writing essays in exams.pptx

Writing Essays in Exams

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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Writing Essays in Exams

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It isn't easy to write a good essay, and even harder under exam

conditions. Thankfully, examiners take time constraints and nerves

into account, but preparation and rehearsal are vital to ensure a clearly

expressed, logically organised answer.

cc: Mary Vican - https://www.flickr.com/photos/26499572@N08

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What do examiners look for?1. An answer to the question: every part of the question

2. Subject area knowledge

3. Understanding of relevant concepts, theories and issues

4. Critical thinking: ability to analyse, interpret and evaluate materials

5. Written communication skills, grammar, sentence construction, expression, punctuation and spelling

6. An overarching argument and ability to support that argument with reasoning and evidence

7. You should mention major authors, but formal citation is not necessary

cc: cdsessums - https://www.flickr.com/photos/53313745@N00

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How do you structure an essay in an exam?Basically an essay is an answer to a question or response to a statement in one or two sentences, i.e. an argument.

Your essay will also include:An introduction - to provide necessary background before your argument

A main body - which gives reasons and evidence to support your argument

A conclusion - which restates your argument in the light of evidence and reasoning.

cc: earlynovelsdatabase - https://www.flickr.com/photos/97741188@N04

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How can you prepare?1. Gather information

• Look through course objectives and lecture notes for main theories, arguments controversies and skills. These are a guide to the most likely questions. Write questions.

• Use questions from old exam papers –look for aspects of topic not covered. Write more questions.

• Refer to your notes: how could you most completely answer each question in one sentence? i.e. write an argument for each.

cc: Mark Sardella - https://www.flickr.com/photos/11125702@N00

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How can you prepare?2. Prepare for each question (dot points):

• What background information is necessary to introduce your argument?


• What supporting points are needed to fully explain your argument? (main body)

• How can you summarise your main points in the conclusion ? Write down some

vocabulary that condenses the ideas. e.g. social, emotional and psychological =


cc: Mark Sardella - https://www.flickr.com/photos/11125702@N00

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How can you prepare?3. Practise to time limits

Tackle as many of your questions as you can, writing under exam conditions - i.e. with time limits and without extensive editing

Review your efforts - What did you leave out? What should you give more time to? What subskills do you need to practice, e.g. planning, writing full sentences, recalling terms in your discipline.cc: Mark Sardella - https://www.flickr.com/photos/11125702@N00

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In the exam• In reading time, try to think of an overarching answer to each

essay question• When writing time starts, jot down your main argument and major supporting points - add extra detail as it comes to you• Remember to include an intro to your main argument, a main body that supports the argument, and a tight summary at the end.• Allot time for each essay and stick to it. If pressed, you can always finish the essay with dot points, but remember that full sentences will be awarded higher marks.• Set aside time at the end to look over each essay - are all details relevant to the main argument?

cc: shaire productions - https://www.flickr.com/photos/9822107@N08

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Remember, preparing in this way is actually studying: it is not taking time away from your study. Prepare for the task while you prepare the information.

This way, you are practising the skills as well as the content, and can enter the exam with more confidence