yachting australia club risk management template a practical resource for clubs and centres

Download YACHTING AUSTRALIA Club Risk Management Template A Practical Resource for Clubs and Centres

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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1
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  • YACHTING AUSTRALIA Club Risk Management Template A Practical Resource for Clubs and Centres
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  • Club Risk Management Template Safety is Yachting Australias first priority.
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  • Club Risk Management Template To assist clubs and centres to: Reduce the risk of injury Provide a safe environment Minimise liability
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  • Club Risk Management Template We have a duty of care to look after our participants. The law requires it!
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  • Club Risk Management Template What is risk management? What do you currently do to manage risk?
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  • Club Risk Management Template
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  • Club Risk Management Who should be involved? It must have leadership and commitment from the top.
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  • Club Risk Management Implementing the Process
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  • Club Risk Management Communication and Consultation
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  • Club Risk Management Risk Identification How do we identify risks?
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  • Club Risk Management Risk Identification This template includes a pre-populated risk register. There are four categories: On-Water Off-Water Environment Club/Centre Sailing Operations
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  • Club Risk Management Risk Identification Identify the risks Categorise them Develop the controls
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  • Club Risk Management Hazards Change!
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  • Club Risk Management Risk Analysis Rating LIKELIHOOD SCALE The potential for problems to occur in a year AALMOST CERTAIN: Will probably occur, could occur several times per year BLIKELY: High probability, likely to arise once per year CPOSSIBLE: Reasonable likelihood that it may arise over a five-year period DUNLIKELY: Plausible, could occur over a five to ten year period ERARE: Very unlikely but not impossible, once in 100 years
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  • Club Risk Management Risk Analysis Rating SEVERITY SCALE In terms of the objectives of the organisation ACATASTROPHIC: One or more fatalities. B MAJOR: Permanent disabling injury. Vessels lost or damaged beyond repair. C MODERATE: Serious reversible injury requiring medical treatment and rehabilitation. Vessels unable to complete series, race or passage. D MINOR: Reversible temporary illness/injury requiring medical treatment. Damage to equipment that requires repair before being operable. ENEGLIGIBLE: Minor injuries possibly requiring first aid. Minor damage to equipment.
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  • Club Risk Management Risk Impact Matrix
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  • 1 Extreme risks that are likely to arise and have potentially serious consequences requiring urgent attention 2 Major risks that are likely to arise and have potentially serious consequences requiring urgent attention or investigation 3 Medium risks that are likely to arise or have serious consequences requiring attention 4Minor risks and low consequences that may be managed by routine procedures Key
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  • Club Risk Management Risk Evaluation Which risks to treat immediately? Which risks are tolerable?
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  • Club Risk Management Risk Treatment Extreme risks must be treated and controlled
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  • Club Risk Management Monitor and Control Risk management is a continuous process Has something changed? What can we learn from an incident or emergency?
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  • YACHTING AUSTRALIA Club Risk Management Template Incident Management Plan
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  • Club Risk Management Incident Management Plan
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  • Accidents can happen Make a plan! This plan is usually called an: Incident Management Plan (IMP), or Emergency Management Plan (EMP)
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  • Club Risk Management Incident Management Plan Normal topics for inclusion in an Incident Management Plan: Terms of Reference Organisational Chart Responsibilities Protocols and Procedures Review and Debriefs Incident Severity Crisis Management Centre Facility maps Key Contacts
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  • Club Risk Management Incident Management Plan The plan needs to be maintained and shared
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  • Club Risk Management Incident Management Plan Terms of Reference The purpose of the plan The parameters What is an incident? Who it applies to?
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  • Club Risk Management Incident Management Plan Organisational Chart
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  • Club Risk Management Incident Management Plan Outline of Responsibilities Expectations and parameters for each role Incident Management Team Duties Detail the duties and responsibilities of the team Communication Protocols How will communications be handled? Use of mobile phones, radio channels When should family or authorities be contacted? Social media?
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  • Club Risk Management Incident Review Review incidents How it was handled? Feedback from people involved Reassess the Incident Management Plan Report to the state Maritime Safety Authority Report to your MYA and YA
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  • Club Risk Management Template What can you do now? Check your current Risk Management policy Conduct a risk identification site walk Review any emergency procedures currently in place Speak to your State Association if you need help Find the experts in your organisation Get support from the leadership in your club/centre
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  • Club Risk Management Template Any Questions?
  • Slide 35
  • Thank you for your time!