www.terrainfirma.co.uk engaging people using green jujitsu gareth kane terra infirma ltd 0191 265...

Download Www.terrainfirma.co.uk Engaging People using Green Jujitsu Gareth Kane Terra Infirma Ltd 0191 265 7899 @GarethKane gareth@terrainfirma.co.uk

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1
  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk Engaging People using Green Jujitsu Gareth Kane Terra Infirma Ltd 0191 265 7899 @GarethKane [email protected] www.terrainfirma.co.uk
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  • Switch It Off
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk
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  • Green Jujitsu
  • Slide 8
  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk Some of my clients Newspaper Group Short term/high impact thinking Highly competitive Engineering Group Innovation highly prized Safety critical manufacturer Follow the instructions (or die!) Waste management Long term thinking >20 year contracts National Research Institute Show us the data!
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk PeopleHardware Doing the right thing Doing things right Reduced Waste to Landfill ApplicationBehaviour TechnologyProcedures Example: Engineering Client
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk
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  • 1. Keeping the rider happy
  • Slide 12
  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk What: Use of Language Green Language Green Save the world Climate change CSR Responsibility Doing the right thing Jujitsu Language Cost pressures Risk Future proofing Legislation Brand protection Competitive advantage Market demands Efficiency
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk How: Storytelling Age-old tradition Media use human interest stories because they work Brings it down to a level we all can understand People like us
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk Where is the message? Weve got these stickers on the machines telling us to switch them off. But theres nothing in the standard operating procedures about it. It is hammered into us from day one to follow the SOPs, so, if were not sure, we ignore the stickers. If you want it to happen, it should be in the SOPs.
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk 2. Inspiring the elephant
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk Show, dont tell
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk The power of questions?
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk Ask for help
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk Make them part of the solution
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk Running with the herd
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk Fun & games
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk 3. Make the path easy to follow
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk Remove barriers to good
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk add resistance to bad
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk Authority & Responsibility
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  • www.terrainfirma.co.uk Conclusions Stop shouting, start thinking Work to strengths, rather than correcting weaknesses The rider/elephant/path model: What information will you provide and in what format? How will you engage emotionally with people? How can you tweak the environment or systems to foster good behaviour?
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