www.soran.edu.iq physiology behrouz mahmoudi introduction 1

www.soran.edu.iq Physiology Behrouz Mahmoudi Introduction 1

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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Behrouz Mahmoudi


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Things ” organized to use energy and raw materials from their environment, maintain their integrity and reproduce.



Physiology is the study of the normal function of cell, tissue, organs, systems and organisms

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Physiological processes arise through evolution

▸Natural selection -process by which traits that enhance a species survival are able to produce more surviving

members than others not having those characteristics

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• Integumentary system• Nervous system• Skeletal system• Endocrine system• Muscular system• Cardiovascular system• Lymphatic system• Urinary system• Respiratory system• Digestive system• Reproductive system

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Homeostasis•Homeostasis is a stable internal environment

•Every organism must maintain homeostasis for survival

•Homeostatic regulation is responsible for keeping internal environment within certain limits.

Two general points within homeostasis• Autoregulation or intrinsic regulation –

results when cell, organ or system adjusts its activity automatically.

• Extrinsic regulation - results from activity of nervous system or endocrine system

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• A homeostatic regulatory mechanism consist of :– A receptor – senses an environmental change or

stimuli.– A control center –processes information supplied by

receptor and generates a response (command)– An effector – an organ or cell that responds to the

command of control center.• A variation outside the desired range triggers an

automatic response to correct the situation– Negative feedback

Homeostatic regulation involves

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Negative Feedback: The Control of Body Temperature

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Positive Feedback: Blood Clotting

•In positive feedback an initial stimulus produces a response that enhances the change in the original condition. For instance:

• Damage to blood vessel wall will cause release of chemicals.

• Chemicals will trigger blood clotting

• Clotting process increases release of chemicals

• More chemicals means accelerated clotting

• Accelerated clotting means more chemicals

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• Body cavities are internal chambers holding vital organs– Cavities protect vital organs– Cavities allow organs to change in

shape and size• Two body cavities

– Dorsal body cavity includes the cranial cavity and the spinal cavity

– Ventral body cavity includes the thoracic cavity and the abdominopelvic cavity

Body Cavities

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Body Cavities

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• X-rays• Computerized tomography (CT) scans• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

scans• Ultrasound images• Digital subtraction angiography (DSA)

Clinical technology allows many different views of the


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Special Scanning Methods

CT-SCAN: computerized tomography scan

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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans

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Ultrasound images

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