _ WANTED; TO^ENGAGE LADIES WHO have sold books. insurance, solk-ited, etc, to help lady secure bank depos¬ its. Good pay. MRS. M. W. SMITH- SON, 28 North Ninth._ HOLD UP! LET US SEND YOU 100 business or calllng cards, wlth case. 40c, postpald. Agents wanted. Dept. 33, ECONOMY" CO., 1609 Lake Street. Chlcago. 111._ AGENTS. TO SELL SILVHRWARE; large protits; oasy work; sample out- ftt seven pieces 75 cents. ROGERS & CO.. 150 Nassau Street. New York. AGENTS.$50 WEEKLY. WE MANU- facture the. best needle case made; a wonderful seller; 200 to 500 per cent. protit; talklng unnecossary; our copynghted "Trust Scheme" Knve- lopes do tho work: general agents can make over $100 weekly. Send -lc (postage und packlng) for a free 25c sample. Partlculars free. Buy direct from factory at wholesale. Bewai'e of fakers who steal our ads. and llterature. PATY NEEDLE CO., Union Square, Somervllle, Mass. STOP PEDDUNG! AGENTS. EITHER sex, when tired of rlnging doorbells and dodging tho dog, send for our free pro.p.ctug and start a busi¬ ness of your own; something un- usuallv "alive" for you. Wrlte for detalls. CONGRESS SUPPLY CO., South Portland, Malnc._ AGENTS TO SELL ADVERTISING wrapplng naper und bags as side liu'e. In Virginia; special designs; sainples light; commi.slons llberal. Men vls¬ ltlng small towiif, preferred. PAPER DEPT.. Keniner-Thoinu'i Co., Clncln- natl, o._j 6T0VINK.WONDERFUL NEW D1&- covery; a stove blaoklng that nover burns off; agents making $10 a day; season just commenclng. Soouro ter¬ rltory qulck. THE HAYDEN-GRU'- FIN. CO.. Toledo, Ohlo._ A Q E N TS TOaHA N B" L E MONEY- mnklng fire extlngulshers. Spe¬ clal startlng o .ffer Uxcluslve ter¬ rltory. $75 to $300 par month. BAD- GER CIIEMICAL MFG. CO., Mllwau- ¦__eo. Wls. _ AGENT-HviAKE'EOO PER.'CENT, PRO- flt selling "higli-grade holiday post- cards." Speclal selling plan; enor¬ mous deniarul: 5.000 varletles, Sain¬ ples. 10c. Partlculars freo. SX'LLI- VAX CARD i.'u.. 1234 Van Buren Sl.,' Chlcago, in. AGENTS' TO ~'SF.l',1. LUnuieATINCi oll.*), helts, hose, paint, varulsli, to fnutorlos, mlllB, stores, thrushors, outslde large clties. OUIO OIL AND GUEASE CO., Cleveland, Ohlo, _Jeciit_ W&anUto. \V. PAY $80 A MONTH EfAI-AUY AN furnlsh rlg nhd ull exponsos to li iroduco poultry mul stock po'Wdar nnw plan; steady work. BHJLE CO.;X 035i Hprlngllold, 111, AGENTS, MOS'S ATTRACTIVE PKOI miltloii, our sun-Ray IticandoBcei I.ero__ho Btirner fits all IniripSf ilbei ui InducemeiiiH; descrtptlon tre SIMPLEX HAS LIGHT CO. 2? Rat Row, Now York. NEW, 4 - Sl EVE STRAJNER AND "NC Sphtsh"; fiold agnnt:* only. Kamp free. Send 2c stunip. cost of mnl lng: $5 profit dully. Let us |,ro\ lt. SEED.S, 161 Duano Street. Nc York. AGENTS-.8 BND.FOR S WOR N ST A T1 ment of $10 nnd $12 dally profit li tt-oduclng 8-plece kitchen set and or thousand other patentiul artlcles nc for sale ln stores. THOMAS MFl CO., 3020 State Streot, Dayton. Ohl g)olCiHot3 anti tssiiatmzn. WA^^ED?^A^NoT*r RAL BSMAN, CAI able of carnlng $4,000 to $6,000 year on llberal commlsslon basli permanent posltlon'; excluslvo cor tract; Hnc o*-->urtunlty for »lie rlg) man; only llrat-clasa men need at ply, Sales maiiager wlll by ln Rlcl mond Tuesday, Novernber 30. Ac dress, statlng age, experience, ou 13702. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. SALESMEN WANTED TO COVER VII gln'.a and Carollnas; state llne cai rlod ot present and references. I. ; ASHER & CO.f Laco Importers. West Twenty-second Street, Nc York. SALESMAN iWANTED BY LARGES European manufaoturer to sell popt Iar lace and embroidery speclaltle! samples 35 pounds; 10 per cent. con: mlssion; weekly drawlngH. WILSO. 4'Jl Broadway, New York. CRAVEL1NG SALESMEN "VAXTBI to place exvluslco contracts wlt agents to sell the Saturday Evenln Post. An exceptional side llne prop osltlon to roadmen covering countr towns. Something now and "dtffer ent".a really prolltable sldc lin< nothlng cheap or shoddy. No can vasslng. Nothlng to carry.no mor than a pocketful at most. Goo chance of advancement. Dept. THE CURTLS PUBLISHING CO Philadelphia, Pa. VANTED. SALESMEN TO CARR' our llne of Perfectlon Wagon Um brellas on commlsslon; strongest um hrella mado and easy to sell. TH] PERFECTION MFG. CO., St. Loull Mo._ F A CHANGE IS CONTEMPLATED IJ your present connectlon the flrst o the year, lt wlll pay you to looi lnto the PRUDENTIAL'S NE\V LOV COST ALL-GUARANTEEu POL1C"* best seller on earth. because It ls PRACTICAL POLICY FOR PRACTI CAL PEOPLE. FIrst-class proposl tlon for a few good men. Addres W. B. ALLEN. Manager, 201-20 Amerlcan National Bank Buildlng Richmond. Va. ALESMAN WANTED. TO CARR" llne of laces and velllngs for th State of Virginia. GOLDWATEI BROS., 481 Broadway, New Yorl Clty._ IALESMEN.TRAVELING; S A L A R~l and expenses or commlsslon; forme experience not essentlal; splendid op po.iunl.y. A. LANDMARK CIGAI CO.. Denver, Pa. A L E S~M~7. N T'RA^ETii'NG SMAL1 towns to sell as side llne our mll productlon-r-BJlrlng dress goods am whlte gaofls direct to retall store? Llberal commlsslon. FRANK D. L; LANNE _: CO-, Philadelphia, Pa. ALESMAN WANTED ON COMMIS' slon or $75 and up per month wltl expenses. as ner contract; experl ence unnocessary. PREMIER CIGAI CO.. Cinclnnatl. O. IIGAR SALESMAN IN YOUI localltty to represent us; expcrlenc unnocessary; $110 per inonth aud ex¬ penses. Wrlte us for partlculars MONARCH CIGAR CO., St. Louis. Mc [aTeSMEN^BEST COMMISSION Of¬ fer on earth; now; all retallers; sain pies; coat pocket. PROF1TABL). lowa Clty, Iowa. ALESMAN^I'_-PERrENCED_IN AN"" llne to sell general trade ln Virginia An unexcelled specj_ity propositlon Vacancy aff>r Deeember lst. Com mlsslons wlth $35 weekly advanc for expenses. THE CONTINENTAI J EWELRY COMPANY, Cleveland. C ">\_NTED. FIRST-CLASS SALESMA.: for Virginia terrltory to sell staph llne on absolutely new and excep tlonai terms. One havlng successfu speclalty experience preferred. At tractlve contract for 1910, contalnlni llberal weekly advance clause. Ref erences required. MILES' F. BIX LER CO.. Cleveland, O. ALE3MEN. SP.3CIXLTY.."HE LINI you have always been .looking i r staple; sells everywh^re, over am over agaln; samples light and com mlsslons llberal. NATIONAL MER CANTILE CO., Iowa Clty. lowa. ~28u_'me_£i 0ppovtvMits.^ .__v_n_~__ow y~ou Can start prolltable mall order business a home ev.enlngs. 1IEAC0CK. Lock port. N. J._ VA~NTEDT~0NE HUNDRED fflRIFT" farmers to occupy small or larg farms; large means not necessary; cas; terms, or cash; fertlllty of soil am health unsurpassed; soil easlly cultl vaf.ed and productlvc; golden op noi'tunlty. For partlculars addres W. J.' EDWARDS. Fourth Natlona Bank. Atlanta. Ga. 'ATENT YOUR IDEAS AND MAK1 money. Send for my new book, ULt to Get Them." Best service. .JOSliC; R. H. POTTS, Lawyer, Washlngtor D. C. Chieago and Phlladelpnia. ,'OTICE TO EVERYBODY WANTINC money. $5 to $100, low rates: W. have formed a mutu.i departmen for people outslde ot the clty o Richmond. Flrst come, the first t' bo served. If interested. send ad dressed, stamped envolope. COM MERCIAL GUARANTEE .0., Rlch mond. Va. _Establjshed 18S6._ IAVE YOU ANY INTRICATE ME ohanlcal problems to solve? If so let me solvo them for you and savi money, tlme and trouble. Develop lng lnventlons on a practlcal ani coinmerelal bosls; working models speclalty. T. .1. YOUNOLOVE, Me ohanlcal Expert. \drfrcss 10" fioutl Jefferson_Street, _Rlchniond, Va. lAPITAL FURNISHED FOR MERITO rlous enterprlses; stocks and borid uold on commlsslon. Facilities fo Incorporatlng and reorgnnlzatlon o companles. JOHNSON CO., Selllni Brokers, Madison and La Salle, Chl _cftgo._ ___,_ IUCCESS, ALMOST CERTA1N. SELL lng merchandise by mall; make s.v dral thousand dollars annually; rie'v and Improved plan. Wo furnlsi everything and show you how; ?2 ro $100 nocessury. J. P. LAC'KEY 2232 La Salle Street. Chlcugo. NTEREST IN ¦; PiS-NTlNG ¦'PLAN'; wlll bo greatly sacrlftced lf pur chased at onco. See ANDERSOf REAL ESTATE AND LAW CO. Eleventh Street. " _ VILL' YOUT-E .UNABLE TO MEE1 iho note on your house? Arrange inents to do so can be mado. wltl RICHESON CRUTCHFIELD. VFTTvILL START ANnfHER' MAN I> an liulependent business, taking pay mont ln instalments. Must havo sat asfactory references. as to responsl hlllty and energy. RAMSEY. Roon 123, Bullltt Buildlng, Philadelphia Pa. ._<r__ F Yi'Vl'iV 'MONEY NOT EAl'tNlN' 6 pec cent, we can place same fo vou at that ratu wlth good rea estato seourlty. RICHESON CRUTCHFIELD, il'vi: oi'u INVESTMENT CONTRAC! us ii I'lirlslmus pV.HQllt, Cost ym nothlng, Wlll prpduoe $100 to $2,00' UDV/ui'.Pi. You cun make ;J50 to $|0i upwards ns pln inom>y, Full purtl cular.i, 2S Norlli Ninth. iiudfuegg ©pyortunftte*. .MoN'E'v'LYjAhJ^ to people wlth good r'forencc, sav¬ ing $1 rcirnlarly. COMMHRCIAL GUARANTEE CO,, 28 North Nlnth. WILL FURNISH CAPITAL, WITH servlces lu a Krowlnghuslness. Full pnrtk'iilnrs. Comtniihlcatlonf* strlctly eonildentlal. Address G 752, caro TlmeB-Dlspatch. SAFE~lb""pER CE'nT. INVESTMENT.. Local Industrial stocks, lf conservn- tlvcly bought, go up, and It care Is used, can always bo bought for less thnn they are worth. We havo 8 per re.nt. und 10 per cent. guaranteed ln- vcstmanta whlch are safe, and whlch. besldcs the dlvldends pald, wlll ad- vnnco from 50 per cent. to 100 por cent. wlthln tho next few months. if you caro to Invest, you should look Into thls. THE BUREAU OF SALES AND EXCHANOES, INC Under- wrlturs. 603 Mutual Building. 'Phono _Madlson_7__17_:_ THOROUO'tT iNVESTIGATION INVlf- ed..8 per cent.. 10 per cent. and 12 per cent. guaranteed Investments, fully secured, can ho had. Invest¬ ments are safe, and wlll bear the closoot scrutlny. We. ".vlll be glad to Klve you full partlculars. THE BU¬ REAU OE SALES AND EXCHANOES. INC, Underwiiters, 603 Mutual Build¬ ing. 'Phone Madlson 7317. BE YOUR OWN BOSS; START AMAIL order business at home; devoto whole or spare tlme; wo tell you how; large profit; everything furnlshed; no cutuloguo outfit schemo; partlculars free. PHOEN1X SUPPLY CO.. Mnn- ufacturers, Box 335, Provldence, R. I. MA IL ~"o R D E R PR o"POS iTION! E>N tlrely new; modllled endlesa chaln; government approval; tminense pro- lits; price, $1; satisfaction guaranteed or money rcfunded. AMERICAN NOVELTY CO-. Curwensvllle, Pa. YOUNO MAN I.OLDINC INTEREST and salarlod positlon in a golng RIch¬ mond corporation, manufacturing spcclul llne and controlled by prom¬ lnent business men, wants to borrow $500 from prlvate party, wlth whlch lo purchase addltional stock. Will attach stocli to noto as --ectirlty. to bo curtalled every four months wlth liberal lnterest. Address L 938, caro Tlmes-Dispatch. -jBoartHitB. LARGE, BRIGHT AND ATTRACTIVE rooms for rent, wlth or wlthout board. Reasonable rates. Refer¬ ences roqulred. 412 North Elghth Street. 'Phone Madlson 7560. _ "ftANTED. GENTLEMEN BOARDERS _at 71 *M-aj__MarBha__J>1 reet._ ROOMS FOR RENT, WITH BOARD. 1115 West Avenue._ THOSE WTSHING GOOD BOARdTVv*ITH everything new and up-to-date, call at 201 East Maln Street-_ A COUPLE OR TWO GENTLEMEN can get good board and nlce room at 14 West Clay. Terms reasonable. .Phone Madlson 4 925._ THEALBION. 710 EAST FRANKLIN.. Furnlshed rooms, permancnt and tranatent. ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN BOARD- ers for secend-story Latrobe-heatcd room at 723 West Mgln. WANTED, TWO GENTLEMEN TO OC- cupy front rooms, furnlshed, wlth or wlthout board. wlth bath. App.y MRS. C. L PETTIT, 406 W«^st Twelfth Street, Manchester, Va. AN ELDERLY~LADY CAX BE AC- comrnodated wlth board and room ln a beautiful locatlon, a qulet homo. References exchanged. Address D 614, care Tlrnes-Dlspatch._ WANTED. BOARDERS FOR SINOLE and double rooms; also tablo board- ers. 209 East Orace Street._ WANTED. OC(_UPANTS FOR: NICELY- heated front room, wlth board. 305 West Grace. ROOMS. WITH BOARD. MRS. 8MITH. 301 East Grace. WAls-TEbT'BOARDE'RS FOR LARGE and small rooms. 003 West Grace. WANT E D." TWO BOARDERS G EN- tlemen preferred, for large, brlght room; all convenlences; half block car llne, on West Grace. Address I. 919, care Tlmes-Diapatch. WAXTED~TO""RENT. WITH FIRSTS class board, to a marn^il couple or two gentlomen, a nlc'olv furnlsh-'d seeond floor front room; also slngle room (not hall room); terms reas-n- sable. 7 South Beech._ SINGLE "aND~DOUBLE ROOMS, WITH best tablo board: permanent and transient. 404 East Maln_ wantedTbcard^rs FOR BEAUTI- ful rooms; also table boarJers. 103 East Grace. _ WAXTED~~A"_COUPLE ON SECOND floor for light, large room. with board; southern exposure. MRS. G. G. HUGHES, 318 East Franklin. VR3rT"ORS COM ING TO THE CITY wlll flnd excellent meals at 1000 East Clay. where they wlll be promptly sorved. ?8oarb iManteb. WANTEr^^Y^^WO^YOUNf' MEN. room and board ln a congonial fam¬ ily, with convenlences; light. heat, nice bath. and where there aro other young people. Address G 785, care Tlmes-Dispatch. &ooms tor Bent. H^LLROOM, FURNISHED; LARGC"* rooms, beautlfully furnlshed. 7 Nortli Slxtli._ WANTED. TO RENT TO QUIET. RE- flned couple. flrst floor flat; no chll- dren; references glven and requlred. Apply 1123_West Main. ROOMS'l-'OlTRENT, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, at 940 West Grace. W'Als'Tl^TliENTTiEivLVN OCCUPANT for well furnlshed room, bath, etc. 'Phono Madlson 32S9-J. WHEN YOU COME TO RICHMOND stop where you can get a clean. comfortable bed for 50 cents; central. refined nelghborhood; free use of 'phone and bath. Excellent meals served next door. No. 1002 Ea.~ Clay. FOR RENT, THREE UNFURNISHED rooms, as flat or slngly. Apply North Slxth. 814 EAST CLAY.N1CELY. FURN1SH- ed rooms; central; one for trau- slentsT NICELY FURNISHED SECOND-STORY room for rent at 512 East Grace; best references._ WA^-EDr^OUN_rJlAR~RI]_b COUPLE or two young men to occupy largu, nlcely-furnlshe'd front room, seeond floor, heated by latrobe, wlth or wlthout board, in prlvate family. Ap¬ ply 525 North Elghth Streot. FOR''''RENT, THREE NICE, LIGHT, unfurnished rooms. 100 East Mar- "Bhali;_ FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS:' ALSO flat or physlcian's ofllces. 309 East Franklin. ONE ELEGANT ROOM, FURNISHED; convenient to bath, wlth or without board; prlvate family. 112 East Clay Street._ wXnted, one or two men room- ers for nlco room, convenient to bath. 505 North Twelfth Stroet, GOOD ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED. suitable for light housekeeplng or for roomers; gas and water, wlth servant's attention free: oentrally lo¬ cated, opposlte Capitol Square; terms low. Address or call 16 and IS N. Nlnth Street. *nTcelS'""furnishe""d ROOM, Wlff. all convenlences, for 51.50 rnr week. Apply 200 East Maln Streot. thlrd Hut. _._:_ FO11" RENT, ONE;-LARGE FURNISH- od room, privllego IIkIu housekeep¬ lng if de.slred. ,1 SOUth Beech. Twi i"W'Rn7sh"ep rooms7 V'irginTa Apnrtinents, steam heat, eleclric light .hot' and .".old wau-r, 'phone. K 910, oaro Tlmes-Dispatch. FOU 'RENT."LARGE "BRIGHT NICELY furiilslied room, convenient to por-_ colaln hath, hot air heat. central] Grace. 'Phono Madlson 2074. *. ftoomsf for fteitt. two to four bright' rooms ron hoiiaeknoping, furnlshed or unfur- nlshcrl, flrst floor; nlce hntli ant* 'phone, Grace. Street; rnfernnc.es ex. chunged; termu reasonable. AddreiM ___? JLi2' _____Tlme8-Dlapfttoh. FOR RENT, ONE IjARGH BRIGH't) room, completely furnlMhed; bath an-1 'phono, on Grace Stroet, near Jeffer. son Hotel: rnforoucoR exchanged 'Phone Madlson 1004-.I. STEAM-HEATED 'FRONT ROOjf, Grnco near Madlson. 'Phone Madlson r.0ll-.l. T WO ATTRACTIVE CONNECTIN'I rooms, furnlshed or unfurnlshed. slnglv or onsulte, Seeond and F-nnklln. 'Phone Madlson 0281. LAROE ttTIRNlSHEb ROOM TND p,.iury, ilrst floor; wat«r ln pantry| liKlit housekeeping. D08 North Eleventh. FURNISHED ROOM, DESll.AHLii convenient to bath, wlth hot wuteij also hot and cold water In runnii board If desired; prlvate fnmlly; Al lOcallty, Address F., Box 950. FLOOR- OF~THREE~LA ROE ROOMSj wlth kitchen and prlvate bath; no chlldren. Apply at 418 East Orac« Stroet. WANTED, &EVERAL NICE YOUNO men to occupy newly furnlshed rooms, convenient to bath and 'phone. Apply 214 East Maln Streot. WANTED. OCCUPANTS FOR TWO beautlful rooms, seeond floor, front; all modern convenlences; prlvate family: board If desired; surround- ings attractlve; 1600 block West Grace Street. References exchanged. D 851, care Tlmes-Dispatch. FOR RENT, N'CELY FURNISHED Bteam-heated roftms. wlth board. Ap¬ ply MRS. M. J. RICHARDSON. 10 W. Maln Street. 'Phone Madlson 7580. NICE FRONT ROOMS. SINGLE SLEEP- Ing rnom; also ono unfurnlshed; light housekeeping If desired. 708 East Marahall_Street._____ WANTEU TWO GENTLEMEN OK qulet hnblts or a couplo to rent a nicely furnlshed room wlth prlvate family: new housa; convenient bath: hot water. References requlred. Ap- __ply 131S West_Matn._ FOR RENT. ONE FURNISHED ROOM* convenient to bath. Apply at 709'^ West Clay Street._ FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLE- men: prlvate family. 111 South _T hlrd St ree.t._ TWO 'NTCBLT FURNISHED ROOMS for gentiemen. MRS. JOHNSON. 107 North S'cventh. FOR RENT" N rCE LY FURNISH E D" front room: gentiemen preferred; references rcqnlred. Address 1401 Grovc Avenue. 3Room_i "Mantcb. WANTED, BY DOCTOR, FURNISHED front parlor: board lf posflble; prl¬ vate family preferred; answer par¬ tlculars. Address G 790. care. Tlmes- Dispatch-_ WANTED. BY COUPLE WITH CHILD three years, two or throe fumi-shed roorns, Hgrht housekeeping; heat. light and une of bath; must be rea¬ sonable and near car line. K 92.1. care Tlmes-Dispatch._ WANTED," FOUR FURNISHED HOU8E- keeplng rooms by man and wlfe in prlvate home or flat; close In; best neUhborhood; wlll lease; can fur¬ nish best reference. Address K 9.3, care Tlmes-Dispatch. _jflat£i tor &imL A^-BrU^HlT^ETTY^ FLAT. FOUR rooms. steam heat, lavatory. hot and cold water. References. 206 East Cary Street-_ FOR-" RENT. FURNISHED APART- ment. seven brlght rooms; separnte, entrance; Franklin Street. c-ntral. E 680. care Tlmeg-Dlspatcli._ fotTrent. ALL OR PART OF FLAT of flve rooms; prlvate bath. 304 South Thlrd S'.reet._ fTat THREE ro'oms AND dat"k for rent; centrally located. cheap. Address H 821. care Tlmea-Dlspatch. SE^O,^*n;:LOOR_^OF FOUR BRIGHT rooms: porcelaln bath. hot water; telephone. Inqulro 914 East Clay Street._ FOR RENT. 3-ROOM FLAT. 'PHONE. gas, water, $12. 'Phone 952-L_ FOR RENT.T"LAT OF~THREE ROOMS. convenient to bath; water on floor. C West Marshall._ WANTED. TO RENT TO QUIET. RE- flned party. lower flat in West End for $17 per month; electric llghts and gas; separate. metcrs. E 67b, care Times-Dispatch._ LOWER FLAT OF three J-KOOMS for rent. 1004 "West Man<han strcet. Fl7A"T"bF"THREiTNICELY FURNISB- ed rooms. conr.ecting with bath. tor light housekeeping: possession De¬ cember 1; no chlldren. 519 North Fiftn._ FOR RENT. A COMPLETE SIX-ROOM housekeeping apartment: bath. in- stantaneous hot water heater, phone; centranv located. Address t> .».;.¦. care Tlmeji-Dlspatch, or 'phone Madl¬ son 34S0._ FOUR ROOMS, ALL CONVENI^XCES. $7.50 per month. 'Phone Madison 1353-J._. FOR-RlTNT BRIC IT TttTt E E- ROOJI ffat near- Gamble's Hlll. Dlnlng- room and kitchen furnished. Ii »S1, care Tlmes-Dispatch. _ BEAUTIFULi FLAT. 11 SOUTH SEC- ond; references requlred. Possession December 1.___._ eTpTgHT FOUR-ROOM FLAT. 425 ELM Street beglnning Kensington A.e- nue. $12.50 ne_r_n_<_nth._ BEAUTIFUlTfLAT, FIVE ROOMS AND bath. 322 North Harrison Street. ~~~ ^^t^^antc5-____ WA^T^O.^-A COUPLE DESTRES SEC- ond floor flat of four rooms; and bath, west of Flfth, between Broad and Main, or would communlcata wlth party wlliing to renl woom dwelllng jointly. RAddross »R&--A C MARSHALL, 5 North Lftenj. .Phone Madlson. 3635-.T._ WANTED^-, BY: COUPLE, FIRST FLOOR flat of four or flve rooms. or will communlcate wlth Par&wVolStlt rent nine or ten-room house jointlx State terms. Address J SS0, catc Tlmes-Dispatch. Colpmu t£%ojj. _ 6tT\~FUE'iT"FR0M~"'US AND SAVE monejV Ton spllnt coal. S4.00. Wll other klnds of coal and wood at lowest prices. Coaliand^wood.-dry and under shelter. TYLER RYAN, 'Phono MadIson_19i9._ LONO's"AVbbD BURNS BECAUSE. IT is cut in right season and ot orlgl¬ nal crowth. Ho makes aspecialty pf wood ln oak or plne blocks or oak .ind nine slabs. lf you wlll call him up or come by hls office he wlll show you the kind to order. His coal iniriu;. loo. because lt is all coal. Thone Madlson 1009. Yard 1201 West Bro ad._ WOOD. OAK Oll P1NE LONG OR sawed any length to sult. spllt ready for the stove ar same prlco. Our coal is clean and "rec-burnlns*. 'Phone for prices before buying. Madlson 0913 NORTH CAROLINA WOOD AND COAL C.O.. S27 Brook Avenue. wTN'fSbTTeVE R ynoirfl^oXv^olfn plan guarantoelng 6 per cent. on money, $1 upwards. As an adver- tlsement money glven away. 28 North Nlnth_ Nb~MARGIN CALLS.NO INTERES'f charges aro entalled In stock apocu- latiou when operated through put.s und calls. Explanatory booklet and prlco list malled t'reo AMOS DREW CO., 26 Stone Street. New York. YOU':WILL! FIND. ALL THE TASTY.' Hiyles in up-to-dato mlllluory und trimmings ut very low prices at OLARK'S ''MILLINBRY, 2-U East Broad Streot,

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JVant Ad. Rates.ONE CENT PER WORD when paid

In advance. No Ad. taken for less thanTEN CENT-.

NO ADS. TAKEN FOR LESS THANTWENTY-FIVE CENTS when phoncdln or chorgcd at the counter.

FOR BUSINESS CONTRACTSPhone Monroe 1 for the WANT AD.MAN to call._

$_T___\V^U.D FOR THE ARKKST OFtho person or persons caught/ wlthmy polnter dog. whlto und blackfpottod; tan spot ovur each eyn;some tan around nioutli; sllghtlytlcltod; about tbrco yoarH olu; named"Das'n"; boen fe 'ne about threeweeks. A. J. W/vHREN, 415 NorthSlxth. 'Phones: Madison 514; Madl-son S09D.

LOST, ON EITHER bWoaD ORFourth Str«Mt8, a enrpeo brooch ofold workmunshlp. Sultuble reward-wlll be glven lf returned to 402 EastCary Street.

LOST, FROM MY WAQON WEDNES-day. Novernber 21, two pair ef blacKkid gloves. Kinder wm piuusu re¬turn to 316 North Flfth Street nnd-recelve reward. MRS. A. J. PYLE.

LOST, SATURDAV A FTEKNOO N,elther ln .Mlner _. nlwads'-, or be¬tween Miller it Rhoads's and "TneMlrror," a biacK l'cr.iaii lamb mui't.Rewurd It returned to 2611 EastFrankiin Street._

LOST. LARGE AMl.THYST FIN. _EN-ulrcled ln gold. Rewaru ir returnedto Room 710, Mutn.il Buildlng._

FOu.*.-/, M'.uv i/uCi.i.'illoUK. conuln-ing money. H. IS- MUUGA.N, 3313Dec'-tur Street, ..wansjjori*. \ u._

LOST. PAIR GOLD E_EGLASSES, ONMaln Street, between Thlrteentn iiud.Seventh Streets. Retunrto 735 EastMaln. Reward._

LOST. ON BARTON HEIGHTS CARline. lady's cut sieel hundbag. Flnd-cr wll] pieasu return kume to .1. W.WI1.L1AMS. corner Tenth and yanksti cets.

LOST. B_TW'I.E.. 3702 GRO~vTf AVE-r nue and tlie car. llne, ebony pin. goid

Initial .'(.*.." wlth slx small stOnetS.iu- urd it returned to.above address.

STRA1 __D FROM S'.o'r, FLOYD AVE-inu'. Novomber 21, r<_ homer plgeon,wlth a plain ieg band on leg. i.lb-rral reward lt roturned to above ad-dress;

LOST. ON CLAY ___t__T.l" CAR, ATHarrison and Maln, between 5:30 and6 P. M. Frlday. lady. pock.tbook.qonia^nlng vaiuabies. Roiurn toI10O West Maln .Streu£. Reward.

FOuN_>-0N7-BIXT_£-STREET, SMALLpurse. .oiitaming cnangu, v. luci;owner oan get by provlng propertyat Times-Di-patcn.___

LOS-\ LADY'S GOLD LOCK.ET, EN-graved "M; G. 11." Llberal rewardIf returned to 30U5 East Mtiin Street.

&tifciimanwt Itituc.

f.ALE_Mi-N.WE ARE MANUFACTUR-ere oi an .xciusive anc of caloriaarn,unique and entirftly new ln charac¬ter; also tor 30 years tlu- largestmanutacturors in the world of liigli-*giuue leather advertlslng Bpeclaities

-antl--diaries: carry a ._>_a__>tq line ot'..t'Uier" speclal tles; want litgh-elass,experiencud roaa und city suiesineu,irom any llne; ostabllshod trade. c.\-

clusive Uno, exelusivc homo terrltoryfor exclusive saltiamen* no side Uncs;unuHuul opportuntties for eapublehustiers. H. B. HARDEtSTBURG _-.

CO., -3 Centre citreet, New York.

CAN USE SEVERAL INTB_._1GENTm**n to travel Soulliern terntory; sal-ary and expenses; references. Ad¬dress E 70., care TlmeB-Dlspatch._

«'"____^_vM_i_ ORDER BUSINESS ATlumu ovenlngs and earu thousands

¦¦"ot doliats every yoar. Partlculara'.or stamp. _.UBbKi Bi.i-._i- o.u

Park Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y._WANTED,'*A- GOOD, SOBER CEMENT...nulsner. W. P. VElTCil. 21. SouthSixth Street^_

A_T_.Ul-_,-ITUKR SEX; CAN M-___$4 daily all winter raising mushroomslor noteis ana resiauraui- WJCh niyBpa-wn in ceimrs, sueils, uoxes, eic.Free lllustrattd. Instructlon, booklui.HIRAM aAUl ON, 3-'J We_t l'orty-eigntn Street. Jsew'York._

WANTEDo-B'S: I-A.RGE-.FINAKCIAL1N-Mitutlon. a.man ot .u_n siahdnig tocompile lists of names ln his neign-buihocd. AddroBs in ycur own liund-wrWng, Trt0__-.S WOOD. Secretary,bOi Chestnui Street,;Fhiladelphia.:

Wl VTEliv .lO'f TC LEARN I .IOTOG-i- ii.iv. Apply COMMEKC1AL I.IO-TOGKAPH CQ'ii .12 East Alalh! Street.

\TRAVa__ING:IiEUN F< ih NORTH CAROT\ llna for a large mnnufHCturing piantwho can iayeBt fi;oni $3,000 to $lu.000.Unusuat.opno'rtu*rilty. Address R O.Box 3S,' Riehrn.ond. Va._

WANTE1>.' ITOOiSG MAN (WHITE),IS to 20 years old, to loolc afterhorso and chlekens on .n.all placenear Richmond. Auuress <_ 777, careTlme--Dlspatch._

SALESMAN TO WORK RETAILgrocery trade in Richmond tor llrin jwlth osublishcd trade; must havo?r,..oo io invest in the business. Ad¬dress P. u. Box 3$, l-'icai'.'oiul, Va.

RAILWAY MAIXi CLBRKS5..SPRING 1uxurainatlons. Preparaiion freo. ,'FRANivLIN LNSTITUTE, Uept. 411-H.RocJiester,-; N-_>'-_J_'

WANTED," AT ONCE, REGISTEREDassiiitant; single preferred; goodhours. Apply" at WEST END PHAR-MACY; Hampton. Va. Oscar Wil¬

liams._WANTED, A GFiNTLEMAN BOOK-keeper aiui stenogiiipher of educa¬tion and experience; good salary torisbt man. AxUlreas Box i-i-l. City.

WANTED, ONE OR MORE I'.Mt.M l.A-borers, good workers; favorableterma to sultable men. ri- VON AM-MON, Fonteiia. lietn .-

WANTED, OFKIC K BOY WITH BI~cjrele; must be n'eat, caretul and will.lng to learn; chance of promotlon.


VVl.i NTED, Fl RST-CLASS MOULDINGrnachine hand. ;«ia.ie experience andglve.v reference, il possible. Sieadyempldi'inc-iit lo goud raan. Applyto_M. L. lUrilllEi-L, Alexandrla, Va.

WA-JT.ED. BO 'i \V1T _"__? BI'. BNC Ein prlntlng offlce; must be able lo setatraight matter and feed presses;must bo honest, Industrlous andhealthy. GAZETTE, Williamsburg,\ .i;___

W.NTKD, ..RST-CLASS J ANITORfor an oflice buildlng. Apply be¬tween 0 and >; l' M. to No, '-. NorthEleventh Str< et

V_A_*fTED, GOOD MAN FOR LAUGb!appU: orchard; orchard experleacpreferred, but nm renuir^-d; ui.-.t-ciass worker; favorable terms. S.VON AMMON, Fontella. Bedfordcounty, Vo^_ _

CI_5___ WAN TED FOR COUNT11V.*'.ore; must have experlenco aiidKcod references; goud place i,->i

rl/ght man. KAIRFIHXD'.. MERCAN-TII_E CO., Reidvllle, Va.

SVANTEDj YOUNG MEJi »viiu OANfurnlsh references to bcc__ travei-ing- Mieiiman: txperlonce unnecos-,.,rv Wrlte to-day for tull parii'*-utai-s. BRAliSTREET SYSTEM, Do-partment .4U. "Rochester. N, .._

_E_____SB1d DBVO CU3RK JVANT*-1 <-iT (single). Apply CAP«ULES, care

Ti_rn-*-Bl«patoh-V.;A'<Tlin...RAlLWA Y MAIL, CLERKS.Cornendflment -salary f.800, Bprlnsi >:anii»iulloiiB overywlure C<jn_{-dat.-b prepared free. fiianki.i.s i.n-UTITL'TE. -Dfepl. 411-11. JlOchest.r.N. Y. .-.

f WANTA MAN TO J.01.N ME IN THBlumber aud box bualne»*s. Slual l¦.-pr_-tli>ab|s und wllh KO.me ni'iu.,-.

Addr.as il b-3, caro T»ue--Dl_paicli.

$"bo'A^fav'rrr. 1f3ti^*J£rsB"N*§_3 allow-'ithce st. Htnrt, io put r,\u titercltitndl iennd grocery rainlogtir---; mall orrlorhouse. AMERICAN HOME SUPI'LYCQ. Pcslt ;il. Chlcago.

"A" WAS AFPOINTED TO A $1,200posltlnn A few weeks ...ter hls examl¬natlon; "B" started at fsio a yeatbefore ht- recelved hls grades; "Chnd hln salary increane<l DO per cent.soon nfter he stood tho test. Our pa¬per tcllH all ahout U. S. govefhmentclvll sorvico. opportunltles and ap¬polntments.and how to secure them.A copy wlll un mullerl free IT youwrltf! for It. Address CIVIL SIOU-Vicr: RECORD, fifiil E3 Street, N. W.Washlngton. D, C.

WANTED, A RRIGHT BOY FOR OURooinpoRlng- room; one wlth some ex¬perience. WILL1AMS PR1NTIXGCO., 11-13-15 North Fourteenth Street.

WANTED. EIGHT MEN. LA130RERS.Apply S o'clock Monday mornlngjtorse Show Building. Reservolr.

WANTEDr BY~X LARGE'SOUTHERNtoxtlle corporation, first-class mnlostcnographer. A good place for tliorlght man; none other need apply.State age, oxperlenee. salary expe.ct-ed or now recelvlng and when cunreport. Address Bux 598, Greenville.S*. C. .

"WANTED, A iTePFJ^'eN^TIVE MANof character and ablllty :o ta»*.e careof our lnterest. ln thls clty aml vl-clnlty. Goods extenslvely adver-ttsed and sold evcrywhor.; rnust boable to purchase $100 worth of t*codsnt start; only thoso who are famlllarwlth notion or speclulty lines andhavlng the best of referoncc-s needapply- A brlght future for the rlghtman. MAGK" CURLUR COMPANY.ISO South Eleventh Street, Phlla¬delphla. Pa.


WANTED. I-nRST-CLASS^aiEAT-CFT-ter; permanent posltion for rightman- Stato whether marrled, and alsott* able to do slaughter-house work;also wage desired. References ro-quired. Address A. GREENEERG,

_Rox_nj>. Danvllle, Va._wanted. a Wrst-class meat-

cutter in a green grocery, wlth ref¬erences. Address J SS1, care Tlmes-Dispatch.

BOOKKEEPER IN KSTABLISHEDbusiness who can Invest $10,000:splendid opportunlty tor a man of.character and Intrlllgence,. and whocau'net as secretary and treasurer.Address r. O. Box 33, RIchmond,Va.


WANTED. TWENTY CANVASSERS;good proposltlon; nothlng to sell.Apply Monday mornlng, fc A. M., 822East" Broad Street.


WANTED, .-. TENiGENTEEMEN SOI_Iroltors for best Xmas novelty seller;everybody wlll buy from one tothree. Call Monday mornlng, be¬tween f and 12 o'clock. J. II. ROMER,JUfi East Maln Street. Uiwrence'sHotel,_.^___

A HIGH-CL.ASS MONTHLYMAGAZIN'Ewants a local ag-mt o- representatlveln ench cltv of .** 000 o, over; musthe ablo to "furnish bond and rcfor-ence. We pav salary and commis¬slon. Wrlte "BUSINESS AMERICA,Phlladelphla.__

5LERKS AND OTHERS WITH COM-inon school educatlon can nuallfy bynew system of correspondence in-Btruction to illl advertising posltlons$1,200 veor up; elegant prospectusand advice free, GEOIIGB H, POWELL, 13S. Metropolitan Annex, NewYork.

;-NV""]NTKLLiC-ENT PERSON MAYearn $100 nionlhly eorrespoudlng fornewspapers; no csnvasslng. Sendfor pattlculars. PRESS Si'NDICATE,Lockport. N. Y.


WANTED, FIR-.T.-CLASS WHITEbarbor; good wages guaranteed. Ap¬ply J. M. SMALL. 1211 West. Maln.

WANTED. MEN TO LEARN TO WRF.S-tlu and box or take ptjyslcal culrure.Special rates to those Joininp: bororeDecember 6, 1306. School 221 EastMaln Street. GEORGE HERBF.RT,World's Champ_on_ Wrestler.


VVANTED. FIRST-CLASS BARBER ATonce at No. 328 East Main._

PAINTERS ""WANTED;' NONE" BUTQrst-class men need apply. 7 SouthSlx th Street. II1.TZER_& GANZE1.T.

5TviL SERVICE EMPL.OYEES AREpald well for cusy work; cxamina-llonn of all klnds soon; expert ad¬vice, sample questlons and booklet104 doscriblng posltlons and telllngeasiest and qulckest way to secure

them free. Wrlte now. WASHING¬TON CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL,Washlngton, D. C_. ___

W^N_ll;n*r_3lA"N"rJlUST BE WILLINGto learn and capable of actlng as ourrepresentativc; no canvasslng or so-licitlng; good lncomo assured. Ad¬dress NATIONAL CO-OPERAT1VEREALITV CO., S17 Marden Bldg..Washlngton, D. C.

SALESMEN WAN~TED..TUE~BUSLnp.ss world calls for producers; whywork for small wages? We trainyou hy actual experience; positlonand promotlon secured. Wrlte arcall SCHOOL OF SALESMANSHIP,0". Nassau Street. New* York.

JOIN~~ SHa"VI§G CLUB..'¦:'. ASSURINOperfect servlce, saving $2-$50 yearly.Any way you -shave. will pay you toask partlculars. Membershlp ilrstyear free. SHAVING CLUB, 5« PlneStreet. New York-_

FEW MEN WANTED..CASH WEKK-ly mado attendlng to our advertls-i;tH materlai fur your locallty. In-close stamp- for reply. Dci>t. S",PANDORA MFG, CO.. London, Ont.

CIVIL SERVICE ^'P.OSITIONS AKEvery d'eslrable for young people. l>'u!linformatlon and questlons recentlyused by the commisslon free. CQ-LUMBIAN CORRESPONDENCE COL¬LEGE. Washlngton, D. C.

i&ttimtidns(^ant_lt^ialE.r'iCi:a^i5_TVoS;o'oTTn^fTveTY"EArts'~iN" tho mall order business. Began wlrli

$5. Send for free booklet. Tellshow. HEACOCK. S-13,_LoclM>ort,_N^._Y.

WANTED, ^POSITION. -AS,MANAGERon large or small farm; can furnishunlintlted references. Address A.WEBB, General Delivery.

WANll-.l >. POSITION AS'KBE PER. ¦' ONprlvate flsh pond, huntlng ground orclubhouse; good references; Address1' 721, care 'rimes-Dtspateh.

A V'l'.-V "i ICAlT CAB.BENTER ANDbutldei wants some building oi- jobwork; wllllng to work second-handinatcrlal, R W. JONES,, 310 EastMain Street. (lieaf.)

a'mUSH.TaN FROM WASHINGTON.:D.C, deslres a place ln some Protestahtchurch a« ocganlst or cholrmaster, m-b,ith. Salary no object. Address A

.;, is. cai Tlmea-Dlspatch,WANTED, BY" YOUNG MAN,. Pi VI-

tjon ,.as stonographer; srood rofer-¦i imes'-I-uspateh. K 921,

WANTED, BV .IANI* A H V 10, A POSl-tlon as bookkeeper by n young manIwenty-Blx yeays old; flve yeurn' ek-perience wlth one ot tho largestwhpleHale houses of Virginia, holdlngsame posltion now; good reasons l.'orwuntlng to eti_iiK>.-. Addrese Eo.\No. 22, Mancheater. Va.

WANTED,. A JOB A. MACinNISTT AD~dress Box 55, Atlee, Va,

WANTED," SITUATION BY YOUNGman with nlno yeu.r.-i' «N|ii,rlence >nhardu'are busln^^s ln siore nnd onroad; hard worker. Address HARD-WARE, Petersburg;, \'a.

"w.\.\"i.'El<. POSITION BY VQUNQ MANot nbllitj' as bibslstttnt ln otllc.; eightyears" experience, Best referencesjj 657," care Tlrnes-Dlspatclj,

WANTEl'. i'LAt E AS FARM MAN-ager on stQck nnd hay (arm,*marrledmap, n_*.> *«; ex'pbrl' nce, B. U COE,Llgnuin. va.

TWO YOUNG i-.COTOH.MEN' WlSii MT.natlons on n dalry farm; exporlencp;refeieiicon II roqulred, K nos, ci_re

1 '_'hii.i-i_i'-'.iatali. ¦ '.'...

&ittta.ian6 iiliZrlantrD. 0aU,pVisiTii-jn \VA'NTi3b~l'fv YffispoNST

blo young rnan, thoroughly nxpef-l;rneed .iceoiliilHIit, sali'Kllliin nnd lld'vettiserj dcslrcf* positlon owlng t'eloBlttg of old liUHlnesB. HAR1U'ORKER, P. 0. Box 003, Richmond

BOOKKEEPER AND FRENCTC-uEU'ma 11-Engllsh corrcspondent. late wlll'lame Now York house. deslres po¬sitlon; nioderato eoinpensutlon ac¬ceptable. K 904, caro Tlmes-Dis¬patch,

WANTED, S1TUATION BY .UNREQIS'tered drug clerk us rellef work lt!drug store; four years' experiencegood references; studont of pharin-acv Universlty College .Medlclne. Ad-dress QUININE, 60(1 East Lelgh St;

COMPETENT YOUNG MAN Dr>.lftE!-posltlon as bookkeepor, asslstanlboukkeeper or olerlcal work pcrmln-Ing to bookkeepor In olllcu or bank:have experience und knowledge olhookkeeplng. Good references. I>747, care Tlnies-Dlspatch.

YOUNG MAN, FOURTEEN Y'EARS'experience In general morchnndiso,wants posltion, any llne; satlsfac-torv references furnlshed. Addres?GENERAL MERCHANDLSE, 023 EastMarshall Street, Richmond, Va._

HARDWARE SALESMAN, TWELVEyears' experience, wants positlonwlth elther wholesale or retall hnrd-ware house. References furnished.Address HARDWARE SALESMAN.''23 East Marshall Street, RIchmond,Va.

i""T"~_ t.CIjASS PATTERN-SIAKERwants job; can give O. K. references.Aauress K 929. caro Tlmes-Dispatch.

AD." M'RlfBirWANTS ADB TO WltiTEfor those who cannot aft'ord to hlre aregular msn, or who want to makechange. Satisfaction or no charge.Address K 027, care Tlmes-Dispatch.

e!TpERIENC¥d.WOODS AND SAW~mlll manager wanta positlon; machln-lst. sawyer nnd constructlon etigl-necr: successful wlth labor: thor¬oughly responsible; result getter. A.WuOD. P. O. Box 603. RIchmond.

.-"ractical enginTTe'r WANTSposltion; young; hard worker; ex-perleneou in office and outside con¬struction work; successful superln¬tendent of labor and work. G. NEAR,P. O. Box 603, Richmond._

P0SiTf6^N~WANTEb B*_ EXPERI-enced and competent bookkeopernnd ofllce man; at present employed,but deslres to change business; Alreferences. M 160. caro Tlmes-Dis¬patch.

waNTeTX POSITION BY EXPER1-enced bookkeeper. References. AC-CURATE, care Times-Dl3patch.

WANT~ED, A GOOD LOCATTON BYcapdble practicing physlclan. Ad¬dress PHYSICIAN, care Tlmes-Dls-patch._

T-C-SITTon'' WANTED AS FOREMANcomposing room rr on stone andmakeup: good on ad.. catalogue, tab-ular, mamfold. loose leaf work; 35;marrled; temperate; good executive;prefer Virginia. Further partlcularson reauest. State needs and salaryoffered. JAMES. G.2- De Kalb Ave¬nue, Brooklyn. N. Y._

youncT"man;~des'_res POSITION INRIchmond; prefers offlee work. Canfurnish good references. Address W.M. F.. Room No. 24, care Y. M. C A.,Charleston, W, Va._

WANTED. SFFUA^'TON BY REGIS-tered drug clerk. Rellef or porma-rietit posltion. Al references. F 722,care Times-Dispatch.

5VANTED; GIRLS TO WORK IN OURbook bindery. Kxperlenco not nec¬essary. Apply W1LLIAMS PRINT¬ING CO., 11-13-10 North FourteenthStreet._

I'OUNO LADIES AND GIRLS DES1R-Ing ponitions wlth pleasant sur-roundirgB and good pay cannot dobetter than wrlte or apply to THEWHITLOCK BRANCH, Twenty-thlrdand Cary Streets. Richmond. Va.

WANTED. NICE SETTLED LADY WHOis willing to do housework for fam¬ily or two ln country, near car llne.Address O 7SS. care Tlmes-,Dl.-:patph.

iVANTKD. LADIES TO SEW~ APPLY1»07 Floyd Avenue._¦VANSJED. WHITE WAlTRESS. ONLYwhlto help employed. Address D 641,cai'e Tlmea-Dlspatch._

vYANTED, A COOK. GOOD WAGESto rlght party. Apply at 2611 EastFranklin JStrest._

WANTED, AT ONCE, A OOOD COOK;rererences. Apply 1837 MonumentAvenue.

^N^"iaD~GIRL"s TO_MAICl-T"PAPERboxes; experlcnced preferred. ApplyPOHL.IG BROS.. Twenty-ftfth andFranklin Streets._

VVAnTeTd. COMPETENT HOUSEMAIDto work ln small family. Call withreferences at 1131 West Avenue.

MIDDLE-AGED SEHVANT FOR COOKand light housework; references re-nulred; sleep on premlses. Call atonce, R North Morris Street. Clty.


WANTED, A WHITE COUNTRY WO-man to cook for family of two. Ap¬ply at my otllce, 1. Governor Street,with references._

LADIES VTINSEL CARDS AT HOME;can mako $25 weekly; $1 per dayguaranteed. Outtit free. Send 10cfor beautlful sample and instruc-tlons. MONROE CARD CO.. 1643Monroe Street, Baltlmore, Md.

ladies-make dress shields athome; good pay; materlai furnlshed;Btamped envelope partlculars. MUT¬UAL SUPPLY HOUSE, Dept. 755,Chicago._¦

WANTBD,"!>LIVE CANVASSEK FORreliable flrm; salary or commisslon.K 931. care Times-Dispatch.

MILLER & RHOADS REQUIRE THEservlces of 125 salesglrls at once;good wages and permanent r^-monsto good glrls.

SEAMSTRESS TO SKW AVITH DRESS.maker at once; onlv competent helpneed apply. GEORGIE STILPHER.104 West Graco._

WANTED,-- AT ."ONCE, FIVE EXPERI-enced salesladlea. Apply at once toW. A. CHEATWOOD & CO.. 1509-11-.13 East Maln Street.want~ed. LADfES FOR OUR bind"

ory. Apply to THE BAUGHMANSTATIONERY CO., corner Bowo andMarshall Streets.

WANTED, A~~YOUNG WOMAN ASmother's help; must be wlliing todo part of copking and any neces¬sary housohold work. Address F 723,care Tlmes-Dispatch._

WANTED;tYOUNG;;l_A.DIES BETWEBNthe ages of 16 and 22 years to be¬come operators. Apply to TELE-PHOXE EXCHANGE. 711 East Grace.

DOES AN~ELDERLY LADY W1SH AKood home in the country? AddressYIRGINIAN. care Tlmes-Dispatch.

$T.'u6~per' day'paid^to'one'lTady'In each town to dlstrlbute free clr-culars and take orders for Concen-trated Flavorlng ln tubes. Perma¬nent posltion. J. S. ZIEGLER CO..Chlcago, 111-


fettuatfowi J&rnttt, Jfcmali*-.LADY:" WANTS""*~EMPLOYM ENT ~6fany kind. IC 002, caro Tlmes-Dls-patch.

Yot.*N G~"LArn;~v\rrJiFL"D~irn<T*r "FdsT-tlon In olllco where she o.ould havause of type\vrlt«r aml stehographlcpractlce.'- Address D 056, care Tlmes-Dls pi_tch.

W A N T1:D,.LADI ES TO DEMON-etrato; prefer those wlliing to travel.liood nppuriuniiy. 1) or.,"., caro Thnea-Dlspatch,,I; X i' i: 1: ENOE 5 STENi ii 111A i' 111; lfn E*-slres positlon, K 009, care Tiiries-Dlt-jmtch,TWO bXPEltTsNCED' W «' It K E lt Swant H'aoi- as houseglrl and cook.12-'o-A, hl. Juint-jj Stre.t,

_&ftuatfoit_. <E_l.iiteb, Jfemale.a" LADY OF i_'I'INEMENT WtSrtEH

puslilfin us ntir'.o nnd companldr) toItivalld or oldi-rlv ioly: wlll Koophouso; molhor's holp'Jt'i care I'or lln-c il room. Ueferoiices exchanged. A<1-clrnBo i! vfii, eare TlmoB-DlBpatcli._


tclllffence wants posltlon :ih stniiog-'l'.ipli'nr; luive thofi'itgh knolvlertgo ofall .offlce detallii. (llltig, etc, and notarrald of liiir.i work, Address P, O.

_Box 38, Richmond.WANTED, n~Y~~A LADY,""POSITION TO

asslai. ln housework night und morn¬lng. Apply io "Ui," W. C*. Assucla-ilon

WANTED, BY A REFfNED WIDOWlady, employmenl part of euch dayo.h companlon to Invalld or reader loone whose sdght is not good. Ad¬dress B 576, care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

¦_?Ylp, iiiiale an& Jfcmale.^\NT__iT1_\DY OR.'GENTI.HMAN OF

falr education to travel for flWH otlargo ciyiital; salary $1,07 2 early,payable weekly. Expenses advanc ,d.Address GEORGE G. CLOWS, Rl.h-mund, Va., Dcpnrtment F.

AVANTED, COLORED MARRIED COU-ple for Hartford, Conn.; also helpfor this city. Apply at, once.SOUTHERN INTELL1GENCE OF¬FICE, 21 V& North Slxth Streot.

MEN AND WOMEN. BOYS AND GIRLS.Mako yourselves Independent and

N UBeful qulckly. Lcurn telegraphy.Terms reasonablo. Address SCHOOLOF RAILWAY AND COMMERC1ALTELEGRAPHY, 14 North Slxth

_Street, Clty.__WANTED, COMbTnATION BOOK-keepor*- stenographers. salesmen,salesladles, cashlers, housekeepnrs.good hotel appllcnnts, waltrosses,prlnters, good salarles; lumbernien<sawyers, foremen). Apply PIED¬MONT EMPLOYMENT AGENCY', Dur-hom. N. C. _¦

'KOTviH_fKaX __TaCR"ER_" BCnEAUsupplies prinvte and publlc schoolswltn teachers of all grades on shortnotice. REV. R W. CRIDLIN. Man¬ager, 33 East Tenth Street, Manches¬ter, Va. Phono 567S.

KINDERGARTNER WANTED .IAN-uary 1. Address, statlng terms, REV.A. B. SHARPE, Statlon A, Rich¬mond.

ONLY "SUITABLE FOR \*. _t.L> CONnected, lirst-class men to sell stooKln a large corporation, quoted inNew York, uonnecb'd \rlth garden-ing and farming; stock secured b>productlvo land, havlng also monop¬oly for fertilizer produong crop in-creases up to 600 per cent.; llberalcommlsslon. STANDARD. Room 46,156 Broadway. New Y'ork Clty,

MAN CLEA.RED $1,132, II__ Y~$Y20"'.last slx months. selling Holladay'sMarvel Shoe Pollsh; self-shlnlng;waterproof. Why not you? Wrltefor demonstrated sample and terms.N. N. Hoiladay, 126 West Thlrty-tirst, New York.


BUTTER*TR U S T BU S T E D1.NEWpatent machine for family use mergesone plnt of milk lnto one pound ofcreamery butter ln two tnlnutes; nochemlcala u«ed; a godsend to thehome; wondcrftil lnventlon; grenterthan wireless telegraph; twenty-llvetcstimonlals and agonts' credlt; termssent free; machine sold on paymonts$1 monthly. FAMILY BUTTERMERGER CO.. Brooklyn. N. Y._

S~P L BNDLD PROPOSITION FORagents; $3 per day easlly earned.Apply 10S 1-2 North Eighth Street.between 3 and 9 A. M., or 4:30 and6 P. M. any week day. l_. C. GRO-NEMEYER._

AGENTS.$10 DAILY; ENGRAVEDmetal novelties, names, inonograms;fast sellers for Christmas. Sample.free. Wrlte qulck. ACME EN-GRAVING CO.. Boston. Mass._

AGENTS.I POINT THE WAY TO S_C-cess to any agent who wlll followmy course. I have shown thousandshow to make money. I can showyou. My goods and business meth¬ods have llfted niortg-iges. luilthomes and scattered prosperlty every-where. Write to-day for tlio "Say-man Plan" and free samplos. 530Saymun Buildlng, St. LuuIb, Mo._

WE START YOU SELLING DIAMONDs"Don't fall getting our llberal offer;S5 dallv sure. CARBON D1AMONDCO., Sy'racuse, N. Y._Mentlon paper.

AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMIS-slon; the greatest agents* seller ever!produced; everv user of pen and Inkbuys lt on slght; 200 to 500 per cent.proflt; one agent's sales amounted to$620 in six davs; another $32 in twohours. MONROE MFG. CO., X 39, LaCross, Wls._

A-JENTSTaRE- COINING MONEY &ELL~-ing lilgh-grade holiday post cards;enormous demand: thousands varie-ties. Send 10 cents for sainples. AT¬LANTIC SPECIALTY CO.. Dept. 6. 451Last 137th Str.et, Nejw York Clty._

AGENTS'-^WANTED -FOR A HIGH-class, beautifully printed and lllus¬trated dollar-a-year woman's nmga-zine. Commlsslon, 50 cents on eachSl subscrlption. Wrlte for agent'sfree outtlt. AMERICAN HOMEMONTHLY. 27 Spruco Street, NewYork.

AGENTS WANTED.BRAND-NEW 10Cnovelty; never sold before; everyman who wears a hat will buy; 300per cent. profit. STOWKLL & CO.,79 William Street,, New Bedford,Mass.


WANTED; TO^ENGAGE LADIES WHOhave sold books. insurance, solk-ited,etc, to help lady secure bank depos¬its. Good pay. MRS. M. W. SMITH-SON, 28 North Ninth._

HOLD UP! LET US SEND YOU 100business or calllng cards, wlth case.40c, postpald. Agents wanted. Dept.33, ECONOMY" CO., 1609 Lake Street.Chlcago. 111._

AGENTS. TO SELL SILVHRWARE;large protits; oasy work; sample out-ftt seven pieces 75 cents. ROGERS& CO.. 150 Nassau Street. New York.

AGENTS.$50 WEEKLY. WE MANU-facture the. best needle case made;a wonderful seller; 200 to 500 percent. protit; talklng unnecossary; ourcopynghted "Trust Scheme" Knve-lopes do tho work: general agentscan make over $100 weekly. Send -lc(postage und packlng) for a free 25csample. Partlculars free. Buy directfrom factory at wholesale. Bewai'eof fakers who steal our ads. andllterature. PATY NEEDLE CO.,Union Square, Somervllle, Mass.

STOP PEDDUNG! AGENTS. EITHERsex, when tired of rlnging doorbellsand dodging tho dog, send for ourfree pro.p.ctug and start a busi¬ness of your own; something un-usuallv "alive" for you. Wrlte fordetalls. CONGRESS SUPPLY CO.,South Portland, Malnc._

AGENTS TO SELL ADVERTISINGwrapplng naper und bags as side liu'e.In Virginia; special designs; sainpleslight; commi.slons llberal. Men vls¬ltlng small towiif, preferred. PAPERDEPT.. Keniner-Thoinu'i Co., Clncln-natl, o._j

6T0VINK.WONDERFUL NEW D1&-covery; a stove blaoklng that noverburns off; agents making $10 a day;season just commenclng. Soouro ter¬rltory qulck. THE HAYDEN-GRU'-FIN. CO.. Toledo, Ohlo._

A Q E N TS TOaHA N B" L E MONEY-mnklng fire extlngulshers. Spe¬clal startlng o .ffer Uxcluslve ter¬rltory. $75 to $300 par month. BAD-GER CIIEMICAL MFG. CO., Mllwau-


flt selling "higli-grade holiday post-cards." Speclal selling plan; enor¬mous deniarul: 5.000 varletles, Sain¬ples. 10c. Partlculars freo. SX'LLI-VAX CARD i.'u.. 1234 Van Buren Sl.,'Chlcago, in.

AGENTS' TO ~'SF.l',1. LUnuieATINCioll.*), helts, hose, paint, varulsli, tofnutorlos, mlllB, stores, thrushors,outslde large clties. OUIO OIL ANDGUEASE CO., Cleveland, Ohlo,

_Jeciit_ W&anUto.\V. PAY $80 A MONTH EfAI-AUY AN

furnlsh rlg nhd ull exponsos to liiroduco poultry mul stock po'Wdarnnw plan; steady work. BHJLECO.;X 035i Hprlngllold, 111,

AGENTS, MOS'S ATTRACTIVE PKOImiltloii, our sun-Ray IticandoBceiI.ero__ho Btirner fits all IniripSf ilbeiui InducemeiiiH; descrtptlon treSIMPLEX HAS LIGHT CO. 2? RatRow, Now York.

NEW, 4 -SlEVE STRAJNER AND "NCSphtsh"; fiold agnnt:* only. Kampfree. Send 2c stunip. cost of mnllng: $5 profit dully. Let us |,ro\lt. SEED.S, 161 Duano Street. NcYork.

AGENTS-.8BND.FOR SWOR N ST A T1ment of $10 nnd $12 dally profit litt-oduclng 8-plece kitchen set and orthousand other patentiul artlcles ncfor sale ln stores. THOMAS MFlCO., 3020 State Streot, Dayton. Ohl

g)olCiHot3 anti tssiiatmzn.WA^^ED?^A^NoT*rRALBSMAN, CAIable of carnlng $4,000 to $6,000year on llberal commlsslon baslipermanent posltlon'; excluslvo cortract; Hnc o*-->urtunlty for »lie rlg)man; only llrat-clasa men need atply, Sales maiiager wlll by ln Rlclmond Tuesday, Novernber 30. Acdress, statlng age, experience, ou13702. care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

SALESMEN WANTED TO COVER VIIgln'.a and Carollnas; state llne cairlod ot present and references. I. ;ASHER & CO.f Laco Importers.West Twenty-second Street, NcYork.

SALESMAN iWANTED BY LARGESEuropean manufaoturer to sell poptIar lace and embroidery speclaltle!samples 35 pounds; 10 per cent. con:mlssion; weekly drawlngH. WILSO.4'Jl Broadway, New York.

CRAVEL1NG SALESMEN "VAXTBIto place exvluslco contracts wltagents to sell the Saturday EvenlnPost. An exceptional side llne proposltlon to roadmen covering countrtowns. Something now and "dtfferent".a really prolltable sldc lin<nothlng cheap or shoddy. No canvasslng. Nothlng to carry.no morthan a pocketful at most. Goochance of advancement. Dept.THE CURTLS PUBLISHING COPhiladelphia, Pa.

VANTED. SALESMEN TO CARR'our llne of Perfectlon Wagon Umbrellas on commlsslon; strongest umhrella mado and easy to sell. TH]PERFECTION MFG. CO., St. LoullMo._F A CHANGE IS CONTEMPLATED IJyour present connectlon the flrst othe year, lt wlll pay you to looilnto the PRUDENTIAL'S NE\V LOVCOST ALL-GUARANTEEu POL1C"*best seller on earth. because It lsPRACTICAL POLICY FOR PRACTICAL PEOPLE. FIrst-class proposltlon for a few good men. AddresW. B. ALLEN. Manager, 201-20Amerlcan National Bank BuildlngRichmond. Va.

ALESMAN WANTED. TO CARR"llne of laces and velllngs for thState of Virginia. GOLDWATEIBROS., 481 Broadway, New YorlClty._IALESMEN.TRAVELING; S A L A R~land expenses or commlsslon; formeexperience not essentlal; splendid oppo.iunl.y. A. LANDMARK CIGAICO.. Denver, Pa.A L E S~M~7. N T'RA^ETii'NG SMAL1towns to sell as side llne our mllproductlon-r-BJlrlng dress goods amwhlte gaofls direct to retall store?Llberal commlsslon. FRANK D. L;LANNE _: CO-, Philadelphia, Pa.ALESMAN WANTED ON COMMIS'slon or $75 and up per month wltlexpenses. as ner contract; experlence unnocessary. PREMIER CIGAICO.. Cinclnnatl. O.IIGAR SALESMAN IN YOUIlocalltty to represent us; expcrlencunnocessary; $110 per inonth aud ex¬penses. Wrlte us for partlcularsMONARCH CIGAR CO., St. Louis. Mc[aTeSMEN^BEST COMMISSION Of¬fer on earth; now; all retallers; sainpies; coat pocket. PROF1TABL).lowa Clty, Iowa.

ALESMAN^I'_-PERrENCED_IN AN""llne to sell general trade ln VirginiaAn unexcelled specj_ity propositlonVacancy aff>r Deeember lst. Commlsslons wlth $35 weekly advancfor expenses. THE CONTINENTAIJ EWELRY COMPANY, Cleveland. C">\_NTED. FIRST-CLASS SALESMA.:for Virginia terrltory to sell staphllne on absolutely new and exceptlonai terms. One havlng successfuspeclalty experience preferred. Attractlve contract for 1910, contalnlnillberal weekly advance clause. References required. MILES' F. BIXLER CO.. Cleveland, O.ALE3MEN. SP.3CIXLTY.."HE LINIyou have always been .looking i rstaple; sells everywh^re, over amover agaln; samples light and commlsslons llberal. NATIONAL MERCANTILE CO., Iowa Clty. lowa.

~28u_'me_£i 0ppovtvMits.^.__v_n_~__ow y~ou Can start .¦prolltable mall order business ahome ev.enlngs. 1IEAC0CK. Lockport. N. J._VA~NTEDT~0NE HUNDRED fflRIFT"farmers to occupy small or largfarms; large means not necessary; cas;terms, or cash; fertlllty of soil amhealth unsurpassed; soil easlly cultlvaf.ed and productlvc; golden opnoi'tunlty. For partlculars addresW. J.' EDWARDS. Fourth NatlonaBank. Atlanta. Ga.

'ATENT YOUR IDEAS AND MAK1money. Send for my new book, ULtto Get Them." Best service. .JOSliC;R. H. POTTS, Lawyer, WashlngtorD. C. Chieago and Phlladelpnia.

,'OTICE TO EVERYBODY WANTINCmoney. $5 to $100, low rates: W.have formed a mutu.i departmenfor people outslde ot the clty oRichmond. Flrst come, the first t'bo served. If interested. send addressed, stamped envolope. COMMERCIAL GUARANTEE .0., Rlchmond. Va. _Establjshed 18S6._IAVE YOU ANY INTRICATE MEohanlcal problems to solve? If solet me solvo them for you and savimoney, tlme and trouble. Developlng lnventlons on a practlcal anicoinmerelal bosls; working modelsspeclalty. T. .1. YOUNOLOVE, Meohanlcal Expert. \drfrcss 10" fioutlJefferson_Street, _Rlchniond, Va.

lAPITAL FURNISHED FOR MERITOrlous enterprlses; stocks and boriduold on commlsslon. Facilities foIncorporatlng and reorgnnlzatlon ocompanles. JOHNSON CO., SelllniBrokers, Madison and La Salle, Chl_cftgo._ ___,_IUCCESS, ALMOST CERTA1N. SELLlng merchandise by mall; make s.vdral thousand dollars annually; rie'vand Improved plan. Wo furnlsieverything and show you how; ?2ro $100 nocessury. J. P. LAC'KEY2232 La Salle Street. Chlcugo.NTEREST IN ¦; PiS-NTlNG ¦'PLAN';wlll bo greatly sacrlftced lf purchased at onco. See ANDERSOfREAL ESTATE AND LAW CO.Eleventh Street. "


VILL' YOUT-E .UNABLE TO MEE1iho note on your house? Arrangeinents to do so can be mado. wltlRICHESON CRUTCHFIELD.VFTTvILL START ANnfHER' MAN I>an liulependent business, taking paymont ln instalments. Must havo satasfactory references. as to responslhlllty and energy. RAMSEY. Roon123, Bullltt Buildlng, Philadelphia

Pa. ._<r__F Yi'Vl'iV 'MONEY T« NOT EAl'tNlN'6 pec cent, we can place same fovou at that ratu wlth good reaestato seourlty. RICHESONCRUTCHFIELD,

il'vi: oi'u INVESTMENT CONTRAC!us ii I'lirlslmus pV.HQllt, Cost ymnothlng, Wlll prpduoe $100 to $2,00'UDV/ui'.Pi. You cun make ;J50 to $|0iupwards ns pln inom>y, Full purtlcular.i, 2S Norlli Ninth.

iiudfuegg ©pyortunftte*..MoN'E'v'LYjAhJ^

to people wlth good r'forencc, sav¬ing $1 rcirnlarly. COMMHRCIALGUARANTEE CO,, 28 North Nlnth.

WILL FURNISH CAPITAL, WITHservlces lu a Krowlnghuslness. Fullpnrtk'iilnrs. Comtniihlcatlonf* strlctlyeonildentlal. Address G 752, caroTlmeB-Dlspatch.

SAFE~lb""pER CE'nT. INVESTMENT..Local Industrial stocks, lf conservn-tlvcly bought, go up, and It care Isused, can always bo bought for lessthnn they are worth. We havo 8 perre.nt. und 10 per cent. guaranteed ln-vcstmanta whlch are safe, and whlch.besldcs the dlvldends pald, wlll ad-vnnco from 50 per cent. to 100 porcent. wlthln tho next few months. ifyou caro to Invest, you should lookInto thls. THE BUREAU OF SALESAND EXCHANOES, INC Under-wrlturs. 603 Mutual Building. 'Phono

_Madlson_7__17_:_THOROUO'tT iNVESTIGATION INVlf-ed..8 per cent.. 10 per cent. and 12per cent. guaranteed Investments,fully secured, can ho had. Invest¬ments are safe, and wlll bear theclosoot scrutlny. We. ".vlll be glad toKlve you full partlculars. THE BU¬REAU OE SALES AND EXCHANOES.INC, Underwiiters, 603 Mutual Build¬ing. 'Phone Madlson 7317.

BE YOUR OWN BOSS; START AMAILorder business at home; devoto wholeor spare tlme; wo tell you how;large profit; everything furnlshed; nocutuloguo outfit schemo; partlcularsfree. PHOEN1X SUPPLY CO.. Mnn-ufacturers, Box 335, Provldence, R. I.

MAIL ~"oRDER PR o"POS iTION! E>Ntlrely new; modllled endlesa chaln;government approval; tminense pro-lits; price, $1; satisfaction guaranteedor money rcfunded. AMERICANNOVELTY CO-. Curwensvllle, Pa.

YOUNO MAN I.OLDINC INTERESTand salarlod positlon in a golng RIch¬mond corporation, manufacturingspcclul llne and controlled by prom¬lnent business men, wants to borrow$500 from prlvate party, wlth whlchlo purchase addltional stock. Willattach stocli to noto as --ectirlty. tobo curtalled every four months wlthliberal lnterest. Address L 938, caroTlmes-Dispatch.

-jBoartHitB.LARGE, BRIGHT AND ATTRACTIVErooms for rent, wlth or wlthoutboard. Reasonable rates. Refer¬ences roqulred. 412 North ElghthStreet. 'Phone Madlson 7560.




everything new and up-to-date, callat 201 East Maln Street-_

A COUPLE OR TWO GENTLEMENcan get good board and nlce roomat 14 West Clay. Terms reasonable..Phone Madlson 4 925._

THEALBION. 710 EAST FRANKLIN..Furnlshed rooms, permancnt andtranatent.

ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN BOARD-ers for secend-story Latrobe-heatcdroom at 723 West Mgln.

WANTED, TWO GENTLEMEN TO OC-cupy front rooms, furnlshed, wlth orwlthout board. wlth bath. App.yMRS. C. L PETTIT, 406 W«^st TwelfthStreet, Manchester, Va.

AN ELDERLY~LADY CAX BE AC-comrnodated wlth board and roomln a beautiful locatlon, a qulet homo.References exchanged. Address D614, care Tlrnes-Dlspatch._

WANTED. BOARDERS FOR SINOLEand double rooms; also tablo board-ers. 209 East Orace Street._

WANTED. OC(_UPANTS FOR: NICELY-heated front room, wlth board. 305West Grace.


WAls-TEbT'BOARDE'RS FOR LARGEand small rooms. 003 West Grace.

WANTED."TWO BOARDERS GEN-tlemen preferred, for large, brlghtroom; all convenlences; half blockcar llne, on West Grace. Address I.919, care Tlmes-Diapatch.

WAXTED~TO""RENT. WITH FIRSTSclass board, to a marn^il couple ortwo gentlomen, a nlc'olv furnlsh-'dseeond floor front room; also slngleroom (not hall room); terms reas-n-sable. 7 South Beech._

SINGLE "aND~DOUBLE ROOMS, WITHbest tablo board: permanent andtransient. 404 East Maln_

wantedTbcard^rs FOR BEAUTI-ful rooms; also table boarJers. 103East Grace.


WAXTED~~A"_COUPLE ON SECONDfloor for light, large room. withboard; southern exposure. MRS. G.G. HUGHES, 318 East Franklin.

VR3rT"ORS COM ING TO THE CITYwlll flnd excellent meals at 1000 EastClay. where they wlll be promptlysorved.

?8oarb iManteb.WANTEr^^Y^^WO^YOUNf' MEN.room and board ln a congonial fam¬ily, with convenlences; light. heat,nice bath. and where there aro otheryoung people. Address G 785, careTlmes-Dispatch.

&ooms tor Bent.H^LLROOM, FURNISHED; LARGC"*rooms, beautlfully furnlshed. 7Nortli Slxtli._

WANTED. TO RENT TO QUIET. RE-flned couple. flrst floor flat; no chll-dren; references glven and requlred.Apply 1123_West Main.

ROOMS'l-'OlTRENT, FURNISHED ORunfurnished, at 940 West Grace.

W'Als'Tl^TliENTTiEivLVN OCCUPANTfor well furnlshed room, bath, etc.'Phono Madlson 32S9-J.

WHEN YOU COME TO RICHMONDstop where you can get a clean.comfortable bed for 50 cents; central.refined nelghborhood; free use of'phone and bath. Excellent mealsserved next door. No. 1002 Ea.~Clay.

FOR RENT, THREE UNFURNISHEDrooms, as flat or slngly. ApplyNorth Slxth.

814 EAST CLAY.N1CELY. FURN1SH-ed rooms; central; one for trau-slentsT

NICELY FURNISHED SECOND-STORYroom for rent at 512 East Grace; bestreferences._WA^-EDr^OUN_rJlAR~RI]_b COUPLEor two young men to occupy largu,nlcely-furnlshe'd front room, seeondfloor, heated by latrobe, wlth orwlthout board, in prlvate family. Ap¬ply 525 North Elghth Streot.

FOR''''RENT, THREE NICE, LIGHT,unfurnished rooms. 100 East Mar-"Bhali;_

FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS:' ALSOflat or physlcian's ofllces. 309 EastFranklin.

ONE ELEGANT ROOM, FURNISHED;convenient to bath, wlth or withoutboard; prlvate family. 112 East ClayStreet._

wXnted, one or two men room-ers for nlco room, convenient to bath.505 North Twelfth Stroet,

GOOD ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED.suitable for light housekeeplng orfor roomers; gas and water, wlthservant's attention free: oentrally lo¬cated, opposlte Capitol Square; termslow. Address or call 16 and IS N.Nlnth Street.

*nTcelS'""furnishe""d ROOM, Wlff.all convenlences, for 51.50 rnr week.Apply 200 East Maln Streot. thlrdHut. _._:_

FO11" RENT, ONE;-LARGE FURNISH-od room, privllego IIkIu housekeep¬lng if de.slred. ,1 SOUth Beech.

Twi i"W'Rn7sh"ep rooms7 V'irginTaApnrtinents, steam heat, eleclriclight .hot' and .".old wau-r, 'phone.K 910, oaro Tlmes-Dispatch.

FOU 'RENT."LARGE "BRIGHT NICELYfuriilslied room, convenient to por-_colaln hath, hot air heat. central]Grace. 'Phono Madlson 2074. *.

ftoomsf for fteitt.two to four bright' rooms ronhoiiaeknoping, furnlshed or unfur-

nlshcrl, flrst floor; nlce hntli ant*'phone, Grace. Street; rnfernnc.es ex.chunged; termu reasonable. AddreiM

___? JLi2' _____Tlme8-Dlapfttoh.FOR RENT, ONE IjARGH BRIGH't)room, completely furnlMhed; bath an-1'phono, on Grace Stroet, near Jeffer.son Hotel: rnforoucoR exchanged'Phone Madlson 1004-.I.

STEAM-HEATED 'FRONT ROOjf,Grnco near Madlson. 'Phone Madlsonr.0ll-.l.

T WO ATTRACTIVE CONNECTIN'Irooms, furnlshed or unfurnlshed.slnglv or onsulte, Seeond andF-nnklln. 'Phone Madlson 0281.

LAROE '¦ ttTIRNlSHEb ROOM TNDp,.iury, ilrst floor; wat«r ln pantry|liKlit housekeeping. D08 NorthEleventh.

FURNISHED ROOM, DESll.AHLiiconvenient to bath, wlth hot wuteijalso hot and cold water In runniiboard If desired; prlvate fnmlly; AllOcallty, Address F., Box 950.

FLOOR- OF~THREE~LA ROE ROOMSjwlth kitchen and prlvate bath; nochlldren. Apply at 418 East Orac«Stroet.

WANTED, &EVERAL NICE YOUNOmen to occupy newly furnlshedrooms, convenient to bath and'phone. Apply 214 East Maln Streot.

WANTED. OCCUPANTS FOR TWObeautlful rooms, seeond floor, front;all modern convenlences; prlvatefamily: board If desired; surround-ings attractlve; 1600 block WestGrace Street. References exchanged.D 851, care Tlmes-Dispatch.

FOR RENT, N'CELY FURNISHEDBteam-heated roftms. wlth board. Ap¬ply MRS. M. J. RICHARDSON. 10 W.Maln Street. 'Phone Madlson 7580.

NICE FRONT ROOMS. SINGLE SLEEP-Ing rnom; also ono unfurnlshed; lighthousekeeping If desired. 708 EastMarahall_Street._____

WANTEU TWO GENTLEMEN OKqulet hnblts or a couplo to rent a

nicely furnlshed room wlth prlvatefamily: new housa; convenient bath:hot water. References requlred. Ap-

__ply 131S West_Matn._FOR RENT. ONE FURNISHED ROOM*convenient to bath. Apply at 709'^West Clay Street._

FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLE-men: prlvate family. 111 South


for gentiemen. MRS. JOHNSON. 107North S'cventh.

FOR RENT" NrCELY FURNISH E D"front room: gentiemen preferred;references rcqnlred. Address 1401Grovc Avenue.


front parlor: board lf posflble; prl¬vate family preferred; answer par¬tlculars. Address G 790. care. Tlmes-Dispatch-_

WANTED. BY COUPLE WITH CHILDthree years, two or throe fumi-shedroorns, Hgrht housekeeping; heat.light and une of bath; must be rea¬sonable and near car line. K 92.1.care Tlmes-Dispatch._

WANTED,"FOUR FURNISHED HOU8E-keeplng rooms by man and wlfe inprlvate home or flat; close In; bestneUhborhood; wlll lease; can fur¬nish best reference. Address K 9.3,care Tlmes-Dispatch.

_jflat£i tor &imLA^-BrU^HlT^ETTY^ FLAT. FOUR

rooms. steam heat, lavatory. hot andcold water. References. 206 EastCary Street-_

FOR-" RENT. FURNISHED APART-ment. seven brlght rooms; separnte,entrance; Franklin Street. c-ntral. E680. care Tlmeg-Dlspatcli._

fotTrent. ALL OR PART OF FLATof flve rooms; prlvate bath. 304South Thlrd S'.reet._

fTat THREE ro'oms AND dat"kfor rent; centrally located. cheap.Address H 821. care Tlmea-Dlspatch.

SE^O,^*n;:LOOR_^OF FOUR BRIGHTrooms: porcelaln bath. hot water;telephone. Inqulro 914 East ClayStreet._

FOR RENT. 3-ROOM FLAT. 'PHONE.gas, water, $12. 'Phone 952-L_

FOR RENT.T"LAT OF~THREE ROOMS.convenient to bath; water on floor.C West Marshall._

WANTED. TO RENT TO QUIET. RE-flned party. lower flat in West Endfor $17 per month; electric llghtsand gas; separate. metcrs. E 67b,care Times-Dispatch._

LOWER FLAT OF three J-KOOMSfor rent. 1004 "West Man<han strcet.

Fl7A"T"bF"THREiTNICELY FURNISB-ed rooms. conr.ecting with bath. tor

light housekeeping: possession De¬cember 1; no chlldren. 519 NorthFiftn._

FOR RENT. A COMPLETE SIX-ROOMhousekeeping apartment: bath. in-stantaneous hot water heater, phone;centranv located. Address t> .».;.¦.

care Tlmeji-Dlspatch, or 'phone Madl¬son 34S0._

FOUR ROOMS, ALL CONVENI^XCES.$7.50 per month. 'Phone Madison1353-J._.

FOR-RlTNT BRIC IT TttTt E E- ROOJIffat near- Gamble's Hlll. Dlnlng-room and kitchen furnished. Ii »S1,care Tlmes-Dispatch. _

BEAUTIFULi FLAT. 11 SOUTH SEC-ond; references requlred. PossessionDecember 1.___._

eTpTgHT FOUR-ROOM FLAT. 425 ELMStreet beglnning Kensington A.e-

nue. $12.50 ne_r_n_<_nth._BEAUTIFUlTfLAT, FIVE ROOMS AND

bath. 322 North Harrison Street.~~~

^^t^^antc5-____WA^T^O.^-A COUPLE DESTRES SEC-ond floor flat of four rooms; andbath, west of Flfth, between Broadand Main, or would communlcatawlth party wlliing to renl woom

dwelllng jointly. RAddross »R&--AC MARSHALL, 5 North Lftenj..Phone Madlson. 3635-.T._

WANTED^-, BY: COUPLE, FIRST FLOORflat of four or flve rooms. or will

communlcate wlth Par&wVolStltrent nine or ten-room house jointlxState terms. Address J SS0, catc


Colpmu t£%ojj._6tT\~FUE'iT"FR0M~"'US AND SAVEmonejV Ton spllnt coal. S4.00. Wllother klnds of coal and wood atlowest prices. Coaliand^wood.-dryand under shelter. TYLER RYAN,'Phono MadIson_19i9._

LONO's"AVbbD BURNS BECAUSE. ITis cut in right season and ot orlgl¬nal crowth. Ho makes aspecialty pfwood ln oak or plne blocks or oak.ind nine slabs. lf you wlll call himup or come by hls office he wlll showyou the kind to order. His coal iniriu;.loo. because lt is all coal. ThoneMadlson 1009. Yard 1201 WestBro ad._

WOOD. OAK Oll P1NE LONG ORsawed any length to sult. spllt readyfor the stove ar same prlco. Ourcoal is clean and "rec-burnlns*. 'Phoneu« for prices before buying. Madlson0913 NORTH CAROLINA WOODAND COAL C.O.. S27 Brook Avenue.

wTN'fSbTTeVERynoirfl^oXv^olfnplan guarantoelng 6 per cent. onmoney, $1 upwards. As an adver-tlsement money glven away. 28North Nlnth_

Nb~MARGIN CALLS.NO INTERES'fcharges aro entalled In stock apocu-latiou when operated through put.sund calls. Explanatory booklet andprlco list malled t'reo AMOS DREWCO., 26 Stone Street. New York.

YOU':WILL! FIND. ALL THE TASTY.'Hiyles in up-to-dato mlllluory undtrimmings ut very low prices atOLARK'S ''MILLINBRY, 2-U EastBroad Streot,