wsst presentation 2014 final

Come Aboard! WSST Appleton, Wisconsin 2014

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WSST Presentation March 2014


  • 1. Come Aboard! WSST Appleton, Wisconsin 2014

2. What is an acronym for the names of the Great Lakes? H HURON O - ONTARIO M MICHIGAN E ERIE S - SUPERIOR 3. In which lake did the famous, Edmund Fitzgerald sink? Superior 4. Great Lakes Questions Name the Great Lakes in Order from West to East. Superior Michigan Huron Erie - Ontario 5. Which is the deepest Lake? Shallowest? Deepest Lake Superior 1332 feet Shallowest Lake Erie 210 feet 6. How much of the Earths fresh water in in the Great Lakes? 20% 7. How many US states and Canadian Provinces border the Lakes? Canada Ontario United States Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Illinois Indiana Ohio Pennsylvania New York 8. What percent of the Great Lakes was covered in ice this season? 92.2%. 9. How many people visited the ice caves on Lake Superior this season? 124,000 10. Climate change reports are noting that the lakes are heating up, what changes could this cause? Less Ice Cover Lower Water Levels Increased evaporation rates Heat waves Algae growth Impact of Invasive Species 11. How Big is a Crowd? Layout a map of the Great Lakes. Discover the impact of human population density on fisheries. Playing How big is a Crowd? with teachers in South Africa 12. Who is Sea Grant? Sea Grant's mission is to enhance the practical use and conservation of coastal, marine and Great Lakes resources in order to create a sustainable economy and environment Environmental stewardship, long-term economic development and responsible use of Americas coastal, ocean and Great Lakes resources are at the heart of Sea Grants mission. A network of 33 Sea Grant programs in the coastal US States and territories carries out this mission through research, extension and education activities. 13. Great Lakes Sea Grant Illinois-Indiana: Lake Michigan Michigan: Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Superior Minnesota: Lake Superior New York: Lake Ontario and Lake Erie Ohio: Lake Erie Pennsylvania: Lake Erie Wisconsin: Lake Superior and Lake Michigan 14. Great Lakes Literacy A Great Lakes literate citizen: Understands the essential principles and fundamental concepts about the characteristics and functioning of the Great Lakes Communicates accurately about the Great Lakes influence on systems and people in and beyond their watershed Can make informed and responsible decisions regarding the Great Lakes and the resources of their watershed 15. Great Lakes Literacy Principles The Great Lakes, bodies of fresh water with many features, are connected to each other and to the world ocean. Natural forces formed the Great Lakes; the lakes continue to shape the features of their watershed. The Great Lakes influence local and regional weather and climate. Water makes Earth habitable; fresh water sustains life on land. The Great Lakes support a broad diversity of life and ecosystems. The Great Lakes and humans in their watersheds are inextricably interconnected. Much remains to be learned about the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes are socially, economically, and environmentally significant to the region, the nation and the planet. 16. Shipboard Science Workshop Ready for adventure? Join fellow teachers and scientists for a 7 day adventure aboard an EPA research vessel on a Great Lakes. 17. R/V Lake Guardian 180 feet = 55 meters Room for 40 people Sponsored by Sea Grant and U.S EPA 18. Lake Superior Teacher and Scientist Workshop Bridging the gap between scientist and teachers 19. Teachers and Scientists at Work 20. Retrieving the rosette Plankton nets 21. The Tucker Trawl The boat has two laboratories where samples are processed. 22. The Huffington Post | By Peter Finocchiaro Posted: 04/10/2013 3:52 pm EDT "The massive production of plastic and inadequate disposal has made plastic debris an important and constant pollutant on beaches and in oceans around the world," said Lorena M. Rios Mendoza, a University of Wisconsin-Superior scientist researching the impact of such pollution. 23. Hydrolab Hydrolab work onboard measuring depth pH dissolved oxygen temperature turbidity chlorophyll a conductivity Our research team 24. Limno Loan Program Program is partnership between Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and US EPA-GLNPO Hydrolab data sonde is loaned out to trained educators during school year Students collect water quality data from local waterways with actual equipment used by scientists in the field S. Francis C. Byers 25. Limno Loan Program 26. Work with the Hydrolab Bringing science and scientific research alive for students! 27. Denis Sullivan 28. Sail the Denis Sullivan Up to 45 participants 3 hour educational trip $750 if booked for next year by March 31, 2014 29. Sharing scientific findings 30. Attack Pack The Aquatic Invaders Attack Pack is a backpack filled with materials to help teach students about Great Lakes aquatic invasive species Each pack includes: preserved specimens of aquatic invasive species fact sheets a classroom guide and a USB flash drive containing 10 lesson plans. Wisconsin residents can borrow an Attack Pack for free from Wisconsin's Water Library. The Pack will be delivered to your local library via the Library Delivery Network of Wisconsin. 31. Wisconsin Water Library 32. Scientific & Engineering Practices Science and engineering require both knowledge and practice. Science is not just a body of knowledge that reflects current understanding of the world; it is also a set of practices used to establish, extend, and refine that knowledge. When students actively engage in science practices they deepen their understanding of core science ideas. 33. QUESTIONS? Cindy Byers, Rosholt Middle School [email protected] Lynn Kurth, Prairie River Middle School [email protected]