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  • 7/23/2019 xy coordinator.docx




    Creating holes on the objects or circuit boards is an important stage in electronic production.

    Holes of different sizes and at a large number of positions must be drilled with high precision for

    manual or automatic insertion of various electronic devices and components. For this purpose, it

    has designed and built an automatic drilling machine. The values of the coordinate points are

    typed on the keypad, with the help of software such as micro code studio. t a time the system

    can make holes on several holes together. This research describes control system of an automatic

    drilling machine. Three motors are used to move the a!es such as ", #, $. They are placed in the

    Cartesian shape on the frame. %&C '(F))* is used to compare the output voltage from the motor

    driver circuit. %&C generates output signal to the +C and motors. +C -'(!/ is used to display

    the values of ", #, $ coordinates that intend to drill. 0y using +C, user can know which points

    are drilled on the object. C motor is used to drill the object when coordinates reach their values.

    This system is, especially, used to make -%C0/ printed circuit board in industry. 0y applying this

    machine in production industry, it can bring the multi production in short time.

    INTRODUCTION drilling machine, called a drill press, is used to cut holes into or through metal, wood, or other

    materials. rilling machines may be used to perform other operations. They can perform counter

    sinking, boring, counter boring, spot facing, reaming, and tapping. ll drilling machines have the

    following construction characteristics a spindle, sleeve or 1uill, column, head, worktable, and

    base. The spindle holds the drill or cutting tools and revolves in a fi!ed position in a sleeve. &n

    most drilling machines, the spindle is vertical and the work is supported on a horizontal table.

    The sleeve or 1uill assembly does not revolve but can slide in its bearing in a direction parallel to

    its a!is. 2hen the sleeve carrying the spindle with a drilling tool is lowered, the drilling tool is

    fed into the work3 and when it is moved upward, the drilling tool is withdrawn from the work.

    Feed pressure applied to the sleeve by hand or power causes the revolving drill to cut its way into

    the work a few thousandths of an inch per revolution. &n this research, this automatic drilling

    machine is to drill the holes from one location to some other location. 4o, the machine is mainly

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    corresponding to the automatic drilling system. Control system of an automatic drilling machine

    is commonly used to produce %C0 circuit board for industry, and domestic consumption. &n this

    research control system of an automatic drilling machine actuated with C motor and stepper

    motors are designed and implemented5 and driven from basic pro program are developed for

    programming and controlling the designed drill machine. The keypad is used to command the

    values of coordinates such as ", #, $ a!es. Firstly, the object must be placed on the board. The

    sensor will sense the ", #, $ a!is arrives or not in their positions to start the drilling process. &f

    the three a!es are at zero position, it will be started to move and drill. The drill down to the

    object to create the hole on the desired position and then drilling process is completed. This

    operation can make the factory automation to be a completed process. The +C -'(!/ is used as

    the output display. &t can be display the name of the machine, the ", #, $ values and drill result.

    %roper drilling process is needed to ensure their position sustainability is actually being reached.

    0lock diagram of control system of an automatic drilling machine is shown in Fig

    Block Diagram of conrol !"!#m of an a$omaic

    %rilling mac&in#'

    Current development in industry has been towards computer controlled manu6 facturing to

    increase 1uality and 1uantity of products. 7anual manufacturing of such items as the circuit

    board will have a big faulty case and uneven 1uality. Then have developed an automatic print

    circuit board drilling machine, which is controlled by computer. The main aim of the project lies

    in interfacing or in simple words, is to make a mechanical system work, making use of a

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    personal computer of basic con8guration, this project is carried on keeping in mind the needs of

    a small scale industry, which need small sized components in a few number, which by other

    processes would cost them more. This project makes use of a printed circuit board that interfaces

    a drilling machine with a personal computer through a bu8er. This system is mainly aimed at

    small scale production of printed circuit boards in small scale industries The system has an

    advantage of simplicity in operation, moreover the cost of production comes down for a small

    scale sector. Though the system involves many small electronic parts it is easy to study the

    working, and in operation, as use the simple user6friendly language in programming the


    Ba!ic D#!ign Conc#(

    The goal here is to design and build a very low6cost, very simple, desktop drilling machine,

    which is used for drilling the %C09s -printed circuit boards/. rilling the %C09s manually

    consumes lot of time and due to errors by drilling at wrong points, causes wasting many %C09s.

    ll these problems can be avoided by implementing C:C concept, there by this project work is

    taken up and a prototype module is constructed for the live demonstration. 4ince it is a prototype

    module, size of the work or drilling size of the %C0 is minimized. ue to the restriction, the

    machine cannot drill %C0 of more than ';!;< cm.The platform which moves in ", # directions

    is made out of clear see through type of crylic sheet of = mm thick is used, the idea of using

    this sheet is to have a clear visibility of the other mechanism, which is below the plat form.

    thermo coal sheet of same size can be arranged over the plat form and the job -the %C0 which is

    supposed to be drilled/ can be kept over the thermo coal with some 8!ing arrangement. The

    mechanical transmission section to drive the ", # table is designed with 4liding channels with

    ball bearings, the whole mechanism of ", # table is designed with two stepper motors, four

    sliding channels, two screw rods of '; mm, end plates to hold screw rods, '; mm nuts loaded

    with 74 -mild steel/ plates, etc. 2hen the motor rotates, screw rod also rotates and moves the

    74 plate, which is loaded with '; mm nut. epending up on the motor speed, 74 plate travels

    along with screw rod at certain speed. nd depending up on the motor shaft rotation direction

    -clockwise or anti clockwise/ '; mm nut along with plate moves in both the directions, i.e.,

    forward or reverse. +ikewise with the help of two stepper motors, the ", # table moves in ", #

    directions. nother sliding channel is used and it is arranged in vertical direction for drill

    machine, which moves in >$9 direction. &n general the mechanical construction slightly di8ers

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    with this machine, the detailed description is as follows. computer6controlled drilling machine

    re1uires a device that guarantees that the drill lands repeatable at the speci8ed point. This device

    should be 8rmly 8!ed to the machine and in any case designed to make precise alignment easy.

    Inro%$cion o Conc#(

    The system uses three pivots, two for moving the ", # table for positioning the job -the circuit

    board/ at speci8ed coordinate and one for the drilling mechanism. This allows any desired point

    on the circuit board to be brought into range on the turntable. This system has the big advantage

    over a linear construction that only two bearing points are needed whose e!act separation is the

    only 1uantity that needs to be known. This re1uires no e!pensive specialist components3 the

    bearings simply have to remain vertical and free of play. ?@efer8figureA

    utomatic %C60ased rilling 7achine

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    T S#((#r Moor Dri)#! *" Com($#r

    4tepper motors are very di8erent from a regular C motors. &nstead of spinning like C motorsdo stepper motor steps at a speci8c resolution for each pulse. The motor that are using needs ;

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    west/ that are part of the case, and which don9t move. @otor can be moved by se1uentially

    applying a pulsed C voltage to one or two coils at a time. &n order to move the rotor it re1uires

    a driver. river is a circuit that applies a voltage to any of the four6stator coils. To drive the

    stepper motor in both the directions -clockwise or anti6clockwise/ the system is programmed to

    produce the pulses in a se1uence at four di8erent outputs -, =, (, /. These se1uential

    programmed outputs energize the motor windings one after another in a se1uence.

    N$m#rical Conrol Mac&in# Dri)#!

    The complete circuit diagram of the project work is provided at the end of this chapter, the

    following is the brief description about the circuit design.

    S#((#r Moor Dri)#r Circ$i

    This is an easy to build stepper motor driver that will precisely control a uni6polar stepper motor

    through the micro controller. &n order to move the rotor driving circuit is re1uired. river is a

    circuit that applies a voltage to any of the four6stator coils. river can be built with four

    arlington transistors or four power 7D4FET4. Here the circuit is designed with power

    7D4FET4 and its pre6driver. The pre6driver is used to switch the power 7D4FET e8ectively.

    &t has the following objectives3

    '. To develop core technology of %C based C:C control system,

    ;. To e!plore new concept of integration of C:C control with adaptive feedback control for

    intelligent material processing,

    . To develop a prototype of open architecture %C6based C:C control system.

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    Bri#f D#!cri(ion a*o$ Micro+conroll#r!


    7icro controller consists of a powerful C%G tightly coupled with memory, various &BD

    interfaces such as serial port, parallel port timer or counter, interrupt controller, data ac1uisition

    interfaces6B converter, B converter, integrated on to a single silicon chip. &f a system is

    developed with a microprocessor, the designer has to go for e!ternal memory such as @7,

    @D7, E%@D7 and peripherals. 0ut controller is provided all these facilities on a single chip.

    evelopment of a 7icro controller reduces %C0 size and cost of design. Dne of the major

    di8erences between a 7icroprocessor and a 7icro controller is that a controller often deals with

    bits not bytes as in the real world application.

    ,#a$r#! of -./0 Arc&i#c$r#

    '. Dptimized ) bit C%G for control applications and e!tensive 0oolean processing capabilities.

    ;. ( %rogram 7emory address space.

    . ( ata 7emory address space.

    . ';) bytes of on chip ata 7emory.

    =. ; 0i6directional and individually addressable &BD lines.

    (. Two '( bit timerBcounters.

    *. Full uple! G@T.

    ). (6source B =6vector interrupt structure with priority levels.

    . Dn chip clock oscillator.

    -./0 Micro+conroll#r Arc&i#c$r#

    The )

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    . Eight6bit stack pointer -4p/

    =. &nternal @D7 or E%@D7 -)*='/ of

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    Bri#f D#!cri(ion a*o$ Ma1 232


    &n order to connect micro6controller to a modem or a %C to modem a serial port is used. 4erial is

    a very common protocol for device communication that is standard on almost every %C. 7ost

    computers include two @46;; based serial ports. 4erial is also a common communication

    protocol that is used by many devices for instrumentation numerous I%&06compatible devices

    also come with an @46;; port. Furthermore, serial communication is used for data ac1uisition

    in conjunction with a remote sampling device. The concept of serial communication is simple.

    The serial port sends and receives bytes of information one bit at a time. lthough this is slower

    than parallel communication, which allows the transmission of an entire byte at once, it is

    simpler and can be used over long distances.

    A*o$ RS+232

    @46;;-:4&BE&6;; 4tandard/ is serial connection found on &076compatible %C9s.&t is used

    for many purposes, such as connecting a mouse, printer, or modem, as well as industrial

    instrumentation. 0ecause of improvements in line drivers and cables, applications often increase

    the performance of @46;; beyond the distance and speed listed in the standard. @46;; is

    limited to point6 to6point connections between %C serial ports and devices. @46;; hardware can

    be used for serial communication up to distance of =< feet.

    Har%4ar# D#ail!

    '. tmel )C=' 7icro6controller chip

    ;. 7" ;;

    . *)

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    This paper discusses the development of automatic drilling machine for %C0. fter

    etching process, the %C0 is placed to this system then it is drilled automatically. The same

    system has been made but the controller is %C and it uses the pc software to read the te!t file

    which is generated by the %C0 design software ?'A. nother system uses the basic )

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    Singl# !(in%l# %rilling Mac&in#5

    Dne of the simplest numerically controlled machine tools is the single spindle drilling machine.

    7ost drilling machines are programmed on three a!is 3 a.

    The " a!is controls the table movement to the right and left. b.

    They # a!is controls the table movement towards or away from the column. c.

    The $ a!is controls the movement of spindle up and down to drill holes. s manufacturers are

    under tremendous pressure to improve product 1uality in terms of accuracy, dimension while

    maintaining high productivity, they need to address numerous problems in machine tools those

    affect the production, accuracy, increased time level during operation stages. 4olving those

    problems or to develop C:C machine is a huge challenge. This project aims to fabricate the

    model of C:C drilling machine which can help to develop machine of the industry grade.

    Theory of interfacing the machine tools with computer through electronics manipulation circuitsupplying the distributed power supply to run the various parts of the machine is to be studied to

    develop the model. &t also aims to provide friendly IG& -Iraphic Gser &nterface/ for easy

    operation. &&.


    The first of project is to design the basic component of machine. The dimensions of the frameare decided. Then in second step a prototype is modeled for checking the complete assembly.

    fter modeling actual fabrication of machine is done. 4imultaneously for getting signals from

    computer a motor drive is designed and IG& is created.

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    :guyen Huu %huong, Ho Jan Thoi

    Electronics L Computer Center

    Gniversity of :atural 4ciences, Jietnam :ational Gniversity M HC7

    Creating holes on single or multilayer printed circuit boards -%C0s/ is an important stage

    in electronic production. Holes of different sizes and at a large number of positions -up to

    thousands/ must be drilled with high precision for manual or automatic insertion of various

    electronic devices and components. For this purpose, we have designed and built an automatic

    %C0 drilling machine. The %C0 pattern of the circuit schematic diagram is drawn on the monitor

    screen, with the help of a software such as Drcad. This pattern layout is printed out to make the

    %C0, and itNs just from this layout the computer will control the drilling automatically. t a time

    the system can make holes on several boards stacked together. There are many foreign made

    %C0 drilling machines of different 1uality that we could have imported, but because of their high

    price and, moreover, we wanted to build a robust machine with a large span -can accommodate

    boards up to =< cm in width/ for making holes, or making printed boards -board etching/, and as

    a demonstrating C:C machine -by changing corresponding working head/. The project has been

    completed and put in use -making small scale %C0s and teaching/ utomated %cb rilling

    7achine 2ith Efficient %ath %lanning

    S&aik& Noor,aroo7$#08 An!ari Mo&amm#% ,ai9an28 :a)#% S&aik&38 Pragai Pal;

    4tudents, 7.H.4aboo 4iddik College of Engineering, Gniversity of 7umbai, 7umbai, &ndia08 28

    3ssistant %rofessor, 7.H. 4aboo 4iddik College of Engineering, Gniversity of 7umbai,

    7umbai, &ndia;

    This paper presents the design of a %C0 drilling machine, where the drill holes are

    automatically detectedfrom an image of the circuit eliminating the need to manually enter the

    drill hole coordinates. The goal of this project is to design and implement an rduino controlled

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    %C0 drilling machine. Further the drilling machine uses path planning method which is used to

    make the system more stable and accurate.

    A$omaic Drilling Mac&in# for Prin#% Circ$i Boar%

    H. Ferdinando, &. :. 4andjaja, I. 4anjaya

    epartment of Electrical Engineering %etra Christian Gniversity

    Gsing %rinted Circuit 0oard -%C0/ in the electronics instrumentation is common. &n the

    e!periment phase, not the final phase, one has to drill the hole and via by himself. The number of

    holes and vias in the %C0 influence the speed of drilling time if it is done manually. The idea is

    to implement an automatic drilling machine. The system consists of two main parts, i.e. software

    in %C and the drilling machine itself. The coordinates for holes and vias were generated by %C0

    drawing software as te!t file. %C will e!tract and then send them to the machine via @46;;

    connection. The drilling machine is e1uipped with 7C46=' family minimum system. This

    controls the mechanism of the drilling machine. To move the drill to the specific location, two

    stepper motor are used. This makes the control system in open loop. From the e!periments, "6

    and #6a!es have different error, i.e. ;.O and .O respectively. This is due to the bending in

    worm system connected between the motor and the mechanics. For < holes -!'

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    The mechanics of the system

    Conrol S"!#m of an A$omaic Drilling Mac&in#


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    t a time the system can make holes on several holes together. This research describes control

    system of an automatic drilling machine. Three motors are used to move the a!es such as ", #,

    $. They are placed in the Cartesian shape on the frame. %&C '(F))* is used to compare the

    output voltage from the motor driver circuit. %&C generates output signal to the +C and motors.

    +C -'(!/ is used to display the values of ", #, $ coordinates that intend to drill. 0y using

    +C, user can know which points are drilled on the object. C motor is used to drill the object

    when coordinates reach their values. This system is, especially, used to make -%C0/ printed

    circuit board in industry. 0y applying this machine in production industry, it can bring the multi

    production in short time.

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    There are three kinds of holes for device insertion, via holes and fringe holes for board

    fi!ing. Each hole has two parameters3 %osition and size -diameter/. Hole 1uality is also

    important. Hole position consists of "6# coordinates measured from monitor screen upper left

    corner. These parameters are used to position the drilling bit, whereas size parameter is used to

    choose bit size -usually

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    0' S#((#r moor!

    stepper motor or step motor or stepping motor is a brushless C electric motor that divides a

    full rotation into a number of e1ual steps. The motor9s position can then be commanded to move

    and hold at one of these steps without any feedback sensor -an open6loop controller/, as long as

    the motor is carefully sized to the application in respect to tor1ue and speed.

    2hat is a stepper motorP

    4tepper 7otor or a step motor is a brushless, synchronous motor which divides a full rotation

    into a number of steps. Gnlike a brushless C motor which rotates continuously when a fi!ed

    C voltage is applied to it, a step motor rotates in discrete step angles. The 4tepper 7otors

    therefore are manufactured with steps per revolution of ';, ;, *;, ', ')

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    4tepper motors work on the principle of electromagnetism. There is a soft iron or magnetic rotor

    shaft surrounded by the electromagnetic stators. The rotor and stator have poles which may be

    teethed or not depending upon the type of stepper. 2hen the stators are energized the rotor

    moves to align itself along with the stator -in case of a permanent magnet type stepper/ or moves

    to have a minimum gap with the stator -in case of a variable reluctance stepper/. This way the

    stators are energized in a se1uence to rotate the stepper motor. Iet more information about

    working of stepper motors through interesting images at the stepper motor &nsight.

    How 4tepper 7otor works

    Types of 4tepper 7otor

    0y construction the step motors come into three broad classes3

    '. %ermanent 7agnet 4tepper

    ;. Jariable @eluctance 4tepper

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    . Hybrid 4tep 7otor

    These three types have been e!plained in detail in the following sections.

    4witched reluctance motors are very large stepping motors with a reduced pole count, and

    generally are closed6loop commutated. stepper motor -or stepping motor/ transforms applied

    voltage pulses into discrete motions called steps. &t allows precise control of position and speed

    without, generally, the need of feedback. This reduces the comple!ity of the control. Figure ;

    describes a simplified stepper motor M control system. The stator windings are e!cited according

    to groups which are called phases. 7otors can be of ', ;, , , or ( phases. The number of pole

    pairs determines the rotation angle for each step or the number of steps for each revolution.

    epending on the e!citation to motor phases, the motor will operate in one these modes3 Full

    stepping, Half stepping, and 7icro stepping. The rotation director is decided by the order of

    winding e!citation.

    2e selected the 6phase stepper motors J@7 *B=< +20 of 4&I6%D4&TEC . The 6phase

    type is a tradeoff between ;6phase and =6phase motors. &t has large power, simple wiring

    connection, and can reach ;

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    3' Po4#r %ri)#

    %ower drive is a power electronic circuit to supply switching currents to motor windings. &n

    figure ; the power drive is represented by power transistors. ctual power drivers are more

    comple!. 2e used %ower drive

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    0 Conroll#r

    Figures shows that we need a logic controller which can be a computer, %+C, or

    microcontroller -7C/. 7icrocontroller was chosen because it is cheap and satisfies control

    re1uirements. T)C=' of T7E+ is )6bit microcontroller of C7D4 technology with ';) byte

    @7, k byte flash @D7, ; &BD lines organized into ports, ; '(6bit counter timers ... The

    flash @D7 stores the monitor program and hole data file -for :C system M see later/, and the

    @7 is for the controller to run programs. Each hole needs bytes of data, the flash @D7 can

    thus store data for about '

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    Figure = shows the microcontroller and five

    signal groups3

    R&nputs to operate the microcontroller.

    RControl inputs.

    R&nputs from sensors3 Each ", #, linear a!is is e1uipped with two magnetic pro!imity switches.

    RDutputs to power drives.

    RDutput control to drill.

    ;' Drilling moor

    The motor is also a very important part of the whole system. &t must satisfy re1uirements such

    as3 high power, strong starting tor1ue, high revolving speed -e.g. '

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    ';v High 4peed Tor1ue 7icro 0rush C 7otor 7anufacturers F@D7 (

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    /' Di!(la"

    The display of "6# coordinates and of some operation conditions are necessary for monitoring

    the system.

    >' Sa*ili9#% (o4#r !$((li#!

    The power source includes3

    R;=J M '

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    %roposed model of system

    The machines have designed with three movements coordinate, ", # and $ as shows in Fig. =.

    Hole position consists of "6# coordinates, and $ coordinate is a parameter to move the drillmachines up and down. The drill is moved horizontally to "6# coordinates of a hole, moved

    down in $ direction to make the hole, then withdrawn and translated to another place. rill

    coordinates are e!tracted using matlab and send to arduino uno board.

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    Fabrication of the machine includes firstly the fabrication of the mechanical components which

    includes fabrication of the base of the machine made up of cast &ron, the "6 table, #6 table and

    the column to hold the drilling tool. The " and the # movement of the table is achieved with the

    help of the lead screw assembly which is driven by the stepper motors fitted on the respective

    tables. The $ movement of the drilling tool is also achieved with the help of lead screw assembly

    which is again driven with the help of stepper motors. The power from the motor to the lead

    screw assembly is transmitted with the help of the gearing mechanism with different gear ratios.

    :e!t is the fabrication of the electronics circuit which includes the power circuit, driver circuits,

    the microcontroller circuits etc. The stepper motors are controlled by the software program

    which is achieved by the interfacing between the machine and the computer.


    Computer &nterfacing is a boundary across which two independent system meet and act on or

    communicate with each other. &n computer interfacing there are several types of interfaces3

    '/ Gser &nterface3 The user interface allows the user to communicate with the operating system.

    The communication is done by keyboard, mouse etc.

    ;/ 4oftware &nterface3 4oftware interface includes the languages and codes that the applications

    use to communicate with each other and with hardware.

    / Hardware &nterface3 Hardware interface is related with data transfer of one hardware device to

    other. This includes communication through the wires plugs and sockets. This project consists of

    all interfaces. The user interface and software interface are created through visual basic language.

    The data transfer is done by using parallel port.

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    Driginal pcb layout


    Dnce the image is obtained it is loaded into the 7T+0 program which will e!tract the

    coordinates for plotting. The logic used is to find all the connected points using the circular

    hough transform and then to find the centroids of each point as the point of drilling. The Hough

    transform -HT/ can be used to detect lines, circles or other parametric curves.

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    &mage with circles detected


    &n the this algorithm the pointer moves up along the y a!is keeping the ! coordinate zero from

    the smallest y coordinate in the array up to the largest. s it reaches each y coordinate the pointer

    will move along the ! a!is keeping the y coordinate constant until it reaches each point

    corresponding to that y coordinate. &t will then return back to the y a!is after it has covered all

    the points having that particular y coordinate. &n this way the pointer will reach each point by

    moving se1uential up the y a!is and along the ! a!is much like a type writer

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    Gsed in large industries


    Efficiency and accuracy is high

    Suick process i.e saves lots of time

    Easy to handle through computer


    Heavy and bulky, re1uires large space


    2e have designed and built an automatic %C0 drilling machine having a rigid mechanical

    base, robust electro M mechanical parts, and an effective control electronic circuitry. 4till there

    are some refinements and improvements need to be done.