writing mada

Test 1 – part1 The aim of the report is to evaluate this year’s Careers Conference held at out college and to point out the parts which could be improved in the future. The event was held at Vancouver Hall, a good choice as the number of attendants exceeded our expectations. The conference took place over a full weekend so all students were able to attend and the program hours were convenient. Most speeches were well prepared, but some were extremely interesting and kept everyone attentive to the end. However, the number of students was overwhelming for the assistants and, as a result, some participants left without having their questions answered. Also, even though there were over 100 jobs presented there was a visible discrepancy between the offers for sciences students and humanities students. The event was clearly in favour of sciences students. All in all, the exhibition was a success. There was a great variety of jobs and the presentations were highly informative, however, there is room for improvement. A larger number of experts to guide the students and answer their questions would make a difference. A second recommendation would be to increase the offer for language or history enthusiasts.

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Post on 06-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Writing Mada

Test 1 – part1

The aim of the report is to evaluate this year’s Careers Conference held at out college and to point out the parts which could be improved in the future.

The event was held at Vancouver Hall, a good choice as the number of attendants exceeded our expectations. The conference took place over a full weekend so all students were able to attend and the program hours were convenient. Most speeches were well prepared, but some were extremely interesting and kept everyone attentive to the end.

However, the number of students was overwhelming for the assistants and, as a result, some participants left without having their questions answered. Also, even though there were over 100 jobs presented there was a visible discrepancy between the offers for sciences students and humanities students. The event was clearly in favour of sciences students.

All in all, the exhibition was a success. There was a great variety of jobs and the presentations were highly informative, however, there is room for improvement. A larger number of experts to guide the students and answer their questions would make a difference. A second recommendation would be to increase the offer for language or history enthusiasts.

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Test1 – part2

2. Is it possible to read a person just by looking at their clothes? It surely is. In recent years the variety of clothes you can purchase has grown insanely. Due to that, you can now have a more personalized look and you can show some particularities of your personality or likings through your attire.

In the past it was nearly impossible to point out anything about yourself by dressing in a certain way as clothes were very similar to one another. The only difference they made was between social classes, which were well distinguished. Nowadays you can tell what kind of music a person listens to, what are their hobbies and other aspects of one’s life just by observing their apparel. For example a pair of big black spiked boots may suggest that the person enjoys rock music, or a suit may hint a person’s seriousness and his inclination to business.

On the other hand, this freedom of dressing can also result in disaster. Some people misunderstand this freedom and their attire is sometimes extremely inappropriate for the situation, even grotesque. We have all seen at least one person who had hardly any piece of material covering their body, or a person who tried too hard to stand out resulting in a kitsch look.

To summarize, clothes can tell you a lot about someone and we are lucky to be able to express ourselves this way. Don’t be afraid to show your creativity through your look but always remember to keep it decent, you don’t need to impress anyone. Just be yourself.

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4. The purpose of this proposal is to bring to your attention what I believe could be improved in our town concerning transport and housing facilities.

Firstly, the roads that need repair the most are the ones at the periphery of the town. The more you farther/the further you get from the center the worse the roads get. In Lupeni neighborhood there are hardly any paved streets. It may not be a touristic area, but locals need to be taken into consideration too.

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Secondly, part of the budget could be used to restore the historical buildings. While the center of the town is maintained beautiful and picturesque, old buildings that are farther from it are left in decay. It is a shame to leave them like that hence/as/since/due.. they have a beautiful architecture and tell a lot about our town’s past.

Moreover, there are many abandoned hospitals, apartment-houses and other such buildings. They could be put to great use. Rather than leaving them as they are, these edifices could be either restored and sold, or put out for rent, or they could be demolished and the land could be used.

All in all, there are many aspects of this beautiful town to be improved and I believe the repairing of roads on the outskirts, the restoration of historical buildings and use of abandoned facilities are the best choices for an investment in our city’s future.

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Test2 – part1

Are you a big fan of movies? Are you in the first row of the cinema when a new movie is released? Then you should join us! The College Film Club is the place where you can take a step further into your hobby and make tons of friends while you are at it.

Our club does not limit to certain types of movies, we watch and discuss films of any genre and even take suggestions from our fellow members. Every Monday is “theatre Monday” and during this event we invite a guest to hold a speech on acting, directing a movie and other such topics. In the past we had local and national actors and film directors come and share with us their knowledge.

In addition to these, at the end of every film we hold a debate in English and if you still have some points to discuss with your colleagues afterwards, you can go to our coffee bar which is open until 9pm.

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Furthermore, we plan on holding greater events if the number of attendants grows this year. Such events include movie nights, active participation in national and international film festivals, visits to movie studios and so on. Also, our aim is to bring an international film director to hold a speech.

To sum up, The College Film Club welcomes any enthusiast who is looking for good movies to watch, enter the world of cinematography and make friends with similar interests.

Test2 – part2

4. This report contains details concerning useful materials our college’s library could provide for students interested in studying Romanian language, as requested in the announcement put up on the noticeboard. My recommendation

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would be “…” magazine which, I believe, contains everything necessary for starters.

The first part contains some articles about the latest news concerning decisions made by the government, adopted laws, changes in the educational system and other such subjects. Even though it may sound complicated the vocabulary is actually rather simple, as the aim of the magazine is to be understood by a wide range of people, with higher or lower education.

The second part consists of interviews taken from public figures such as singers, television presenters and even politicians. These could show the students how a dialog is developed and teach them slang they can use with their Romanian friends and in unofficial conversations.

The third, and last, part is the most interesting. It contains curiosities and articles on cultural events, holidays, cuisine and other interesting things about Romania and its culture. With this last part the students not only practice their language skills, but also get closer to this unique nation by learning of our traditions and behavior.

To conclude, I believe “…” is the perfect choice as a new studying material for the college’s students who are eager to discover new cultures and surprise their foreign friends by approaching them in their own language.

Test1 – Reading

1. A2. C3. D4. A5. D6. B7. D8. F9. G10. A11. E

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12. B13. B14. C15. D16. B17. C18. B19. A20. D21. B22. A23. B24. A25. D26. E27. E28. C29. E30. B31. C32. E33. D34. C