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по английскому языку на тему:

«The types of martial arts»



Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 3

Chapter 1. Theoretical part…………………………………………………………4

1.1 The overall popularity of fighting sport in different countries.…………………………………………………………………………...............4

1.2 The main information about each kind of fighting sport ………………………7

Chapter 2. Practical Part……………………………………………………………16

2.1 The comparison of martial arts types (differences and similarities)……………16



Appendix ………………………………………………………………………….19


This report is devoted to the topic “The types of martial arts”.

A fighting sport is a competitive contact sport that usually involves one-on-one combat. In many combat sports, person wins by scoring more points than the opponent or by disabling the opponent. There are quite old martial arts, as well as new ones.

The significance of the research is determined by peoples necessity to maintain their health and to know how to protect themselves.

The aim of this research is to define the variety of martial arts and their popularity among people.

The objectives of the research are:

· to study the history of martial arts;

· to explore the popularity of martial arts all over the world ;

· to define the similarities and differences of martial arts.

The object of the research is the variety of martial arts.

The subject of the research is the need to study and practice martial arts.

The hypothesis is that martial arts develop the spirit and inner strength of a person.

A lot of foreign masters studied the necessity of martial arts such as Djet Li, Masutatsu Oyama, Wally Jay. In Russia this question is mentioned in the works of Anatoly Kharlampiev and others. This work has been based on the following scientific methods such as induction, comparison and analysis-by-synthesis method.

Chapter 1. Theoretical part.

1.1. The overall popularity of fighting sport in different countries. (общая популярность )

The history of martial arts takes place from ancient times. Later in ancient Greece, martial arts appeared (the Olympic Games) where they competed according to certain rules. After these traditional games international martial arts were appeared.

There are some of them:

1. Karate

Karate is one of the most popular martial arts. It appeared on the island of Okinawa, but did not take place in Japan until master Gitin Funakoshi added a philosophical aspect to art.

There are many different styles in karate, but they are all characterized by the same blocks, kicks and arms. Today this martial art is practiced and studied in many countries around the world.

2. Taekwondo

Korean Choi Hong Hee created taekwondo, calling it, along with health, a spiritual training system and self-defense technique without weapons. In addition, he qualified taekwondo as a skillful use of punches, blocks and jumps made with bare hands and feet to defeat opponents.

3. Judo

Judo means "soft way". It is a modern martial art that has arisen since the late nineteenth century in Japan.

It was founded by Jigoro Kano, who was often teased and bullied in his youth. After an unsatisfactory experience with ju-jutsu, he developed a system that reduces the relevance of size and strength. Just like taekwondo, today it is an Olympic sport where the main goal in judo competitions is to throw the opponent to the ground and to hold him. The balance between popularity and effectiveness makes judo an attractive choice for many people all over the world. It is very popular in Japan, USA, Kazakhstan and Russia.

4. Kung Fu (Wushu)

Kung Fu is no longer Chinese martial art, but rather "special knowledge or the ability to do something." A more accurate name would be "wushu" - this is the modern name for Chinese martial arts.

Thousands of years ago, the Buddhist Bodhidarma created art to help his students concentrate during meditation. There are hundreds of Kung Fu styles that still exist today, some of the most famous being Shaolin, Wing Chun, and tai chi.

5. Capoeira

Modern Capoeira is basically a non-contact battle, a form of national art, included by UNESCO in the cultural heritage fund. However, there are full contact competitions in which the dance turns into a powerful weapon that can be used for military purposes.

6. Freestyle wrestling

In the mid-19th century free-style wrestling was introduced to America, where Katch was originally called and developed in two directions: as casual wrestling, promoted mainly in educational institutions (colleges and universities) of the United States, and professional wrestling, which was held among professional athletes.

In the United States were developed new techniques that allow actions with the feet, including footboards, sweeps, as well as techniques involving the grabbing of hands with legs that were previously not allowed.

Freestyle Wrestling was included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1904. Nowadays it is spread all over the world, especially in Russia, Georgia and New Zealand.

7. Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

Despite the popularity of such fights in Europe and the East, they were only a competition in the skill of showing various martial arts.

The formation of a new style that would include elements of different directions did not occur, with the exception of isolated cases, but they did not receive further development and popularity in wide circles.

The growing popularity of MMA in the United States is associated with the creation and active promotion of the mixed martial Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).

The growing popularity of MMA in Japan has led to the creation of mixed martial arts organizations, including the Bellator Fighting Championships, Strikeforce, EliteXC, Bodog, Affliction, M-1 Global WEC.

The largest to date is the “Pride” (“Pride Fighting Championships”).In Russia, MMA has been officially recognized as independent sport since 2012.Today, MMA is one of the most spectacular sports especially in the USA, and UFC is the largest organization in the world of MMA .

1.2. The main information about each kind of fighting sport

Each kind of fighting sport has its own history and features. So here is some information about them:

1. Karate

Today in the world there are a huge number of styles and schools of karate. Each has its own principles and views on the art of karate. Own set of equipment, own path of development. But in our time it is almost impossible to live and develop only within the framework of your style, your school, without contact with other areas. Today, karate schools and clubs are united in federations, associations and other organizations.

The largest karate federation is now the WKF - World Karate Federation. It brings together more than a hundred countries on all continents. In Europe, there is EKF - European Karate Federation. In addition to them, there are many more federations that unite certain styles of karate.Federations hold championships and championships contribute to the development and popularization of karate in the world.

If we consider karate as a combat sport, three main forms should be distinguished:

- kata - formal exercises

- kumite - free fight

- tameshivari - breaking items

One of the most rigid and complex styles of modern karate is Kyokushinkai.

Karate's goal is to focus on cultivation and spiritual growth. Karate classes not only make students more powerful and agile.

Karate changes personal qualities and develops his self-awareness.

More clearly karate is presented on the Picture 1.

2. Taekwondo

Taekwondo is based on different tricks. In one jump a professional can make several kicks inflicted in different directions. It is difficult with such an arsenal to argue with other martial arts.

In this sport, the hands train no less than the legs, and thanks to the exact blows of the hands person can also win. Just in everything, as they say, there should be a middle ground. The fighter during the fight himself must determine when and how it is more profitable for him to make this or that strike.

Taekwondo is a “shock” sport in which a fighter wins by delivering more accurate punches with his hands, but preferably with his feet.

The fight lasts 3 rounds of 3 minutes. If the fight did not end prematurely: by knockout or injury, the judge determines the winner by evaluating the realization of techniques.

The greatest number of points (3) is awarded for strong blows: with a leg - in a vest or head, with a hand.

The principle of studying martial art techniques is based on the repetition of technical actions, thus, the body becomes stronger, gets used to certain movements.

There is also a system of penalty points, if there are 4 of them, the athlete will be disqualified.

The goal of training and studying taekwondo is to achieve a harmonious unity of the physical, mental, moral and spiritual principles in a person.

In taekwondo, the color of the belt has its symbolic meaning:

· white belt (symbolizes the desire for knowledge);

· yellow belt (the growing knowledge);

· green belt (means the first fruits after hard training);

· blue belt (symbolizes the sky);

· red belt (warns that the student will soon become a master)

· black belt (unites all colors);

More clearly taekwondo is presented on the Picture 2.

3. Judo

Judo is based on a powerful philosophical component. There are three main principles in the basis of judo philosophy:

· spirit and body should be used in the best way;

· understanding and mutual help is needed to get the best result;

· in order to win, you can give up.

Modern judo develops in two directions:

· traditional judo (represented by Kodokan and some other schools;

· competitive judo (developed by the International Judo Federation).

The basis of the technical component of judo is painful techniques, throws, retention and strangulation in the stalls.

The most traumatic techniques, including strikes and grabs, are studied and practiced only within the framework of a set of formal exercises, where the goal is to repeat movements.

Judo is distinguished by a large arsenal of various technical actions that are allowed during the competition, as well as a lower use of physical force when performing techniques than, for example, is accepted in the freestyle or Greco-Roman wrestling.

Also, since 1886, Judo has been the official system of hand-to-hand combat of the Japanese police, especially for which complexes of techniques have been developed aimed at detaining criminals.

In order to acquire the necessary self-defense skills, training aspects specific to the training of judokas are often used, including training with an opponent who is resisting at full strength, training in self-insurance techniques when falling, choosing the right distance, body position and time for taking the opponent, performing painful, suffocating receptions and deductions after administration.

More clearly judo is presented on the Picture 3.

4. Kung Fu

The fundamental principles of all the internal styles of Kung Fu are the following principles:

· movements should be smooth and rounded;

· external movements (work of the arms, legs, hips) and internal movements (control of breathing, mind and will) should be harmonious;

· the body should be flexible, relaxed and full of energy;

· softness should be combined with hardness.

Another major Kung Fu destination is the Shaolin area, which includes more than 400 kinds of basic styles.

Classical Kung Fu requires a long and systematic training and takes an average of about 15 years.

The first five years: basic movements, the basic technique, including blows and blocks, are worked out, and the spirit and body of the student are tempered.

The next five years are devoted to fixing techniques and their combinations, mastering the strategy and tactics of battle, and also working with various types of weapons and contradictions to an armed enemy.

And finally, the last five years are devoted to the development of the body’s energy resources and the study of the school’s secret traditions, non-standard techniques are studied, extrasensory skills are developed, the art of point strikes is practiced.

Kung Fu - is a single system of ancient knowledge, which is impossible to obtain from books.

More clearly Kung Fu is presented on the Picture 4.

5. Capoeira

Capoeira includes several styles, each of which is actually an independent direction. However, many elements and movements are found in all directions, therefore, often difficulties arise in determining the stylistic differences of such directions.

The basis of all the styles of Capoeira is Jinga - a continuous movement that allows the capoeirista to be ready to get away from the blow, or to strike himself.

Trainings and fights (games) in Capoeira are held to live music performed by the special “Capueira Orchestra”

Unlike some other martial arts, where the main thing is to stand on your feet, in Capoeira it is believed that the closer the capoeirista is to the ground, the more he is protected. In this regard the number of positions, racks and movements in Capoeira are as close to the ground as possible.

A feature of Capoeira is that all strikes are non-contact and are delivered past the enemy, or are marked on top of the enemy. Moreover, in the case of such strikes in full contact in a real battle, such strikes are quite effective.

Currently, there are a large number of Capoeira schools around the world, bringing together tens of thousands of people.

Despite the beauty, smoothness and non-contact technology of Capoeira, as well as skepticism about the possibility of their combat use, Capoeira hides the most effective and deadly techniques.

More clearly capoeira is presented on the Picture 5.

6. Freestyle wrestling

The first organization in the field of free-style wrestling was created in 1912 in Switzerland, Sweden and Italy and was called the International Committee for conducting wrestling competitions among amateurs, which 9 years later (in 1921) was transformed into the International Amateur Wrestling Federation – FILA.

The rules of the competition require the fighters to have constant contact interaction, the constant conflict confrontation in which all the elements of the technique are directed to the final result of the fight - from the correct choice and maintaining distances to the speed and time of a particular technique or combination.

Freestyle wrestling is often called a synthesis of strength and flexibility.

Also, the training process without fail includes the development of techniques for self-insurance and falls, the development of technical actions, both with a partner and on a mannequin.

In freestyle wrestling, life-threatening techniques or those that are capable of injuring an opponent are prohibited.

In addition, the rules of free-style wrestling contain an extensive list of prohibited methods, the use of which is unacceptable during the competition.

Among the prohibited methods are:

· pressure with a knee or elbow on the opponent’s stomach;

· grabs on the soles of the feet.

Any violation of the rules entails disqualification for the wrestler, as well as other sanctions in accordance with the rules of the competition.

More clearly freestyle wrestling is presented on the Picture 6.

7. Mixed martial arts (MMA)

One of the beginners of combining different styles of martial arts was the famous actor and martial artist Bruce Lee.

The style he practiced was formed from several areas of oriental martial arts.

The difference between modern MMA from the first mixed martial arts fights (“Vale Tudo”, shoot-wrestling) is very significant, because of a change in the rules, which included certain restrictions due to the need to protect the health of fighters, since the popularity of MMA led to the expansion of the technical arsenal, the improvement of the physical form of the fighters, fixing the stereotype of "bloody sport" for MMA.

As a result, new MMA rules were approved. They included the use of special gloves, restrictions on the use of certain techniques, the division of fighters into weight categories, and the introduction of a time frame for fights.

MMA fights usually in a several ways:

· before the appointed time (refusal of one of the fighters to continue the fight);

· knockout (the fighter’s inability to continue the fight after receiving a permitted strike);

· technical knockout (the referee or the doctor stops the fight).

Painful techniques are very effective and popular in MMA, as they allow you to win even over much larger and stronger opponents.

Combat tactics in MMA have several common styles that allow a fighter to use his most powerful strengths.

More clearly MMA is presented on the Picture 7.

Chapter 2. Practical part

2.1. The comparison of martial arts types (differences and similarities)

Despite the similar history of origin and development martial arts have differences too.

More clearly they are shown on Table 1.

In fact, many fighters were engaged in different types of martial arts at the same time. This allowed them to increase their skills faster and to study the philosophy of each art.


In our report we have learnt a lot of information about the history of martial arts, their popularity all over the world and about the rules of each art.

We have defined that there are the variety of martial arts and every art has its own audience.

We have studied the history of martial arts, as a result we made sure that martial arts appeared hundreds of year ago.

Our hypothesis was that martial arts develop the spirit and inner strength of a person. All in all, we have proved that everyone who is engaged in martial arts becomes stronger not only externally, but also spiritually.



2. https://triumph-strategy.ru/vse-vidy-edinoborstv/

3. http://martialartsworld.ru/karate.html

4. http://steel-wolf.ru/popular_articles/462-samye-populyarnye-boevye-iskusstva-v-mire.html


Table 1. Differences and similarities of martial art

Martial art

Availability of weapons

Special uniform

Colored belts

Olympic sport
















Kung Fu










Freestyle Wrestling





Mixed Martial Arts





Picture 1. Karate

Picture 2. Taekwondo

Picture 3. Judo

Picture 4. Kung Fu

Picture 5. Capoeira

Picture 6. Freestyle wrestling

Picture 7. MMA