wybm e01 notes references links 11-05-10

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  • 8/8/2019 WYBM E01 Notes References Links 11-05-10


    WYBM: What Youve Been Missing!

    Episode 01: Exposing the Noble Lie

    URL: http://wybm.blip.tv/ (all episodes)

    Part 1: http://blip.tv/file/4343562

    Script: Richard's script for Episode 01

    Notes, References, and Links

    Invitation to the Tragedy and Hope Online Community:http://tragedyandhope.ning.com/?xgi=2B88r5zkcOCWwy

    E01 P1 (part 1)

    1m Operant Conditioning, Skinner Box on TV screen

    2m Critical Thinking Censored

    2m Conditioned to Consume

    2m Unprepared to Survive

    3m Richard Dreyfussspeaking @ National Education


    3m The One Percent, by Jamie Johnson (2006)

    Bonus:Eugenics & Population Control in The Brain

    6m High School Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Public

    Schooling / Here I Stand, by Erica Goldson (2010)

    11m Henry Kissinger, De-Population and New World Order

    11m Population 101:2.1 Kids

    13m John Lennon and Yoko Ono discussing De-Population on

    Dick Cavett

    Bonus:Sir Julian Huxley (and Eugenics) in The Brain

    E01 P2 (part 2)

    2m James Corbett / Trust the Billionaires

    2m Bill Gates speaking at TED on lowering population and

    carbon dioxide

    WYBM: What Youve Been Missing! Episode 01: Exposing the Noble LieIts Better than news, its What Youve Been Missing!


  • 8/8/2019 WYBM E01 Notes References Links 11-05-10


    Bonus:Billionaires Giving Pledge in The Brain

    3m Population 101:Food, theres lots of it.

    5m Richard Dreyfuss / Rupert Murdoch

    6m George Carlin / Life is worth Losing/ The American


    9m References and Invite to the community:



    10m James Corbett / Trust the Billionaires (cont.)

    Bonus: What I had to edit out of the Trust the

    Billionaires clip was the Norman Dodd Interview;

    detailing how the CFR, Ford Foundation and the CIA have

    worked to undermine education in the 20th Century.

    13m Corbett Report:The Eugenics Connection

    E01 P3 (part 3)

    1m James Corbett / American Eugenics Society Population


    1m Aristotles Politics / Alexander the Great 1956

    2m Alexander to Aristotle / 100 Most Influential Books

    Ever Writtenby Martin Seymour-Smith p. 49

    3m The Noble Lie

    3m Platos Allegory of the Cave

    4m Blinded by the Light, Manfred Manns Earth Band

    Bonus:Pragmatism, William James in The Brain

    6m Alex Jones, Youtube.com/AlexJonesChannel

    9m Dylan Ratigan / Goldman Sachs $3 Billion in 3 months

    12m Charlie Brooker / BBC Newswipe

    WYBM: What Youve Been Missing! Episode 01: Exposing the Noble LieIts Better than news, its What Youve Been Missing!


  • 8/8/2019 WYBM E01 Notes References Links 11-05-10


    E01 P4 (part 4)

    1m Charlie Brooker / Bill OReilly and Glenn Beck

    4m Glenn Beck Tears

    6m Paul Verge / Status Quo

    9m Pharmakon by Dr. Michael Rinella, Gnostic Media Podcast

    #91 by Jan Irvin

    E01 P5 (part 5)

    1m Fallacies with Jan Irvin

    Bonus:Comprehensive List of Fallacies

    1m System of Critical Thinking = Good Judgment

    1m Cornell Study by Dr. David Dunning (Incompetence)

    1m Auto-Didactic and Auto-Dialectic Learning

    2m Definition of Liberal by Jan Irvin

    5m Fallacy-b-Gone by Paul Verge

    7m Books Gone in 5 Years, says Nicholas Negroponte

    Bonus:Nicholas Negroponte, and The School of Kings in The


    8m Introduction to Ancient Greek History, Prof. Donald

    Kagan, Yale University (iTunes University)

    Bonus:Kagan Family, The New World Order, The Noble Lie,

    NeoCons, and PNAC in The Brain

    12m Paul Verge via Skype / Believers Beware

    13m Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New

    World Orderby Robert Kagan

    14m Leo Strauss / NeoConservatives / PNAC / The Noble Lie

    in The Brain (online)

    WYBM: What Youve Been Missing! Episode 01: Exposing the Noble LieIts Better than news, its What Youve Been Missing!


  • 8/8/2019 WYBM E01 Notes References Links 11-05-10


    E01 P6 (part 6)

    1m Aspen Institute / Ford Foundation / CIA/ Rockefeller

    Brothers Fund / The Great Books of the Western Worldin

    The Brain

    1m Robert Maynard Hutchins and the Great Books of the

    Western Worldin The Brain

    3m Project for a New American Centurys use of the Noble

    Lie (see notes in The Brain)

    5m Trivium and Quadrivium as a system of critical thinking

    6m Great Books of the Western World on eBay and Craigslist

    11m Rap News vs. News World Orderby Robert Foster

    E01 P7 (part 7)

    1m Rap News vs. News World Order by Robert Foster

    1m Collateral Murder / Reuters Journalists Murdered

    2m Robert Maynard Hutchins and Mike Wallace, July 20,1958

    6m Robert Maynard Hutchins as noted in book 1 of the Great

    Books of the Western World (Vol 1 The Great

    Conversation) regarding the loss of a Liberal Education

    7m Operant Conditioning / B.F. Skinner / Skinner Box

    9m B.F. Skinner (cont.)

    10m Idiocracyby Mike Judge (2006)

    11m Kia Hamster Commercial

    12m James Corbett,You are being Gamed

    12m 5 Creepy Ways Video Games are Trying to Get You

    Addicted / Cracked dot com article comparing video game

    programming to operant conditioning

    WYBM: What Youve Been Missing! Episode 01: Exposing the Noble LieIts Better than news, its What Youve Been Missing!


  • 8/8/2019 WYBM E01 Notes References Links 11-05-10


    WYBM: What Youve Been Missing! Episode 01: Exposing the Noble LieIts Better than news, its What Youve Been Missing!


    E01 P8 (part 8)

    1m James Corbett (cont.)

    1m Behavioral Game Design by John Hopson

    3m Most Disturbing Presentation Ever Our Technightmare

    5m Joe Rogan Live / Dumb People

    8m Joe Rogan / Gnostic Media Podcast #94 by Jan Irvin

    12m Windows Phone / Season of the Witch

    13m 2004 Republican National Convention Montage (How to

    brainwash a Nation)

    E01 P9 (part 9)

    1m V for Vendetta 9/11 by Eric East (2006)

    3m The Mindscape of Alan Moore (2003)

    4m V for Veritas skit

    8m NFL Flyovers + The Roots Masters of War(Bob Dylan


    11m Collateral Murderof Civilians and Reuters Journalists

    as leaked by Wikileaks

    E01 P10 (part 10)

    2m Getting Betterby Gomez (Beatles cover)

    5m Instinct by Jon Turteltaub (1999)
