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JANUARY 2018 CHINESE NEW YEAR FEB-16 2018 YEAR OF THE DOG (green, red, purple; Avoid: blue, white, golden)





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I SHOULD REMIND EVERYONE THAT THE NEXT MERCURY RETROGRADE WILL BE IN MARCH 22, 2018 IN ARIES, LASTING INTO APRIL SO YOU WANT TO GET YOUR TAXES DONE EARLY BY THE END OF MARCH OR GET AN EXTENTION AND WAIT UNTIL MAY OR JUNE. REMINDER:***** Treat the rising sign the same as you would your Sun sign – they are equal in importance. We all have two charts, a Sun sign chart and a rising sign chart, and if you are reading for only your Sun sign, you are missing half the information. You must know your time of birth to get your chart done. Do not write to the hospital – this is a government function, so write to the city or capital of the state or country where you were born, to the Hall of Records or Bureau of Vital Statistics, or some such name. *****

ARIES: What’s happening for JANAUARY 2018? (March 20-April 19)

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This will be a big memorable month for you on many levels. The most important development has to do with your career. Things will begin to cook mid-month, but you will see glimmers of what’s to come as January begins.

As you enter January, you will have six heavenly bodies headed to your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame, known as your prestigious tenth house.

That day is quickly approaching! You are fortunate, dear Aries that these Capricorn planets are lining up in your most prestigious part of your solar chart, indicating rare potential for you to grow your career stature. It looks like you are about to be offered a new title, a promotion, or a professional award, or to get an offer from another company. No matter what happens, this month, when it comes to your career, you should be soon sitting on top of the world.

Like most plots, there will be a twist. Uranus, planet of surprise, is upset that he was not invited to this Capricorn party in your tenth house. Like a very bad boy, he will act out and cause an upset, aiming his anger at almost all the planets in Capricorn. Uranus is in Aries these days, suggesting you might be tearing away from one career situation to another, quite suddenly. Your chart also suggests that you would be leaving for quite a bit more money. Or, you may disagree with a client or management official to such a degree that you may feel that you’ve seen this kind of situation too often, and the event might represent the last straw that wound up breaking the camel’s back – you must leave.

If you love your job but are tempted by another, you must be sure you will have more responsibility, power, and title, along with a generous bonus, perhaps a signing bonus. Do not make a lateral move under any circumstances. Many planets in Capricorn suggest you will be overseeing budgets or appropriating funds, so in coming months, if you do change positions, you will be managing quite a responsible job. You can have your dream situation but you must present your case to get it. If you work in sales, you can get the right commission, or if a writer, an attractive advance and royalty rate. Your chart shows all these conditions can be met for you if you ask persuasively. Rarely have you have had so many planets working on your behalf to raise your status in your industry. Remember: power is rarely given – it has to be seized.

However, Uranus, the planet of surprise, now traveling through Aries, will throw a hard glance to the Sun, moon, Venus, and Pluto, and will bring

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an element of unexpected news. You may not like the title or the job that is being offered because it will limit your expression or reduce your freedom to express your ideas or individuality. If you get publicity, you may feel the reporter did not transmit your words correctly, leaving the wrong impression. Or, you may feel that the compensation would not be adequate. Or, you might be surprised to hear you will have to move house to take advantage of the opportunity, and if you are dating, you may worry that you will not be able to sustain the relationship with the distance. There will be various possibilities, but you get the idea – Uranus will present an obstacle.

Everyone’s natal chart is different, so you may have natal planets that blend well with Uranus’ position and soften the news at this time. Keep your antenna up and ask many questions. Your status is certainly on the rise – simply ascertain it’s the direction you want it to go. You are a winner, and VIPs will see your value and will want you in their corner. Saturn is grooming you for bigger and better things, now and in coming three years. If you want fame, and you are willing to work for it, you can have it. Saturn will turn you into a dynamo in your field. Be sure the work you take is precisely the job you want, for much will be given, but much will be demanded of you. This is an important phase, so standing still seems not an option, but happily you seem to get more than one offer and so you will have choices.

This month has a Blue Moon, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo 11 degrees 37 on January 31 in your true love sector. Eclipses bring major developments, and this one may bring a new romantic interest or a change in your current romantic relationship. You may grow closer or if you have been unhappy, finally give up and leave. Additionally or alternatively, if you are attached, you may make up your mind about whether to get pregnant or how to best care for a child you have now. It is also very possible that you are also about to finish a major creative project that you started months ago. This Eclipse brings closure and an end, but like all Eclipses, when something ends, something else begins.

TAURUS: What’s happening for JANUARY 2018? (April 20- May

20)Travel is written all over your chart, so the month may begin with you

returning from a short trip four days or less after the Full Moon appears on January 1. The holiday season seems have brought lots of reasons to pack

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and go. Your third house was lit, so perhaps you took a short trip to see your sister, brother, cousin, or friend. With happy aspects emanating from your partnership house, too, you may be traveling with your spouse or steady partner, and enjoying every minute. In fact, the trip you take might be a honeymoon or a celebration for an engagement.

This Full Moon had Saturn somewhat close, however, so you may feel that you’re handling too much and are generally being crushed with the weight of responsibility. Going out of town will give you a chance to gain a better perspective on pressing matters that seem to have consumed you lately.

The New Moon of January 16 will be even more dramatic with its emphasis on travel. This time it appears you will be traveling many more miles than you did earlier, possibly to a foreign country or to a far city in your country. Alternatively, you may be working with executives abroad on a venture. You might also be ready to have your book published or be told that your work will be translated into at least one other language. Another way this could turn out is that you may be focused on importing or exporting ideas, goods, or services. Your ninth house, lit up this month, also rules higher education, so you may be starting a new semester in undergraduate or graduate school, and be busy signing up for a number of classes you are enthusiastic about taking. If you have worked on a thesis, this month may be the time you defend it.

Ordinarily this would be a superb time to make career progress, but you will need to factor in a possible sudden problem that will come out of left field shortly after the New Moon of January 16 arrives. The matter will need to be handled quickly, for if left unattended, it might impinge on your professional reputation. Someone you work with or who competes with you may make a sudden jarring move to undermine your efforts. If you absolutely must sign the paperwork, write an exit clause, just in case you don’t like the deal later. With Saturn so strong, without such a clause, you will be locked in, unable to leave, with few, if any workable options.

If you notice anything going on that seems off or underhanded, you will need to also address that problem, in any way you feel would be effective. Fortunately you will have Mars and Jupiter align in your seventh house of partnerships. Someone you collaborate with closely in business – a business partner, writing partner or editor, agent, publicist, lawyer, or another such professional – will be helpful to you and might well come up with ways to

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protect your income and market share. This same person can also offer ideas to thwart this predator. For you, collaborators and partners are golden for you.

By month’s end, your home will be the center of your attention. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo on January 31 will bring change and closure to a home or family-related matter. Mars will be close enough to help you with your finances, and everyone who has ever made a move, bought a house, started a renovation, or was involved in a decorating project, knows that spending usually rises quite high during these times.

Another way this eclipse may affect you is if you hoped to help an elderly relative find a good solution to a health or living situation. This question might have first surfaced during August 2017 when two eclipses came by, and one, August 21, fell in Leo like the one this month will do. Eclipses often bring life events that we long remember if the degrees of the eclipse touch your Sun. You will feel this January 31 eclipse if your birthday falls on May 3, plus or minus four days.

GEMINI: What’s happening for JANUARY 2018? (May 20- June 20)Last month, Saturn entered Capricorn for the first time since February

1988 to February 1991. Saturn comes by only rarely, every 29 years, so when he does, he settles in for three years, and works on giving you a vivid memorable period of tutoring. In this case, Saturn will give you a cosmic MBA and teach you about money management in all of its forms. Some people need a lot of Saturn’s advice, and some people only need just a little – Saturn will be self-adjusting and give you precisely the enlightenment you need, no more, no less.

With Saturn in this house until December 2020, you will learn to be very careful to protect your financial identity. Paying bills on time and keeping your credit clean will become a near-obsession for you too. You will also have to be careful not to trigger a government audit, for Saturn in the eighth house can bring one on. Even so, if this should happen to you, if you have nothing to hide, and have done everything right, you will likely sail through the audit easily, with no money due. Saturn shows the overall condition (you will be under scrutiny) but NOT the outcome – that will be up

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to you. It would be wise now in and in the coming three years while Saturn remains in Capricorn to follow tax rules to the letter, and to be careful about not getting involved in any speculative investments unless you and your financial advisor have checked it out thoroughly.

Saturn will teach you to find ways to negotiate effectively, and show you the reason you need to work with a lawyer before signing documents and to how to save money by finding bargains when buying big-ticket items. If you are in a business, you will find ways not to take cash advances from high interest credit cards but rather borrow money from a bank, with lower rates, when you need it, assuming your credit is good. (If it is not, this trend of Saturn will help you get to a fine credit rating if that is a goal. You might want to talk with your banker or a financial advisor.) Sometimes the lesson Saturn has to teach you is not to be too trusting of a person with whom you do business and share money. In that case, Saturn will have you become more protective of yourself in the future. You may conclude by the time this period is over that it is wise to have contracts in place to cover all contingencies.

One day to circle in gold will be January 25, when your ruling planet, Mercury, will collaborate with good fortune Jupiter. Use this day to make an agreement; make a pitch; give a speech; hand in a manuscript, report, or thesis; or take a trip spontaneously for any reason – you’ll enjoy it. Mercury is a planet of news, and on this day, news should be exciting.

Now let’s turn to another big event in January, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on January 31 in Leo, 12 degrees, that may bring good news, for it will highlight your abilities in communication. As a Gemini, this is an area where you usually excel. You may be asked to sign a contract, give a speech, or write an important manuscript or report. You may travel under this eclipse, or next month, within days of the next eclipse, a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, February 15.

By eclipse time, Mars will have moved into Sagittarius and be in friendly angle to the Sun and Full Moon. With helpful Mars in your partnership house, you might need an intermediary to help you, such as a lawyer, agent, representative, friend, spouse, or other person who would bring you to your opportunity.

If you were born on June 2, plus or minus five days, you will feel the effects of this eclipse quite directly. The same is true if you have Gemini

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rising 12 degrees, or the moon in Gemini 12 degrees. If you know your chart, look to see if you have a natal planet at 12 degrees in Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, plus or minus five degrees, or a natal planet in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius at 12 degrees, plus or minus five degrees.

It’s a big month, and now that Mercury is no longer retrograde, you can make a lot of progress.

CANCER: What’s happening for JANUARY 2018? (June 21 - July

22)I am always concerned when I see a Full Moon on January 1, for many

people drink quite a bit over New Year’s Eve, and alcohol is not always a good mix in close relationships or for accidental mishaps. People can argue for no reason, or say things they later regret. By all means go out to a party if you like, but be sure to have a car service like Uber pick you up to bring you home.

On the other hand, on the bright side, the Full Moon January 1 might bring a proposal for marriage (from you or the person you love). Many couples get engaged by the romantic light of fireworks in the midnight sky. As said, you will know the state of your relationship by the time this month is over, for feelings will be pushed to either end of the spectrum, both exciting and happy or just the opposite. This is a case of mixed messages – your love life will be very strong, but if you are married or in a serious business partnership of any kind, that relationship might be under stress. This is one of those months whether everything will be seen in high relief, black or white, making choices very clear.

If your birthday falls on July 3, have Cancer rising 12 degrees, or the Natal Moon in Cancer 12 degrees, in all cases, plus or minus five degrees, you will feel this Full Moon directly and will likely see good things flow from it. You will also receive benefits from this full moon if you have a natal planet in Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer, 12 degrees, or a natal planet in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, and in all cases, plus or minus five degrees.

A crowd of heavenly bodies is currently heading to your committed relationship sector – the highest number of planets in one sector, that the world has not seen in many years – and this will be either very good news,

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where you both will feel tender love for each other and grow closer, or all these planets opposed to your Sun may be very bad news, for you will reach the end of your rope and call it quits.

You will start to see all this in action after January 16, which is the New Moon in Capricorn, 27 degrees. At that time you will have an unusually large number of planets in your seventh house of marriage and business partners, six out of a possible ten heavenly bodies, including the Sun and New Moon, Venus, Pluto, Mercury, and Saturn.

This same house rules not only partners, but also competitors, one of whom might be out in force, vocal and plotting an offensive that might surprise you. Uranus, the planet of unexpected, sudden developments, will be in sharp dispute with the large cluster of planets in Capricorn. This indicates a political faction may surface within your company, led by someone who will want to either gain control of your job or take credit for your good work. Or, it may be a competitor will become more aggressive and strike with unexpected tactics to steal your market share. This competitor won’t be operating in secret – you will clearly see the person or competitive company that is causing you concern. The first step in combating a problem is being able to see it – now you can.

Although the theme of January seems to be about career and money, you might enter into a highly romantic period too. If you feel the energies of the month in a more romantic way, you may get engaged or married, especially at some point during the first seven days of January (which may have started December 30 or 31, too). A Golden Triangle will appear in the sky at that time, formed by several heavenly bodies, specifically the moon in Cancer (you), Mars and Jupiter (true love and romance), and Neptune (sumptuous long distance travel). Additionally, in the first ten days of January, your crowd of planets will receive shimmering vibrations from Neptune (inspiration), Jupiter (happiness), and Mars (energy).

**One of the most superb days of the month will be January 6, when Jupiter aligns with Mars, a spectacular day that you will also feel the day before, on January 5.**

The month will change tone as you get to the end, for then your focus will switch to money. A Total Lunar Eclipse of the moon is due on January 31 in Leo 12 degrees, your second house of earned income, salary, and fees. This Full Moon Eclipse will bring to conclusion talks with a perspective or

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present employer. Or, if you are self-employed, you may have a moneymaking idea that is a profitable one, and if so, launch it just after January 31. Mars will be supportive of this eclipse and bring out your innate creativity. Your income might be boosted by how well you generate original ideas to the team and client. Whatever happens on this eclipse could bring your confidence back – you have what it takes to be a high earner, and now you see it, and so does everyone else.

LEO: What’s happening for JANUARY 2018? (July 23- August 22)

The holidays must have exacted a toll on you, for you will enter January in need of rest. You are a gregarious soul, but in early January, you will want to retreat inside, perhaps to plan your coming year in a peaceful setting. If you have children, you may be laughing, saying that is simply not possible. I sympathize – I remember those days. See if your partner will take over child care to give you a needed breather.

The Full Moon of January 1, in Cancer 12 degrees, will fall in your twelfth house of privacy and creativity. If you are working on a creative project, you will have time to muse about how to proceed and what you can add to it to make it better. You will be quite prescient about events that are spinning around you, too, and you need to quiet down so that you can hear your small voice within. Your intuition will be operating at an all-time high, and lead you in the right direction, but you must screen out the cacophony around you long enough to even hear the message your intuition is telling you.

A Full Moon in Cancer in your twelfth house can point to feeling run down in energy and in need of nourishment and sleep. Be aware of how your body feels, for your body will tell you precisely what it needs to perform at its best. There is another reason I urge you to take it easy – a crowd of friendly planets are orbiting toward your sixth house of work, to arrive by the New Moon of January 16, in Capricorn at 27 degrees. This is major, for we rarely see six planets in one sign in one house.

After that New Moon, your work life will buzz with activity and your to-do list will grow. Details will matter on the assignments you focus on, so you will have to keep organized, lest one vital detail fall between the cracks. Fortunately, you have the first two weeks of January to catch your breath

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before this wave of important crop of new assignments lands on your desk. It will be vital to be very realistic and practical in your approach and to have a plan to attack these projects that seem to have many moving parts.

That string of days, from January 5 through January 8, will be enchanting for you, and you have one more – January 9, when Venus and Mars will get into the act too, and bring more luck with work and real estate matters. Life can’t always be this sweet, but when it is, take full advantage.

The month will end with a major event – a Lunar Eclipse, January 31 in Leo, 12 degrees, putting you in the spotlight and bringing to culmination something that is dearly important to you. Something dearly important to you is coming to critical mass, and you might make a decision. It might be about whether to get engaged or married now, about a present partner, or about a business partner, agent, manager, or other person you will collaborate closely with on a certain goal.

By January 26, Mars will enter your fifth house of true love when Mars moves to Sagittarius, to remain until April 8, giving a big boost to your romantic life. I love that Mars will be in precisely the right place to help your romantic life, for Mars will be friendly to this eclipse, a good sign that you are likely to benefit from what happens at this time.  Think back to January 31, 1999 – you may get a clue of the theme that will come up now, for eclipses repeat to exact sign and degree every 19 years.

If your birthday falls on August 3, plus or minus five days, this eclipse will bring a message to you. The same is true if you have Leo rising at 11 degrees, or a Natal Moon in Leo at that degree, plus or minus five degrees. If you have your chart, look to see if you have a natal planet in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius at 11 degrees, plus or minus five degrees. If so, that natal planet of yours too will light up too in a dazzling way.

One last word: Last month, on December 20, Saturn left Sagittarius and finally released your love life to happier days. For three years, you found that your love life must have been subject to occasional (or continual) enforced separations. Your sweetheart may have lived far from your home geographically, or may have had the kind of work or study program that required long hours or travel. Or, you may have waited for your partner to leave a marriage to be available to you. Now, a change for the better is

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surfacing, and you won’t be frustrated by conditions surrounding a new relationship.

January will be a strenuous month at work, so find frequent ways to treat your body, mind, and spirit with care. The full moon on January 1 might well find you longing to crawl under the covers, content to stay there for two days. You may need to catch up on sleep, so if you feel the need, give in. Saturn is now in Capricorn, which rules bones and teeth, so ask your doctor whether you should take calcium pills or change your diet to bolster this mineral, as Saturn is known to drain calcium reserves.

Six planets in Capricorn will require you to be realistic, practical, and cost-conscious in deciding how to handle the projects that will come to you. You may find that proper estimates and appropriation of funds consume most of your time. Uranus will be at hard angles to this New Moon, so tension will be evident around you. You may have a legal matter to solve, or if you work in the international arena, a sudden difficulty from afar.

Your very biggest day of the month will be January 31, when the Lunar Eclipse in Leo will bring a grand conclusion to a matter you’ve been working on. Or it may be that a key relationship will reach an important culmination. Eclipses mark times of major decision points, with the choice to draw close or to leave – you will be asked to make a clear choice.

Another part of this question is whether you feel happier blending in with a group or expressing your individuality, separate from others – with this Full Moon in Leo, your own idiosyncratic talents and proclivities will win out. With all the choices you face at month’s end, you will be sure about your feelings and optimistic about the future. This Eclipse is on your side, dear Leo, and a far more improved life lies ahead.

VIRGO: What’s happening for JANUARY 2018? (August 23 -

September 22)

The month starts out with an invitation to go to a gathering that holds the potential for much fun. The reason I feel you will be out socializing is that on January 1 you will have a Full Moon in Cancer, 12 degrees, filling your eleventh house of friends, fun, new people, and social events. It is entirely

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possible you were invited to a party or charity benefit on December 30 or December 31, for all Full Moons have a plus or minus four days of influence, before and after they appear. If so, you enter the year with a smile, thinking of the happy night you had to ring in the New Year.

If your birthday falls on September 4, plus or minus five days, you will feel this Full Moon more than most Virgos. The same is true if you have Virgo rising, 12 degrees, or have the Natal Moon in Virgo 12 degrees, and in both cases, allow a plus or minus five degrees. If you know you have a natal planet in Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio at or near 12 degrees (plus or minus five degrees), you, too, will see lots of activity near this Full Moon.

A very special aspect is coming up on January 6, and it is one that will benefit you on the day or on the day before it arrives on January 5. It is an aspect that’s as rare as diamonds, so I can’t wait to tell you about it. It will be the meeting of Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio in your third house of communication and travel. As a Virgo, chances are you are talented in communication arts, so if you agree, this aspect has special meaning to you.Mars and Jupiter meet every two years, but each time they meet, they do so in a different sign and place in your chart. It has not been since August 8, 1982, that these two luminaries have met in Scorpio and your communication-oriented house. This is the very area where Virgo is known to excel. Remarkably, after January 6, Mars and Jupiter will not meet again in the same house of your chart until November 24, 2053, so naturally you will want to take full advantage of what this aspect portends for you.

Specifically, Jupiter is the giver of gifts and luck, and here, Mars will act like a booster rocket to Jupiter’s gifts, enlarging them and making them more visible and accessible. On January 6, or earlier, on Friday, January 5, you might take a quick short trip to a nearby setting for any purpose, and if so, all indications are that the trip will turn out to be spectacular.

There are other ways to use the powerful energy of January 6. You might want to sign a contract, a great time to do so with these planets shining so brilliantly. Also, now that your ruling planet Mercury went direct as of December 22, you have a free and clear open road. All things in the communicative area glitter for you, so give a speech, or if your editing skills are good, take the test to become an official editor, and make money as a full or part-time editor. Or, if you write, hand in a manuscript, publish a book,

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defend your thesis, launch a new website or blog (or redesign one), or sign the work order to build a new app.

January will have a strong romantic theme too, and your first indication that this is true will come on January 8, when the Sun and Jupiter trade signals, for the mighty Sun will be in your house of true love, and Jupiter will be in your house of communication, a superb aspect for engendering the first pangs of love. This will be a Monday, but if you met someone online that you’d like to meet in a public place such as a coffee shop, this would be your ideal day to make that date.

LIBRA: What’s happening for JANUARY 2018? (September 20-

October 22) The month begins with a brilliant Super Moon on January 1-2 of the New Year, shining in your tenth house of career like a beacon, at the very pinnacle point of your chart. Within four days of this date, you will likely get some sort of very happy professional news. If you are starting a new job, it represents a big step up – this would be no lateral move. Although this Full Moon is all about your reputation in your industry and your rising status, you seem to have considered your family’s needs and feelings in the decision to take it. It is also possible that if you are staying in your current company that you will receive some enviable publicity at this time. This is just a glimmer of a theme that will grow bigger by mid-month, so stay with me.

This Full Moon of January 1-2 brings a golden triangle of harmony to various planets in the night sky, specifically linking the Full Moon to fortune Jupiter and energetic Mars, both orbiting now in your second house of earned income. This is especially lucky as you seem to have been spending a lot more money than usual lately, and you may have been alarmed at the outgo. This month you should see a good sum of money come back to you. The third leg of the triangle will connect the Full Moon to Neptune in your sixth house of work projects.

Neptune’s involvement with the January 1-2 Full Moon could mean the work you do will be highly creative, or, alternatively, be tied to furthering a charitable or philanthropic cause. In addition, Venus and the Sun will be conjunct Pluto, indicating that VIPs will love your work, and that a friend may have recommended you to at least one high level person. Finally, Neptune

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and Venus will be in sync, dusting this Full Moon with glamour and fun. Perhaps you will want to go out and celebrate the positive start to 2018 – yes, you should!

Later that week, on January 5 and 6, Jupiter, the great giver of gifts and luck, will align in mathematical precision with active Mars in your house of earned income. What a wonderful day to hear sensational financial news! Pitch a client, negotiate a salary for a new position, or ask for a raise. You can also easily pick up a lucrative side job – the world is your oyster at this time, dear Libra. Jupiter and Mars will not align in Scorpio again until November 24, 2053, so this aspect is as rare as diamonds and just as valuable.

The big moment of the month will be at the New Moon January 16 in Capricorn, which will appear with an astounding number of planets also in Capricorn: the Sun, New Moon, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto. They will all light your house of home and family, an area you can see impressive progress this month. It is highly unusual to have six heavenly bodies in one part of the chart, so certainly, your mind will be on home and family, or other property you may rent or own. Most of the happy little planets will be clustered in late degrees of Capricorn, and in conjunction. If you could see them, these little guys will be crushed together, nearly on the head of a pin. A conjunction is the most powerful aspect in astrology – here you have a big conjunction involving several heavenly bodies.

In a month that has everything, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on January 31 in Leo 12 degrees, lighting your house of friendship, fun, and events. It appears you will enjoy this moment very much, and because the lunar eclipse is in Leo, the party or gathering would have a touch of luxury about it. Eclipses bring important events that have weight and meaning, and they point to future paths that are starting to open up.

If you were an adult on January 31, 1999, think about the eclipse that occurred on that day and year, for Lunar Eclipses, like this one, repeat in sign and precise mathematical degree every 19 years. While the other planets will have since moved dramatically, no year would ever be an exact copy of the year that came before. It’s still worth thinking back, for you might get clues to an emerging theme that is about to come up.

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Mars will be friendly to the Lunar Full Moon’s Sun and Moon, so it should be an active time for you, with lots of news being stirred up. As said, one of your friends will be in the spotlight. Sometimes an eclipse can be bittersweet, and we see a friend move away and become “eclipsed out” of our life. We become quite cognizant that the friendship you share might not be the same in the future. Eclipses often reflect the passage of time, so for example, your friend may be moving on with his life, perhaps getting married, and you know in your heart that you both will have fewer interests in common in the future.

Still, there is always opportunity for good news too with a Lunar Eclipse, and especially with this one that will be as sweet as a ripe peach. You may make a new friend who becomes a powerful force in your life. Or, you may join a professional or social group that you find you enjoy very much. The eleventh house rules charities too, so you may roll up your sleeves to help a charity that is in need of funds that you can help by raising awareness of what the organization is doing to help others. If your birthday falls on October 5 plus or minus five days, or if you have Libra rising 12 degrees, or the Natal Moon in Libra, this eclipse will affect you more than most other members of your sign.

Remember as in all cases in life, at a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, something ends, but also, something else begins!

SCORPIO: What’s happening for JANUARY 2018? (October 22-

November 21) It appears you’ll be returning home during days of the Full Moon. All

Full Moons have an area of influence of four days after they appear, so you might be staying a few extra days and enjoying the change of scene.If you say you couldn’t travel, it might be because you work in the media business and are finishing up a manuscript or producing a segment that is important to you. This particular Full Moon is as sweet as sugar, and is perfectly compatible with your Scorpio sign. Jupiter will be in a gorgeous position toward that Full Moon, indicating you will love the outcome of your work and how events play out.

This Full Moon forms a glittering Golden Triangle in the night sky, with the Full Moon receiving encouragement from Jupiter and Mars, both in Scorpio, indicating you are starting the year on a very optimistic note.

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Having Mars in your sign all month, until January 26, will put you in the lead and coax you to act courageously and confidently. Neptune, in your fifth house of true love, will bring enormous happiness. You may be taking in an art exhibit, or attending a concert or Broadway play. Or, you may be excited that you are going to have a baby or having fun with children you have in your family now. This could also turn out to be a romantic time for you. Looking at this from all sides, it doesn’t get better than this!

Next, let’s turn to a string of days that seem to have your name on each one of them, each one bringing you opportunity for progress and happiness.

On Saturday, January 6, Jupiter, planet of gifts and luck, will align with your ruling planet, Mars, and bring you an outstanding, rare day that will be special in every way. Utilize January 6, or the day prior to it, Friday, January 5, for any endeavor in your professional or private life where you’d like to have a special edge of luck to further a dream. Every two years, we have an alignment of these two planets, but each time they meet, they meet in a different sign. To show you how rare this moment will be for you, the last time Jupiter and Mars met in Scorpio, it was August 8, 1982, and the next time they will in Scorpio it will be November 24, 2053. These two days are important to take full advantage.

Here are some ideas of how you can make Jupiter and Mars work for you. Use January 5 or January 6 to forge a financial deal, to launch a new product or service, to sign a contract, to have a first date, to treat yourself to something new and luxurious, to travel to a distant city – you get the idea. These days are designed to help you stand out and be successful and also to have fun. The actions you take on one of these two days are likely to bring you the results you want.

If you are old enough, think back to January 31, 1999, when we last had an eclipse in this sign, Leo, at 12 degrees, for Eclipses repeat every 19 years. If you can recall an important event that came up then, you may get a clue of a theme of what may surface again now. This is a Full Moon, so a promotion, new title, or offer from competitive company may come up now. Or, if you are an actor, you may be named in an important role now.Because Eclipses tend to be united in theme, you might also want to think back to last year, to an important career event that may have come up on February 11, August 7, or August 21, 2017, when the first Eclipses in the Leo

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and Aquarius series first appeared. Each Eclipse falls in a different degree, so you would not usually feel every Eclipse, only some.

Often an Eclipse will bring up a theme that is echoed throughout the term of that family of Eclipses. We will have more Eclipses in this family next month in February, and at the end of July and mid-August 2018, all falling in the Leo and Aquarius family of signs. The last eclipse in the series will come in January 2019.

Next month’s Eclipse on February 15 will be friendly, so be sure to check back for more information on that one – it will involve your apartment or house, or your family. It’s all good!

SAGITTARIUS: What’s happening for JANUARY 2018? November 22 - December 21)

January 1 begins with a Full Moon in Cancer, 12 degrees, lighting your eighth house of other people’s money. You likely will be paying bills, for the house this Full Moon is lighting, the house of other people’s money, refers to your credit cards, bank loans, and student loans. It also rules child support, taxes, commissions, bonuses ads, insurance payouts for claims, and taxes. This is why I feel you have been (and will continue to be) doing savvy tax planning.

Full Moons bring a finish to matters ruled by the house where the Full Moon appears, and this time, for you, the emphasis is on your solar eighth house, a part of the chart that is mainly about money. You typically feel the effect of a Full Moon several days before and after the Full Moon occurs. You may have been pre-paying certain bills that you know will come due in 2018. You may have received money owed to you in the last days of December, or will in the first week of January.

This Full Moon is a bouquet of shining stars. A Golden Triangle appears in the sky, linking this golden Full Moon to Jupiter and Mars, the planets of good fortune and action, respectively. This is powerful – you may receive a considerable sum of money, or be given a valuable gift. At the third leg of the Golden Triangle, the Full Moon will receive a silvery beam from Neptune

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in your house of home and family, bringing good news from that quarter as well.

A lesser-known side of the eighth house, besides money, has to do with surgery. Being the house of transformation, the ancient astrologers wrote that the surgeon takes out the part of you that is making you ill or uncomfortable, and transforms you to health. Some Sagittarians will be going in for an operation, and with such good aspects, the surgery should make you feel better as you heal.After the Full Moon is over, you will see a string of happy days coming one right after the other. Extraordinary! You will want to take note of these.

The first day to circle on your calendar will be January 6, when Mars and Jupiter will conjoin, bringing two marvelous twinkling stars in a rare and wonderful aspect. Mars meets with Jupiter every two years, always in a different sign, so the last time these two Titans of the zodiac met up in Scorpio it was August 8, 1982. This won’t happen again until November 24, 2053, so you will want to use this special aspect.

The way you can use Saturday, January 6, as well as the day before, Friday, January 5, is to have a confidential meeting. Jupiter and Mars will meet in your twelfth house, ruling strategy, planning, and the shaping of creative ideas. Hatching a new creative idea is very much part of this aspect and very favored for you, because Mars naturally rules your solar fifth house of creativity. Jupiter is your ruling planet, so while everyone of every sign will love this day, you will love it more, for Jupiter will add weight and importance to the configuration. Jupiter is the planet that brings good fortune, and Mars adds the rocket fuel, so on these two days, take an action on a plan, for if you plant the seed, it is likely to grow and flourish.

A New Moon always brings new opportunities, and in your case, it will be a chance to make money. Luckily, Jupiter and Mars will both send golden beams to your income sector. This suggests that talks that come up could have powerful profit potential. This buildup of planets in Capricorn is forming an engine in your second house of personal money, and nearly everything you do will be run by this house. How you decide to appropriate the money you have at your disposal this month will have an effect on you now and in the coming six months, and possibly longer.

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There is a problem with this New Moon in that Uranus will be angry that he was not invited to this Capricorn party, and standing at a harsh 90-degree angle from his perch in Aries and your fifth house, he will taunt the Sun, New Moon, Venus, and to some degree, Pluto. Uranus is in your creative house, so it’s possible a creative idea will suddenly require more funding than you ever imagined. You might have to trim the idea, which is always a painful process for a creative person to do. This makes me sad to say, so I hope this does not apply to you.

CAPRICORN: What’s happening for JANUARY 2018? (December 22 - January 19)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPRICORN: This Full Moon, January 1, is a positive one, receiving wonderful vibrations from Neptune, from your house of communication, which may spark your imagination and perhaps give you a yen to celebrate. It seems you recently were surrounded by your friends, or will be, during the first days of January.

If your birthday falls on January 1, or within four days of that date, you will enjoy all the benefits of the Full Moon. Keep in mind the Full Moon’s energies will extend until January 4. The same benefits will accrue to you if you have Capricorn Rising or Ascendant, or the Moon in Capricorn, 26 degrees. If you have a natal planet in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces at 26 degrees or within four degrees, before or after this degree, you too will benefit.

We have an extraordinarily rare aspect on Saturday, January 6, that you will enjoy on that day or one day earlier, on Friday, January 5, as the aspect builds to greater strength. Jupiter, the gift of gifts and luck, is in your friendship house and will be joined by Mars on this day. Every two years, we have this conjunction of these two planets, and they always meet in a different part of the chart. The last time this conjunction fell in your eleventh house of friendship, it was August 8, 1982, and the next time, after this month, will happen on November 25, 2053.

Use January 6 to arrange a big dinner with your friends in a favorite restaurant, or if you are up to it, give your party at home. Or, join a professional or social club, for if you send your application on this weekend, you will have benefits from the group that you will not have anticipated. You

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can also help a charity by doing a fundraiser, or you can delve into a new social media venue that you have not yet tried. When it comes to making friends or meeting new people, this is your time to act.

Next, you have another wonder day coming up on Monday, January 8,

when the Sun in Capricorn will be in ideal communication with Jupiter in Scorpio. This is another day when you will see how much your friends care about you, and how much they are willing to go out of their way to help you. If you belong to a group, the leaders of the group might be able to give you great advice. For example, if you are a writer and need to know more about copyright and trademarks for your website, your membership in your writer’s society will be valuable.

On the following day, January 9, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus will be in perfect sync, making this an ideal time again to see friends or to get a reference, introduction, or advice from a friend.

Venus will now be in Capricorn until January 17, so use some of the holiday gift certificates you were given to buy new clothes – this is your best time to do so. If you are a woman reader, try out new makeup colors, and if a man, search for new products that protect your skin. Anything you do to improve your appearance with Venus in Capricorn should please you. If you received a gift certificate for a massage or facial, too, by all means, indulge! It won’t do you any good sitting in your drawer!

Later in the month, on January 31, we will have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo in your eighth house of other people’s money. This suggests that you will soon see an influx of cash. The money may emanate from a bonus, inheritance, new client if you are self-employed, commission, licensing fee, cash advance, or royalty – there are many possibilities. Lunar Eclipses sometimes require you give up one source of income to get another one, so if that happens, don’t be too concerned – another is on the way.

Don’t sign papers at this eclipse – Mercury, the planet ruling contracts, will be at direct odds (a difficult square position) to Uranus, and if you sign you will build in Uranus’ volatility to the contract. Take your time and wait for a better time in February.

Think back to the Eclipse of January 31, 1999, which happened 19 years ago. If you can recall that date, it may give you an idea of what may

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come up now. Every 19 years eclipses repeat in the same sign and mathematical degree. The other planets will have moved into different positions, but you still might get a clue of what might come up now.

We have been experiencing Eclipses in Leo and Aquarius since February 10, 2017 last year, and they were followed by two Eclipses August 7 an August 21. (Remember the glasses we all wore to look at the Eclipse of the Sun last year? That was a Solar Eclipse in Leo, August 21.) Eclipses tend to be joined in spirit and topic, so think about the topics that came up then, and that you will need to continue, possibly now.

On another note, Mars will move out of your social friendship house on January 26, just before the Eclipse occurs, and move into Sagittarius. Mars will be in a solitary and pensive area of your chart. If you typically work alone, in the way a writer, lab scientist, artist, or composer might do, you will like this trend, for you will be able to work in peace and be highly productive. This is considered a very creative part of the chart, so you will be able to come up with some impressive results.

If you have been working on a large project, such as a screenplay or product introduction, you will tweak the project and root out flaws. You will be ready to show it in mid-March.

Mars will remain in this private part of your chart from January 26 to March 17, at which time Mars will enter Capricorn for the first time in two years. When Mars is in Capricorn, he will be in your first house of personality and you will be moving at the speed of light. You certainly are starting 2018 with a bang!

AQUARIUS: What’s happening for JANUARY 2018? (January 20 –

February 19)

The Full Moon on January 1 will see you finishing up a big work assignment. You likely worked hard on it in December, and now it’s ready to sign, seal, and ship. It is done. Whew, just in time to enjoy a glass of champagne to welcome the New Year. You seem to be in the mood for a small and private celebration rather than brave traffic and crowds. Many parts of the world are cold on January 1, so staying in has its distinct

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advantages, but even if you live in a warm climate, small and private seems to be your preference this year.

If you did not feel well at the end of December because you caught a cold or flu, you are likely to see that you are getting much better as the Full Moon appears. The Fevers breaks, sore throats clear up, and life seems bright again.

Moving on to another amazingly positive event, January 6, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will be conjunct Mars, the energy planet, in a very rare configuration, beaming a floodlight of benefic rays on your career on Saturday, January 6, and you will also feel this aspect on the day prior, on Friday January 5, as the energy builds.

To see how rare this aspect is, although Jupiter meets with Mars every two years, they always meet in a different sign and in a new place in your chart. The last time they met in Scorpio and your prestigious career house, as they are this month on January 5 and January 6, they last met on August 8, 1982. The next time Jupiter and Mars will meet again will be on November 24, 2053. That is not a typo!

Mars and Jupiter will light your house of fame and honors this month on January 5 and January 6, so you will want to take full advantage. This can be a day of enormous professional gratification, so go ahead, have that interview, send a query letter, make a presentation, or launch a new product or advertising campaign. You may now find you are about to add a new client or be given a new assignment that excites you very much.

The following Monday, January 8, the Sun and Jupiter will be perfectly positioned, indicating you can get access to a VIP and have a very successful meeting. Influential people will want to help you, don’t be shy – speak up.

Moving on to another amazingly positive event, January 6, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will be conjunct Mars, the energy planet, in a very rare configuration, beaming a floodlight of benefic rays on your career on Saturday, January 6, and you will also feel this aspect on the day prior, on Friday January 5, as the energy builds.

The New Moon in Capricorn comes next, January 16, with a gaggle of planets crowding into your twelfth house of privacy and rest. If you have a

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project that needs strong concentration, away from people who would distract you, here is your chance to hibernate. If you need to finish writing a book, a white paper report, or a thesis; create an artistic body of work; code a website; or do research in a scientific lab (as a few examples), these planets will help you be very productive. If you work in banking, archeology, historical research, ancestry, antiques, or estate jewelry, Capricorn rules these areas so you would likely see an exceptional progress.

Uranus will be directing his anger from your third house of communication and travel, so it would not a time to take a trip for any reason. Uranus is your ruling planet, and things are not likely go as planned. If you must drive, have a mechanic go over your car to be sure it is in good working order and set up for all upcoming weather conditions. If you are sending in a report, manuscript, or any paperwork, make sure everything contained in your work is accurate and has been double-checked. Uranus can bring challenges you never expected, and it’s usually never one any of us thinks about ahead of time, so be flexible and go with the flow when something comes up.

From January 26 to March 17, Mars will move into your eleventh house, an area that rules your friendships, new people, and events you might attend, along with your hopes and dreams. Fun and friends will play a much bigger part of your life. Let me make one point first, before I leave the topic of your career. On January 26, Mars will be leaving your career house.

You need to present all your professional ideas in advance of this date. Your biggest career progress will happen before January 26. Schedule your most important meetings between January 5 and 9, if possible.After January 26, and stretching into mid-March, your friends will play a much larger role in your life. This is the universe’s way to give you balance and fun after concentrating hard on career matters.

The eleventh house is the area of the chart that is naturally associated with Aquarius, so you should feel happy as can be, and ready to relax by being surrounded by friends you care about, and who care about you too. You may be able to reach a long-held dream too – don’t give up on it, for it may be closer than you assume.

The month ends with a big bang – the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo, putting a spotlight on your closest relationship. This is a Full Moon times

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three – Eclipses are very powerful – so you may be ready to get engaged or married soon, or to sign papers with an important business partner or collaborator. Alternatively, that person might be an agent, publicist, consultant, advertising agency, app developer, or other expert who can help you get ahead. The idea of this eclipse is to help you join forces with another person.

The problem with this Full Moon is that Uranus, your ruler, will be in direct conflict with Mercury, the planet of contracts. Do not sign any papers at this time – wait until better days come up in February. There will be another eclipse next month on February 15 in Aquarius, which may bring more information to light.

If you can recall what happened on a similar Lunar Eclipse that occurred on January 31, 1999, you may get an inkling of a theme that will come up again. Eclipses repeat every 19 years to precise degree and sign, and although the other planets surrounding that eclipse will have since changed position, you still may get an idea of the event that might come up.

Also look back to the Eclipses that occurred last year in Aquarius and Leo, on February 10, August 7 and, August 21. Eclipses occur in a series, and this family of Eclipses will stretch until January 2019, coming every six months, usually in pairs. If an important discussion, opportunity, or contractual matter came up last year near one of these dates, you will see the discussion advance to a new level now.

PISCES: What’s happening for JANUARY 2018? (February 19 -

March 20)

This Full Moon is as delicious as a cup of hot chocolate. It brings a twinkling Golden Triangle to the sky, with the Sun and New Moon in Cancer sending golden beams to Neptune, your ruler, and planet of creativity, compassion, and unconditional love. Neptune might inspire you to do something kind for a person near who is in need. You may also be putting final touches on a creative project you started some time ago. The third leg of the Golden Triangle will point to Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio, suggesting

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something special is bubbling up regarding an impending trip, most likely to a foreign country or island that requires your passport for entry.

If your birthday falls on March 2, plus or minus five days, you will benefit the most from this Full Moon. It is a highly romantic one, and you should find the days that follow the Full Moon thoroughly enjoyable. The same is true if you have Pisces rising or the Moon in Pisces at 12 degrees, or have a natal planet in Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn at 12 degrees, plus or minus five degrees.

After the Full Moon, you have an extraordinary conjunction of Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, and Mars, the planet of energy and action. Mars and Jupiter are in Scorpio, the best place for them for be for you, for Scorpio is a water sign like yours, and will encourage all your actions, especially those related to ninth house activities: dealings with international executives, travel to a foreign, settling an immigration matter (passport, green card, or visa), and all matters related to college, for undergraduate or graduate degrees.

On January 8, the Sun in Capricorn in your house of hopes and wishes, and Jupiter in Scorpio in your house of long-distance travel and matters abroad will combine forces. It appears a wish you’ve long held may be within reach. If you have a law case, you may now hear a verdict that pleases you.

On January 9, Venus will receive beams from Mars and Jupiter, and that will rev up your social life. Again, foreign people and places are playing an important role, and is where some of the golden nuggets lie. Additionally, if you work in publishing or broadcasting, you may be nearing a big breakthrough with a new, lucrative opportunity that may come up now or sometime this month. Those hoping to go college would have a very favorable day to send in your application or to have an interview.

Your big moment will be the New Moon January 16, in Capricorn, at 27 degrees. This New Moon is unusual in so many ways, for six happy planets will crowd into your house of hopes and wishes, and also covers friendships, new people, and events. You will have powerful integration with your community, followers, fans, friends, and new people you have yet to meet. If you are on social media, consider entering a new social media venue or working on the page you have now – it looks like you will attract many more followers.

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In this area of your chart, you will have Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, the New Moon, and Sun. That’s remarkable, for it is the highest number of planets that will be aligned in one sign, one constellation. Many years ago, on May 3, 2000, we had an alignment of seven planets in Taurus, a number that scientists tell us will never happen again in our lifetime. We will have six, though, and that will happen January 16, 2018, and that day is almost here. New Moons always open the door for fresh opportunity, and for you, this will come through people who know you personally (friends) or who are enthusiastic about your work (fans).

I love that Jupiter and Mars will be close enough to send encouraging vibrations to the New Moon and Sun on January 16, suggesting that you may meet someone new that becomes a good friend, or if you are involved in the media, have a chance to extend your reach to your audience.

If your birthday falls within four days of March 15 (before or after), you will feel this New Moon of January 16 the most, and find ways to benefit from it. This will also be true for you if you have Pisces rising or the moon in Pisces 26 degrees, plus or minus four degrees. If you have a natal planet in Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn at 25 degrees, plus or minus four degrees, you, too, will benefit.

I worry, however, that Uranus is in hard angle to the Sun, New Moon, and Venus on January 16, suggesting you may get financial news that shocks you. It seems to be related to an event you will participate in, such as a friend’s destination wedding, for example, that starts to cost you much more than you ever anticipated. Perhaps you hope to join a certain club, but the entry fee has changed, and it’s much too expensive. It is a good month to join a new social or professional club, but only if it is affordable.

In truth, this expense that comes up on or soon after January 16 may be related to any subject – it is just financial news that comes out of the blue, and relates to a work project (as the Sun rules your day-to-day assignments). A New Moon ushers in a long period, so it may take some time for you to sort out whatever financial news comes up.

I know you are tired of seeing surprise reverse financial news. This has been the case since Uranus first entered Aries in 2010. It’s been a long time of dealing with up and down finances, but you are coming to the end of this

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phase. In May 2018, Uranus will leave Aries, but in early November will retrograde back to Aries, the place that is not so good for your money matters.

Keep the faith because once you get to March 2019, you will be free and clear of this relentless pounding from Uranus for the rest of your life. Uranus takes 84 years to go around the Sun, so after Uranus leaves Aries in March 2019, Uranus will not be back to Aries until April 2094. That is not a typo! Over the past years, however, you’ve become resilient, resourceful, and flexible when dealing with money matters. You’ve likely become more knowledgeable about finances, and you likely have realized the need for financial contingency plans. If this is true for you, Uranus has done his job.

From January 26 through March 17, Mars will tour Sagittarius and light your professional house of honors, awards, and achievement. During that time, Mars will begin to bring career rewards for the entire test you have endured and for the hard work you put in while Saturn toured Sagittarius. This period will be one of the most vital periods of 2018; at least in the front part of the year, for having Mars blazing here will give you a presence and compelling clout with VIPs. Your reputation and experience will speak for itself.

Over the past three years, since December 2014, Saturn tested your professional mettle in your tenth house of fame, honors, and achievement. That long three-year test is over now, not to return until February 2044. You are finished with your training, and are comforted in knowing that every subsequent visit of Saturn becomes easier now that you’ve gone through the gauntlet. Theoretically with each visit of Saturn, you will have less to learn. You are now ready to get your reward for the hard work you put into your career. You’ve not seen the biggest reward yet, but it is on the way.

This month will also hold a Full Moon Eclipse, January 31, in Leo 12 degrees. This Full Moon will light your sixth house of work projects. You may get an offer to do a completely new project, one that brings you into new frontiers. It might be in the field of entertainment, luxury goods, goods, and services directed to children, or have to do with teaching. These fields have to do with Leo, the sign that this eclipse is lighting.

Think back to February 10, August 7, and August 21. This month’s eclipse is a continuation of those Eclipses in the series. Often discussions

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that came up on one Eclipse are advanced to a new level by the subsequent eclipses. If you can see a theme emerge, you will have insight into the new one, January 31, 2018.

Also, did you know that Eclipses repeat every 19 years to precise mathematical degree? Indeed they do, so try thinking back to January 31, 1999 to what happened then. Was it a big day for you? If so, think about what you were discussing and actions you were taking. While no Eclipse will be a copy of the ones that happened years before, you may still get an idea of what might come up now.

The sixth house, where this Eclipse will fall, also rules your health. If you have had a health concern, Full Moon Eclipses tend to bring things to a point where the problem ends or you do something, such as an operation or a procedure to make you more comfortable.

Finally, this house also rules pets. You may be thinking of adding a furry little creature to your household. This would be a time when you make a decision about your choice of a small domestic pet, and one that will make you very happy.






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