wwii 8th air force report

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  • 8/9/2019 WWII 8th Air Force Report





    GSf-fflificatiot, -changed to'\u25a0 .. ""-'if I

    'u25a0ii . . .. .. %! i ISP S iHfIS

    ' ' ,\u25a0 i| }""_E. S. JOHNSTOK*

    \u25a0IOI O"1 Colonel, lufamtry . '

    T.91. 6769. We- 1326. 6.000. 5/44. C. & S.

    S9 Jm 1945

  • 8/9/2019 WWII 8th Air Force Report


    I*^^^^^/ By authcffi^^^^CGP Sights Mr FarceHEADQUARTERS EIGHTH AIR FORCE ,iiJ.UJ.tVJ.W \u25a0 # V #APO 634 ". Initials *?10pa if3p p pHEPP f^


  • 8/9/2019 WWII 8th Air Force Report


    CG, Eighth Air ForpeEADQUARTERS EIGHTH AIR FORCEAPO 634 Initials &&f?.54 Datte*?4*s'f*< *27 December, 1944 .COPY NO . 51 ~~

    - N.SUBJECT: Report of Shuttle Bombing Mission, 21 June 5 July, 1944 TO Commanding General, Army Air Forces, Washington 25, D C(Through Channels)

    TOUTED, KINGDOM, TO RUSSIiL 2I .JUI^LL9j4T1* PUNNING, % a. Instructed by the Commanding General, USSTAF, that the firstEighth AilForce shuttle ]?ombing mission from bases in the United Kingdomto USSTAF Eastern Command bases in Russie uas to be executed, on the 15thof June or as soon thereafter as weather conditions permitted, this Commandcompleted numerous preliminary preparations end planned to carry out theoperation upon receipt of the first fevorcble forecast. The task force wasto be comprised of three B-17 Combat Wings (one three^Group Combat Wing of21 aircraft per Group and two three -Group Combat Wings of 18 aircraft perGroup) and a four-Squadron P- 51 Group * 1/eather conditions which would permit the simultaneous execution of.a deep penetration into Germany hy forceswhich v?ould return as usual to United Kingdom bases were desired in orderthat fighter strength might be economic? lly employed The Russia -boundforce, escorted over western Germany and Poland by only one P*sl Group endlikely to encounter enemy opposition on this phase of the course, would bescreened by the other bomber forces during its penetration.' b. Satisfactory weether for the execution of tentative plans wasforecast for 21 June* Visual bombing conditions (2^4-/10 stratociimulus and1-3/lQ altocumulus) were expected to prevail in the Berlin are?, and theforecast for the route to bases in Russia wrs feyoreble.# c . Plans were made to carry out the shuttle bombing mission inconjunction with a large-scale effort against targets in the Berlin efeaby three other bombor forces. (See Report of Operation "o. 4-28, 21 June,)The -objective of the three Combat Wings continuing to Russia was the largesynthetic oil plant of Breunlcohle Benzin A,G. at Ruhland, approximately 70miles southeast of Berlin, The /force \ie& scheduled to follow immediatelybehind a lerge force of 8~24 f s for the greater part of the route to theobjective \u2666 The prescribed course w?s from Lcestoft on the English coastacross the North Sea to a point west of Jutland r:-d thence souther st to theInitial Point. (The "Q^ZAls were to turn on a more ersterly heeding only a

    short time before the Russia-bound B-17 Is reached the Initialpoint*) Twoother B*17 foroes Trere to penetrate simultaneously' on a more northerlycourse* It was considered probable thet enemy fighter strength Yirould bedirected against the forces scheduled to return to England end that theB-17!s continuing to Russia could reach their target without opposition.The course from ftuhlend was almost due east to the vicinity of the Polish-Russipn border nhere the three Combe t Wings turned southeast on the finalphase of the route to US&PAF Eastern Commend bases at Mirgorod end Poltava,two landing at the former end one ct the latter*

    d. Three fighter Groups were detailed to furnish penetration endtarget support for the tesls force* Tr;o r-4-7 Groups* were to rendezvous offthe Coast of Jutland and cover the initial phase of the route. These were* NOTE: The 56th Fighter Group vies to furnish two tactical Groups of 36

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    001*to be relieved by a W^KjMmM ujftcJf^rsiHL continue through the targetarea and escort Group scheduledto rendezvous near tlie with the bombersto Russia, The latter Group wr.s tcrxoSrejfta q JtoJrgSquadr'ons which wereto take up positions on the two flanks end e..t tne^ront and resr of thebomber column* This Group was to accompany the task force for as long aspossible before leaving the bombers end proceeding to USSTAF Eastern Commandbase pt Piryatin. The distance for which they would be able to furnishescort would depend on the extent and duration of enemy fighter apportion,but in any event they were expected to be able to support the force lor agood portion of the flight across Poland,

    2. EXECUTION,a , Assembly.Take-Off end *

    (1) In spite of a low ceiling end somewhat limited' visibilities on the ground, toke^offs were executed without incident. No difficulty was experienced in accomplishing Group and Combat Wing forme tions although assembly routes end times rrere cut short of those employed fornormal operations in order to conserve fuel for the long mission ahead. Thethree Combrt VJings assembled according to schedule met departure from theEnglish coast was at the planned time, A total of L47 B-17!s were dispatched on the operation.

    b. Penet ratin (1) The briefed route across the North See wra floT.m overa solid overcast but no high or middle cloud was encountered end the forcemaintained good formation r.s it climbed to the planned bombing altitude of20,000. feet* One Combat VJing me do landfall et Cuxheven, slightly north ofthe briefed point (midway between Cuxhaven and B-remerhaven to avoid ,theenti-firerrft defenses at theso two places), end some battle damage wascaused by moderate and accurate enti-aircraft fire encountered there. Theoverland penetration course wes followed with very minor deviations andthe loading Combat Uing rerched the InitialPoint at 'the briefed time, , theother two arriving et intervals only slightly greater then the planned twominutes.(2) The two F-4-7 Groups rendezvoused as planned shortly be

    fore the force crossed the German cor st, breaking escort in the vicinityof stendel after the arrive.! of the P-51 Group detailed for last phase# penetration and target support.(3) Neither bombers nor escorting fighters observed anyenemy aircraft. In addition to the anti-air err ft fire encountered at Cuxheven, inaccurate' fire wos received from the Brandenburg defenses*

    c. Target Area.(1) Excellent weather conditions for visuel bombing prevailedin the target areo but sighting .operations were slightly hindered by the

    ismoke screen rhich had been effected* -Additions! smoke from fires causedby the bombing of lording Groups made it more difficult for succeedingfottnstiono to locate the assigned Aiming Points* With the exception ofono Group which released on Elstorwcrdc, approximately 10 miles west offtuhlend, as a result of poor tcrgct id-ontification, , the entire force attacked rtho assigned objective, -Both times and .altitudes of attrck were essentiallyas planned/ A total of 123 3-0.7*0 dropped 208 f7 tons HE and 26,3 tons IBon tho primary tcrgot; 21 3*l7lz dropped Alt 3 tons IB and 1.5 tons HE onBlstorworda; one B*-17 dropped 2,0 tons HS on Rissa as a result of a rockmalfunction* (2) Strike' and reconnaissance photographs indicate the follow*ing results:\


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    damage waS^cSWeJ U? P^-all^ including thewF^tm ierefinery proper * fly^r^ was hit. with severedamage to gas generators, contect ovens and gasholders? thegas purification facilities and the power plant also suffereddamage. Four of the five distillation units were damaged,some severely, and loading installations , o il storage tanksand shops were hit. In addition, offices and storage facili*ties suffered serious damage and steam pipes and railways weredisrupted throughout the plant* (For photographs and detailed statement of damage see "Bombing" Annex.)Elsterwerda (21 B~l7*s dropped 4.1.3 tons IB and 1.5 tons HE) Strikephotographs indicate that bombs fell approximately 2600 yardsnorthwest of the town*

    (3) The Prsl Group continued, close escort through thetarget ares \u2666 Neither the fighters nor bombers encountered any enemy aircraft. 4nti~aircraft fire at Buhland was described as moderate end accurate*

    d* Withdrawal. i(1) Combat Wing rallied as 'planned and the force main*tamed excellent formation throughout the entire route to Eastern Commandbases Shortly after crossing the Polish-Russian border high cloud wesencountered and frequent turns were neces scry to avoid towering columns*Ground detail was obscured for approximately one hour but the force wassubstantially on course when visual contact was regained , Weather conditionsin base areas were good and no difficulty was experienced in locating

    Mirgorod arid Poltava. The middle and trailing Combat Wings landed at theformer while the leading Combat YJJtng continued as planned to the latter.Fuel shortages made it necessary fo r five aircraft to land at bases nearKiev* Arrival times varied but littlo from those planned*(2) The p-51 Group furnishing target support remainedwith the bombers to a point approximately 50 miles southeast of Posen, breaking escort as the P-51 Group (four Squadrons) detailed to continue to Russiaeffected rendezvous on schedule. ,The latter Group remained with the bombersfor a distance of approximately 425 miles, leaving the force in the vicinityof the Polish-Russian border after 2k hours of close escort* The course tothe Erstern Command base at piryatin was without incident, the fighters fly**ing' over Russian territory at low altitude (3000 feet) as briefed*(3) Approximately 50 miles southeast of Brest-Jjitovsk20 to 30 single*engine enemy fighters attempted 1 to intercept the force. Twoattacks, one directed against the trailing Combat Wing and the other againstthe leading Combat Vling, were attempted almost simultaneously Escorting 'fighters maneuvered quickly to disperse the two formations and only a smallnumber of aircraft succeeded in pressing home their attacks* The P-51 !sclaimed six enemy aircraft destroyed and three damaged for the loss of onefriendly fighter. The .bombers claimed two enemy aircreft destroyed end oneprobably destroyed.(4.) Moderate and accurate anti-aircraft fire vies encountered south of Biala, .Poland.

    c* Losses.(1) One B-17 was. lost on the operation, but whether -as aresult of attacks by enemy aircraft or anti-aircraft fire is not knoYm* Jtis probable 'that both were contributing factors*(2) The p*sl lost in aerial combat r/rs the only losssustained by the fighters which lr.nded in. Russia. In the three Groups whichfurnished penetration and target support, one P*47 was lost while executinga strafing attack*

    ~ 3*

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    ENEMY ATTACK ON USST,1, On the night of 21 June the Combat had landed atPoltava sustained severe losses as the result of an enemy air attack onthis base* Personnel were aleHed at approximately 2330 hours when it was

    announced that German bombers had crossed the front lines in the generaldirection of Poltava. A* 0030 hours Pathfinder aircraft released flaresdirectly above the field and. 10 minutes later the first bombs were dropped.For almost two hours an estimated 75 bombers attacked the base, exhibitinga very high degree o aocuracy. Observers, were of the opinion that 98%of the bombs fell on either the flying field and line installations or indispersal areas. A. wry largs majority of the bombs dropped in the dis-persal areas on that side of the landing ground where only B-17*s wereparked, indicating without question that the B~l7*s constituted the specificobjective of the raiders.2 Of the 73 bombers which had landed at this base, 47 were destroyedand most of the remainder severely damaged. Three days after the attack, only nine of the damaged aircraft were operational \u2666 One combat crew membetfwas killed and one seriously wounded j several others suffered minor in-juries. RUSSIA TO ITALY -< 26 JUNE 19.!\u2666 PLANNING.

    a. On the day following the enemy air attack on Poltava thetask force commander made the deciss.on (confirmed the same day by ordersfrom Headquarters USSTAF) to proceed to Fifteenth Air Force bases in Italyas soon as weather conditions permitted. It wes believed that furtherattacks hy enemy bombers were certainj the proximity of German airfields,the obvious inadequacy of ground and air defenses, and the lack of sufficient-number of properly equipped heavy bomber bases for dispersal of aircraftmade the forces extremely vulnerable.

    b. Planning for the mission from Russia to Italy was accomplished \by the task force commander, his operations, intelligence and weatherofficers who accompanied the -orce, and the commander of the fighter group Two separate plans were made one providing for attack on an importantoil refinery at Drohobe^ in southern Polandj the other having the railwaymarshalling yards at Brasov in central Roumania as its objectives. It ?/os# hoped that weather conditions would permit the bombers to operate againstthe former target which was not .only of highest priority but offered afurther advantage in making it improbable that the enemy fighter controllerwould be able to determine the ultimate destination of the force and thero*by render interception more difficult. The final decision as to the twoplans was to be contingent on weather conditions but in any event theoperation was to be executed as soon es a favorable forecast was obtainedfor either proposal. Intentions were fully coordinated with Eastern Command,USSTAF* and Fifteenth Air Force.c. Losses and damage sustained in the enemy bomber attack onPoltava and damage suffered en route to Russia had reduced the number ofoperational 3~17?s to approximately 70 All available aircraft vjorc to beformed into one 'composite Combat Wing (three Groups) for the execution ofthe operation* The bombers at Mirgorod and the P*sl1s at Piryatin had beenflown farther east to Russian airfields on the day following the attack inanticipation that the enemy bombers would return. (Both Mirgorod and Piryatinwere bombed on the night of 22/23 June,) Runways at these fields were notlong enough .to permit heavily loaded B-17!s to take off and furthermorebombs and fuel were not available there. Consequently, on tho dry of theoperation allBrl7*s were to fly to Mirgorod and Poltava for servicing andrefueling before beginning the mission. To provide the necessary time to

    accomplish these tasks, target times were set as late as possible within therequirements for daylight J|inclings with ample margin for the possibility that

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    strong headwinds might be encountered, Tn# fcujf^iLjHposed for both planswere substantially direct from the Eastern Commana ffSes to the targetsand to the Fifteenth Air Force bases near Foggia. The p-51 . Group was torendezvous east of Drohobez or Brasov, cc the case might be, and provideclose escort as long as possible, A Fifteenth AirForce P-51 Group wasscheduled to rendezvous at the limit of its range from its base in Italyto cover the final phase of the rdthdrawal.2. EXECUTION.

    a. Take -Off and Assembly*(1) On the basis of preliminary weather reports it was decided to attack the objective at Drohobez on 25 June. Aircraft were flownfrom dispersal bases to Poltava and Mirgorod shortly after daybreak forservicing and crew briefing but a late revision of the forecast indicated

    unfavorable conditions and necessitated the postponement of the operation*Bombs were thereupon unloaded and 400 gallons of gasoline drained from eachaircraft. 11 operational bombers were dispatched to the dispersal fieldsduring the late afternoon. Instructions were issued to return to Poltava and Mirgorod tlie followingmorning, 26 June, favorable weather conditionsfo r the execution of the mission against the same target having been forecast. (2) Aircraft were serviced on schedule on the morning of26 June and the Combat T/ing took off from the two bases at Poltava andMirgorod as planned. Of the ?2 B-17*s participating, approximately one-halfwere dispatched from each base. Group assemblies (23-24 aircraft in eachof the three Groups) were effected without incident and the Combat I7ing wasformed over J,lirgorod Scattered cloud made it necessary to assemble at12,000 feet rather than the planned altitude of 9000 feet. Departure from \u2666Mirgorod was at the briefed time.

    b# Penetration*

    *(1) The westerly route to the InitialPoint northeast ofthe target was florm slightly north of course. As a result of more favorable winds than predicted, the bombers flew slightly ahead of schedule andtho P-51 Group (f>s aircraft) effected rendezvous northeast of Drohobez ashort time later than planned.(2) No enemy aircraft were encountered by the bomber or thefighter Group formations. One P-51, which was forced to return to base toreplace an external fuol tank which had dropped shortly after tekg-off andwhich was on route to rejoin the Group, was attacked by several Me~lo9!sThe encounter wes r/ithout consequence and the P-51 subsequently Joined therear P-51 Squadron.(3) Meager and accurate ant i~aircraft fire was encounteredby the bombers in the vicinity of the- Russian-German battle line* At Brodyand Jjy/ow bursts wore observed out of range.Target. Area..(1) Excellent v/eather conditions fo r visual bombing were en^countered in the target area. Groups uncovered at the InitialPoint asplanned and a ll aircraft attacked the primary target^ seventy-one B-17 rsof the 72 dispatched, one having been forced to return to base as a resultof mechanical failuro, dropped 139*6 tons HE. Time over target was 15 minutesearly; bombing altitude ranged between 20,000 and 21,000 feet.(2) Photographs obtained by the Mediterranean Allied PhotoReconnaissance Wing indicate that both the refinery and an adjoining marshal

    ling yard suffered considerable damage. A"k "the former, 15 large and 5 smaller storage tanks wore destroyed and others damaged. Two unidentified buildings wore severely damag*| |&Hcfes o il plant were


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    slightly damaged. The boiler house j&J&i^fews&{jjjfiblast damage* Twobuildings which are believed to house a -wax treating plant and two othersin that area were severely damaged. Rail sidings serving the refinerywere out in at lesst four places. In the marshalling yards the engine roundhouse was seriously affected and two probable repair shops and c warehousedestroyed. The main passenger station and unidentified buildings sustainedheavy damage.

    (3) No enemy aircraft were reported in the target area.Anti-aircraft fire was described ac meager to moderate and generally inaccurate .Withdrawal,d.(1) The Combat Wing reformed as planned at the Rally Pointand the southwesterly route to Foggs,a was flown with only minor departuresfrom course. The three Groups landed at different bases in the area substantially on schedule.

    (2) The Eighth Air Force P-51 Group furnished close escortto a point approximately 50 miles from the coast of Yugoslavia. The \Fifteenth Air Force F

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    \ u25a 0

    lattacked by 44 B*l7fs of the^ft^3k^P^to 6^^plwdropped 122.5 tonsHE* Reconnaissance photographs revealed serei'e&fea^'g^ to installations andtracks throughout the marshalling yards. West ofTlSrtarget an engineeringworks covering an extensive area was almost completely devastatedc* Of 39 Eighth Air Force P~51 fs dispatched to furnish closeescort, 3B completed sorties. Neither the fighters nor bombers observedany enemy aircraft. The 3-17*5 encountered no anti-aircraft fire at thetarget and reported that ground defenses in action en route were out ofrangesd. AllEighth Air Force aircraft returned safely, from the operation.

    TALI TO TOTED KINGDCH, 5 JULY 19 .PLMING,1*a. On the basis of a frvorable weather forecast for the Mediterranean area an operation against targets in southern France in oonjunc*tion with the" Fifteenth Air Force :/as planned for 5 July* It was predictedthat conditions would be unsatisfactory to proceed from the target area toEngland and the original plan provided for the Eighth Air Force bombers andfighters to return to bases in Italy. At 0230 hours on 5 July a revised,forecast was received and plsns were chenged to provide for the return ofEighth Air Force units to England rather than to return to Italy.b. The target for the Eighth AirForce bombers was the marshalling

    yard at Beziers, France. Fifteenth AirForce units rrere to attack fiveobjectives in the same general area. Both the route to Beziers, locatedseveral miles from the southern coast, end that to be followed on the withdrawal to Beachy Heed were essentially direct. The returning P-51 Groupwas scheduled to rendezvous south of Marseille and furnish support throughthe target area. Two UI based P-51 Groups were to meet the force at thetarget and escort to the limit of endurance with two P*4

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    altitudes were between 19,AOOamm%0$mKJfejrfror8.t attacked theprimary target, the 70 B*-17*s propping 1?" 'mMmU Ninety-^three B-Wsof the Fifteenth Air Force dropped 183.0 tons HE.(2) Strike photographs, of the Eighth Air Force bombers

    were smoke obscured and bursts could not bo seen but were plotted in thetarget area* Reconnaissance photographs indicate that the target sustainedconsiderable damage. One large locomotive depot was seriously affectedand another suffered slight damage. Two adjacent sheds were destroyed. &five-bay wagon workshop was seriously affected and two single-bay shopsdestroyed* Of five small buildings in this area, three were severely andtwo moderately damaged. Tito goods depots were affected and two hits weremade in the transformer yard. Approximately 200 craters were visible in thesorting and storage sidings, j tracks were disrupted throughout the marshalling yards and numerous wagons were derailed and damaged. Adjacent indus-trial property was slightly damaged.

    (3) In addition to the accompanying P-51 Group, the twoP^-51 Groups from England arrived on schedule to furnish additional supportin the target area. Neither bombers nor fighters encountered enemy air-craft Meagor but accurate anti-aircraft fire was roceived from the Beziersdefenses.

    d # Withdrawal.(1) There were no important deviations from the plannedcourse to England but the Oorabat Wing made landfall at Beachy Head approximately 30 minutes behind schedule as a result of the additional time in-

    volved in making second bombing runs and reforming.(Z) Fighter cover to England was executed according toplan. The p*sl Groups continued escort for awhile after the two ?~/fl .Groups covering tho final stage of the vdthdrawal effected rendezvous. Oneof the latter left the bombers south of Rouen while the other continued tomid-channel.

    (3) The bombers encountered no enemy aircraft or effectiveanti-aircraft fire and the p?*sl Group returning from Italy also continuedto home bases without incident. Both of the other P-51 Groups and the twoP-4.7 Groups took part in engagements with a large number of Me -109 's and

    FW-190*s in the Dreux-Evrcux area rrhich vrcro apparently forming for attackson Allied bcachhoad positions. Claims re suiting from aerial combat were19 destroyed, 1probably destroyed and 8 damaged. Two P*4-7!s were lost inthe engagement.c. Losses.

    (1) None of the Eighth Air Force aircraft dispatched fromItaly sustained any losses* Of tho 70 bombers dispatched, all completedthe operation Eight of tho 50 fighters dispatched were forced to returnto Italy 5 4-2 landed safely in England.(2) Supporting fighters based in England lost one P-4-7to accident and one P-51 to unknovm causes in addition to the two f^Jf7tslost in combat with enemy aircraft.

    OVERAIX SUMMARY QF LOSSES** BCMBERS,a. Of 14.7 B-17*s dispatched from Sngland on the first phase ofthe operation, 144- aircraft landed at Russian bases. Two aircraft abandonedthe mission and returned to England as a result of mechanical failure and

    one aircraft was lost to enemy action. Forty*scvcn 8*47 f s were destroyedin the bomb or attack on Poltava by enemy aircraft. Twenty-five "others sus

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    -tamed such damage en*WHH^pm|j J^wjr mii^wm51 8 0^ that they werenon-operational when the task forc^oWpaWecj Jprltfaly on 26 June* Of 72B-17's dispatched on this date, 71 landed at fSrSnth AirForce bases,one having abandoned the mission end returned to Russia* No aircraft werelost on the mission to Arad which was executed from Italian bases. Onlyone B-17 was non-operational when the force left Italy and the 70 aircraftdispatched returned to England without loss. Of the 27 B-17*s which failedto return with the task force, 20 were eventually dispatched to England,Eighteen of these arrived safely, one crashed in Teheran and another inEngland en route.

    2, FIGHTERS.a, Of the 70 P-51*s which were dispatched from England, 64landed in Russia. Five aircraft abandoned the mission and returned to homebase and one v/as lost to enemy action en route. Oft fighter was destroyedon the ground in Russia and six were lost on the operation in support of the

    Fifteenth Air Force on 2 July. Forty^two P-5Us returned to England withthe bombers, 10 returned the following day and one other eventually arrivedin England. For the Commanding Generals WSEfISR Bf TODl},Brig. Gen., USA,Dep. c/s for Operations.\

    - -9

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    - -



    (SAY 333/4.71-7) Shows the first concentration of bursts on the plant.

    ~INTERPRETATION REPORT NO* K-2604 RUHLAffPI.2?A.?AJJQ&PILA oyi9JLThis report covers all damage to this target from 1730 B hours on23 May 1944 to 1300 3 hours on 7 July 1944 and includes the attack byircraft of U.S. Eighth Air Force on 21 June 1944..Previous ReportsImmediate Interpretation Report J-To T>2266 dated 29 May 1944* Interpretation Report No, K-2266 dated 5 Juno 1944* Immediate InterpretationReport No, K~2j04 dated 30 June 1944*

    j3tn tcincntThere ir; extensive damage in all parts of the plant including the Refinery. Ijver7 import^nb unit has ';0..:-i nit \/ith severe damage to gasgenerators, contact ovens, and grr.:holdors In -ddition the goc purific-tion facilities m& the po:;er plant hrve suffered a,dditional daraa.ge.Four of the five distillation unite in the refinery have been damaged,none severely; and loading facilities, oil storage, -nd shops have beenhit* In addition, offices and storage facilities have suffered seriousn;A7 damage and steam pipes and rail-Try;;; have been disrupted throughoutthe; plant,Effect of Damage on ProductionNotes supplied b"r D l Section (No. D 226 (r).The v/orks shoTis practically no evidence of activs.ty other than for repairs md it s cm s that no production is taking place. Most of thedamage is still unre paired , and no significant amount of production is tobe expected before the and of the month.Repairs -to the contact oven house have made a. little progress, but thereis no trace of productive activity of these or in the refinery.DETAILS OF D/.11'..GE(Numbers refer to accompanying Illustration l(a)(iii) 29/5.)No. Na Condition rv> of Condition on

    7 July 1944,1. WiiTCcrshall-Schmal- Undrjna.ed Conveyor damagedfold Gas Plant

    Unidentified structure Almost completely(S. of No, 1) Uii' destroyedndamagedWorkchop Uhdana^ed Destroyed(S. of No. 1)


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    X-2604. *" '*"*'/-f~.. r* '*"*"-.\u 2 5 a0No. Maiiic bw v s Coij^tiqnac&j ja |[j$Goixiition on

    2 onrll shod c a2. Southern YJatcrGas Plant.

    2 gasholders(S. of No, 2)

    2 Gasholders(N. of No. 2)Cooling Toilers(E. of No, 2)

    Conveyor(E. of No. 2)

    2 small sheds(7/. ofNo. 2)3. Northern Water GasPlrnt.

    2 gasholders(S.W. of Fo. 3).2 snnllbuildings(S.W, of No. 3)2 cooling tov/crs p.i.iqPump House(E."of i;o. 3).

    Briquette unloadingshed (E. of No. 3)'

    Undone, cdSlight roofdr.i:?.gc Sonorepair.


    Severely damaged..


    \u25a0ITndr.ma god.1 sited one -halfdestroyed.1Generator oho'./sroof dauagc.

    1 Severely damaged1 repaired Undrnr.gcd


    1.0 ckmri go

    1destroyed, 1 damn god.Complete roof destroyed from uT-cnovmtype of generator,houpo licrjConvertorr, GLir.ll section ofroof dentroye-d.Kopper s generatorshrve herv^; roof\u25a0\u25a0;ith pipesdnr-ia^cass criblid t\ /isted Chinnoy hr.s top lialfdestroyed. Steam pipesdovrn in sections of theplant.Destroyed v.dthGi'iv.ll building besidethen dana^cd.Completely destroyed.

    h cooling tov/crsdestroyed Pump housedestroyed, 3 smallbuildings besidetowers destroyed.Convoyor drma. ged 6 smrll storagebuildings de stroyed 1 small storagebuilding heavilydamaged.Both sheds destroyed,Generator stilldriiirgcd, convertorhouse severely dniaged.Steam pipe;s drnagedat one plrcc.

    .No change.

    1 corner damaged oncrch md steaxi pipesnef-rby damrgod.Both damaged moderately" to severely, pumphouse severely demaged.Small building nearbydestroyed.Damn go at one end.

    * t psi

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    Low Pressure ContactOven HouseMedium Pressure OvenHouse

    Stripping Plant(W. of Ho. 5)

    Works!iop(S-W. of l-o. 5)

    Gas Washing Facilities(S~Y T. of No, 5)Workshop(H-E. of !!o. 5)2 Email buildings(E. of Ho. 5)Pipe Assembly

    Gas PurificationPlant

    Workshop and Shod(N-Eo of No. 9)

    Gas Purification.

    Gas PurificationPlant.

    J (Mfc4jfen onH.m..33M !LJhsll2&L2 cases of roof Heavy roof damagedamage repaired, approximately 1/31 unrepaired, of roof destroyed.Repairs in progress large section ofto ovens and crane. ovens repaired*l/5of ovens damaged. New damage ofvarying erbent

    to approximatelyl/3of ovens.Remaining 2/3of crane roof nowdestroyed.

    Cooling tower for Cooling towercont; ot ovens damaged, for contact ovensbuilding destroyed, under repair,ban 1.: damaged. building partially rebuilt, tankrepaired . Mediumbuildingsizedseverely damaged.Undamaged 2/3 of roof destroyed,hecvy damage tostorage cylinders

    and pipe assemblyshop.next toUndrjnr.^cd* Building de stroyed ,storage cylinder

    and pipe' assemblydamaged.UndCiM1ged l/3destroyed.Un&ruiic.;^cd 1destroyed,-1 1/2 destroyed.UncV'-rr Heavy damage froma direct hit.UncUunafjod 2 small sheds destroyeddamage to structurebetween organic sulphurremoval columns Wing of shop No change.clostroved. Shodda.ma.god ,Old damage re- Blo\;er house roofpaired on blower 2/3 gone,house.1damaged tank Damage to structurerepaired. rentetween theetween H2She H2S removalto\;crs


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    K-2604 _o. Name C')ji'"J.t" "inc > Condition on7 Jiilx.23l^JuJLluPiLfc'ii^tiij IIIJ12. Catalyst Plant 1 email shod Shed unrepaired partially Large settling tankdostroyxl lias l/?. of coverdestroyed. -Warehouse Area 3 dr.:aasod Cleared building(H. of Uo. 12) buildings, rebuilt. Damaged-1 repaired, building re >n.r1 elocrcd* 3 large yrarohousosdestroyed 9 2 l;.rgewarehouses l/2destroyed, 1 damagedat end*

    13 O il Refinery 1 building 3 unidentified build

    (office block) destroyed, 1 ings destroyed,' 2 office-'k rtially dc- building heavilyntroyed, and dr::ir.ocl, and 31 sm?ll build- slightly damaged. 1ing d^nc^cd. 1 destroyed buildingsmall dnnafjed rebuilt, end abuil'lin^ re- damaged building re paired Dcired,1-4 Oil Refinery ITo dcmrr-'o 1unit of tube stills(Distillation Plant) severely damaged, 2control buildings 4dam god, and 1bank ofrun-dovm tanks dr.magedheavily. 1 unidentified building damagedat one corner.

    15. O il Refinery ?^o dam re 1unit of tube stillseverely damoged, 1control building heavily damo.ged, r-nd one

    bank of run-tlo\m tanlnsdemaged . 1 i/orkahopl/4destroyed. Blastvjnll destroyed bya small building16, il Store go r'o cl' i'ar. \u25a0:o Largo re etuxingiilartank sorious roofdrir-ir ge. Houso hasend damaged, unidonti-fied building lias corner:cnockcd off, loading

    slicd 2/3 destroyed,and 1/2 blast wallaround a large tankdestroyed 17. Primary Products Ho dcmat;c. Cornor of blast TrailStorage around one tankdestroyed T\ Active Carbon Plant 3 email build- 3 small buildings notings damaged. repaired. Hole in roofof small building. Residue! gasholder severely

    / l| y_ kj| damaged, 4 cooling' owors "or contactu 2 5 a0r mU h"'5i Il^l! f j, ' t; ys| IbbiW ovens r/ith dnmagc at%^KKfttm one end, and small

    / building T/itli1/4 ofroof destroyed.

  • 8/9/2019 WWII 8th Air Force Report


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    K-260/ f?0*



    Name Condition as of Condition on13 Jim'- 1944 7 July I%',1MxA%LOil Storage : ' :-Jo ilanr.Q'c. Blast rail approxi(ll-T. x No. Vis) mately l/5destroyed,notroloum drumsscatteredRailwry Repair Largo hole in llcr.Tj dnmagc T/ithShop (N. of No. 10) roof repaired* 3./3 of roof gone.17ar oliouno r,rca 1building 1 at orage -type(. of No. l?i) destroyed, 2 building destroyed,buildings partial- 1 storngc-typc buildly ropaii'cd, ins l/2dorjtroyodj 1stor-;- 3;e*ty-no building

    70% dorjtroyed, unidentiid buildingi;ith hole in roof,storage shod "dth enddestroyed.toiler Jiouso 1 cr-'jHt.. of sliglit 1Ifrgo Tdng severely

    roof d' lago v/itli damaged. Hole in rooftvo r;p'O"6s re- of other i/ing. Roofrr'.2XCO.rr'.2XC0. of conveyor dejnagod

    md choc! u.^mr^od*Cooling To\jurs mo. fjvvj-l cool-ing l/3o:C rooi' ofPniiro-ioufjo (S"E o:" toiA,r retired, piin;oho>.iGo docorovod,19) rc/'airfj imilor 2 lr.rr;o cooling tov/crEyry on Ti'iTohousc , covertly drmgod.Office Building io dcLir

  • 8/9/2019 WWII 8th Air Force Report


    RUHLAND Synthetic Oil Plant

    REPRODUCED BY 942ND ENGR AVN TOPO BNScale 1:6,000 (approx)--*-*"***4f-^i-r ULULiiyUUtfILIINew domoQe includingWOIW tlune 1944 th accocrparsdng report (K-2604)

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    RUHLAND Synthetic Oil Plant

    g L -, ; \u25a 0 ;, , Kfoouceo ar 94em cngr n topo bnScale 1:6,000 (approx)New damage includingDAMAGE ASSESSMENT attock of 25 Auq 1944 \u25a0\u25a0Report K3062 Previous Domoqe BH

    : Cover 25 Auq 1944 Reconstruction ESSS3

  • 8/9/2019 WWII 8th Air Force Report





    .\Interpretation Report SA. 2262(390/4 m Shuttle 2v5) Shows two explosions and smoke from earlier burstsas well as the probable airfield under construction northwest of the targetarea.J^STr?^^l9J, i^2S^.Ji^i^liJ^2.There is a good concentration of craters on the target. Heavy damage ordestruction of installations includes (in 1.1/l) 9 Roundhouse, and two possi-ble repair shops severely dam: 1ged. The main passenger station has sustained a hit on the south end (in refinery), destruction of 15 largo (probably crude o il and petrol) storage tonl:s, and five smaller ones. There issevere damage to a probable Wa;;c Treating Plant, slight damage to one ofthe distillation units.1 . Slight damage to end of distillation unit.

    VTr 2% Severe damage to two buildings or probable ax Trer;ting Plant and totwo other buildings in that tire?:, possibly storage for finished pro-ducts.3 Possible blast d^iiago to boiler house, end a snail shod on its westside has been gutted.Lm . Slight damage to northeast corner crude oilplant.5 Severe damage to two unidentified buildings orst of distillationsunits.

    ,i6 Damrtgod find destroyed storage ta:7. Destruction of uar chouse. 1 om Severe dfimagG to roundhouse 9. Destruction of two probable c^r 'spair cho;^s.10, Heavy dr-mege to both ends station.f: riain jx'issender11Severe damage to unidentified buildings.12* Rail sidings on r/ost siuo of O il Refinery have been cut in at leastfour places and are not service bio.

    ;13 Ti'o of main line traehc out near station.


    Nuiiibor of Aircraft Attacking: 71Tons of Bombs Dropped? 139*6 H.l].

    \u25a0 mE3 inHjj?

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    TheM/Y hf-U been heavily hit, all through lines and goods siiings areblocked. Car Repair Shops have been heavily damaged, the probablepower plant being destroyed, a largo shop destroyed and two otherswrcc'iociWest of the :..i/l the extonnive ASTRA KNGI/T2EPJNG "IORKS has been almostdevf?.stc ';qC,! All through trveks bloci'.od. A "Irr^e concentration of craters hascut all tracJcs in the nortJi or of the -i/Y blockin;:; the extensivedead-ended eidln^c vroct o:?C the main I\l/*f. Ithe main I\l/*f. It appears possibleossible.ppearsfor BATTnN:a-SZOL!;[OK/GRADEA t: fxic to by-pas e tho u/l by slanting.2, Tracks are tr-;cin cut nor.r t-.\o o-onth noc': and intozTAittentl;/ through-t out the main jvl/3r md r.;idi".' :;:;\u2666 ,Approrrim.'.: toly %) pieces of mixedrolling stock have been der.:troy< dor dt'FiE^Gd. Some craters arebeinrj filled.3 Oar Repair Shop horvily d \u25a0uvja^ed Lr.ck of dotcile :. idontificationhampers o, 1. r(jcstull assosaiiont bub one of the of the shops hasbeen destroyed, two others only slightly- smaller h:ve been considorcbl^* ijrocked* Probable po^--..;r piano dcstro3 !"ed and probable

    1foundr^r half destroyed, Otho?: 'bui3.dir.igG lirvc sustained minor fireand blast drmr;;e.Station building damaged at orcli ( nd by di^-ct hits.tation building damaged at orcli ( nd by di^-ct hits...In the goods sidings o tronchiyji'iont q]\o6. hr.r; beau dootroTOd ;n the goods sidings o tronchiyji'iont q]\o6. hr.r; beau dootroTOd ;one tlilrd destroyed and approzino.tul" 15 en^llor R.Pu buildings ofne tlilrd destroyed and approzino.tul" 15 en^llor R.Pu buildings ofvarious ty~)oc and Eiat;n have boon dm-"^od, aone hecvily.arious ty~)oc and Eiat;n have boon dm-"^od, aone hecvily.

    6.. In c. bcirr::C':s aroa ..'cot of tho Goode Sidings a l^r^o barracks hasn c. bcirr::C':s aroa ..'cot of tho Goode Sidings a l^r^o barracks hasbeen almoct de^'broyed and there .".re 12 other points of very hevvyeen almoct de^'broyed and there .".re 12 other points of very hevvydamrge as a result of direct hits on similar units. There is clooamrge as a result of direct hits on similar units. There is cloo"iri.de spree d blast d^Tiago.iri.de spree d blast d^Tiago.o.. Machine shop except three lateral veils f destroyed.achine shop except three lateral veils f destroyed.9-- Possible forge ? dova stated.ossible forge ? dova stated.10,0, Por/or plant dcunaged by blastsor/or plant dcunaged by blasts11. Large unidentified shop one-half wrecked 12, Medium multi-bay shop f-jattoil and further damaged.13. Over 4-0 acres of adjoining shop buildings, including assemblyand paint shop destroyed. Only portions of ualls and some damagedroofing remain*14- Eastern corner of plant devf sU iwl, including; ntinorous small unidcntificd buildincjTjj. (sp^^' rj-^ p fo.u:idi\/ almost mediumh j destroyed,

    and small shop buiflblg.

    -1 *.

  • 8/9/2019 WWII 8th Air Force Report



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    fIBHHHF U^Blj^sl't^^^^ *D,li 12915. Woodwor 1: shop heavily drmr :;od .- :ad ;-.;boc?: pilou in timber ynrdncattorr.d by direct liita#

    > 16. There is hoo/vy ckunr^c in the toy.:), rioi-ibn ;nd :>oot of tiic \u25a0yY.



    3 July, 1944?Jmnber of Eighth' Air Force Aircraft Attacking: 5^Tons of Bombfj Dropped by Eiglrbh Air Forces 145.5 HEUiiiiber of Fifteenth Air Force Aircraft Attacking: 44-Tonfj of Bombs Dropped by Fifteenth Air Force; 122.5 H#E

  • 8/9/2019 WWII 8th Air Force Report



    P^roy iginal tat cmo-nt _ i^/^^Drunri^GThe target hrs been affected principally in the central rind easternportions involving v/agon and locomotive repair facilities, a. prob- biotransformer station, extensive disruption of tracks, rolling stock, andprobable injury to the catenary system covering the yard*A 75 foot crater in the wagon aiding area indicates a probable secondaryexplosion* A flyover, carrying the line northward to MIL-LAU, ie one-half destroyed and there are several Jj.ity on the curved embankment tothe north.Two unidentified industrial establish] .icnts on the north and south edgesoi' the or at half of the yard have ben moderately injured and scatteredbusineos/roaidontial damage is seun on the eastern edge of the tornlying northv/ost of the yard*

    \ Details of damage are as follows:Locomotive and Repair Faci].ities-Locomotive Depot large shop vith one -fourth roof s oripped v;ith severalsnail -holos clruj-jhoro. Another larger shop liao slight roof damage toeast wing and. a gutted lca.nto on th northuest corner. Long died tothe cast destroyed*' -agon Workshops on five bay shop* Of tvo singleoof half strikedbay chops adjacent, one ie gutter! and one donolisbod Of five .smallbuildings in the area, throe are severely damaged ml t- fo moderatelydamaged Termi_na_l _JV-,..cilite s

    -West Goods Depot Slight roof damage to centra], portion of warehouse*\East Goods Depot- Roof of warehouse aliioyt entirely dcotro^d*-Probable Transformer Stri/.on Ti:o. hits in t:aannformer yard, slightdruv gc to adjacent building.Mas^allin^ Jys& - at lea;..t crater;:Eastern sorting sidings 60 are visible in the unobscured >.:c;st portion of the sidings, md an explosion of undeterminedbot-.;eonrigin i seen to hr.vo occurred the or st goodo depot and thewagon ahopo.West enrri-go and storage sidings approxD-Jiiatcly oO craters are seen.Throu^^RujinjL^-Millau one-half of flyover destroyed. Ten hits on emban'xient withinand north of yard.-Scte obscured by cloud*-iforbonne no damage*


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  • 8/9/2019 WWII 8th Air Force Report


    '*""*? "^~^v_t- i l_iK-2668 JfIPHPHM^ -i 'sw y jjga fe&



    ETi^J^X-jyi^lltJi-Jlr \u25a0.% Large Industrie 1!stcblishmont on southwest edge of yard. Roof lights

    out, scattered roof damage, Two buildings partly destroyed.> Medium nulti-br.y v/orkshop type Imilding rt north central edge of yard.Roof stripped, como drru-vje.structural

    Thirteen snail storage "banks on soutlTtfcrjt edge of jT.rd Direct hit liesdestroyed several tanks and toppled reuaindor. Snir.ll buildings destroyedand trio adjacent buildings danagud.

    3EZIERS MARffIALLINGI/iD^| pm/ F ?*"?*< Jl W*m*5 jtjli,194 A VLUliftau^jiJij iLU

    iluinbor of Eighth Air Force .'.ircr-'ft Attacking: 70.Tons of Bombs Dropped by Eighth Air Force: 173.0 H.E.Number of Fiftecntli ;.ir Force Attacking: 93*Tons of Bombs Dropped o:; Fifteenth Air Force: 103.0 H,E


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    - -

    - -



    388 063 9 Mm, 19,950 1030 % 136x500 HE 1 1696A 060 2Mm. 21,080 1030 X 157x500 HE 1 1995A 076 2 Mm 19,995 1035 X 84x500 HE 1 11390 A 039 8 Mm. 21,100 1036 X 96x500 HE .1 11m 3908 050 9 Mm, 18,950 ,1038 X 112x500 HE 1 13100 054 6 Mm* 20,000 1039 X 104*500 HE 1 121008 053 9Mm. 20,500 1040 X 104x500 HE 1 12452CComp. 060 10 Mm, 19,200 1042 X 527x100 IB 1 12

    BtSTBRRBRDA (TARGET OF OPPORTUNITY)452 A 040 3 Mm. 19,000 1028 X 82&&00 IB 1 196x500 HE

    I RUSSIA TO ITALY 26 JUNE, 1944 TARGET DROHOBEZ, POLANDOIL REFINERY390 240 13 Mm. 21,200 1606 X 439x250 HE 1 2695 Comp. 242 10 Mm* 21,650 1606 X 368x250 HE 1 22100 24141 3 Mm. 20,300 1607 X 272x250 HE 1 16


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    HEADQUARTERS EIGIfg FORCE:; napo 63P >: \ 4 $R7 [i-!^ \u25a0>^ i



    Nimber A/C Dispatched 147Number Sorties U6Attack, pri. 123Attack, T.O. (Elsten7erda) 21Attack. T.O, (Rissa) 1

    Bombs on TargetPri. (HE)T0. (Elsterwerda)

    T.O. (Rissa)Number A/C LostAA and E/ACasualtiesM.I.A.E/A EncountersDestroyed


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    -RUSSIA TO ITALY 26 JUNE, 1944


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    - juiffi 5 JULY. 19UStiaiAl OF OPER/.TIONSi -OPEMTIOH FRdl BASES IN ITALY 3 JULY, 1944

    -TARGET MARSHALLING YARDSARAD, ROUMAKIANumbed A/C DispatchedNumber Sorties* Attack. Pri.Bombs on Target

    Pri. (HE)Number A/c Lost


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    SHUTTLE BOtBIKGM3||f|^J iLtfj^21 JIOTS > 5 JULY. 19U



    Number A/C Dispatched# Number SortiesAttack* Pri.Bombs on TargetPri. (HE)Number a/g LostCasualtiese/A Encounters


  • 8/9/2019 WWII 8th Air Force Report




    m 7056
















    . ' _ ___ -HEADQUARTERS EIGHTH AIR EQBCiELapo . \u25a0634. pi.; ; "


    by 4-th Fighter Group (3 Squadrons) and 352nd FighterGroup (1 Squadron)P-51!s Accompanying Bombers


    -RUSSIA TO ITALY 26 JUNE (CLOSE ESCORT)55 0 0 00 0-0-0 0 0


    % 6 0-CLOSE ESCORT 3 "JULY


    45 0 0

    -ITALY TO EiJGLAM) 6 JULY (JOINING GROUP)10 0 0 00 0-0-0 0 0



  • 8/9/2019 WWII 8th Air Force Report



    SHUTTLE BOMBING MISSION'ti jf*[j'-21 June 5 JULY, 194/.



    56A P-47 36 33 33 0 0568 P-47 37 36 36 1 0m 355 P-51 54 46 45 0 0Total 127 115 114 1 0-Target and Withdrawal Support 5 July**56 P-47 48 44 uu i 078 P-47 43 46 4-5 0355 P-51 54 49 4-9 1 0357 P-51 54 51 50 0 0 Total 204 190 188 4 0* Eighth Air Force Operation Ho, 428** Eightli Air Force Operation No. 453.# Includes one enemy aircraft destroyed on ground.

    *i , , *\u25a0* J"fJW n-,,m^ Mj,, ^^__

  • 8/9/2019 WWII 8th Air Force Report


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